:>How did you get the Warp toolkit to work with the Watcom Compiler ? #define __IBMC__ #define __IBMCPP__ The IBM toolkit essentially has a bunch of defines for CSET/VAC++ and a bunch of defaults for anything else (that usually don't work :-) - Watcom understands/translates _Optlink, _System, etc. so just "tell" the toolkit you're using IBM's compiler. There were still a couple of things that broke with 10.0 doing this, but 11.0 worked perfectly through two betas and the GA with the DevCon toolkit (and yes, you can tell the install prog to NOT install the old toolkit, and it'll find the docs, etc and shadow them into the Watcom folders now). Since nobody has mentioned it: The PowerPuke^H^H^H^HSoft folks may be keeping "cool extras" from being added to the OS/2 side, but the compiler folks haven't ignored us in the least. The code generated is noticeably tighter and faster than 10.x (and makes VAC++ 3.x EXE's look positively Microsoftish (read: bloated and slow)... yes, I own and like VAC++) - as far as I'm concerned, they've taken what was already one of the worlds best compilers and improved it by an order of magnitude - no small feat - and it is, after all, a COMPILER, not a visual builder or what-not. So, for all that it lacks frills for OS/2 (and hey, anybody in their right mind doing serious Win* work is going to shitcan that BlueSky junk bundled with Watcom and buy a real tool anyway :-), it is IMHO the best damn compiler for OS/2 period (at least until VAC++ 4 anyway). Upgrades are $129 US... not cheap, but far from prohibitive. You might also like to know that they have DLL'd runtimes now also (with no bogus requirement to rename the DLL I might add :). Lastly, lest you think the compiler team doesn't care; they were extremely responsive to myself and at least 2 others I know who participated in the beta (running OS/2) - no second-class citizen treatment at all. Microsoft... err.. PowerSoft may want us OS/2 people to die and go away, but that's far from the impression I got from the compiler team.