═══ 1. About Sort ═══ The Sort application is a sample Presentation Manager application which demonstrates the use of many threads by doing LISTCNT simultaneous sorts. Each sorting algorithm runs from a separate thread, the routine which updates the display is run from another thread, and the main thread is used to handle the main window's messages. The display thread is started when the program begins and is not terminated throughout the program's life. ═══ 2. Help Menu ═══ Use the choices on the Help pull-down to display: Help index Displays the index of help menu. General Help Displays some information about Sort sample program. Keys Help Displays a list of keys usage. Using Help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. ═══ 3. General Help ═══ Use this choice to get general help for the program. General help provides general information about the Sort sample program. ═══ 4. Extended ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 5. Tutorial of Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 5.1. Key Assigments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS HELP KEYS F1 Get help Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt Switch IN/OUT action bar Alt+F4 End help or End program SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs submenu or execut the function chosen ═══ 6. Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 7. Information ═══ This dialog displays information about the application, such as version number and copyright notice. ═══ 8. Information ═══ The OK button closed dialog box. ═══ 9. Information ═══ This key will start to sort all points. ═══ 10. Information ═══ This key will stop the sorting action. ═══ 11. Information ═══ This dialog displays the point number which you can set. ═══ 12. Information ═══ The key will make all points distributing in random order.