═══ 1. Overview of Progress bar ═══ This object was developped with help from Ulrich MФller the creator of XFolder and XWorkPlace. The need for a decent progress bar API under OS2 as been unanswered for too long, following Ulrich call to do what IBM and others did not do, i created this object for Vipro Rexx and C. Now i am using for my software, and i am giving this to all who want to improve OS2 by programming for it. This program is under GPL and no garanties are given use at your risk. for information email to: elavoie@zeryx.com or go to http://www.zeryx.com. ═══ 2. Style page for the Progress bar ═══ There are several styles available for the Progress bar object. You can set the styles using the style page or by using the methods associated with each style. Basic tabStop - Tab stop Allows the user to tab to the Progress bar. It is a good idea to provide a tab stop for the first Progress bar in a group. group - Group Allows the user to move within a group of objects using the arrow keys. Select Group if this Progress bar is the only object in a group or if it is the first object in a group. disabled - Disabled The Progress bar is present, but the user cannot select it. visible - Visible The user can see the Progress bar. Display as percent Other Styles ZxPercent - PERCENT Set progress bar as a percent display ZxNumeric - NUMERIC Set progress bar as a numeric display ZxButtonStyle - BUTTONSTYLE Give the progress bar a Button relief style ZX_SUNKEN - SUNKEN Give the progress bar a Sunken Button relief style ═══ 3. Methods for Progress bar ═══ The Progress bar supports the following methods: UPDPROGRESS - Update percent bar Updates the progress with a min and max value Enable PERCENT style Turn on the PERCENT style option. Is PERCENT style enabled Query if the short style is on. Enable NUMERIC style Turn on the NUMERIC style option. Is NUMERIC style enabled Query if the short style is on. ═══ 3.1. Update percent bar ═══ Method: UPDPROGRESS Description Updates the progress with a min and max value Syntax: IZxPBar UPDPROGRESS() Parameters: This function is used to update the progress in the status bar. You have to give the current value of the progress and the maximum of the scale (max). If a percent display is selected the value current_pos is divided by the value max and multiplied by 100. If the display is set at numeric then the current_pos value will be displayed, the max value will determine the scale of the progress bar. Some validation are made to avoid errors, if max is at 0 then min is set to 0 and max to 1. Returns: IZxPBar 0 Success no other code possible. ═══ 3.2. Is PERCENT style enabled ═══ Method: isZxPercent Description Query the status of the PERCENT style option. The PERCENT style Set progress bar as a percent display Syntax: Boolean objectname->IsZxPercent(); Parameters: None objectname The name of the C++ form object. Returns: Boolean true if style is set, else false. ═══ 3.3. Enable PERCENT style ═══ Method: enableZxPercent Description Turn on the PERCENT style option. The PERCENT style Set progress bar as a percent display Syntax: objectname->enableZxPercent(); Parameters: None objectname The name of the C++ form object. ═══ 3.4. Is NUMERIC style enabled ═══ Method: isZxNumeric Description Query the status of the NUMERIC style option. The NUMERIC style Set progress bar as a numeric display Syntax: Boolean objectname->IsZxNumeric(); Parameters: None objectname The name of the C++ form object. Returns: Boolean true if style is set, else false. ═══ 3.5. Enable NUMERIC style ═══ Method: enableZxNumeric Description Turn on the NUMERIC style option. The NUMERIC style Set progress bar as a numeric display Syntax: objectname->enableZxNumeric(); Parameters: None objectname The name of the C++ form object.