═══ 1. Help for File ═══ Use File to start a new figure, open an existing figure, open the next figure, or save a figure. ═══ 1.1. Help for New ═══ Use New to create a figure. ═══ 1.2. Help for Open ═══ Use Open to retrieve a figure. ═══ 1.3. Help for Save ═══ Use Save to store a figure. If the figure has not been saved previously, Save prompts you for a file name. ═══ 1.4. Help for Save As ═══ Use Save As to assign a name to a figure, then store it. ═══ 1.5. Help for Next ═══ Use Next to open the next file in the File list specified from the command line. Note: Next can only be used when the program is initiated from the command line prompt and more than one file is specified. ═══ 2. Help for Edit ═══ Use Edit to change all or part of the current figure. ═══ 2.1. Help for Undo ═══ Use Undo to cancel your last editing operation. ═══ 2.2. Help for Cut ═══ Use Cut to erase a selected portion of the figure and store it in the clipboard. To cut a portion of the figure: 1. Use Edit, then Select to mark the area to be cut out of the figure.. 2. Select Edit, then Cut. The selected area is removed from your figure, and stored in the clipboard. ═══ 2.3. Help for Copy ═══ Use Copy to place a duplicate of part of the figure in the clipboard. You then can copy what is in the clipboard to another file. The procedure is: 1. Select Edit; then Select to mark the area to be copied out of the figure. 2. Select Edit; then Copy. 3. Open the file that is to receive the copy. 4. Select Edit; then Paste. ═══ 2.4. Help for Paste ═══ Use Paste to retrieve a copy of the contents in the clipboard and place it in your figure. If the area occupied by the clipboard contents is smaller than the space in which the contents are to be moved, the pointer changes to a rectangle the size of the clipboard contents. The rectangle represents the outline of the clipboard contents. Drag the rectangle to the position in your figure where you want to place the clipboard contents. If the area occupied by the clipboard contents is the same size as the space in which the contents are to be moved, the entire figure is replaced. If the area occupied by the clipboard contents is larger than the space to which the contents are to be moved, the clipboard contents are compressed to fit in the current figure. ═══ 2.5. Help for Clear ═══ Use Clear to make the color of the selected area the same as the screen color. ═══ 2.6. Help for Select ═══ Use Select The shape of the pointer changes to a rectangle, and you can use the mouse for selecting. To select part of a figure: 1. Use Edit; then Select. The mouse shape is now a rectangle. 2. Move the mouse pointer to a corner of the area you want to select. 3. Press and hold mouse button 1. 4. Drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the area to be selected. An outline shows the selected area. 5. Release mouse button 1. Editing commands will now affect the selected area. A check mark appears next to your selection. If you select other menu choices, the marked area will become unmarked. For additional information, select Select All. ═══ 2.7. Help for Select All ═══ Use Select All to mark the entire figure so it can be edited. For additional information, select Select. ═══ 2.8. Help for Stretch Paste ═══ Use Stretch Paste to attach the clipboard contents to the current figure, positioned to fit the selected area. To use Stretch Paste: 1. Use Edit, then Select to mark the area of your figure to be stretched. 2. Select Cut or Copy. 3. Use Edit, then Select to mark the area that the cut portion is to be attached to. 4. Select Edit, then Stretch Paste. ═══ 2.9. Help for Fill ═══ Use Fill to color the selected area with a color choice from the palette by pressing mouse button 1. ═══ 2.10. Help for Flip Horizontal ═══ Use Flip Horizontal to turn the selected area from left to right. ═══ 2.11. Help for Flip Vertical ═══ Use Flip Vertical to turn the selected area from top to bottom. ═══ 2.12. Help for Circle ═══ Use Circle to draw a circle or ellipse within the selected area. The thickness of the lines that draw the circle is determined by the current pen size. ═══ 2.13. Help for Set Pen Shape ═══ Use Set Pen Shape to make the pen shape equal to the selected area. ═══ 2.14. Help for Hot Spot ═══ Use Hot Spot to specify where the mouse is active on an Icon or Pointer (bit maps do not have hot spots). The default location for the hot spot is in the middle of the icon or pointer. To set a new hot spot: 1. Move the pointer to the desired position. 2. Press mouse button one. The hot spot is set, and the coordinates are shown in the status area. 3. Select Hot Spot again to end this operation. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 3. Help for Palette ═══ Use Palette to change the colors you can use to draw your figure. ═══ 3.1. Help for Load Default Palette ═══ Use Load Default Palette to reset the palette to its default colors. ═══ 3.2. Help for Open ═══ Use Open to retrieve a color palette. A window appears where you can type the file name of the palette if you know it, or you can select the name from a list of files. Palette files have the default extension of PAL. A palette file can contain 2, 16, or 256 colors. ═══ 3.3. Help for Save ═══ Use Save to store the current palette. The palette name is shown in the title bar in parentheses following the file name of the figure. ═══ 3.4. Help for Save As ═══ Use Save As to assign a name to the current palette, then store it. ═══ 3.5. Help for Edit Color ═══ Use Edit Color to change a color in the palette by pressing mouse button 1. ═══ 3.6. Help for Swap Colors - Preserve Figure ═══ Use Swap Colors--Preserve Figure to swap the left mouse button color with the right mouse button color. The colors in your figure are not affected. You cannot swap colors, if a color assigned to either mouse button is the same as the SCREEN or INVERSE color. For example, if your left mouse button color is blue and your right mouse button color is red, selecting Swap Colors--Preserve Figure will switch the colors so that the left mouse button color is red, and your right mouse button color is blue. Every time you choose a color on the palette with the left or right mouse button, that becomes that individual mouse button's color, as indicated in the mouse drawing in the status area. ═══ 3.7. Help for Swap Colors - Don't Preserve Figure ═══ Use Swap Colors--Don't Preserve Figure to swap the left mouse button color with the right mouse button color. The colors in your figure will be affected. You cannot swap colors, if a color assigned to either mouse button is the same as the SCREEN or INVERSE color. For example, if your left mouse button color is blue and your right mouse button color is red, selecting Swap Colors--Don't Preserve Figure will switch the colors so that the left mouse button color is red, and your right mouse button color is blue. The colors in the figure will also be swapped. Every time you choose a color on the palette with the left or right mouse button, that becomes that individual mouse button's color, as indicated in the mouse drawing in the status area. ═══ 3.8. Help for Swap Color ═══ Use Swap Color to swap the left mouse button color with the right mouse button color. You cannot swap colors, if a color assigned to either mouse button is the same as the SCREEN or INVERSE color. For example, if your left mouse button color is blue and your right mouse button color is red, selecting Swap Color will switch the colors so that the left mouse button color is red, and your right mouse button color is blue as well as the blue areas of the figure will change to red and the red areas will change to blue. Every time you choose a color on the palette with the left or right mouse button, that becomes that individual mouse button's color, as indicated in the mouse drawing in the status area. ═══ 3.9. Help for Set Default Palette ═══ Use Set Default Palette to copy the current palette to the corresponding predefined palette. See Edit Predefined for more information. If no predefined device form corresponds to the current figure, with respect to its resolution, device size, and number of colors, you cannot set a default palette. Related Information: Edit Predefined ═══ 4. Help for Options ═══ Use Options for special editing features. ═══ 4.1. Help for Test ═══ Use Test to change the pointer to look like the system pointer or the icon that you are designing. Select Test again to return the pointer to the default style. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.2. Help for Grid ═══ Use Grid to display vertical and horizontal lines in the editing window. The lines make it easier to draw symmetrical figures. The lines of the grid are the same color as the window frame. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.3. Help for X Background ═══ Use X Background to draw Xs in all areas of the figure that are the screen color or the inverse screen color. This choice is available for pointers or icons only. Select X Background again to remove the Xs from your figure. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.4. Help for Draw Straight ═══ Use Draw Straight to enable the pointer to draw only horizontal or vertical lines. To draw straight lines: 1. Select Options, then Draw Straight. 2. Drag the mouse pointer across your figure to produce a horizontal line. 3. Drag the mouse pointer up and down your figure to produce a vertical line. 4. Select Draw Straight again to turn off this mode. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.5. Help for Pen Size ═══ Use Pen Size to select the size of the pen you want to draw with. The larger the pen size the larger the pen stroke on the figure. ═══ 4.6. Help for Preferences ═══ Use Preferences to specify the settings for the editor. These settings are stored for future use. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Safe Prompting  Suppress Warnings  Save State on Exit  Display Status Area  Reset Options and Modes ═══ 4.6.1. Help for Safe Prompting ═══ Use Safe Prompting to have the editor remind you to save your file after it is changed. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.6.2. Help for Suppress Warning ═══ Use Suppress Warning to prevent the editor from displaying warning messages about memory, palette operations, availability of help, and file size. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.6.3. Help for Save State on Exit ═══ Use Save State on Exit to store the following conditions when you end this program.  All user preferences.  The predefined device list and associated data.  The current pen size.  The screen and inverse-screen colors.  The hot spot setting.  The display options such as X Background or Draw Straight. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.6.4. Help for Display Status Area ═══ Use Display Status Area to show the the status area on the primary window. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 4.6.5. Help for Reset Options and Modes ═══ Use Reset Options and Modes to restore editor settings to their original state. ═══ 5. Help for Device ═══ Use Device to create, select, or delete a monitor display type. ═══ 6. Help for List ═══ Use List to display a list of monitors you can create figures for. You can also add, view, or delete monitor display types. ═══ 7. Help for Edit Predefined ═══ Use Edit Predefined to set the size of the icon, pointer, bit map, device, and resolution. This window also enables you to select how many colors appear on the palette. These settings are stored for future use. ═══ 8. Help for Tools ═══ Use Tools to color your figure, or to find a color in your figure on the palette. ═══ 8.1. Help for Color Fill ═══ Use Color Fill to fill a portion of your figure with the color specified on the mouse button. When you select Color Fill, the pointer changes to a paint bucket. The portion of your figure that is filled with the specified color is determined by the color of the picture element you select on your figure. Adjoining picture elements of the same color are changed to the Color Fill color. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 8.2. Help for Find Color ═══ Use Find Color to locate a color in the palette, that is used in your figure. When you select Find Color, the pointer changes to a question mark. Select a picture element in your figure and the color is highlighted in the palette. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ Help for New Figure ═══ To create a new figure, select the figure type, then select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Icon  Pointer  Bit Map  Width  Height  OK  Cancel ═══ Help for Icon ═══ Select Icon if you want to create a new icon. ═══ Help for Pointer ═══ Select Pointer if you want to create a new pointer. ═══ Help for Bit Map ═══ Select Bit Map if you want to create a new bit map. Enter the bit map size in the fields that appear after you select bit map. ═══ Help for Bit Map Width ═══ Use Bit Map Width to type the picture element width for the bit map. ═══ Help for Bit Map Height ═══ Use Bit Map Height to type the picture element height for the bit map. ═══ Help for OK ═══ Select OK to accept all choices in the new figure window. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to remove the window from the screen without saving any changes. ═══ Help for Open File ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the drive list to see all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the drive list. 3. Select a directory from the directory list. 4. Select a file name from the file list, or type a file name. 5. Select Open to retrieve the file. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Open File Name  Type of File  Drive  File  Directory  Open  Cancel ═══ Help for Open File Name ═══ Type the name of the file to be opened. You can leave this field blank and select a file name from the file list. ═══ Help for Type of File ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of File field to display the available file types. The editor sets this field for all file types. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ Use the down arrow to see the drives on your system. Select the drive that has the file you want to open. ═══ Help for File ═══ Use File to display all files matching the file name and file type in the selected drive and directory. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ Select Directory to view the files within a specific directory of your hard disk. ═══ Help for Open ═══ Select Open to retrieve the file currently selected in the file list. ═══ Help for Save File ═══ 1. Type the name that the file is to be saved as. 2. Select the down arrow to the right of the drive list to see all the drives on your system. 3. Select a drive from the drive list. 4. Select a directory from the directory list. 5. Select Save. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Save As File Name  File Type  Drive  File  Directory  Save As  Cancel ═══ Help for Save As File Name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to save in the space provided. The file name extension is assigned by the editor, depending on the type of figure you are saving: Pointer PTR Icon ICO Bit Map BMP ═══ Help for Drive ═══ Select Drive to specify the drive where you want to save your file. Use the down arrow to see the drives on your system. ═══ Help for File ═══ The File shows all file names within the selected drive and directory. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ Select Directory to specify the directory where you want to save your file. ═══ Help for Save As ═══ Select Save As to store the current file under the name specified in Save as filename. field. ═══ Help for Open ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the drive list to see all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the drive list. 3. Select a directory from the directory list. 4. Select a file name from the file list, or type a file name. 5. Select Open to retrieve the file. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Open File Name  Type of File  Drive  File  Directory  Open  Cancel ═══ Help for Save As ═══ 1. Type the name that the file is to be saved as. 2. Select the down arrow to the right of the drive list to see all the drives on your system. 3. Select a drive from the drive list. 4. Select a directory from the directory list. 5. Select Save. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Save As File Name  File Type  Drive  File  Save As  Cancel ═══ Help for Save As File Name ═══ Type the name that the file is to be saved as. The default file name extension for a palette is PAL. ═══ Help for Edit Color ═══ To edit a color on your palette: 1. Select a color from the palette to be edited with a mouse button 1. 2. Select Palette then Edit Color. 3. Select the RGB or HSV radio button. Select Dynamic if you want the colors in your figure to change as you edit the color. 4. Move the slider arm in the RGB or HSV component, or type a value from 1 through 255 in the filed provided. You see the edited color in the window. 5. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  RGB  HSV  Dynamic  Important  RGB and HSV Numeric Values  OK  Cancel ═══ Help for RGB ═══ Use RGB to change the red, green, and blue components of a color by using the slider arm. Changing these components will change the selected color. ═══ Help for HSV ═══ Use HSV to change the hue, saturation, and value components of a color by using the slider arm. Changing these components will change the tint or brightness of a color. ═══ Help for Dynamic ═══ Select Dynamic to have the associated color in your figure change as you edit the color. Processing may be longer in dynamic mode. Note: X Background and Grid are disabled. ═══ Help for RGB and HSV Numeric Values ═══ Use the slider arm to adjust the value to type a value for RGB or HSV. The valid range is from 0 through 255. ═══ Help for Important ═══ Select Important to ensure the operating system will display this color without substituting a different color on certain monitor devices. A color that is indicated as Important will be marked with "*" on the palette. ═══ 9. Help for Pen Size ═══ Select a pen size from 1 x 1 to 9 x 9. A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ Help for Device List ═══ Use Device List to choose a form type for your figure. Your figure can be stored in various forms to be displayed on devices having different bit resolutions. These forms are named for the display formats, such as EGA, VGA, CGA, and 8514. To choose a specific device form for your figure: 1. Select a device from Device list. 2. Select View to refresh the palette and return to the Device Forms window. 3. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Add  Delete  View  Up  Down  OK  Cancel ═══ Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add another monitor device form. ═══ Help for Delete ═══ Select Delete to remove the selected monitor device form from the list. At least one independent form must be in the list at all times. You can not delete the last independent form. ═══ Help for View ═══ Select View to change to the selected form. The color palette will change accordingly. ═══ Help for Up ═══ Select Up to move the current item up in the list. Independent forms must remain at the top of the list. ═══ Help for Down ═══ Select Down to move the current item down in the list. Independent forms must remain at the top of the list. ═══ Help for OK ═══ Select OK to process any pending deletions and remove the window. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to remove the window without processing any pending deletions. ═══ Help for Add ═══ Select Add to display the forms that are not in the device list, but that may be added to the list. To add a new device to the device list: 1. Select a device form, or select Customize. 2. Select Create to add your choice to the device list. 3. Select OK. You are returned to the Device List window. 4. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Device Size  Device Resolution  Image Size ═══ Help for OK ═══ Select OK to add the selected form to the device list. ═══ Help for Customize ═══ Select Customize to set a specific device size, a resolution, an image size, and color options. ═══ Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to return to the Device List window. ═══ Help for Customize Device ═══ Use Customize Device to create a specially-designed device form. To set a customized device form: 1. Type the size of the device. 2. Type the resolution. 3. Type the size of the image to be edited. 4. Select the available colors on the palette. 5. Select OK. The customized form is identified in the device list by the dimensions of the form. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Device Size  Device Resolution  Image Size  Colors Supported  OK  Cancel ═══ Help for Device Size ═══ Select Device Size to specify the horizontal and vertical dimensions for the form. ═══ Help for Device Resolution ═══ Select Device Resolution to specify the horizontal and vertical resolution for the form. ═══ Help for Image Size ═══ Select Image Size to specify the horizontal and vertical size for the form. ═══ Help for Colors Supported ═══ Select Colors Supported to specify how many colors you want on the palette: 2 Set the palette with 2 colors: black and white. 16 Set the palette with 16 colors. 256 Set the palette with 256 colors. RGB Set the palette with a limitless number of colors. ═══ Help for Inherited and Predefined ═══ Select Inherited to specify that the selected device does not have a predefined palette of colors. Use this choice if the predefined device can accurately display any palette of colors. You can not select Inherited for the independent device form. Select Predefined to specify that the selected device has a specific palette of colors. You specify these colors by selecting Set Default Palette while editing an existing device form. ═══ Help for Icon ═══ Use Icon to specify the vertical and horizontal size of the icon. ═══ Help for Pointer ═══ Use Pointer to specify the vertical and horizontal size of the pointer. ═══ Help for Bit Map ═══ Use Bit Map to specify the relative vertical and horizontal size of the bit map as it relates to the size of the independent device form. For example, if the independent, predefined, device bit map width was 32 picture elements, and this predefined device width is 64 picture elements, this device form is created twice as wide as the current independent bit map form. ═══ Help for Device Size ═══ Use Device Size to specify the vertical and horizontal size of the device. ═══ Help for Resolution ═══ Use Resolution to specify the vertical and horizontal resolution of your display. ═══ Help for Default Forms List ═══ Use Default Forms List to display the names of predefined devices. The selected name is highlighted. Editing a name in this list changes the name for the selected predefined device. To see all of the devices in the list, select the down arrow to the right of the device name. Selecting the down arrow again removes the list. ═══ Help for New ═══ Select New to add a device to the predefined device list. New devices have a default name of "NEW" when created. You must change this name before leaving the window, or the form will not be added to the predefined device list. ═══ Help for Delete ═══ Select Delete to remove the selected device from the predefined device list. You can not remove the Color Independent or Monochrome Independent forms from the list. ═══ Help for Edit Predefined Device Forms ═══ Use Edit Predefined Device Forms to change a predefined device, or to create a new device form. You can edit the default size, palette, or colors associated with the selected form. To edit a predefined device form: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the device list to see all predefined device forms. 2. Select the device to be edited. 3. Select the down arrow to the right of the device list to remove the expanded list, displaying only the device name to be edited. 4. Edit the device. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Device List  Palette  Colors  Icon  Pointer  Bit Map  Device Size  Resolution  OK  Cancel  New  Delete ═══ Help for Save Options ═══ Use Save Options to select the OS/2* version in which to save your figure, and to select the device format. To complete saving your figure: 1. Select the OS/2 version. 2. Select the device format. 3. Select Save. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Format  Recommended Form  Save As  Cancel ═══ Help for Format ═══ Select the OS/2* version that your figure should be saved as. Your choices are:  OS/2 1.1  OS/2 1.2  OS/2 2.0  OS/2 Packed 2.0 ═══ Help for Form ═══ Use Form to select the device format in which to save your figure. An asterisk will appear before the device name that is recommended. ═══ 10. Changing Colors ═══ Icon Editor allows you to create and customize a color palette to use when creating icons, pointers, and bit maps. You can add colors, delete colors, and create new colors on your palette. To create a new palette: 1. Select Palette. 2. Select Load Default Pallette, this creates a new palette using the system default colors. To change colors in the palette: 1. Select Palette. 2. Select a color from the palette. 3. Select Edit color. 4. A window appears enabling you to change the selected color. For additional help, select Help when the window appears. To save the palette: 1. Select Palette. 2. Select Save as. 3. Type the name of the palette. For additional help, select Help when the window appears. ═══ 11. Help for the Icon Editor ═══ Use Icon Edit to create, edit, and save pointers, icons, and bit maps. To begin: 1. Select File. 2. Select New. 3. When the window appears, select one of the following radio buttons:  Icon  Pointer  Bitmap 4. Select OK. To draw in the figure: 1. Select a color from the palette by moving the mouse pointer over the color you want and pressing mouse button 1 or 2. 2. Move the mouse pointer to the figure and press mouse button 1 or 2 and drag the pointer to fill picture elements. The number of picture elements that are colored by the mouse pointer depends on the pen size. Note: When you select a color from the palette with mouse button 1 or 2, the mouse figure in the status area shows the selected colors. Related Information:  Status area  Changing pen size ═══ 12. Status Area ═══ The area below the menu bar is known as the status area. This area contains 4 sections. They are: Mouse figure Shows the colors assigned to each of the mouse buttons. Icon and pointer display area Shows how an icon or a pointer appears on the monitor. Figure statistics Shows the Form size, Pen location, Pen size, and Hotspot. Hotspot does not appear when Bitmap is selected. Figure characteristics Shows the Figure type, Form name, and Status line. ═══ 13. Changing Pen Size ═══ To change the pen size: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Pen size. If you need help, highlight the Pen size choice on the Options menu and press F1. ═══ 14. Keys for the Icon Editor ═══ Select the key group you want help for:  Icon Edit Keys to perform operations in the main editor window.  Palette Keys to perform actions when the palette window is the active window.  Status Window Keys to perform actions when the pointer focus is on one of the status fields. The status fields include Pen location, Pen size, Hot spot, and Form name. For more information on keys, select Key Assignments below. Related Information: Key Assignments ═══ 15. Icon Edit Keys ═══ Alt+Backspace Return the figure to its state before the last Circle, Flip, Paste, Fill, Clear, Color Fill, or Open operation. Alt+A Select the entire figure to be edited. Alt+C Edit a color in the palette. Alt+G Set the current palette to be the default palette. Alt+I Stretch Paste the clipboard contents to the figure. Alt+J Set pen shape to be equal to the selected area. Alt+K Specify the Hot Spot on an Icon or Pointer. Alt+M Open a color palette. Alt+N Reset the palette to its default colors. Alt+Q Switch the Find Color option on and off. Alt+R Restore editor settings to their original state. Alt+S Save the current palette. Alt+U Swap colors preserving the figure. Alt+V Swap colors without preserving the figure. Alt+W Switch the Suppress Warnings option on and off. Alt+X Switch the Safe Prompting option on and off. Alt+Y Switch the Save State on Exit option on and off. Alt+Z Display the status area on the primary window. Ctrl+- Switch the Draw Straight option on and off. Ctrl+/ Enter Select mode and select entire figure. Ctrl+Ins Copy the selected portion of the figure to the clipboard. Ctrl+Del Fill the selected portion of the figure with mouse-button one color. Ctrl+A Select an area of the figure to be edited. Ctrl+C Draw a circle or ellipse within the selected area. Ctrl+D Delete the current device. Ctrl+E Open the next file. Ctrl+F Fill a portion of your figure with the specified color. Ctrl+G Switch the Grid option on and off. Ctrl+H Turns the selected area of the figure horizontally. Ctrl+L Display the List Existing Devices Window. Ctrl+N Create a new figure. Ctrl+O Open a file to edit. Ctrl+S Save a figure. Ctrl+T Switch the Test Pointer Mode on and off. Ctrl+U Cancels changes since the last Circle, Flip, Paste, Fill, Clear, Color Fill, or Open operation. Ctrl+V Turns the selected area vertically. Ctrl+W Edit and store predefined settings. Ctrl+X Switch the X-Background Mode on and off. Ctrl+1 - Ctrl-9 Change the brush size to a 1x1 to 9x9 square. Del Clear the selected portion of the figure. Shift+Ins Paste the figure from the clipboard. Shift+Del Cut the selected portion from the figure and move it to the clipboard. ═══ 16. Palette Keys ═══ Home Set mouse-button 1 color to the upper-left palette color. Shift+Home Set mouse-button 2 color to the upper-left palette color. End Set mouse-button 1 color to the lower-right palette color. Shift+End Set mouse-button 2 color to the lower-right palette color. Arrow Keys Move mouse-button 1 color selection in the direction of the arrow. Shift+Arrow Keys Move mouse-button 2 color selection in the direction of the arrow. Ctrl+Arrow Keys Set mouse-button 1 color to the palette color on the edge of the palette in the direction of the arrow. Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys Set mouse-button 2 color to the palette color on the edge of the palette in the direction of the arrow. Spacebar Edit mouse-button 1 color. Shift+Spacebar Edit mouse-button 2 color. ═══ 17. Status Window Keys ═══ The following describes the key actions when the pointer focus is on the indicated status field. Field Key Action Pen Location (Not selected) The arrow keys move the pointer in the desired direction. Pen Location (Selected) The spacebar and arrow keys move the pointer in the desired direction. Pen Size The Up and Right arrow keys increase size; the Down and Left arrow keys decrease size. Hot Spot The arrow keys move the pointer in the desired direction; the spacebar sets the hot spot. Form name The Up and Down arrow keys enable you to move through the device list. The spacebar is always used for a coloring action except in Select or Hot spot mode. ═══ 18. Help for Product Information ═══ Use Product information to display the copyright and version number for Icon Editor. ═══ Resolution ═══ Density or sharpness of an image. For bit-mapped material, resolution is expressed in dots per inch, with higher quality output having more dots per inch. Resolution can be adjusted for some printers. Low resolution images print faster, but appear coarser than high resolution images. A printer's memory size may limit the resolution you can choose. ═══ IBM Trademarks ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation. ═══ ═══ In computer graphics, the smallest element of a display surface that can be independently assigned color and intensity. ═══ ═══ A table of identifiers and references to the corresponding items of data. For example, a listing of the files stored on a diskette. ═══ ═══ An area of computer memory, or storage, that temporarily holds data. Data in the clipboard is available to other programs. ═══ ═══ To use a pointing device to move an object. For example, clicking on a window boarder and dragging it to make the window larger. Dragging ends when the mouse button is released. ═══ ═══ A symbol that shows a choice is currently active. ═══ ═══ A representation of an image by an array of bits. The OS/2 logo displayed in this operating system is an example of a bit map. ═══ ═══ A graphical representation of an object, consisting of an image, image background, and a label. A unique icon also represents a program when it is minimized. ═══ ═══ The symbol displayed on the screen that you move with a pointing device, such as a mouse.