═══ 1. Help for the Edit Menu ═══ Edit Help Use these choices to move characters in and out of the clipboard. Cut Moves the selected character to the clipboard. Copy Copies the selected character to the clipboard. Paste Puts the contents of the clipboard into the editing window. Undo Removes the last change made to a character. Reset Removes all changes made to a character. ═══ 2. Cut Help ═══ Puts the character from the editing window into a temporary buffer called the clipboard, and erases it from the editing window. To copy the character in the clipboard into a particular code point, select the character with that code point. Then use PASTE (on the EDIT pull-down) to copy the clipboard character into the editing window. It replaces the selected character, and is given the code point of that character. You can then alter the new character. ═══ 3. Copy Help ═══ Puts a copy of the character from the editing window into a temporary buffer called the clipboard, leaving the character in the editing window. To put the character in the clipboard into a particular code point, select the character with that code point. Then use PASTE (on the EDIT pull-down) to copy the clipboard character back into the editing window. It replaces the selected character, and is given the code point of that character. You can then make changes to the character. ═══ 4. Paste Help ═══ Gets a character from a temporary buffer called the clipboard, and puts it into the editing window. The only type of clipboard data that may be pasted is a bitmap. The clipboard bitmap replaces any character that is already in the editing window, but does not change the code point for that character. When the clipboard bitmap buffer is empty, PASTE is unavailable. ═══ 5. Undo Help ═══ Removes the last change you made to the current character. You can only undo the last thing you did in the editing window. If your last action was to save the character, and its appearance is changed in the list of characters, UNDO has no effect. If you want to undo several changes, it may be easier to start editing the character again, (use RESET on the EDIT pull-down). ═══ 6. Reset Help ═══ Removes any changes that have been made to the current character since it was selected from the list of characters. ═══ 7. File Help ═══ Use the choices on the FILE pull-down to select the files you want to edit, and to save them when you are done. New Starts a new font. Open Edits an existing font. Save Saves a font under the existing name. Save As Saves a font under a new name. ═══ 8. New Help ═══ Choose NEW to create a new font. When you select NEW, a default font is shown. You can then modify the default font to create your own font. ═══ 9. Open Help ═══ Opens an existing font file, so you can edit the characters. You can choose to save the changes to the current font (if there are any). A dialog box asks you for the name of the font file. You can type in the file name, or choose it from a list of existing files. When you open the font file, the characters in the font are shown in the list at the bottom of the window. ═══ 10. Save Help ═══ Choose SAVE to save the current font. If it is a new font, you are prompted for a file name. The file is stored in the directory shown in the dialog box, unless you type in a different path. You can save immediately by pressing Alt+F3. ═══ 11. Save As Help ═══ Choose SAVE AS to save the current font under a different file name. A dialog box prompts you for a file name. The file is stored in the directory shown in the dialog box, unless you type in a different path. ═══ 12. Header Help ═══ Use these choices to define the type you are creating. Naming Specifies type face name, code page information, and other identification details. General Specifies spacing (fixed or proportional), type face style, line width, and type weight. Sizes Specifies the type dimensions. Relations Specifies character slope, character rotation, and inline direction, and subscript, superscript, underscore, and strikeout sizes and positions. Definition Specifies the method of determining character-spacing (only available for proportional fonts). ═══ 13. Naming Help ═══ Use these fields to identify the font. The Type face name can be anything you like. The Family name should be the name of an existing type-family that is visually similar to the font you create. The Font family class should be set to an appropriate class for the font. The Font family subclass should be set to an appropriate subclass for the font. The possible subclasses will change based on the font family class that you select. The Registry ID is the IBM registry number for the font. This is zero if it is not registered. Click on Protected if the type face can only be used under a license agreement with its copyright owner. The Character set/code page is the registered code page supported by the font (0-999). This is set to 850 if using the Universal Glyph List (UGL) font. The First char code point is the code number of the first character in the font, and the Last char code point is the code number of the last character in the font. All numbers in between must represent a character in the font. The Default char code point is the code of the character to be used if a code point outside the range of the font is passed to the application using the font. The Break char code point is the code of the SPACE or BREAK character for this font. ═══ 14. General Help ═══ Style options refer to the type style. Different styles are created by varying the serifs, the angle of stress (diagonal or vertical), and the contrast between thick and thin strokes. Spacing refers to how much space appears between characters. Fixed spacing means that the same amount of space separates each character. Proportional spacing means the space each character occupies is in proportion to its actual width. Width refers to the relative width of a character to its height; condensed fonts are very narrow while expanded fonts are very wide. Weight refers to the line thickness of the character relative to its size. The Standards compliance checkbox indicates whether this font has been tested for conformance to ISO Standard 9241 part 3 (visual displays). This box reflects the setting of the ISO 9241 flag in the selection flag word of the font metrics structure. When the font has been tested, a code number for the appropriate visual display(s) is shown in each of the entry fields marked "Passes" and "Fails". You can set these numbers when you edit a font which has been tested for conformance. Each entry field will contain an integer in the range 0-255. The bits indicate whether the corresponding visual display passed or failed. The coding of the bits for the displays is given in "Presentation Manager Programming Reference Volume III" in the appendix defining the font-file format. ═══ 15. Sizes Help ═══ Specify the font character dimensions (in pels, unless otherwise stated). Nominal vert point size is the normal display size of the font. Minimum vert point size and Maximum vert point size are, respectively, the minimum and maximum vertical dimensions that the font can be resized to. These are all specified in decipoints. Target dev resolution X and Target dev resolution Y are, respectively, the number of pels per inch in the horizontal and vertical axes of the target display device. Max char increment is the maximum horizontal distance from the left edge of one character to the left edge of the next character to the right. Max baseline extent is the sum of the maximum ascender and the maximum descender. Em increment is the width of the 'EmSquare'. Average char width is the average horizontal distance from the left edge of one character to the left edge of the next. This is calculated with a weighted average of lowercase widths. Internal leading is the vertical distance from the top of a character to any accent marks that may appear with it. External leading is the recommended vertical distance from the bottom of one character to the top of the character below it. Used for recommended interline spacing. Maximum ascender and Maximum descender are the maximum distances that any part of any character may extend above or below the baseline. Em height is the height of the 'EmSquare' which represents the point size of the font in device coordinates. 'x' height is the distance above the baseline reached by lowercase symbols (the height of the lowercase 'x'). Lowercase ascent and Lowercase descent are, respectively, the distances above and below the baseline reached by any part of any lowercase symbol in the font. Baseline offset is the full height of the character, from the baseline to the top of the character box. ═══ 16. Relations Help ═══ Specify the position of the characters. The Character slope is the angle by which each character is slanted, increasing clockwise from vertical. The Inline direction is the angle of the line of type, increasing clockwise from horizontal. The Character rotation is the angle by which each character is rotated around its own center, increasing clockwise from vertical. The Underscore size is the size of the underscore character, measured in single strikeout strokes. The Underscore position is the distance in pels below the baseline of the first (lowest) underscore stroke. This is specified as a positive distance. The Strikeout size is the size of the strikeout character. The Strikeout position is the distance of the strikeout character above the baseline (in pels). Subscript size and Superscript size are, respectively, the size of subscript and superscript characters (in pels). Superscript position and Subscript position are, respectively, the distances of superscript and subscript characters above and below the baseline (in pels). ═══ 17. Definition Help ═══ Specify how a proportional font determines its spacing. specify a, b, c spaces separately means that you will specify these values: a - the distance from the left of the character frame to the left edge of the actual character (left side bearing). c - the distance from the right edge of the actual character to the right of the character frame (right side bearing). Specify increment (a+b+c) means that you give only one value for the entire character increment, instead of three. Character space values Type in values for both the a space and the c space; these must be in the range -256 to +256. Negative values allow adjacent character frames (but not the characters themselves) to overlap. These values are used for all the characters in the font. ═══ 18. Shift Help ═══ Inserts or deletes a one-pel-wide row or column in the editing window. Insert Row Inserts a horizontal row of pels. Delete Row Deletes a horizontal row of pels. Insert Column Inserts a vertical column of pels. Delete Column Deletes a vertical column of pels. Cancel Choice Cancels any of the other shift modes without adding or deleting any pels. ═══ 19. Insert Row Help ═══ Adds a horizontal row of pels to the character. When you select INSERT ROW, the pointer changes shape so you can position it over the required row. Click button 1 to insert the new row. If the pointer is above the baseline, the rows above are pushed up to make room. If it is below the baseline, the rows below are pushed down. ═══ 20. Delete Row Help ═══ Removes a horizontal row of pels from the character. When you select DELETE ROW, the pointer changes shape so you can position it over the required row. Click button 1 to delete the row. If the pointer is above the baseline, the rows above are pushed down. If it is below the baseline, the rows below are pushed up. ═══ 21. Insert Column Help ═══ Adds a vertical column of pels to the character. When you select INSERT COLUMN, the pointer changes shape so you can position it over the required column. Click button 1 to insert the new column. If the pointer is in the left half of the character, columns are pushed to the left to make room. If it is in the right half of the character (or the exact center), the columns are pushed to the right. ═══ 22. Delete Column Help ═══ Removes a vertical column of pels from the character. When you select DELETE COLUMN, the pointer change shape so you can position it over the required column. Click button 1 to delete the column. If the pointer is in the left half of the character, columns are pushed to the right to close the gap. If it is in the right half of the character (or the exact center), the columns are pushed to the left. ═══ 23. Width Help ═══ These choices change the width of a single character. They are only available when you are editing a proportional font. Narrower Left Deletes a column of pels from the left. Narrower Right Deletes a column of pels from the right. Narrower Both Deletes a column of pels from both sides. Wider Left Adds a column of pels to the left. Wider Right Adds a column of pels to the right. Wider Both Adds a column of pels to both sides. Set Character Increment Sets the width for the character. ═══ 24. Narrower Left Help ═══ Removes a one-pel-wide column from the left of the current character, decreasing the character increment. ═══ 25. Narrower Right Help ═══ Removes a one-pel-wide column from the right of the current character, decreasing the character increment. ═══ 26. Narrower Both Help ═══ Removes a one-pel-wide column from both sides of the current character, decreasing the character increment. ═══ 27. Wider Left Help ═══ Adds a one-pel-wide column to the left of the current character, increasing the character increment. If this makes the character wider than the maximum character width, a message asks you to confirm that the maximum character width should be increased. ═══ 28. Wider Right Help ═══ Adds a one-pel-wide column to the right of the current character, increasing the character increment. If this makes the character wider than the maximum character width, a message asks you to confirm that the maximum character width should be increased. ═══ 29. Wider Both Help ═══ Adds a one-pel-wide column to both sides of the current character, increasing the character increment. If this makes the character wider than the maximum character width, a message asks you to confirm that the maximum character width should be increased. ═══ 30. Set Character Increment Help ═══ Allows you to change the character spacing of a character in a proportional font. The values you provide depend on the Character Increment option specified in the CHANGING DEFINITION dialog. If you selected a, b, c spaces specified separately in CHANGING DEFINITION, enter values for: "a" the preceding width "c" the succeeding width. Note: the b value is obtained from the actual character cell width If you selected Increment (a+b+c) only in CHANGING DEFINITION, just enter the overall character width in the Set Character Increment dialog. ═══ 31. About the Font Editor ═══ Use the Font Editor to design your own type faces, alphabets, and symbols, which you can save and use in application programs. A font is a set of letters, numerals, punctuation characters, and other symbols that share a common type face design and line weight. To edit a font, use the choices on the FILE pull-down to open a new or existing file. The editing window shows the character you are working on. The smaller viewing window (to the right of the editing window) shows the character's actual size. The list of characters below the editing window shows the other characters of the font. To edit a different character, click on it. Characters are displayed black on white in the editing window. Click on a pel to change its color. You can change a series of pels by dragging the mouse through them. Use the EDIT pull-down to cut and paste characters. Use the HEADER pull-down to set the type specifications (for example, line weight or proportional spacing). Use the WIDTH pull-down to change the width of proportionally-spaced characters in the editing window. Use the SHIFT pull-down to insert or delete a row or column of pels. When you finish editing the font, select the FILE or EXIT pull-downs to save the file to disk. To get help for a pull-down choice, hold mouse button 1 down over the choice while you press the F1 key. To see a list of help topics, click on the INDEX pushbutton on the help window. Select a topic, then press Enter to see the help for that topic. ═══ 32. Keys Help ═══ The keys are arranged in groups. Use: - system keys to switch between programs - window keys to move around in a program window - dialog box keys to select and edit in dialog boxes. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), it means that you should hold down the first key while you press the second key. SYSTEM KEYS switch to next windowed program = Alt+tab or click on window switch to next program (including full-screen programs) = Alt+Esc switch to Task Manager = Ctrl+Esc or click on icon WINDOW KEYS go to/from system menu = Shift+Esc or Alt+spacebar go to/from system menu of text window = Shift+Esc or Alt go to/from action bar = F10 or Alt move among choices on action bar and pulldowns = arrow keys move to choice on action bar = letter that is underlined in choice name select choice on pull-down = letter that is underlined in choice name scroll one line in list = arrow keys or click on scroll bar arrows go to first item in list = Home go to last item in list = End go to next list entry whose name starts with a certain letter = first letter of entry name scroll contents of window up one page = Page Up or F7 or click on scroll bar above slider scroll contents of window down one page = Page Down or F8 or click on scroll bar below slider scroll contents of window left one page = Ctrl+Page Up, Shift+F7, or click on scroll bar to left of slider scroll contents of window right one page = Ctrl+Page Down, Shift+F8, or click on scroll bar to right of slider move window = Alt+F7 or drag window title bar size window = Alt+F8 or drag window border minimize window = Alt+F9 or click on "down arrow" icon maximize window = Alt+F10 or click on "up arrow" icon restore window = Alt+F5 or click on "double arrow" icon close window = F3 or Alt+F4 or double-click on system menu get help = F1 or hold mouse button down over choice and press F1 keys help (while in help) = F9 or click on KEYS pushbutton help index (while in help) = F11 or Alt+F1 or click on INDEX pushbutton go to/from help and program = Alt+F6 or click on window DIALOG BOX KEYS move to another field in the group = arrow keys or click on field move to another group of fields = tab or click on group set checkbox on/off = Spacebar or click on checkbox remove dialog box = Esc or click on CANCEL pushbutton complete dialog box = Enter or click on appropriate pushbutton EDITING KEYS beginning of field = Home or Ctrl+left arrow key end of field = End or Ctrl+right arrow key delete character to the right of the cursor = Del delete character to the left of the cursor = Left arrow delete (backspace) key erase to end of field = Ctrl+Del select text in field = Shift+arrow keys or Shift+drag delete selected text completely = Del delete selected text, but copy it to clipboard = Shift+Del copy selected text to clipboard = Ctrl+Ins copy selected text from clipboard to cursor position = Shift+Ins replace selected text with clipboard contents = Shift+Ins ═══ 33. Spacing Help ═══ The list shows characters that do not fit the width you set using Set Character Increment on the Width pull-down. You can return to the file and change the widths of the listed characters, or save it. ═══ 34. Help Help ═══ This menu is used to access specific help topics. Index This displays a panel listing all the topics available in the helps for the Font Editor. General help This displays a panel describing the general usage of the Font Editor. Using help This displays a panel describing how to use the help facility. Keys This displays a panel listing the use of keys specially recognized by the Font Editor. ═══ 35. Font Editor ═══ The Font Editor is used to modify raster fonts, typically so that an application may display information, either visual or textual, in a special way. Such fonts may be used to construct images using characters designed to form lines, circles and other geometric shapes. It may also be desirable to add or delete spacing, add serifs, create italic or bold styles, etc. The Font Editor consists of four panels or displays, plus several dialogs used to control major features of a font. A mouse is required to use the Font Editor, as no keyboard interface for selection and editing exists. The first window is an exploded view of the currently selected character. This window allows the user to modify the character's rasters with the mouse. The second area is located at the bottom of the Font Editor's main window. this is a list of characters (displayed in numerical order) and a scroll bar. The scroll bar is used to move higher or lower in numerical order. About 50 characters are normally displayed. To display a character in the edit-window, select the desired character by clicking on it. The third area is near the top, just to the right of the exploded view. This area displays the character currently being edited between two representative characters (usually O and H). This allows the user to determine whether additional space is needed to one side or the other. It also allows the user to ensure that the serifs on script fonts match between one character and another. The last area is just below the third, to the right of the exploded view. This area displays the numerical value (Codepoint), width (Increment) and height (Row) of the currently selected character. ═══ 36. General Help ═══ This menu is used to access the General help panel for the Font Editor. ═══ 37. Keys Help ═══ This menu is used to access the Keys help panel for the Font Editor. ═══ 38. Help Index ═══ This menu is used to access the Index help panel for the Font Editor. ═══ 39. Using help ═══ This menu is used to access the Using help panel for the Font Editor. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type in a file name and select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to load. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton ═══ Help for File name ═══ ═══ Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to open in the File name field and select the Open pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. The Font Editor has set this field for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the file you want to load. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ Select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to load. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Save ═══ Use Save to store the file you are editing. After the file is saved, the text remains in the window so that you can continue editing it. Note: If you are editing a new file, select the Save or Save as choices to display the Save as pop-up so that you can name the file you are editing. A file must have a title to be saved. ═══ Help for Save as ═══ Use Save as to name and save a new file or to save an existing file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk. ═══ Help for Save as ═══ ═══ Help for Save as ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Save pushbutton. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Save pushbutton ═══ Help for File name ═══ ═══ Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Save pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Save pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. The Font Editor has set this field for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to rename and save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Save ═══ ═══ Help for Save ═══ Select the Save pushbutton to save the file to the drive and directory you selected and with the file name you specified. For more help, select a topic below.