═══ Help for OK ═══ Select OK to send any changed information to the program and close the window. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to change the current settings. ═══ Help for Undo ═══ Select Undo to change the settings to those that were active before this window was displayed. ═══ Help for Default ═══ Select Default to change the settings to those that were active when you installed the system. ═══ 1. Devices ═══ The objects that are in the Devices folder depend upon the type of device or devices you installed. These device objects can include: Pen, Touch, and Display. You might not have all three objects (for example, the Touch object only exists if you installed a touch-sensitive screen). If you installed an opaque tablet, it does not have a display; therefore, the Display object would not exist. Pen object Use the Pen object to customize the timing or the actions that occur when you double-tap, pause, or use the buttons on your pen. Touch object Use the Touch object to customize the timing, location, or the actions that occur when you double-tap, pause, or touch with your finger. Display object Use the Display object to customize the fluorescent lighting timeout or the actions that occur when you use the bezel buttons on your display device. Related Information: o Calibrating pen- and touch-sensitivity alignment ═══ Pen ═══ Use the Pen object to customize the timing and the actions that occur with your pen. You can: o Adjust the amount of time that can elapse between two taps of the pen before the system recognizes the double-tap action. o Adjust the amount of time that your pen must pause before you can move or select an object without the system attempting to recognize the stroke as a gesture. o Assign commands to barrel buttons to perform specific commands (if your pen has barrel buttons) ═══ Customizing Timing Actions ═══ Move the top slider arm to adjust the amount of time that can elapse between two taps of the pointing device. The interval determines whether two taps are interpreted as a double-tap or two single taps. To test the setting, tap twice in the Double-tap here area. When the system interprets a double-tap, the test area switches between a white box a black box. Move the bottom slider arm to adjust the amount of time that your pointing device must pause (touch and remain motionless) before you can select text or a range of objects without the system attempting to recognize the stroke as a gesture. To test the new setting, pause momentarily on the text in the Test area. Wait for a beep, and then select the text to test the pause time. By default, the pause time is enabled. To disable the pause time, tap on the Pause time enabled check box to remove the check mark in the check box. For a detailed explanation of each field, double-tap on one of the following: o Double-tap rate o Pause time before move or select o Test o Undo o Default ═══ Double-Tap Rate ═══ Move this slider arm to adjust the amount of time that can elapse between two taps. The interval determines whether two taps are interpreted as a double-tap or two single taps. Try the new setting by tapping twice in the Double-tap here area. When the system interprets a double-tap, the test area switches between a white box and a black box. ═══ Pause Time before Move or Select ═══ Move this slider arm to adjust the pause time (how long your pointing device must touch and remain motionless) before the system switches to mouse mode. While in mouse mode, the system will not attempt to recognize gestures. ═══ Test ═══ Try the new settings by pausing momentarily on the text in the Test area. Wait for a beep, and then select the text to test the pause time. If you are not satisfied with the pause time, adjust the Pause time before select setting. ═══ Barrel Commands ═══ Enter gesture mode Whenever you use the pen with the barrel button held, the system switches to gesture mode, which allows you to draw a gesture. This is helpful if you want to draw a gesture on a program where pause time is disabled. Another example of where this is helpful is in the drawing areas of the Sketch Pad and Telepen programs. Mouse button 2 mode Press this button while you are using the pen to do those actions you would usually do with mouse button 2 pressed, such as moving and copying objects. When this button is held, any action you do with the pen will act as if mouse button 2 is pressed. Hold this button while you use the pen to keep the system in mouse button 2 mode. Mouse button 3 mode Press this button while you are using the pen to do those actions you would usually do with mouse button 3 pressed. When this button is held, any action you do with the pen will act as if mouse button 3 is pressed. Hold this button while you use the pen to keep the system in mouse button 3 mode. Mouse button 1 and 2 mode Press this button while you are using the pen to do those actions you would usually do with mouse buttons 1 and 2 pressed. When this button is held, any action you do with the pen will act as if mouse buttons 1 and 2 are pressed. Hold this button while you use the pen to keep the system in mouse button 1 and 2 mode. No button assignment No action is assigned to the barrel button. ═══ Bezel Commands ═══ Enter gesture mode Whenever you press this bezel button, your next pen operation is interpreted as a gesture. If you press and hold this bezel button, your subsequent pen operations are interpreted as gestures. Note: For gesture mode and the mouse button x modes, the initial press of the bezel button places the system in the mode. If you press the bezel button a second time before doing a pen operaton, the mode is cancelled. Mouse button 2 mode Whenever you press this bezel button, your next pen operation acts like a mouse operation with mouse button 2 pressed. If you press and hold this bezel button, your subsequent pen operations act mouse operations with mouse button 2 pressed. Mouse button 3 mode Whenever you press this bezel button, your next pen operation acts like a mouse operation with mouse button 3 pressed. If you press and hold this bezel button, your subsequent pen operations act like mouse operations with mouse button 3 pressed. Mouse button 1 and 2 mode Whenever you press this bezel button, your next pen operation acts like a mouse operation with mouse buttons 1 and 2 pressed. If you press and hold this bezel button, your subsequent pen operations act like mouse operations with mouse buttons 1 and 2 pressed. No button assignment No action is assigned to the bezel button. Press Alt+Esc Whenever you press this bezel button, the system acts as if the Alt and Esc keys were pressed. Press Ctrl+Esc Whenever you press this bezel button, the system acts as if the Ctrl and Esc keys were pressed. ═══ Touch ═══ Use the Touch object to customize the timing, location, or actions that occur when you use your finger as an input device. You can: o Adjust the amount of time that can elapse between two taps of your finger before the system recognizes the double-tap action o Adjust the amount of time that your finger must pause before you can move or select an object without the system attempting to recognize the stroke as a gesture. o Adjust the touch offset, which is the distance between the location you touch and the location of the object you want to select. ═══ Adjusting Touch Offset ═══ The Offset page allows you to adjust the touch offset, which means the distance between where you touch and what you want to select. As an example, you might want to touch just below something you want to select so that your selection remains in view. To adjust the offset: 1. Touch the Touch offset check box. When you touch, the mouse pointer appears on the check box indicating the selection. 2. Remove your finger. A message is displayed indicating that a new touch offset was set. 3. Test the offset adjustment by selecting one of the color check boxes in the Test here area. For a detailed explanation of each field, double-tap on one of the following: o Undo o Default ═══ Display ═══ Use the Display object to customize your display device. You can: o Indicate that you want the system to automatically turn off the backlight when the system is inactive for the specified amount of time o Specify the time that can elapse before the system turns off the backlight o Assign actions to the bezel buttons of your display ═══ Customizing Display Backlight ═══ Use this page to set whether and for how long the backlight (fluorescent lighting) remains on before automatically shutting off when the system is not being used. o By default, the system automatically turns off the backlight after the specified amount of time. The display goes blank and remains that way until you touch it again. To disable this feature, remove the check mark in the Backlight timeout enabled field. Warning: If the backlight is left on for an extended time, it might reduce the longevity of the display. o Move the slider arm to specify the time that can elapse before the system turns off the backlight. For a detailed explanation of each field, double-tap on one of the following: o Backlight timeout enabled o Timeout in minutes o Undo o Default ═══ Backlight Timeout Enabled ═══ Select the Backlight timeout enabled check box to indicate that you want the system to automatically turn off the backlight when the system is inactive for the specified amount of time. Warning: If the backlight is left on for an extended time is might reduce the longevity of the light. ═══ Timeout in Minutes ═══ Move the slider arm to adjust the amount of time before turning off the backlight, causing the display to go blank until you touch it again. ═══ Assigning Commands to Buttons ═══ The Buttons page is used to assign commands to buttons. After you assign a command to a button, you can press the button to invoke the specified command. Buttons on pens are called barrel buttons. Buttons on displays are called bezel buttons. To change the command assigned to a button: 1. Tap on one of the buttons in the Available buttons list. The command currently assigned to the button is displayed. 2. Change the button assignment by tapping on one of the commands in the Commands list. The commands differ for barrel and bezel commands. Double-tap on barrel commands or bezel commands for a detailed description of the commands. For a detailed explanation of each field, double-tap on one of the following: o Available buttons o Undo o Default ═══ Available Buttons ═══ Select a button from this field to display the command that is currently assigned to the button. Change the action by selecting a command from the Commands list. ═══ Calibration Program ═══ When you touch with a pen, the mouse pointer should move to the location you touched. If your pen is not properly aligned with the pointer, you might be able to better align the pen using the Calibration program. The Calibration program, which is available only on those devices that support calibration, supplies alignment adjustments for the position of the digitizer in relation to the display panel. To see if your display supports this feature: 1. Display the pop-up menu for the Display object. 2. Tap on the arrow to the right of Open. If the Calibrate choice is available, you can tap on Calibrate to start the calibration program. Once the program is displayed, tap on the Help push button if you need assistance with the program, or refer to the documentation that came with your device. ═══ Calibrate ═══ Use Calibrate to start the calibration program, which supplies alignment adjustments for the position of the digitizer in relation to the display panel. ═══ Calibration Program ═══ The Calibration program supplies alignment adjustments for the position of the digitizer in relation to the display panel. The program provides the following functions: OK Accepts new alignment Align Collects alignment data and calculates adjustments used by the pen driver Defaults Resets the alignment adjustment to the initial alignment of the pen driver View Tests alignment using a target for the mouse pointer Cancel Restores the alignment to its previous setting. Place your device in the center of a target at each corner of the screen. The target moves to the next corner of the screen after the program has collected enough samples to establish a valid position. Press OK to save the new alignment.