whatsnew.txt Copyright (c) 1995,96 xTech Ltd ---------------------------------------------------------------- Native XDS for OS/2 ------------------- Version v2.10 ------------- This is the first product version of Native XDS for OS/2. After more then half a year of extensive testing we are happy to announce this product. For the users of XDS v2.06 we list the differences between v2.06 and v2.10. Note: there are no product versions such as v2.07, v2.08, v2.09. The version v2.07 was used internally and distributed as beta and demo version. What is new in v2.10: 1) Extended syntax of conditional expressions, e.g: <* IF defined cc & (cc = Watcom) THEN *> See "Configuring XDS" and "Conditional compilation". 2) Relaxed compatibility rules are introduced for parameters of "C" procedures. See "Multilanguage programming". 3) String literal may be used in a direct language specification instead of numeric values: "Oberon" = 0 "Modula" = 1 "C" = 2 "Pascal" = 5 "StdCall" = 7 (Win32 standard calling convention) "SysCall" = 8 (OS/2 system calls) 4) new equations COMPILERHEAP - defines compiler heap limit COMPILERTHRES - defines compiler threshold 5) New clause in the ERRFMT equation - errno (error number). 6) new option M2UNPACKTYPES - for Windows interface 7) new ALIGNMENET option 8) equation declaration syntax is introduced: -xxx!value 9) Make does not use dependency on a project file. 10) New directives may be used in configuration, redirection project and template files: !if expr then !elsif expr then !else !end !message expr expr = simple [ ("=" | "#" | "<" | ">") simple ] simple = term { "+" | "OR" term } term = factor { "AND" factor } factor = "(" expr ")"| quoted_string | "NOT" factor | "DEFINED" ident | ident ident = option | equation 11) In all system files: \ at the end of line - line continuation. $! - denotes the directory name of this file: *.sym = $!/sym; 12) new template syntax (See "Template files"). [end of document]