9054 directory contents: LIB\P9054_LIB.C - Implementation of P9054_LIB.H. LIB\P9054_LIB.H - Library for 'WinDriver for PLX 9054' API. The basic idea is to get a handle for the board with P9054_Open() and use it in the rest of the program when calling P9054_xxxx() functions. Call P9054_Close() when done. P9054_DIAG\P9054_DIAG.C - A simple diagnostics program that lets you access the PLX 9054 registers and local memory. o This program is meant to be used as an example for using the P9054_LIB.H API, you may use it as a skeleton for your driver, or 'cut & paste' parts of it into your device driver code. o For a more advanced monitor program, use the standard PLXMON.EXE from PLX. The source code for this project was generated by WinDriver Wizard. Files: lib directory: lib\p9054_lib.c Library for 'WinDriver for PLX 9054' API. The basic idea is to get a handle for the board with P9054_Open() and use it in the rest of the program when calling P9054_xxxx() functions. Call P9054_Close() when done. lib\p9054_lib.h Header file of p9054_lib.c library. p9054_diag directory: p9054_diag\p9054_diag.c A simple diagnostics program that lets you access the PLX 9054 registers and local memory. o This program is meant to be used as an example for using the p9054_lib.h API. You may use it as a skeleton for your driver, or 'cut & paste' parts of it into your device driver code. o For a more advanced monitor program, use the standard PLXMON.EXE from PLX. p9054_diag\p9054_diag.mak MS-Visual C++ 4.0 (and above) compatible make file. p9054_diag\p9054_diag.mdp MS-Visual C++ 4.0 (and above) compatible project file. files.txt Describes the files generated. Compiling this project: If you are using MS-Visual C++, then open the p9054_diag.mdp project file, and compile. If using a different compiler: - Create a new project. Choose console mode project. - Include the following files in the project: lib\p9054_lib.c p9054_diag\p9054_diag.c \windrvr\samples\shared\pci_diag_lib.c \windrvr\samples\shared\print_struct.c Converting to a GUI application: This sample was written as a console mode application (rather than a GUI application) that uses standard input and standard output. This was done in order to simplify the source code. You may change it into a GUI application by removing all calls to printf() and scanf() functions, and calling MessageBox() instead.