National Language Support (NLS) is done by separating everything that is language-dependent from the actual program logic. The way XWorkplace does this is that all the NLS stuff is packaged into files that are completely separate from XFLDR.DLL so you can change XWorkplace's language without having to recompile XWorkplace itself.

XWorkplace NLS packages identify themselves to the XWorkplace core via country codes, as described on the "COUNTRY" page in the OS/2 Command Reference (CMDREF.INF).

XWorkplace's language depends on exactly one setting in OS2.INI (application "XWorkplace", key "LanguageCode"). If that setting is changed, XWorkplace assumes a whole new set of language files to be present. The setting is only checked once at WPS startup or later if you explicitly load a new language in the XWorkplace Setup object. If no code is present, "001" for US English is assumed.

The XWorkplace sources contain everything for creating the US English NLS package, as it comes with the standard XWorkplace binary release. The language code for US English is "001". Everything that is related to English NLS is therefore in the 001\ directory tree.

The first step you'll have to take is finding out your country code. For example, Italian would be 039.

Unfortunately, XWorkplace's National Language Support (NLS) is spread across quite a number of files, which have different file formats.

Basically, XWorkplace's NLS can be separated into three parts:

  1. Run-time NLS: this is all the language-dependent things that XWorkplace will ever display to the user, such as menus, dialogs, messages, and notebook pages.

    Here we have:

  2. Documentation: the XWorkplace User Guide (INF file) and online help (HLP file). This is not absolutely necessary and probably the larger part of the translation work, since I have written so much text over time.

    Here we have:

  3. Installation: a number of files which are only used while XWorkplace is being installed. These set up XWorkplace objects and INI keys in a certain language. Please see the README in the MISC directory for details.

  4. The Warp 4 SmartGuide script which was present with XFolder and XWorkplace before V0.9.7 is gone now.