With V0.9.12, the build process has been reworked to make building a bit easier. External environment variables are no longer needed, and the makefiles now reference the tools by their full path, so there's no need to put the files from tools\ onto your PATH any longer.

Still, the following setup is recommended for XWorkplace to build successfully:

  1. You will need to set your build environment in the config.in file before building will work. This replaces the external environment variables which were required before V0.9.12.

  2. Because XFLDR.DLL is locked while the WPS is running, you should SET RUNWORKPLACE=[bootdrv]:\OS2\CMD.EXE in CONFIG.SYS. This will cause an OS/2 window to come up instead of the WPS after bootup (which is really helpful if something is wrong in the XWorkplace code). Type pmshell then to start the WPS.

  3. Make sure you have at least 60 MB of free space in your TEMP directory. This is needed for precompiled headers. I strongly recommend using RAMFS.IFS for your TEMP directory. This dramatically speeds up things if you have 128 MB RAM or more. See Troubleshooting for hints about RAMFS.