═══ 1. Help for PMREXX ═══ Use PMREXX to run and debug REXX procedures. PMREXX is a windowed application that runs a REXX procedure. Any results displayed by the REXX procedure are displayed in the PMREXX window. You can use the scroll bar to view any previous output that has not been cleared. PMREXX also provides a single line input field so that you can supply input to the REXX procedure or to any commands called by the REXX procedure. For more information about using REXX procedures, see REXX Information. For more information about starting and using PMREXX, select these topics:  Using PMREXX  Developing Procedures with PMREXX  Tracing REXX Procedures ═══ 2. Using PMREXX ═══ To start PMREXX, enter PMREXX from an OS/2 command prompt followed by the name of a REXX procedure to run: pmrexx myprog You can also supply arguments for the REXX procedure. In this example, PMREXX runs the procedure MYPROG and passes MYPROG the argument c:\test\test.data: pmrexx myprog c:\test\test.data PMREXX runs the REXX procedure and displays any output generated by it in a scrollable output box that is part of the PMREXX window. If the procedure prompts you for input, the prompt is displayed in the output box, but you type the response in the smaller input box near the top of the PMREXX window. To try it, start another OS/2 session and create this REXX procedure: /* DIRTEST.CMD -- displays directory contents */ do forever say 'Enter the name of a directory' parse upper pull response if response='QUIT' then leave 'dir' response end exit Then start PMREXX again for the DIRTEST procedure: pmrexx dirtest When the PMREXX window is displayed, you will see the prompt in the output box. Position the cursor in the input box, type the name of a directory, and press Enter. The contents of the directory will be listed in the output box, and another prompt will be displayed. When amount of displayed output exceeds the size of the output box, a slider box appears in the scroll bar. To end the DIRTEST program, enter QUIT in the input box. ═══ 3. Developing Procedures with PMREXX ═══ To use PMREXX as a miniature development environment for your procedures, run PMREXX in one OS/2 session and an editor in another session. Use the editor to change and save the procedure being developed. Then switch to the PMREXX session to run the modified procedure. You can restart a procedure from PMREXX by selecting Trace from the action bar in the PMREXX window. If the procedure is running, select Halt procedure to stop it, then select Restart from the menu. Otherwise, just select Restart. The latest version of the procedure will run again. ═══ 4. Tracing REXX Procedures ═══ PMREXX includes several functions that are useful for debugging your procedures. You can, for instance, start an interactive trace from PMREXX without having to add a TRACE instruction to your procedure. Select Trace on the action bar, and then select Interactive trace on. A check mark on the menu shows that interactive tracing is on. To stop the interactive trace, just select Interactive trace on again. One advantage of using the interactive trace from PMREXX is that you can turn the trace on and off while the program is running. Once tracing is active, you can step through your procedure one clause at at time, re-do a clause that was just processed, or enter a line of REXX clauses for immediate processing. The ability to enter REXX clauses is especially useful if you want to try a fix to a problem interactively or if you want to test instruction paths that are otherwise difficult to trigger. For example, you might want to test some error handling instructions, but cannot easily create the condition that would cause the error. By using the interactive trace, you can add REXX instructions at the right moment to fake the conditions that would cause the error handling instructions to be processed. To process a line of one or more REXX clauses, type the line in the PMREXX input box when tracing is active and press ENTER. For example, you could enter: do i=1 to 10; say 'hello' i; end The line is processed before the next REXX clause in the program is processed. If you simply want to step ahead to the next clause, press Enter without typing anything in the input area. You can also step ahead by selecting Trace next clause from the Trace menu. If you want to process the last REXX clause again, select Re-do last clause from the Tracemenu. To stop tracing, select Trace off from the Trace. This item is not selectable when the REXX procedure is waiting for user input. In this case select Interactive trace on again to stop the trace. ═══ 5. Help for File ═══ Use the choices on the File pull-down to save the contents of the output window, to set properties of the output window, and to exit PMREXX. ═══ 6. Help for Save ═══ Use Save on the File pull down menu to save the text displayed in the PMREXX window. If you have previously saved the output window, the text is written to that same file. Otherwise, the Save as dialog box is displayed so that you can select a file. ═══ 7. Help for Save As ═══ Use Save as to name and save a new file or to save an existing file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk. When you choose Save as, a pop-up is displayed. ═══ 8. Help for Properties ═══ Use Properties to set PMREXX fonts and to indicate whether output from REXX procedures should be appended to any existing text in the output window. ═══ 9. Help for Font ═══ Use Font to display the text in the output window in a different font. When you choose Font, a pop-up is displayed. ═══ 10. Help for Append Results ═══ Use Append Results if you want the results of REXX procedures to be appended to the output window. If Append Results is not selected, the output window is cleared each time you run the REXX procedure. ═══ 11. Help for Exit ═══ Use Exit to close PMREXX. ═══ 12. Help for Edit ═══ Use the choices on the Edit pull-down to cut, copy, paste, delete, or search the contents of the output window. ═══ 13. Help for Cut ═══ Use Cut to move or delete selected text from the output window. A copy of the text is moved to the Clipboard. You can use the Paste choice to insert the text from the Clipboard into the input window. To select or mark text: 1. Position the mouse pointer to the left of the first character to be selected. 2. Hold down mouse button 1; then use the mouse to drag (move) the cursor to the right of the last character to be selected. 3. Release mouse button 1. When the cursor comes to a window border while you are marking text, PMREXX scrolls past the border. This makes it possible to select more text than can be displayed in the window. To deselect text or remove the highlighting, click once within the text area of the window. ═══ 14. Help for Copy ═══ Use Copy to duplicate selected text from the output window. The text remains in the output window, but a copy of the text is moved to the Clipboard. You can use the Paste choice to insert the text from the Clipboard into the input window. To select or mark text: 1. Position the mouse pointer to the left of the first character to be selected. 2. Hold down mouse button 1; then use the mouse to drag (move) the cursor to the right of the last character to be selected. 3. Release mouse button 1. When the cursor comes to a window border while you are marking text, PMREXX scrolls past the border. This makes it possible to select more text than can be displayed in the window. To deselect text or remove the highlighting, click once within the text area of the window. ═══ Selected Text:definition ═══ To select text means to highlight the text that you want to delete or move. You delete or move selected text by using the Cut, Delete, Copy, or Paste choices on the Edit pull-down. ═══ Clipboard:definition ═══ A clipboard is an area of storage that can temporarily hold data that is available to other programs. ═══ 15. Help for Paste ═══ Use Paste to insert the text from the Clipboard into the input window. Press Enter to pass the text you have pasted in the input window into the REXX program. If text is selected, the text from the Clipboard will replace the selected text. Note: Use Copy or Cut to put text on the Clipboard. ═══ 16. Help for Delete ═══ Use Delete to delete selected text from the output window. To delete selected text: 1. Select the text to be deleted. 2. Select Edit. 3. Select Delete. ═══ 17. Help for Select All ═══ Use Select all to select all of the text in the output window. You can then perform some action on this text. (For example, you could copy all the text to the clipboard.) ═══ 18. Help for Deselect All ═══ Use Deselect All to deselect all selected text in the output window. ═══ 19. Help for Search ═══ Use Search to search for a string in the PMREXX output window. ═══ 20. Help for Trace ═══ Use the choices on the Trace pull-down menu to set tracing on or off and to halt and restart REXX procedures. ═══ 21. Help for Restart ═══ Use Restart to start a PMREXX procedure again. ═══ 22. Help for Interactive trace on ═══ Use Interactive trace on to start an interactive trace. Interactive Trace is used for debugging your program. ═══ 23. Help for Halt Procedure ═══ Use Halt procedure to stop a PMREXX program. ═══ 24. Help for Trace next clause ═══ Use Trace next clause to step to the next clause in the PMREXX procedure. Using this choice is the same as entering a blank line in the input field. ═══ 25. Help for Re-do last clause ═══ Use Re-do last clause to repeat the last PMREXX clause procedure. Using this choice is the same as entering an equal sign (=) in the input field. ═══ 26. Help for Trace off ═══ Use Trace off to turn off the debugging procedure in your program session. ═══ Help for Save as ═══ ═══ Help for Save as ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Type the name of the file in which you want to save the contents of the output window in the Save as file name field and select the Ok pushbutton. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ Save as filename Save file as type Drive File Directory Ok pushbutton Cancel pushbutton ═══ Help for Save as filename ═══ ═══ Help for Save as filename ═══ Type the name of the file in which you want to place the contents of the output window in the Save as filename field and select the Ok pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ Save as filename Save file as type Drive File Directory Ok pushbutton Cancel pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Save file as type ═══ ═══ Help for Save file as type ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Save file as type field to display the available file types. PMREXX is set for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the file in which you want to place the contents of the output window. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file in which you want to place the contents of the output window. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Ok ═══ ═══ Help for Ok ═══ Select the Ok pushbutton to save the contents of the output window to the file, drive, and directory you selected and with the file name you specified. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ ═══ 27. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to close the dialog box without saving the contents of PMREXX output window in a file. ═══ 28. Help for PMREXX Font Selection ═══ Use the PMREXX Font Selection dialog box to change the font PMREXX uses for displaying or printing text. To change fonts: 1. Select the device for which you are changing the font: Display or Printer. 2. Select the font Name. 3. Select the font Style. 4. Select the font Size. 5. Select any desired attributes under Emphasis. 6. Select Ok. As you make selections, Sample will change to show you what the font looks like. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Name  Style  Size  Outline  Underline  Strikeout  Cancel push button. ═══ 29. Help for Cancel ═══ When Cancel is selected, the dialog box is closed. No changes are made to the fonts. ═══ 30. Help for Ok ═══ When Ok is selected, the fonts are changed according to your selections. ═══ 31. Help for Name ═══ To select a font name, point to the arrow to the right of the Name field and click mouse button 1. Then select the desired font from the displayed list. ═══ 32. Help for Style ═══ To select a font style, point to the arrow to the right of the Style field and click mouse button 1. Then select the desired style from the displayed list. ═══ 33. Help for Size ═══ To select a font size, point to the arrow to the right of the Size field and click mouse button 1. Then select the desired size from the displayed list. ═══ 34. Help for Outline ═══ Select Outline if you want only the outline of the characters in the font to be displayed. ═══ 35. Help for Underline ═══ Select Underline if you want all characters to be underlined. ═══ 36. Help for Strikeout ═══ Select Strikeout if you want a horizontal line to be drawn through all characters. ═══ 37. Help for Display ═══ Select the Display check box if you want to change the font used for the output window display. ═══ 38. Help for Print ═══ Select the Print check box if you want to change the font used when the output window is printed. ═══ 39. Help for Search ═══ Use the Search dialog to find text in the PMREXX output window. ═══ 40. Help for Case Sensitive ═══ Select the Case sensitive check box if you want PMREXX to consider capital and small letters in its search. ═══ 41. Help for Enter search text ═══ Type the string of text to be found in the Enter search text field. ═══ 42. Help for Search ═══ Use the Search dialog box to search for strings of text in the output window: 1. Type the text to be found in the Enter search text field. 2. Select the Case sensitive check box if you want the capital and small letters to be significant. 3. Select Ok. ═══ 43. Help for Ok ═══ Select the Ok push button to start the search. ═══ 44. Help for Cancel ═══ Select the Cancel push button to close the Search dialog box without searching for text. ═══ 45. Help for Key Assignments ═══ Select the key group you want help for:  HELP KEYS to get help and manage help information  SYSTEM KEYS to switch among open programs, groups, and online documents  WINDOW MOVEMENT KEYS to move around in a program, group, or help window, or to move or size a window  POP-UP KEYS to move around in or complete a pop-up. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. ═══ Help for Help Keys ═══ From any active window: Alt+F6 Switch between the help window and the associated program window F1 Get help for the active area From any active window that has a Help action bar choice: F2 Display general information about the program F9 Display a list of keys for the program F11 or Shift+F1 Display the help index for the program Shift+F10 Get help about the help facility From any active help window: Alt+F4 Close the help window Esc Redisplay the previous help topic, if there is one; if not, remove the help window Ctrl+A Copy the displayed topic and add it to the end of a temporary file Ctrl+C Display the help table of contents Ctrl+F Copy the displayed topic to a temporary file Ctrl+H Display a list of all the topics you have viewed Ctrl+L Display a list of libraries that contain help topics for one or more programs Ctrl+N Open a new help window to display any topic that is displayed in a window where the minimize and maximize choices in the System Menu pull-down are displayed and available Ctrl+S Search for a word or phrase in help topics Ctrl+Ins Copy the displayed topic to the clipboard From any active Contents window that has multiple levels of help topics: Ctrl+* (Asterisk) Display all levels of the table of contents Ctrl+- (Minus) Remove all subtopics from the table of contents + (Plus) Display one more level of topics in the table of contents * (Asterisk) Display all subtopics for one topic in the table of contents - (Minus) Remove all subtopics from one topic in the table of contents Tab Move to the next word or phrase that has special highlighting ═══ Help for System Keys ═══ Alt+Esc or Alt+Tab Switch to the next program (windowed or full-screen), group, or online document Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List ═══ Help for Window Movement Keys ═══ F3 Close the active program window F10 or Alt Switch to or from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Move to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Remove an action bar pull-down or the System Menu pull-down but keep the action bar choice or the System Menu icon selected First letter Select from a list the next choice that starts with the letter you type Home Move to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of a window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of a window down one page Underlined letter Select a choice on the action bar or a pull-down Alt+F4 Close the active program window Alt+F5 Restore the active program window Alt+F7 Move the active program window Alt+F8 Size the active program window Alt+F9 Minimize the active program window Alt+F10 Maximize the active program window Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of a window right one page Ctrl+PgUp Scroll the contents of a window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Switch to or from the System Menu pull-down Shift+Esc or Alt Switch to or from the System Menu pull-down of an OS/2 or a DOS window ═══ Help for Pop-Up Keys ═══ Alt+F6 Switch between the pop-up and the help window Enter Send any changes to the program Esc Remove the pop-up without sending any changes to the program F1 Get help for the active area Spacebar Select a check box choice or perform the task described in the selected pushbutton Tab Move to the next field (entry field, check box, list, spin button, first radio button, or first pushbutton) In an entry field: Backspace Delete the character to the left of the cursor Del Delete the character to the right of the cursor End or Ctrl+Right Arrow key Move to the end of a field Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow key Move to the beginning of a field