How to use VPReports from C. I wanted to avoid any use of calling CMD.EXE to create reports. This is can be done by running a short rexx programm in the rexx macro space. This sample is based on the VPReports sample for VisProREXX. There is only one call to RunVPReprot (..) needed in the "When Clicked event" for the PushButton. The code for this and feww other functions reside in RunVPRP.C in subprocs\. The RunVPRP.H from subprocs\ is included via "Code sections - Extra include files" In the OPTIONS.MKC one has to add the rexx.lib on the Link page. That's all. One only need the *.VPT file and of course the VPReport - DLLs to create the reports. 08/01/95 Thomas Korfhage, CIS 100271,16