SAMPLES directory contents: --------------------------- BASIC_IO - Sample skeleton driver for a simple ISA card with access to the IO ports. INT_IO - Sample skeleton driver for an ISA card. The driver implements IO port access and interrupt handler installation. PCI_DIAG - Sample skeleton driver for a PCI card. The driver implements PCI detection, accessing memory mapped ranges on the card, and interrupt handler installation. PCI_DUMP - A utility for getting a dump of all the PCI configuration registers of the PCI cards installed. PCI_SCAN - A utility for getting a list of the PCI cards installed and the resources allocated for each one of them (memory ranges, IO ranges and interrupts). PCI_DMA - Demonstrates programing a PCI device for Bus master transfers. WDDEBUG - A utility that turns WinDriver's debug mode on and off, and allows viewing the debug messages from the kernel. When in debug mode, every IO and memory transfer command are checked, making sure they fit in with the card's registered resources. If an illegal command is given, WinDriver will ignore the command and show a warning message on screen. Debug mode slows down transfer operations, therefore it should be used only in the development process. Running this command without the "on" / "off" parameter will print the version of WinDriver installed. WDREG - Registers/Unregisters WinDriver in the Windows registery. To install WinDriver on a new computer, copy WINDRVR.VXD file to C:\WIN95\SYSTEM\VMM32 (Win95), or copy WINDRVR.SYS file to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS (WinNT). After copying WinDriver to the drivers directory, add WinDriver to the list of Device Drivers Windows loads on boot by running "WDREG.EXE install". To install WinDriver from within your own application, add the "wdreg" source to your own installation code. ISAPNP_SCAN - A utility for getting a list of the ISA PnP cards installed and the resources allocated for each one of them (memory ranges, IO ranges and interrupts). SPEAKER - Demonstrates accessing IO ports. This sample programs the motherboard's timer that is connected to the speaker, to generate tones. SPEAKER_GUI - A Win32 GUI application that demonstrates using WinDriver in a GUI application. This is the GUI version of the speaker sample. CMOS - This sample reads the CMOS date and time. SHARED - Shared source code used by sample applications.