═══ 1. Telephone Directory ═══ The Telephone Directory is used in saving and retrieving telephone numbers. Actions you can perform using the Telephone Directory include : 1. File 2. View 3. Help 4. Choices 5. List of names 6. Name 7. Telephone 8. OK button ═══ 1.1. Help for File ═══ Use the choices on the File pull-down to : Save Saves the names and numbers currently displayed in a file. Exit Exits the Telephone Directory. If you have made changes that were not saved, you will be given the choice to save your data before exiting. Language Allows you to set the language of the user interface to Arabic or English. ═══ 1.2. Help for View ═══ Use the choices on the View pull-down to see the List of Names sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order. When choosing "Ascending", the list of names would look like: Adams, Fredrick Field, Caroline Smith, John Taylor, James Wall, Deborah Whereas when choosing "Descending", the list of names would look like this: Wall, Deborah Taylor, James Smith, John Field, Caroline Adams, Fredrick ═══ 1.3. Help For Choices ═══ The following table lists and describes the four radio buttons in the Choice group box. ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Radio Button │Description │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Add │To add a new entry to the list, │ │ │select this radio button, type │ │ │a new name and telephone │ │ │number, then press OK. │ │ │ │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Remove │To remove an entry from the list, │ │ │select this radio-button, select │ │ │the name you want to delete from │ │ │the List of Names, then press OK. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Modify │To modify an entry on the list, │ │ │select the relevant radio-button │ │ │then select the name you want │ │ │to change from the List of Names. │ │ │Make your changes to the Name │ │ │and/or Telephone number then │ │ │press OK. │ │ │ │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Search │To search for an entry in the list, │ │ │select the Search radio-button, │ │ │type the name you want to search, │ │ │then press OK. If the name is found, │ │ │the corresponding Telephone number │ │ │will be displayed. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 1.4. Help for Help ═══ Use the choices on the Help pull-down to : General Help Display the contents of the Telephone Directory Help. About Display the product information for the Telephone Directory ═══ Help for Add ═══ To add a new entry to the list, select the Add radio-button from Choices, type a new Name and Telephone number, then press OK. ═══ Help for Remove ═══ To remove an entry from the list, select the remove radio-button from Choices, select the name you want to delete from the List of Names, then press OK. ═══ Help for Modify ═══ To modify an entry from the list, select the modify radio-button from Choices then select the name you want to change from the List of Names. Make your changes to the Name and/or Telephone number then press OK. ═══ Help for Search ═══ To search for an entry in the list, select the Search radio-button from Choices, type the Name you want to search for, then press OK. If the name is found, the corresponding Telephone number will be displayed. ═══ Help for Telephone ═══ This field is used to type or display the telephone number. ═══ Help for Name ═══ This field is used to type or display the name. Note: Make sure that the name entered is spelt correctly. This would make searching and modifying much easier. ═══ List of Names ═══ This displays a list of all the names in the telephone directory, sorted according to the option selected in the View menu. ═══ Help for OK ═══ Press this button to execute the command specified by the radio-button selected in Choices. Note: Before pressing the OK push button make sure that you are making the correct action.