samples.txt Copyright (c) 1994,96 xTech Ltd ---------------------------------------------------------------- Description of Samples ---------------------- We assume here, that XDS was properly installed, the working directory was created and the "mkwrkdir" file was executed (See readme.1st). All examples in this text is provided for OS/2 version. See your readme.1st file for the information concerning your distribution. The "samples" directory contains the following subdirectories and files: simple - simple samples dhry - dhrystone test (note: a single module dhrystone test is placed to the "simple" directory) See also "bench.txt". nodes - an Oberon-2 example, illustrating the using of Oberon run-time support. pmhello - an example of Program Manager application, written in Modula-2. Rewritten STDWND example from OS/2 Developer's Toolkit. cset - provides an example of mixed project, which consists of Modula-2 and C units. IBM's C compiler used. watcom - provides an example of mixed project, which consists of Modula-2 and C units. WATCOM's C compiler used. *.prj - XDS project files for samples . samples\simple -------------- All the samples on this directory consists of the only module. Tests are written in Modula-2 and in Oberon-2. In these tests the specific features of Oberon-2 are not used. The following tests are provided: hello.mod Hello, World (Modula-2) hello.ob2 Hello, World (Oberon-2) hisdemo.mod History demo (Modula-2) (See hisdemo.prj) ackerman.ob2 Ackermann function (Oberon-2) exp.ob2 Calculate exponent (Oberon-2) exp.mod Calculate exponent (Modula-2) self.ob2 Print self text (Oberon-2) sieve.ob2 Prime numbers (Oberon-2) sieve.mod Prime numbers (Modula-2) fact.mod Factorial (Modula-2) halt.mod Termination (Modula-2) term.mod Termination (Modula-2) except.mod Exceptions (Modula-2) dry.mod Dhrystone (Modula-2) (single module) whet.mod Whetstone (Modula-2) The redirection file "" contains path to the SIMPLE directory. To get an executable program from a test, invoke "xc" in the make mode passing the name of the test: xc hello.mod =make or xc hello.ob2 =make After that run the program: hello Another way is to compile a test separately, invoking "xc" with the name of the test: xc hello.mod or xc hello.ob2 To build the program use the xl.cmd file. xl hello After that run the program: hello For "hisdemo" sample, use: xc hisdemo.mod =make +genhistory To see the stack of procedure calls ("execution history") use his utility (C:\XDS\BIN\his.exe): his It searches for "errinfo.xds" file and appropriate map file to produce the list of procedure calls. Every item of the list consists of a source file name, a line number and optionaly a procedure name. samples\dhry ------------ The "dhry" directory contains two variants of well known Dhrystone test: puredhry.mod timedhry.mod Both tests imports "dry1" and "dry2" libraries. To prepare executable use PROJECT operation mode. The working directory contains the project file "puredhry.prj". xc =p puredhry A response file "puredhry.rsp" will be created after compilation and "link386" will be called to link the program. If you have not enough memory, run link386 @puredhry.rsp samples\nodes ------------- The "nodes" subdirectory contains the following files, constituting the Oberon-2 program: Nodes.ob2 - definition of abstract Node class Echo.ob2 - concrete Node extension GenEcho.ob2 - concrete Node extension Commands.ob2 - concrete Node extension Types.ob2 - concrete Node extension runme.ob2 - the top-level module To build the program invoke: xc =p nodes.prj The "Nodes" module defines an abstract object (Node). Objects of this type are linked in the list. The module "Nodes" also implement the command monitor ("Loop" procedure). The "Loop" procedure reads an input from keyboard and then passes the input to the current node, or if the input line starts from "." executes some standard action. The module "runme" imports modules defining the extensions of type Node (concrete classes), inserts it in the list and then call "Nodes.Loop". Nodes.Node extensions: ---------------------- "Echo" - implements a node which prints its input to terminal. "GenEcho" - if the number N is specified in the input line creates "N" examples of the "Echo" Node. "Commands" - provides facilities to call commands (exported parameterless procedures) in the form: ModuleName.ProcedureName Also implements operations to enumerate all modules in the program and all commands in the given module. "Types" - provides facilities to allocate an object by the given name in the form: ModuleName.RecordTypeName Modules "Types" and "Commands" illustrates the using of meta-language facilities, including the command calls and creating an object by its type name. It is important to note, that the XDS does not support the dynamic loading of the modules. You can use commands and types from the modules which are already linked in the program. samples\pmhello ---------------- The directory contains: pmhello.mod - Modula-2 module pmhello.res - resource file To build the program, run xc pmhello =p This sample was taken from OS/2 Developer's Toolkit and rewritten from C to Modula-2. It shows how to write Presentation Manager application in Modula or Oberon. Definition module OS2.def was derived from header files *.H of the same Toolkit. Now this file contains almost all API definition but it still under work so you may find some lacks and mistranslations. If you are going to write your PM application now, take the following in the consideration: 1) If OS2.def does not contain a definition of function that you need, you can use external procedure specification, for instance: PROCEDURE ["SysCall"] / DosBeep(freq, dur: CARDINAL): OS2.APIRET; 2) Standard os2386.lib should be linked to all PM applications instead minimal interface library os2min.lib, which provides access to restricted number of API calls only. samples\cset ------------ The directory contains: cmain.c - main module of the program (C) m2test.def - definition module m2test.mod - implementation module m2test.h - header file (manually written) stdio.def - interface to cset.tem - template file The sample shows how to write mixed project, i.e. projects written partially in C and partially in Modula or Oberon. To compile this test, the IBM's CSET should be properly installed. For such a project the CSET library should be used. To build the program, run: xc cset =p Take in attention that XDS compiler does not support _Optlink calling conventions yet. So you can not call from Modula-2/Oberon-2 directly those functions of standard CSET library which use such conventions. To call _Optlink C function you must provide an intermediate C function with _SysCall conventions. samples\watcom -------------- The directory contains: cmain.c - main module of the program (C) m2test.def - definition module m2test.mod - implementation module m2test.h - header file (manually written) stdio.def - interface to watcom.tem - template file The samples show how to write mixed project, i.e. projects written partially in C and partially in Modula or Oberon. To compile this test, the Watcom C should be properly installed. For such a project the Watcom linker and Watcom libraries should be used. To build the program, run: xc watcom =p -------------------------------- Note: stdio.def provides an interface to . Not all function are available or properly tested. This file is not an official part of XDS distribution. If you are going to write mixed projects, use cmain.c as an example. XDS run-time support should be properly installed. [end of document]