═══ 1. README.TXT ═══ ───────────────────────────────────────────── WFDOS Version 2.06 - (c) Copyright Per Jessen, 1994-1995 . Invoke DOS-tools from the IBM WorkFrame/2 Version 1.1 ───────────────────────────────────────────── Markt Schwaben, 15 April, 1995. WFDOS enables a transparent use of DOS-tools in the IBM WorkFrame/2 Version 1.1. WFDOS is incorporated into the IBM WorkFrame/2 environment as any OS/2-tool, and will run the DOS-program in the background, and display any screen-directed output in the Monitor-window. WFDOS can also be used to invoke DOS-programs from a MAKE-file, and still maintain consistency with the IBM WorkFrame/2 environment. Environment: WFDOS was initially written for and tested on OS/2 2.1GA and Workframe/2 version 1.1. It was later modified and re-built using OS/2 Warp Version 3.00. It is not guaranteed to work with any other version of OS/2 than those mentioned above, nor is it guaranteed to work with any other version of WorkFrame/2. Freeware: WFDOS is freeware, and you are not required to register your copy, nor are you required to pay any kind of fee for its use. However, if you find it useful, I would very much appreciate a brief note. Note: If you wish to use the source or parts thereof in a commercial product of any kind, you are required to obtain the author's permission first. Distribution: You may freely and I strongly suggest you do so, distribute the complete and unmodified WFDOS-package using whatever means you may deem suitable. Package: The package consists of the following files: Filename Contents WFDOS.INF You're reading it ... WFDOS-S.EXE OS/2 executable - the Server. WFDOS-C.EXE DOS executable - the Client. WFDOS-S.C C-source for the Server. WFDOS-C.C C-source for the Client. WFDOS.H Include file for the Server and Client. WFDOS.RC Sample resource-script for generating an INI-file for the ADDTOOL-utility. WFDOS.MAK Sample MAKE-file that makes use of OS/2 as well as DOS tools. WFDOS.INI Sample INI-file for the ADDTOOL-utility. History: Version Description 2.02 Although the basic functionality is the same, this release is quite different from the previous one, as I am now using a named pipe to transfer information between OS/2 and DOS. In general, this is a much more elegant solution, should be slightly faster, and perhaps even use a little less resources. 2.03 DOS-programs that require DPMI, but do not automatically detect it, can now also be run with WFDOS. By default, the VDM is now always started with DPMI_DOS_API=ENABLED. Furthermore, multiple copies of WFDOS can now be executed concurrently as a unique pipe is generated for every invocation. Note: Version 2.03 is an intermediate version, and was not released to the public domain. 2.04 All valid VDM-overrides are now accepted. These maybe specified directly on the command-line, or they maybe put separately in an options-file. Note: The VDM is no longer started with DPMI_DOS_API=ENABLED by default. 2.05 Bugfix: returncodes from the called DOS-program are now returned to the Server. 2.06 Essentially a rebuild for OS/2 Warp 3.00, but also includes removal of the environment variable WFDOS_CLIENT. Included in the .ZIP-file is also source for two new sample output-filters. Arguments: ───── WFDOS-S ───┬─────┬─────┬───────────┬─────┬────────────┬────── └─ ? ─┘ └─ /m ─┘ └─ /c ─┘ ─────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┬───────────  │  │ └─── /o