═══ 1. Data Types ═══ The following data types are used in Graphics Presentation Interface. They are listed in alphabetic order. ═══ 1.1. ARCPARAMS ═══ Arc-parameters structure. Type ARCPARAMS = Record lP: Long; lQ: Long; lR: Long; lS: Long; End; Type PARCPARAMS = ^ARCPARAMS; ═══ ARCPARAMS Field - lP ═══ lP (LONG) P coefficient. ═══ ARCPARAMS Field - lQ ═══ lQ (LONG) Q coefficient. ═══ ARCPARAMS Field - lR ═══ lR (LONG) R coefficient. ═══ ARCPARAMS Field - lS ═══ lS (LONG) S coefficient. ═══ 1.2. AREABUNDLE ═══ Area-attributes bundle structure. Type AREABUNDLE = Record lColor: Long; lBackColor: Long; usMixMode: SmallWord; usBackMixMode: SmallWord; usSet: SmallWord; usSymbol: SmallWord; ptlRefPoint: PointL; End; Type PAREABUNDLE = ^AREABUNDLE; ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - lColor ═══ lColor (LONG) Area foreground color. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - lBackColor ═══ lBackColor (LONG) Area background color. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - usMixMode ═══ usMixMode (USHORT) Area foreground-mix mode. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - usBackMixMode ═══ usBackMixMode (USHORT) Area background-mix mode. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - usSet ═══ usSet (USHORT) Pattern set. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - usSymbol ═══ usSymbol (USHORT) Pattern symbol. ═══ AREABUNDLE Field - ptlRefPoint ═══ ptlRefPoint (POINTL) Pattern reference point. ═══ 1.3. BITMAPINFO ═══ Bit-map information structure. Each bit plane logically contains (cx * cy * cBitCount) bits, although the actual length can be greater because of padding. See also BITMAPINFO2, which is preferred. Type BITMAPINFO = Record cbFix: ULong; cx: SmallWord; cy: SmallWord; cPlanes: SmallWord; cBitCount: SmallWord; argbColor: array[0..0] of RGB; End; Type PBITMAPINFO = ^BITMAPINFO; ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - cbFix ═══ cbFix (ULONG) Length of fixed portion of structure. This length can be determined using sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER). ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - cx ═══ cx (USHORT) Bit-map width in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - cy ═══ cy (USHORT) Bit-map height in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - cPlanes ═══ cPlanes (USHORT) Number of bit planes. ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - cBitCount ═══ cBitCount (USHORT) Number of bits per pel within a plane. ═══ BITMAPINFO Field - argbColor[1] ═══ argbColor[1] (RGB) Array of RGB values. This is a packed array of 24-bit RGB values. If there are N bits per pel (N =cPlanes * cBitCount), the array contains 2**N RGB values. However, if N = 24, the bit map does not need the color color array because the standard-format bit map, with 24 bits per pel, is assumed to contain RGB values. ═══ 1.4. BITMAPINFO2 ═══ Bit-map information structure. Each bit plane logically contains (cx * cy * cBitCount) bits, although the actual length can be greater because of padding. Note: Many functions can accept either this structure or the BITMAPINFO structure. Where possible, BITMAPINFO2 should be used. The cbFix field is used to find the color table, if any, that goes with the information in this structure. A color table is an array of color (RGB2) values. If there are N bits per pel (N = cPlanes * cBitCount), the array contains 2**N color values. However, if N = 24, the color table is not required (because the standard-format bit map, with 24 bits per pel, is assumed to contain RGB values), unless either cclrUsed or cclrImportant is non-zero. Type BITMAPINFO2 = Record cbFix: ULong; { Length of fixed portion of structure } cx: ULong; { Bit-map width in pels } cy: ULong; { Bit-map height in pels } cPlanes: SmallWord;{ Number of bit planes } cBitCount: SmallWord;{ Number of bits per pel within a plane } ulCompression: ULong; { Compression scheme used to store the bitmap } cbImage: ULong; { Length of bit-map storage data in bytes} cxResolution: ULong; { x resolution of target device } cyResolution: ULong; { y resolution of target device } cclrUsed: ULong; { Number of color indices used } cclrImportant: ULong; { Number of important color indices } usUnits: SmallWord;{ Units of measure } usReserved: SmallWord;{ Reserved } usRecording: SmallWord;{ Recording algorithm } usRendering: SmallWord;{ Halftoning algorithm } cSize1: ULong; { Size value 1 } cSize2: ULong; { Size value 2 } ulColorEncoding: ULong; { Color encoding } ulIdentifier: ULong; { Reserved for application use } argbColor: array [0..0] of RGB2; { Color definition record } End; Type PBITMAPINFO2 = ^BITMAPINFO2; ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cbFix ═══ cbFix (ULONG) Length of fixed portion of structure. The structure can be truncated after cBitCount or any subsequent field. The length does not include the length of the color table. Where the color table is present, it is at an offset of cbFix from the start of the BITMAPINFO2 structure. This length can range from 16 (BITMAPINFOHEADER through field cBitCount) up to sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2) bytes. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cx ═══ cx (ULONG) Bit-map width in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cy ═══ cy (ULONG) Bit-map height in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cPlanes ═══ cPlanes (USHORT) Number of bit planes. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cBitCount ═══ cBitCount (USHORT) Number of bits per pel within a plane. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - ulCompression ═══ ulCompression (ULONG) Compression scheme used to store the bit map. BCA_UNCOMP Bit map is uncompressed. BCA_HUFFMAN1D The bit map is compressed by a modified Huffman encoding. This is valid for a bi-level (one bit per pel) bit map. BCA_RLE4 The bit map is a 4-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. BCA_RLE8 The bit map is an 8-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. BCA_RLE24 The bit map is a 24-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. Format of Compressed Data Encoding a run length: Run-length encoded bit maps are encoded in the buffer in a controlled format. In all cases, if the first byte is non-zero, it is the length of a run of pels of a particular color or, in the case of a BCA_RLE4 bit map, a run of a length of pels of alternating colors. 1st-byte pel repetition count >= 1 2nd-4th bytes (BCA_RLE24 only) RGB value of pel. 2nd-byte (BCA_RLE8) color index of pel to be repeated (BCA_RLE4) the second byte contains 2 4-bit color indexes. The repetition count is completed by alternately choosing the high-order nibble followed by the low-order nibble for the succeeding pels until the count is exhausted. Unencoded run: An unencoded run is a string of pels to be placed in consecutive positions in the destination bit map. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte COUNT = a multiple of 3 for BCA_RLE24 bit maps, or COUNT >= 3 (for BCA_RLE4 and BCA_RLE8 bit maps). followed by the bytes as follows: BCA_RLE24 A string of bytes specifying the RGB color values of succeeding pels. If COUNT is odd, it must be padded by a zero byte for an even length overall. BCA_RLE8 A string of bytes specifying color indexes for succeeding pels. If COUNT is odd, it must be padded by a zero byte for an even length overall. BCA_RLE4 A string of bytes, each byte providing two color indexes, with the high-order nibble specifying the index of the pel preceding the low-order nibble. The COUNT specifies the number of indexes. The overall length of the string must be an even number of bytes, and thus may be padded with a zero byte, and the low order nibble of the last significant byte may also be zero and not used. Delta record: A delta record indicates a shift in position in the destination bit map before the next record is decoded. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 2 3rd-byte Delta-x (unsigned) 4th-byte Delta-y (unsigned) This is a relative jump record. It implies that the next record is to be decoded into a position in the destination bit map at an offset from the current position, determined by changing the horizontal and vertical positions by Delta-x and Delta-y, respectively. End-of-line record: The end-of-line record signifies that the data for the current scan line is complete and that decoding of the next record should begin at the start of the next scan line. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 0 End-of-RLE record: The end-of-RLE record signifies the end of the data in the RLE compressed bit map. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 1 ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cbImage ═══ cbImage (ULONG) Length of bit-map storage data, in bytes. If the bit map is uncompressed, zero (default) can be specified for this. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cxResolution ═══ cxResolution (ULONG) Horizontal component of the resolution of target device. The resolution of the device the bit map is intended for, in the units specified by usUnits. This information enables an application to select from a resource group the bit map that best matches the characteristics of the current output device. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cyResolution ═══ cyResolution (ULONG) Vertical component of the resolution of the target device. See the description of cxResolution. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cclrUsed ═══ cclrUsed (ULONG) Number of color indexes used. The number of color indexes from the color table that are used by the bit map. If it is zero (the default), all the indexes are used. If it is non-zero, only the first cclrUsed entries in the table are accessed by the system, and further entries can be omitted. For the standard formats with a cBitCount of 1, 4, or 8 (and cPlanes equal to 1), any indexes beyond cclrUsed are not valid. For example, a bit map with 64 colors can use the 8-bitcount format without having to supply the other 192 entries in the color table. For the 24-bitcount standard format, cclrUsed is the number of colors used by the bit map. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cclrImportant ═══ cclrImportant (ULONG) Minimum number of color indexes for satisfactory appearance of the bit map. More colors may be used in the bit map, but it is not necessary to assign them to the device palette. These additional colors may be mapped to the nearest colors available. Zero (the default) means that all entries are important. For a 24-bitcount standard format bit map, the cclrImportant colors are also listed in the color table following the BITMAPINFO2 structure. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - usUnits ═══ usUnits (USHORT) Units of measure. Units of measure of the horizontal and vertical components of resolution, cxResolution and cyResolution. BRU_METRIC Pels per meter. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - usReserved ═══ usReserved (USHORT) Reserved. This is a reserved field. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - usRecording ═══ usRecording (USHORT) Recording algorithm. The format in which the bit map data is recorded. BRA_BOTTOMUP Scan lines are recorded bottom to top. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - usRendering ═══ usRendering (USHORT) Halftoning algorithm. The algorithm used to record bit map data that has been digitally halftoned. BRH_NOTHALFTONED Bit-map data is not halftoned. This is the default value. BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION Error Diffusion or Damped Error Diffusion algorithm. BRH_PANDA Processing Algorithm for Non-coded Document Acquisition. BRH_SUPERCIRCLE Super Circle algorithm. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cSize1 ═══ cSize1 (ULONG) Size value 1. If BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION is specified in usRendering, cSize1 is the error damping as a percentage in the range 0 through 100. A value of 100% indicates no damping, and a value of 0% indicates that any errors are not diffused. If BRH_PANDA or BRH_SUPERCIRCLE is specified, cSize1 is the x dimension of the pattern used, in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - cSize2 ═══ cSize2 (ULONG) Size value 2. If BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION is specified in usRendering, this parameter is ignored. If BRH_PANDA or BRH_SUPERCIRCLE is specified, cSize2 is the y dimension of the pattern used, in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - ulColorEncoding ═══ ulColorEncoding (ULONG) Color encoding. BCE_RGB Each element in the color array is an RGB2 datatype. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - ulIdentifier ═══ ulIdentifier (ULONG) Reserved for application use. ═══ BITMAPINFO2 Field - argbColor[1] ═══ argbColor[1] (RGB2) Array of RGB values. This is a packed array of 24-bit RGB values. If there are N bits per pel (N =cPlanes * cBitCount), the array contains 2**N RGB values. However, if N = 24, the bit map does not need the color array because the standard-format bit map, with 24 bits per pel, is assumed to contain RGB values. ═══ 1.5. BITMAPINFOHEADER ═══ Bit-map information header structure. Each bit plane logically contains (cx * cy * cBitCount) bits, although the actual length can be greater because of padding. See also BITMAPINFOHEADER2, which is preferred. Type BITMAPINFOHEADER = Record cbFix: ULong; cx: SmallWord; cy: SmallWord; cPlanes: SmallWord; cBitCount: SmallWord; End; Type PBITMAPINFOHEADER = ^BITMAPINFOHEADER; ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER Field - cbFix ═══ cbFix (ULONG) Length of structure. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER Field - cx ═══ cx (USHORT) Bit-map width in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER Field - cy ═══ cy (USHORT) Bit-map height in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER Field - cPlanes ═══ cPlanes (USHORT) Number of bit planes. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER Field - cBitCount ═══ cBitCount (USHORT) Number of bits per pel within a plane. ═══ 1.6. BITMAPINFOHEADER2 ═══ Bit-map information header structure. Each bit plane logically contains (cx * cy * cBitCount) bits, although the actual length can be greater because of padding. Note: Many functions can accept either this structure or the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. Where possible, use BITMAPINFOHEADER2. Type BITMAPINFOHEADER2 = Record cbFix: ULong; { Length of structure } cx: ULong; { Bit-map width in pels } cy: ULong; { Bit-map height in pels } cPlanes: SmallWord; { Number of bit planes } cBitCount: SmallWord; { Number of bits per pel within a plane } ulCompression: ULong; { Compression scheme used to store the bitmap } cbImage: ULong; { Length of bit-map storage data in bytes} cxResolution: ULong; { x resolution of target device } cyResolution: ULong; { y resolution of target device } cclrUsed: ULong; { Number of color indices used } cclrImportant: ULong; { Number of important color indices } usUnits: SmallWord; { Units of measure } usReserved: SmallWord; { Reserved } usRecording: SmallWord; { Recording algorithm } usRendering: SmallWord; { Halftoning algorithm } cSize1: ULong; { Size value 1 } cSize2: ULong; { Size value 2 } ulColorEncoding: ULong; { Color encoding } ulIdentifier: ULong; { Reserved for application use } End; Type PBITMAPINFOHEADER2 = ^BITMAPINFOHEADER2; ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cbFix ═══ cbFix (ULONG) Length of structure. The structure can be truncated after cBitCount or any subsequent field. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cx ═══ cx (ULONG) Bit-map width in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cy ═══ cy (ULONG) Bit-map height in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cPlanes ═══ cPlanes (USHORT) Number of bit planes. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cBitCount ═══ cBitCount (USHORT) Number of bits per pel within a plane. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - ulCompression ═══ ulCompression (ULONG) Compression scheme used to store the bit map. BCA_UNCOMP Bit map is uncompressed. BCA_HUFFMAN1D The bit map is compressed by a modified Huffman encoding. This is valid for a bi-level (one bit per pel) bit map. BCA_RLE4 The bit map is a 4-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. BCA_RLE8 The bit map is an 8-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. BCA_RLE24 The bit map is a 24-bit per pel run-length encoded bit map. See the following section, "Format of Compressed Data," for a description of the format of the compressed data. Format of Compressed Data Encoding a run length: Run length encoded bit maps are encoded in the buffer in a controlled format. In all cases, if the first byte is non-zero, it is the length of a run of pels of a particular color or, in the case of a BCA_RLE4 bit map, a run of a length of pels of alternating colors. 1st-byte pel repetition count >= 1 2nd-4th bytes (BCA_RLE24 only) RGB value of pel. 2nd-byte (BCA_RLE8) color index of pel to be repeated (BCA_RLE4) the second byte contains 2 4-bit color indexes. The repetition count is completed by alternately choosing the high-order nibble followed by the low-order nibble for the succeeding pels until the count is exhausted. Unencoded run: An unencoded run is a string of pels to be placed in consecutive positions in the destination bit map. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte COUNT = a multiple of 3 for BCA_RLE24 bit maps, or COUNT >= 3 (for BCA_RLE4 and BCA_RLE8 bit maps). followed by the bytes as follows: BCA_RLE24 A string of bytes specifying the RGB color values of succeeding pels. If COUNT is odd, it must be padded by a zero byte for an even length overall. BCA_RLE8 A string of bytes specifying color indexes for succeeding pels. If COUNT is odd, it must be padded by a zero byte for an even length overall. BCA_RLE4 A string of bytes, each byte providing two color indexes, with the high-order nibble specifying the index of the pel preceding the low-order nibble. The COUNT specifies the number of indexes. The overall length of the string must be an even number of bytes, and thus may be padded with a zero byte, and the low order nibble of the last significant byte may also be zero and not used. Delta record: A delta record indicates a shift in position in the destination bit map before the next record is decoded. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 2 3rd-byte Delta-x (unsigned) 4th-byte Delta-y (unsigned) This is a relative jump record. It implies that the next record is to be decoded into a position in the destination bit map at an offset from the current position, determined by changing the horizontal and vertical positions by Delta-x and Delta-y, respectively. End-of-line record: The end-of-line record signifies that the data for the current scan line is complete and that decoding of the next record should begin at the start of the next scan line. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 0 End-of-RLE record: The end-of-RLE record signifies the end of the data in the RLE compressed bit map. 1st-byte 0 2nd-byte 1 ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cbImage ═══ cbImage (ULONG) Length of bit-map storage data, in bytes. If the bit map is uncompressed, zero (the default) can be specified for this. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cxResolution ═══ cxResolution (ULONG) Horizontal component of the resolution of target device. The resolution of the device the bit map is intended for, in the units specified by usUnits. This information enables applications to select from a resource group the bit map that best matches the characteristics of the current output device. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cyResolution ═══ cyResolution (ULONG) Vertical component of the resolution of target device. See the description of cxResolution. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cclrUsed ═══ cclrUsed (ULONG) Number of color indexes used. The number of color indexes from the color table that are used by the bit map. If this is zero (the default), all the indexes are used. If it is non-zero, only the first cclrUsed entries in the table are accessed by the system, and further entries can be omitted. For the standard formats with a cBitCount of 1, 4, or 8 (and cPlanes equal to 1), any indexes beyond cclrUsed are invalid. For example, a bit map with 64 colors can use the 8-bitcount format without having to supply the other 192 entries in the color table. For the 24-bitcount standard format, cclrUsed is the number of colors used by the bit map. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cclrImportant ═══ cclrImportant (ULONG) Minimum number of color indexes for satisfactory appearance of the bit map. More colors may be used in the bit map, but it is not necessary to assign them to the device palette. These additional colors may be mapped to the nearest colors available. Zero (the default) means that all entries are important. For a 24-bitcount standard format bit map, the cclrImportant colors are also listed in the color table relating to this bit map. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - usUnits ═══ usUnits (USHORT) Units of measure. Units of measure of the horizontal and vertical resolution, cxResolution and cyResolution. BRU_METRIC Pels per meter. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - usReserved ═══ usReserved (USHORT) Reserved. This is a reserved field. If present, it must be zero. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - usRecording ═══ usRecording (USHORT) Recording algorithm. The format in which the bit-map data is recorded. BRA_BOTTOMUP Scan lines are recorded bottom to top. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - usRendering ═══ usRendering (USHORT) Halftoning algorithm. The algorithm used to record bit-map data that has been digitally halftoned. BRH_NOTHALFTONED Bit-map data is not halftoned. This is the default value. BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION Error Diffusion or Damped Error Diffusion algorithm. BRH_PANDA Processing Algorithm for Non-coded Document Acquisition. BRH_SUPERCIRCLE Super Circle algorithm. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cSize1 ═══ cSize1 (ULONG) Size value 1. If BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION is specified in usRendering, cSize1 is the error damping as a percentage in the range 0 through 100. A value of 100% indicates no damping, and a value of 0% indicates that any errors are not diffused. If BRH_PANDA or BRH_SUPERCIRCLE is specified, cSize1 is the x dimension of the pattern used, in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - cSize2 ═══ cSize2 (ULONG) Size value 2. If BRH_ERRORDIFFUSION is specified in usRendering, this parameter is ignored. If BRH_PANDA or BRH_SUPERCIRCLE is specified, cSize2 is the y dimension of the pattern used, in pels. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - ulColorEncoding ═══ ulColorEncoding (ULONG) Color encoding. BCE_RGB Each element in the color array is an RGB2 datatype. This is the default value. ═══ BITMAPINFOHEADER2 Field - ulIdentifier ═══ ulIdentifier (ULONG) Reserved for application use. ═══ 1.7. BOOL ═══ Boolean. Valid values are FALSE, which is 0, and TRUE, which is 1. Type BOOL = LONGBOOL; ═══ 1.8. BYTE ═══ A byte. Type Char = Char; ═══ 1.9. CHAR ═══ Single-byte character. ═══ 1.10. CHARBUNDLE ═══ Character-attributes bundle structure. Type CHARBUNDLE = Record lColor: Long; lBackColor: Long; usMixMode: SmallWord; usBackMixMode: SmallWord; usSet: SmallWord; usPrecision: SmallWord; sizfxCell: SizeF; ptlAngle: PointL; ptlShear: PointL; usDirection: SmallWord; usTextAlign: SmallWord; fxExtra: Fixed; fxBreakExtra: Fixed; End; Type PCHARBUNDLE = ^CHARBUNDLE; ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - lColor ═══ lColor (LONG) Character foreground color. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - lBackColor ═══ lBackColor (LONG) Character background color. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usMixMode ═══ usMixMode (USHORT) Character foreground-mix mode. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usBackMixMode ═══ usBackMixMode (USHORT) Character background-mix mode. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usSet ═══ usSet (USHORT) Character set. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usPrecision ═══ usPrecision (USHORT) Character precision. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - sizfxCell ═══ sizfxCell (SIZEF) Character cell size. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - ptlAngle ═══ ptlAngle (POINTL) Character angle. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - ptlShear ═══ ptlShear (POINTL) Character shear. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usDirection ═══ usDirection (USHORT) Character direction. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - usTextAlign ═══ usTextAlign (USHORT) Text alignment. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - fxExtra ═══ fxExtra (FIXED) Character extra. ═══ CHARBUNDLE Field - fxBreakExtra ═══ fxBreakExtra (FIXED) Character break extra. ═══ 1.11. CONVCONTEXT ═══ Dynamic-data-exchange conversation context structure. Type CONVCONTEXT = Record cb: ULong; { SizeOf(ConvContext) } fsContext: ULong; idCountry: ULong; usCodepage: ULong; usLangID: ULong; usSubLangID: ULong; End; Type PCONVCONTEXT = ^CONVCONTEXT; ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Length of structure. This must be set to the length of the CONVCONTEXT structure. ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - fsContext ═══ fsContext (ULONG) Options. DDECTXT_CASESENSITIVE All strings in this conversation are case sensitive. ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - idCountry ═══ idCountry (ULONG) Country code. ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - usCodepage ═══ usCodepage (ULONG) Code-page identity. ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - usLangID ═══ usLangID (ULONG) Language. Zero is valid and means no language information. ═══ CONVCONTEXT Field - usSubLangID ═══ usSubLangID (ULONG) Sub-language. Zero is valid and means no sub-language information. ═══ 1.12. DDEINIT ═══ Dynamic-data-exchange initiation structure. Type DDEINIT = Record cb: ULong; { SizeOf(DdeInit) } pszAppName: PChar; pszTopic: PChar; offConvContext: ULong; End; Type PDDEINIT = ^DDEINIT; ═══ DDEINIT Field - cb ═══ cb (ULONG) Length of structure. This must be set to the length of the DDEINIT structure. ═══ DDEINIT Field - pszAppName ═══ pszAppName (PSZ) Application name. Pointer to name of the server application. Application names must not contain slashes or backslashes. These characters are reserved for future use in network implementations. ═══ DDEINIT Field - pszTopic ═══ pszTopic (PSZ) Topic. Pointer to name of the topic. ═══ DDEINIT Field - offConvContext ═══ offConvContext (ULONG) Conversation context. Offset to a CONVCONTEXT structure. ═══ 1.13. DDESTRUCT ═══ Dynamic-data-exchange control structure. Type DDESTRUCT = Record cbData: ULong; fsStatus: SmallWord; usFormat: SmallWord; offszItemName: SmallWord; offabData: SmallWord; End; Type PDDESTRUCT = ^DDESTRUCT; DDE formats, specified in the usFormat parameter, are registered with the atom manager, using the system atom table. The predefined DDE formats are guaranteed not to conflict with the values returned by the atom manager. Applications can define their own data formats; however, each nonstandard DDE format must have a unique identification number. To receive an identification number for a nonstardard format, the application must register the name of the format in the system atom table. Other applications that have the name of the format can then query the system atom table for the format's identification number. This method ensures that all applications use the same atom to identify a format. ═══ DDESTRUCT Field - cbData ═══ cbData (ULONG) Length of the data. This is the length of data that occurs after the offabData parameter. If no data exists, this field should contain a zero (0). ═══ DDESTRUCT Field - fsStatus ═══ fsStatus (USHORT) Status of the data exchange. DDE_FACK Positive acknowledgement DDE_FBUSY Application is busy DDE_FNODATA No data transfer for advise DDE_FACKREQ Acknowledgements are requested DDE_FRESPONSE Response to WM_DDE_REQUEST DDE_NOTPROCESSED DDE message not understood DDE_FAPPSTATUS A 1-byte field of bits that are reserved for application-specific returns. ═══ DDESTRUCT Field - usFormat ═══ usFormat (USHORT) DDE data format. This parameter can be set to one of the following values: DDEFMT_TEXT System-defined standard format for exchanging text data. SZFMT_BITMAP Specifies that the data is a bit map. SZFMT_CPTEXT Specifies text whose format is defined by a CPTEXT data structure. Applications can use this format to pass multiple-language strings without changing the conversation context. SZFMT_DIF Specifies that the data is in Data Image Format (DIF). SZFMT_DSPBITMAP Specifies that the data is a bit-map representation of a private data format. SZFMT_DSPMETAFILE Specifies that the data is a metafile representation of a private data format. SZFMT_DSPMETAFILEPICT Specifies that the data is a metafile picture representation of a private data format. SZFMT_DSPTEXT Specifies that the data is a text representation of a private data format. SZFMT_LINK Specifies that the data is in link-file format. SZFMT_METAFILE Specifies that the data is a metafile. SZFMT_METAFILEPICT Specifies that the data is a metafile picture defined by an MFP data structure. SZFMT_OEMTEXT Specifies that the data is in OEM Text format. SZFMT_PALETTE Specifies that the data is in palette format. SZFMT_SYLK Specifies that the data is in Synchronous Link format. SZFMT_TEXT Specifies that the data is an array of text characters. These characters can include new-line characters to indicate linebreaks. The zero-length character indicates the end of the text data. SZFMT_TIFF Specifies that the data is in Tag Image File Format (TIFF). ═══ DDESTRUCT Field - offszItemName ═══ offszItemName (USHORT) Offset to item name. This is the offset to the item name from the start of this structure. Item name is a null (0x00) terminated string. If no item name exists, there must be a single null (0x00) character in this position. (That is, ItemName is ALWAYS a null terminated string.) ═══ DDESTRUCT Field - offabData ═══ offabData (USHORT) Offset to beginning of data. This is the offset to the data, from the start of this structure. This field should be calculated regardless of the presence of data. If no data exists, cbData must be zero (0). For compatibility reasons, this data should not contain embedded pointers. Offsets should be used instead. ═══ 1.14. DEVOPENSTRUC ═══ Open-device data structure. Type DEVOPENSTRUC = Record pszLogAddress: PChar; pszDriverName: PChar; pDriv: PDrivData; pszDataType: PChar; pszComment: PChar; pszQueueProcName: PChar; pszQueueProcParams: PChar; pszSpoolerParams: PChar; pszNetworkParams: PChar; End; Type PDEVOPENSTRUC = ^DEVOPENSTRUC; ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszLogAddress ═══ pszLogAddress (PSZ) Logical address. This is required for an OD_DIRECT device being opened with DevOpenDC; it is the logical device address, such as "LPT1" on OS/2. Some drivers may accept a file name for this parameter or even a named pipe. Where output is to be queued (for an OD_QUEUED device), this is the name of the queue for the output device. The queue name can be a UNC name. Note: This parameter can be a port name for a printer device context. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszDriverName ═══ pszDriverName (PSZ) Driver name. Character string identifying the printer driver, for example, LASERJET. The Default Device Driver field of the PRQINFO3 structure, associated with the required print queue, gives the driver and device name, separated by a period, for example LASERJET.HP LaserJet IIID. It can contain only the name up to the period, for example LASERJET. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pdriv ═══ pdriv (PDRIVDATA) Driver data. Data that is to be passed directly to the PM device driver. Whether any of this is required depends upon the device driver. For printer device context, this is a pointer to the job properties data. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszDataType ═══ pszDataType (PSZ) Data type. For an OD_QUEUED or OD_DIRECT device, this parameter defines the type of data that is to be queued as follows: PM_Q_STD Standard format PM_Q_RAW Raw format Note that a device driver can define other data types. For OD_QUEUED or OD_DIRECT defice types, the default is supplied by the device driver if pszDataType is not specified. For any other device type, pszDataType is ignored. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszComment ═══ pszComment (PSZ) Comment. Optional character string that the printer object displays to the user in a job settings notebook. It is recommended that the application include its own name in this comment string. Note: The job title text is derived from the document name passed to DevEscape (DEVESC_STARTDOC). ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszQueueProcName ═══ pszQueueProcName (PSZ) Queue-processor name. This is the name of the queue processor, for queued output, and is usually the default. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszQueueProcParams ═══ pszQueueProcParams (PSZ) Queue-processor parameters. Queue processor parameters (optional). They can include information such as the number of copies you want to print and the size of the output area on the printed page. The first parameter (COP) is used for all spool-file formats. The remaining parameters are valid for PM_Q_STD spool files only. Because PM_Q_STD data are used mainly for graphic data, these parameters are described in relation to the printing of picture files. The PMPRINT/PMPLOT queue-processor parameters are separated by spaces and are: COP=n The COP parameter specifies the number of copies of the spool file that you want printed. The value of n must be an integer in the range of 1 through 999. The default is COP=1. ARE=C | w,h,l,t The ARE parameter determines the size and position of the output area. This is the area of the physical page to which printing is restricted. The default value of ARE=C means that the output area is the whole page. Note, however, that the printer cannot print outside its own device clip limits. To size and position the output area at a specific point on the page, use ARE=w,h,l,t, where: w, h are the width and height of the desired output area. l, t are the offsets of the upper-left corner of the output area from the left (l) and from the top (t) of the maximum output area. These four values must be given as percentages of the maximum output dimensions. The maximum output area is the area within the device clip limits. FIT=S | l,t The FIT parameter determines which part of the picture is to be printed. You can request the whole of the picture, scaled to fit the output area; or you can position the picture (actual size) anywhere within the output area. This could mean that the picture is clipped at the boundaries of the output area. The default value of FIT=S causes the output to be scaled until the larger of the height or width just fits within the defined output area. The aspect ratio of the picture is maintained. To print the picture in actual size, use FIT=l,t, where l,t are the coordinates of the point in the picture that you want positioned at the center of the output area: l is measured from the left edge of the picture; and t is measured from the top edge. The coordinates must be given as percentages of the actual dimensions of the picture. XFM=0 | 1 The XFM parameter enables you to override the picture-positioning and clipping instructions that are provided by the ARE and FIT parameters, including their defaults. The default value of XFM=1 allows the appearance of the output to be determined by the settings of the ARE and FIT parameters. A value of XFM=0 yields output as specified in the picture file. For example, applications that use many different forms can define different positions on each form for their output. COL=M | C The COL parameter enables you to specify color output if you have a color printer. A value of COL=M creates monochrome output (black foreground with no background color). This is supported by all devices. A value of COL=C creates color output. If you request color output on a monochrome device, the printer presentation driver tries to satisfy your request, which can cause problems because the only color available is black. For example, if the picture file specifies a red line on a blue background, both are drawn in black. The default is COL=M when you are addressing a monochrome printer and COL=C when you are addressing a color printer. MAP=N | A The MAP parameter enables you to decide how the neutral colors (those that are not specified in the picture file) are printed. The default value of MAP=N yields a normal representation of the screen picture on a printed page, which means that the page background is white and the foreground is black. A value of MAP=A provides the reverse of the normal representation: the background is black and the foreground is white on the printed page. CDP=codepage The CDP parameter overrides the codepage to being used for PM_Q_RAW print jobs. The print queue driver uses DEVESC_SETMODE to set the codepage, but not all printer drivers support this device escape. XLT=0 | 1 The XLT parameter can eliminate the translation component when printing a metafile if XLT=1. When the resolution of the device is higher than that of the world coordinate space, a small translation of world coordinate point (0,0) occurs on the device to preserve the accuracy of the mapping from world to device coordinate units. For example, (0,0) becomes (1,1) if there are 3 pels to every world coordinate. Normally, this is not noticeable, but it can be a problem with some devices. For example, in order to draw a complete row of 80 characters using a device font, a device may require the text to start at device coordinate position zero. Starting at a position other than zero may cause one or more characters at the end of the row to be clipped. In such cases, elimination of the translation is important and can be accomplished by specifying XLT=1. The default is XLT=0. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszSpoolerParams ═══ pszSpoolerParams (PSZ) Spooler parameters. Spooler parameters (optional) are separated by spaces. They are used for scheduling print jobs and are as follows:  The form names that identify the paper to be used, for example, FORM=A4,A5,ENV. The form names are optional; but if they are provided, the spooler is able to hold off printing the jobs until the required form is installed in the printer. If the form name is not provided, the spooler attempts to print the job. The printer driver recognizes that there is a forms problem and displays a FORMS MISMATCH message box.  Priority of the print job, for example, PRTY=60. The priority is specified as an integer in the range 1 through 99; 99 is the highest. The default priority value is 50. The application can use the spooler priority parameter to prioritize its own jobs; however, it is not good practice for an application always to use priority 99 in an attempt to get its jobs printed first. ═══ DEVOPENSTRUC Field - pszNetworkParams ═══ pszNetworkParams (PSZ) Network parameters. Optional parameter that can be used to specify network options; for example, USER=JOESMITH. ═══ 1.15. DRIVDATA ═══ Driver-data structure. Type DRIVDATA = Record cb: Long; lVersion: Long; szDeviceName: array[0..31] of Char; abGeneralData: Char; End; Type PDRIVDATA = ^DRIVDATA; ═══ DRIVDATA Field - cb ═══ cb (LONG) Length. The length of the structure. ═══ DRIVDATA Field - lVersion ═══ lVersion (LONG) Version. The version number of the data. Version numbers are defined by particular PM device drivers. ═══ DRIVDATA Field - szDeviceName[32] ═══ szDeviceName[32] (CHAR) Device name. A string in a 32-byte field identifying the particular device (model number, and so on). Again, valid values are defined by PM device drivers. ═══ DRIVDATA Field - abGeneralData[1] ═══ abGeneralData[1] (CHAR) General data. Data as defined by the Presentation Manager device driver. The data type of this field is defined by the Presentation Manager device driver. It does not contain pointers, as these are not necessarily valid when passed to the device driver. ═══ 1.16. ERRORID ═══ Error identity. Type ERRORID = ULONG; ═══ 1.17. ERRINFO ═══ Error-information structure. Type ERRINFO = Record cbFixedErrInfo: ULong; idError: ErrorId; cDetailLevel: ULong; offaoffszMsg: ULong; offBinaryData: ULong; End; Type PERRINFO = ^ERRINFO; ═══ ERRINFO Field - cbFixedErrInfo ═══ cbFixedErrInfo (ULONG) Length of fixed data to this structure. ═══ ERRINFO Field - idError ═══ idError (ERRORID) Error identity. This is identical to the value returned by WinGetLastError. ═══ ERRINFO Field - cDetailLevel ═══ cDetailLevel (ULONG) Number of levels of detail. This is the number of entries in the array of words pointed to by the following field. One level of detail is provided. ═══ ERRINFO Field - offaoffszMsg ═══ offaoffszMsg (ULONG) Offset to the array of message offsets. This is an offset to an array of 16-bit offsets to null-terminated strings. Each string is a printable message that offers varying levels of information. The first level is the least amount of detail, and the remaining levels offer more and more detail. The first level of detail is always an error message string, in the following format: xxxnnnns where xxx is the product identifier nnnn is the message number s is the message severity letter W = warning E = error S = severe error U = unrecoverable ═══ ERRINFO Field - offBinaryData ═══ offBinaryData (ULONG) Offset to the binary data. This can contain additional information relating to the error. ═══ 1.18. FACENAMEDESC ═══ Face-name description structure. See GpiQueryFaceString. Type FACENAMEDESC = Record usSize: SmallWord; usWeightClass: SmallWord; usWidthClass: SmallWord; usReserved: SmallWord; flOptions: ULong; End; Type PFACENAMEDESC = ^FACENAMEDESC; ═══ FACENAMEDESC Field - usSize ═══ usSize (USHORT) Length of structure. ═══ FACENAMEDESC Field - usWeightClass ═══ usWeightClass (USHORT) Weight class. Indicates the visual weight (thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font: FWEIGHT_DONT_CARE Any font weight satisfies the request. FWEIGHT_ULTRA_LIGHT Ultra-light. FWEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT Extra-light. FWEIGHT_LIGHT Light. FWEIGHT_SEMI_LIGHT Semi-light. FWEIGHT_NORMAL Medium (normal) weight. FWEIGHT_SEMI_BOLD Semi-bold. FWEIGHT_BOLD Bold. FWEIGHT_EXTRA_BOLD Extra-bold. FWEIGHT_ULTRA_BOLD Ultra-bold. ═══ FACENAMEDESC Field - usWidthClass ═══ usWidthClass (USHORT) Width class. Indicates the relative aspect ratio of the characters of the font in relation to the normal aspect ratio for this type of font: FWIDTH_DONT_CARE Any font width satisfies the request. FWIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED Ultra-condensed (50% of normal). FWIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED Extra-condensed (62.5% of normal). FWIDTH_CONDENSED Condensed (75% of normal). FWIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED Semi-condensed (87.5% of normal). FWIDTH_NORMAL Medium (normal). FWIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED Semi-expanded (112.5% of normal). FWIDTH_EXPANDED Expanded (125% of normal). FWIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED Extra-expanded (150% of normal). FWIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED Ultra-expanded (200% of normal). ═══ FACENAMEDESC Field - usReserved ═══ usReserved (USHORT) Reserved. ═══ FACENAMEDESC Field - flOptions ═══ flOptions (ULONG) Other characteristics of the font. FTYPE_ITALIC Italic font required. If not specified, non-italic font required. FTYPE_ITALIC_DONT_CARE Italic and non-italic fonts can satisfy the request. If this option is specified, FTYPE_ITALIC is ignored. FTYPE_OBLIQUE Oblique font required. If not specified, non-oblique font required. FTYPE_OBLIQUE_DONT_CARE Oblique and non-oblique fonts can satisfy the request. If this option is specified, FTYPE_OBLIQUE is ignored. FTYPE_ROUNDED Rounded font required. If not specified, non-rounded font required. FTYPE_ROUNDED_DONT_CARE Rounded and non-rounded fonts can satisfy the request. If this option is specified, FTYPE_ROUNDED is ignored. ═══ 1.19. FATTRS ═══ Font-attributes structure. Type FATTRS = Record usRecordLength: Word; fsSelection: Word; lMatch: Long; szFacename: array [0..FACESIZE-1] of Char; idRegistry: Word; usCodePage: Word; lMaxBaselineExt: Long; lAveCharWidth: Long; fsType: Word; fsFontUse: Word; End; Type PFATTRS = ^FATTRS; ═══ FATTRS Field - usRecordLength ═══ usRecordLength (USHORT) Length of record. ═══ FATTRS Field - fsSelection ═══ fsSelection (USHORT) Selection indicators. Flags causing the following features to be simulated by the system. Note: If an italic flag is applied to a font that is itself defined as italic, the font is slanted further by italic simulation. Underscore or strikeout lines are drawn using the appropriate attributes (for example, color) from the character bundle (see the CHARBUNDLE datatype), not the line bundle (see LINEBUNDLE). The width of the line, and the vertical position of the line in font space, are determined by the font. Horizontally, the line starts from a point in font space directly above or below the start point of each character, and extends to a point directly above or below the escapement point for that character. For this purpose, the start and escapement points are those applicable to left-to-right or right-to-left character directions (see GpiSetCharDirection in Graphics Programming Interface Programming Reference), even if the string is currently being drawn in a top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top direction. For left-to-right or right-to-left directions, any white space generated by the character extra and character break extra attributes (see GpiSetCharExtra and GpiSetCharBreakExtra in Graphics Programming Interface Programming Reference), as well as increments provided by the vector of increments on GpiCharStringPos and GpiCharStringPosAt, are also underlined/overstruck, so that in these cases the line is continuous for the string. FATTR_SEL_ITALIC Generate italic font. FATTR_SEL_UNDERSCORE Generate underscored font. FATTR_SEL_BOLD Generate bold font. (Note that the resulting characters are wider than those in the original font.) FATTR_SEL_STRIKEOUT Generate font with overstruck characters. FATTR_SEL_OUTLINE Use an outline font with hollow characters. If this flag is not set, outline font characters are filled. Setting this flag normally gives better performance, and for sufficiently small characters (depending on device resolution) there may be little visual difference. ═══ FATTRS Field - lMatch ═══ lMatch (LONG) Matched-font identity. ═══ FATTRS Field - szFacename[FACESIZE] ═══ szFacename[FACESIZE] (CHAR) Typeface name. The typeface name of the font, for example, Tms Rmn. ═══ FATTRS Field - idRegistry ═══ idRegistry (USHORT) Registry identifier. Font registry identifier (zero if unknown). ═══ FATTRS Field - usCodePage ═══ usCodePage (USHORT) Code page. If zero, the current Gpi code page (see GpiSetCp in Graphics Programming Interface Programming Reference) is used. A subsequent GpiSetCp function changes the code page used for this logical font. ═══ FATTRS Field - lMaxBaselineExt ═══ lMaxBaselineExt (LONG) Maximum baseline extension. For raster fonts, this should be the height of the required font, in world coordinates. For outline fonts, this should be zero. ═══ FATTRS Field - lAveCharWidth ═══ lAveCharWidth (LONG) Average character width. For raster fonts, this should be the width of the required font, in world coordinates. For outline fonts, this should be zero. ═══ FATTRS Field - fsType ═══ fsType (USHORT) Type indicators. FATTR_TYPE_KERNING Enable kerning (PostScript only). FATTR_TYPE_MBCS Font for mixed single- and double-byte code pages. FATTR_TYPE_DBCS Font for double-byte code pages. FATTR_TYPE_ANTIALIASED Antialiased font required. Only valid if supported by the device driver. ═══ FATTRS Field - fsFontUse ═══ fsFontUse (USHORT) Font-use indicators. These flags indicate how the font is to be used. They affect presentation speed and font quality. FATTR_FONTUSE_NOMIX Text is not mixed with graphics and can be written without regard to any interaction with graphics objects. FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE Select an outline (vector) font. The font characters can be used as part of a path definition. If this flag is not set, an outline font might or might not be selected. If an outline font is selected, however, character widths are rounded to an integral number of pels. FATTR_FONTUSE_TRANSFORMABLE Characters can be transformed (for example, scaled, rotated, or sheared). ═══ 1.20. FIXED ═══ Signed-integer fraction (16:16). This can be treated as a LONG where the value has been multiplied by 65 536. Type FIXED = LONG; ═══ 1.21. FFDESCS ═══ Font-file descriptor. Not defined. ═══ 1.22. FFDESCS2 ═══ Font-file descriptor. Type FFDESCS2 = Record cbLength: ULong; cbFacenameOffset: ULong; abFamilyName: array[0..0] of Byte; End; Type ^FFDESCS2 - Not defined. ═══ FFDESCS2 Field - cbLength ═══ cbLength (ULONG) Structure length. cbLength is the overall length of the FFDESCS2 structure. It is always rounded up to a multiple of four. ═══ FFDESCS2 Field - cbFacenameOffset ═══ cbFacenameOffset (ULONG) Offset of Facename in the structure. The facename is a null terminated string. It starts at cbFacenameOffset bytes offset into FFDESCS2. ═══ FFDESCS2 Field - abFamilyName[1] ═══ abFamilyName[1] (BYTE) Family name. abFamilyName is a null terminated string. ═══ 1.23. FOCAMETRICS ═══ FOCAMETRICS data structure. This structure is returned to applications on the GPIQueryFonts and GPIQueryFontMetrics calls and conveys information from the font creator to the application. FOCAMETRICS - Not defined. ^PFOCAMETRICS - Not defined. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ulIdentity ═══ ulIdentity (ULONG) Structure identity code. Value must be one (1). This field is not part of the FONTMETRICS structure. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ulSize ═══ ulSize (ULONG) Structure size in bytes. This must be set to the size of the FOCAMETRICS structure. This field is not part of the FONTMETRICS structure. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - szFamilyname[32] ═══ szFamilyname[32] (CHAR) Font family name. The family name defines the basic appearance of the font; for example, "Times New Roman."** This string is null terminated and is, therefore, limited to 32 characters in length. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - szFacename[32] ═══ szFacename[32] (CHAR) Face name. The typeface name defines the particular font; for example, "Times New Roman Bold Italic."** This string is null terminated and is, therefore, limited to 32 characters in length. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usRegistryId ═══ usRegistryId (SHORT) Registry identifier. The IBM registered number (or zero). ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usCodePage ═══ usCodePage (USHORT) Code page supported by the font. Defines the registered code page supported by the font. A value of zero (0) implies that the font may be used with any of the code pages supported by OS/2. When a font contains special symbols for which there is no registered code page, then code page 65400 is used. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yEmHeight ═══ yEmHeight (SHORT) Em height. The height of the Em square in world coordinate units. This height corresponds to the point size for the font. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yXHeight ═══ yXHeight (SHORT) X height. The nominal height above the baseline for lowercase characters (ignoring ascenders), in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yMaxAscender ═══ yMaxAscender (SHORT) Maximum ascender. The maximum height above the baseline reached by any part of any symbol in the font, in world coordinate units. This field may exceed yEmHeight. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yMaxDescender ═══ yMaxDescender (SHORT) Maximum descender. The maximum depth below the baseline reached by any part of any symbol in the font, in world coordinate units. This field may exceed yEmHeight. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yLowerCaseAscent ═══ yLowerCaseAscent (SHORT) Lowercase ascent. The maximum height above the baseline reached by any part of any lowercase (Latin unaccented ' a ' through ' z ') symbol in the font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yLowerCaseDescent ═══ yLowerCaseDescent (SHORT) Lowercase descent. The maximum depth below the baseline reached by any part of any lowercase (Latin unaccented ' a ' through ' z ') symbol in the font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yInternalLeading ═══ yInternalLeading (SHORT) Internal leading. The amount of space which, when subtracted from yMaxAscender, gives a measure of the distance above the baseline that characters extend. This measure is font-design dependent, but glyph-set independent. Therefore, this calculation approximates the visual top to a row of characters without actually looking at the characters in the row. It is recommended that applications use this field to position the first line of a block of text by subtracting yInternalLeading from yMaxAscender. Then position the baseline that distance below the preceding information (text or graphic element). Note: This use does not guarantee that characters will not overwrite those above them; it does give a font designer's view of where to place the text. Collision should be tested for and additional space allocated if necessary. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yExternalLeading ═══ yExternalLeading (SHORT) External leading. The amount of guaranteed white space advised by the font designer to appear between adjacent rows of text. This value may be zero (0). Note: The fonts built into Presentation Manager have zero (0) in this field. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - xAveCharWidth ═══ xAveCharWidth (SHORT) Average character width. This is determined by multiplying the width of each lowercase character by a constant, adding the products, and then dividing by 1000. The letters, plus their constants, are listed below: Letter Constant a 64 b 14 c 27 d 35 e 100 f 20 g 14 h 42 i 63 j 3 k 6 l 35 m 20 n 56 o 56 p 17 q 4 r 49 s 56 t 71 u 31 v 10 w 18 x 3 y 18 z 2 space 166 Note: For fixed pitch fonts, this value will be the same as the (A width + B width + C width) escapement of each character. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - xMaxCharInc ═══ xMaxCharInc (SHORT) Maximum character increment. The maximum character increment for the font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - xEmInc ═══ xEmInc (SHORT) Em increment. The width of the Em square in world coordinate units. This width corresponds to the point size of the font. When the horizontal device resolution equals the vertical device resolution, width is equal to the em height. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yMaxBaselineExt ═══ yMaxBaselineExt (SHORT) Maximum baseline extent. The maximum vertical space occupied by the font, in world coordinate units. This space is the sum of yMaxAscender and yMaxDescender if both are positive. It is also the sum of yInternalLeading and yEmHeight. One possible line spacing can be computed by adding yMaxBaselineExt to yInternalLeading. Such a line spacing, however, would be dependent on the glyph set included in the font. If a new version of the font is made available with new glyphs, then it is possible that this value will change because one of the new glyphs has gone above the previous yMaxAscender or below the previous yMaxDescender. More sophisticated applications will base their line spacing on the point size (yEmHeight) of the font, which is an invariant of the font, multiplied by some factor (for example, 120%), plus any external leading. yMaxBaselineExt may exceed yEmHeight. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - sCharSlope ═══ sCharSlope (SHORT) Character slope. Defines the nominal slope of the characters of a font. The slope is defined in degrees, increasing clockwise from the vertical. An italic font is an example of a font with a nonzero slope. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in the following example. 180 degrees 59 minutes would be represented as: │ < byte 1 > │ < byte 2 > │ │ │ < Minutes > │ < Degrees > │ │0│1 1 1 0 1 1 │0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0│ │ 59 min │ 180 degrees │ ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - sInlineDir ═══ sInlineDir (SHORT) Inline direction. The direction in which the characters in the font are designed for viewing. Shown in degrees, increasing clockwise from the horizontal (left-to-right). Characters are added to a line of text in the inline direction. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in sCharSlope. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - sCharRot ═══ sCharRot (SHORT) Character rotation. The rotation of the character glyphs with respect to the baseline, the angle increasing counterclockwise. This is the angle assigned by the font designer. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in sCharSlope. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usWeightClass ═══ usWeightClass (USHORT) Weight class. Indicates the visual weight (thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font: Value Description 1000 Ultra-light 2000 Extra-light 3000 Light 4000 Semi-light 5000 Medium (normal) 6000 Semi-bold 7000 Bold 8000 Extra-bold 9000 Ultra-bold ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usWidthClass ═══ usWidthClass (USHORT) Width class. Indicates the relative aspect ratio of the font characters in relation to the normal aspect ratio for this type of font: ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────┬───────────────┐ │Value │Description │% of Normal │ │ │ │Width │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │1000 │Ultra-condensed │50 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │2000 │Extra-condensed │62.5 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │3000 │Condensed │75 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │4000 │Semi-condensed │87.5 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │5000 │Medium (normal) │100 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │6000 │Semi-expanded │112.5 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │7000 │Expanded │125 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │8000 │Extra-expanded │150 │ ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼───────────────┤ │9000 │Ultra-expanded │200 │ └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - xDeviceRes ═══ xDeviceRes (SHORT) X-device resolution. For bit-map fonts, this is the resolution in the X direction of the intended target device, measured in pels per inch. For outline fonts, this is the number of notional units in the X direction of the Em square, measured in notional units per Em. (Notional units are the units in which the outline is defined.) ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yDeviceRes ═══ yDeviceRes (SHORT) Y-device resolution. For bit-map fonts, this is the resolution in the Y direction of the intended target device, measured in pels per inch. For outline fonts, this is the number of notional units in the Y direction of the Em square, measured in notional units per Em. (Notional units are the units in which the outline is defined.) ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usFirstChar ═══ usFirstChar (SHORT) First character. The code point of the first character in the font. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usLastChar ═══ usLastChar (SHORT) Last character. The code point of the last character in the font, expressed as an offset from usFirstChar. All code points between the first and last character specified must be supported by the font. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usDefaultChar ═══ usDefaultChar (SHORT) Default character. The code point that is used if a code point outside the range supported by the font is used, expressed as an offset from usFirstChar. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usBreakChar ═══ usBreakChar (SHORT) Break character. The code point that represents the "space" or "break" character for this font, expressed as an offset from usFirstChar. For example, if the first character is the space in code page 850, usFirstChar = 32, and usBreakChar = 0. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usNominalPointSize ═══ usNominalPointSize (SHORT) Nominal point size. For a bit-map font, this field contains the height of the font. For an outline font, this field contains the height that the font designer intended for this font. For example, some fonts are designed for text use, in which case a value of 120 (12 point) would probably be placed in this field. Other fonts are designed for "display" use ("display" is a typographer's term for larger point sizes). This is not the only size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usMinimumPointSize ═══ usMinimumPointSize (SHORT) Minimum point size. For a bit-map font, this field is not applicable. For an outline font, this field contains the minimum height that the font designer intended for this font. Note that this is not a restriction on the size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usMaximumPointSize ═══ usMaximumPointSize (SHORT) Maximum point size. For a bit-map font, this field is not applicable. For an outline font, this field contains the maximum height that the font designer intended for this font. Note that this is not a restriction on the size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usTypeFlags ═══ usTypeFlags (SHORT) Type indicators. These flags contain the following information: FM_TYPE_FIXED Characters in the font have the same fixed width. FM_TYPE_LICENSED Licensed (protected) font. FM_TYPE_KERNING Font contains kerning information. FM_TYPE_64K Font is larger than 64KB (KB equals 1024 bytes) in size. Only one of the following bits (FM_TYPE_DBCS or FM_TYPE_MCBS) may be set. If both of those bits are false (not set), the font is for single-byte code pages. FM_TYPE_DBCS Font is for double-byte code pages. FM_TYPE_MBCS Font is for mixed single- and double-byte code pages. FM_TYPE_FACETRUNC Font szFacename[32] has been truncated. FM_TYPE_FAMTRUNC Font szFamilyname[32] has been truncated. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - fsDefn ═══ fsDefn (SHORT) Definition indicators. These indicators contain the following font definition data: FM_DEFN_OUTLINE Font is a vector (outline) font; otherwise, it is a bit map font. FM_DEFN_GENERIC Font is in a format that can be used by the GPI; otherwise, it is a device font. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - fsSelectionFlags ═══ fsSelectionFlags (SHORT) Selection indicators. These indicators contain information about the font patterns in the physical font. Note: The flags do not reflect simulations applied to the physical font. FM_SEL_ITALIC TRUE indicates that this font is designed as an italic font. FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with underscores included in each character. FM_SEL_NEGATIVE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with the background and foreground reversed. FM_SEL_OUTLINE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with outline (hollow) characters. FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT TRUE indicates that this font is designed with an overstrike through each character. FM_SEL_BOLD TRUE indicates that this font is designed with bold characters. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - fsCapabilities ═══ fsCapabilities (SHORT) Capabilities. This attribute applies only to device fonts. FM_CAP_NOMIX Characters may not be mixed with graphics. QUALITY The most significant byte may contain the following numeric value: 0 Undefined 1 DP quality 2 DP draft 3 Near Letter Quality 4 Letter Quality ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySubscriptXSize ═══ ySubscriptXSize (SHORT) Subscript X-size. The recommended horizontal point size for subscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySubscriptYSize ═══ ySubscriptYSize (SHORT) Subscript Y-size. The recommended vertical point size for subscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySubscriptXOffset ═══ ySubscriptXOffset (SHORT) Subscript X-offset. The recommended baseline X-offset for subscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySubscriptYOffset ═══ ySubscriptYOffset (SHORT) Subscript Y-offset. The recommended baseline Y-offset for subscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySuperscriptXSize ═══ ySuperscriptXSize (SHORT) Superscript X-size. The recommended horizontal point size for superscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySuperscriptYSize ═══ ySuperscriptYSize (SHORT) Superscript Y-size. The recommended vertical point size for superscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySuperscriptXOffset ═══ ySuperscriptXOffset (SHORT) Superscript X-offset. The recommended baseline X-offset for superscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - ySuperscriptYOffset ═══ ySuperscriptYOffset (SHORT) Superscript Y-offset. The recommended baseline Y-offset for superscripts for this font, in world coordinate units. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yUnderscoreSize ═══ yUnderscoreSize (SHORT) Underscore size. The width (thickness) of the underscore stroke, in world coordinate units. This describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE is also set. Otherwise, it describes what the graphics engine will simulate if underscore is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yUnderscorePosition ═══ yUnderscorePosition (SHORT) Underscore position. The position of the underscore stroke from the baseline, in world coordinate units. This value describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE is also set. Otherwise, it describes what the graphics engine will simulate if underscore is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. Note: Positive values mean below the baseline. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yStrikeoutSize ═══ yStrikeoutSize (SHORT) Strikeout size. The width of the strikeout stroke, in world coordinate units. This value describes the actual strikeout in the font if FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT is also set. Otherwise, it describes what the graphics engine will simulate if overstrike is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - yStrikeoutPosition ═══ yStrikeoutPosition (SHORT) Strikeout position. The position of the strikeout stroke relative to the baseline, in world coordinate units. This value describes the actual strikeout in the font if FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT is also set. Otherwise, it describes what the graphics engine will simulate if overstrike is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - usKerningPairs ═══ usKerningPairs (SHORT) Kerning pairs. The number of kerning pairs in the kerning pair table. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - sFamilyClass ═══ sFamilyClass (SHORT) Font family design classification. This value contains a font class and its subclass. ═══ FOCAMETRICS Field - pszDeviceNameOffset ═══ pszDeviceNameOffset (PSZ) Address where device name is stored. ═══ 1.24. FONTMETRICS ═══ Font-metrics structure. This structure is returned to applications on the GpiQueryFonts and GpiQueryFontMetrics calls and conveys information from the font creator to the application. Type FONTMETRICS = Record szFamilyname: array[0..FACESIZE-1] of Char; szFacename: array[0..FACESIZE-1] of Char; idRegistry: Word; usCodePage: Word; lEmHeight: Long; lXHeight: Long; lMaxAscender: Long; lMaxDescender: Long; lLowerCaseAscent: Long; lLowerCaseDescent: Long; lInternalLeading: Long; lExternalLeading: Long; lAveCharWidth: Long; lMaxCharInc: Long; lEmInc: Long; lMaxBaselineExt: Long; sCharSlope: Integer; sInlineDir: Integer; sCharRot: Integer; usWeightClass: Word; usWidthClass: Word; sXDeviceRes: Integer; sYDeviceRes: Integer; sFirstChar: Integer; sLastChar: Integer; sDefaultChar: Integer; sBreakChar: Integer; sNominalPointSize: Integer; sMinimumPointSize: Integer; sMaximumPointSize: Integer; fsType: Word; fsDefn: Word; fsSelection: Word; fsCapabilities: Word; lSubscriptXSize: Long; lSubscriptYSize: Long; lSubscriptXOffset: Long; lSubscriptYOffset: Long; lSuperscriptXSize: Long; lSuperscriptYSize: Long; lSuperscriptXOffset: Long; lSuperscriptYOffset: Long; lUnderscoreSize: Long; lUnderscorePosition: Long; lStrikeoutSize: Long; lStrikeoutPosition: Long; sKerningPairs: Integer; sFamilyClass: Integer; lMatch: Long; FamilyNameAtom: Long; FaceNameAtom: Long; FmPanose: Panose; End; Type PFONTMETRICS = ^FONTMETRICS; ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - szFamilyname[FACESIZE] ═══ szFamilyname[FACESIZE] (CHAR) Family name. The family name of the font that describes the basic appearance of the font, for example, Times New Roman** This string is null terminated, and therefore is limited to 31 characters in length. Longer names may be retrieved by using the FamilyNameAtom field to retrieve the full name from the System Atom table. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - szFacename[FACESIZE] ═══ szFacename[FACESIZE] (CHAR) Face name. The typeface name that defines the particular font, for example, Times New Roman Bold Italic. This string is null terminated, and therefore is limited to 31 characters in length. Longer names may be retrieved by using the FaceNameAtom field to retrieve the full name from the System Atom table. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - idRegistry ═══ idRegistry (USHORT) Registry identifier. The IBM registered number (or zero). ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - usCodePage ═══ usCodePage (USHORT) Code page. Defines the registered code page supported by the font. For example, the original IBM PC code page is 437. A value of 0 implies that the font may be used with any of the OS/2 supported code pages. Where a font contains special symbols for which there is no registered code page, then code page 65400 is used. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lEmHeight ═══ lEmHeight (LONG) Em height. The height of the Em square in world coordinate units. This corresponds to the point size for the font. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lXHeight ═══ lXHeight (LONG) X height. The nominal height above the baseline for lowercase characters (ignoring ascenders) in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lMaxAscender ═══ lMaxAscender (LONG) Maximum ascender. The maximum height above the baseline reached by any part of any symbol in the font in world coordinate units. This field may exceed lEmHeight. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lMaxDescender ═══ lMaxDescender (LONG) Maximum descender. The maximum depth below the baseline reached by any part of any symbol in the font in world coordinate units. This field may exceed lEmHeight. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lLowerCaseAscent ═══ lLowerCaseAscent (LONG) Lowercase ascent. The maximum height above the baseline reached by any part of any lowercase (Latin unaccented "a" through "z") symbol in the font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lLowerCaseDescent ═══ lLowerCaseDescent (LONG) Lowercase descent. The maximum depth below the baseline reached by any part of any lowercase (Latin unaccented "a" through "z") symbol in the font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lInternalLeading ═══ lInternalLeading (LONG) Internal leading. The amount of space which, when subtracted from lMaxAscender, gives a font-design dependent, but glyph-set independent, measure of the distance above the baseline that characters extend. This calculation approximates the visual top to a row of characters without actually looking at the characters in the row. For optimum results, this field should be used by applications to position the first line of a block of text by subtracting it from lMaxAscender and positioning the baseline that distance below whatever is above the text. Note: This does not guarantee that characters will not overwrite information above them, but does give a font designer's view of where to place the text. Collision should be tested for, and additional space allocated if necessary. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lExternalLeading ═══ lExternalLeading (LONG) External leading. The amount of guaranteed white space advised by the font designer to appear between adjacent rows of text. This value may be zero. Note: The fonts built in to Presentation Manager have zero in this field. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lAveCharWidth ═══ lAveCharWidth (LONG) Average character width. This is determined by multiplying the width of each lowercase character by a constant, adding the products, and then dividing by 1000. The letters involved in this, plus their constants, are as follows: Letter Constant a 64 b 14 c 27 d 35 e 100 f 20 g 14 h 42 i 63 j 3 k 6 l 35 m 20 n 56 o 56 p 17 q 4 r 49 s 56 t 71 u 31 v 10 w 18 x 3 y 18 z 2 space 166 Note: For fixed pitch fonts, this value will be the same as the (A width + B width + C width) escapement of each character. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lMaxCharInc ═══ lMaxCharInc (LONG) Maximum character increment. The maximum character increment for the font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lEmInc ═══ lEmInc (LONG) Em increment. The width of the Em square in world coordinate units. This corresponds to the point size of the font. When the horizontal device resolution equals the vertical device resolution this is equal to the em height. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lMaxBaselineExt ═══ lMaxBaselineExt (LONG) Maximum baseline extent. The maximum vertical space occupied by the font, in world coordinate units. This is the sum of lMaxAscender and lMaxDescender if both are positive. It is also the sum of lInternalLeading and lEmHeight. One possible type of line spacing can be computed by adding lMaxBaselineExt to lExternalLeading. Such a line spacing, however, would be dependent on the glyph set included in the font. If a new version of the font should be made available, with new glyphs, then it is possible that this value will change because one of the new glyphs has gone above the previous lMaxAscender or below the previous lMaxDescender. More sophisticated applications will base line spacing on the point size (lEmHeight) of the font, which is an invariant of the font, multiplied by some factor (for example, 120%) plus any external leading. This field may exceed lEmHeight. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sCharSlope ═══ sCharSlope (SHORT) Character slope. Defines the nominal slope for the characters of a font. The slope is defined in degrees increasing clockwise from the vertical. An italic font is an example of a font with a nonzero slope. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in the following example: 180 degrees 59 minutes would be represented as : │ < byte 1 > │ < byte 2 > │ │ │ < Minutes > │ < Degrees > │ │0│1 1 1 0 1 1 │0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0│ │ 59 min │ 180 degrees │ ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sInlineDir ═══ sInlineDir (SHORT) Inline direction. The direction in which the characters in the font are designed for viewing. The direction is defined in degrees increasing clockwise from the horizontal (left-to-right). Characters are added to a line of text in the inline direction. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in sCharSlope. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sCharRot ═══ sCharRot (SHORT) Character rotation. The rotation of the character glyphs with respect to the baseline, the angle increasing counter clockwise. This is the angle assigned by the font designer. Note: The units for this metric are degrees and minutes, encoded as shown in sCharSlope. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - usWeightClass ═══ usWeightClass (USHORT) Weight class. Indicates the visual weight (thickness of strokes) of the characters in the font: Value Description 1 Ultra-light 2 Extra-light 3 Light 4 Semi-light 5 Medium (normal) 6 Semi-bold 7 Bold 8 Extra-bold 9 Ultra-bold ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - usWidthClass ═══ usWidthClass (USHORT) Width class. Indicates the relative aspect ratio of the characters of the font in relation to the normal aspect ratio for this type of font: ┌─────┬───────────────┬────────────────────┐ │Value│Description │% of normal width │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │1 │Ultra-condensed│50 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │2 │Extra-condensed│62.5 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │3 │Condensed │75 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │4 │Semi-condensed │87.5 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │5 │Medium (normal)│100 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │6 │Semi-expanded │112.5 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │7 │Expanded │125 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │8 │Extra-expanded │150 │ ├─────┼───────────────┼────────────────────┤ │9 │Ultra-expanded │200 │ └─────┴───────────────┴────────────────────┘ ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sXDeviceRes ═══ sXDeviceRes (SHORT) X-device resolution. For bit-map fonts this is the resolution in the X direction of the intended target device, measured in pels per inch. For outline fonts this is the number of notional units in the X direction of the Em square, measured in notional units per Em. (Notional units are the units in which the outline is defined.) ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sYDeviceRes ═══ sYDeviceRes (SHORT) Y-device resolution. For bit-map fonts this is the resolution in the Y direction of the intended target device, measured in pels per inch. For outline fonts this is the number of notional units in the Y direction of the Em square, measured in notional units per Em. (Notional units are the units in which the outline is defined.) ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sFirstChar ═══ sFirstChar (SHORT) First character. The code point of the first character in the font. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sLastChar ═══ sLastChar (SHORT) Last character. The code point of the last character in the font, expressed as an offset from sFirstChar. All code points between the first and last character specified must be supported by the font. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sDefaultChar ═══ sDefaultChar (SHORT) Default character. The code point that is used if a code point outside the range supported by the font is used, expressed as an offset from sFirstChar. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sBreakChar ═══ sBreakChar (SHORT) Break character. The code point that represents the "space" or "break" character for this font, expressed as an offset from sFirstChar. For example, if the first character is the space in code page 850, sFirstChar = 32, and sBreakChar = 0. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sNominalPointSize ═══ sNominalPointSize (SHORT) Nominal point size. For a bit-map font, this field contains the height of the font. For an outline font, this field contains the height intended by the font designer. For example, some fonts are designed for text use in which case a value of 120 (12 point) would probably be placed in this field, whereas other fonts are designed for "display" use ("display" is typographer's terminology for larger sizes). This is not the only size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sMinimumPointSize ═══ sMinimumPointSize (SHORT) Minimum point size. For a bit-map font, this field does not apply. For an outline font, this field contains the minimum height intended by the font designer. Note that this is not a restriction of the size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sMaximumPointSize ═══ sMaximumPointSize (SHORT) Maximum point size. For a bit-map font, this field does not apply. For an outline font, this field contains the maximum height intended by the font designer. Note that this is not a restriction of the size at which the font can be used. Measured in decipoints (a decipoint is 1/720th of an inch). ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - fsType ═══ fsType (USHORT) Type indicators. This field contains the following information: FM_TYPE_FIXED Characters in the font have the same fixed width. FM_TYPE_LICENSED Licensed (protected) font. FM_TYPE_KERNING Font contains kerning information. FM_TYPE_64K Font is larger than 64KB (KB equals 1024 bytes) in size. If the following two bits are false, the font is for single-byte code pages. One of the bits may be set. FM_TYPE_DBCS Font is for double-byte code pages. FM_TYPE_MBCS Font is for mixed single- or double-byte code pages. FM_TYPE_FACETRUNC Font szFacename has been truncated. FM_TYPE_FAMTRUNC Font szFamilyname has been truncated. FM_TYPE_ATOMS The System Atom table atom values in FamilyNameAtom and in FaceNameAtom are valid. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - fsDefn ═══ fsDefn (USHORT) Definition indicators. Contains the following font definition data: FM_DEFN_OUTLINE Font is a vector (outline) font; otherwise, it is a bit-map font. FM_DEFN_GENERIC Font is in a format that can be used by the GPI; otherwise, it is a device font. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - fsSelection ═══ fsSelection (USHORT) Selection indicators. Contains information about the font patterns in the physical font. Note: The flags do not reflect simulations applied to the physical font. Possible values are: FM_SEL_ITALIC True indicates that this font is designed as an italic font. FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with underscores included in each character. FM_SEL_NEGATIVE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with the background and foreground reversed. FM_SEL_OUTLINE TRUE indicates that this font is designed with outline (hollow) characters. FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT TRUE indicates that this font is designed with an overstrike through each character. FM_SEL_BOLD TRUE indicates that this font is designed with bold characters. FM_SEL_ISO9241_TESTED This flag indicates that the font has been tested for compliance to ISO 9241. The presence of this flag doesn't indicate whether the font passed or failed, only that it was tested. Note: While the fonts were primarily tested for meeting the ISO standard, they have also been designed to meet the German standard DIN 66 234. Where the two standards differ, the fonts have been designed to meet the more stringent requirement. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - fsCapabilities ═══ fsCapabilities (USHORT) Font capabilities. This attribute applies only to device fonts. FM_CAP_NOMIX Characters may not be mixed with graphics. QUALITY The most significant byte may contain the following numeric value: 0 Undefined 1 DP quality 2 DP draft 3 Near Letter Quality 4 Letter Quality ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSubscriptXSize ═══ lSubscriptXSize (LONG) Subscript x-size. The horizontal size recommended by the font designer for subscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSubscriptYSize ═══ lSubscriptYSize (LONG) Subscript y-size. The vertical size recommended by the font designer for subscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSubscriptXOffset ═══ lSubscriptXOffset (LONG) Subscript x-offset. The baseline x-offset recommended by the font designer for subscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSubscriptYOffset ═══ lSubscriptYOffset (LONG) Subscript y-offset. The baseline y-offset recommended by the font designer for subscripts for this font in world coordinate units. Note: Positive numbers indicate an offset below the baseline. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSuperscriptXSize ═══ lSuperscriptXSize (LONG) Superscript x-size. The horizontal size recommended by the font designer for superscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSuperscriptYSize ═══ lSuperscriptYSize (LONG) Superscript y-size. The vertical point size recommended by the font designer for superscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSuperscriptXOffset ═══ lSuperscriptXOffset (LONG) Superscript x-offset. The baseline x-offset recommended by the font designer for superscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lSuperscriptYOffset ═══ lSuperscriptYOffset (LONG) Superscript y-offset. The baseline y-offset recommended by the font designer for superscripts for this font in world coordinate units. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lUnderscoreSize ═══ lUnderscoreSize (LONG) Underscore size. The width (thickness) of the underscore stroke in world coordinate units. This describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE is also set. Otherwise it describes what the engine will simulate if underscore is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lUnderscorePosition ═══ lUnderscorePosition (LONG) Underscore position. The position of the underscore stroke from the baseline in world coordinate units. This describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_UNDERSCORE is also set. Otherwise it describes what the engine will simulate if underscore is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. Note: Positive values indicate an offset below the baseline. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lStrikeoutSize ═══ lStrikeoutSize (LONG) Strikeout size. The width of the strikeout stroke in world coordinate units. This describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT is also set. Otherwise it describes what the engine will simulate if overstrike is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lStrikeoutPosition ═══ lStrikeoutPosition (LONG) Strikeout position. The position of the strikeout stroke relative to the baseline in world coordinate units. This describes the actual underscore in the font if FM_SEL_STRIKEOUT is also set. Otherwise it describes what the engine will simulate if overstrike is requested in GpiCreateLogFont. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sKerningPairs ═══ sKerningPairs (SHORT) Kerning pairs. The number of kerning pairs in the kerning pair table. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - sFamilyClass ═══ sFamilyClass (SHORT) Font family design classification. This value contains a font class and its subclass. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - lMatch ═══ lMatch (LONG) Matched font identity. This uniquely identifies the font for a given device and device driver combination. A positive match number signifies that the font is a generic (engine) font while a negative number indicates a device font (a native or downloadable font). This value should not be used to identify a font across system boundaries. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - FamilyNameAtom ═══ FamilyNameAtom (LONG) Font family name atom. This value contains the atom identifier for the font family name in the System Atom Table. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - FaceNameAtom ═══ FaceNameAtom (LONG) Font facename atom. This value contains the atom identifier for the font face name in the System Atom Table. ═══ FONTMETRICS Field - panose ═══ panose (PANOSE) Panose font descriptor. This is the Panose descriptor identifying the visual characteristics of the font. ═══ 1.25. GRADIENTL ═══ Direction-vector structure. Type GRADIENTL = Record x: Long; y: Long; End; Type PGRADIENTL = ^GRADIENTL; ═══ GRADIENTL Field - x ═══ x (LONG) X-component of direction. ═══ GRADIENTL Field - y ═══ y (LONG) Y-component of direction. ═══ 1.26. HAB ═══ Anchor-block handle. Type HAB = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.27. HBITMAP ═══ Bit-map handle. Type HBITMAP = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.28. HCINFO ═══ Hardcopy-capabilities structure. Type HCINFO = Record szFormname: array [0..31] of Char; cx: Long; cy: Long; xLeftClip: Long; yBottomClip: Long; xRightClip: Long; yTopClip: Long; xPels: Long; yPels: Long; flAttributes: Long; End; Type PHCINFO = ^HCINFO; ═══ HCINFO Field - szFormname[32] ═══ szFormname[32] (CHAR) Form name. ═══ HCINFO Field - cx ═══ cx (LONG) Width (left-to-right) in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - cy ═══ cy (LONG) Height (top-to-bottom) in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - xLeftClip ═══ xLeftClip (LONG) Left-clip limit in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - yBottomClip ═══ yBottomClip (LONG) Bottom-clip limit in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - xRightClip ═══ xRightClip (LONG) Right-clip limit in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - yTopClip ═══ yTopClip (LONG) Top-clip limit in millimeters. ═══ HCINFO Field - xPels ═══ xPels (LONG) Number of pels between left-clip and right-clip limits. ═══ HCINFO Field - yPels ═══ yPels (LONG) Number of pels between bottom-clip and top-clip limits. ═══ HCINFO Field - flAttributes ═══ flAttributes (LONG) Attributes of the form identifier. HCAPS_SELECTABLE The form is installed on the printer as given by the printer properties dialog. It is available from an alternate form source without operator intervention. If the form does not have this bit set and is used (if the user selects it), a "forms mismatch" error is generated by the printer object. HCAPS_CURRENT The form is the one currently selected by the DevOpenDC DEVOPENSTRUC pdriv field (the job properties). ═══ 1.29. HDC ═══ Device-context handle. Type HDC = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.30. HMF ═══ Metafile handle. Type HMF = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.31. HMODULE ═══ Module handle. Type HMODULE = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.32. HPAL ═══ Palette handle. Type HPAL = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.33. HPS ═══ Presentation-space handle. Type HPS = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.34. HRGN ═══ Region handle. Type HRGN = LHANDLE; ═══ 1.35. IMAGEBUNDLE ═══ Image-attributes bundle structure. Type IMAGEBUNDLE = Record lColor: Long; lBackColor: Long; usMixMode: SmallWord; usBackMixMode: SmallWord; End; Type PIMAGEBUNDLE = ^IMAGEBUNDLE; ═══ IMAGEBUNDLE Field - lColor ═══ lColor (LONG) Image foreground color. ═══ IMAGEBUNDLE Field - lBackColor ═══ lBackColor (LONG) Image background color. ═══ IMAGEBUNDLE Field - usMixMode ═══ usMixMode (USHORT) Image foreground-mix mode. ═══ IMAGEBUNDLE Field - usBackMixMode ═══ usBackMixMode (USHORT) Image background-mix mode. ═══ 1.36. KERNINGPAIRS ═══ [Need description.] Type KERNINGPAIRS = Record sFirstChar: SmallWord; sSecondChar: SmallWord; lKerningAmount: Long; End; Type PKERNINGPAIRS = ^KERNINGPAIRS; ═══ KERNINGPAIRS Field - sFirstChar ═══ sFirstChar (SHORT) [Need definition.] ═══ KERNINGPAIRS Field - sSecondChar ═══ sSecondChar (SHORT) [Need definition.] ═══ KERNINGPAIRS Field - lKerningAmount ═══ lKerningAmount (LONG) [Need definition.] ═══ 1.37. LINEBUNDLE ═══ Line-attributes bundle structure. Type LINEBUNDLE = Record lColor: Long; lBackColor: Long; usMixMode: SmallWord; usBackMixMode: SmallWord; fxWidth: Fixed; lGeomWidth: Long; usType: SmallWord; usEnd: SmallWord; usJoin: SmallWord; usReserved: SmallWord; End; Type PLINEBUNDLE = ^LINEBUNDLE; ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - lColor ═══ lColor (LONG) Line foreground color. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - lBackColor ═══ lBackColor (LONG) Line background color. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usMixMode ═══ usMixMode (USHORT) Line foreground-mix mode. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usBackMixMode ═══ usBackMixMode (USHORT) Line background-mix mode. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - fxWidth ═══ fxWidth (FIXED) Line width. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - lGeomWidth ═══ lGeomWidth (LONG) Geometric line width. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usType ═══ usType (USHORT) Line type. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usEnd ═══ usEnd (USHORT) Line end. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usJoin ═══ usJoin (USHORT) Line join. ═══ LINEBUNDLE Field - usReserved ═══ usReserved (USHORT) Reserved. ═══ 1.38. LONG ═══ Signed integer in the range -2 147 483 648 through 2 147 483 647. Note: Where this data type represents a graphic coordinate in world or model space, its value is restricted to -134 217 728 through 134 217 727. A graphic coordinate in device or screen coordinates is restricted to -32 768 through 32 767. The value of a graphic coordinate may be further restricted by any transforms currently in force, including the positioning of the origin of the window on the screen. In particular, coordinates in world or model space must not generate coordinate values after transformation (that is, in device or screen space) outside the range -32 768 through 32 767. ═══ 1.39. MARKERBUNDLE ═══ Marker-attributes bundle structure. Type MARKERBUNDLE = Record lColor: Long; lBackColor: Long; usMixMode: SmallWord; usBackMixMode: SmallWord; usSet: SmallWord; usSymbol: SmallWord; sizfxCell: SizeF; End; Type PMARKERBUNDLE = ^MARKERBUNDLE; ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - lColor ═══ lColor (LONG) Marker foreground color. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - lBackColor ═══ lBackColor (LONG) Marker background color. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - usMixMode ═══ usMixMode (USHORT) Marker foreground-mix mode. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - usBackMixMode ═══ usBackMixMode (USHORT) Marker background-mix mode. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - usSet ═══ usSet (USHORT) Marker set. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - usSymbol ═══ usSymbol (USHORT) Marker symbol. ═══ MARKERBUNDLE Field - sizfxCell ═══ sizfxCell (SIZEF) Marker cell. ═══ 1.40. MATRIXLF ═══ Matrix-elements structure. Type MATRIXLF = Record fxM11: Fixed; fxM12: Fixed; lM13: Long; fxM21: Fixed; fxM22: Fixed; lM23: Long; lM31: Long; lM32: Long; lM33: Long; End; Type PMATRIXLF = ^MATRIXLF; ═══ MATRIXLF Field - fxM11 ═══ fxM11 (FIXED) First element of first row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - fxM12 ═══ fxM12 (FIXED) Second element of first row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - lM13 ═══ lM13 (LONG) Third element of first row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - fxM21 ═══ fxM21 (FIXED) First element of second row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - fxM22 ═══ fxM22 (FIXED) Second element of second row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - lM23 ═══ lM23 (LONG) Third element of second row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - lM31 ═══ lM31 (LONG) First element of third row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - lM32 ═══ lM32 (LONG) Second element of third row. ═══ MATRIXLF Field - lM33 ═══ lM33 (LONG) Third element of third row. ═══ 1.41. MPARAM ═══ A 4-byte message-dependent parameter structure. Type MPARAM = LONGINT; Certain elements of information, placed into the parameters of a message, have data types that do not use all four bytes of this data type. The rules governing these cases are: BOOL The value is contained in the low word and the high word is 0. SHORT The value is contained in the low word and its sign is extended into the high word. USHORT The value is contained in the low word and the high word is 0. NULL The entire four bytes are 0. The structure of this data type depends on the message. For details, see the description of the particular message. ═══ 1.42. MRESULT ═══ A 4-byte message-dependent reply parameter structure. Type MRESULT = LONGINT; Certain elements of information, placed into the parameters of a message, have data types that do not use all four bytes of this data type. The rules governing these cases are: BOOL The value is contained in the low word and the high word is 0. SHORT The value is contained in the low word and its sign is extended into the high word. USHORT The value is contained in the low word and the high word is 0. NULL The entire four bytes are 0. The structure of this data type depends on the message. For details, see the description of the particular message. ═══ 1.43. PANOSE ═══ The Panose field in the font metrics will allow for quantitative descriptions of the visual properties of font faces. The PANOSE definition contains ten digits, each of which currently describes up to sixteen variations. Type PANOSE = Record bFamilyType: Byte; bSerifStyle: Byte; bWeight: Byte; bProportion: Byte; bContrast: Byte; bStrokeVariation: Byte; bArmStyle: Byte; bLetterform: Byte; bMidline: Byte; bXHeight: Byte; abReserved: array[0..1] of Byte; End; Type ^PANOSE - Not defined. ═══ PANOSE Field - bFamilyType ═══ bFamilyType (BYTE) Family kind. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Text and Display 3 Script 4 Decorative 5 Pictorial ═══ PANOSE Field - bSerifStyle ═══ bSerifStyle (BYTE) Serif style. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Cove 3 Obtuse Cove 4 Square Cove 5 Obtuse Square Cove 6 Square 7 Thin 8 Bone 9 Exaggerated 10 Triangle 11 Normal Sans 12 Obtuse Sans 13 Perp Sans 14 Flared 15 Rounded ═══ PANOSE Field - bWeight ═══ bWeight (BYTE) Weight. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Very Light 3 Light 4 Thin 5 Book 6 Medium 7 Demi 8 Bold 9 Heavy 10 Black 11 Nord ═══ PANOSE Field - bProportion ═══ bProportion (BYTE) Proportion. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Old Style 3 Modern 4 Even Width 5 Expanded 6 Condensed 7 Very Expanded 8 Very Condensed 9 Monospaced ═══ PANOSE Field - bContrast ═══ bContrast (BYTE) Contrast. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 None 3 Very Low 4 Low 5 Medium Low 6 Medium 7 Medium High 8 High 9 Very High ═══ PANOSE Field - bStrokeVariation ═══ bStrokeVariation (BYTE) Stroke Variation. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Gradual/Diagonal 3 Gradual/Transitional 4 Gradual/Vertical 5 Gradual/Horizontal 6 Rapid/Vertical 7 Rapid/Horizontal 8 Instant/Vertical ═══ PANOSE Field - bArmStyle ═══ bArmStyle (BYTE) Arm Style. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Straight Arms/Horizontal 3 Straight Arms/Wedge 4 Straight Arms/Vertical 5 Straight Arms/Single Serif 6 Straight Arms/Double Serif 7 Non-Straight Arms/Horizontal 8 Non-Straight Arms/Wedge 9 Non-Straight Arms/Vertical 10 Non-Straight Arms/Single Serif 11 Non-Straight Arms/Double Serif ═══ PANOSE Field - bLetterform ═══ bLetterform (BYTE) Letterform. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Normal/Contact 3 ONormal/Weighted 4 ONormal/Boxed 5 ONormal/Flattened 6 ONormal/Rounded 7 ONormal/Off Center 8 ONormal/Square 9 Oblique/Contact 10 Oblique/Weighted 11 Oblique/Boxed 12 Oblique/Flattened 13 Oblique/Rounded 14 Oblique/Off Center 15 Oblique/Square ═══ PANOSE Field - bMidline ═══ bMidline (BYTE) Midline. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Standard/Trimmed 3 Standard/Pointed 4 Standard/Serifed 5 High/Trimmed 6 High/Pointed 7 High/Serifed 8 Constant/Trimmed 9 Constant/Pointed 10 Constant/Serifed 11 Low/Trimmed 12 Low/Pointed 13 Low/Serifed ═══ PANOSE Field - bXHeight ═══ bXHeight (BYTE) X-Height. 0 Any 1 No Fit 2 Constant/Small 3 Constant/Standard 4 Constant/Large 5 Ducking/Small 6 Ducking/Standard 7 Ducking/Large ═══ PANOSE Field - fbPassedISO ═══ fbPassedISO (BYTE) Font passed ISO test. The following flags indicate those displays and resolutions at which the font complied with ISO 9241: FM_ISO_9518_640 FM_ISO_9515_640 FM_ISO_9515_1024 FM_ISO_9517_640 FM_ISO_9517_1024 ═══ PANOSE Field - fbFailedISO ═══ fbFailedISO (BYTE) Font failed ISO test. The following flags indicate those displays and resolutions at which the font did not comply with ISO 9241: FM_ISO_9518_640 FM_ISO_9515_640 FM_ISO_9515_1024 FM_ISO_9517_640 FM_ISO_9517_1024 ═══ 1.44. PBUNDLE ═══ Points to a bundle data area. Type PBUNDLE = POINTER; ═══ 1.45. PCH ═══ Pointer to a character string. Not defined. ═══ 1.46. POLYGON ═══ Polygon structure. Type POLYGON = Record ulPoints: ULong; aPointl: PPointL; End; Type PPOLYGON = ^POLYGON; ═══ POLYGON Field - ulPoints ═══ ulPoints (ULONG) Number of points in array. ═══ POLYGON Field - aPointl ═══ aPointl (PPOINTL) Array of points. ═══ 1.47. POINTL ═══ Point structure (long integers). Type POINTL = Record X: Long; Y: Long; End; Type PPOINTL = ^POINTL; ═══ POINTL Field - x ═══ x (LONG) X-coordinate. ═══ POINTL Field - y ═══ y (LONG) Y-coordinate. ═══ 1.48. PCSZ ═══ Pointer to a constant null-terminated string. Not defined. ═══ 1.49. PSZ ═══ Pointer to a null-terminated string. If you are using C++ **, you may need to use PCSZ. Not defined. ═══ 1.50. PRQINFO3 ═══ Print-queue information structure. This structure is used at information levels 3 and 4. Type PRQINFO3 = Record pszName: PChar; uPriority: UShort; uStartTime: UShort; uUntilTime: UShort; fsType: UShort; pszSepFile: PChar; pszPrProc: PChar; pszParms: PChar; pszComment: PChar; fsStatus: UShort; cJobs: UShort; pszPrinters: PChar; pszDriverName: PChar; pDriverData: PDrivData; End; Type PPRQINFO3 = ^PRQINFO3; ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszName ═══ pszName (PSZ) Queue name. The maximum length of the name in the network case is 256 (including one byte for zero termination). ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - uPriority ═══ uPriority (USHORT) Queue priority. The range is 1 through 9, with 1 being the highest queue priority. The default job priority (DefJobPrio) is determined from: DefJobPrio=100-(10* uPriority). If a job is added with PRJ_NO_PRIORITY specified, DefJobPrio is used. If a default priority higher than the default job priority is specified, the default job priority is used. If a default priority lower than the default is specified, the specified job priority is used. PRQ_DEF_PRIORITY Default priority PRQ_MAX_PRIORITY Highest priority PRQ_MIN_PRIORITY Minimum priority PRQ_NO_PRIORITY No priority. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - uStartTime ═══ uStartTime (USHORT) Minutes after midnight when queue becomes active. For example, the value 75 represents 1:15 a.m. If uStartTime and uUntilTime are both 0, the print queue is always available. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - uUntilTime ═══ uUntilTime (USHORT) Minutes after midnight. when queue ceases to be active. For example, the value 1200 represents 8 p.m. If uUntilTime and uStartTime are both 0, the print queue is always available. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - fsType ═══ fsType (USHORT) Queue type. PRQ3_TYPE_RAW Data is always enqueued in the device specific format. PRQ3_TYPE_BYPASS Allows the spooler to bypass the queue processor and send data directly to the Printer Driver. Setting this bit allows the spooler to print jobs of type PM_Q_RAW while they are still being spooled. PRQ3_TYPE_APPDEFAULT This bit is set for the application default queue only. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszSepFile ═══ pszSepFile (PSZ) Separator-page file. The path and file name of a separator-page file on the target computer. This file contains formatting information for the page or pages to be used between print jobs. A relative path name is taken as relative to the current spool directory. A NULL string indicates no separator page. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszPrProc ═══ pszPrProc (PSZ) Default queue-processor. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszParms ═══ pszParms (PSZ) Queue parameters. This can be any text string or a NULL string. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszComment ═══ pszComment (PSZ) Queue description. A NULL string results in no comment. The maximum length is 48 characters (including one byte for the null terminator). ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - fsStatus ═══ fsStatus (USHORT) Queue status. PRQ3_PAUSED Queue is paused (held). PRQ3_PENDING Queue is pending deletion. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - cJobs ═══ cJobs (USHORT) Number of jobs in queue. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszPrinters ═══ pszPrinters (PSZ) Print devices connected to queue. This cannot be NULL. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pszDriverName ═══ pszDriverName (PSZ) Default device driver. ═══ PRQINFO3 Field - pDriverData ═══ pDriverData (PDRIVDATA) Default queue job properties. Note: An application can use pszDriverName, pDriverData, pszPrProc, and pszParms to construct a valid DevOpenDC call based only on the queue name. ═══ 1.51. PVOID ═══ Pointer to a data type of undefined format. Not defined. ═══ 1.52. RECTL ═══ Rectangle structure. Type RECTL = Record xLeft: Long; yBottom: Long; xRight: Long; yTop: Long; End; Type PRECTL = ^RECTL; ═══ RECTL Field - xLeft ═══ xLeft (LONG) X-coordinate of left-hand edge of rectangle. ═══ RECTL Field - yBottom ═══ yBottom (LONG) Y-coordinate of bottom edge of rectangle. ═══ RECTL Field - xRight ═══ xRight (LONG) X-coordinate of right-hand edge of rectangle. ═══ RECTL Field - yTop ═══ yTop (LONG) Y-coordinate of top edge of rectangle. ═══ 1.53. RGNRECT ═══ Region-rectangle structure. Type RGNRECT = Record ircStart: ULong; crc: ULong; crcReturned: ULong; ulDirection: ULong; End; Type PRGNRECT = ^RGNRECT; ═══ RGNRECT Field - ircStart ═══ ircStart (ULONG) Rectangle number from which to start enumerating. Numbering starts from 1. ═══ RGNRECT Field - crc ═══ crc (ULONG) Number of rectangles that can be returned. This must be 1 or greater. ═══ RGNRECT Field - crcReturned ═══ crcReturned (ULONG) Number of rectangles returned. A value of less than crc indicates that there are no more rectangles to enumerate. ═══ RGNRECT Field - ulDirection ═══ ulDirection (ULONG) Direction in which the returned rectangles are to be ordered. This ordering uses the leading edge of a rectangle: RECTDIR_LFRT_TOPBOT Left-to-right, top-to-bottom RECTDIR_RTLF_TOPBOT Right-to-left, top-to-bottom RECTDIR_LFRT_BOTTOP Left-to-right, bottom-to-top RECTDIR_RTLF_BOTTOP Right-to-left, bottom-to-top ═══ 1.54. RGB ═══ RGB color value. Type RGB = Record bBlue: Byte; bGreen: Byte; bRed: Byte; End; Not defined. ═══ RGB Field - bBlue ═══ bBlue (BYTE) Blue component of the color definition. ═══ RGB Field - bGreen ═══ bGreen (BYTE) Green component of the color definition. ═══ RGB Field - bRed ═══ bRed (BYTE) Red component of the color definition. ═══ 1.55. RGB2 ═══ RGB color value. Type RGB2 = Record bBlue: Byte; { Blue component of the color definition } bGreen: Byte; { Green component of the color definition} bRed: Byte; { Red component of the color definition } fcOptions: Byte; { Reserved, must be zero } End; Type PRGB2 = ^RGB2; ═══ RGB2 Field - bBlue ═══ bBlue (BYTE) Blue component of the color definition. ═══ RGB2 Field - bGreen ═══ bGreen (BYTE) Green component of the color definition. ═══ RGB2 Field - bRed ═══ bRed (BYTE) Red component of the color definition. ═══ RGB2 Field - fcOptions ═══ fcOptions (BYTE) Entry options. These can be ORed together if required: PC_RESERVED The color entry is reserved for animating color with the palette manager. PC_EXPLICIT The low-order word of the color table entry designates a physical palette slot. This allows an application to show the actual contents of the device palette as realized for other logical palettes. This does not prevent the color in the slot from being changed for any reason. ═══ 1.56. SIZEF ═══ Size structure (FIXED values). Type SIZEF = Record cx: Fixed; cy: Fixed; End; Type PSIZEF = ^SIZEF; ═══ SIZEF Field - cx ═══ cx (FIXED) Width. ═══ SIZEF Field - cy ═══ cy (FIXED) Height. ═══ 1.57. SIZEL ═══ Size structure (LONG values). Type SIZEL = Record cx: Long; cy: Long; End; Type PSIZEL = ^SIZEL; ═══ SIZEL Field - cx ═══ cx (LONG) Width. ═══ SIZEL Field - cy ═══ cy (LONG) Height. ═══ 1.58. SHORT ═══ Signed integer in the range -32 768 through 32 767. ═══ 1.59. STR8 ═══ String of 8 characters. Not defined. ═══ 1.60. ULONG ═══ Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 4 294 967 295. Type ULONG = LONGINT; ═══ 1.61. USHORT ═══ Unsigned integer in the range 0 through 65 535. Type USHORT = WORD; ═══ 2. Graphics Orders ═══ This section describes the format of the graphics orders. Graphics orders are used in the following circumstances:  Using GpiGetData or GpiPutData functions for bulk transfer of part or all of graphics segment data (unless this is simply being copied without being changed).  Editing segments with GpiQueryElement and GpiElement.  Generating metafiles (other than through the Presentation Manager API), or examining their contents. The data part of Graphics Data structured fields within the metafile (see "Metafile Data Format" in the Presentation Manager Programming Reference) consists of graphics orders. When primitive or attribute functions (plus certain other functions) are specified at the programming interface, and the drawing mode (see GpiSetDrawingMode) is set to drawandretain, graphics orders are constructed and placed in the current graphics segment. One API call often causes a single order to be generated. Sometimes, however, several orders are necessary: an example of this is where a GpiPolyLine call is issued, which specifies more strokes than there is room for, in a single order. In either case, the order or orders generated by a single API call comprise a single element, unless the application specifically starts an element using the GpiBeginElement function. In this case the element consists of all of the orders generated between this and the following GpiEndElement function. A GpiQueryElement function returns the orders that comprise an element; the application may edit these, and return them to the segment with GpiElement. The Begin Element - End Element orders that surround a multi-order element in the segment are never passed between the application and the system on GpiQueryElement and GpiElement functions. No double word or word alignment can be assumed for orders either within segments or during editing. ═══ 2.1. Introduction to Graphics Orders ═══ In the retain and draw-and-retain drawing modes, specific GPI functions (primitive-drawing and attribute-setting functions, plus some others) cause graphics orders to be stored in the current segment. A graphics order is a sequence of one or more bytes of data that describe a graphics function. There is typically a one-to-one correspondence between a GPI function and a graphics order. You do not need to understand the various formats and contents of the graphics orders, unless:  You are using GpiGetData or GpiPutData for bulk transfer of data that you want to edit.  You are simply copying data from one segment to another.  You are using GpiElement to add data to a segment, or GpiQueryElement to retrieve data from a segment.  You are examining the contents of a metafile. Both the graphics orders and the metafile structure are described in the Presentation Manager. This appendix describes the header file PMORD.H, which has been provided to allow you to manipulate the graphics orders more easily. ═══ 2.1.1. The Graphics-Orders Header File (PMORD.H) ═══ A set of helper constants, macros, and structures has been provided to help you decode and encode graphics orders. These items are defined in the header file PMORD.H. There are four types of graphics orders. The first byte of each order, regardless of the graphics-order type, is the order code itself, which either partially or completely describes what follows. Depending on the order type, the graphics order can contain further information. The four types of graphics order are: 1-Byte Order The 1-byte order comprises a single byte: BYTE 1 : order code. 2-Byte Order The 2-byte order consists of two bytes: BYTE 1 : order code BYTE 2 : associated value. Long Order The long order can comprise up to 257 bytes of information: BYTE 1 : order code BYTE 2 : length of order (0 to 255) BYTE 3 -257 : associated value bytes depending on the order code. There is a special long order (Escape) where: BYTE 3 : escape type BYTE 4 : escape identifier BYTE 5 -257 : associated value bytes depending on the escape identifier. Very Long Order The very long order can comprise up to 65537 bytes of information: BYTE 1 : order code BYTE 2 : order qualifier BYTE 3 : length of order (most significant byte) BYTE 4 : length of order (least significant byte - length of order is 0 to 65535) BYTE 5 -65537 : associated value bytes depending on the order qualifier. There is a special very long order (Escape) where : BYTE 5 : escape type BYTE 6 : escape identifier BYTE 7 -65537 : associated value bytes depending on the escape identifier. Decoding Graphics Orders The recommended way of decoding a buffer of graphics orders (in C language) is to use a pointer to address the first byte of the buffer, and then retrieve the graphics order it contains. To discover which of the four types of order you have, use the following macros:  BYTE_ORDER (1-byte order)  SHORT_ORDER (2-byte order)  LONG_ORDER (long order)  VLONG_ORDER (very long order). These macros are defined in the header file PMORD.H. Each macro processes a single byte of data and returns a Boolean value (zero or nonzero). A zero value means that the order is not of that type. When you know the graphics-order type, you can establish the length of the order, and add the length to the pointer. You can then retrieve the next order in the buffer, and repeat the process until all data has been retrieved. You can decode the graphics-order data itself by providing a routine for each of the order types, or a routine for each individual order:  For a 1-byte graphic order, the decoding routine should simply return a length of 1.  For a 2-byte graphic order, the decoding routine can use the overlay structure ORDER to decode the data. The routine should return a length of 2.  For a long order, the decoding routine can use the overlay structure LORDER to decode the data. The length of the data is a variable value.  For a very long order, the decoding routine can use the overlay structure VORDER to decode the data. The length of the data is a variable value. The overlay structures ORDER, LORDER, and VORDER are defined in the header file PMORD.H. You can build graphics orders using the same structures and order types that are used for decoding graphics orders. Naming Conventions The names of the graphics-order codes are in the form OCODE_Gxxx. The Gxxx abbreviation is the name of the individual order, and can be used for types, structures, and constants directly related to that order. In the header file, there is a comment on the same line as each of the orders that describes the order. For example, the Begin Area order (GBAR) is described in the header file as follows: Note: In some structures, an S or an L is added to the name to differentiate between the short-coordinate form (16-bit) and the long-coordinate form (32-bit). For example, the Set Arc Parameters order (GSAP) is as follows: typedef struct _ORDERS_GSAP { SHORT p; SHORT q; SHORT r; SHORT s; } ORDERS_GSAP; typedef struct _ORDERL_GSAP { LONG p; LONG q; LONG r; LONG s; } ORDERL_GSAP; In this example, the structures ORDERS_GSAP and ORDERL_GSAP are shared by GSAP (set arc parameters) and GPSAP (push and set arc parameters). As a rule, there is structure sharing between the set and push-and-set forms of graphics orders. There is structure-sharing between the current-position and the given-position forms of some orders. For example, the orders GCARC (arc at current position) and GARC (arc at given position) share a structure. ═══ 2.2. Arc at a Given Position/Arc at Current Position ═══ ═══ Arc at a Given Position/Arc at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order constructs an arc starting at a given position. Arc at a Given Position (GARC) X'C6' (LEN, P0, P1, P2) Arc at Current Position (GCARC) X'86' (LEN, P1, P2) ═══ GARC/GCARC Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GARC/GCARC Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of start point. This parameter is only present in a Arc at a Given Position order. ═══ GARC/GCARC Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of intermediate point. ═══ GARC/GCARC Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of end point. ═══ Arc at a Given Position/Arc at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of start point. This parameter is only present in a Arc at a Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of intermediate point. P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of end point. ═══ Arc at a Given Position/Arc at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.3. Begin Area ═══ ═══ Begin Area - Syntax ═══ This order indicates the start of a set of primitives that define an area boundary. Begin Area (GBAR) X'68' (FLAGS) ═══ GBAR Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Internal flags. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved for migration: 1 Only valid value. BOUNDARY (GBIT1) Boundary-line draw indicator: 0 Do not draw boundary lines 1 Draw boundary lines. INSIDE (GBIT1) Mode shading: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Begin Area - Parameters ═══ FLAGS Internal flags. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved for migration: 1 Only valid value. BOUNDARY (GBIT1) Boundary-line draw indicator: 0 Do not draw boundary lines 1 Draw boundary lines. INSIDE (GBIT1) Mode shading: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Begin Area - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.4. Begin Element ═══ ═══ Begin Element - Syntax ═══ This order indicates the beginning of a set of primitives that define an element. Begin Element (GBEL) X'D2' (LEN, TYPE, DESCR) ═══ GBEL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GBEL Parameter - TYPE ═══ TYPE (GLONG) Element type code. Possible values are described in the following list: 0x0000FD01 Line bundle 0x0000FD02 Character bundle 0x0000FD03 Marker bundle 0x0000FD04 Area bundle 0x0000FD05 Image bundle 0x00000007 Call segment 0x00000081 Polyline 0x00000085 Polyfillet 0x000000A4 Polyfillet sharp 0x000000A5 Polyspline 0x00000082 Polymarker 0x00000087 Full arc 0x00000091 Image 0x000000B1 Character string at current position 0x000000F1 Character string at given position 0x81xxxxxx-0xFFxxxxxx Indicates user defined elements Other Reserved values. ═══ GBEL Parameter - DESCR ═══ DESCR (GUNDF) Element description data. This is optional. ═══ Begin Element - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. TYPE (GLONG) Element type code. Possible values are described in the following list: 0x0000FD01 Line bundle 0x0000FD02 Character bundle 0x0000FD03 Marker bundle 0x0000FD04 Area bundle 0x0000FD05 Image bundle 0x00000007 Call segment 0x00000081 Polyline 0x00000085 Polyfillet 0x000000A4 Polyfillet sharp 0x000000A5 Polyspline 0x00000082 Polymarker 0x00000087 Full arc 0x00000091 Image 0x000000B1 Character string at current position 0x000000F1 Character string at given position 0x81xxxxxx-0xFFxxxxxx Indicates user defined elements Other Reserved values. DESCR (GUNDF) Element description data. This is optional. ═══ Begin Element - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.5. Begin Image at Given Position/Begin Image at Current Position ═══ ═══ Begin Image at Given Position/Begin Image at Current Position - Syntax ═══ These orders identify the start of an image definition at a given position or at the current position. Begin Image at Given Position (GBIMG) X'D1' (LEN, P0, FORMAT, RES, WIDTH, HEIGHT) Begin Image at Current Position (GCBIMG) X'91' (LEN, FORMAT, RES, WIDTH, HEIGHT) ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the image is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Begin Image at Given Position order. ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - FORMAT ═══ FORMAT (GBIT8) Format of the image data. 0x00 One bit in the data represents one image point on the usable area. ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved. 0x00 Only valid value. ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - WIDTH ═══ WIDTH (GUSHORT370) Width of the image data. This is the width in pels. 0x00-0x07 Valid range of values. ═══ GBIMG/GCBIMG Parameter - HEIGHT ═══ HEIGHT (GUSHORT370) Height of the image data. This is the height in pels. ═══ Begin Image at Given Position/Begin Image at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the image is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Begin Image at Given Position order. FORMAT (GBIT8) Format of the image data. 0x00 One bit in the data represents one image point on the usable area. RES (GBIT8) Reserved. 0x00 Only valid value. WIDTH (GUSHORT370) Width of the image data. This is the width in pels. 0x00-0x07 Valid range of values. HEIGHT (GUSHORT370) Height of the image data. This is the height in pels. ═══ Begin Image at Given Position/Begin Image at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.6. Begin Path ═══ ═══ Begin Path - Syntax ═══ This order sets the drawing process into path state. Begin Path (GBPTH) X'D0' (LEN, RES, PTHID) ═══ GBPTH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. ═══ GBPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT16) Reserved. 0x0000 Only valid value. ═══ GBPTH Parameter - PTHID ═══ PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Begin Path - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. RES (GBIT16) Reserved. 0x0000 Only valid value. PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Begin Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.7. Bezier Curve at Given Position/Bezier Curve at Current Poition ═══ ═══ Bezier Curve at Given Position/Bezier Curve at Current Poition - Syntax ═══ This order generates a curve that starts at a given position. Bezier Curve at Given Position (GBEZ) X'E5' (LEN, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, PN-2, PN-1, PN) Bezier Curve at Current Poition (GCBEZ) X'A5' (LEN, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, PN-2, PN-1, PN) ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve start. This parameter is only present in a Bezier Curve at Given Position order. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve, first control point. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve, second control point. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P3 ═══ P3 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve end. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P4 ═══ P4 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve, first control point ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P5 ═══ P5 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve, second control point ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - P6 ═══ P6 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve end. ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - PN-2 ═══ PN-2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve, first control point ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - PN-1 ═══ PN-1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve, second control point ═══ GBEZ/GCBEZ Parameter - PN ═══ PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve end. ═══ Bezier Curve at Given Position/Bezier Curve at Current Poition - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve start. This parameter is only present in a Bezier Curve at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve, first control point. P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve, second control point. P3 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve end. P4 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve, first control point P5 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve, second control point P6 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve end. PN-2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve, first control point PN-1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve, second control point PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final curve end. ═══ Bezier Curve at Given Position/Bezier Curve at Current Poition - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.8. Bitblt ═══ ═══ Bitblt - Syntax ═══ This order copies a rectangle of a bit map into DOCS. Bitblt (GBBLT) X'D6' (LEN, FLAGS, MIX, BMID, TRANS, P1, P2, SOURCE1X, SOURCE1Y, SOURCE2X, SOURCE2Y) ═══ GBBLT Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS (GBIT16) Reserved. 0x0000 Only valid value. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - MIX ═══ MIX (GBIT16) Mix mode. Values are: 0x00CC Source. 0x00C0 Source and pattern. 0x00CA Source where pattern1 0x000C Source where pattern0 0x00E2 Pattern where source1 0x00B8 Pattern where source0 Other Reserved values. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - BMID ═══ BMID (GHBITMAP) Bit-map identifier. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - TRANS ═══ TRANS (GBIT32) Transfer mode. Values are: 0x00000000 OR 0x01000000 AND 0x02000000 Ignore Other Reserved values. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Target rectangle bottom-left corner. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Target rectangle top-right corner. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - SOURCE1X ═══ SOURCE1X (GLONG) Source rectangle bottom-left corner, x-coordinate. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - SOURCE1Y ═══ SOURCE1Y (GLONG) Source rectangle bottom-left corner, y-coordinate. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - SOURCE2X ═══ SOURCE2X (GLONG) Source rectangle top-right corner, x-coordinate. ═══ GBBLT Parameter - SOURCE2Y ═══ SOURCE2Y (GLONG) Source rectangle top-right corner, y-coordinate. ═══ Bitblt - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS (GBIT16) Reserved. 0x0000 Only valid value. MIX (GBIT16) Mix mode. Values are: 0x00CC Source. 0x00C0 Source and pattern. 0x00CA Source where pattern1 0x000C Source where pattern0 0x00E2 Pattern where source1 0x00B8 Pattern where source0 Other Reserved values. BMID (GHBITMAP) Bit-map identifier. TRANS (GBIT32) Transfer mode. Values are: 0x00000000 OR 0x01000000 AND 0x02000000 Ignore Other Reserved values. P1 (GPOINT) Target rectangle bottom-left corner. P2 (GPOINT) Target rectangle top-right corner. SOURCE1X (GLONG) Source rectangle bottom-left corner, x-coordinate. SOURCE1Y (GLONG) Source rectangle bottom-left corner, y-coordinate. SOURCE2X (GLONG) Source rectangle top-right corner, x-coordinate. SOURCE2Y (GLONG) Source rectangle top-right corner, y-coordinate. ═══ Bitblt - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.9. Box at Given Position/Box at Current Position ═══ ═══ Box at Given Position/Box at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order defines a box with square or round corners, drawn with its first corner at a given position. Box at Given Position (GBOX) X'C0' (LEN, CONTROL, RES, P0, P1, HAXIS, VAXIS) Box at Current Position (GCBOX) X'80' (LEN, CONTROL, RES, P1, HAXIS, VAXIS) ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - CONTROL ═══ CONTROL Internal flags. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. FILL (GBIT1) Values: 0 No fill 1 Fill. BOUNDARY (GBIT1) Values: 0 No boundary 1 Boundary. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of box origin. This parameter is only present in a Box at Given Position order. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of box corner. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - HAXIS ═══ HAXIS (GROSOL) Length of horizontal axis of ellipse. ═══ GBOX/GCBOX Parameter - VAXIS ═══ VAXIS (GROSOL) Length of vertical axis of ellipse. ═══ Box at Given Position/Box at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. CONTROL Internal flags. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. FILL (GBIT1) Values: 0 No fill 1 Fill. BOUNDARY (GBIT1) Values: 0 No boundary 1 Boundary. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of box origin. This parameter is only present in a Box at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of box corner. HAXIS (GROSOL) Length of horizontal axis of ellipse. VAXIS (GROSOL) Length of vertical axis of ellipse. ═══ Box at Given Position/Box at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.10. Call Segment ═══ ═══ Call Segment - Syntax ═══ This order calls one segment from another. Call Segment (GCALLS) X'07' (LEN, RES, SEGNAME) ═══ GCALLS Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. ═══ GCALLS Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT16) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GCALLS Parameter - SEGNAME ═══ SEGNAME (GLONG) Name of segment that is to be called. The name cannot be 0. ═══ Call Segment - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. RES (GBIT16) Reserved value, must be 0. SEGNAME (GLONG) Name of segment that is to be called. The name cannot be 0. ═══ Call Segment - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.11. Character String at Given Position/Character String at Current Position ═══ ═══ Character String at Given Position/Character String at Current Position - Syntax ═══ These orders draw a character string at a given position or at the current position. Character String at Given Position (GCHST) X'C3' (LEN, P0, CP) Character String at Current Position (GCCHST) X'83' (LEN, CP) ═══ GCHST/GCCHST Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GCHST/GCCHST Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String at Given Position order. ═══ GCHST/GCCHST Parameter - CP ═══ CP (GSTR) Code points of each character in the string. ═══ Character String at Given Position/Character String at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String at Given Position order. CP (GSTR) Code points of each character in the string. ═══ Character String at Given Position/Character String at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.12. Character String Extended at Given Position/Character String Extended at Current Position ═══ ═══ Character String Extended at Given Position/Character String Extended at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order defines a character string to be drawn at a given position. Character String Extended at Given Position (GCHSTE) X'FEF0' (LEN1, P0, FLAGS, RES, P1, P2, LEN2, CP, PAD, VECT) Character String Extended at Current Position (GCCHSTE) X'FEB0' (LEN1, FLAGS, RES, P1, P2, LEN2, CP, PAD, VECT) ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - LEN1 ═══ LEN1 (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String Extended at Given Position order. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Extra functions: RECT (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not draw background rectangle 1 Draw background rectangle. CLIP (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not clip to rectangle 1 Clip to rectangle. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. LVCP (GBIT1) Values: 0 Move current position 1 Leave current position. RES2 (GBIT4) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of rectangle corner. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of rectangle corner. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - LEN2 ═══ LEN2 (GLENGTH2) Length of code-point data. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - CP ═══ CP (GSTR) Code-point data. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - PAD ═══ PAD (GBIT8) Pad byte. Only needs to be included if CP is an odd number of bytes. ═══ GCHSTE/GCCHSTE Parameter - VECT ═══ VECT (GROSOL) IN (0) Vector of character increments. VECT is a vector of n elements, where n is the number of code points present in the CP parameter. ═══ Character String Extended at Given Position/Character String Extended at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN1 (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String Extended at Given Position order. FLAGS Extra functions: RECT (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not draw background rectangle 1 Draw background rectangle. CLIP (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not clip to rectangle 1 Clip to rectangle. RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. LVCP (GBIT1) Values: 0 Move current position 1 Leave current position. RES2 (GBIT4) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of rectangle corner. P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of rectangle corner. LEN2 (GLENGTH2) Length of code-point data. CP (GSTR) Code-point data. PAD (GBIT8) Pad byte. Only needs to be included if CP is an odd number of bytes. VECT (GROSOL) IN (0) Vector of character increments. VECT is a vector of n elements, where n is the number of code points present in the CP parameter. ═══ Character String Extended at Given Position/Character String Extended at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.13. Character String Move at Given Position/Character String Move at Current Position ═══ ═══ Character String Move at Given Position/Character String Move at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order draws a character string starting from a given position and moves the current position to the end of the string. Character String Move at Given Position (GCHSTM) X'F1' (LEN, P0, CP) Character String Move at Current Position (GCCHSTM) X'B1' (LEN, CP) ═══ GCHSTM/GCCHSTM Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GCHSTM/GCCHSTM Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String Move at Given Position order. ═══ GCHSTM/GCCHSTM Parameter - CP ═══ CP (GSTR) Code points of each character in the string. ═══ Character String Move at Given Position/Character String Move at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Point at which the character string is to be placed. This parameter is only present in a Character String Move at Given Position order. CP (GSTR) Code points of each character in the string. ═══ Character String Move at Given Position/Character String Move at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.14. Close Figure ═══ ═══ Close Figure - Syntax ═══ This order delimits the end of a closed figure. Close Figure (GCLFIG) X'7D' (RES) ═══ GCLFIG Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Close Figure - Parameters ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Close Figure - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.15. Comment ═══ ═══ Comment - Syntax ═══ This order enables data to be stored within a segment. Comment (GCOMT) X'01' (LEN, DATA[LEN]) ═══ GCOMT Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GCOMT Parameter - DATA[LEN] ═══ DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Comment data. ═══ Comment - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Comment data. ═══ Comment - Remarks ═══ This order is treated as a no-operation. ═══ Comment - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.16. End Area ═══ ═══ End Area - Syntax ═══ This order indicates the end of a set of primitives that define an area boundary. End Area (GEAR) X'60' (LEN, DATA[LEN]) ═══ GEAR Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. It is normally 0. ═══ GEAR Parameter - DATA[LEN] ═══ DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Area - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. It is normally 0. DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Area - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.17. End Element ═══ ═══ End Element - Syntax ═══ This order identifies the end of a set of primitives that define an element. End Element (GEEL) X'49' (RES) ═══ GEEL Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Element - Parameters ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Element - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.18. End Image ═══ ═══ End Image - Syntax ═══ This order identifies the end of an image definition. End Image (GEIMG) X'93' (LEN, DATA[LEN]) ═══ GEIMG Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. It is normally 0. ═══ GEIMG Parameter - DATA[LEN] ═══ DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Image - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. It is normally 0. DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Image - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.19. End of Symbol Definition ═══ ═══ End of Symbol Definition - Syntax ═══ This order indicates the end of a set of orders defining a graphics symbol. End of Symbol Definition (GESD) X'FF' ═══ End of Symbol Definition - Remarks ═══ This order is only valid in the context of symbol definitions. ═══ End of Symbol Definition - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.20. End Path ═══ ═══ End Path - Syntax ═══ This order ends the definition of a path. End Path (GEPTH) X'7F' (RES) ═══ GEPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Path - Parameters ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.21. End Prolog ═══ ═══ End Prolog - Syntax ═══ This order indicates the end of the prolog of a segment. End Prolog (GEPROL) X'3E' (RES) ═══ GEPROL Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Prolog - Parameters ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ End Prolog - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.22. Escape ═══ ═══ Escape - Syntax ═══ This order provides facilities for registered and unregistered escape functions. Escape (GESCP) X'D5' (LEN, TYPE, RID, PARMS) ═══ GESCP Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GESCP Parameter - TYPE ═══ TYPE (GBIT8) Type identifier: 80 Registered value Other All other values are unregistered. ═══ GESCP Parameter - RID ═══ RID (GBIT8) Registered identifier: 01 Set pel. 02 BITBLT function. 03 Flood fill function. 04 Draw bits function. ═══ GESCP Parameter - PARMS ═══ PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of escape. ═══ Escape - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. TYPE (GBIT8) Type identifier: 80 Registered value Other All other values are unregistered. RID (GBIT8) Registered identifier: 01 Set pel. 02 BITBLT function. 03 Flood fill function. 04 Draw bits function. PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of escape. ═══ Escape - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.23. Extended Escape ═══ ═══ Extended Escape - Syntax ═══ This order provides facilities for registered and unregistered escape functions. Extended Escape (GEESCP) X'FED5' (LEN, TYPE, RID, PARMS) ═══ GEESCP Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. ═══ GEESCP Parameter - TYPE ═══ TYPE (GBIT8) Type identifier: 0x80 Registered value Other All other values are unregistered. ═══ GEESCP Parameter - RID ═══ RID (GUCHAR) Registered identifier. No registered extended escapes are used by the OS/2* operating system. ═══ GEESCP Parameter - PARMS ═══ PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of escape. ═══ Extended Escape - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. TYPE (GBIT8) Type identifier: 0x80 Registered value Other All other values are unregistered. RID (GUCHAR) Registered identifier. No registered extended escapes are used by the OS/2* operating system. PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of escape. ═══ Extended Escape - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.24. Fill Path ═══ ═══ Fill Path - Syntax ═══ This order fills the interior of the specified path. Fill Path (GFPTH) X'D7' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, PTHID) ═══ GFPTH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. ═══ GFPTH Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Extra functions: RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. INSIDE (GBIT1) Values: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. MOD (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not modify before filling 1 Modify path before filling. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GFPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GFPTH Parameter - PTHID ═══ PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Fill Path - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. FLAGS Extra functions: RES1 (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. INSIDE (GBIT1) Values: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. MOD (GBIT1) Values: 0 Do not modify before filling 1 Modify path before filling. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Fill Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.25. Fillet at Given Position/Fillet at Current Position ═══ ═══ Fillet at Given Position/Fillet at Current Position - Syntax ═══ These orders draw a curved line tangential to a specified set of straight lines, at the given position or at the current position. Fillet at Given Position (GFLT) X'C5' (LEN, P0, P1, P2, PN) Fillet at Current Position (GCFLT) X'85' (LEN, P1, P2, PN) ═══ GFLT/GCFLT Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GFLT/GCFLT Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Fillet at Given Position order. ═══ GFLT/GCFLT Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first line end. ═══ GFLT/GCFLT Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second line end. ═══ GFLT/GCFLT Parameter - PN ═══ PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final line end. ═══ Fillet at Given Position/Fillet at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Fillet at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first line end. P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second line end. PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final line end. ═══ Fillet at Given Position/Fillet at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.26. Full Arc at Given Position/Full Arc at Current Position ═══ ═══ Full Arc at Given Position/Full Arc at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order constructs a full circle or an ellipse, with the center at a given position. Full Arc at Given Position (GFARC) X'C7' (LEN, P0, M) Full Arc at Current Position (GCFARC) X'87' (LEN, M) ═══ GFARC/GCFARC Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GFARC/GCFARC Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of the center of the circle/ellipse. This parameter is only present in a Full Arc at Given Position order. ═══ GFARC/GCFARC Parameter - M ═══ M (GROFUFS) Multiplier. ═══ Full Arc at Given Position/Full Arc at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of the center of the circle/ellipse. This parameter is only present in a Full Arc at Given Position order. M (GROFUFS) Multiplier. ═══ Full Arc at Given Position/Full Arc at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.27. Image Data ═══ ═══ Image Data - Syntax ═══ This order provides bit data for an image. Image Data (GIMD) X'92' (LEN, DATA[LEN]) ═══ GIMD Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GIMD Parameter - DATA[LEN] ═══ DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Image data. ═══ Image Data - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. DATA[LEN] (GBIT8) Image data. ═══ Image Data - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.28. Label ═══ ═══ Label - Syntax ═══ This order is used to label an element within a segment. Label (GLBL) X'D3' (LEN, LDATA) ═══ GLBL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. ═══ GLBL Parameter - LDATA ═══ LDATA (GLONG) Label value. ═══ Label - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. LDATA (GLONG) Label value. ═══ Label - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.29. Line at Given Position/Line at Current Position ═══ ═══ Line at Given Position/Line at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order defines one or more connected straight lines, drawn from the given position. Line at Given Position (GLINE) X'C1' (LEN, P0, P1, PN) Line at Current Position (GCLINE) X'81' (LEN, P1, PN) ═══ GLINE/GCLINE Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GLINE/GCLINE Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Line at Given Position order. ═══ GLINE/GCLINE Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first line end. ═══ GLINE/GCLINE Parameter - PN ═══ PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final line end. ═══ Line at Given Position/Line at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Line at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first line end. PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final line end. ═══ Line at Given Position/Line at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.30. Marker at Given Position/Marker at Current Position ═══ ═══ Marker at Given Position/Marker at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order draws the current marker symbol at one or more positions starting from a given position. Marker at Given Position (GMRK) X'C2' (LEN, P0, P1, PN) Marker at Current Position (GCMRK) X'82' (LEN, P1, PN) ═══ GMRK/GCMRK Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GMRK/GCMRK Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first marker. ═══ GMRK/GCMRK Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second marker. ═══ GMRK/GCMRK Parameter - PN ═══ PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final marker. ═══ Marker at Given Position/Marker at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first marker. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second marker. PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of final marker. ═══ Marker at Given Position/Marker at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.31. Modify Path ═══ ═══ Modify Path - Syntax ═══ This order modifies the path according to the value of the mode. Modify Path (GMPTH) X'D8' (LEN, MODE, RES, PTHID) ═══ GMPTH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. ═══ GMPTH Parameter - MODE ═══ MODE (GBIT8) Mode of path modification: 0x06 Stroke the path Other All other values are reserved. ═══ GMPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GMPTH Parameter - PTHID ═══ PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Modify Path - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x06 Only valid value. MODE (GBIT8) Mode of path modification: 0x06 Stroke the path Other All other values are reserved. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Valid path identifiers. ═══ Modify Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.32. No-Operation ═══ ═══ No-Operation - Syntax ═══ This order is a no-operation. No-Operation (GNOP1) X'00' ═══ No-Operation - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Glossary ═══ 2.33. Outline Path ═══ ═══ Outline Path - Syntax ═══ This order draws the outline of the specified path. Outline Path (GOPTH) X'D4' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, PTHID) ═══ GOPTH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GOPTH Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS (GBIT8) Function flags: 0x00 Only valid value. ═══ GOPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GOPTH Parameter - PTHID ═══ PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 1 Only valid value. ═══ Outline Path - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS (GBIT8) Function flags: 0x00 Only valid value. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 1 Only valid value. ═══ Outline Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.34. Partial Arc at Given Position/Partial Arc at Current Position ═══ ═══ Partial Arc at Given Position/Partial Arc at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order draws a line from a given position to the start of an arc, and then draws the arc. Partial Arc at Given Position (GPARC) X'E3' (LEN, P0, P1, M, START, SWEEP) Partial Arc at Current Position (GCPARC) X'A3' (LEN, P1, M, START, SWEEP) ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of start of line. This parameter is only present in a Partial Arc at Given Position order. ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of center of arc. ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - M ═══ M (GROFUFS) Multiplier. ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - START ═══ START (GROF) Start angle. ═══ GPARC/GCPARC Parameter - SWEEP ═══ SWEEP (GROF) Sweep angle. ═══ Partial Arc at Given Position/Partial Arc at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of start of line. This parameter is only present in a Partial Arc at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of center of arc. M (GROFUFS) Multiplier. START (GROF) Start angle. SWEEP (GROF) Sweep angle. ═══ Partial Arc at Given Position/Partial Arc at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.35. Polygons ═══ ═══ Polygons - Syntax ═══ This order defines a set of polygons, which are optionally filled. Polygons (GPOLYS) X'F3' (LEN, FLAGS, COUNT, POLYS) ═══ GPOLYS Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. ═══ GPOLYS Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Internal flags. INSIDE (GBIT1) Mode shading: 0 Alternate mode. 1 Winding mode. MODEL (GBIT1) Drawing model: 0 The fill is inclusive of bottom right. 1 The fill is exclusive of bottom right. RES2 (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GPOLYS Parameter - COUNT ═══ COUNT (GUSHORT) Number of polygons. ═══ GPOLYS Parameter - POLYS ═══ POLYS (GPOLYS) Array of polygons. ═══ Polygons - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH2) Length of following data. FLAGS Internal flags. INSIDE (GBIT1) Mode shading: 0 Alternate mode. 1 Winding mode. MODEL (GBIT1) Drawing model: 0 The fill is inclusive of bottom right. 1 The fill is exclusive of bottom right. RES2 (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. COUNT (GUSHORT) Number of polygons. POLYS (GPOLYS) Array of polygons. ═══ Polygons - Remarks ═══ This order draws a set of polygons. For the first polygon the current position is the first point. For all subsequent polygons all points which define the polygon are given explicitly. The polygons are automatically closed if necessary. The current position is set to the last point specified. ═══ Polygons - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.36. Pop ═══ ═══ Pop - Syntax ═══ This order enables data to be popped from the Segment Call Stack. Pop (GPOP) X'3F' (RES) ═══ GPOP Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Pop - Parameters ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Pop - Remarks ═══ The data is placed into an attribute or Drawing Process Control. ═══ Pop - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.37. Relative Line at Given Position/Relative Line at Current Position ═══ ═══ Relative Line at Given Position/Relative Line at Current Position - Syntax ═══ These orders define one or more connected straight lines, at the given position or at the current position. Relative Line at Given Position (GRLINE) X'E1' (LEN, P0, OFF0, OFF1, OFFN) Relative Line at Current Position (GCRLINE) X'A1' (LEN, OFF0, OFF1, OFFN) ═══ GRLINE/GCRLINE Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GRLINE/GCRLINE Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Relative Line at Given Position order. ═══ GRLINE/GCRLINE Parameter - OFF0 ═══ OFF0 (GDELPOINT) Offset data for first point. This offset is to the first line end, relative to its start point. ═══ GRLINE/GCRLINE Parameter - OFF1 ═══ OFF1 (GDELPOINT) Offset data for second point. This offset is to the second line end, relative to the first line end. ═══ GRLINE/GCRLINE Parameter - OFFN ═══ OFFN (GDELPOINT) Offset data for final point. This offset is to the nth line end, relative to the n-1th line end. ═══ Relative Line at Given Position/Relative Line at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of line start. This parameter is only present in a Relative Line at Given Position order. OFF0 (GDELPOINT) Offset data for first point. This offset is to the first line end, relative to its start point. OFF1 (GDELPOINT) Offset data for second point. This offset is to the second line end, relative to the first line end. OFFN (GDELPOINT) Offset data for final point. This offset is to the nth line end, relative to the n-1th line end. ═══ Relative Line at Given Position/Relative Line at Current Position - Remarks ═══ The end point of each line is given as an offset from the start of the line, rather than as absolute coordinates. ═══ Relative Line at Given Position/Relative Line at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.38. Segment Characteristics ═══ ═══ Segment Characteristics - Syntax ═══ This order provides the facility to set architected or user-defined characteristics for a segment. Segment Characteristics (GSGCH) X'04' (LEN, CBIT8, PARMS) ═══ GSGCH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSGCH Parameter - CBIT8 ═══ CBIT8 (GUCHAR) Identification code for characteristics: 0x00-0x7F Reserved for architected characteristics. 0x80-0xFF Reserved for user-defined characteristics. ═══ GSGCH Parameter - PARMS ═══ PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of characteristics. ═══ Segment Characteristics - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. CBIT8 (GUCHAR) Identification code for characteristics: 0x00-0x7F Reserved for architected characteristics. 0x80-0xFF Reserved for user-defined characteristics. PARMS (GSTR) Parameters of characteristics. ═══ Segment Characteristics - Remarks ═══ The order is only valid in a root-segment prolog. ═══ Segment Characteristics - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.39. Set Arc Parameters/Push and Set Arc Parameters ═══ ═══ Set Arc Parameters/Push and Set Arc Parameters - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the values of the current arc parameters. Set Arc Parameters (GSAP) X'22' (LEN, P, Q, R, S) Push and Set Arc Parameters (GPSAP) X'62' (LEN, P, Q, R, S) ═══ GSAP/GPSAP Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSAP/GPSAP Parameter - P ═══ P (GROSOL) P-parameter of arc transform. ═══ GSAP/GPSAP Parameter - Q ═══ Q (GROSOL) Q-parameter of arc transform. ═══ GSAP/GPSAP Parameter - R ═══ R (GROSOL) R-parameter of arc transform. ═══ GSAP/GPSAP Parameter - S ═══ S (GROSOL) S-parameter of arc transform. ═══ Set Arc Parameters/Push and Set Arc Parameters - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P (GROSOL) P-parameter of arc transform. Q (GROSOL) Q-parameter of arc transform. R (GROSOL) R-parameter of arc transform. S (GROSOL) S-parameter of arc transform. ═══ Set Arc Parameters/Push and Set Arc Parameters - Remarks ═══ The values of the current arc parameters are pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the current arc parameters to the values specified in the order. The value of these parameters determines the shape of subsequent orders drawn using Arc at a Given Position/Arc at Current Position or Full Arc at Given Position/Full Arc at Current Position or Partial Arc at Given Position/Partial Arc at Current Position. ═══ Set Arc Parameters/Push and Set Arc Parameters - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.40. Set Background Color/Push and Set Background Color ═══ ═══ Set Background Color/Push and Set Background Color - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current background color attribute. Set Background Color (GSBCOL) X'25' (LEN, COLOR) Push and Set Background Color (GPSBCOL) X'65' (LEN, COLOR) ═══ GSBCOL/GPSBCOL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. ═══ GSBCOL/GPSBCOL Parameter - COLOR ═══ COLOR (GBIT16) Color-table index: Except for the special values, the values 0x0000 through 0xnnnn are allowed color indexes; that is, as many values as are allowed by the size of the LCT. Special Values 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0007 White 0x0008 Black 0xFF00 Drawing default 0xFF0x Color indexes 0x000n, where n is in the range 1 through 7. 0xFF08 Color index 0 (reset color). ═══ Set Background Color/Push and Set Background Color - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. COLOR (GBIT16) Color-table index: Except for the special values, the values 0x0000 through 0xnnnn are allowed color indexes; that is, as many values as are allowed by the size of the LCT. Special Values 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0007 White 0x0008 Black 0xFF00 Drawing default 0xFF0x Color indexes 0x000n, where n is in the range 1 through 7. 0xFF08 Color index 0 (reset color). ═══ Set Background Color/Push and Set Background Color - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.41. Set Background Indexed Color/Push and Set Background Indexed Color ═══ ═══ Set Background Indexed Color/Push and Set Background Indexed Color - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current background color attribute. Set Background Indexed Color (GSBICOL) X'A7' (LEN, FLAGS, INDEX) Push and Set Background Indexed Color (GPSBICOL) X'E7' (LEN, FLAGS, INDEX) ═══ GSBICOL/GPSBICOL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. ═══ GSBICOL/GPSBICOL Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified INDEX 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use index directly 1 Special value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSBICOL/GPSBICOL Parameter - INDEX ═══ INDEX (GINDEX3) Value for color index. The value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Background Indexed Color/Push and Set Background Indexed Color - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified INDEX 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use index directly 1 Special value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. INDEX (GINDEX3) Value for color index. The value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Background Indexed Color/Push and Set Background Indexed Color - Remarks ═══ The value of the current background color attribute is pushed on to the stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the current background color attribute to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Background Indexed Color/Push and Set Background Indexed Color - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.42. Set Background Mix/Push and Set Background Mix ═══ ═══ Set Background Mix/Push and Set Background Mix - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current background mix attribute. Set Background Mix (GSBMX) X'0D' (MODE) Push and Set Background Mix (GPSBMX) X'4D' (MODE) ═══ GSBMX/GPSBMX Parameter - MODE ═══ MODE (GBIT8) Mix-mode value: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 OR 0x02 Overpaint 0x03 Reserved 0x04 Exclusive-OR 0x05 Leave Alone 0x06 AND 0x07 Subtract 0x08 Source AND (inverse destination) 0x09 All zeros 0x0A Inverse (source OR destination) 0x0B Inverse (source XOR destination) 0x0C Inverse destination 0x0D Source OR (inverse destination) 0x0E Inverse source 0x0F (Inverse source) OR destination 0x10 Inverse (source AND destination) 0x11 All ones. ═══ Set Background Mix/Push and Set Background Mix - Parameters ═══ MODE (GBIT8) Mix-mode value: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 OR 0x02 Overpaint 0x03 Reserved 0x04 Exclusive-OR 0x05 Leave Alone 0x06 AND 0x07 Subtract 0x08 Source AND (inverse destination) 0x09 All zeros 0x0A Inverse (source OR destination) 0x0B Inverse (source XOR destination) 0x0C Inverse destination 0x0D Source OR (inverse destination) 0x0E Inverse source 0x0F (Inverse source) OR destination 0x10 Inverse (source AND destination) 0x11 All ones. ═══ Set Background Mix/Push and Set Background Mix - Remarks ═══ The value of the current background mix attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the current background mix attribute to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Background Mix/Push and Set Background Mix - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.43. Set Character Angle/Push and Set Character Angle ═══ ═══ Set Character Angle/Push and Set Character Angle - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character angle attribute. Set Character Angle (GSCA) X'34' (LEN, AX, AY) Push and Set Character Angle (GPSCA) X'74' (LEN, AX, AY) ═══ GSCA/GPSCA Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCA/GPSCA Parameter - AX ═══ AX (GROSOL) X coordinate of point. This point defines the angle of the character string. ═══ GSCA/GPSCA Parameter - AY ═══ AY (GROSOL) Y coordinate of point. This point defines the angle of the character string. ═══ Set Character Angle/Push and Set Character Angle - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. AX (GROSOL) X coordinate of point. This point defines the angle of the character string. AY (GROSOL) Y coordinate of point. This point defines the angle of the character string. ═══ Set Character Angle/Push and Set Character Angle - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character angle attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character angle to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Character Angle/Push and Set Character Angle - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.44. Set Character Break Extra/Push and Set Character Break Extra ═══ ═══ Set Character Break Extra/Push and Set Character Break Extra - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character break extra attribute. Set Character Break Extra (GSCBE) X'05' (LEN, FLAGS, RES2, INC) Push and Set Character Break Extra (GPSCBE) X'45' (LEN, FLAGS, RES2, INC) ═══ GSCBE/GPSCBE Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCBE/GPSCBE Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values as follows: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Values as follows: B"0" Set to specified value. B"1" Set to drawing default. RES1 (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSCBE/GPSCBE Parameter - RES2 ═══ RES2 (GUNDF1) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSCBE/GPSCBE Parameter - INC ═══ INC (GROF) Increment. ═══ Set Character Break Extra/Push and Set Character Break Extra - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS Values as follows: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Values as follows: B"0" Set to specified value. B"1" Set to drawing default. RES1 (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. RES2 (GUNDF1) Reserved value, must be 0. INC (GROF) Increment. ═══ Set Character Break Extra/Push and Set Character Break Extra - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character break extra attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character break extra attribute to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Character Break Extra/Push and Set Character Break Extra - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.45. Set Character Cell/Push and Set Character Cell ═══ ═══ Set Character Cell/Push and Set Character Cell - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character cell-size attribute. Set Character Cell (GSCC) X'33' (LEN, CELLX, CELLY, CELLXF, CELLYF, FLAGS, RES) Push and Set Character Cell (GPSCC) X'03' (LEN, CELLX, CELLY, CELLXF, CELLYF, FLAGS, RES) ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - CELLX ═══ CELLX (GROSOL) X part of character cell-size attribute. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - CELLY ═══ CELLY (GROSOL) Y part of character cell-size attribute. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - CELLXF ═══ CELLXF (GUSHORT) Fractional X part of character cell-size attribute. This parameter is optional. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - CELLYF ═══ CELLYF (GUSHORT) Fractional Y part of character cell-size attribute. This parameter must be present if CELLXF parameter is present. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Internal flags. This parameter is optional. NOTDEFLT (GBIT1) Values: 0 A cell size of zero sets drawing default 1 A cell size of zero sets to zero. RES (GBIT7) Reserved. 0000000 Only valid value. ═══ GSCC/GPSCC Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. This parameter must be present if FLAGS parameter is present. ═══ Set Character Cell/Push and Set Character Cell - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. CELLX (GROSOL) X part of character cell-size attribute. CELLY (GROSOL) Y part of character cell-size attribute. CELLXF (GUSHORT) Fractional X part of character cell-size attribute. This parameter is optional. CELLYF (GUSHORT) Fractional Y part of character cell-size attribute. This parameter must be present if CELLXF parameter is present. FLAGS Internal flags. This parameter is optional. NOTDEFLT (GBIT1) Values: 0 A cell size of zero sets drawing default 1 A cell size of zero sets to zero. RES (GBIT7) Reserved. 0000000 Only valid value. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. This parameter must be present if FLAGS parameter is present. ═══ Set Character Cell/Push and Set Character Cell - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character cell-size attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character cell-size attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Character Cell/Push and Set Character Cell - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.46. Set Character Direction/Push and Set Character Direction ═══ ═══ Set Character Direction/Push and Set Character Direction - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character direction attribute. Set Character Direction (GSCD) X'3A' (DIRECTION) Push and Set Character Direction (GPSCD) X'7A' (DIRECTION) ═══ GSCD/GPSCD Parameter - DIRECTION ═══ DIRECTION (GBIT8) Value for character direction: All other values are reserved. 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Left to right 0x02 Top to bottom 0x03 Right to left 0x04 Bottom to top. ═══ Set Character Direction/Push and Set Character Direction - Parameters ═══ DIRECTION (GBIT8) Value for character direction: All other values are reserved. 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Left to right 0x02 Top to bottom 0x03 Right to left 0x04 Bottom to top. ═══ Set Character Direction/Push and Set Character Direction - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character direction attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character direction attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Character Direction/Push and Set Character Direction - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.47. Set Character Extra/Push and Set Character Extra ═══ ═══ Set Character Extra/Push and Set Character Extra - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character extra attribute. Set Character Extra (GSCE) X'17' (LEN, FLAGS, RES2, INC) Push and Set Character Extra (GPSCE) X'57' (LEN, FLAGS, RES2, INC) ═══ GSCE/GPSCE Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCE/GPSCE Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values as follows: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Values as follows: B"0" Set to specified value. B"1" Set to drawing default. RES1 (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSCE/GPSCE Parameter - RES2 ═══ RES2 (GUNDF1) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSCE/GPSCE Parameter - INC ═══ INC (GROF) Increment. ═══ Set Character Extra/Push and Set Character Extra - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS Values as follows: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Values as follows: B"0" Set to specified value. B"1" Set to drawing default. RES1 (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. RES2 (GUNDF1) Reserved value, must be 0. INC (GROF) Increment. ═══ Set Character Extra/Push and Set Character Extra - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character extra attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders set the value of the current character extra attribute to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Character Extra/Push and Set Character Extra - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.48. Set Character Precision/Push and Set Character Precision ═══ ═══ Set Character Precision/Push and Set Character Precision - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character precision attribute. Set Character Precision (GSCR) X'39' (PREC) Push and Set Character Precision (GPSCR) X'79' (PREC) ═══ GSCR/GPSCR Parameter - PREC ═══ PREC (GBIT8) Value for character-precision attribute: All other values are reserved. 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 String precision 0x02 Character precision 0x03 Stroke precision ═══ Set Character Precision/Push and Set Character Precision - Parameters ═══ PREC (GBIT8) Value for character-precision attribute: All other values are reserved. 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 String precision 0x02 Character precision 0x03 Stroke precision ═══ Set Character Precision/Push and Set Character Precision - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character precision attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character precision attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Character Precision/Push and Set Character Precision - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.49. Set Character Set/Push and Set Character Set ═══ ═══ Set Character Set/Push and Set Character Set - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character-set attribute. Set Character Set (GSCS) X'38' (LCID) Push and Set Character Set (GPSCS) X'78' (LCID) ═══ GSCS/GPSCS Parameter - LCID ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the character set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE Lcid for the symbol set 0xFF Special character set. ═══ Set Character Set/Push and Set Character Set - Parameters ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the character set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE Lcid for the symbol set 0xFF Special character set. ═══ Set Character Set/Push and Set Character Set - Remarks ═══ The value of the current character-set attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character-set attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Character Set/Push and Set Character Set - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.50. Set Character Shear/Push and Set Character Shear ═══ ═══ Set Character Shear/Push and Set Character Shear - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current character shear attribute. Set Character Shear (GSCH) X'35' (LEN, HX, HY) Push and Set Character Shear (GPSCH) X'75' (LEN, HX, HY) ═══ GSCH/GPSCH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCH/GPSCH Parameter - HX ═══ HX (GROSOL) Dividend of shear ratio. ═══ GSCH/GPSCH Parameter - HY ═══ HY (GROSOL) Divisor of shear ratio. ═══ Set Character Shear/Push and Set Character Shear - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. HX (GROSOL) Dividend of shear ratio. HY (GROSOL) Divisor of shear ratio. ═══ Set Character Shear/Push and Set Character Shear - Remarks ═══ When HX and HY are both 0, the drawing default is set. The value of the current character shear attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current character shear attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Character Shear/Push and Set Character Shear - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.51. Set Clip Path ═══ ═══ Set Clip Path - Syntax ═══ This order sets the current clip path. Set Clip Path (GSCPTH) X'B4' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, PTHID) ═══ GSCPTH Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCPTH Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Extra functions: RES (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. FILL (GBIT1) Values: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. INTER (GBIT1) Values: 0 Set to specified path 1 Set to intersection of specified and current clip path. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSCPTH Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved. 0x00 Only valid value. ═══ GSCPTH Parameter - PTHID ═══ PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000000 No clipping. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Path identifier. ═══ Set Clip Path - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS Extra functions: RES (GBIT1) Reserved value, must be 0. FILL (GBIT1) Values: 0 Alternate mode 1 Winding mode. INTER (GBIT1) Values: 0 Set to specified path 1 Set to intersection of specified and current clip path. RES2 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved. 0x00 Only valid value. PTHID (GLONG) Path identifier. 0x00000000 No clipping. 0x00000001-0xFFFFFFFF Path identifier. ═══ Set Clip Path - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.52. Set Color/Push and Set Color ═══ ═══ Set Color/Push and Set Color - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current color attribute. Set Color (GSCOL) X'0A' (COL) Push and Set Color (GPSCOL) X'4A' (COL) ═══ GSCOL/GPSCOL Parameter - COL ═══ COL (GBIT8) Value for color attribute: 0x00-0x08 These one-byte values are converted to two-byte values by preceding the value with 0xFF. The resultant is then treated as a two-byte value as defined by the Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color order. Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Color/Push and Set Color - Parameters ═══ COL (GBIT8) Value for color attribute: 0x00-0x08 These one-byte values are converted to two-byte values by preceding the value with 0xFF. The resultant is then treated as a two-byte value as defined by the Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color order. Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Color/Push and Set Color - Remarks ═══ The value of the current color attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current color attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Color/Push and Set Color - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.53. Set Current Position/Push and Set Current Position ═══ ═══ Set Current Position/Push and Set Current Position - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current position. Set Current Position (GSCP) X'21' (LEN, P) Push and Set Current Position (GPSCP) X'61' (LEN, P) ═══ GSCP/GPSCP Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCP/GPSCP Parameter - P ═══ P (GPOINT) Coordinate data. ═══ Set Current Position/Push and Set Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P (GPOINT) Coordinate data. ═══ Set Current Position/Push and Set Current Position - Remarks ═══ The value of the current position is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current position to the value in the order. ═══ Set Current Position/Push and Set Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.54. Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color ═══ ═══ Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current color attribute. Set Extended Color (GSECOL) X'26' (LEN, COLOR) Push and Set Extended Color (GPSECOL) X'66' (LEN, COLOR) ═══ GSECOL/GPSECOL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. ═══ GSECOL/GPSECOL Parameter - COLOR ═══ COLOR (GBIT16) Color-table index. Except for the special values, the values 0x0000 through 0xnnnn are allowed color indexes; that is, as many values as are allowed by the size of the LCT. Special Values 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0007 White 0x0008 Black 0xFF00 Drawing default 0xFF0n Color indexes 0x000n, where n is in the range 1 through 7. 0xFF08 Color index 0 (reset color). ═══ Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. COLOR (GBIT16) Color-table index. Except for the special values, the values 0x0000 through 0xnnnn are allowed color indexes; that is, as many values as are allowed by the size of the LCT. Special Values 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0007 White 0x0008 Black 0xFF00 Drawing default 0xFF0n Color indexes 0x000n, where n is in the range 1 through 7. 0xFF08 Color index 0 (reset color). ═══ Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color - Remarks ═══ The value of the current extended color attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current extended color attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Extended Color/Push and Set Extended Color - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.55. Set Fractional Line Width/Push and Set Fractional Line Width ═══ ═══ Set Fractional Line Width/Push and Set Fractional Line Width - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current line-width attribute. Set Fractional Line Width (GSFLW) X'11' (LEN, LINEWIDTH) Push and Set Fractional Line Width (GPSFLW) X'51' (LEN, LINEWIDTH) ═══ GSFLW/GPSFLW Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. ═══ GSFLW/GPSFLW Parameter - LINEWIDTH ═══ LINEWIDTH (GROUFS) Value for the line-width attribute. The nonzero value is an integral and fractional multiplier of the normal line width: 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0001-0xFFFF Multiplier of normal line width. ═══ Set Fractional Line Width/Push and Set Fractional Line Width - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x02 Only valid value. LINEWIDTH (GROUFS) Value for the line-width attribute. The nonzero value is an integral and fractional multiplier of the normal line width: 0x0000 Drawing default 0x0001-0xFFFF Multiplier of normal line width. ═══ Set Fractional Line Width/Push and Set Fractional Line Width - Remarks ═══ The value of the current line-width attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current line-width attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Fractional Line Width/Push and Set Fractional Line Width - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.56. Set Indexed Color/Push and Set Indexed Color ═══ ═══ Set Indexed Color/Push and Set Indexed Color - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current color attribute. Set Indexed Color (GSICOL) X'A6' (LEN, FLAGS, INDEX) Push and Set Indexed Color (GPSICOL) X'E6' (LEN, FLAGS, INDEX) ═══ GSICOL/GPSICOL Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. ═══ GSICOL/GPSICOL Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified index 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use index directly 1 Special value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSICOL/GPSICOL Parameter - INDEX ═══ INDEX (GINDEX3) Value for color index. The value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The table can be the standard table, or one loaded by the user. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Indexed Color/Push and Set Indexed Color - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. 0x04 Only valid value. FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified index 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use index directly 1 Special value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. INDEX (GINDEX3) Value for color index. The value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The table can be the standard table, or one loaded by the user. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Indexed Color/Push and Set Indexed Color - Remarks ═══ The value of the current color attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current color attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Indexed Color/Push and Set Indexed Color - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.57. Set Individual Attribute/Push and Set Individual Attribute ═══ ═══ Set Individual Attribute/Push and Set Individual Attribute - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the color, background color, mix, or background mix attribute for the line character, marker, pattern, or image primitive type. Set Individual Attribute (GSIA) X'14' (LEN, ATYPE, PTYPE, FLAG1, VAL) Push and Set Individual Attribute (GPSIA) X'54' (LEN, ATYPE, PTYPE, FLAG1, VAL) ═══ GSIA/GPSIA Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSIA/GPSIA Parameter - ATYPE ═══ ATYPE (GBIT8) Attribute type: 0x1 Color 0x2 Background color 0x3 Mix 0x4 Background Mix Other All other values are reserved. ═══ GSIA/GPSIA Parameter - PTYPE ═══ PTYPE (GBIT8) Primitive type: 0x1 Line 0x2 Character 0x3 Marker 0x4 Pattern 0x5 Image Other All other values are reserved. ═══ GSIA/GPSIA Parameter - FLAG1 ═══ FLAG1 Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified value 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use value directly 1 Special Value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSIA/GPSIA Parameter - VAL ═══ VAL (GINDATT) Color index value. For colors, the value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The table can be the standard table, or one loaded by the user. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Individual Attribute/Push and Set Individual Attribute - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ATYPE (GBIT8) Attribute type: 0x1 Color 0x2 Background color 0x3 Mix 0x4 Background Mix Other All other values are reserved. PTYPE (GBIT8) Primitive type: 0x1 Line 0x2 Character 0x3 Marker 0x4 Pattern 0x5 Image Other All other values are reserved. FLAG1 Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use specified value 1 Use drawing default color. SPEC (GBIT1) Options: 0 Use value directly 1 Special Value. RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. VAL (GINDATT) Color index value. For colors, the value is a direct index into the current color table or a special value. The table can be the standard table, or one loaded by the user. The special values are: 1 Black 2 White 4 All ones 5 All zeros. ═══ Set Individual Attribute/Push and Set Individual Attribute - Remarks ═══ The value of the current attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the individual attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Individual Attribute/Push and Set Individual Attribute - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.58. Set Line End/Push and Set Line End ═══ ═══ Set Line End/Push and Set Line End - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current line-end attribute. Set Line End (GSLE) X'1A' (LINEEND) Push and Set Line End (GPSLE) X'5A' (LINEEND) ═══ GSLE/GPSLE Parameter - LINEEND ═══ LINEEND (GBIT8) Value for the line-end attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Flat 0x02 Square 0x03 Round Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line End/Push and Set Line End - Parameters ═══ LINEEND (GBIT8) Value for the line-end attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Flat 0x02 Square 0x03 Round Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line End/Push and Set Line End - Remarks ═══ The value of the current line-end attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current line-end attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Line End/Push and Set Line End - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.59. Set Line Join/Push and Set Line Join ═══ ═══ Set Line Join/Push and Set Line Join - Syntax ═══ These orders set the value of the current line-join attribute. Set Line Join (GSLJ) X'1B' (LINEJOIN) Push and Set Line Join (GPSLJ) X'5B' (LINEJOIN) ═══ GSLJ/GPSLJ Parameter - LINEJOIN ═══ LINEJOIN (GBIT8) Value for line-join attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Bevel 0x02 Round 0x03 Miter Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line Join/Push and Set Line Join - Parameters ═══ LINEJOIN (GBIT8) Value for line-join attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Bevel 0x02 Round 0x03 Miter Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line Join/Push and Set Line Join - Remarks ═══ The value of the current line-join attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current line-join attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Line Join/Push and Set Line Join - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.60. Set Line Type/Push and Set Line Type ═══ ═══ Set Line Type/Push and Set Line Type - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current line-type attribute. Set Line Type (GSLT) X'18' (LINETYPE) Push and Set Line Type (GPSLT) X'58' (LINETYPE) ═══ GSLT/GPSLT Parameter - LINETYPE ═══ LINETYPE (GBIT8) Value for line-type attribute. The value is an index into a notational line-type table: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Dotted line 0x02 Short dashed line 0x03 Dash-dot line 0x04 Double dotted line 0x05 Long dashed line 0x06 Dash-double-dot line 0x07 Solid line 0x08 Invisible line Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line Type/Push and Set Line Type - Parameters ═══ LINETYPE (GBIT8) Value for line-type attribute. The value is an index into a notational line-type table: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Dotted line 0x02 Short dashed line 0x03 Dash-dot line 0x04 Double dotted line 0x05 Long dashed line 0x06 Dash-double-dot line 0x07 Solid line 0x08 Invisible line Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Line Type/Push and Set Line Type - Remarks ═══ The value of the current line-type attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current line-type attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Line Type/Push and Set Line Type - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.61. Set Line Width/Push and Set Line Width ═══ ═══ Set Line Width/Push and Set Line Width - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current line-width attribute to the value specified in the order. Set Line Width (GSLW) X'19' (LINEWIDTH) Push and Set Line Width (GPSLW) X'59' (LINEWIDTH) ═══ GSLW/GPSLW Parameter - LINEWIDTH ═══ LINEWIDTH (GBIT8) Value for line-width attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF Integral multiplier of normal line width. ═══ Set Line Width/Push and Set Line Width - Parameters ═══ LINEWIDTH (GBIT8) Value for line-width attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF Integral multiplier of normal line width. ═══ Set Line Width/Push and Set Line Width - Remarks ═══ The value of the current line-width attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current line-width attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Line Width/Push and Set Line Width - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.62. Set Marker Cell/Push and Set Marker Cell ═══ ═══ Set Marker Cell/Push and Set Marker Cell - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current marker cell-size attribute. Set Marker Cell (GSMC) X'37' (LEN, CELLX, CELLY, FLAGS, RES) Push and Set Marker Cell (GPSMC) X'77' (LEN, CELLX, CELLY, FLAGS, RES) ═══ GSMC/GPSMC Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSMC/GPSMC Parameter - CELLX ═══ CELLX (GROSOL) X part of marker cell-size attribute. ═══ GSMC/GPSMC Parameter - CELLY ═══ CELLY (GROSOL) Y part of marker cell-size attribute. ═══ GSMC/GPSMC Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS This is an optional extension. Values: NOTDEFLT (GBIT1) Options: 0 A cell size of zero sets drawing default 1 A cell size of zero sets to zero. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSMC/GPSMC Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Set Marker Cell/Push and Set Marker Cell - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. CELLX (GROSOL) X part of marker cell-size attribute. CELLY (GROSOL) Y part of marker cell-size attribute. FLAGS This is an optional extension. Values: NOTDEFLT (GBIT1) Options: 0 A cell size of zero sets drawing default 1 A cell size of zero sets to zero. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ Set Marker Cell/Push and Set Marker Cell - Remarks ═══ The value of the current marker cell-size attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current marker cell-size attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Marker Cell/Push and Set Marker Cell - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.63. Set Marker Precision/Push and Set Marker Precision ═══ ═══ Set Marker Precision/Push and Set Marker Precision - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current marker-precision attribute. Set Marker Precision (GSMP) X'3B' (PREC) Push and Set Marker Precision (GPSMP) X'7B' (PREC) ═══ GSMP/GPSMP Parameter - PREC ═══ PREC (GBIT8) Value for marker-precision attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 String precision 0x02 Character precision 0x03 Stroke precision Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Marker Precision/Push and Set Marker Precision - Parameters ═══ PREC (GBIT8) Value for marker-precision attribute: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 String precision 0x02 Character precision 0x03 Stroke precision Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Marker Precision/Push and Set Marker Precision - Remarks ═══ The value of the current marker-precision attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current-marker precision attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Marker Precision/Push and Set Marker Precision - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.64. Set Marker Set/Push and Set Marker Set ═══ ═══ Set Marker Set/Push and Set Marker Set - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current marker symbol-set attribute. Set Marker Set (GSMS) X'3C' (LCID) Push and Set Marker Set (GPSMS) X'7C' (LCID) ═══ GSMS/GPSMS Parameter - LCID ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the marker set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE LCID for the coded font 0xFF Special marker set. ═══ Set Marker Set/Push and Set Marker Set - Parameters ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the marker set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE LCID for the coded font 0xFF Special marker set. ═══ Set Marker Set/Push and Set Marker Set - Remarks ═══ The value of the current marker symbol-set attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current marker symbol-set attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Marker Set/Push and Set Marker Set - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.65. Set Marker Symbol/Push and Set Marker Symbol ═══ ═══ Set Marker Symbol/Push and Set Marker Symbol - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current marker symbol attribute. Set Marker Symbol (GSMT) X'29' (N) Push and Set Marker Symbol (GPSMT) X'69' (N) ═══ GSMT/GPSMT Parameter - N ═══ N (GBIT8) Value of marker symbol code point. Special marker set When this is selected (lcid = 0xFF), the values are: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Cross 0x02 Plus 0x03 Diamond 0x04 Square 0x05 6-point star 0x06 8-point star 0x07 Filled diamond 0x08 Filled square 0x09 Dot 0x0A Small circle 0x40 Blank Other Reserved values. Marker set Values are as follows for any other set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF These are the code points into the current marker set. ═══ Set Marker Symbol/Push and Set Marker Symbol - Parameters ═══ N (GBIT8) Value of marker symbol code point. Special marker set When this is selected (lcid = 0xFF), the values are: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 Cross 0x02 Plus 0x03 Diamond 0x04 Square 0x05 6-point star 0x06 8-point star 0x07 Filled diamond 0x08 Filled square 0x09 Dot 0x0A Small circle 0x40 Blank Other Reserved values. Marker set Values are as follows for any other set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF These are the code points into the current marker set. ═══ Set Marker Symbol/Push and Set Marker Symbol - Remarks ═══ The value of the current marker symbol attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call Stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current marker symbol attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Marker Symbol/Push and Set Marker Symbol - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.66. Set Mix/Push and Set Mix ═══ ═══ Set Mix/Push and Set Mix - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current mix attribute. Set Mix (GSMX) X'0C' (MODE) Push and Set Mix (GPSMX) X'4C' (MODE) ═══ GSMX/GPSMX Parameter - MODE ═══ MODE (GBIT8) Mix-mode value: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 OR 0x02 Overpaint 0x03 Reserved 0x04 Exclusive-OR 0x05 Leave alone 0x06 AND 0x07 Subtract 0x08 Source AND (inverse destination) 0x09 All zeros 0x0A Inverse (source OR destination) 0x0B Inverse (source XOR destination) 0x0C Inverse destination 0x0D Source OR (inverse destination) 0x0E Inverse source 0x0F (Inverse source) OR destination 0x10 Inverse (source AND destination) 0x11 All ones. Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Mix/Push and Set Mix - Parameters ═══ MODE (GBIT8) Mix-mode value: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01 OR 0x02 Overpaint 0x03 Reserved 0x04 Exclusive-OR 0x05 Leave alone 0x06 AND 0x07 Subtract 0x08 Source AND (inverse destination) 0x09 All zeros 0x0A Inverse (source OR destination) 0x0B Inverse (source XOR destination) 0x0C Inverse destination 0x0D Source OR (inverse destination) 0x0E Inverse source 0x0F (Inverse source) OR destination 0x10 Inverse (source AND destination) 0x11 All ones. Other Reserved values. ═══ Set Mix/Push and Set Mix - Remarks ═══ The value of the current mix attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current mix attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Mix/Push and Set Mix - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.67. Set Model Transform/Push and Set Model Transform ═══ ═══ Set Model Transform/Push and Set Model Transform - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, values in the current model transform. Set Model Transform (GSTM) X'24' (LEN, RES, FLAGS, MASK, MX[LEN]) Push and Set Model Transform (GPSTM) X'64' (LEN, RES, FLAGS, MASK, MX[LEN]) ═══ GSTM/GPSTM Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSTM/GPSTM Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSTM/GPSTM Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values: RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. CM (GBIT2) Matrix control bits: B"00" Unity matrix B"01" Concatenate after B"10" Concatenate before B"11" Overwrite. ═══ GSTM/GPSTM Parameter - MASK ═══ MASK (GBIT16) Load mask. ═══ GSTM/GPSTM Parameter - MX[LEN] ═══ MX[LEN] (GROSOL) Matrix values. The matrix size is based on the number of bits set in MASK. ═══ Set Model Transform/Push and Set Model Transform - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. FLAGS Values: RES (GBIT6) Reserved value, must be 0. CM (GBIT2) Matrix control bits: B"00" Unity matrix B"01" Concatenate after B"10" Concatenate before B"11" Overwrite. MASK (GBIT16) Load mask. MX[LEN] (GROSOL) Matrix values. The matrix size is based on the number of bits set in MASK. ═══ Set Model Transform/Push and Set Model Transform - Remarks ═══ The value of the current model transform is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set values in the current model transform as specified in the order. ═══ Set Model Transform/Push and Set Model Transform - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.68. Set Pattern Reference Point/Push and Set Pattern Reference Point ═══ ═══ Set Pattern Reference Point/Push and Set Pattern Reference Point - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current pattern reference-point attribute. Set Pattern Reference Point (GSPRP) X'A0' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, PREF) Push and Set Pattern Reference Point (GPSPRP) X'E0' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, PREF) ═══ GSPRP/GPSPRP Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSPRP/GPSPRP Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Set to specified value 1 Set to the drawing default. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSPRP/GPSPRP Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSPRP/GPSPRP Parameter - PREF ═══ PREF (GPOINT) Coordinate data of the pattern-reference point. ═══ Set Pattern Reference Point/Push and Set Pattern Reference Point - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS Values: DEFAULT (GBIT1) Options: 0 Set to specified value 1 Set to the drawing default. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. PREF (GPOINT) Coordinate data of the pattern-reference point. ═══ Set Pattern Reference Point/Push and Set Pattern Reference Point - Remarks ═══ The value of the current pattern reference-point attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current reference-point attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Pattern Reference Point/Push and Set Pattern Reference Point - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.69. Set Pattern Set/Push and Set Pattern Set ═══ ═══ Set Pattern Set/Push and Set Pattern Set - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current pattern symbol-set attribute. Set Pattern Set (GSPS) X'08' (LCID) Push and Set Pattern Set (GPSPS) X'48' (LCID) ═══ GSPS/GPSPS Parameter - LCID ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the pattern set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE LCID for the symbol set 0xFF Special pattern set. ═══ Set Pattern Set/Push and Set Pattern Set - Parameters ═══ LCID (GUCHAR) Local identifier (LCID) for the pattern set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFE LCID for the symbol set 0xFF Special pattern set. ═══ Set Pattern Set/Push and Set Pattern Set - Remarks ═══ The value of the current pattern symbol-set attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current pattern symbol-set attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Pattern Set/Push and Set Pattern Set - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.70. Set Pattern Symbol/Push and Set Pattern Symbol ═══ ═══ Set Pattern Symbol/Push and Set Pattern Symbol - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current pattern-symbol attribute. Set Pattern Symbol (GSPT) X'28' (PATT) Push and Set Pattern Symbol (GPSPT) X'09' (PATT) ═══ GSPT/GPSPT Parameter - PATT ═══ PATT (GBIT8) Value for pattern-symbol attribute. Special pattern set When this is selected (lcid = 0xFF), the values are: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0x08 Density one through density eight (decreasing) 0x09 Vertical lines 0x0A Horizontal lines 0x0B Diagonal lines 1 (bottom-left to top-right) 0x0C Diagonal lines 2 (bottom-left to top-right) 0x0D Diagonal lines 1 (top-left to bottom-right) 0x0E Diagonal lines 2 (top-left to bottom-right) 0x0F No shading 0x10 Solid shading 0x40 Blank. Other Reserved values. Pattern set Values are as follows for any other set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF These are the code points into the current pattern set. ═══ Set Pattern Symbol/Push and Set Pattern Symbol - Parameters ═══ PATT (GBIT8) Value for pattern-symbol attribute. Special pattern set When this is selected (lcid = 0xFF), the values are: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0x08 Density one through density eight (decreasing) 0x09 Vertical lines 0x0A Horizontal lines 0x0B Diagonal lines 1 (bottom-left to top-right) 0x0C Diagonal lines 2 (bottom-left to top-right) 0x0D Diagonal lines 1 (top-left to bottom-right) 0x0E Diagonal lines 2 (top-left to bottom-right) 0x0F No shading 0x10 Solid shading 0x40 Blank. Other Reserved values. Pattern set Values are as follows for any other set: 0x00 Drawing default 0x01-0xFF These are the code points into the current pattern set. ═══ Set Pattern Symbol/Push and Set Pattern Symbol - Remarks ═══ The value of the current pattern-symbol attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current pattern-symbol attribute to the value in the order. ═══ Set Pattern Symbol/Push and Set Pattern Symbol - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.71. Set Pick Identifier/Push and Set Pick Identifier ═══ ═══ Set Pick Identifier/Push and Set Pick Identifier - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current pick identifier. Set Pick Identifier (GSPIK) X'43' (LEN, PKID) Push and Set Pick Identifier (GPSPIK) X'23' (LEN, PKID) ═══ GSPIK/GPSPIK Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSPIK/GPSPIK Parameter - PKID ═══ PKID (GLONG) Pick identifier. ═══ Set Pick Identifier/Push and Set Pick Identifier - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. PKID (GLONG) Pick identifier. ═══ Set Pick Identifier/Push and Set Pick Identifier - Remarks ═══ The value of the current pick identifier is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the value of the current pick identifier to the value in the order. ═══ Set Pick Identifier/Push and Set Pick Identifier - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.72. Set Segment Boundary ═══ ═══ Set Segment Boundary - Syntax ═══ This order defines the maximum extent of the boundaries of the associated root segment. It is valid only in a root segment prolog. Set Segment Boundary (GSSB) X'32' (LEN, RES, MASK, BB[LEN]) ═══ GSSB Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSSB Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSSB Parameter - MASK ═══ MASK Values: RES1 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. XL (GBIT1) X left limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. XR (GBIT1) X right limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. YB (GBIT1) Y bottom limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. YT (GBIT1) Y top limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSSB Parameter - BB[LEN] ═══ BB[LEN] (GROSOL) Boundary values. ═══ Set Segment Boundary - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. MASK Values: RES1 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. XL (GBIT1) X left limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. XR (GBIT1) X right limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. YB (GBIT1) Y bottom limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. YT (GBIT1) Y top limit. 0 Not included in list of BB values 1 Is included in list of BB values. RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. BB[LEN] (GROSOL) Boundary values. ═══ Set Segment Boundary - Remarks ═══ The order is only valid in a root-segment prolog. ═══ Set Segment Boundary - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.73. Set Stroke Line Width/Push and Set Stroke Line Width ═══ ═══ Set Stroke Line Width/Push and Set Stroke Line Width - Syntax ═══ These orders set the current stroke line-width attribute. Set Stroke Line Width (GSSLW) X'15' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, STRWIDTH) Push and Set Stroke Line Width (GPSSLW) X'55' (LEN, FLAGS, RES, STRWIDTH) ═══ GSSLW/GPSSLW Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSSLW/GPSSLW Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS DEFLT (GBIT1) Values: 0 Set to value 1 Set to drawing default. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSSLW/GPSSLW Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSSLW/GPSSLW Parameter - STRWIDTH ═══ STRWIDTH (GROSOL) Value for stroke width. ═══ Set Stroke Line Width/Push and Set Stroke Line Width - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAGS DEFLT (GBIT1) Values: 0 Set to value 1 Set to drawing default. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. STRWIDTH (GROSOL) Value for stroke width. ═══ Set Stroke Line Width/Push and Set Stroke Line Width - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.74. Set Text Alignment/Push and Set Text Alignment ═══ ═══ Set Text Alignment/Push and Set Text Alignment - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the value of the current text alignment attribute. Set Text Alignment (GSCSA) X'10' (LEN, HORIZ, VERT) Push and Set Text Alignment (GPSCSA) X'50' (LEN, HORIZ, VERT) ═══ GSCSA/GPSCSA Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSCSA/GPSCSA Parameter - HORIZ ═══ HORIZ (GUCHAR) Horizontal alignment as follows: 0x00 Drawing default. 0x01 Normal alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Left alignment. Top to bottom Center alignment. Right to left Right alignment. Bottom to top Center alignment. 0x02 Left alignment. The string is aligned on the left edge of its leftmost character. 0x03 Center alignment. The string is aligned on the arithmetic mean of left and right. 0x04 Right alignment. The string is aligned on the right edge of its rightmost character. 0xFF Standard alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Left alignment. Top to bottom Left alignment. Right to left Right alignment. Bottom to top Left alignment. ═══ GSCSA/GPSCSA Parameter - VERT ═══ VERT (GUCHAR) Vertical alignment as follows: 0x00 Drawing default. 0x01 Normal alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Base alignment. Top to bottom Top alignment. Right to left Base alignment. Bottom to top Bottom alignment. 0x02 Top Alignment. The string is aligned on the top edge of its topmost character. 0x03 Reserved. 0x04 Half alignment. The string is aligned on the arithmetic mean of top and bottom. 0x05 Base alignment. The string is aligned on the base of its bottom character. 0x06 Bottom Alignment. The string is aligned on the bottom edge of its bottom character. 0xFF Standard alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Bottom alignment. Top to bottom Top alignment. Right to left Bottom alignment. Bottom to top Bottom alignment. ═══ Set Text Alignment/Push and Set Text Alignment - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. HORIZ (GUCHAR) Horizontal alignment as follows: 0x00 Drawing default. 0x01 Normal alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Left alignment. Top to bottom Center alignment. Right to left Right alignment. Bottom to top Center alignment. 0x02 Left alignment. The string is aligned on the left edge of its leftmost character. 0x03 Center alignment. The string is aligned on the arithmetic mean of left and right. 0x04 Right alignment. The string is aligned on the right edge of its rightmost character. 0xFF Standard alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Left alignment. Top to bottom Left alignment. Right to left Right alignment. Bottom to top Left alignment. VERT (GUCHAR) Vertical alignment as follows: 0x00 Drawing default. 0x01 Normal alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Base alignment. Top to bottom Top alignment. Right to left Base alignment. Bottom to top Bottom alignment. 0x02 Top Alignment. The string is aligned on the top edge of its topmost character. 0x03 Reserved. 0x04 Half alignment. The string is aligned on the arithmetic mean of top and bottom. 0x05 Base alignment. The string is aligned on the base of its bottom character. 0x06 Bottom Alignment. The string is aligned on the bottom edge of its bottom character. 0xFF Standard alignment. The alignment assumed depends on the current character direction: Left to right Bottom alignment. Top to bottom Top alignment. Right to left Bottom alignment. Bottom to top Bottom alignment. ═══ Set Text Alignment/Push and Set Text Alignment - Remarks ═══ The value of the current text alignment attribute is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders set the value of the current text alignment attribute to the value specified in the order. ═══ Set Text Alignment/Push and Set Text Alignment - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.75. Set Viewing Transform ═══ ═══ Set Viewing Transform - Syntax ═══ This order sets the current viewing transform. Set Viewing Transform (GSTV) X'31' (LEN, RES, FLAGS, MASK, MX[LEN]) ═══ GSTV Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSTV Parameter - RES ═══ RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSTV Parameter - FLAGS ═══ FLAGS Values: RES1 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. CONTROL (GBIT1) Values: 0 Concatenate before drawing default 1 Concatenate before the current viewing transform. RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSTV Parameter - MASK ═══ MASK (GBIT16) Load mask. ═══ GSTV Parameter - MX[LEN] ═══ MX[LEN] (GROSOL) Matrix values. ═══ Set Viewing Transform - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. RES (GBIT8) Reserved value, must be 0. FLAGS Values: RES1 (GBIT5) Reserved value, must be 0. CONTROL (GBIT1) Values: 0 Concatenate before drawing default 1 Concatenate before the current viewing transform. RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. MASK (GBIT16) Load mask. MX[LEN] (GROSOL) Matrix values. ═══ Set Viewing Transform - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Glossary ═══ 2.76. Set Viewing Window/Push and Set Viewing Window ═══ ═══ Set Viewing Window/Push and Set Viewing Window - Syntax ═══ These orders set, or push and set, the current viewing window. Set Viewing Window (GSVW) X'27' (LEN, FLAG, MASK, WW[LEN]) Push and Set Viewing Window (GPSVW) X'67' (LEN, FLAG, MASK, WW[LEN]) ═══ GSVW/GPSVW Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSVW/GPSVW Parameter - FLAG ═══ FLAG Values: REPLACE (GBIT1) Values: 0 Intersect with current window 1 Replace current with new window. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSVW/GPSVW Parameter - MASK ═══ MASK Values: RES1 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. XL (GBIT1) X left limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values XR (GBIT1) X right limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values YB (GBIT1) Y bottom limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values YT (GBIT1) Y top limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. ═══ GSVW/GPSVW Parameter - WW[LEN] ═══ WW[LEN] (GROSOL) Window values. ═══ Set Viewing Window/Push and Set Viewing Window - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. FLAG Values: REPLACE (GBIT1) Values: 0 Intersect with current window 1 Replace current with new window. RES (GBIT7) Reserved value, must be 0. MASK Values: RES1 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. XL (GBIT1) X left limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values XR (GBIT1) X right limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values YB (GBIT1) Y bottom limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values YT (GBIT1) Y top limit. 0 Not included in list of WW values 1 Is included in list of WW values RES2 (GBIT2) Reserved value, must be 0. WW[LEN] (GROSOL) Window values. ═══ Set Viewing Window/Push and Set Viewing Window - Remarks ═══ The value of the current viewing window is pushed on to the Segment Call stack by the Push and Set order only. Both orders then set the current viewing window using the values in the order. ═══ Set Viewing Window/Push and Set Viewing Window - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 2.77. Sharp Fillet at Given Position/Sharp Fillet at Current Position ═══ ═══ Sharp Fillet at Given Position/Sharp Fillet at Current Position - Syntax ═══ This order generates a curve that starts at a given position, and uses points P1 and P2, together with the sharpness specification S1. Sharp Fillet at Given Position (GSFLT) X'E4' (LEN, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, PN-1, PN, S1, S2, SN/2) Sharp Fillet at Current Position (GCSFLT) X'A4' (LEN, P1, P2, P3, P4, PN-1, PN, S1, S2, SN/2) ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - LEN ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - P0 ═══ P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve start. This parameter is only present in a Sharp Fillet at Given Position order. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - P1 ═══ P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve control point. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - P2 ═══ P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve end. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - P3 ═══ P3 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve control point. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - P4 ═══ P4 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve end. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - PN-1 ═══ PN-1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of last curve control point. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - PN ═══ PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of last curve end. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - S1 ═══ S1 (GROF) Sharpness specification of first curve. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - S2 ═══ S2 (GROF) Sharpness specification of second curve. ═══ GSFLT/GCSFLT Parameter - SN/2 ═══ SN/2 (GROF) Sharpness specification of last curve. ═══ Sharp Fillet at Given Position/Sharp Fillet at Current Position - Parameters ═══ LEN (GLENGTH1) Length of following data. P0 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve start. This parameter is only present in a Sharp Fillet at Given Position order. P1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve control point. P2 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of first curve end. P3 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve control point. P4 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of second curve end. PN-1 (GPOINT) Coordinate data of last curve control point. PN (GPOINT) Coordinate data of last curve end. S1 (GROF) Sharpness specification of first curve. S2 (GROF) Sharpness specification of second curve. SN/2 (GROF) Sharpness specification of last curve. ═══ Sharp Fillet at Given Position/Sharp Fillet at Current Position - Remarks ═══ Further points are used in groups of two to form a polycurve. ═══ Sharp Fillet at Given Position/Sharp Fillet at Current Position - Topics ═══ Select an item: Syntax Parameters Remarks Glossary ═══ 3. Graphics Orders Data Types ═══ All data types are in Intel** format, unless noted otherwise. ═══ 3.1. GBIT1 ═══ 1-bit field. ═══ 3.2. GBIT2 ═══ 2-bit field. ═══ 3.3. GBIT4 ═══ 4-bit field. ═══ 3.4. GBIT5 ═══ 5-bit field. ═══ 3.5. GBIT6 ═══ 6-bit field. ═══ 3.6. GBIT7 ═══ 7-bit field. ═══ 3.7. GBIT8 ═══ 8-bit field. ═══ 3.8. GBIT16 ═══ 16-bit field. ═══ 3.9. GBIT32 ═══ 32-bit field. ═══ 3.10. GCHAR ═══ Signed 1-byte integer value. ═══ 3.11. GDELPOINT ═══ Offset point structure. ═══ GDELPOINT Field - dx ═══ dx (GCHAR) x coordinate offset. ═══ GDELPOINT Field - dy ═══ dy (GCHAR) y coordinate offset. ═══ 3.12. GFIXED ═══ Signed integer fraction (16:16). (This can be treated as a GLONG where the value has been multiplied by 65536.) ═══ 3.13. GFIXEDS ═══ Signed integer fraction (8:8), which can be treated as a GSHORT data type, where the value has been multiplied by 256. ═══ GFIXEDS Field - Integer ═══ Integer (GCHAR) Integral component. ═══ GFIXEDS Field - Fraction ═══ Fraction (GUCHAR) Fractional component. ═══ 3.14. GHBITMAP ═══ Bit-map handle, which is the same as GULONG. ═══ 3.15. GINDATT ═══ Individual attribute value. For the attribute types color and background color, this is the same as GINDEX3. For the attribute types mix and background color, this is the same as GUCHAR. ═══ 3.16. GINDEX3 ═══ Unsigned 3-byte integer value. ═══ 3.17. GLENGTH1 ═══ 1-byte length. ═══ 3.18. GLENGTH2 ═══ 2-byte length, in S/370 format; that is, the high-order byte precedes the low-order byte in storage. ═══ 3.19. GLONG ═══ Signed 4-byte integer value. ═══ 3.20. GPOINT ═══ Point structure. ═══ GPOINT Field - x ═══ x (GROSOL) x coordinate. ═══ GPOINT Field - y ═══ y (GROSOL) y coordinate. ═══ 3.21. GPOINTB ═══ Point in bit-map structure. ═══ GPOINTB Field - x ═══ x (GLONG) x coordinate. ═══ GPOINTB Field - y ═══ y (GLONG) y coordinate. ═══ 3.22. GPOLYS ═══ Array of Polygons. Each element of the array is a 16 bit count of the number of vertices, followed by the vertex coordinates. ═══ 3.23. GREAL ═══ Real (single precision floating point). This data type is in Intel format. ═══ 3.24. GROF ═══ Number representation which is the same as the GFIXED data type. ═══ 3.25. GROFUFS ═══ Number representation which is either GFIXED, GUFIXEDS or GREAL data type, depending on the presentation-space format. ═══ 3.26. GROUFS ═══ Number representation which is either the GUFIXEDS or GREAL data type, depending on the presentation-space format. ═══ 3.27. GROL ═══ Number representation, which is the same as the GLONG data type. ═══ 3.28. GROSOL ═══ Number representation which is either the GSHORT or the GLONG data type, depending on the presentation-space format; see PS_FORMAT in the flOptions parameter of the GpiCreatePS function. ═══ 3.29. GROUL ═══ Number representation, which is the same as the GULONG data type. ═══ 3.30. GSHORT ═══ Signed 2-byte integer value. ═══ 3.31. GSHORT370 ═══ Signed 2-byte integer value, in S/370 format (that is, the high-order byte precedes the low-order byte in storage). ═══ 3.32. GSTR ═══ String with an explicit length count. ═══ 3.33. GUCHAR ═══ Unsigned 1-byte integer value. ═══ 3.34. GUFIXEDS ═══ Unsigned integer fraction (8:8) which can be treated as a GUSHORT data type, where the value has been multiplied by 256. ═══ 3.35. GULONG ═══ Unsigned 4-byte integer value. ═══ 3.36. GULONG370 ═══ Unsigned 4-byte integer value, in S/370 format (that is, the high-order byte first, the low-order byte last in storage). ═══ 3.37. GUNDF ═══ Undefined string of 8-bit bytes. ═══ 3.38. GUNDF1 ═══ Undefined 8-bit byte. ═══ 3.39. GUSHORT ═══ Unsigned 2-byte integer value. ═══ 3.40. GUSHORT370 ═══ Unsigned 2-byte integer value, in S/370 format; that is, the high-order byte precedes the low-order byte in storage. ═══ 4. Errors ═══ Error codes are furnished numerically and alphabetically. For a listing of error codes by number, see Error Number and Name. For a listing of error codes and their explanations, see Error Name and Explanation. ═══ 4.1. Error Number and Name ═══ This section lists PM errors returned by WinGetLastError in order of their error numbers. For explanations of these errors, see Error Name and Explanation. Error Number Error Constant 0x0000 PMERR_OK 0x0000 PMERR_OK 0x0000 PMERR_OK 0x0836 NERR_NetNotStarted 0x0845 NERR_RedirectedPath 0x084B NERR_BufTooSmall 0x085E NERR_InvalidAPI 0x0866 NERR_QNotFound 0x0867 NERR_JobNotFound 0x0868 NERR_DestNotFound 0x0869 NERR_DestExists 0x086A NERR_QExists 0x086B NERR_QNoRoom 0x086C NERR_JobNoRoom 0x086D NERR_DestNoRoom 0x086E NERR_DestIdle 0x086F NERR_DestInvalidOp 0x0871 NERR_SpoolerNotLoaded 0x0872 NERR_DestInvalidState 0x0874 NERR_JobInvalidState 0x0875 NERR_SpoolNoMemory 0x0876 NERR_DriverNotFound 0x0877 NERR_DataTypeInvalid 0x0878 NERR_ProcNotFound 0x0925 NERR_BadDev 0x0927 NERR_CommDevInUse 0x092F NERR_InvalidComputer 0x0961 NERR_OpenFiles 0x0965 NERR_LocalDrive 0x1001 PMERR_INVALID_HWND 0x1001 HMERR_NO_FRAME_WND_IN_CHAIN 0x1002 PMERR_INVALID_HMQ 0x1002 HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_APP_WND 0x1003 PMERR_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x1003 HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_HELP_INST 0x1004 PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_UNDERFLOW 0x1004 HMERR_INVALID_DESTROY_HELP_INST 0x1005 PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_OVERFLOW 0x1005 HMERR_NO_HELP_INST_IN_CHAIN 0x1006 PMERR_BAD_WINDOW_LOCK_COUNT 0x1006 HMERR_INVALID_HELP_INSTANCE_HDL 0x1007 PMERR_WINDOW_NOT_LOCKED 0x1007 HMERR_INVALID_QUERY_APP_WND 0x1008 PMERR_INVALID_SELECTOR 0x1008 HMERR_HELP_INST_CALLED_INVALID 0x1009 PMERR_CALL_FROM_WRONG_THREAD 0x1009 HMERR_HELPTABLE_UNDEFINE 0x100A PMERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND 0x100A HMERR_HELP_INSTANCE_UNDEFINE 0x100B PMERR_INVALID_STRING_PARM 0x100B HMERR_HELPITEM_NOT_FOUND 0x100C PMERR_INVALID_HHEAP 0x100C HMERR_INVALID_HELPSUBITEM_SIZE 0x100D PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_POINTER 0x100D HMERR_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND 0x100E PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_PARM 0x100F PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE 0x1010 PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_WORD 0x1011 PMERR_HEAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x1012 PMERR_HEAP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED 0x1013 PMERR_INVALID_HATOMTBL 0x1014 PMERR_INVALID_ATOM 0x1015 PMERR_INVALID_ATOM_NAME 0x1016 PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER_ATOM 0x1017 PMERR_ATOM_NAME_NOT_FOUND 0x1018 PMERR_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE 0x1019 PMERR_INVALID_FLAG 0x101A PMERR_INVALID_HACCEL 0x101B PMERR_INVALID_HPTR 0x101C PMERR_INVALID_HENUM 0x101D PMERR_INVALID_SRC_CODEPAGE 0x101E PMERR_INVALID_DST_CODEPAGE 0x101F PMERR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_ID 0x1020 PMERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE 0x1021 PMERR_SEVERITY_LEVELS 0x1034 PMERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_FORMAT 0x1035 WINDBG_WINDOW_UNLOCK_WAIT 0x1036 PMERR_NO_MSG_QUEUE 0x1037 PMERR_CANNOT_SET_FOCUS 0x1038 PMERR_QUEUE_FULL 0x1039 PMERR_LIBRARY_LOAD_FAILED 0x103A PMERR_PROCEDURE_LOAD_FAILED 0x103B PMERR_LIBRARY_DELETE_FAILED 0x103C PMERR_PROCEDURE_DELETE_FAILED 0x103D PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE 0x103E PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL 0x103F PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_BAD_INDEX 0x1040 PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_BAD 0x1041 PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_MISS 0x1042 PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_INVALID 0x1043 PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_NUM 0x1044 PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_OFF 0x1045 PMERR_DATATYPE_INVALID 0x1046 PMERR_DATATYPE_NOT_UNIQUE 0x1047 PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_LONG 0x1048 PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_SMALL 0x1049 PMERR_DIRECTION_INVALID 0x104A PMERR_INVALID_HAB 0x104D PMERR_INVALID_HSTRUCT 0x104E PMERR_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL 0x104F PMERR_MSGID_TOO_SMALL 0x1050 PMERR_NO_HANDLE_ALLOC 0x1051 PMERR_NOT_IN_A_PM_SESSION 0x1052 PMERR_MSG_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x1055 PMERR_OLD_RESOURCE 0x1056 PMERR_WPDSERVER_IS_ACTIVE 0x1057 PMERR_WPDSERVER_NOT_STARTED 0x1058 PMERR_SOMDD_IS_ACTIVE 0x1059 PMERR_SOMDD_NOT_STARTED 0x1101 PMERR_INVALID_PIB 0x1102 PMERR_INSUFF_SPACE_TO_ADD 0x1103 PMERR_INVALID_GROUP_HANDLE 0x1104 PMERR_DUPLICATE_TITLE 0x1105 PMERR_INVALID_TITLE 0x1106 PMERR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE 0x1107 PMERR_HANDLE_NOT_IN_GROUP 0x1108 PMERR_INVALID_PATH_STATEMENT 0x1109 PMERR_NO_PROGRAM_FOUND 0x110A PMERR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE 0x110B PMERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x110C PMERR_PL_INITIALISATION_FAIL 0x110D PMERR_CANT_DESTROY_SYS_GROUP 0x110E PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_CHANGE 0x110F PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE 0x1110 PMERR_NOT_CURRENT_PL_VERSION 0x1111 PMERR_INVALID_CIRCULAR_REF 0x1112 PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERR 0x1113 PMERR_MEMORY_DEALLOCATION_ERR 0x1114 PMERR_TASK_HEADER_TOO_BIG 0x1115 PMERR_INVALID_INI_FILE_HANDLE 0x1116 PMERR_MEMORY_SHARE 0x1117 PMERR_OPEN_QUEUE 0x1118 PMERR_CREATE_QUEUE 0x1119 PMERR_WRITE_QUEUE 0x111A PMERR_READ_QUEUE 0x111B PMERR_CALL_NOT_EXECUTED 0x111C PMERR_UNKNOWN_APIPKT 0x111D PMERR_INITHREAD_EXISTS 0x111E PMERR_CREATE_THREAD 0x111F PMERR_NO_HK_PROFILE_INSTALLED 0x1120 PMERR_INVALID_DIRECTORY 0x1121 PMERR_WILDCARD_IN_FILENAME 0x1122 PMERR_FILENAME_BUFFER_FULL 0x1123 PMERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG 0x1124 PMERR_INI_FILE_IS_SYS_OR_USER 0x1125 PMERR_BROADCAST_PLMSG 0x1126 PMERR_190_INIT_DONE 0x1127 PMERR_HMOD_FOR_PMSHAPI 0x1128 PMERR_SET_HK_PROFILE 0x1129 PMERR_API_NOT_ALLOWED 0x112A PMERR_INI_STILL_OPEN 0x112B PMERR_PROGDETAILS_NOT_IN_INI 0x112C PMERR_PIBSTRUCT_NOT_IN_INI 0x112D PMERR_INVALID_DISKPROGDETAILS 0x112E PMERR_PROGDETAILS_READ_FAILURE 0x112F PMERR_PROGDETAILS_WRITE_FAILURE 0x1130 PMERR_PROGDETAILS_QSIZE_FAILURE 0x1131 PMERR_INVALID_PROGDETAILS 0x1132 PMERR_SHEPROFILEHOOK_NOT_FOUND 0x1133 PMERR_190PLCONVERTED 0x1134 PMERR_FAILED_TO_CONVERT_INI_PL 0x1135 PMERR_PMSHAPI_NOT_INITIALISED 0x1136 PMERR_INVALID_SHELL_API_HOOK_ID 0x1200 PMERR_DOS_ERROR 0x1201 PMERR_NO_SPACE 0x1202 PMERR_INVALID_SWITCH_HANDLE 0x1203 PMERR_NO_HANDLE 0x1204 PMERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID 0x1205 PMERR_NOT_SHELL 0x1206 PMERR_INVALID_WINDOW 0x1207 PMERR_INVALID_POST_MSG 0x1208 PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS 0x1208 PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS 0x1209 PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_TYPE 0x120A PMERR_NOT_EXTENDED_FOCUS 0x120B PMERR_INVALID_SESSION_ID 0x120C PMERR_SMG_INVALID_ICON_FILE 0x120D PMERR_SMG_ICON_NOT_CREATED 0x120E PMERR_SHL_DEBUG 0x1301 PMERR_OPENING_INI_FILE 0x1302 PMERR_INI_FILE_CORRUPT 0x1303 PMERR_INVALID_PARM 0x1304 PMERR_NOT_IN_IDX 0x1305 PMERR_NO_ENTRIES_IN_GROUP 0x1306 PMERR_INI_WRITE_FAIL 0x1307 PMERR_IDX_FULL 0x1308 PMERR_INI_PROTECTED 0x1309 PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOC 0x130A PMERR_INI_INIT_ALREADY_DONE 0x130B PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER 0x130C PMERR_INVALID_ASCIIZ 0x130D PMERR_CAN_NOT_CALL_SPOOLER 0x130D PMERR_VALIDATION_REJECTED 0x1401 PMERR_WARNING_WINDOW_NOT_KILLED 0x1402 PMERR_ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW 0x1403 PMERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED 0x1405 PMERR_MSG_PROG_NO_MOU 0x1406 PMERR_MSG_PROG_NON_RECOV 0x1407 PMERR_WINCONV_INVALID_PATH 0x1408 PMERR_PI_NOT_INITIALISED 0x1409 PMERR_PL_NOT_INITIALISED 0x140A PMERR_NO_TASK_MANAGER 0x140B PMERR_SAVE_NOT_IN_PROGRESS 0x140C PMERR_NO_STACK_SPACE 0x140D PMERR_INVALID_COLR_FIELD 0x140E PMERR_INVALID_COLR_VALUE 0x140F PMERR_COLR_WRITE 0x1501 PMERR_TARGET_FILE_EXISTS 0x1502 PMERR_SOURCE_SAME_AS_TARGET 0x1503 PMERR_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x1504 PMERR_INVALID_NEW_PATH 0x1505 PMERR_TARGET_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x1506 PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE_NUMBER 0x1507 PMERR_NAME_TOO_LONG 0x1508 PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_ROOM_ON_DISK 0x1509 PMERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM 0x150B PMERR_LOG_DRV_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x150C PMERR_INVALID_DRIVE 0x150D PMERR_ACCESS_DENIED 0x150E PMERR_NO_FIRST_SLASH 0x150F PMERR_READ_ONLY_FILE 0x151F PMERR_GROUP_PROTECTED 0x152F PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_CATEGORY 0x1530 PMERR_INVALID_APPL 0x1531 PMERR_CANNOT_START 0x1532 PMERR_STARTED_IN_BACKGROUND 0x1533 PMERR_INVALID_HAPP 0x1534 PMERR_CANNOT_STOP 0x1601 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_1 0x1602 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2 0x1603 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3 0x1604 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_4 0x1605 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5 0x1606 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_6 0x1607 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_7 0x1608 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_8 0x1609 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_9 0x160A PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_10 0x160B PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_11 0x160C PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_12 0x160D PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_13 0x160E PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_14 0x160F PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_15 0x1610 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_16 0x1611 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_17 0x1612 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_18 0x1613 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_19 0x1614 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_20 0x1615 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_21 0x1616 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_22 0x1617 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_23 0x1618 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_24 0x1619 PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_25 0x161A PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_26 0x161B PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_27 0x161C PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_28 0x161D PMERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_29 0x1630 PMERR_INVALID_FREE_MESSAGE_ID 0x1641 PMERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x1642 PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_COUNT 0x1643 PMERR_INVALID_LENGTH 0x1644 PMERR_INVALID_BUNDLE_TYPE 0x1645 PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x1646 PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARMS 0x1647 PMERR_GREATER_THAN_64K 0x1648 PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE 0x1649 PMERR_NEGATIVE_STRCOND_DIM 0x164A PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_TYPES 0x164B PMERR_INCORRECT_HSTRUCT 0x164C PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_SIZE 0x164D PMERR_INVALID_CONTROL_DATATYPE 0x164E PMERR_INCOMPLETE_CONTROL_SEQU 0x164F PMERR_INVALID_DATATYPE 0x1650 PMERR_INCORRECT_DATATYPE 0x1651 PMERR_NOT_SELF_DESCRIBING_DTYP 0x1652 PMERR_INVALID_CTRL_SEQ_INDEX 0x1653 PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_LENGTH 0x1654 PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OFFSET 0x1655 PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_MPARAM 0x1656 PMERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID 0x1657 PMERR_C_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL 0x1658 PMERR_APPL_STRUCTURE_TOO_SMALL 0x1659 PMERR_INVALID_ERRORINFO_HANDLE 0x165A PMERR_INVALID_CHARACTER_INDEX 0x1700 WPERR_PROTECTED_CLASS 0x1701 WPERR_INVALID_CLASS 0x1702 WPERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS 0x1703 WPERR_NO_MEMORY 0x1704 WPERR_SEMAPHORE_ERROR 0x1705 WPERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x1706 WPERR_CLSLOADMOD_FAILED 0x1707 WPERR_CLSPROCADDR_FAILED 0x1708 WPERR_OBJWORD_LOCATION 0x1709 WPERR_INVALID_OBJECT 0x170A WPERR_MEMORY_CLEANUP 0x170B WPERR_INVALID_MODULE 0x170C WPERR_INVALID_OLDCLASS 0x170D WPERR_INVALID_NEWCLASS 0x170E WPERR_NOT_IMMEDIATE_CHILD 0x170F WPERR_NOT_WORKPLACE_CLASS 0x1710 WPERR_CANT_REPLACE_METACLS 0x1711 WPERR_INI_FILE_WRITE 0x1712 WPERR_INVALID_FOLDER 0x1713 WPERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x1714 WPERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND 0x1715 WPERR_INVALID_HFIND 0x1716 WPERR_INVALID_COUNT 0x1717 WPERR_INVALID_BUFFER 0x1718 WPERR_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x1719 WPERR_INVALID_FLAGS 0x1720 WPERR_INVALID_OBJECTID 0x1721 WPERR_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT 0x1F00 PMERR_NOT_DRAGGING 0x2001 PMERR_ALREADY_IN_AREA 0x2001 HMERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND 0x2002 PMERR_ALREADY_IN_ELEMENT 0x2002 HMERR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND 0x2003 PMERR_ALREADY_IN_PATH 0x2003 HMERR_OPEN_LIB_FILE 0x2004 PMERR_ALREADY_IN_SEG 0x2004 HMERR_READ_LIB_FILE 0x2005 PMERR_AREA_INCOMPLETE 0x2005 HMERR_CLOSE_LIB_FILE 0x2006 PMERR_BASE_ERROR 0x2006 HMERR_INVALID_LIB_FILE 0x2007 PMERR_BITBLT_LENGTH_EXCEEDED 0x2007 HMERR_NO_MEMORY 0x2008 PMERR_BITMAP_IN_USE 0x2008 HMERR_ALLOCATE_SEGMENT 0x2009 PMERR_BITMAP_IS_SELECTED 0x2009 HMERR_FREE_MEMORY 0x200A PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_FOUND 0x200B PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_SELECTED 0x200C PMERR_BOUNDS_OVERFLOW 0x200D PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CHAINED 0x200E PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CURRENT 0x200F PMERR_CALLED_SEG_NOT_FOUND 0x2010 PMERR_CANNOT_DELETE_ALL_DATA 0x2010 HMERR_PANEL_NOT_FOUND 0x2011 PMERR_CANNOT_REPLACE_ELEMENT_0 0x2011 HMERR_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN 0x2012 PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZABLE 0x2013 PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZED 0x2013 HMERR_LOAD_DLL 0x2014 PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW 0x2015 PMERR_CORR_FORMAT_MISMATCH 0x2016 PMERR_DATA_TOO_LONG 0x2017 PMERR_DC_IS_ASSOCIATED 0x2018 PMERR_DESC_STRING_TRUNCATED 0x2019 PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_1 0x201A PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_2 0x201B PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_3 0x201C PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_4 0x201D PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_5 0x201E PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_6 0x201F PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_7 0x2020 PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_8 0x2021 PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_9 0x2022 PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_10 0x2023 PMERR_DEV_FUNC_NOT_INSTALLED 0x2024 PMERR_DOSOPEN_FAILURE 0x2025 PMERR_DOSREAD_FAILURE 0x2026 PMERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND 0x2027 PMERR_DUP_SEG 0x2028 PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_SEQ_ERROR 0x2029 PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_ZERO_INV 0x202A PMERR_ELEMENT_INCOMPLETE 0x202B PMERR_ESC_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x202C PMERR_EXCEEDS_MAX_SEG_LENGTH 0x202D PMERR_FONT_AND_MODE_MISMATCH 0x202E PMERR_FONT_FILE_NOT_LOADED 0x202F PMERR_FONT_NOT_LOADED 0x2030 PMERR_FONT_TOO_BIG 0x2031 PMERR_HARDWARE_INIT_FAILURE 0x2032 PMERR_HBITMAP_BUSY 0x2033 PMERR_HDC_BUSY 0x2034 PMERR_HRGN_BUSY 0x2035 PMERR_HUGE_FONTS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x2036 PMERR_ID_HAS_NO_BITMAP 0x2037 PMERR_IMAGE_INCOMPLETE 0x2038 PMERR_INCOMPAT_COLOR_FORMAT 0x2039 PMERR_INCOMPAT_COLOR_OPTIONS 0x203A PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_BITMAP 0x203B PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_METAFILE 0x203C PMERR_INCORRECT_DC_TYPE 0x203D PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE 0x203E PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY 0x203F PMERR_INV_ANGLE_PARM 0x2040 PMERR_INV_ARC_CONTROL 0x2041 PMERR_INV_AREA_CONTROL 0x2042 PMERR_INV_ARC_POINTS 0x2043 PMERR_INV_ATTR_MODE 0x2044 PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_COL_ATTR 0x2045 PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_MIX_ATTR 0x2046 PMERR_INV_BITBLT_MIX 0x2047 PMERR_INV_BITBLT_STYLE 0x2048 PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DIMENSION 0x2049 PMERR_INV_BOX_CONTROL 0x204A PMERR_INV_BOX_ROUNDING_PARM 0x204B PMERR_INV_CHAR_ANGLE_ATTR 0x204C PMERR_INV_CHAR_DIRECTION_ATTR 0x204D PMERR_INV_CHAR_MODE_ATTR 0x204E PMERR_INV_CHAR_POS_OPTIONS 0x204F PMERR_INV_CHAR_SET_ATTR 0x2050 PMERR_INV_CHAR_SHEAR_ATTR 0x2051 PMERR_INV_CLIP_PATH_OPTIONS 0x2052 PMERR_INV_CODEPAGE 0x2053 PMERR_INV_COLOR_ATTR 0x2054 PMERR_INV_COLOR_DATA 0x2055 PMERR_INV_COLOR_FORMAT 0x2056 PMERR_INV_COLOR_INDEX 0x2057 PMERR_INV_COLOR_OPTIONS 0x2058 PMERR_INV_COLOR_START_INDEX 0x2059 PMERR_INV_COORD_OFFSET 0x205A PMERR_INV_COORD_SPACE 0x205B PMERR_INV_COORDINATE 0x205C PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_DEPTH 0x205D PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_TYPE 0x205E PMERR_INV_CURSOR_BITMAP 0x205F PMERR_INV_DC_DATA 0x2060 PMERR_INV_DC_TYPE 0x2061 PMERR_INV_DEVICE_NAME 0x2062 PMERR_INV_DEV_MODES_OPTIONS 0x2063 PMERR_INV_DRAW_CONTROL 0x2064 PMERR_INV_DRAW_VALUE 0x2065 PMERR_INV_DRAWING_MODE 0x2066 PMERR_INV_DRIVER_DATA 0x2067 PMERR_INV_DRIVER_NAME 0x2068 PMERR_INV_DRAW_BORDER_OPTION 0x2069 PMERR_INV_EDIT_MODE 0x206A PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_OFFSET 0x206B PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_POINTER 0x206C PMERR_INV_END_PATH_OPTIONS 0x206D PMERR_INV_ESC_CODE 0x206E PMERR_INV_ESCAPE_DATA 0x206F PMERR_INV_EXTENDED_LCID 0x2070 PMERR_INV_FILL_PATH_OPTIONS 0x2071 PMERR_INV_FIRST_CHAR 0x2072 PMERR_INV_FONT_ATTRS 0x2073 PMERR_INV_FONT_FILE_DATA 0x2074 PMERR_INV_FOR_THIS_DC_TYPE 0x2075 PMERR_INV_FORMAT_CONTROL 0x2076 PMERR_INV_FORMS_CODE 0x2077 PMERR_INV_FONTDEF 0x2078 PMERR_INV_GEOM_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR 0x2079 PMERR_INV_GETDATA_CONTROL 0x207A PMERR_INV_GRAPHICS_FIELD 0x207B PMERR_INV_HBITMAP 0x207C PMERR_INV_HDC 0x207D PMERR_INV_HJOURNAL 0x207E PMERR_INV_HMF 0x207F PMERR_INV_HPS 0x2080 PMERR_INV_HRGN 0x2081 PMERR_INV_ID 0x2082 PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DATA_LENGTH 0x2083 PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DIMENSION 0x2084 PMERR_INV_IMAGE_FORMAT 0x2085 PMERR_INV_IN_AREA 0x2086 PMERR_INV_IN_CALLED_SEG 0x2087 PMERR_INV_IN_CURRENT_EDIT_MODE 0x2088 PMERR_INV_IN_DRAW_MODE 0x2089 PMERR_INV_IN_ELEMENT 0x208A PMERR_INV_IN_IMAGE 0x208B PMERR_INV_IN_PATH 0x208C PMERR_INV_IN_RETAIN_MODE 0x208D PMERR_INV_IN_SEG 0x208E PMERR_INV_IN_VECTOR_SYMBOL 0x208F PMERR_INV_INFO_TABLE 0x2090 PMERR_INV_JOURNAL_OPTION 0x2091 PMERR_INV_KERNING_FLAGS 0x2092 PMERR_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT 0x2093 PMERR_INV_LINE_END_ATTR 0x2094 PMERR_INV_LINE_JOIN_ATTR 0x2095 PMERR_INV_LINE_TYPE_ATTR 0x2096 PMERR_INV_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR 0x2097 PMERR_INV_LOGICAL_ADDRESS 0x2098 PMERR_INV_MARKER_BOX_ATTR 0x2099 PMERR_INV_MARKER_SET_ATTR 0x209A PMERR_INV_MARKER_SYMBOL_ATTR 0x209B PMERR_INV_MATRIX_ELEMENT 0x209C PMERR_INV_MAX_HITS 0x209D 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0x20BC PMERR_INV_QUERY_ELEMENT_NO 0x20BD PMERR_INV_RECT 0x20BE PMERR_INV_REGION_CONTROL 0x20BF PMERR_INV_REGION_MIX_MODE 0x20C0 PMERR_INV_REPLACE_MODE_FUNC 0x20C1 PMERR_INV_RESERVED_FIELD 0x20C2 PMERR_INV_RESET_OPTIONS 0x20C3 PMERR_INV_RGBCOLOR 0x20C4 PMERR_INV_SCAN_START 0x20C5 PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR 0x20C6 PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR_VALUE 0x20C7 PMERR_INV_SEG_CH_LENGTH 0x20C8 PMERR_INV_SEG_NAME 0x20C9 PMERR_INV_SEG_OFFSET 0x20CA PMERR_INV_SETID 0x20CB PMERR_INV_SETID_TYPE 0x20CC PMERR_INV_SET_VIEWPORT_OPTION 0x20CD PMERR_INV_SHARPNESS_PARM 0x20CE PMERR_INV_SOURCE_OFFSET 0x20CF PMERR_INV_STOP_DRAW_VALUE 0x20D0 PMERR_INV_TRANSFORM_TYPE 0x20D1 PMERR_INV_USAGE_PARM 0x20D2 PMERR_INV_VIEWING_LIMITS 0x20D3 PMERR_JFILE_BUSY 0x20D4 PMERR_JNL_FUNC_DATA_TOO_LONG 0x20D5 PMERR_KERNING_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x20D6 PMERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUND 0x20D7 PMERR_MATRIX_OVERFLOW 0x20D8 PMERR_METAFILE_INTERNAL_ERROR 0x20D9 PMERR_METAFILE_IN_USE 0x20DA PMERR_METAFILE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x20DB PMERR_NAME_STACK_FULL 0x20DC PMERR_NOT_CREATED_BY_DEVOPENDC 0x20DD PMERR_NOT_IN_AREA 0x20DE PMERR_NOT_IN_DRAW_MODE 0x20DF PMERR_NOT_IN_ELEMENT 0x20E0 PMERR_NOT_IN_IMAGE 0x20E1 PMERR_NOT_IN_PATH 0x20E2 PMERR_NOT_IN_RETAIN_MODE 0x20E3 PMERR_NOT_IN_SEG 0x20E4 PMERR_NO_BITMAP_SELECTED 0x20E5 PMERR_NO_CURRENT_ELEMENT 0x20E6 PMERR_NO_CURRENT_SEG 0x20E7 PMERR_NO_METAFILE_RECORD_HANDLE 0x20E8 PMERR_ORDER_TOO_BIG 0x20E9 PMERR_OTHER_SET_ID_REFS 0x20EA PMERR_OVERRAN_SEG 0x20EB PMERR_OWN_SET_ID_REFS 0x20EC PMERR_PATH_INCOMPLETE 0x20ED PMERR_PATH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x20EE PMERR_PATH_UNKNOWN 0x20EF PMERR_PEL_IS_CLIPPED 0x20F0 PMERR_PEL_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x20F1 PMERR_PRIMITIVE_STACK_EMPTY 0x20F2 PMERR_PROLOG_ERROR 0x20F3 PMERR_PROLOG_SEG_ATTR_NOT_SET 0x20F4 PMERR_PS_BUSY 0x20F5 PMERR_PS_IS_ASSOCIATED 0x20F6 PMERR_RAM_JNL_FILE_TOO_SMALL 0x20F7 PMERR_REALIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x20F8 PMERR_REGION_IS_CLIP_REGION 0x20F9 PMERR_RESOURCE_DEPLETION 0x20FA PMERR_SEG_AND_REFSEG_ARE_SAME 0x20FB PMERR_SEG_CALL_RECURSIVE 0x20FC PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_EMPTY 0x20FD PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_FULL 0x20FE PMERR_SEG_IS_CURRENT 0x20FF PMERR_SEG_NOT_CHAINED 0x2100 PMERR_SEG_NOT_FOUND 0x2101 PMERR_SEG_STORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x2102 PMERR_SETID_IN_USE 0x2103 PMERR_SETID_NOT_FOUND 0x2104 PMERR_STARTDOC_NOT_ISSUED 0x2105 PMERR_STOP_DRAW_OCCURRED 0x2106 PMERR_TOO_MANY_METAFILES_IN_USE 0x2107 PMERR_TRUNCATED_ORDER 0x2108 PMERR_UNCHAINED_SEG_ZERO_INV 0x2109 PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR 0x210A PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR_VALUE 0x210B PMERR_ENDDOC_NOT_ISSUED 0x210C PMERR_PS_NOT_ASSOCIATED 0x210D PMERR_INV_FLOOD_FILL_OPTIONS 0x210E PMERR_INV_FACENAME 0x210F PMERR_PALETTE_SELECTED 0x2110 PMERR_NO_PALETTE_SELECTED 0x2111 PMERR_INV_HPAL 0x2112 PMERR_PALETTE_BUSY 0x2113 PMERR_START_POINT_CLIPPED 0x2114 PMERR_NO_FILL 0x2115 PMERR_INV_FACENAMEDESC 0x2116 PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DATA 0x2117 PMERR_INV_CHAR_ALIGN_ATTR 0x2118 PMERR_INV_HFONT 0x2119 PMERR_HFONT_IS_SELECTED 0x2120 PMERR_DRVR_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x2120 PMERR_RASTER_FONT 0x3001 HMERR_DDF_MEMORY 0x3002 HMERR_DDF_ALIGN_TYPE 0x3003 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MERR_SPL_SPOOLER_NOT_INSTALLED 0x400A PMERR_SPL_INV_FORMS_CODE 0x400A MERR_SPL_INV_FORMS_CODE 0x400B PMERR_SPL_INV_PRIORITY 0x400B MERR_SPL_INV_PRIORITY 0x400C PMERR_SPL_NO_FREE_JOB_ID 0x400C MERR_SPL_NO_FREE_JOB_ID 0x400D PMERR_SPL_NO_DATA 0x400D MERR_SPL_NO_DATA 0x400E PMERR_SPL_INV_TOKEN 0x400E MERR_SPL_INV_TOKEN 0x400F PMERR_SPL_INV_DATATYPE 0x400F MERR_SPL_INV_DATATYPE 0x4010 PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_ERROR 0x4010 MERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_ERROR 0x4011 PMERR_SPL_INV_JOB_ID 0x4011 MERR_SPL_INV_JOB_ID 0x4012 PMERR_SPL_JOB_NOT_PRINTING 0x4012 MERR_SPL_JOB_NOT_PRINTING 0x4013 PMERR_SPL_JOB_PRINTING 0x4013 MERR_SPL_JOB_PRINTING 0x4014 PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4014 MERR_SPL_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4015 PMERR_SPL_INV_QUEUE_NAME 0x4015 MERR_SPL_INV_QUEUE_NAME 0x4016 PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY 0x4016 MERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY 0x4017 PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4017 MERR_SPL_DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x4018 PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED 0x4018 MERR_SPL_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED 0x4019 PMERR_SPL_STATUS_STRING_TRUNC 0x4019 MERR_SPL_STATUS_STRING_TRUNC 0x401A PMERR_SPL_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT 0x401A MERR_SPL_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT 0x401B PMERR_SPL_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x401B MERR_SPL_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x401C PMERR_SPL_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 0x401C MERR_SPL_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE 0x401D PMERR_SPL_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED 0x401D MERR_SPL_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED 0x401E PMERR_SPL_INV_PROCESSOR_DATTYPE 0x401E MERR_SPL_INV_PROCESSOR_DATTYPE 0x401F PMERR_SPL_INV_DRIVER_DATATYPE 0x401F MERR_SPL_INV_DRIVER_DATATYPE 0x4020 PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_NOT_INST 0x4020 MERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_NOT_INST 0x4021 PMERR_SPL_NO_SUCH_LOG_ADDRESS 0x4021 MERR_SPL_NO_SUCH_LOG_ADDRESS 0x4022 PMERR_SPL_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND 0x4022 MERR_SPL_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND 0x4023 PMERR_SPL_DD_NOT_FOUND 0x4023 MERR_SPL_DD_NOT_FOUND 0x4024 PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND 0x4024 MERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND 0x4025 PMERR_SPL_MANY_QUEUES_ASSOC 0x4025 MERR_SPL_MANY_QUEUES_ASSOC 0x4026 PMERR_SPL_NO_QUEUES_ASSOCIATED 0x4026 MERR_SPL_NO_QUEUES_ASSOCIATED 0x4027 PMERR_SPL_INI_FILE_ERROR 0x4027 MERR_SPL_INI_FILE_ERROR 0x4028 PMERR_SPL_NO_DEFAULT_QUEUE 0x4028 MERR_SPL_NO_DEFAULT_QUEUE 0x4029 PMERR_SPL_NO_CURRENT_FORMS_CODE 0x4029 MERR_SPL_NO_CURRENT_FORMS_CODE 0x402A PMERR_SPL_NOT_AUTHORISED 0x402A MERR_SPL_NOT_AUTHORISED 0x402B PMERR_SPL_TEMP_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402B MERR_SPL_TEMP_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402C PMERR_SPL_HARD_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402C MERR_SPL_HARD_NETWORK_ERROR 0x402D PMERR_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED 0x402D MERR_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED 0x402E PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QP_REF 0x402E MERR_CANNOT_DEL_QP_REF 0x402F PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QNAME_REF 0x402F MERR_CANNOT_DEL_QNAME_REF 0x4030 PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRINTER_DD_REF 0x4030 MERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRINTER_DD_REF 0x4031 PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_NAME_REF 0x4031 MERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_NAME_REF 0x4032 PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_ADDR_REF 0x4032 MERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_ADDR_REF 0x4033 PMERR_SPOOLER_QP_NOT_DEFINED 0x4033 MERR_SPOOLER_QP_NOT_DEFINED 0x4034 PMERR_PRN_NAME_NOT_DEFINED 0x4034 MERR_PRN_NAME_NOT_DEFINED 0x4035 PMERR_PRN_ADDR_NOT_DEFINED 0x4035 MERR_PRN_ADDR_NOT_DEFINED 0x4036 PMERR_PRINTER_DD_NOT_DEFINED 0x4036 MERR_PRINTER_DD_NOT_DEFINED 0x4037 PMERR_PRINTER_QUEUE_NOT_DEFINED 0x4037 MERR_PRINTER_QUEUE_NOT_DEFINED 0x4038 PMERR_PRN_ADDR_IN_USE 0x4038 MERR_PRN_ADDR_IN_USE 0x4039 PMERR_SPL_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 0x4039 MERR_SPL_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES 0x403A PMERR_SPL_CP_NOT_REQD 0x403A MERR_SPL_CP_NOT_REQD 0x4040 PMERR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_DEVICE 0x4040 MERR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_DEVICE 0x4FC9 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_INFO_CAPTION 0x4FC9 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_INFO_CAPTION 0x4FCA PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_WARNING_CAPTION 0x4FCA MERR_SPLMSGBOX_WARNING_CAPTION 0x4FCB PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_ERROR_CAPTION 0x4FCB MERR_SPLMSGBOX_ERROR_CAPTION 0x4FCC PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_SEVERE_CAPTION 0x4FCC MERR_SPLMSGBOX_SEVERE_CAPTION 0x4FCD PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_JOB_DETAILS 0x4FCD MERR_SPLMSGBOX_JOB_DETAILS 0x4FCE PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_ERROR_ACTION 0x4FCE MERR_SPLMSGBOX_ERROR_ACTION 0x4FCF PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_SEVERE_ACTION 0x4FCF MERR_SPLMSGBOX_SEVERE_ACTION 0x4FD0 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_0_TEXT 0x4FD0 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_0_TEXT 0x4FD1 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_1_TEXT 0x4FD1 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_1_TEXT 0x4FD2 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_2_TEXT 0x4FD2 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_2_TEXT 0x4FD3 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_3_TEXT 0x4FD3 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_3_TEXT 0x4FD4 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_4_TEXT 0x4FD4 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_4_TEXT 0x4FD5 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_5_TEXT 0x4FD5 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_5_TEXT 0x4FD6 PMERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_15_TEXT 0x4FD6 MERR_SPLMSGBOX_BIT_15_TEXT 0x4FD7 PMERR_SPL_NOPATHBUFFER 0x4FD7 MERR_SPL_NOPATHBUFFER 0x4FD8 MERR_SPL_ALREADY_INITIALISED 0x4FD9 MERR_SPL_ERROR 0x5001 PMERR_INV_TYPE 0x5001 MERR_INV_TYPE 0x5002 PMERR_INV_CONV 0x5002 MERR_INV_CONV 0x5003 PMERR_INV_SEGLEN 0x5003 MERR_INV_SEGLEN 0x5004 PMERR_DUP_SEGNAME 0x5004 MERR_DUP_SEGNAME 0x5005 PMERR_INV_XFORM 0x5005 MERR_INV_XFORM 0x5006 PMERR_INV_VIEWLIM 0x5006 MERR_INV_VIEWLIM 0x5007 PMERR_INV_3DCOORD 0x5007 MERR_INV_3DCOORD 0x5008 PMERR_SMB_OVFLOW 0x5008 MERR_SMB_OVFLOW 0x5009 PMERR_SEG_OVFLOW 0x5009 MERR_SEG_OVFLOW 0x5010 PMERR_PIC_DUP_FILENAME 0x5010 MERR_PIC_DUP_FILENAME SPLERR_BASE+0FA1 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_1 SPLERR_BASE+0FA2 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_2 SPLERR_BASE+0FA3 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_3 SPLERR_BASE+0FA4 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_4 SPLERR_BASE+0FA5 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_5 SPLERR_BASE+0FA6 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_6 SPLERR_BASE+0FA7 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_7 SPLERR_BASE+0FA8 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_8 SPLERR_BASE+0FA9 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_9 SPLERR_BASE+0FAA PMERR_SPL_ERROR_10 SPLERR_BASE+0FAB PMERR_SPL_ERROR_11 SPLERR_BASE+0FAC PMERR_SPL_ERROR_12 SPLERR_BASE+0FAD PMERR_SPL_ERROR_13 SPLERR_BASE+0FAE PMERR_SPL_ERROR_14 SPLERR_BASE+0FAF PMERR_SPL_ERROR_15 SPLERR_BASE+0FB0 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_16 SPLERR_BASE+0FB1 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_17 SPLERR_BASE+0FB2 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_18 SPLERR_BASE+0FB3 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_19 SPLERR_BASE+0FB4 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_20 SPLERR_BASE+0FB5 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_21 SPLERR_BASE+0FB6 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_22 SPLERR_BASE+0FB7 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_23 SPLERR_BASE+0FB8 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_24 SPLERR_BASE+0FB9 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_25 SPLERR_BASE+0FBA PMERR_SPL_ERROR_26 SPLERR_BASE+0FBB PMERR_SPL_ERROR_27 SPLERR_BASE+0FBC PMERR_SPL_ERROR_28 SPLERR_BASE+0FBD PMERR_SPL_ERROR_29 SPLERR_BASE+0FBE PMERR_SPL_ERROR_30 SPLERR_BASE+0FBF PMERR_SPL_ERROR_31 SPLERR_BASE+0FC0 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_32 SPLERR_BASE+0FC1 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_33 SPLERR_BASE+0FC2 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_34 SPLERR_BASE+0FC3 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_35 SPLERR_BASE+0FC4 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_36 SPLERR_BASE+0FC5 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_37 SPLERR_BASE+0FC6 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_38 SPLERR_BASE+0FC7 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_39 SPLERR_BASE+0FC8 PMERR_SPL_ERROR_40 SPLERR_BASE+0FFF PMERR_SPL_ERROR SPLERR_BASE+0FFD PMERR_SPL_ALREADY_INITIALISED ═══ 4.2. Error Name and Explanation ═══ This appendix gives an explanation for each PM error. The errors are listed in alphabetic order. The number associated with each error is given in Error Number and Name. Error Constant Explanation HMERR_ALLOCATE_SEGMENT Unable to allocate a segment of memory for memory allocation requests from the Help Manager. HMERR_CLOSE_LIB_FILE The library file cannot be closed. HMERR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND The library file does not have any content. HMERR_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN Unable to read the unopened database. HMERR_DDF_ALIGN_TYPE The alignment type is not valid. HMERR_DDF_BACKCOLOR The background color is not valid. HMERR_DDF_EXCEED_MAX_INC The value specified to increment DDF memory is too large. HMERR_DDF_EXCEED_MAX_LENGTH The amount of data is too large for the DDF buffer. HMERR_DDF_FONTSTYLE The font style is not valid. HMERR_DDF_FORECOLOR The foreground color is not valid. HMERR_DDF_FORMAT_TYPE The format type specified is invalid. HMERR_DDF_HINSTANCE The DDF instance is invalid. HMERR_DDF_INVALID_DDF The DDF handle is invalid. HMERR_DDF_INVALID_FONT The font value specified is invalid. HMERR_DDF_INVALID_PARM One of the DDF parameters specified is invalid. HMERR_DDF_LIST_BREAKTYPE The value of BreakType is not valid. HMERR_DDF_LIST_SPACING The value for Spacing is not valid. HMERR_DDF_LIST_UNCLOSED An attempt was made to nest a list. HMERR_DDF_LIST_UNINITIALIZED No definition list has been initialized by DdfBeginList. HMERR_DDF_MEMORY Not enough memory is available. HMERR_DDF_REFTYPE The reference type is not valid. HMERR_DDF_SEVERE Internal error detected by the Help Manager. HMERR_FREE_MEMORY Unable to free allocated memory. HMERR_HELP_INST_CALLED_INVALID The handle of the instance specified on a call to the Help Manager does not have the class name of a Help Manager instance. HMERR_HELP_INSTANCE_UNDEFINE The help instance handle specified is invalid. HMERR_HELPITEM_NOT_FOUND Context-sensitive help was requested but the ID of the main help item specified was not found in the help table. HMERR_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND Context-sensitive help was requested but the ID of the help item specified was not found in the help subtable. HMERR_HELPTABLE_UNDEFINE The application did not provide a help table for context-sensitive help. HMERR_INDEX_NOT_FOUND The index is not in the library file. HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_APP_WND The application window handle specified on the WinAssociateHelpInstance function is not a valid window handle. HMERR_INVALID_ASSOC_HELP_INST The help instance handle specified on the WinAssociateHelpInstance function is not a valid window handle. HMERR_INVALID_DESTROY_HELP_INST The window handle specified as the help instance to destroy is not of the help instance class. HMERR_INVALID_HELP_INSTANCE_HDL The handle specified to be a help instance does not have the class name of a Help Manager instance. HMERR_INVALID_HELPSUBITEM_SIZE The help subtable item size is less than 2. HMERR_INVALID_LIB_FILE Improper library file provided. HMERR_INVALID_QUERY_APP_WND The application window specified on a WinQueryHelpInstance function is not a valid window handle. HMERR_LOAD_DLL Unable to load resource data link library. HMERR_NO_FRAME_WND_IN_CHAIN There is no frame window in the window chain from which to find or set the associated help instance. HMERR_NO_HELP_INST_IN_CHAIN The parent or owner chain of the application window specified does not have an associated help instance. HMERR_NO_MEMORY Unable to allocate the requested amount of memory. HMERR_OPEN_LIB_FILE The library file cannot be opened. HMERR_PANEL_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the requested help panel. HMERR_READ_LIB_FILE The library file cannot be read. PMERR_ACCESS_DENIED The memory block was not allocated properly. PMERR_ALREADY_IN_AREA An attempt was made to begin a new area while an existing area bracket was already open. PMERR_ALREADY_IN_ELEMENT An attempt was made to begin a new element while an existing element bracket was already open. PMERR_ALREADY_IN_PATH An attempt was made to begin a new path while an existing path bracket was already open. PMERR_ALREADY_IN_SEG An attempt was made to open a new segment while an existing segment bracket was already open. PMERR_APPL_STRUCTURE_TOO_SMALL The application buffer length is less than the total length required for the (application) component types. PMERR_AREA_INCOMPLETE One of the following has occurred: o A segment has been opened , closed, or drawn. o GpiAssociate was issued while an area bracket was open. o A drawn segment has opened an area bracket and ended without closing it. PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE More than 4 bytes was attempted to be inserted or extracted. PMERR_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL The array specified was too small. PMERR_ATOM_NAME_NOT_FOUND The specified atom name is not in the atom table. PMERR_BASE_ERROR An OS/2 base error has occurred. The base error code can be accessed using the OffBinaryData field of the ERRINFO structure returned by WinGetErrorInfo. PMERR_BITMAP_IN_USE An attempt was made either to set a bit map into a device context using GpiSetBitmap while it was already selected into an existing device context, or to tag a bit map with a local pattern set identifier (setid) using GpiSetBitmapId while it was already tagged with an existing setid. PMERR_BITMAP_IS_SELECTED An attempt was made to delete a bit map while it was selected into a device context. PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_FOUND A attempt was made to perform a bit-map operation on a bit map that did not exist. PMERR_BITMAP_NOT_SELECTED A attempt was made to perform an operation on presentation space associated with a memory device context that had no selected bit map. PMERR_BOUNDS_OVERFLOW An internal overflow error occurred during boundary data accumulation. This can occur if coordinates or matrix transformation elements (or both) are invalid or too large. PMERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The supplied buffer was not large enough for the data to be returned. PMERR_C_LENGTH_TOO_SMALL The maximum length of the C structure is less than the total length required for the (C) component types. PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CHAINED An attempt was made to call a segment that has a chained attribute set. PMERR_CALLED_SEG_IS_CURRENT An attempt was made to call a segment that is currently open. PMERR_CALLED_SEG_NOT_FOUND An attempt was made to call a segment that did not exist. PMERR_CAN_NOT_CALL_SPOOLER An error occurred attempting to call the spooler validation routine. This error is not raised if the spooler is not installed. PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRINTER_DD_REF Presentation Manager device driver deletion not possible due to a reference. PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_ADDR_REF Printer port deletion not possible due to a reference. PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_PRN_NAME_REF Printer deletion not possible due to a reference. PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QNAME_REF Spooler queue deletion not possible due to a reference. PMERR_CANNOT_DEL_QP_REF Spooler queue processor deletion not possible due to a reference. PMERR_CANNOT_SET_FOCUS Focus cannot be set if a focus change is in progress, or if a system-modal window exists. PMERR_CANNOT_STOP The session cannot be stopped. PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZABLE An attempt was made to realize a color table that is not realizable. PMERR_COL_TABLE_NOT_REALIZED An attempt was made to realize a color table on a device driver that does not support this function. PMERR_COORDINATE_OVERFLOW An internal coordinate overflow error occurred. This can occur if coordinates or matrix transformation elements (or both) are invalid or too large. PMERR_DATA_TOO_LONG An attempt was made to transfer more than the maximum permitted amount of data (64512 bytes) using GpiPutData, GpiGetData, or GpiElement. PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_BAD_INDEX An invalid datatype entry index was specified. PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_BAD An invalid datatype entry control was specified. PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_CTL_MISS The datatype entry control was missing. PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_NUM The datatype entry specified was not numerical. PMERR_DATATYPE_ENTRY_NOT_OFF The datatype entry specified was not an offset. PMERR_DATATYPE_INVALID An invalid datatype was specified. PMERR_DATATYPE_NOT_UNIQUE An attempt to register a datatype failed because it is not unique. PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_LONG The datatype specified was too long. PMERR_DATATYPE_TOO_SMALL The datatype specified was too small. PMERR_DC_IS_ASSOCIATED An attempt was made to associate a presentation space with a device context that was already associated or to destroy a device context that was associated. PMERR_DEL_NOT_ALLOWED Deletion not possible. PMERR_DESC_STRING_TRUNCATED An attempt was made to supply a description string with GpiBeginElement that was greater then the permitted maximum length (251 characters). The string was truncated. PMERR_DEV_FUNC_NOT_INSTALLED The function requested is not supported by the presentation driver. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_1 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_10 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_2 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_3 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_4 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_5 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_6 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_7 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_8 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DEVICE_DRIVER_ERROR_9 Miscellaneous error available for use by user written device drivers. PMERR_DOS_ERROR A DOS call returned an error. PMERR_DOSOPEN_FAILURE A DosOpen call made during GpiLoadMetaFile or GpiSaveMetaFile gave a good return code but the file was not opened successfully. PMERR_DOSREAD_FAILURE A DosRead call made during GpiLoadMetaFile gave a good return code. However, it failed to read any more bytes although the file length indicated that there were more to be read. PMERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND The device driver specified with DevPostDeviceModes was not found. PMERR_DUP_SEG During GpiPlayMetaFile, while the actual drawing mode was draw-and-retain or retain, a metafile segment to be stored in the presentation space was found to have the same segment identifier as an existing segment. PMERR_DUP_SEGNAME A called segment has a name that has already been used by another called segment in the input PIF. PMERR_DUPLICATE_TITLE The program title specified in the PIBSTRUCT already exists within the same group. PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_SEQ_ERROR During removal of dynamic segments while processing GpiDrawChain, GpiDrawFrom, or GpiDrawSegment, the internal state indicated that dynamic segment data was still visible after all chained dynamic segments had been processed. This can occur if segments drawn dynamically (including called segments) are modified or removed from the chain while visible. PMERR_DYNAMIC_SEG_ZERO_INV An attempt was been made to open a dynamic segment with a segment identifier of zero. PMERR_ENDDOC_NOT_ISSUED A request to close the spooled output without first issuing a an ENDDOC was attempted. PMERR_ESC_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED The code specified with DevEscape is not supported by the target device driver. PMERR_EXCEEDS_MAX_SEG_LENGTH During metafile creation or generation of retained graphics the system has exceeded maximum segment size. PMERR_FONT_AND_MODE_MISMATCH An attempt was made to draw characters with a character mode and character set that are incompatible. For example, the character specifies an image/raster font when the mode calls for a vector/outline font. PMERR_FONT_FILE_NOT_LOADED An attempt was made to unload a font file that was not loaded. PMERR_FONT_NOT_LOADED An attempt was made to create a font that was not loaded. PMERR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED The function is not supported. PMERR_GREATER_THAN_64K A data item or array dimension is greater than 65 535. PMERR_HBITMAP_BUSY An internal bit map busy error was detected. The bit map was locked by one thread during an attempt to access it from another thread. PMERR_HDC_BUSY An internal device context busy error was detected. The device context was locked by one thread during an attempt to access it from another thread. PMERR_HEAP_MAX_SIZE_REACHED The heap has reached its maximum size (64KB), and cannot be increased. PMERR_HEAP_OUT_OF_MEMORY An attempt to increase the size of the heap failed. PMERR_HFONT_IS_SELECTED An attempt has been made to either change the owner of a font, or delete when it is currently selected. PMERR_HRGN_BUSY An internal region busy error was detected. The region was locked by one thread during an attempt to access it from another thread. PMERR_HUGE_FONTS_NOT_SUPPORTED An attempt was made using GpiSetCharSet, GpiSetPatternSet, GpiSetMarkerSet, or GpiSetAttrs to select a font that is larger than the maximum size (64Kb) supported by the target device driver. PMERR_ID_HAS_NO_BITMAP No bit map was tagged with the setid specified on a GpiQueryBitmapHandle function. PMERR_IMAGE_INCOMPLETE A drawn segment has opened an image bracket and ended without closing it. PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_BITMAP An attempt was made to select a bit map or perform a BitBlt operation on a device context that was incompatible with the format of the bit map. PMERR_INCOMPATIBLE_METAFILE An attempt was made to associate a presentation space and a metafile device context with incompatible page units, size or coordinate format; or to play a metafile using the RES_RESET option (to reset the presentation space) to a presentation space that is itself associated with a metafile device context. PMERR_INCORRECT_DATATYPE A data type is specified which is incorrect for this function. PMERR_INCORRECT_DC_TYPE An attempt was made to perform a bit-map operation on a presentation space associated with a device context of a type that is unable to support bit-map operations. PMERR_INCORRECT_HSTRUCT A structure handle is non-NULL, and is invalid for one of the following reasons: o It is not the handle of a data structure. o It is the handle of an ERRINFO structure, which should not be used in this call. o A handle block returned by the bindings to the application has been used for an in-line structure handle. PMERR_INI_FILE_IS_SYS_OR_USER User or system initialization file cannot be closed. PMERR_INSUFF_SPACE_TO_ADD The initialization file could not be extended to add the required program or group. PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE The operation terminated through insufficient disk space. PMERR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY The operation terminated through insufficient memory. PMERR_INV_3DCOORD An order specifying 3-dimensional coordinates has been found in the input PIF. PMERR_INV_ANGLE_PARM An invalid angle parameter was specified with GpiPartialArc. PMERR_INV_ARC_CONTROL An invalid control parameter was specified with GpiFullArc. PMERR_INV_AREA_CONTROL An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiBeginArea. PMERR_INV_ATTR_MODE An invalid mode parameter was specified with GpiSetAttrMode. PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_COL_ATTR An invalid background color attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_BACKGROUND_MIX_ATTR An invalid background mix attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_BITBLT_MIX An invalid lRop was specified with a GpiBitBlt or GpiWCBitBlt function. PMERR_INV_BITBLT_STYLE An invalid options parameter was specified with a GpiBitBlt or GpiWCBitBlt function. PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DATA In processing a bit map, the end of the data was unexpectedly encountered. PMERR_INV_BITMAP_DIMENSION An invalid dimension was specified with a load bit-map function. PMERR_INV_BOX_CONTROL An invalid control parameter was specified with GpiBox. PMERR_INV_BOX_ROUNDING_PARM An invalid corner rounding control parameter was specified with GpiBox. PMERR_INV_CHAR_ALIGN_ATTR The text alignment attribute specified in GpiSetTextAlignment is not valid. PMERR_INV_CHAR_ANGLE_ATTR The default character angle attribute value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_CHAR_DIRECTION_ATTR An invalid character direction attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_CHAR_MODE_ATTR An invalid character mode attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_CHAR_POS_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiCharStringPos or GpiCharStringPosAt. PMERR_INV_CHAR_SET_ATTR An invalid character setid attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_CHAR_SHEAR_ATTR An invalid character shear attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_CLIP_PATH_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiSetClipPath. PMERR_INV_CODEPAGE An invalid code-page parameter was specified with GpiSetCp. PMERR_INV_COLOR_ATTR An invalid color attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_COLOR_DATA Invalid color table definition data was specified with GpiCreateLogColorTable. PMERR_INV_COLOR_FORMAT An invalid format parameter was specified with GpiCreateLogColorTable. PMERR_INV_COLOR_INDEX An invalid color index parameter was specified with GpiQueryRGBColor. PMERR_INV_COLOR_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with a logical color table or color query function. PMERR_INV_COLOR_START_INDEX An invalid starting index parameter was specified with a logical color table or color query function. PMERR_INV_CONV Invalid conversion-type parameter. PMERR_INV_COORD_OFFSET An invalid coordinate offset value was specified. PMERR_INV_COORD_SPACE An invalid source or target coordinate space parameter was specified with GpiConvert. PMERR_INV_COORDINATE An invalid coordinate value was specified. PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_DEPTH An invalid maxdepth parameter was specified with GpiCorrelateSegment, GpiCorrelateFrom, or GpiCorrelateChain. PMERR_INV_CORRELATE_TYPE An invalid type parameter was specified with GpiCorrelateSegment, GpiCorrelateFrom, or GpiCorrelateChain. PMERR_INV_CURSOR_BITMAP An invalid pointer was referenced with WinSetPointer. PMERR_INV_DC_DATA An invalid data parameter was specified with DevOpenDC. PMERR_INV_DC_TYPE An invalid type parameter was specified with DevOpenDC, or a function was issued that is invalid for a OD_METAFILE_NOQUERY device context. PMERR_INV_DEV_MODES_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with DevPostDeviceModes. PMERR_INV_DEVICE_NAME An invalid devicename parameter was specified with DevPostDeviceModes. PMERR_INV_DRAW_BORDER_OPTION An invalid option parameter was specified with WinDrawBorder. PMERR_INV_DRAW_CONTROL An invalid control parameter was specified with GpiSetDrawControl or GpiQueryDrawControl. PMERR_INV_DRAW_VALUE An invalid value parameter was specified with GpiSetDrawControl. PMERR_INV_DRAWING_MODE An invalid mode parameter was specified with GpiSetDrawControl not draw-and-retain or draw. PMERR_INV_DRIVER_DATA Invalid driver data was specified. PMERR_INV_DRIVER_NAME A driver name was specified which has not been installed. PMERR_INV_EDIT_MODE An invalid mode parameter was specified with GpiSetEditMode. PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_OFFSET An invalid off (offset) parameter was specified with GpiQueryElement. PMERR_INV_ELEMENT_POINTER An attempt was made to issue GpiPutData with the element pointer not pointing at the last element. PMERR_INV_END_PATH_OPTIONS An attempt to create or delete a path out of context of the path bracket was made. PMERR_INV_ESC_CODE An invalid escape code was used in a call to DevEscape. PMERR_INV_ESCAPE_DATA An invalid data parameter was specified with DevEscape. PMERR_INV_FACENAME An invalid font family name was passed to GpiQueryFaceString. PMERR_INV_FACENAMEDESC The font facename description is invalid. PMERR_INV_FILL_PATH_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiFillPath. PMERR_INV_FIRST_CHAR An invalid firstchar parameter was specified with GpiQueryWidthTable. PMERR_INV_FLOOD_FILL_OPTIONS Invalid flood fill parameters were specified. PMERR_INV_FONT_ATTRS An invalid attrs parameter was specified with GpiCreateLogFont. PMERR_INV_FONT_FILE_DATA The font file specified with GpiLoadFonts, GpiLoadPublicFonts, GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions, or GpiQueryFullFontFileDescs contains invalid data. PMERR_INV_FOR_THIS_DC_TYPE An attempt has been made to issue GpiRemoveDynamics or GpiDrawDynamics to a presentation space associated with a metafile device context. PMERR_INV_FORMS_CODE An invalid forms code parameter was specified with DevQueryHardcopyCaps. PMERR_INV_GEOM_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR An invalid geometric line width attribute value was specified. PMERR_INV_GETDATA_CONTROL An invalid format parameter was specified with GpiGetData. PMERR_INV_GRAPHICS_FIELD An invalid field parameter was specified with GpiSetGraphicsField. PMERR_INV_HBITMAP An invalid bit-map handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HDC An invalid device-context handle or (micro presentation space) presentation-space handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HFONT An invalid font handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HMF An invalid metafile handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HPAL An invalid color palette handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HPS An invalid presentation-space handle was specified. PMERR_INV_HRGN An invalid region handle was specified. PMERR_INV_ID An invalid lPSid parameter was specified with GpiRestorePS. PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DATA_LENGTH An invalid lLength parameter was specified with GpiImage. There is a mismatch between the image size and the data length. PMERR_INV_IMAGE_DIMENSION An invalid psizlImageSize parameter was specified with GpiImage. PMERR_INV_IMAGE_FORMAT An invalid lFormat parameter was specified with GpiImage. PMERR_INV_IN_AREA An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside an area bracket. This can be detected while the actual drawing mode is draw or draw-and-retain or during segment drawing or correlation functions. PMERR_INV_IN_CURRENT_EDIT_MODE An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside the current editing mode. PMERR_INV_IN_ELEMENT An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside an element bracket. PMERR_INV_IN_IMAGE An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside an element bracket. PMERR_INV_IN_PATH An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside a path bracket. PMERR_INV_IN_RETAIN_MODE An attempt was made to issue a function (for example, query) that is invalid when the actual drawing mode is not draw or draw-and-retain. PMERR_INV_IN_SEG An attempt was made to issue a function invalid inside a segment bracket. PMERR_INV_IN_VECTOR_SYMBOL An invalid order was detected inside a vector symbol definition while drawing a vector (outline) font. PMERR_INV_INFO_TABLE An invalid bit-map info table was specified with a bit-map operation. PMERR_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT An invalid length or count parameter was specified. PMERR_INV_LINE_END_ATTR An invalid line end attribute value was specified. PMERR_INV_LINE_JOIN_ATTR An invalid line join attribute value was specified. PMERR_INV_LINE_TYPE_ATTR An invalid line type attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_LINE_WIDTH_ATTR An invalid line width attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_LOGICAL_ADDRESS An invalid device logical address was specified. PMERR_INV_MARKER_BOX_ATTR An invalid marker box attribute value was specified. PMERR_INV_MARKER_SET_ATTR An invalid marker set attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_MARKER_SYMBOL_ATTR An invalid marker symbol attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_MATRIX_ELEMENT An invalid transformation matrix element was specified. PMERR_INV_MAX_HITS An invalid maxhits parameter was specified with GpiCorrelateSegment, GpiCorrelateFrom, or GpiCorrelateChain. PMERR_INV_METAFILE An invalid metafile was specified with GpiPlayMetaFile. PMERR_INV_METAFILE_LENGTH An invalid length parameter was specified with GpiSetMetaFileBits or GpiQueryMetaFileBits. PMERR_INV_METAFILE_OFFSET An invalid length parameter was specified with GpiSetMetaFileBits or GpiQueryMetaFileBits. PMERR_INV_MICROPS_DRAW_CONTROL A draw control parameter was specified with GpiSetDrawControl that is invalid in a micro presentation space. PMERR_INV_MICROPS_FUNCTION An attempt was made to issue a function that is invalid in a micro presentation space. PMERR_INV_MICROPS_ORDER An attempt was made to play a metafile containing orders that are invalid in a micro presentation space. PMERR_INV_MIX_ATTR An invalid mix attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_MODE_FOR_OPEN_DYN An attempt was made to open a segment with the ATTR_DYNAMIC segment set, while the drawing mode was set to DM_DRAW or DM_DRAWANDRETAIN. PMERR_INV_MODE_FOR_REOPEN_SEG An attempt was made to reopen an existing segment while the drawing mode was set to DM_DRAW or DM_DRAWANDRETAIN. PMERR_INV_MODIFY_PATH_MODE An invalid mode parameter was specified with GpiModifyPath. PMERR_INV_MULTIPLIER An invalid multiplier parameter was specified with GpiPartialArc or GpiFullArc. PMERR_INV_NESTED_FIGURES Nested figures have been detected within a path definition. PMERR_INV_OR_INCOMPAT_OPTIONS An invalid or incompatible (with micro presentation space) options parameter was specified with GpiCreatePS or GpiSetPS. PMERR_INV_ORDER_LENGTH An invalid order length was detected during GpiPutData or segment drawing. PMERR_INV_ORDERING_PARM An invalid order parameter was specified with GpiSetSegmentPriority. PMERR_INV_OUTSIDE_DRAW_MODE An attempt was made to issue a GpiSavePS or GpiRestorePS function, or an output only function (for example, GpiPaintRegion) from GpiPlayMetaFile without the drawing mode set to DM_DRAW. PMERR_INV_PAGE_VIEWPORT An invalid viewport parameter was specified with GpiSetPageViewport. PMERR_INV_PATH_ID An invalid path identifier parameter was specified. PMERR_INV_PATTERN_ATTR An invalid pattern symbol attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_PATTERN_REF_PT_ATTR An invalid refpoint attribute value was specified. PMERR_INV_PATTERN_SET_ATTR An invalid pattern set attribute value was specified or the default value was explicitly specified with GpiSetAttrs instead of using the defaults mask. PMERR_INV_PATTERN_SET_FONT An attempt was made to use an unsuitable font as a pattern set. PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_OPTION An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiSetPickApertureSize. PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_POSN An invalid pick aperture position was specified. PMERR_INV_PICK_APERTURE_SIZE An invalid size parameter was specified with GpiSetPickApertureSize. PMERR_INV_PLAY_METAFILE_OPTION An invalid option parameter was specified with GpiPlayMetaFile. PMERR_INV_PRIMITIVE_TYPE An invalid primitive type parameter was specified with GpiSetAttrs or GpiQueryAttrs. PMERR_INV_PS_SIZE An invalid size parameter was specified with GpiCreatePS or GpiSetPS. PMERR_INV_PUTDATA_FORMAT An invalid format parameter was specified with GpiPutData. PMERR_INV_QUERY_ELEMENT_NO An invalid start parameter was specified with DevQueryCaps. PMERR_INV_RECT An invalid rectangle parameter was specified. PMERR_INV_REGION_CONTROL An invalid control parameter was specified with GpiQueryRegionRects. PMERR_INV_REGION_MIX_MODE An invalid mode parameter was specified with GpiCombineRegion. PMERR_INV_REPLACE_MODE_FUNC An attempt was made to issue GpiPutData with the editing mode set to SEGEM_REPLACE. PMERR_INV_RESERVED_FIELD An invalid reserved field was specified. PMERR_INV_RESET_OPTIONS An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiResetPS. PMERR_INV_RGBCOLOR An invalid rgb color parameter was specified with GpiQueryNearestColor or GpiQueryColor. PMERR_INV_SCAN_START An invalid scanstart parameter was specified with a bit-map function. PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR An invalid attribute parameter was specified with GpiSetSegmentAttrs, GpiQuerySegmentAttrs, GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs, or GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs. PMERR_INV_SEG_ATTR_VALUE An invalid attribute value parameter was specified with GpiSetSegmentAttrs or GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs. PMERR_INV_SEG_NAME An invalid segment identifier was specified. PMERR_INV_SEG_OFFSET An invalid offset parameter was specified with GpiPutData. PMERR_INV_SEGLEN An order length exceeds the remaining segment length in the input PIF. PMERR_INV_SETID An invalid setid parameter was specified. PMERR_INV_SHARPNESS_PARM An invalid sharpness parameter was specified with GpiPolyFilletSharp. PMERR_INV_STOP_DRAW_VALUE An invalid value parameter was specified with GpiSetStopDraw. PMERR_INV_TRANSFORM_TYPE An invalid options parameter was specified with a transform matrix function. PMERR_INV_TYPE Invalid file-type parameter. PMERR_INV_USAGE_PARM An invalid options parameter was specified with GpiCreateBitmap. PMERR_INV_VIEWING_LIMITS An invalid limits parameter was specified with GpiSetViewingLimits. PMERR_INV_VIEWLIM A set viewing limits order has an inconsistent mask and order length in the input PIF. PMERR_INV_XFORM A set (default) viewing transform order has an inconsistent mask and order length in the input PIF. PMERR_INVALID_APPL Attempted to start an application whose type is not recognized by OS/2. PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_COUNT An array has an invalid count, that is, less than or equal to zero. PMERR_INVALID_ARRAY_SIZE A control data type array size is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_ASCIIZ The profile string is not a valid zero-terminated string. PMERR_INVALID_ATOM The specified atom does not exist in the atom table. PMERR_INVALID_ATOM_NAME An invalid atom name string was passed. PMERR_INVALID_BUNDLE_TYPE An invalid bundle type was passed. PMERR_INVALID_CHARACTER_INDEX On WinNextChar or WinPrevChar, a character index is invalid, that is, it is less than 1 or is greater than the string length+1. PMERR_INVALID_CONTROL_DATATYPE An invalid control data type was specified. PMERR_INVALID_DATATYPE An invalid data type was specified. PMERR_INVALID_DST_CODEPAGE The destination code page parameter is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_ERRORINFO_HANDLE On WinFreeErrorInfo, the ERRINFO is not the handle of an ERRINFO structure, that is, it was not created by WinGetErrorInfo. PMERR_INVALID_FLAG An invalid bit was set for a parameter. Use constants defined by PM for options, and do not set any reserved bits. PMERR_INVALID_FREE_MESSAGE_ID An invalid message identifier was specified. The call has completed by assuming the message parameter and reply data types to be ULONG. PMERR_INVALID_GROUP_HANDLE An invalid program-group handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HACCEL An invalid accelerator-table handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HAPP The application handle passed to WinTerminateApp does not correspond to a valid session. PMERR_INVALID_HATOMTBL An invalid atom-table handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_POINTER An invalid pointer was found within the heap. PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE Invalid data was found within the heap. PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_PARM Invalid data was found within the heap. PMERR_INVALID_HEAP_SIZE_WORD Invalid data was found within the heap. PMERR_INVALID_HENUM An invalid enumeration handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HHEAP An invalid heap handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HMQ An invalid message-queue handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HPTR An invalid pointer handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HSTRUCT An invalid (null) structure handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_HWND An invalid window handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_INI_FILE_HANDLE An invalid initialization-file handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER The specified atom is not a valid integer atom. PMERR_INVALID_INTEGER_ATOM The specified atom is not a valid integer atom. PMERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID A message identifier is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARMS The number of parameters is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_TYPES The function call has an invalid number (zero) of types. PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER An application parameter value is invalid for its converted PM type. For example: a 4-byte value outside the range -32,768 to +32,767 cannot be converted to a SHORT, and a negative number cannot be converted to a ULONG or USHORT. PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE A parameter type is invalid for a bundle mask. PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS An application parameter value is invalid for its converted PM type. For example: a 4-byte value outside the range -32768 to +32 767 cannot be converted to a SHORT, and a negative number cannot be converted to a ULONG or USHORT. PMERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS PMERR_INVALID_PARM A parameter to the function contained invalid data. PMERR_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE An invalid program handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_SESSION_ID The specified session identifier is invalid. Either zero (for the application's own session) or a valid identifier must be specified. PMERR_INVALID_SRC_CODEPAGE The source code page parameter is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_STRING_PARM The specified string parameter is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_SWITCH_HANDLE An invalid Window List entry handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_TARGET_HANDLE An invalid target program-group handle was specified. PMERR_INVALID_TITLE The specified program or group title is too long or contains invalid characters. PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_LENGTH The data type for a control length is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_MPARAM The message parameter type for a control MPARAM is invalid, that is, not mparam1, mparam2 or mreply. PMERR_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_OFFSET The data type for a control offset is invalid. PMERR_INVALID_WINDOW The window specified with a Window List call is not a valid frame window. PMERR_KERNING_NOT_SUPPORTED Kerning was requested on GpiCreateLogFont call to a presentation space associated with a device context that does not support kerning. PMERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUND The specified element label did not exist. PMERR_MATRIX_OVERFLOW An internal overflow error occurred during matrix multiplication. This can occur if coordinates or matrix transformation elements (or both) are invalid or too large. PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOC An error occurred during memory management. PMERR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERR An error occurred during memory management. PMERR_MEMORY_DEALLOCATION_ERR An error occurred during memory management. PMERR_METAFILE_IN_USE An attempt has been made to access a metafile that is in use by another thread. PMERR_METAFILE_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal inconsistency has been detected during metafile unlock processing. PMERR_METAFILE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The maximum permitted metafile size limit was exceeded during metafile recording. PMERR_MSG_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS An attempt to create a message queue for a thread failed because a message queue already exists for the calling thread. PMERR_MSGID_TOO_SMALL The message identifier specified is too small. PMERR_NEGATIVE_STRCOND_DIM A negative array dimension was passed for a data type length. PMERR_NO_BITMAP_SELECTED An attempt has been made to operate on a memory device context that has no bit map selected. PMERR_NO_CURRENT_ELEMENT An attempt has been made to issue GpiQueryElementType or GpiQueryElement while there is no currently open element. PMERR_NO_CURRENT_SEG An attempt has been made to issue GpiQueryElementType or GpiQueryElement while there is no currently open segment. PMERR_NO_FILL No flood fill occurred because either the starting point color was the same as the input color when a boundary fill was requested, or the starting point color was not the same as the input color when a surface fill was requested. PMERR_NO_METAFILE_RECORD_HANDLE The metafile record handle was not found during metafile recording, or DevEscape (DEVESC_STARTDOC) was not issued when drawing to a OD_QUEUED device context with a pszDataType field of PM_Q_STD. PMERR_NO_MSG_QUEUE PMERR_NO_PALETTE_SELECTED An attempt to realize a palette failed because no palette was previously selected into the Presentation Space. PMERR_NO_SPACE The limit on the number of Window List entries has been reached with WinAddSwitchEntry. PMERR_NOT_CREATED_BY_DEVOPENDC An attempt has been made to destroy a device context using DevCloseDC that was not created using DevOpenDC. PMERR_NOT_CURRENT_PL_VERSION An unexpected data format was found in the initialization file. PMERR_NOT_DRAGGING A drag operation is not in progress at this time. PMERR_NOT_IN_A_PM_SESSION An attempt was made to access function that is only available from PM programs from a non-PM session. PMERR_NOT_IN_AREA An attempt was made to end an area using GpiEndArea or during segment drawing while not in an area bracket. PMERR_NOT_IN_DRAW_MODE An attempt was made to issue GpiSavePS or GpiRestorePS while the drawing mode was not set to DM_DRAW. PMERR_NOT_IN_ELEMENT An attempt was made to end an element using GpiEndElement or during segment drawing while not in an element bracket. PMERR_NOT_IN_IDX The application name, key-name or program handle was not found. PMERR_NOT_IN_IMAGE An attempt was made to end an image during segment drawing while not in an image bracket. PMERR_NOT_IN_PATH An attempt was made to end a path using GpiEndPath or during segment drawing while not in a path bracket. PMERR_NOT_IN_RETAIN_MODE An attempt was made to issue a segment editing element function that is invalid when the actual drawing mode is not set to retain. PMERR_NOT_IN_SEG An attempt was made to end a segment using GpiCloseSegment while not in a segment bracket. PMERR_NOT_SELF_DESCRIBING_DTYP A data type is not self-describing. PMERR_OK The code page or country code passed is not valid. PMERR_OK The window handle or menu item passed is not valid. PMERR_OPENING_INI_FILE Unable to open initialization file (due to lack of disk space for example). PMERR_ORDER_TOO_BIG An internal size limit was exceeded while converting orders from short to long format during GpiPutData processing. An order was too long to convert. PMERR_OWN_SET_ID_REFS An attempt to unload a font failed because the setid is still being referenced. PMERR_PALETTE_BUSY An attempt has been made to reset the owner of a palette when it was busy. PMERR_PALETTE_SELECTED Color palette operations cannot be performed on a presentation space while a palette is selected. PMERR_PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE The value of a parameter was not within the defined valid range for that parameter. PMERR_PATH_INCOMPLETE An attempt was made to open or close a segment either directly or during segment drawing, or to issue GpiAssociate while there is an open path bracket. PMERR_PATH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED An internal size limit was exceeded during path or area processing. PMERR_PATH_UNKNOWN An attempt was made to perform a path function on a path that did not exist. PMERR_PEL_IS_CLIPPED An attempt was made to query a pel that had been clipped using GpiQueryPel. PMERR_PEL_NOT_AVAILABLE An attempt was made to query a pel that did not exist in GpiQueryPel (for example, a memory device context with no selected bit map). PMERR_PRINTER_DD_NOT_DEFINED The Presentation Manager device driver has not been defined. PMERR_PRINTER_QUEUE_NOT_DEFINED The spooler queue for the printer has not been defined. PMERR_PRN_ADDR_IN_USE A printer is already defined on the port. PMERR_PRN_ADDR_NOT_DEFINED The printer port has not been defined. PMERR_PRN_NAME_NOT_DEFINED The printer has not been defined. PMERR_PROLOG_ERROR A prolog error was detected during drawing. Segment prologs are used internally within retained segments and also appear in metafiles. This error can also arise from an End Prolog order that is outside a prolog. PMERR_PS_BUSY An attempt was made to access the presentation space from more than one thread simultaneously. PMERR_PS_IS_ASSOCIATED An attempt was made to destroy a presentation or associate a presentation space that is still associated with a device context. PMERR_PS_NOT_ASSOCIATED An attempt was made to access a presentation space that is not associated with a device context. PMERR_QUEUE_TOO_LARGE An attempt to create a message queue has failed because the value specified for the size of the message queue is too large. PMERR_RASTER_FONT A request was made for the outline of a bit-map font. Outlines can only be returned for vector font characters. PMERR_REALIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED An attempt was made to create a realizable logical color table on a device driver that does not support this function. PMERR_REGION_IS_CLIP_REGION An attempt was made to perform a region operation on a region that is selected as a clip region. PMERR_RESOURCE_DEPLETION An internal resource depletion error has occurred. PMERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND The specified resource identity could not be found. PMERR_SEG_AND_REFSEG_ARE_SAME The segid and refsegid specified with GpiSetSegmentPriority were the same. PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_EMPTY A call stack empty condition was detected when attempting a pop function during GpiPop or segment drawing. PMERR_SEG_CALL_STACK_FULL A call stack full condition was detected when attempting to call a segment using GpiCallSegmentMatrix, attempting to preserve an attribute, or during segment drawing. PMERR_SEG_IS_CURRENT An attempt was made to issue GpiGetData to a segment that was currently open. PMERR_SEG_NOT_CHAINED An attempt was made to issue GpiDrawFrom, GpiCorrelateFrom or GpiQuerySegmentPriority for a segment that was not chained. PMERR_SEG_NOT_FOUND The specified segment identifier did not exist. PMERR_SEG_OVFLOW The input PIF has more than 1000 called segments. This has overflowed an internal buffer. PMERR_SEG_STORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The maximum permitted retained segment store size limit was exceeded. PMERR_SETID_IN_USE An attempt was made to specify a setid that was already in use as the currently selected character, marker or pattern set. PMERR_SETID_NOT_FOUND An attempt was made to delete a setid that did not exist. PMERR_SMB_OVFLOW The input PIF has more than 100 symbol sets defined. This has overflowed an internal buffer. PMERR_SOMDD_IS_ACTIVE The DSOM daemon is already active. PMERR_SOMDD_NOT_STARTED The DSOM daemon failed to start. PMERR_SOURCE_SAME_AS_TARGET The direct manipulation source and target process are the same. PMERR_SPL_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE Unable to open the file. PMERR_SPL_DD_NOT_FOUND The Presentation Manager device driver definition could not be found. PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS The device already exists. PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_LIMIT_REACHED The limit on the number of devices has been reached. PMERR_SPL_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED The device has not been installed. PMERR_SPL_DRIVER_ERROR No Presentation Manager device driver supplied or found. PMERR_SPL_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED The Presentation Manager device driver has not been installed. PMERR_SPL_FILE_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the file. PMERR_SPL_HARD_NETWORK_ERROR Hard network error. PMERR_SPL_INI_FILE_ERROR Error accessing the initialization file. PMERR_SPL_INV_DATATYPE The spool file data type is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_DRIVER_DATATYPE The data type is invalid for the Presentation Manager device driver. PMERR_SPL_INV_FORMS_CODE The forms code for the job is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_HSPL The spooler handle is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_JOB_ID The job id is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_LENGTH_OR_COUNT The length or count is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_PRIORITY The priority for the job is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_PROCESSOR_DATTYPE The data type is invalid for the spooler queue processor. PMERR_SPL_INV_QUEUE_NAME The spooler queue name is invalid. PMERR_SPL_INV_TOKEN The token is invalid. PMERR_SPL_JOB_NOT_PRINTING The print job is not printing. PMERR_SPL_JOB_PRINTING The print job is already printing. PMERR_SPL_MANY_QUEUES_ASSOC More than one queue has been associated with the printer. PMERR_SPL_NO_CURRENT_FORMS_CODE There is no current forms code defined to the Presentation Manager device driver. PMERR_SPL_NO_DATA No data supplied or found. PMERR_SPL_NO_DEFAULT_QUEUE There is no default spooler queue for the printer. PMERR_SPL_NO_DISK_SPACE There is not enough free disk space. PMERR_SPL_NO_FREE_JOB_ID There is no free job id available. PMERR_SPL_NO_MEMORY There is not enough free memory. PMERR_SPL_NO_QUEUES_ASSOCIATED A queue has not been associated with the printer. PMERR_SPL_NO_SUCH_LOG_ADDRESS The logical address does not exist (that is, it is not defined in the initialization file). PMERR_SPL_NOT_AUTHORISED Not authorized to perform the operation. PMERR_SPL_PRINT_ABORT The job has already been aborted. PMERR_SPL_PRINTER_NOT_FOUND The printer definition could not be found. PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_ERROR No spooler queue processor supplied or found. PMERR_SPL_PROCESSOR_NOT_INST The spooler queue processor has not been installed. PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ALREADY_EXISTS The spooler queue already exists. PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_ERROR No spooler queue supplied or found. PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY The spooler queue contains print jobs. PMERR_SPL_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND The spooler queue definition could not be found. PMERR_SPL_SPOOLER_NOT_INSTALLED The spooler is not installed. PMERR_SPL_STATUS_STRING_TRUNC The print job status string has been truncated. PMERR_SPL_TEMP_NETWORK_ERROR Temporary network error. PMERR_SPL_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES Too many open files. PMERR_SPOOLER_QP_NOT_DEFINED The spooler queue processor has not been defined. PMERR_START_POINT_CLIPPED The starting point specified for flood fill is outside the current clipping path or region. PMERR_STARTDOC_NOT_ISSUED A request to write spooled output without first issuing a STARTDOC was attempted. PMERR_STARTED_IN_BACKGROUND The application started a new session in the background. PMERR_STOP_DRAW_OCCURRED Segment drawing or GpiPlayMetaFile was stopped prematurely in response to a GpiSetStopDraw request. PMERR_TOO_MANY_METAFILES_IN_USE The maximum number of metafiles allowed for a given process was exceeded. PMERR_TRUNCATED_ORDER An incomplete order was detected during segment processing. PMERR_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_DEVICE Unable to close the print device (for example, powered off or offline). PMERR_UNCHAINED_SEG_ZERO_INV An attempt was made to open segment with segment identifier zero and the ATTR_CHAINED segment attribute not specified. PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR An unsupported attribute was specified in the attrmask with GpiSetAttrs or GpiQueryAttrs. PMERR_UNSUPPORTED_ATTR_VALUE An attribute value was specified with GpiSetAttrs that is not supported. PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_OVERFLOW An overflow occurred for the use count of a window. PMERR_WINDOW_LOCK_UNDERFLOW An attempt was made to decrement the use count of a window below zero. PMERR_WINDOW_NOT_LOCKED The window specified in WinSendMsg was not locked. PMERR_WPDSERVER_IS_ACTIVE The Workplace Shell DSOM Server is already active. PMERR_WPDSERVER_NOT_STARTED The Workplace Shell DSOM Server could not be started. WPERR_INVALID_FLAGS An invalid flag was specified. WPERR_INVALID_OBJECTID An invalid object ID was specified. WPERR_INVALID_TARGET_OBJECT An invalid target object was specified. ═══ 5. Area and Polygon Primitives ═══ An area is one or more closed figures that can be drawn filled, outlined, or filled and outlined. If an area includes more than one figure, those figures can be separate or intersecting. A polygon, too, is one or more closed figures that can be drawn filled, outlined, or filled and outlined. Polygons, unlike areas, are limited to figures with straight edges. Polygons also can be separate or intersecting. The following topics are related to information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces  Line and arc primitives  Color and mix attributes  Fonts  Bit maps  Paths ═══ 5.1. About Area Primitives ═══ Applications can create, outline, and fill areas and can create custom-fill patterns from bit maps or font symbols. Some graphics functions are not valid within an area definition. For example, you cannot include marker, image, or character-string primitives in an area definition. The following figure is an example of an area. An Area This area comprises two hexagons, one completely enclosed by the other. The area is filled with the current area-fill pattern. ═══ 5.1.1. Attributes of Area Primitives ═══ The attributes of the area primitive are contained in a data structure called AREABUNDLE. These attributes are:  Pattern symbol  Pattern reference point  Pattern set  Foreground color  Background color  Foreground mix attribute  Background mix mode When an application creates a presentation space, the area attributes are set to the default values shown in the following table. Area Attribute Default Values ┌──────────────────┬────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Attribute │Default │Function that Redefines │ │ │Value │Attribute │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Pattern symbol │solid │GpiSetPattern │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Pattern reference │(0,0) │GpiSetPatternRefPoint │ │point │ │ │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Pattern set │LCID_DEFAULT│GpiSetPatternSet │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Foreground color │Black │GpiSetAttrs (ABB_COLOR) │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Background color │Clear │GpiSetAttrs (ABB_BACK_COLOR) │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Foreground mix │Overpaint │GpiSetAttrs (ABB_MIX_MODE) │ ├──────────────────┼────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │Background mix │Leave alone │GpiSetAttrs │ │ │ │(ABB_BACK_MIX_MODE) │ └──────────────────┴────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ Note: If the default (LCID_DEFAULT) for pattern set is changed, the base pattern set cannot be reselected with GpiSetPatternSet. ═══ 5.1.2. Pattern Symbol Attribute ═══ The current pattern symbol, also called the symbol point code, is selected from the current pattern set with GpiSetPattern. The pattern symbol selected for the specified presentation space is used as the subsequent fill pattern until a new symbol is selected. Applications must not call GpiSetPattern while in an area or a path. If the current pattern set specifies a bit map, this attribute is ignored. The following table describes the pattern symbols provided by the PM programming interface in a base pattern set. These symbols are not necessarily available from other pattern sets. The Base Pattern Set ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────┬──────────┐ │Symbol │Identifier │Long Value│ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Solid shading decreasing in dots per inch │PATSYM_DENSE1 │1L - 8L │ │ │through │ │ │ │PATSYM_DENSE8 │ │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Vertical lines │PATSYM_VERT │9L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Horizontal lines │PATSYM_HORIZ │10L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Lines bottom left to top right │PATSYM_DIAG1 │11L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Lines bottom left to middle right │PATSYM_DIAG2 │12L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Lines top left to bottom right │PATSYM_DIAG3 │13L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Lines top left to middle right │PATSYM_DIAG4 │14L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │No shading │PATSYM_NOSHADE │15L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Solid shading │PATSYM_SOLID │16L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Alternate pels │PATSYM_HALFTONE │17L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Cartesian grid │PATSYM_HATCH │18L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Diagonal crosshatch │PATSYM_DIAGHATCH │19L │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤ │Blank (often called the clear pattern) │PATSYM_BLANK │64L │ └──────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────┴──────────┘ The default pattern symbol (PATSYM_DEFAULT) is identical to the PATSYM_SOLID symbol, and has a long value of 0. The error pattern symbol (PATSYM_ERROR) has a long value of -1L. The following figure shows the patterns from the base pattern symbol set. Applications can determine the current pattern set by calling GpiQueryPattern. The Base Pattern Symbol Set ═══ 5.1.3. Pattern Reference Point Attribute ═══ The pattern reference point is the point from which the area's fill-pattern spreads horizontally and vertically. The lower-left corner of the pattern is aligned on this point. The pattern reference point has a default value of (0,0), and is expressed in world coordinates. Applications can determine the pattern reference point with GpiQueryPatternRefPoint. Applications can specify the pattern reference point with GpiSetPatternRefPoint; however, this should not be done inside an area. The pattern reference point does not have to be within the boundary of the area. The following figure shows an area that was filled using the default pattern reference point. The Pattern Reference Point The pattern of diagonal lines is aligned with the pattern reference point (0,0). When the picture is displayed or printed, only the hexagon will be filled. Use of the default reference point causes the diagonal lines of the pattern to intersect the area boundary at specific points. If you change the reference point to (0,4), for example, the pattern shifts upward, and the points of intersection with the area boundary are different. Although the reference point is outside the area, when an application displays or prints the picture, only the area is filled. ═══ 5.1.4. Pattern Set Attribute ═══ When you create a presentation space, the current pattern set and other area attributes are set to the default. The current pattern-a black solid, as described earlier- is specified from the supplied pattern set. (The supplied set of pattern symbols contains image or raster patterns only.) An area primitive is filled by repeating this pattern vertically and horizontally within the area boundary. Default Pattern Set The standard pattern set contains patterns of solid shading with decreasing intensity, and patterns of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines. If the default pattern set is changed with GpiSetDefAttrs, its patterns are not accessible. The patterns from the default set can be recovered by specifying GpiSetDefAttrs with the value LCID_DEFAULT, (0). Customizing Pattern Sets An application can create custom patterns by using bit maps or characters and symbols from an image font. When designing custom patterns, consider that the operating system uses only the first eight bits in the first eight rows, starting with the lower-left corner of the bit map. The cell size of an image font used as a fill pattern might be too large to include the complete character or symbol. An application can change the appearance of a fill pattern by changing its alignment in an area primitive with GpiSetPatternRefPoint. When the default reference point is set, the operating system aligns the lower-left corner of the fill pattern with the point (0,0) in the application's world space and begins filling the area. If an application adjusts the pattern reference point to (3,2), The operating system aligns the lower-left corner of the fill pattern with the point (3,2) in the application's world space and begins filling the area. By moving the reference point from (0,0) to (3,2), the fill pattern appears shifted up two pels and to the right three pels. Custom Fill Patterns from a Bit Map To create a custom pattern from a hard-coded bit map, an application must use the following steps: 1. Create or load a bit map to obtain a bit-map handle; for example, use GpiLoadBitmap. 2. Call GpiSetBitmapId (ID) to tag the bit map with a local identifier (lcid) from 1 to 254. 3. Call GpiSetPatternSet (ID) or GpiSetAttrs (ABB_SET) to set the current fill pattern. The application can now draw the area. Custom Fill Patterns from a Font Symbol To create a custom pattern from a character or a symbol in a font: 1. Create a logical image font and assign it an ID; for example use GpiCreateLogFont. 2. Call GpiSetPatternSet (ID) or GpiSetAttrs (ABB_SET), passing it the local identifier for the font. 3. Call GpiSetPattern, passing the value of the code point for a character or symbol in the font. The application can now draw the area. ═══ 5.1.5. Area Colors and Mix Attributes ═══ The color attribute defines the color used to draw a primitive or an object. The mix attribute determines how the color of a primitive or an object is combined with the color of the drawing surface, or any other objects on the surface. Both attributes also are described in Color and Mix Attributes. The area color defines the color used to fill the output from any of the IBM OS/2 area functions, when necessary. The area primitive is the only primitive in which the color can be changed during the drawing of the area. Therefore, this attribute, more than the other area attributes, depends on the current value as described in Attribute Currentness. When a presentation space is created, the area color initial default is black. The pattern symbol initial default, explained previously, is solid. Areas are one of the primitives that have a foreground and background color, as shown in the following figure. The appearance of the area also depends on the pattern symbol. Area Primitives Area primitives have both a color and background color attribute. The background color does not appear if the pattern symbol is solid, and the background color is undefined if the pattern symbol is a customized, multi-colored bit map. When a presentation space is created, the area mix attribute initial default is FM_OVERPAINT. The overpaint mix attribute specifies that the area color is not to be modified by the color of the drawing surface. If the area mix attribute is changed, the area color is mixed with colors that are already on the drawing surface. When the pattern symbol is solid, the color that fills the area, if necessary, is the current area foreground color. If the pattern symbol is changed to be a pattern of vertical lines, for example, the color of those lines is the current area foreground color. Inside of the area bracket, there can be other colors if these colors are the current color for primitives such as lines or arcs, that are drawn within the area bracket. These colors are not specifically defined or influenced by the area foreground color. The area background color initial default is CLR_BACKGROUND. Usually this is defined by the application to the same color as the drawing surface. If the pattern symbol is solid, the area background color does not appear. If the pattern symbol is changed to be a pattern of vertical lines, for example, the color in between those lines is the current area background color. The area background mix attribute initial default is BM_LEAVEALONE. The leave-alone background mix attribute specifies that the area background color is not drawn. This means that for a nonsolid pattern symbol, the drawing-surface color or the color of an object, not created by the area bracket, but on the drawing surface, shows through the nonsolid pattern. The area background color, for nonsolid pattern symbols, appears only if the background mix attribute is changed to overpaint, BM_OVERPAINT. If you have customized the pattern symbol with a bit map, the color definitions of the area primitive change. The foreground color corresponds to the color of the pels that are specified ON in the fill-pattern bit map. The background color corresponds to the color of the pels that are specified OFF in the fill-pattern bit map. The foreground and background mix attribute do not change. Note: Background color and mix attribute only apply to monochrome (2-color) fill patterns. The bit set to 0 is defined as the background and the bit set to 1 is defined as the foreground. A multi-colored bit map is unaffected by the background color and mix attributes. To specify a new color or mix attribute call GpiSetAttrs. This function accepts as input the type of primitive, for example PRIM_AREA, a list of attributes that are to be changed, a list of attributes that are to be set to their default values, and the values for the attributes that are to be changed. GpiSetAttrs is useful to specify colors and mix attributes just for a specific data structure -for example the AREABUNDLE structure. GpiSetAttrs also provides some protection against invalid colors. To determine the current area color and mix attribute, call GpiQueryAttrs. This function accepts as input the primitive type and the attributes in question. It returns as output an array of values for the specifically queried attributes. To reset the default area color and mix attribute, just as with any other attribute specified in the AREABUNDLE. data structure, call GpiSetDefAttrs. This function accepts as input the type of primitive, for example PRIM_AREA, the attributes to be changed, and the values that will become the new default values. The changing of default values is important when working with segments. Changing the default values during a series of drawing functions is not recommended. The area color and mix attribute also can be specified with:  GpiSetColor  GpiSetMix  GpiSetBackColor  GpiSetBackMix However, these functions have the disadvantage of specifying the foreground and background color or mix attribute for all primitive BUNDLE data structures that have the respective component. There are four queries that determine the color and mix attribute as specified by GpiSet... functions:  GpiQueryColor  GpiQueryMix  GpiQueryBackColor  GpiQueryBackMix If the area color, area background color, mix attribute, or background mix attribute were specified individually, the aforementioned queries can return a value inconsistent with the current area attribute. ═══ 5.1.6. Area Brackets ═══ Areas also are referred to as area brackets, because the functions that create and define the area always are "bracketed" by the two functions, GpiBeginArea and GpiEndArea. Only one area is defined between these two functions. However, within the area, there can be any number of adjacent, intersecting, or completely separate area primitives. GpiBeginArea signals the start of a group of primitives that define the boundary of the area. The current position is not changed by GpiBeginArea, although it is updated by any drawing instructions that follow. If you call GpiSetCurrentPosition or GpiMove within an area definition, the current figure is closed automatically, and a new figure is started at the current position by the next line or curve. A figure in the area, whose start and end points are not the same, is closed by drawing a straight line from the current position to the start position of the figure. GpiEndArea signals the end of an area definition and tells the operating system to draw the area. If an application does not close a figure before calling GpiEndArea, the figure is closed automatically by drawing a straight line from the end point of the last line or curve to the start point of the current figure. The current position is always updated to the end point of the last line drawn. The functional sequence to draw the area in the following figure could be: Procedure fncAREA01; #If 0 GpiBeginArea (* Starts the area bracket *) GpiSetCurrentPosition (* Set the start point of the *) (* outer hexagon. *) GpiPolyLine (* Draw the outer hexagon. *) GpiSetCurrentPosition (* Set the start point of the inner *) (* hexagon. *) GpiPolyLine (* Draw the inner hexagon. *) GpiEndArea (* End the area definition. *) #endif End; (* fncAREA01 *) An area bracket contains the functions that define an area. Only one area can be defined between "bracket" functions. Following the beginning of an area bracket, an application can define the shape and location of the area in world space by using the following line and arc functions:  GpiBox  GpiFullArc  GpiLine  GpiPartialArc  GpiPointArc  GpiPolyFillet  GpiPolyFilletSharp  GpiPolyLine  GpiPolySpline If an application calls either GpiBox or GpiFullArc inside an area, it must use the DRO_OUTLINE option. In addition to the drawing functions, an application also can use the following specification functions inside an area bracket:  GpiBeginElement  GpiCallSegmentMatrix  GpiComment  GpiElement  GpiEndArea  GpiEndElement  GpiGetData  GpiLabel  GpiMove  GpiOffsetElementPointer  GpiPop  GpiPutData  GpiSetArcParams  GpiSetAttrMode  GpiSetAttrs  GpiSetColor  GpiSetCurrentPosition  GpiSetEditMode  GpiSetElementPointer  GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel  GpiSetLineEnd  GpiSetLineJoin  GpiSetLineType  GpiSetLineWidth  GpiSetMix  GpiSetModelTransformMatrix  GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix An application also can use the following query functions inside an area bracket:  GpiQueryArcParams  GpiQueryAttrMode  GpiQueryAttrs  GpiQueryBackColor  GpiQueryBackMix  GpiQueryBoundaryData  GpiQueryCharAngle  GpiQueryCharBox  GpiQueryCharDirection  GpiQueryCharMode  GpiQueryCharSet  GpiQueryCharShear  GpiQueryCharStringPos  GpiQueryCharStringPosAt  GpiQueryClipBox  GpiQueryClipRegion  GpiQueryColor  GpiQueryColorData  GpiQueryColorIndex  GpiQueryCp  GpiQueryCurrentPosition  GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix  GpiQueryDefCharBox  GpiQueryDevice  GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats  GpiQueryEditMode  GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions  GpiQueryFontMetrics  GpiQueryFonts  GpiQueryGraphicsField  GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs  GpiQueryKerningPairs  GpiQueryLineEnd  GpiQueryLineJoin  GpiQueryLineType  GpiQueryLineWidth  GpiQueryLineWidthGeom  GpiQueryLogColorTable  GpiQueryMarker  GpiQueryMarkerBox  GpiQueryMarkerSet  GpiQueryMix  GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix  GpiQueryNearestColor  GpiQueryNumberSetIds  GpiQueryPageViewport  GpiQueryPattern  GpiQueryPatternRefPoint  GpiQueryPatternSet  GpiQueryPel  GpiQueryPickAperturePosition  GpiQueryPickApertureSize  GpiQueryRealColors  GpiQueryRegionBox  GpiQueryRegionRects  GpiQueryRGBColor  GpiQuerySegmentAttrs  GpiQuerySegmentNames  GpiQuerySegmentPriority  GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix  GpiQuerySetIds  GpiQueryStopDraw  GpiQueryTag  GpiQueryViewingLimits  GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix  GpiQueryWidthTable ═══ 5.1.7. Area Bracket Attributes ═══ In addition to the attributes controlled by the AREABUNDLE data structure, there are two attributes that can be specified for each individual area bracket:  Area boundary  Area construction These bracket attributes affect how the area primitives inside the bracket are drawn. The concept of attribute currentness is especially important to areas and paths that contain multiple figures. ═══ 5.1.8. Area Boundaries ═══ An application specifies the area boundary when it calls GpiBeginArea. There are two options:  BA_BOUNDARY (the default)  BA_NOBOUNDARY. The BA_BOUNDARY value tells the programming interface to draw all outlines of the area primitives within the area bracket, using a line that conforms to the current LINEBUNDLE attributes. If the line attributes have not been changed, the default outline color is black on most displays and printers, and the default line style is solid. An application can change the line color and line styles within the area bracket. The interior of the area primitive is filled with the current pattern. To prevent the interface from outlining an area, an application can use the BA_NOBOUNDARY flag when calling GpiBeginArea. Only the interior fill pattern is visible. This value most often is used when an area contains many overlapping figures, and the interior lines are not desired. You could think of this option in terms similar to the outline and fill options discussed with boxes and full arcs. The BA_BOUNDARY value corresponds to DRO_OUTLINEFILL, and BA_NOBOUNDARY, to DRO_FILL. There is no distinct boundary value that corresponds to DRO_OUTLINE, the simple outline. To simulate this effect, OR the BA_NOBOUNDARY value with the appropriate area construction value when calling GpiBeginArea. ═══ 5.1.9. Area Construction ═══ An application specifies the area construction when it calls GpiBeginArea. There are two options:  BA_ALTERNATE (the default)  BA_WINDING. Construction modes also are called area-fill modes. They provide different ways of determining whether a given point is included in the filled area. Normally, the construction mode you use is a matter of personal preference. Alternate Mode In alternate mode, the following occurs:  A point is included in the filled area if you have to cross an odd number of lines in the area when drawing a line from that point to infinity.  A point is not included in the filled area if you have to cross an even number of lines in the area when drawing a line from that point to infinity. In the example in the following figure, the inner hexagon is not shaded, because to draw a line from any point in the hexagon to infinity, you must cross two boundary lines. The remainder of the area is shaded, because to move outside the area, you need to cross only one boundary line. Calculating Filled Areas Constructed in Alternate Mode Winding Mode In winding mode, the direction in which the boundary lines in the area are drawn determines whether a given point is included in the filled area. The direction of a line depends on both the graphics functions used to draw it and the world coordinates that define it. For example, if the current position of a presentation space is (c,c), and GpiBox is called with the diagonally-opposite corner of the box specified as (d,d), GpiBox always draws the box in the following order: 1. (xc.,yc.) to 2. (xd.,yc.) to 3. (xd.,yd.) to 4. (xc.,yd.) and returning to 5. (xc.,yc.). As illustrated in the following figure, in some cases the box is drawn in a counterclockwise direction. When either xd. is less than xc., or yd. is less than yc., but not both, a box is drawn clockwise. The Box The current position is (3,2) and the specified corner is at (8,6). The box is drawn from (3,2) to (8,2) to (8,6) to (3,8) to (3,2). For the polyline primitive, the direction in which a line is drawn depends on the relative values of the end points of each line, so you can choose whether to draw in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. To determine if a given point is included in the filled area, count the number of lines to be crossed to move from that point to infinity. For each boundary line drawn in one direction, add one to the tally. For each line drawn in the opposite direction, subtract one from the tally. A point is within the area if the result is nonzero. If two figures -for example, the hexagons in the following figure- are drawn in different directions, the tally for the inner hexagon is 0 and the area will look exactly as it does in alternate mode. Area Constructed in Different Directions in Winding Mode If the two hexagons are drawn in the same direction, the result is 2, and the inner hexagon is shaded as shown in the following figure. Area Constructed in the Same Direction in Winding Mode The boundary lines of the area in the previous figure have been drawn and are visible through the area-fill pattern. The boundary lines of an area primitive do not have to be drawn; but if they are, they are drawn according to the current line attributes. To vary the appearance of different parts of the boundary line, you can change the current line attributes during area definition. The boundary lines of an area are considered a part of the area's interior. Therefore, when you draw an area without boundary lines (BA_NOBOUNDARY), the area-fill pattern extends to include the boundaries of the area, and the area is the same size it would be if the boundary lines had been drawn. ═══ 5.1.10. Attribute Currentness ═══ Graphics functions that change attributes are valid within the area bracket. There are misconceptions, however, about which attributes are used when the figures are displayed in a window or drawn to the printer. Review the following functional sequence: Function Effect GpiSetColor Sets color to red. GpiBeginArea Opens area bracket GpiLine Draws a straight line GpiSetColor Sets color to green. GpiPolyLine Draws two additional lines to form a triangle. GpiEndArea Ends the area bracket and displays a picture. If you are displaying on a color monitor, the image appears as follows: The triangle has one red line, drawn with GpiLine and two green lines, drawn with GpiPolyLine. The interior of the triangle, if drawn, is red. Red is the color that was current when the area was defined and, therefore, is the current color for the area interior. In terms of the interior area, green is only the color that was current when the function that initiates drawing was called. If the application immediately opened a new area bracket, the interior of that bracket, if drawn, would be green. The color attribute for the second AREABUNDLE, is not "inherited" from the last AREABUNDLE drawn. ═══ 5.2. About Polygon Primitives ═══ Area brackets have the flexibility to draw any combination of curved or straight lines and combine the results into a closed figure. An advantage that polygons sometimes have over area brackets, however, is that they require fewer time-consuming calculations to provide that kind of flexibility. The operating system provides a function that enables you to draw multiple straight-line closed areas outside of an area bracket. Like bracket-generated areas, they can be adjacent, intersecting, or completely separate. The function is GpiPolygons and the set of objects it draws are called polygon primitives. A polygon primitive is any set of polygons with specified vertices that can be filled or filled and outlined. This function accepts as input the desired number of polygons, the POLYGON data structure for each polygon, and a boundary and construction option similar to those of the GpiBeginArea function. The purpose of GpiPolygons is to enable you to specify an area in such a way as to pass all of the area boundaries at once. This improves performance significantly because the operating system cannot process the accumulated primitives inside an area bracket until it reaches a GpiEndArea. GpiPolygons is not valid inside an area bracket because the figures it defines are areas already. Although GpiPolygons is limited to straight line figures, it retains a great deal of flexibility. The polygon data structure (POLYGON) contains the number of vertices, and the vertices themselves are in world coordinates. The collection of POLYGON structures accepted in a single GpiPolygons is not limited to one type of polygon. The drawing of the first polygon begins at the current position. For all subsequent polygons, all vertices must be explicitly defined. If the individual polygons are not completely defined, they are closed with a straight line drawn from the last defined vertex to the first. After the application has defined the polygons, they may be transformed and manipulated just as other primitives are. ═══ 5.2.1. Polygon Boundaries ═══ Applications have two options when specifying the polygon boundary:  POLYGON_BOUNDARY (the default)  POLYGON_NOBOUNDARY. The POLYGON_BOUNDARY value tells the PM programming interface to draw all outlines of the polygon primitives using a line that conforms to the current LINEBUNDLE attributes. If the line attributes have not been changed, the default outline color is black on most display devices and printers, and the default line style is solid. As the attributes cannot be changed within the context of GpiPolygons, all polygons are drawn with the same line. The interior of the polygons are filled with the pattern that conforms to the current AREABUNDLE attributes. To prevent PM from outlining an area, an application can use the POLYGON_NOBOUNDARY flag when calling GpiPolygons. Only the interior fill pattern is visible. This value is used most often when there are many overlapping polygons, and the interior lines are not desired. You might think of this option in terms similar to the outline and fill options discussed with boxes and full arcs. The POLYGON_BOUNDARY value corresponds to the DRO_OUTLINEFILL value, and POLYGON_NOBOUNDARY, to the DRO_FILL. There is no distinct boundary value that corresponds to DRO_OUTLINE, the simple outline. To simulate this effect, OR the POLYGON_NOBOUNDARY value with the appropriate polygon construction value, described below, when calling GpiPolygons. ═══ 5.2.2. Polygon Construction ═══ An application specifies the area construction when it calls GpiBeginArea. There are two options:  POLYGON_ALTERNATE (the default)  POLYGON_WINDING. As with area construction, in alternate mode:  A point is included in the filled polygon if you have to cross an odd number of lines in the set of polygons when drawing a line from that point to infinity.  A point is not included in the filled polygon if you have to cross an even number of lines in the set of polygons when drawing a line from that point to infinity. Also as with area construction, in winding mode, the direction in which the boundary lines of the polygons are drawn determines whether a given point is included in the filled polygon. Since the individual polygons drawn with GpiPolygons are generated by independent structures, the direction in which a polygon is drawn depends only on the vertices of that polygon. To determine if a given point is included in the filled polygon, count the number of lines to be crossed to move from that point to infinity. For each boundary line drawn in one direction add one to the tally. For each line drawn in the opposite direction, subtract one from the tally. A point is within the polygon if the result is nonzero. ═══ 5.2.3. Polygon Overlap ═══ An application specifies which pels are drawn when it calls GpiPolygons. There are two options:  POLYGON_INCL (the default)  POLYGON_EXCL. When the overlap value is POLYGON_INCL, the bottom right is included in the polygon. The value POLYGON_EXCL, the exclusive value, indicates that the bottom right is excluded from the polygon. This value acts in conjunction with the mix attribute in determining the appearance of a polygon, which is especially important for a group of overlapping or adjacent polygons. For example, GpiPolygons specifies a number of polygons. Two of the polygons share the vertex pair (6,7) and (9,7). When the polygons are drawn, if the overlap value was POLYGON_INCL, there are two distinct lines to be drawn from (6,7) to (9,7). A mix attribute other than FM_OVERPAINT could cause undesirable results as the line and drawing-surface colors mix. As with the polygon boundary and construction values, the overlap value can be ORed when calling GpiPolygons to create a specific effect. ═══ 5.3. Using Area and Polygon Primitives ═══ You can use area functions to:  Draw one or more closed figures  Create a custom fill pattern from a bit map  Create a custom fill pattern from a font character ═══ 5.3.1. Drawing a Single, Closed Figure ═══ The following figure shows an example of how to use area functions to draw a single closed figure that is filled with a vertical pattern using the alternate mode. The closed figure in this example is a 5-pointed star. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncAREA02; Var Aptl : Array[0..4] of POINTL; (* Structure for current position *) Hps : HPS; Begin (* Initialize the array of points for the 5-pointed star. *) aptl[0].x := 400; aptl[0].y := 195; aptl[1].x := 40; aptl[1].y := 320; aptl[2].x := 260; aptl[2].y := 10; aptl[3].x := 260; aptl[3].y := 390; aptl[4].x := 37; aptl[4].y := 82; GpiSetPattern(hps, PATSYM_VERT);(* Set pattern outside bracket *) (* Draw the star. *) GpiBeginArea(hps, BA_ALTERNATE); GpiMove(hps, aptl[4]); (* First and last point of star *) GpiPolyLine(hps, 5, aptl); GpiEndArea(hps); End; (* fncAREA02 *) ═══ 5.3.2. Drawing Multiple, Intersecting, Closed Figures ═══ The following figure is an example of how to use area functions to draw two intersecting boxes, filled, using the winding mode. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncAREA03; Var Ptl : POINTL; (* Structure for current position *) Hps : HPS; Begin GpiBeginArea(hps, BA_WINDING); ptl.x := 100; ptl.y := 50; GpiMove(hps, ptl); ptl.x := 300; ptl.y := 250; GpiBox(hps, DRO_OUTLINE, ptl, 0, 0); ptl.x := 180; ptl.y := 120; GpiMove(hps, ptl); ptl.x := 380; ptl.y := 320; GpiBox(hps, DRO_OUTLINE, ptl, 0, 0); GpiEndArea(hps); End; (* fncAREA03 *) ═══ 5.3.3. Creating a Custom Fill Pattern from a Bit Map ═══ The following figure is an example of how to create a custom fill pattern by using a hard-coded bit map. In this example, the bit map creates a pattern of arrows. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Var LcidCustom : LONG; (* Bit map tag *) Hps : HPS; Procedure CreatePattern; Var Hbm : HBITMAP; (* Bit map handle *) bmp2 : BITMAPINFOHEADER2; (* Structure for bit map information *) pbmi2 : PBITMAPINFO2; (* Pointer to structure for bit map data *) prgb2 : PRGB2; (* Structure for color data *) CbBitmapInfo : ULONG; cColors : ULONG; CONST AbPattern[0..27] of BYTE = ( $E7, $FF, $C3, $FF, $C3, $FF, $81, $FF, $81, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $E7, $FF, $FF, $FF ); Begin lcidCustom := 1; (* Bit map tag *) bmp2.cbFix := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2); bmp2.cx := 8; (* Bit map is 8 pels wide *) bmp2.cy := 8; (* Bit map is 8 pels high *) bmp2.cPlanes := 1; (* One bit plane *) bmp2.cBitCount := 1; (* One bit per pel *) (* Use default values for the remainder of the structure. *) bmp2.ulCompression := 0; bmp2.cbImage := 0; bmp2.cxResolution := 0; bmp2.cyResolution := 0; bmp2.cclrUsed := 0; bmp2.cclrImportant := 0; bmp2.usUnits := 0; bmp2.usReserved := 0; bmp2.usRecording := 0; bmp2.usRendering := 0; bmp2.cSize1 := 0; bmp2.cSize2 := 0; bmp2.ulColorEncoding := 0; bmp2.ulIdentIfier := 0; cColors := 1 shl (bmp2.cBitCount * bmp2.cPlanes); cbBitmapInfo := sizeof(BITMAPINFO2) + (sizeof(RGB2) * cColors); DosAllocMem(pbmi2, cbBitmapInfo, PAG_COMMIT Or PAG_READ Or PAG_WRITE); pbmi2^.cbFix := bmp2.cbFix; pbmi2^.cx := bmp2.cx; pbmi2^.cy := bmp2.cy; pbmi2^.cPlanes := bmp2.cPlanes; pbmi2^.cBitCount := bmp2.cBitCount; (* Use default values for the remainder of the structure. *) pbmi2^.ulCompression := 0; pbmi2^.cbImage := 0; pbmi2^.cxResolution := 0; pbmi2^.cyResolution := 0; pbmi2^.cclrUsed := 0; pbmi2^.cclrImportant := 0; pbmi2^.usUnits := 0; pbmi2^.usReserved := 0; pbmi2^.usRecording := 0; pbmi2^.usRendering := 0; pbmi2^.cSize1 := 0; pbmi2^.cSize2 := 0; pbmi2^.ulColorEncoding := 0; pbmi2^.ulIdentIfier := 0; prgb2 := pbmi2 + 1; (* Set address to follow bmp2 *) (* Set bit map colors to black and white. *) prgb2[0].bBlue := 0; (* Color[0] = black *) prgb2[0].bGreen := 0; (* Color[0] = black *) prgb2[0].bRed := 0; (* Color[0] = black *) prgb2[0].fcOptions := 0; prgb2[1].bBlue := 255; (* Color[1] = white *) prgb2[1].bGreen := 255; (* Color[1] = white *) prgb2[1].bRed := 255; (* Color[1] = white *) prgb2[1].fcOptions := 0; (* Create a bit map and retrieve its handle. *) hbm := GpiCreateBitmap(hps, bmp2, CBM_INIT, abPattern, (* Array of bits *) pbmi2); (* Tag the bit map just created with a custom identIfier (lcid). *) GpiSetBitmapId(hps, hbm, lcidCustom); End; (* CreatePattern *) Procedure MyFunction; Begin CreatePattern(); GpiSetPatternSet(hps, lcidCustom); . . . End; (* func *) Creating a Custom Fill Pattern from a Bit Map ═══ 5.3.4. Creating a Custom Fill Pattern from a Font Character ═══ The following figure is an example of how to create a custom fill pattern by using a character from a font. The fill pattern can be only an 8-by-8 bit map; as a result, not all of the character is used. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Var HPS : HPS; (* PRESENTATION-SPACE HANDLE *) LcidCustom : LONG; (* Font identifier *) Afm : Array[0..79] of FONTMETRICS; Fat : FATTRS; Procedure fncAREA05; LoadFont(); GpiSetPatternSet(hps, lcidCustom); GpiSetPattern(hps, 'o'); (* Use lowercase 'o' as fill *) . . . End; (* fncAREA05 *) Procedure LoadFont; Var CFonts : LONG; CPublicFonts, i : LONG; Begin CFonts := 0; lcidCustom := 1; (* Determine the number of loaded public fonts. *) cPublicFonts := GpiQueryFonts(hps, QF_PUBLIC, nil, cFonts, (sizeof(FONTMETRICS)), nil); (* Load the metrics for all public fonts into afm. *) GpiQueryFonts(hps, QF_PUBLIC, nil, cPublicFonts, (sizeof(FONTMETRICS)), afm); (* Get the first image font with a point size larger than 8. *) i := 0; While ((agm[i].fsDefn AND FM_DEFN_OUTLINE) OR afm[i].lEmHeight <= 8) AND i < cPublicFonts Do Inc(i); (* Load the FATTRS structure with the required metrics. *) fat.usRecordLength := sizeof(fat); fat.fsSelection := 0; fat.lMatch := afm[i].lMatch; StringCopy(fat.szFacename, afm[i].szFacename); fat.idRegistry := 0; fat.usCodePage := 0; fat.lMaxBaselineExt := 0; fat.lAveCharWidth := 0; fat.fsType := 0; fat.fsFontUse := 0; (* Select this font and assign it a custom lcid. *) GpiCreateLogFont(hps, nil, lcidCustom, fat); GpiSetCharSet(hps, lcidCustom); End; (* LoadFont *) Creating a Custom Fill Pattern from a Font Character ═══ 6. Bit Maps ═══ Raster output devices, such as display screens, are made up of a number of picture elements, called pixels or pels. By setting the color of the pels, you can create an image on the screen. The screen image can be represented internally by a graphics object called a bit map. The bit map contains a number of bits that describe the appearance of each pel on the screen. This chapter describes bit maps, their creation, uses, and functions. The following topics are related to information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces and device contexts  Coordinate spaces  Color and mix modes  Area primitives  Paths ═══ 6.1. About Bit Maps ═══ Applications can use bit maps to:  Store and display scanned images, icons, and symbols  Create fill patterns for area primitives and paths An application can display a bit-map image on any raster output device. A raster is a rectangular matrix of pels on a video display or dot matrix printer. A raster output device displays an image by setting pels in its matrix to colors specified in a corresponding bit map. An image created in this way is called a "bit-map image". Bit maps cannot be sent to vector output devices such as plotters. A bit map is drawn to an output device row by row. Each horizontal line of pels is known as a scan line. There is a 1-to-1 correspondence between the number of rows of pels in a bit-map image and the rows of bits in a bit map. The first pel in a bit-map image is in the lower-left corner, and the last pel is in the upper-right corner. The pels are in left-to-right order inside each row of the image. The following figure shows this relationship between bit map and image. Bits and Pels in a Bit-Map Image When an application creates a bit map by calling GpiCreateBitmap, it specifies the bit-map width and height in terms of pels in the bit-map image. The width is the number of pels within a row; the height is the number of rows. The application must store these dimensions in the BITMAPINFO2 and BITMAPINFOHEADER and pass their addresses to GpiCreateBitmap. ═══ 6.1.1. System Implementation ═══ Bit maps are most useful when rapid and frequent movement is required, such as with icons and pointers. They are especially useful for restoring the contents of a window-for example, when an overlying window is removed. If you save the contents of a window in a bit map, you can restore the window contents simply by redisplaying the bit map when the window needs to be redrawn. Using bit maps is also an effective method of erasing some of the screen contents. For example, you can save the image of the screen in a bit map at any time while drawing on the screen. If you continue drawing after saving the screen image, you can "erase" any drawing done since you saved the screen image by redisplaying the bit map. Bit maps are not, however, the recommended way to store graphics that are going to be changed. Most changes to the bit-map contents mean that you have to re-create the bit map. Bit-map images are device-dependent. Their appearance is affected by the shape of the device's pels and the device's color capabilities. For example, if the pels on one display measure 0.05 mm by 0.1 mm, but 0.1 mm by 0.3 mm on a second display, a circular bit-map pie chart drawn on the first display appears elliptical on the second. The following figure shows how a bit map appears on two types of displays. Bit Map Shown on Two Types of Displays Bit maps, particularly color bit maps, can also occupy large amounts of memory. The actual amount of memory occupied by a bit map is determined by both the size of the bit map and the number of bits used to describe each pel. ═══ 6.1.2. Bit Map Functions ═══ The OS/2 operating system provides a set of functions that allow you to:  Create bit maps  Create and load custom bit maps  Store color information on a bit map  Draw bit maps  Transfer bit maps  Change the size of a bit map  Specify the mix values for a bit map  Convert between monochrome and color data  Manipulate single pels  Copy images from a display into a bit map  Save a bit map  Delete a bit map  Make a bit map available to other processes Creating a Bit Map A bit map can be created by an application or by using the PM Icon Editor. By an Application To enable an application to create a bit map: 1. Create a memory device context. A memory device context enables an application to treat a bit map in memory as though it were a device. For example, an application can copy color information from another bit map, or copy pels on the display, into a bit map associated with a memory device context. To create the memory device context, call DevOpenDC with:  A device type of OD_MEMORY (second argument)  A handle to a compatible device context (such as the device context of a device with which the bit map is to be compatible). Note: The device device-context handle ideally should be the handle of the actual device to which you will be directing the bit map. Otherwise, it will be necessary to change ownership to the appropriate device driver before the BitBlt operation (which copies the bit map from one presentation space to one associated with a screen device context). As a consequence, the image may appear distorted. If you omit the handle of the compatible device context by specifying NULL, screen compatibility is assumed. 2. Create a graphics presentation space and associate it with the memory device context. The operating system requires this association before the application can perform many of the bit map operations. The handle of this graphics presentation space is required as input to subsequent bit-map-creation and manipulation functions. 3. Create the bit map. When an application creates a bit map, the handle of the presentation space that you have associated with the memory device context causes the bit map to be created in a format that is compatible with the memory device context. The application also passes two structures: the bit-map information header and the bit-map information table. These structures contain a great deal of information about the bit map. To create the bit map, call GpiCreateBitmap with:  The handle of the presentation space (first argument)  The bit-map information header, BITMAPINFOHEADER (second argument). (last argument). The bit-map information table contains similar information, with the addition of the RGB2 array structure. GpiCreateBitmap returns a handle to the bit map, which is used to identify the bit map. To determine which bit-map formats are supported on a particular device, call GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats. This returns every format supported on a named device. The data is returned as an array of bit-map plane and bit-count pairs. The first pair of values in the array is the one most suitable for the device. You can think of the bit map at this stage as a rectangular area of memory containing random data. You can initialize the bit map at this stage by providing GpiCreateBitmap with the address in application storage of some initialization data and by setting the CBM_INIT option. This is a useful function if, for example, your application always starts by displaying the same image. 4. Select the bit map. Before selecting the bit map, you can disassociate the presentation space from the original memory device context and associate it with a different memory device context. However, the bit-map format must be convertible to a format that is supported by the new device. If you have selected one of the four standard bit-map formats, this compatibility is guaranteed and the conversion is automatic. Note: When a presentation space is associated with a memory device context, a bit map must be selected into the device context before you can draw in the presentation space. To select the bit map, call GpiSetBitmap with:  The presentation-space handle (first parameter)  The bit-map handle (second parameter). The following figure shows the sequence of events when you create and display a bit map. Creating and Displaying Bit Maps The application: 1. Calls DevOpenDC to create the memory device context. 2. Creates a graphics presentation space. This is associated with the memory device context. 3. Calls GpiCreateBitmap to define a bit map. 4. Calls GpiSetBitmap to designate the bit map as the one currently selected in the memory device context. 5. Calls drawing instructions to the presentation space to draw to the bit map. Note: If the bit map is initialized when it is created, this step does not normally exist. Alternatively, this step can be a GpiSetBitmapBits call. 6. Calls GpiBitBlt to copy the bit map from presentation space 1 to presentation space 2 (associated with a screen device context). The bit map is transferred directly to the screen. Using the Icon Editor Using the Icon Editor, you can create monochrome or color bit maps that have a static appearance. This means that the bit maps can be created in advance and then used without change while the application is running. When you use the Icon Editor to create a bit map, the bit map is saved in a resource file that can be loaded whenever it is needed. To load a bit-map file, call GpiLoadBitmap, with the identifier of the resource file that contains the bit map, as the second parameter. If you allow this value to default, the application's .EXE file is assumed to contain the bit map. GpiLoadBitmap lets you specify the x- and y-dimensions (in pels) of the bit map. The loaded bit map is stretched or compressed accordingly. If you supply a 0 value for one of these dimensions, the bit map is sized in the other dimension only, which is likely to cause distortion of the image. If the bit map is to be produced in its original size, specify 0 for both its width and its height. Output from the call to this function is the bit-map handle. To display the loaded bit map on the screen, follow the sequence of steps described in the preceding section, omitting steps 3 (defining the bit map) and 5 (issuing drawing instructions to the presentation space). A bit map created by the Icon Editor is saved in a device-independent format. This format generates an array of bit maps with formats (bits per pel) matching each of the supported display devices. Creating and Loading a Custom Bit Map An application can create a custom bit map by setting the bits in an array and passing the array to GpiCreateBitmap or by running the Icon Editor and loading the bit map with GpiLoadBitmap. To create a custom bit map with an array, an application: 1. Defines an array of bytes that will set pels in an image to the appropriate colors. This array of bytes typically represents the output of a scanned image. 2. Sets the fields in the BITMAPINFOHEADER to their appropriate values. 3. Sets the fields in the BITMAPINFO2 structure to their appropriate values. 4. Calls GpiCreateBitmap, passes it the addresses of the structures and the array of bytes that the application has already defined, and sets the flOptions parameter to CBM_INIT. If the application is to use this bit map as a fill pattern, it assigns the bit map a local identifier by calling GpiSetBitmapId. To load a custom bit map that was created with the Icon Editor: 1. Copy the bit map file to the directory in which you compile your application. 2. Create a BITMAP entry in your application's resource file, assigning a unique integer identifier to the bit map. 3. Call GpiLoadBitmap, passing it the identifier that you assigned to the bit map in the resource file. An application can use GpiLoadBitmap to load any bit map from a file that conforms to any of the standard OS/2 bit-map formats or to a device-specific format supported by the device concerned. This means that an application can load a bit map created by another application, if that application created the correct bit-map header and stored the bit-map bits correctly. Storing Color Information in a Bit Map Graphics systems use one of two formats for storing color information in bit maps. The first format uses a single plane and a multiple bit count. The second format uses multiple color planes. Color Planes Bit maps are arranged in one or more color planes. A color plane is an array of bit-map bits that contains color information. The bit maps in each of the previous illustrations use the single bit-map plane format, which is the standard format for bit maps in OS/2 applications. In this format, a specified number of adjacent bit-map bits contains indexes to either a special color table of RGB values or actual RGB2 structures. Whether the application maps bits into an RGB or RGB2 structure depends on the bit-map format. All of the color information resides in a single plane. The second color format uses more than one color plane. A common multiplane bit-map format is the three-plane format, in which one plane corresponds to the red pels, another to the green pels, and a third to the blue pels. Multiplane bit-map formats are rare in PM applications. Most bit maps are stored externally in a single-plane format, although the device driver (such as VGA) may internally convert them to the multiplane format. The single-plane format can be converted internally to any multiplane format used by a device. You also can use a nonstandard number of bits to describe each pel, if supported by your output device. If you write your own presentation driver, it must be able to convert the standard bit-map formats to its own internal format. An application can determine which color-plane format a device supports by calling GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats. Standard Bit-Map Formats On a monochrome device, you need only one bit to describe a single pel, and that bit is switched on or off. Color devices require more bits. For example, an eight-color picture requires three bits to describe a single pel, because each component of the RGB mix (red, green, blue) that gives a pel its color must be described. A bit count is a value that specifies how many adjacent bit-map bits correspond to each pel in a bit-map image. There are four standard bit-map formats, each with a different bit count. The formats are shown in the following table. ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────┬────────────────────┐ │Format │Bits per pel │Size of 640 x 480 │ │ │ │image in bytes │ │ │ │(uncompressed) │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Monochrome │1 │38 400 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │16 color │4 │153 600 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │256 color │8 │307 200 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │16.7 million color │24 │921 600 │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────┴────────────────────┘ Note: The bits are stored consecutively in the bit-map plane. If you have four bits for each pel, the four bits for pel 1 are followed by the four bits for pel 2, and so on. The bits that describe pel 1 are stored beginning in the most-significant bits of the first byte. The data for each scan line is packed together, and the bottom scan line appears first in memory with the leftmost pel first. Each scan line, however, is padded at the end so that each line begins on a ULONG ( 32-bit) boundary. If the device supports a bit count of one bit per pel, the color table contains two entries. A device that supports a bit count of n bits per pel, has a corresponding color table with 2n entries. However, a bit count of 24 bits per pel indicates that there is no color table, because each pel is a direct RGB value. The following figure shows a bit map using a bit count of four bits per pel and an associated color table: A Bit Map and Its Associated Color Table If a device uses a bit count of one, four or eight bits per pel, the bit-map bits contain index values for a bit-map color table. If the device supports a bit count of 24 bits per pel, the bit-map bits contain the bRed, bGreen, and bBlue fields of RGB2 structures. No color table is associated with a bit map on a device that supports a format of 24 bits per pel-such a device can support over 16 million colors. Instead of using a color table, the BITMAPINFO2 structure consists of only the header, and the red, green, and blue color values are provided directly by the bit-map data. An application can determine the bit-count format that a device supports by calling GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats. Drawing Bit Maps An application can draw bit-map images on a raster printer or display screen, or into metafiles associated with a raster device. Any GPI drawing requests (including those that produce graphics text), issued to a presentation space associated with a memory DC containing a selected bit map, cause the bit map to receive raster images of your drawings. The following table describes the bit map drawing functions: ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────┬────────────────────┐ │Function │Input │Output │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │WinDrawBitmap │The handle of a bit │A bit-map image on a│ │ │map. │raster display. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │GpiImage │A buffer containing │A special monochrome│ │ │bit map image data. │bit-map image on a │ │ │ │raster display or │ │ │ │printer. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │GpiDrawBits │A buffer containing │A bit-map image on a│ │ │bit map image data. │raster display or │ │ │ │printer. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │GpiBitBlt │The handle of a │A bit-map image on a│ │ │presentation space │raster display or │ │ │containing a bit │printer, or a │ │ │map. │bit-map image into a│ │ │ │metafile (albeit in │ │ │ │an escape order). │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │GpiWCBitBlt │The handle of a bit │A bit-map image on a│ │ │map. │raster display or │ │ │ │printer, or a │ │ │ │bit-map image into a│ │ │ │metafile. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────┴────────────────────┘ WinDrawBitmap WinDrawBitmap draws a bit-map image by copying it into a window linked to a target presentation space. A call to this function is valid only in draw mode (DM_DRAW), and only for a screen device context. This function does not require an application to select a bit map into a presentation space before the application draws the corresponding image. An application can use WinDrawBitmap to scale bit maps by specifying DBM_STRETCH as the last argument, and the address of a RECTL structure as the fourth argument. The coordinates in this structure are always device coordinates. WinDrawBitmap draws both color and monochrome bit maps. Color bit maps require no color conversion. Monochrome bit maps can be drawn in any two colors which can be explicitly specified as parameters to the call or taken from the image bundle. These parameters will be color table indexes or RGB values, depending on the color table mode of the target presentation space. The current image bundle mix modes are used and, for certain mix values, will affect color. You can call WinDrawBitmap in retain mode, but the bit-map image will only be drawn and not recorded in the segments. Note: An application can determine the current colors and their corresponding mix modes by calling GpiQueryAttrs. The application can set them by calling GpiSetAttrs. An inverted bit map is a bit map in which the colors have been inverted; white becomes black and black becomes white. An application can draw inverted bit maps by calling WinDrawBitmap and passing it DBM_INVERT as the last argument. An application can draw halftone bit maps by calling WinDrawBitmap and passing it DBM_HALFTONE as the last argument. Before drawing the bit map, clear the presentation space to CLR_BACKGROUND using GpiErase. GpiImage GpiImage draws a nonstandard, monochrome (two-color) bit map called an image primitive. The bit-map bits in an image are stored in the opposite order from the bits in a standard bit map-the first bit in the bit map corresponds to the pel in the upper-left corner of the bit-map image, and the last bit in the bit map corresponds to the pel in the lower-right corner of the bit-map image. The following figure shows the correspondence between the bits in an image primitive and the pels in the drawing produced by GpiImage. Image-Primitive Bits and Pels A call to GpiImage also is valid only in draw mode (DM_DRAW), but can provide output to a screen or printer. An application cannot scale bit-map images by using GpiImage. Transferring Bit Maps The three remaining bit-map drawing functions operate in very similar ways. GpiDrawBits copies a bit-map image from application memory to a device or a device context. GpiBitBlt directs bit maps to devices other than the screen. GpiWCBitBlt enables you to retain the bit-map data in the segment store of the target presentation space. The similarities are discussed first. Their differences are discussed in the sections that follow. An application should use GpiDrawBits, GpiBitBlt, or GpiWCBitBlt to draw bit maps that use a color table or RGB2 structures color formats of 1, 4, 8, or 24 bits per pel. An application can draw inverted bit maps for any of these three functions by calling the function and passing ROP_NOTSRCCOPY as the raster operation. GpiDrawBits GpiDrawBits copies bit map image data from storage into a bit map that has been selected into a device context associated with a presentation space. It can also copy bit-map image data to a device. An application can use this function to draw a bit map without first selecting the bit map into a presentation space. This function is valid in all draw modes. Set the draw mode to DM_RETAIN or DM_DRAWANDRETAIN to create retained segments; otherwise, the default mode, DM_DRAW, is selected. GpiBitBlt GpiBitBlt requires an application to use device coordinates for the dimensions of the source and target rectangles. GpiBitBlt allows you to direct bit maps to devices other than the screen. It is independent of the drawing mode, but it operates as if in draw mode. At its simplest, GpiBitBlt copies a whole bit map, unaltered, from a device or bit map source to a device or bit map target. At its most powerful, GpiBitBlt can take a part of or a whole bit map, and alter both its size and appearance in the process of copying it to another device context. A bit map can be copied:  From one memory device context to another memory device context  From a memory device context to the device context of an output device (screen window or printer) that supports raster operations  From the device context of an output device to a memory device context  From the device context of an output device to another device context of the same output device. In both cases, the screen device can be a PM window. A memory device context (whether it is the source or the target of the GpiBitBlt operation) must have a bit map selected when GpiBitBlt is called. GpiBitBlt has a number of input parameters, two of which are the handles of two presentation spaces: the source presentation space and the target presentation space. Both of these presentation spaces must be associated with an appropriate device context. Unless the associated device is a banded printer, a single presentation space can be both source and target. This allows you to copy a bit map within a single PM window, or to update the bit map. The source and target rectangles are specified in device coordinates in GpiBitBlt. GpiBitBlt, consequently, is very device-dependent, and should be avoided when creating data for interchange. GpiWCBitBlt GpiWCBitBlt enables you to retain the bit-map data in the segment store of the target presentation space. It is a valid in all three drawing modes:  DM_DRAW-display, printer, or into metafile  DM_RETAIN-into metafile or segment  DM_DRAWANDRETAIN-display, printer, then into associated segment or metafile. Most of the bit-map drawing operations occur in an application's device space. GpiWCBitBlt, however, lets an application draw in its world space, but requires that you use device coordinates for the source rectangle, and world coordinates for the target rectangle. An application can use GpiWCBitBlt to draw a bit map with consistent dimensions on devices with different aspect ratios. The aspect ratio is the ratio of a pel's width to its height. When creating data for interchange, use GpiWCBitBlt. GpiWCBitBlt provides the same function as GpiBitBlt, with the following exceptions:  The target rectangle is specified in world coordinates, and all four coordinates (the two source-rectangle coordinates and the two target-rectangle coordinates) must be specified.  The source handle must be a bit-map handle. It must not be the handle of a source presentation space. The bit map identified by the source handle must not be selected into a memory device context when you call GpiWCBitBlt.  GpiWCBitBlt conforms to the current drawing mode in the target presentation space. If the drawing mode is retain or draw-and-retain, the bit map is retained in segment store. Changing the Size of the Bit Map You can specify the sizes of the rectangular bit blocks in both the source and the target presentation spaces. To do this, provide an array of up to four device-coordinate positions as input to the call. The first two positions define the lower-left and upper-right corners of the target rectangle; the second two define the same two corners of the source rectangle. If you want the two rectangles to be of equal size, do not specify the device coordinates of the upper-right corner of the source rectangle. The correct amount of data is automatically transferred to fill the target rectangle. The following figure shows the points count for bit-block transfers. Points Count for Bit-Block Transfers Equal-size rectangles can be built much faster than rectangles that need stretching or compressing. Compression options (flOptions) are ignored if the rectangles are to be of equal size. If the rectangles are not to be of equal size, you must specify all four coordinate points. The bit-map data is stretched, if the target rectangle is larger than the source rectangle, or compressed, if the target rectangle is smaller, to fit the target rectangle. The bit map is stretched by duplicating rows and columns of data, an action that might cause distortion of the image. If the data is to be compressed, you can specify one of three compression options as shown in the following table. Bit-map Data Compression Rules ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Option │Compression Rules │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │BBO_OR │Compresses the bit map data as │ │ │necessary, using a logical OR operation │ │ │on the eliminated rows and columns. This│ │ │is useful for preserving the foreground │ │ │when foreground pels are "1" and the │ │ │background pels are "0". │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │BBO_AND │Compresses the bit map data as │ │ │necessary, using a logical AND operation│ │ │on the eliminated rows and columns. This│ │ │is useful for preserving the foreground │ │ │when foreground pels are "0" and the │ │ │background pels are "1". │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │BBO_IGNORE │Compresses the bit map data as │ │ │necessary, but ignores any eliminated │ │ │rows or columns. This is most useful for│ │ │color bit maps, where the results of │ │ │combining pels of different colors are │ │ │unpredictable. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ Specifying Mix Values When you draw a graphics primitive into a presentation space, it is affected by the current foreground-mix value, and possibly by the current background-mix value, in that presentation space. However, when you copy a bit map into a target presentation space, the current foreground- and background-mix values in the target presentation space are ignored. Instead, you specify a mix-mode value, also known as the raster-operation (ROP) value. This value determines:  How the bit map is affected by any data that might already be in the target presentation space  The color of each pel in the bit map Each pel in the bit map of the target presentation space has, potentially, three color settings:  The setting of that pel in the source rectangle  The initial setting of that pel in the target rectangle  The setting of that pel in the current area-fill pattern in the target presentation space The (boolean) values of each of these settings can be combined using boolean operations to produce the final value of each pel in the target presentation space. For a color target, the target must be regarded as consisting of multiple one-bit per pel planes, with the mixing applied to each plane separately to produce the final color index into the physical color table. Because the final color index is an index into the physical palette, the results of any color mixing are therefore unpredictable. For example, if you ORed together two numeric index values, the color indexed by the result is unlikely to have any direct relation to the colors indexed by the two values you ORed together. It depends on the order of the colors in the physical table. As input to the functions, you supply an actual mix value. The ROP mix value required to achieve any given result can be determined from the following table. The final value of each bit in every pel depends on the values of the corresponding bits in the pattern (P), source (S), and the original target value (T initial). Each row of the table shows one of the eight possible combinations of these values. For each combination, mark the desired final target value in the last column. The eight bits in this column then show the value of the least significant byte of the ROP value required to achieve this mixing function. For example, if the required mixing function is to copy the source to the target, then the target (final) column will be the same as the S column, and the ROP value will have the binary value 11001100, or the hexadecimal value 00CC. Possible Settings for the Index Bits ┌───────┬───────┬────────────────┬──────────────┬────────────────┐ │Pattern│Source │Target (initial)│ │Target (final) │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │0 │0 │0 │ │Index bit 0 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │0 │0 │1 │ │Index bit 1 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │0 │1 │0 │ │Index bit 2 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │0 │1 │1 │ │Index bit 3 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │1 │0 │0 │ │Index bit 4 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │1 │0 │1 │ │Index bit 5 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │1 │1 │0 │ │Index bit 6 │ ├───────┼───────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼────────────────┤ │1 │1 │1 │ │Index bit 7 │ └───────┴───────┴────────────────┴──────────────┴────────────────┘ If you want the pattern to have no effect on the target rectangle, the four low-order bits of the index must be the same as the four high-order bits. A monochrome bit map consists only of source settings of 1s and 0s, where a 1 or 0 represents each pel. It also has a two-entry color table with index 0 specifying what color a 0 pel represents and index 1 representing what color a 1 pel represents. In a monochrome bit map, this color table is not used during BitBlt operations (but is used when drawing to the bit map and moving the bit map between devices). The preceding table defines how any combination of pattern, source and target original (1 and 0) values define the target final (1 or 0) value. A color bit map has an index (in the case of four bits, 0-15) for each pel which, serves as index into the bit map color table (16 entries for four bits per pel) to define the color of each pel. Unlike monochrome bit maps, this table is used during BitBlt operations (instead of target image bundle attributes) to provide the color of the target output. The following table represents a selection of the most commonly used mixes with predefined symbolic names and their effects. (There are many other possible mixes). Mix Value Names ┌──────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Mix Name │Effect │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_SRCCOPY │Source │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_SRCPAINT │Source OR Target │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_SRCAND │Source AND Target │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_SRCINVERT │Source XOR Target │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_SRCERASE │Source AND NOT (Target) │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_NOTSRCCOPY │NOT (Source) │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_NOTSRCERASE │NOT (Source) AND NOT (Target) │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_MERGECOPY │Source AND Pattern │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_MERGEPAINT │NOT (Source) OR Target │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_PATCOPY │Pattern │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_PATPAINT │NOT (Source) OR Pattern OR Target │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_PATINVERT │Target XOR Pattern │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_DSTINVERT │NOT (Target) │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_ZERO │0 │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_ONE │1 │ ├──────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ROP_GRAY │Gray pattern background │ └──────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────┘ ROP_SRCCOPY is the most often used value. It simply copies the bit map to the target presentation space without performing any color mixing. Because most of the remaining mixes involve some degree of color mixing, they result in an image that is quite different from the original. Converting between Monochrome and Color Data Bit Maps It is possible to copy a monochrome bit map to a color bit map or device, and to copy a color bit map to a monochrome bit map or device. PM handles these conversions automatically according to the following rules:  If you are copying a monochrome bit map to a color bit map or to a color or monochrome device surface, a source setting of 1 adopts the current image-foreground color of the target presentation space, and a source setting of 0 adopts the current image-background color of the target presentation space. For example, if the image foreground color is blue and the image background color is yellow in the target presentation space, a monochrome bit map is converted to a blue foreground on a yellow background.  If you are copying from a monochrome pattern to a color bit map or device, a source setting of 1 adopts the current area-foreground color of the target device and a source setting of 0 adopts the current area-background color of the target device. Note that if image bundle attributes do not exist for the source bit map, as is the case when using GpiWCBitBlt (which uses a bit map handle as the source), then zero source pixels adopt the image background color and nonzero source pixels adopt the image-foreground color of the presentation space.  If you are copying a color bit map to a monochrome bit map or device, those pels that have the same color as the current image-background color in the source presentation space adopt the image background color of the target presentation space. For example, if the current image-background color in the source presentation space is blue, all blue pels in the bit map take on the color of the current image background in the target presentation space. All other pels in the color bit map adopt the current image foreground color of the target presentation space. Manipulating Single Pels You can manipulate single pels in a bit map by using GpiSetPel and GpiQueryPel. GpiSetPel sets the pel at the specified point (in world coordinates) to the current line color. This function is independent of the current drawing mode, and its effect is immediate. It is, however, a device-dependent function. The CAPS_RASTER_CAPS option of DevQueryCaps indicates if GpiSetPel is supported on the current device. Copying Images from a Display into a Bit Map An application can copy an image from a raster display screen to a bit map by calling GpiBitBlt or GpiWCBitBlt. Before copying the bit map, the application must call DevOpenDC to create a memory device context. This device context allows an application to treat a bit map in memory as though it were a device-the application can copy color information from pels on the display to the bit map. Once an application creates a memory device context, associates it with a presentation space, and selects a bit map into the presentation space, the application can use the presentation-space handle as the first argument to GpiBitBlt or GpiWCBitBlt. If the application will be drawing the image on devices with different aspect ratios, the application should use GpiWCBitBlt to preserve the original dimensions of the bit map. Saving a Bit Map You have two ways to save a bit map that has been created by an application:  Store the bit map in a metafile, by calling GpiWCBitBlt. Metafiles are covered in detail later.  Use the IBM OS/2 file-handling functions, in conjunction with GpiQueryBitmapBits and GpiSetBitmapBits. An application can save a bit map in a file by calling GpiQueryBitmapBits, DosOpen, DosWrite, and DosClose. GpiQueryBitmapBits copies bit-map data from a memory device context (that has a standard-format bit map selected into it) to a buffer. The bit map you copy can be newly created or have been loaded from a resource file. You must supply the address in application storage of a bit-map information table. The bit-map information table has the same structure as the bit map information header, except for an additional entry, the colors field. As input to GpiQueryBitmapBits, you supply a bit-count value and a plane value. These must both be standard bit-map format values, so the plane value is always 1, and the bit-count value is 1, 4, 8, or 24. If any conversion of the bit-map data is necessary, it is done automatically. You also must provide the address of the application storage into which the bit-map data is to be loaded. You probably will need to find out how large the bit map is before you can do this. GpiQueryBitmapParameters returns the width, height, plane count, and bit count of a named bit map. You also must supply the size of the fixed portion of the header (as well as bit count, and so on). Nonstandard formats supported by the device that owns the bit map will also be valid for GpiQueryBitmapBits. You must ensure that you allocate sufficient storage at the end of the bit map information table for the returned color table which, if the number of planes is 1, will have 2n entries, where n is the number of bits per pel. On return from GpiQueryBitmapBits, the system supplies the width, height, and bit-map color table in the bit-map information table. You can retrieve a part of a bit map by specifying the number of the scan line from which the transfer is to start, and the number of scan lines you want. When you have copied a bit map into application storage, you can save the bit map externally, and reload it later, by using OS/2 file-handling functions. After the application creates a file by calling DosOpen, it can call DosWrite to copy the buffer containing the bit-map bits into the file. The application then closes the file by calling DosClose. If an application needs to use a bit map it has stored on disk, it can copy the file's contents into a buffer by calling DosRead, and then copy information about the image to the bit map by calling GpiSetBitmapBits. The application must select the bit map into a memory device context before it sets the bits. As with GpiQueryBitmapBits, you can transfer a part of the bit map rather than the whole. GpiSetBitmapBits can be used to transfer standard-format bit maps only, and only to a bit map selected into a memory device context. If necessary, bit-map data is automatically converted from one standard format to another. Nonstandard formats supported by the device owning the bit map will also be valid for GpiSetBitmapBits. If an application creates bit maps another application might use, it should create them by using the standard IBM OS/2 bit-map file format. Deleting a Bit Map It is good practice always to delete a bit map from memory when you have finished using it. To delete a bit map, use GpiDeleteBitmap. If you have loaded a bit map from a resource file, GpiDeleteBitmap deletes only its memory version. If the bit map has not been deleted when the owning process ends, it is deleted automatically by the system. Making Bit Maps Available to Other Processes When an application creates a bit map or loads one from a resource file, it can make the bit map available to other processes by placing the bit-map handle in the clipboard. ═══ 6.2. Using Bit Maps ═══ An application can use bit-map functions to:  Copy an image from a raster device (such as a display screen) to a bit map  Copy an image from a raster device (such as a display screen) to the same device  Copy an image from a bit map to a raster device  Copy an image from a bit map to another bit map  Copy an image from application memory to a bit map  Copy an image from application memory to a raster device  Scale bit-map images  Create custom fill patterns for area primitives and paths  Load a bit map created with the Icon Editor  Draw bit-map images  Store bit maps in a metafile or application memory ═══ 6.2.1. Copying an Image from a Display Screen to a Bit Map ═══ To copy an image from a display screen to a bit map: 1. Associate the memory device context with a presentation space. 2. Create a bit map. 3. Select the bit map into the memory device context by calling GpiSetBitmap. 4. Determine the location (in device coordinates) of the image. 5. Call GpiBitBlt and copy the image to the bit map. The following figure demonstrates these steps. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Var HdcMem : HDC; PszData : Array[0..3] of PSZ; HpsMem, hps : HPS; Hab : HAB; sizlPage : SIZEL; bmp : BITMAPINFOHEADER2; pbmi : PBITMAPINFO2; Hbm : HBITMAP; SWidth, SHeight : SHORT; Aptl : Array[0..2] of POINTL; AlData : Array[0..1] of LONG; Begin SWidth := 128; SHeight := 128; FillChar(sizlPage,SizeOf(sizlPage),0); FillChar(PszData[1],SizeOf(PszData[1]),nil); FillChar(PszData[2],SizeOf(PszData[2]),nil); FillChar(PszData[3],SizeOf(PszData[3]),nil); StrCopy(PszData[0],'Display'); (* * Create the memory device context and presentation space so they * are compatible with the screen device context and presentation space. *) hdcMem := DevOpenDC(hab, OD_MEMORY, '*', 4, pszData, NULLHANDLE); hpsMem := GpiCreatePS(hab, hdcMem, sizlPage, PU_PELS or GPIA_ASSOC or GPIT_MICRO); (* Determine the device's plane/bit-count format. *) GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats(hpsMem, 2, alData); (* * Load the BITMAPINFOHEADER2 and BITMAPINFO2 structures. The sWidth and * sHeight fields specIfy the width and height of the destination * rectangle. *) bmp.cbFix := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2); bmp.cx := sWidth; bmp.cy := sHeight; bmp.cPlanes := alData[0]; bmp.cBitCount := alData[1]; bmp.ulCompression := BCA_UNCOMP; bmp.cbImage := (((sWidth * (1 shl bmp.cPlanes) * (1 shl bmp.cBitCount)) + 31) / 32) * sHeight; bmp.cxResolution := 70; bmp.cyResolution := 70; bmp.cclrUsed := 2; bmp.cclrImportant := 0; bmp.usUnits := BRU_METRIC; bmp.usReserved := 0; bmp.usRecording := BRA_BOTTOMUP; bmp.usRendering := BRH_NOTHALFTONED; bmp.cSize1 := 0; bmp.cSize2 := 0; bmp.ulColorEncoding := BCE_RGB; bmp.ulIdentIfier := 0; DosAllocMem(pbmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO2) + (sizeof(RGB2) * (1 shl bmp.cPlanes) * (1 shl bmp.cBitCount)), PAG_COMMIT or PAG_READ or PAG_WRITE); pbmi^.cbFix := bmp.cbFix; pbmi^.cx := bmp.cx; pbmi^.cy := bmp.cy; pbmi^.cPlanes := bmp.cPlanes; pbmi^.cBitCount := bmp.cBitCount; pbmi^.ulCompression := BCA_UNCOMP; pbmi^.cbImage := ((sWidth+31)/32) * sHeight; pbmi^.cxResolution := 70; pbmi^.cyResolution := 70; pbmi^.cclrUsed := 2; pbmi^.cclrImportant := 0; pbmi^.usUnits := BRU_METRIC; pbmi^.usReserved := 0; pbmi^.usRecording := BRA_BOTTOMUP; pbmi^.usRendering := BRH_NOTHALFTONED; pbmi^.cSize1 := 0; pbmi^.cSize2 := 0; pbmi^.ulColorEncoding := BCE_RGB; pbmi^.ulIdentIfier := 0; (* Create a bit map that is compatible with the display. *) hbm := GpiCreateBitmap(hpsMem, bmp, Ord(False), nil, pbmi); (* Associate the bit map and the memory presentation space. *) GpiSetBitmap(hpsMem, hbm); (* Copy the screen to the bit map. *) aptl[0].x := 0; (* Lower-left corner of destination rectangle *) aptl[0].y := 0; (* Lower-left corner of destination rectangle *) aptl[1].x := sWidth; (* Upper-right corner of destination rectangle *) aptl[1].y := sHeight; (* Upper-right corner of destination rectangle *) aptl[2].x := 0; (* Lower-left corner of source rectangle *) aptl[2].y := 0; (* Lower-left corner of source rectangle *) hps := WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP); GpiBitBlt(hpsMem, hps, sizeof(aptl) / sizeof(POINTL), (* Number of points in aptl *) aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE); WinReleasePS(hps); End. ═══ 6.2.2. Scaling and Drawing a Bit-Map Image ═══ You can scale a bit map by calling GpiBitBlt or GpiWCBitBlt and altering the dimensions of the target rectangle. The following figure shows how to shrink the screen copied in the first example to half its original size, and then redraw it by calling GpiBitBlt. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Var Aptl : Array[0..2] of POINTL; HpsMem, hps : HPS; Hwnd : HWND; SWidth,SHeight : SHORT; Begin SWidth := 128; SHeight := 128; (* Target-rectangle dimensions (in device coordinates) *) aptl[0].x := 0; aptl[0].y := 0; aptl[1].x := sWidth / 2; aptl[1].y := sHeight / 2; (* Source-rectangle dimensions (in device coordinates) *) aptl[2].x := 0; aptl[2].y := 0; aptl[3].x := sWidth; aptl[3].y := sHeight; GpiBitBlt(hps, hpsMem, sizeof(aptl) / sizeof(POINTL), (* Number of points in aptl *) aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE); WinReleasePS(hps); End. ═══ 6.2.3. Creating a Custom Fill Pattern ═══ To create a custom fill pattern that the operating system will use to fill area primitives and paths: 1. Set an array of bits for a bit map that measures 8-bits-by-8-bits (remember that the operating system pads the bit-map bits on a ULONG (32-bit) boundary). 2. Create a bit map in a screen presentation space by calling GpiCreateBitmap and passing it the address of the array of bits from Step 1. 3. Assign a local identifier (lcid) to the bit map by calling GpiSetBitmapId. 4. Set the attribute of the pattern set in the AREABUNDLE structure by calling GpiSetPattern. The following figure shows how to create the pattern. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Var LcidCustom : LONG; Hps : HPS; Pbmi : PBITMAPINFO2; Bmp : BITMAPINFOHEADER2; Hbm : HBITMAP; prgb2 : PRGB2; (* Define an array of bytes; this array creates a grid pattern. *) CONST AbPattern5 : Array[0..63] of BYTE = ( $FF, $FF, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00, $80, $00, $00, $00 ); Begin LcidCustom := 1; (* Create the bit map, passing the address of the array of bytes. *) hbm := GpiCreateBitmap(hps, bmp, CBM_INIT, (PBYTE) abPattern5, pbmi); (* Assign a local identIfier to the bit map. *) GpiSetBitmapId(hps, hbm, lcidCustom); (* Set the pattern-set attribute in the AREABUNDLE structure. *) GpiSetPatternSet(hps, lcidCustom); End. ═══ 6.2.4. Loading a Bit Map from a File ═══ You can load a bit map from a file if the format of the file corresponds to the standard IBM OS/2 bit-map file format. (Any bit map that you create with the Icon Editor is automatically stored in this format.) To load a bit map: 1. Copy the bit-map file to the directory that contains your application's resource file and source code. 2. Create an entry in your application's resource file, assigning a unique integer identifier to the bit map. 3. Call GpiLoadBitmap in your application's source code, passing it the integer identifier that you assigned to the bit map in your application's resource file. You can actually include your bit map in the application's .EXE file or in a separate resource file. If the bit map is included in a separate resource file, you must specify both the resource ID and the ID of the bit map within the resource file on GpiLoadBitmap. If bit map is to be included in the application's .EXE file, the resource ID is specified as NULL and only the ID of the bit map is required by GpiLoadBitmap. Following is an example of code from an application's resource file that assigns the integer value 200 to a bit-map file called CUSTOM.BMP. BITMAP 200 CUSTOM.BMP The following figure is an example of code from the application that shows how to retrieve a bit-map handle by calling GpiLoadBitmap, use the handle to tag the bit map by calling GpiSetBitmapId, and then use the local identifier supplied by GpiSetBitmapId to set the bit map as the current fill pattern, using GpiSetPatternSet. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Var Hps : HPS; Hbm : HBITMAP; LcidCustom : LONG; Ptl : POINTL; Begin LcidCustom := 1; hbm := GpiLoadBitmap(hps, (* Presentation-space handle *) NULLHANDLE, (* Resource in application's module *) IDB_PATTERN, (* Bit-map ID *) 16, (* Bit-map width *) 16); (* Bit-map height *) (* Assign a local identIfier to the bit map. *) GpiSetBitmapId(hps, hbm, lcidCustom); (* Set the pattern-set attribute in the AREABUNDLE structure. *) GpiSetPatternSet(hps, lcidCustom); ptl.x := 100; ptl.y := 100; GpiMove(hps, ptl); ptl.x := 200; ptl.y := 200; GpiBox(hps, DRO_OUTLINEFILL, ptl, 0, 0); ═══ 6.2.5. Storing a Bit Map in a Metafile ═══ You can draw bit maps in a metafile or segment by calling GpiWCBitBlt. The operating system converts this function to a drawing order. The target-rectangle dimensions that you pass to GpiWCBitBlt are in world coordinates, not device coordinates. The following figure shows how to draw a bit map in a metafile, and then play the metafile. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Var Dop : DEVOPENSTRUC; HdcMeta : HDC; Hps : HPS; HpsMeta : HPS; SizlPage : SIZEL; Hmf : HMF; Hbm : HBITMAP; Hab : HAB; Hwnd : HWND; Aptl : Array[0..3] of POINTL; Begin dop.pszLogAddress := nil; dop.pdriv := nil; dop.pszDataType := nil; StrCopy(dop.pszDriverName,'DISPLAY'); hdcMeta := DevOpenDC(hab, OD_METAFILE, '*', 4L, dop, NULLHANDLE); hpsMeta := GpiCreatePS(hab, hdcMeta, sizlPage, PU_PELS or GPIA_ASSOC); hbm := GpiLoadBitmap(hpsMeta, NULLHANDLE, IDB_PATTERN, 16, 16); * aptl[0].x := aptl[0].y := 0; (* Lower-left corner target rectangle *) aptl[1].x := 150; (* X coordinate upper-right target rectangle *) aptl[1].y := 300; (* Y coordinate upper-right target rectangle *) aptl[2].x := aptl[2].y := 0; (* Lower-left corner source rectangle *) aptl[3].x := aptl[3].y := 16; (* Upper-right corner source rectangle *) GpiWCBitBlt(hpsMeta, hbm, 4L, aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE); GpiAssociate(hpsMeta, NULLHANDLE); hmf := DevCloseDC(hdcMeta); GpiPlayMetaFile(hps, hmf, 0, nil, nil, 0, nil); WinReleasePS(hps); End. You can also store a bit map in a metafile by calling GpiBitBlt. In this case, however, the bit map will be stored inside an escape order. ═══ 7. Creating and Drawing Retained Graphics ═══ There are two types of graphics output in the OS/2 operating system:  Retained graphics, which are stored in segments and can be redrawn or edited when necessary  Nonretained graphics, which are drawn immediately but not stored and therefore cannot be used again without repeating the graphics functions needed to re-create the picture This chapter describes the advantages of using retained graphics and provides information on creating and drawing retained graphics. The following topics are related to the information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces and device contexts  Coordinate spaces and transformations  Editing retained graphics and graphics segments ═══ 7.1. About Creating and Drawing Retained Graphics ═══ An application draws by calling graphics functions. Applications store retained graphics in segments, which can be edited. This means that the retained image can be modified without having to re-create the unmodified portion using multiple GPI functions. When using nonretained graphics, the output appears on the output device (for example, a window) immediately. However, if part of the picture is erased or must be repeated, the application must call the same graphics functions a second, or even a third time. There are many other advantages to using retained graphics, including:  Convenience-An application can draw retained graphics with a single function that accesses the storage area containing all the individual functions necessary for the object.  Flexibility-An application can redraw graphics retained in the segment store to any number of device contexts.  Editing-An application can modify an object without having to call all the functions necessary to re-create the picture. Individual segments can be moved, scaled, or rotated; then, redrawn. Editing the graphics within a segment is described in Editing Retained Graphics and Graphics Segments.  Power-An application can access the more powerful and useful graphics functions only when graphics are stored in segments.  Organization-An application can use segments to store the components that will be assembled into the final picture. Primarily, a graphics segment is a means of grouping and storing graphics primitives and their attributes. Although the graphics within a segment usually are related in some way, they do not have to be. A segment might contain a number of unrelated GPI functions that you want to keep and execute at specific times. Retained graphics do affect application performance, however, in that a normal presentation space requires 114KB of main memory more than a micro presentation space, and using the drawing mode DM_RETAIN adds an additional 46KB. Note: Your application can have up to 16KB (16378) segments in the segment store of a single presentation space. The size of an individual segment is limited only by the amount of storage available to you. Do not confuse a graphics segment with a memory segment. ═══ 7.1.1. Drawing Modes ═══ When you create a presentation space, the drawing mode is set to draw. Your application can change this mode using GpiSetDrawingMode. The two additional drawing modes provided by the PM are retain (DM_RETAIN) and draw-and-retain (DM_DRAWANDRETAIN). Your application can determine which drawing mode is set by using GpiQueryDrawingMode. The drawing mode that you select becomes current for the presentation space, and it can be changed any number of times. Select the appropriate drawing mode before creating a segment. The drawing mode affects the segment type. Draw Mode In draw mode, graphics output is provided immediately to the currently associated device and is not retained in a segment store. When the graphics have been drawn, they cannot be used again unless they are re-created. For example, when a window containing draw mode graphics is moved or sized, the graphics have to be re-created by the application. Draw mode graphics are suitable if an application is creating fairly simple graphics quickly or is maintaining its own graphics database. In the latter case, there is nothing to gain by retaining graphics. A segment created when the drawing mode is DM_DRAW, is called a nonretained segment. While it might sound contradictory, nonretained segments have certain advantages that are described in Nonretained Graphic Segments. Retain Mode In retain mode, graphics are retained in the segment store only. They are not directed to the current device as they are created. In retain mode, the presentation space does not have to be associated with a device context when graphics are being defined. It is possible to define graphics and store their definitions without sending them to a display screen or printer. The concept of attribute currentness, however, is relevant only when you are drawing graphics to an output device. For example, the color or other attribute that is current when you define a primitive is the color in which the line is drawn. That color or other attribute might not be the color that is current when you you actually draw the primitive. This is described in Attribute Currentness. Many of the GPI queries that return current attribute values are invalid in retain mode because current attribute values have no effect when graphics are not sent to an output device. Draw-and-Retain Mode In draw-and-retain mode, graphics are both drawn on the current device as they are created and stored for later use. The GPI queries that return current attribute values are valid in draw-and-retain mode. ═══ 7.1.2. Creating a Graphics Segment ═══ Your application signals the start of a graphics segment using GpiOpenSegment, which is valid only in a normal presentation space. The following figure is an example of two segments in a presentation space. Presentation Space ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Graphics Segment 1 │ │ ┌────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ GpiOpenSegment (hps,1); │ │ │ │ GpiSet... (hps,...); ──┼───┼────── │ │ GpiLine (hps,...); ──┼───┼── │ │ GpiCloseSegment (hps); │ │ │ Graphics Segment 2│ │ │ │ ┌────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ GpiOpenSegment (hps,2); │ │ │ │ GpiSet... (hps,...); ──┼───────────────────┼───── │ │ GpiLine (hps,...); ──┼───────────────────┼── │ │ GpiCloseSegment (hps); │ │ │ │ │ └────────────┘ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────┘ Graphics Segments in a Presentation Space GpiOpenSegment accepts, as input, the presentation space handle and a long integer value, which names each segment. OS/2 applications identify segments with long integer values. If you want to refer to the segment individually in later graphics operations (for example, to edit the segment) the identifier you supply must be greater than 0 and unique within the presentation space. If you do not want to refer to the segment individually after it is created, you can give the segment an identifier of 0. You might do this when you are creating nonretained segments, for example. Any number of segments can have the 0 identifier. They are referred to throughout this book as zero segments. To determine which names already have been used in a presentation space, use GpiQuerySegmentNames. This function returns an array of segment names for all retained segments, excluding zero segments, within a specified name range. Segments do not have to be named in consecutive order (although it is recommended for organizational purposes) because the segment order can be changed using GpiSetSegmentPriority. ═══ 7.1.3. Filling a Graphics Segment ═══ After a graphics segment is opened, the GPI functions that follow become a part of a retained segment and are executed every time the segment itself is drawn. The typical GPI functions that would be called are those that:  Create graphics primitives-such as lines or markers  Assign attributes to those primitives-such as color or line type. However, there are a few GPI functions that you cannot call while there is an open segment-for example a second GpiOpenSegment. These functions are identified in GPI Function Context. A presentation space can contain many segments. Each time you open a new segment, many attributes reset themselves to default values. Therefore, the current position and attribute values that apply before you call GpiOpenSegment cannot be guaranteed to be in effect after you call the function. Beginning each segment with a number of attribute-setting requests and, possibly, with GpiSetCurrentPosition, is recommended. Your application also might take advantage of GpiSetDefAttrs, for example, to minimize the number of attributes that must be dealt with upon opening a new segment. ═══ 7.1.4. Closing a Graphics Segment ═══ When you have finished creating a graphics segment, close it using GpiCloseSegment. There can be only one open segment at a time in a single graphics presentation space, so you must close one segment before going on to the next. There is some degree of clean-up processing associated with using GpiCloseSegment, known as close-segment processing, that can make current attribute values unreliable. For more information about the effects of GpiOpenSegment and GpiCloseSegment on current attributes, see Graphics Attributes. ═══ 7.1.5. Segment Attributes ═══ Each segment, whether retained or nonretained, has a number of characteristics, called attributes that you can set in accordance with your application's requirements. The attributes of a segment are quite different from those of a graphics primitive in that segment attributes have ON and OFF settings. There are seven segment attributes. However, only two are described in this chapter: chained (ATTR_CHAINED) and fast-chained (ATTR_FASTCHAIN). When an application creates a segment in a presentation space, the operating system assigns initial attributes to it. By default, five of the attributes will be set ON and two will be set OFF. The chained and fast-chained attributes are set ON. Your application can alter these values using GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs or retrieve the values of the current initial attributes using GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs. The chain attribute tells the operating system to add each new segment in your application's presentation space to the segment chain. The fast-chained attribute tells the operating system to prevent the resetting of the primitive attributes to their default values before drawing the segment chain. Chained Attribute When you define a segment with the chained attribute switched ON, that segment becomes a part of the segment chain and is called a chained segment. The segment chain is composed of all chained segments defined in a single presentation space. Segments can be chained together so that they can be drawn as a group. By default, each new segment is chained to the previous segment. There can be only one segment chain at a time in a single presentation space, and all chained segments are chained to each other in the order in which you created them. Zero segments must have the chained attribute. Usually, a logical relationship exists between the segments in a segment chain, although this is not a requirement. The whole segment chain can be drawn using GpiDrawChain. Each segment in the chain is called a root segment. Root segments are affected by those GPI functions that act on the segment chain, but they also can be manipulated independently of the chain. Segments that are defined with the chained attribute switched OFF are called unchained segments. Your application can switch off the chain attribute using GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs (hps, ATTR_CHAIN, ATTR_OFF). Unchained segments always are retained when they are created, regardless of the current drawing-mode parameter. An unchained segment must have a unique name. There are a number of reasons for defining a segment as unchained. For example, a particular segment might not belong to the picture that is defined by the segment chain. You also are likely to define as unchained any segment that belongs to the picture but that has no single, fixed place in the segment chain. A car wheel, for example, could be defined once but drawn four times in a picture of a car. It would have no single, fixed place in the segment chain, but would be included four times in the picture by being called from one or more root segments. A segment is called from another segment by including GpiCallSegmentMatrix in the calling segment. A segment and the segments it calls logically are one object. An important point about called segments is that they assume the primitive attribute settings of the calling segment. Of course, you can change the attribute settings within the called segment if the inherited values are inappropriate. A closed, unchained segment can be called from any other segment. Chained segments, however, cannot be called from other segments. Fast-Chained Attribute The fast-chained attribute applies only to chained segments. It prevents primitive attributes from being reset to their default values at the beginning of the segment, an aid to performance. There is unnecessary overhead in resetting attributes to their defaults if either of the following is true:  You are going to change the default values of the attributes at the start of the segment.  You know that attributes have not been altered previously from their default values. The fast-chained attribute is switched ON by default, and you should leave it on unless you specifically want attributes to be set to their default values. To turn off the fast-chained attribute, call GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs (hps, ATTR_FASTCHAIN, ATTR_OFF). ═══ 7.1.6. Actual Drawing Mode ═══ The drawing mode, as defined by GpiSetDrawingMode, works in conjunction with the segment status to produce the actual drawing mode. It is the actual drawing mode that determines whether graphics are:  Drawn directly to the output device  Retained in the segment store  Both drawn and retained The actual drawing mode is summarized in the following table. The Current Drawing Mode ┌─────────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────┬──────────────┐ │ │ │Context │ │ ├─────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────┤ │GpiSetDrawingMode│Chained Segment│Unchained │Outside of any│ │parameter │ │Segment │segment │ ├─────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────┤ │DM_DRAWANDRETAIN │draw-and-retain│retain │draw │ ├─────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────┤ │DM_RETAIN │retain │retain │draw │ ├─────────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────┼──────────────┤ │DM_DRAW │draw │retain │draw │ └─────────────────┴───────────────┴──────────────┴──────────────┘ As you can see in the preceding table, graphics within chained segments always conform to the current drawing mode parameter. That is, they are drawn in DM_DRAW mode, retained in DM_RETAIN mode, and both drawn and retained in DM_DRAWANDRETAIN mode. Graphics in unchained segments always are retained, regardless of the current drawing-mode parameter. You cannot retain segments created when the current drawing-mode parameter is DM_DRAW, unless they are unchained segments. Similarly, graphics outside segments always are drawn without being retained. You cannot retain primitives outside segments, regardless of the current drawing mode. Note: A micro presentation space has no segment store. Therefore, you cannot create graphics segments in a micro presentation space, nor can you change the drawing mode, which is always DM_DRAW. ═══ 7.1.7. Drawing a Retained Graphic ═══ Your application can draw a complete segment chain with GpiDrawChain. The segments are drawn in the order in which they appear in the chain. For example, the segments in the following figure are drawn in the following order: 1. Root segment 1 2. Unchained segment A 3. Unchained segment B 4. Root segment 2 5. Unchained segment B 6. Root segment 3. Chained and Called Segments Segment A is called by root segment 1, and segment B is called by both segment A and root segment 2. Segment C calls segment D. Both C and D are unchained segments that are not called from the segment chain, and consequently, are not part of the segment chain. GpiSetSegmentPriority changes the position of a root segment (which must not be a zero segment) in the chain. As input to this function, you supply the name of the segment you want to reorder and the name of a reference segment. The reference segment is the segment that either will be immediately before, or immediately after, the reordered segment's new position in the chain. If the segment you are moving is to come after the reference segment in the chain, it is said to have a higher priority (HIGHER_PRI). If it is to come before the reference segment, it is said to have a lower priority (LOWER_PRI). The nearer a segment is to the end of the chain, the higher its priority. If you supply the name of an unchained segment as input to GpiSetSegmentPriority, the segment is added to the chain in the position you specify. To learn the position of a segment in the chain, use GpiQuerySegmentPriority. If your application called the following functions: GpiSetSegmentPriority (hps, C, 2, LOWER_PRI) GpiSetSegmentPriority (hps, 3, 0, HIGHER_PRI) GpiSetSegmentPriority (hps, B, 0, LOWER_PRI) the segment chain in the previous figure would appear as in the following figure; and GpiDrawChain would draw the segments in the following order: 1. Root segment 3 2. Root segment 1 3. Unchained segment A 4. Unchained segment B 5. Segment C 6. Unchained segment D. 7. Root segment 2 8. Unchained segment B. 9. Segment B Chained and Called Segments Reordered Using GpiSetSegmentPriority Segment Priority The priority of a segment, in conjunction with the current foreground and background mix attributes, affects how the picture is presented to the user. The segment with the highest priority is drawn last, and appears on top of the previously drawn primitives. Picture components in segments with low priorities risk being drawn over and never seen by the user. The mix attributes affect the graphics functions within each segment. GpiDrawSegment GpiDrawSegment accepts as input any segment name greater than zero. GpiDrawSegment can draw individual segments both inside and outside the segment chain. Any segment that is called from the GpiDrawSegment-named segment also is drawn. GpiDrawFrom You can draw a smaller portion of the entire segment chain (but a larger portion than a single segment) using GpiDrawFrom. GpiDrawFrom, as input, a presentation space handle and two nonzero segment names, the first of which must be part of the segment chain. GpiDrawFrom then draws the segments, starting with the first and ending with the last, including all chained and called segments. ═══ 7.1.8. Attribute Modes ═══ You can change primitive-attribute settings at any time. The new values you specify replace the existing values. For example, if the current foreground color is green and you change it to red, red replaces green as the foreground color attribute. When you set primitive attributes within a retained or nonretained segment, you can save the existing attribute values on a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack, from where they can later be retrieved and made current again. You do this by selecting either of the two attribute modes:  AM_PRESERVE mode-Also known as push-and-set mode  AM_NOPRESERVE mode-Also known as set mode. In AM_NOPRESERVE mode, which is the default setting, existing attribute values are replaced by any new attribute values that you supply. In AM_PRESERVE mode, the existing attribute values are stored on a LIFO stack, and then the new values that you specify take effect. AM_PRESERVE mode also causes the current position to be saved if the position was specified using GpiSetCurrentPosition. If you use GpiMove to set the current position, the position is not saved, regardless of the attribute mode. To select a current attribute mode, use GpiSetAttrMode. The current attribute mode affects subsequent attribute-setting requests in the presentation space. Attribute modes are not applicable to micro presentation spaces, because graphics segments can be created only in normal presentation spaces. To retrieve an attribute value from the LIFO stack, use GpiPop, which pulls back the attribute that was stored most recently on the stack. You can retrieve more than one attribute value by supplying a number as an input parameter of this function. For example, if you specify 4, GpiPop retrieves the four attributes that were most recently stored on the stack. If each of the values retrieved applies the same type of attribute to the same primitive (for example, if all four are line-type settings), the last one to be retrieved (and, therefore, the first one on the stack) becomes the current setting. If you save attribute values from any segment called from another segment, and do not retrieve the values using GpiPop, the values are restored automatically when the end of the segment is reached. If you save attribute values from any segment that is not called from another segment and do not explicitly restore those values using GpiPop, they are lost at the end of the segment. The AM_PRESERVE mode is useful when you do not want attributes in calling segments to be overwritten by attributes specified in the called segments. This overwriting happens because a calling segment and the segments it calls are logically one object. Attribute changes within a called segment remain current upon return to the calling segment. If you set some attribute values at the start of a called segment, and the current attribute mode is AM_PRESERVE, the attribute values of the calling segment are stored on the LIFO stack. At the end of the called segment, the values on the stack are retrieved automatically so that the calling segment continues with its own attribute values. ═══ 7.1.9. Reusing the Presentation Space ═══ A normal presentation space with segments retained in the segment store can be costly in terms of storage. Therefore, delete any presentation space that you no longer need, using GpiDestroyPS. If, for example, your application is using a series of presentation spaces, each with a different format, the creation and deletion activity also can be costly. The PM provides the following functions that let you reuse or redefine an existing presentation space so you can create a presentation space once and use it any number of times.  GpiSavePS  GpiRestorePS  GpiResetPS  GpiSetPS GpiSavePS GpiSavePS saves presentation space information (such as current primitive attributes and the current position) on a dedicated LIFO stack. The presentation space itself is unchanged; that is, it still exists, has the same presentation space handle, and the presentation page dimensions and format are the same. Output from GpiSavePS is a number that identifies the saved information on the LIFO stack. An output of 3, for example, tells you that this is the third lot of presentation space data on the stack. GpiRestorePS GpiRestorePS retrieves the saved information from the LIFO stack and reapplies it to the presentation space. Input to this function can be either the identifier returned to you from GpiSavePS or a relative value. A relative value of -1, for example, retrieves the information most recently stored on the stack. You do not have to restore the information that was most recently saved. However, any data that you skip over is discarded. A LIFO Stack with Four Items GpiResetPS When a presentation space is first created, it is in a neutral state. Current attributes are set to their initial default values. The current position is (0,0). The segment store contains no segments, and there are no application-defined resources, such as logical color tables. You can return an existing presentation space to this state using GpiResetPS. GpiResetPS has three levels of reset activity, each more powerful than the last. These are: 1. GRES_ATTRS, which is equivalent to the processing done by GpiCloseSegment. 2. GRES_SEGMENTS, which is equivalent to creating a new presentation space, but without deleting any logical resources. All retained segments are deleted from the segment store. 3. GRES_ALL, which is equivalent to creating a new presentation space. GpiResetPS does not alter the size or format of the presentation page. GpiSetPS GpiSetPS redefines the size and format of the presentation page. The processing performed when you call GpiSetPS is similar to that performed by GpiCreatePS, except that the presentation space already exists. The presentation space is returned to a neutral state (which is the equivalent of requesting GRES_ALL using GpiResetPS), and the presentation page is redefined. For example, you can change a presentation page defined in 0.01mm units to one defined in pels. Essentially, this lets you work with a new presentation space without having to delete one and create another. You also can use GpiSetPS to change the current mapping mode of a presentation space. To do this, use the PS_NORESET flag, which is the equivalent of requesting GRES_SEGMENTS using GpiResetPS. This feature is particularly useful if you are designing an application that deals with page layout and drafting, or if you want the screen size to correspond to the page size for the printed output. ═══ 7.1.10. Nonretained Graphic Segments ═══ It is valid segment construction to create a segment bracket while the drawing mode is DM_DRAW. The GPI functions contained within the bracket are drawn immediately rather than being retained for future use. This type of segment is called a nonretained segment. Because the usual reason for constructing segments is to take advantage of retained graphics, nonretained segments might appear as a contradiction in terms at first. However, there are four particular advantages in their use:  If ATTR_FASTCHAIN is set to OFF, the GpiOpenSegment implicitly resets all attributes to their defaults.  The GpiOpenSegment and GpiCloseSegment initialize and reset the viewing transform matrix, just as they do for retained segments.  Nonretained segments can be recorded in a metafile, just as a retained segment can.  A graphic in a nonretained segment, with a unique name, can be converted easily to a retained graphic for future use. ═══ 7.2. Using Segment Creating and Drawing Functions ═══ You can use retained-drawing and segment functions to:  Create a chained or called segment  Draw the picture associated with one or more segments ═══ 7.2.1. Creating a Chained Segment ═══ To create a chained segment, you must: 1. Set the drawing mode to DM_RETAIN. 2. Check to see if the chained attribute is one of the initial segment attributes using GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs. 3. Set the chained attribute, if necessary, with GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs. 4. Open the segment using GpiOpenSegment. 5. Perform the necessary drawing operations. 6. Close the segment using GpiCloseSegment. The following figure is an example of a segment containing a box primitive and calling another segment using GpiCallSegmentMatrix. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FncSEGS01; Var Ptl : POINTL; Hps : HPS; IdSegment : LONG; IdNonChained : LONG; CONST matlfTransform : MATRIXL = (fxM11:MAKEFIXED(2,0),fxM12:MAKEFIXED(0,0), lM13:0,fxM21:MAKEFIXED(0,0), fxM22:MAKEFIXED(1,0),lM23:0,lM31:0,lM32:0, lM33:1); Begin IdSegment := 1; IdNonChained := 2; (************************************************************************) (* Turns chaining on. Adds the new segment to the segment chain. *) (* Segment idNonChained is called, whether chained or not. *) (************************************************************************) If (ATTR_OFF = GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED) GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED, ATTR_ON); GpiOpenSegment(hps, idSegment); ptl.x := 150; ptl.y := 150; GpiMove(hps, ptl); ptl.x := 225; ptl.y := 225; GpiBox(hps, DRO_FILL, ptl, 0, 0); GpiCallSegmentMatrix(hps, idNonChained, 9, matlfTransform, TRANSFORM_REPLACE); GpiCloseSegment(hps); End; (* fncSEGS01 *) ═══ 7.2.2. Creating a Called Segment ═══ To create a called segment, you must: 1. Set the drawing mode to DM_RETAIN. 2. Check to see whether the chained attribute is one of the initial segment attributes using GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs. 3. Set the chained attribute, if necessary, with GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs. 4. Open the segment using GpiOpenSegment. 5. Perform the necessary drawing operations. 6. Close the segment using GpiCloseSegment. The following figure shows an example of how to draw a box in a called segment. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FncSEGS02; Var Ptl : POINTL; Hps : HPS; IdNonChained : LONG; Begin IdNonChained := 2; GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_RETAIN); (* Creates a non-chained segment. *) If (ATTR_ON = GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED)) Then GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs(hps, ATTR_CHAINED, ATTR_OFF); GpiOpenSegment(hps, idNonChained); ptl.x := 100; ptl.y := 100; GpiMove(hps, ptl); ptl.x := 200; ptl.y := 200; GpiLine(hps, ptl); GpiCloseSegment(hps); End; (* fncSEGS02 *) ═══ 7.2.3. Drawing a Segment Chain ═══ The following figure shows an example of how to draw a segment chain using GpiDrawChain. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FncSEGS03(VOID); Var Hps : HPS; Begin If (DM_DRAW <> GpiQueryDrawingMode(hps)) Then GpiSetDrawingMode(hps, DM_DRAW); GpiDrawChain(hps); End; (* fncSEGS03 *) ═══ 8. Character String Primitives ═══ Character string primitives are printed or displayed text limited to a length of 256 characters by the PM. The following topics are related to information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces and device contexts  Color and mix attributes  Fonts  Coordinate spaces and transformations ═══ 8.1. About Character String Primitives ═══ A PM application must make certain choices about fonts in preparation for text display or printing. Often these choices are driven by selections from a user. After the selections are made, as discussed in Fonts, the application can make additional decisions about the appearance of the individual characters within the font by setting attributes in the CHARBUNDLE data structure. CHARBUNDLE is the lowest of three levels of data structures that define the appearance of displayed or printed text. The other two, FONTMETRICS and FATTRS, are described in Fonts. A font family-for instance, Helvetica** or Courier-is a collection of fonts. Fonts within the same family share certain attributes such as stroke width and serif characteristics. Stroke width refers to the width of lines used to draw characters and symbols from a font. A serif is a short crossline drawn at the ends of the main strokes that form a character or symbol. Individual fonts within a family differ from each other in the following ways:  Height  Line weight  Appearance Height refers to the point size of a font. A common example of line weight is boldface. A common example of appearance is italic. The most important factor that affects the CHARBUNDLE attributes is whether the current font is an image or an outline font. The following figure shows an example of the difference. Image and Outline Fonts Outline fonts are composed of characters drawn with straight and curved lines. Image fonts, also called bit map fonts, are composed of pels arranged in certain shapes. ═══ 8.1.1. Attributes of Character String Primitives ═══ Attributes of the character string primitives contained in CHARBUNDLE are as follows:  Character set  Character mode  Character cell  Character angle  Character shear  Character direction  Character text alignment  Character extra  Character break extra  Foreground color  Background color  Foreground mix  Background mix When an application creates a presentation space, the character string attributes are set to the default values shown in the following table. Character String Attribute Default Values ┌────────────┬────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┐ │Attribute │Default Value │Function that Redefines Attribute │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Set │LCID_DEFAULT │GpiSetCharSet │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Mode │CM_MODE1 │GpiSetCharMode │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Cell │Outline font - Defined │GpiSetCharBox │ │ │by device │ │ │ │Image font - Defined by │ │ │ │font │ │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Angle │(1,0) │GpiSetCharAngle │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Shear │(0,1) │GpiSetCharShear │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Direction │Left to right │GpiSetCharDirection │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Text │Left │GpiSetTextAlignment │ │alignment │ │ │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Extra │0 │GpiSetCharExtra │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Break extra │0 │GpiSetCharBreakExtra │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Foreground │Black │GpiSetAttrs(CBB_COLOR) │ │color │ │ │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Background │Clear │GpiSetAttrs(CBB_BACK_COLOR) │ │color │ │ │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Foreground │Overpaint │GpiSetAttrs(CBB_MIX_MODE) │ │mix │ │ │ ├────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────┤ │Background │Leave alone │GpiSetAttrs(CBB_BACK_MIX_MODE) │ │mix │ │ │ └────────────┴────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────┘ Current character attributes take effect when you send graphics characters to an output device. They have no effect at the time you define a logical font. Character Set Character set defines the local identifier, lcid, of the current font. The font lcid is set using GpiSetCharSet. GpiCreateLogFont associates the font with an lcid. The value of the current lcid is determined using GpiQueryCharSet. Character Mode Every presentation space has a current character mode, which determines the extent to which a font can be affected by the attributes defined in CHARBUNDLE. The mode affects compatibility issues that are invisible to both the user and the programmer. The following table describes the character modes and their influences on the current font. An application selects a character mode using GpiSetCharMode. When a mode is selected, it applies to any font (including the system font) used while the mode is current. The character mode takes effect when you draw character strings; it has no effect at the time you define a logical font. Character Mode Effects on Character Attributes ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────┐ │Character │If Image Font... │If Outline Font... │ │Mode │ │ │ ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────┤ │CM_MODE1 │Ignores all current │Affected by all │ │ │character attributes, except│current character │ │ │character direction. │attributes. │ ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────┤ │CM_MODE2 │Uses the character shear, │Affected by all │ │ │box, angle, and direction │current character │ │ │attributes to position the │attributes. │ │ │character cell, but the │ │ │ │characters themselves are │ │ │ │not sheared, rotated, │ │ │ │scaled, or reversed. │ │ ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────┤ │CM_MODE3 │Raises an error if you try │Affected by all │ │ │to draw a character string. │current character │ │ │Note: Any font used when │attributes. │ │ │the current character mode │ │ │ │is CM_MODE3 must be an │ │ │ │outline font. │ │ └──────────┴────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────┘ The default character mode (CM_DEFAULT) is identical to CM_MODE1. Character Cell A character cell is an imaginary rectangular boundary that defines the horizontal and vertical space occupied by a single character from an outline character set. The PM calculates character cell width and height from the point size. The width value for the character cell is the nominal width of the lowercase characters in the character set. In a monospace font, the width of all character cells is identical. In a proportional font, the width of the character cells depends on the character. In an image font, the height of the character cell is the number of pels in the font. In an outline font, the height of the character cell is the point size of the font. The characters in a character string are positioned one character per cell. The spacing between adjacent characters in a string is affected by the character cell attribute, except for image characters in CM_MODE1. Cell width determines the spacing of consecutive characters along the baseline, as illustrated in the following figure. Character Cell Measurements Current cell size is specified using GpiSetCharBox. As input, this function accepts the desired height and width of the character cell in world coordinates. These values are related to certain dimensions in the FONTMETRICS structure that controls font attributes. Heights or widths of 0 are valid input and cause the outline character to be drawn as a point or straight line. Heights or widths of negative values cause certain special effects, for example, reversed lettering. The character cell value affects both the size and position of characters drawn from an outline font, regardless of the current character mode. Each character is scaled up or down to fit the cell size, as shown in the following figure. Effect of the Character Cell on an Outline Font The character cell value is ignored if the current font is an image font and the current character mode is CM_MODE1, as shown in the following figure. Note: It is essential to code the character cell correctly, even if you anticipate using image fonts. In case of a font match failure, an outline font can be substituted for a image font. Effect of the Character Cell on an Image Font in CM_MODE1 Although the character cell has been both increased and decreased, the character string is unaltered. The character cell value controls the positioning of image-font characters when the current character mode is CM_MODE2; but it cannot cause the characters to be scaled to fit the cell. This effect is shown in the following figure. Effect of the Character Cell on an Image Font in CM_MODE2 If you increase the character cell size for an image font in CM_MODE2, the characters are more widely spaced, but their size is not changed. If you decrease character cell size, the space between the characters is reduced, and because the characters themselves cannot be scaled, they can overlap. Default Character Cell The default character-cell size is a device-dependent value. You do not need to know this value unless you want to switch back to the initial default value after having specified another value. It is recommended that you save initial default values using GpiSavePS. The default character cell, like other default attributes, can be set using GpiSetDefAttrs(CBB_BOX). If necessary, you can query the current default value using GpiQueryDefAttrs. Coding a Character Cell The dimensions that an application passes to GpiSetCharBox and that GpiQueryCharBox returns are fixed-point values. A fixed value is a 32-bit value whose high-order 16 bits contain the integral part of the floating-point number and whose low-order 16 bits contain the fractional part. The fractional part is the numerator of a fraction whose denominator is fixed at 65536. The MAKEFIXED macro provides a method for producing fixed values. If, for example, one of the character cell dimensions were 7.635 world units, an application could obtain the corresponding fixed value by using the MAKEFIXED macro, passing 7 as the first argument and 41615 as the second. The purpose of the character cell is to assist other font metrics to define text lines. For example, if you planned to have an average text line of 60 characters, dividing your output width by 60 would provide your character cell width. DevQueryCaps can be used to provide information about suitable character cell values. DevQueryCaps returns two sets of values that can influence the character cell:  Default cell values - CAPS_GRAPHICS_CHAR_WIDTH - CAPS_GRAPHICS_CHAR_HEIGHT.  Device resolution - CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES - CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES. The default cell values return the size of the default character cell in pels. Convert the device resolution into character cell values by multiplying it by the desired point size, then dividing by 72 (72.2818). Character Angle The character angle is defined by the x-axis and a vector drawn through the origin to a specified point in a Cartesian coordinate system. Neither (0,0) nor the specified point need have any relation to the current position. The operating system then aligns the baseline with this vector. An application can retrieve the point that defines the character angle vector using GpiQueryCharAngle. An application can set the character angle using GpiSetCharAngle. This function accepts as input the x- and y-coordinates of a point that defines the new vector. When you specify an angle, it becomes the current setting. To reset the character angle vector to its default value (parallel to the x-axis), call GpiSetCharAngle with both x and y equal to 0. The effects of the current character angle vary depending on the current character mode and the current font type. When the current font is an outline font, the current character angle determines the angle of both the whole string and the individual characters in the string, regardless of the current character mode. The baseline of each character cell is drawn parallel to the new baseline, as shown in the following figure. Effect of the Character Angle on an Outline Font The character string is drawn parallel to the vector drawn from the origin to (10,7). The baseline of each of the character cells also is drawn parallel to this vector. The character angle value is ignored if the current font is an image font and the current character mode is CM_MODE1, as shown in the following figure. Effect of the Character Angle on an Image Font in CM_MODE1 The angle of the character string is unaltered by GpiSetCharAngle. When the current font is an image font and the current character mode is CM_MODE2, the current character angle determines the angle of the whole string but does not affect the individual characters in the string. The character reference point, which is the point at which the character baseline intersects the left edge of the character cell, is placed on a line parallel to the new baseline. The baseline of each character cell remains parallel to the x-axis, as shown in the following figure. Effect of the Character Angle on an Image Font in CM_MODE2 The character string is drawn parallel to the vector from (0,0) to (10,7). Each of the characters in the string in the previous figure is drawn with the vertical sides of its character cell parallel to the y-axis, and with the horizontal sides of its character box parallel to the x-axis. Character Shear Character shear is the angle defined by the x-axis and a vector drawn through the origin to a specified point in a Cartesian coordinate system. Neither (0,0) nor the specified point need have any relation to the current position. The operating system then aligns the vertical sides of the character cell. If the font is an outline font, the operating system also aligns the vertical strokes of the characters with the vector, regardless of the current character mode, as shown in the following figure. An application can retrieve the point that defines the character shear vector using GpiQueryCharShear. An application can set the character shear using GpiSetCharShear, which accepts as input the x- and y-coordinates of a point that defines the new vector in a POINTL structure. The shear of a character is the angle formed by the vertical lines of the character cell, and it can affect both the positioning and shape of characters in the character string. By default, the vertical lines of a character cell are parallel to the y-axis of the presentation page. As input to GpiSetCharShear supply the coordinates of the end point of a vector drawn from the origin (0,0). The effects of the current character shear value vary, depending on the current character mode and font type. Effect of Character Shear on an Outline Font The character cell is drawn with its vertical lines parallel to the vector from the origin to (5,6). The character is sheared to the same degree. The character-shear value is ignored if the current font is an image font and the current character mode is CM_MODE1, as shown in the following figure. Effect of Character Shear on an Image Font in CM_MODE1 The character string is unaffected by the character-shear value. The character-shear value affects the positioning of the characters from an image font in CM_MODE2 only if character direction is CHDIRN_TOPBOTTOM or CHDIRN_BOTTOMTOP. That is, characters drawn vertically do not appear in a vertical line for nonzero shear angle from the vertical. The characters themselves cannot be sheared, as shown in the following figure. Effect of Character Shear on an Image Font in CM_MODE2 The character cell is sheared, and it controls the positioning of the characters; the characters themselves are unchanged. If the x- and y-coordinate values you specify in GpiSetCharShear are both positive and negative, the characters slant from lower left to upper right. If you supply one negative and one positive value, the characters slant from upper left to lower right, as illustrated in the following figure. Effect of X- and Y-Values on Character Shear Character shear, like other attributes, has a default value that can be changed using GpiSetDefAttrs (CBB_SHEAR). To reset the character shear to its default effect of drawing the vertical lines of the character cell parallel to the y-axis, supply a coordinate value of (0,1) on GpiSetCharShear. Character Direction Character direction is the direction in which the characters in a string are drawn in relation to the baseline. By default, the characters are drawn from left to right. An application can change the direction using GpiSetCharDirection. GpiSetCharDirection accepts as input one of the four values illustrated in the following figure. The value CHDIRN_DEFAULT is identical to CHDIRN_LEFTRIGHT. ┌───┬───┬───┐ ┌───┬───┬───┐ │ A │ B │ C │ │ C │ B │ A │ └───┴───┴───┘ └───┴───┴───┘     start end end start CHDIRN_LEFTRIGHT CHDIRN_RIGHTLEFT start end   ┌───┐ ┌───┐ │ A │ │ C │ ├───┤ ├───┤ │ B │ │ B │ ├───┤ ├───┤ │ C │ │ A │ └───┘ └───┘   end start CHDIRN_TOPBOTTOM CHDIRN_BOTTOMTOP An application can determine the current character direction using GpiQueryCharDirection. Character Text Alignment Character text alignment is the attribute that describes how the character strings are drawn with respect to the boundary of the output, either the current position or the starting position of the string, if a GpiCharString...At function draws the string. The alignment is set using GpiSetTextAlignment, which accepts as input a long value for horizontal and vertical alignment. The acceptable values for GpiSetTextAlignment depend on the direction of the current coordinate system, as follows: Value Corresponds to the direction of... Left The lowest x-coordinate value Right The highest x-coordinate value Top The highest y-coordinate value Bottom The lowest y-coordinate value Internally, the PM determines a reference point within a character string that is to be positioned over the starting point specified for the string. If an application draws the string with either GpiCharString or GpiCharStringPos, the starting point specified for the string is the current position. If the application draws the string with either GpiCharStringAt or GpiCharStringPosAt, the starting point specified for the string is accepted as input by the function. Horizontal Alignment of a Character String When a horizontal character string does not fill the width of the output area, it can be positioned in one of the three ways shown in the following figure. All of these options can be set directly with the lHorizontal option of GpiSetTextAlignment. Horizontal Positioning of Text Strings Text justification requires an application to perform both queries and coordinate calculations. The following flags are used to specify types of horizontal alignment: Horizontal Alignment Values ┌────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐ │Identifier │Alignment │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_LEFT │On the left edge of the leftmost │ │ │character in the string │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_RIGHT │On the right edge of the rightmost │ │ │character in the string │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_CENTER │On the arithmetic mean of the │ │ │leftmost and rightmost characters in│ │ │the string │ └────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────┘ There are two sets of default values for the lHorizontal option. They are provided for compatibility and map into the horizontal alignment values described above. GpiQueryGraphicsField, GpiQueryPageViewport, and GpiQueryViewingLimits all provide methods of determining the width of the output area so your application can specify coordinates properly for the current position. Vertical Alignment of a Character String When a character string is to be displayed vertically, it can be positioned in one of the four ways illustrated in the following figure. The vertical options all can be set directly using the lVertical option of GpiSetTextAlignment. Vertical Positioning of Text Strings The following flags are used to specify types of vertical alignment: Vertical Alignment Values ┌────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐ │Identifier │Alignment │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_TOP │On the top edge of the topmost │ │ │character in the string │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_HALF │On the arithmetic mean of the │ │ │topmost and bottommost characters in│ │ │the string │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_BASE │On the baseline of the bottommost │ │ │character in the string │ ├────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤ │TA_BOTTOM │On the bottom edge of the bottommost│ │ │character in the string │ └────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────┘ There are two sets of default values for the lVertical option. They are provided for compatibility and map into the vertical alignment values described above. Character Extra and Break Extra Certain output devices permit you to specify extra space between character cells by using the character extra attribute. Sometimes the space between words can also be expanded by increasing the size of the break character, usually defined as the space character, by using the break extra attribute. If this adjustment to either attribute is permitted, the result will be in addition to the sizing effects caused by the following parameters:  Font kerning  Font proportional spacing  Width vectors The break values you can specify create different effects, as follows: Break Values and Their Effects ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Value │Effect │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Positive │Forces characters apart. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │0 │Resumes the default spacing created by │ │ │other parameters. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Negative │Forces characters together, even │ │ │overlapped characters. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ These effects are illustrated in the following figure. The Cumulative Effect of Break Values The above are fixed integer values specified in world coordinates. Both the character extra and break extra attributes have initial default values of 0, which can be changed using GpiSetDefAttrs (CBB_EXTRA) and (CBB_BREAK_EXTRA). These values can be changed using GpiSetCharExtra or GpiSetCharBreakExtra respectively, and the values can be queried using GpiQueryCharExtra and GpiQueryCharBreakExtra. Character Color and Mix The color attribute defines the color used to draw a primitive or an object. The mix attribute determines how the color of a primitive or an object is combined with the color of the drawing surface or any other objects on the surface. The character-string color defines the color used to draw the output from any of the draw-character-string functions. When a presentation space is created, the character-string color default is black. Character strings are one of the primitives that have both a foreground and a background color, as shown in the following figure. For image characters, colors are determined by setting pels. For outline characters, the foreground consists of arcs and lines that define the character; the background color appears between the foreground lines. The character can be solid or filled, in which cases the background color does not appear between the foreground lines. Character string primitives have a color attribute for both the actual character and its character cell, which surrounds the character. The character-cell color is the background color. The foreground mix attribute controls the combination of character-string color and drawing-surface color, while the background mix attribute controls the combination of the character-cell color and the drawing-surface color, as illustrated in the following figure. Character String Primitives When a presentation space is created, the character string mix attribute default is FM_OVERPAINT. The overpaint mix attribute specifies that the character-string color is not to be modified by the color of the drawing surface. If the character string mix attribute is changed, the character-string color is mixed with colors that are already on the drawing surface. The character string background color default is CLR_BACKGROUND, usually defined by the application as the same color as the drawing surface. The character string background mix attribute default is BM_LEAVEALONE. The leave-alone background mix attribute specifies that the character string background color not be drawn. The cell that surrounds the character string appears only if the background character-string color and mix attributes are changed. Use GpiSetAttrs to specify a new color or mix attribute. As input, this function accepts the following:  Type of primitive, for example, PRIM_CHAR  List of attributes to be changed  List of attributes to be set to their default values  Values for the attributes to be changed GpiSetAttrs also is useful to specify color and mix attributes for a specific data structure -for example, CHARBUNDLE. GpiSetAttrs provides some protection against invalid colors. To determine the current character-string color and mix attributes, call GpiQueryAttrs, which accepts as input the primitive type and the attributes in question. GpiQueryAttrs returns an array of values for the queried attributes. To reset the default character-string color and mix attributes, as with all attributes specified in CHARBUNDLE, call GpiSetDefAttrs, which accepts as input the type of primitive, attributes to be changed, and values that will become the new default values. Changing default values is especially important when working with segments. Changing the default values during a series of drawing functions is not recommended. The character color and mix attributes also can be specified using the following functions:  GpiSetColor  GpiSetMix  GpiSetBackColor  GpiSetBackMix If the character color, character background color, mix, or background mix attributes are specified individually, the following queries can return a value inconsistent with the current character attributes:  GpiQueryColor  GpiQueryMix  GpiQueryBackColor  GpiQueryBackMix ═══ 8.2. Using Character String Primitives ═══ You can use the character string primitive functions to perform the following tasks:  Draw a string of characters using the selected font.  Modify the string by using one or more of the following operations: Scaling Shearing Rotating Transforming Changing the angle of the baseline  Aligning text ═══ 8.2.1. Drawing Text ═══ The following figure shows how to select a Helvetica outline font, set the size of the character box, change the foreground color to red, set the character angle, and move the cursor to a specified location. Then, GpiCharString is used to write a string of characters with the specified size, color, angle, and location. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FNCFONT09; Var CONST ptl : POINTL = (x:100, y:50); CONST grad : GRADIENTL = (x:4, y:1); Ptl : POINTL; Grad : GRADIENTL; Sizfx : SIZEF; Fat : FATTRS; Cbnd : CHARBUNDLE; Afm : Array[0..79] of FONTMETRICS; Hps : HPS; Hdc : HDC; CHelvFonts, i : LONG; CFonts : LONG; Lcid : LONG; DevRes : Array[0..1] of LONG; (* Horizontal, vertical font resolutions *) Begin CFonts := 0; Lcid := 1; cHelvFonts := GpiQueryFonts(hps, QF_PUBLIC, 'Helv', cFonts, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), nil); GpiQueryFonts(hps, QF_PUBLIC, 'Helv', cHelvFonts, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), afm); (* Find an outline Helvetica font. *) i :=0; While (NOT (afm[i].fsDefn AND FM_DEFN_OUTLINE)) AND i < cHelvFonts Do Inc(i); fat.usRecordLength := sizeof(FATTRS); fat.fsSelection := 0; fat.lMatch := afm[i].lMatch; StringCopy(fat.szFacename, afm[i].szFacename); fat.idRegistry := 0; fat.usCodePage := 0; fat.lMaxBaselineExt := 0; fat.lAveCharWidth := 0; fat.fsType := 0; fat.fsFontUse := FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE; GpiCreateLogFont(hps, (PSTR8) nil, lcid, fat); GpiSetCharSet(hps, lcid); DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, 2, devRes); sizfx.cx := MAKEFIXED((afm[i].sNominalPointSize * devRes[0])/ 720, 0); sizfx.cy := MAKEFIXED((afm[i].sNominalPointSize * devRes[1])/ 720, 0); GpiSetCharBox(hps, sizfx); cbnd.lColor := CLR_RED; GpiSetAttrs(hps, PRIM_CHAR, CBB_COLOR, NULLHANDLE, cbnd); GpiSetCharAngle(hps, grad); GpiMove(hps, ptl); GpiCharString(hps, 11, 'Vector Text'); End; (* fncFONT09 *) Certain parameters in the above example are explained in Fonts. ═══ 8.2.2. Formatting Text ═══ Graphics text, like all other graphics objects, has to be positioned correctly in the output area, which usually consists of one of the following:  Entire client area of a PM window  Part of a PM window  Addressable area of a printer Unlike other graphics objects, however, text is governed by well-established readability and usability rules. These rules apply generally to text output, whatever its method of production. Following are some recommendations:  Lines of text from fonts with large point sizes must be more widely spaced for maximum readability.  The longer the line of text, the greater the space between lines must be to ensure that the lines do not appear to merge.  Very small text must be split into multiple columns rather than continued across the page. Some of these considerations are taken care of by the font designer. The PM enables you to control both the horizontal and vertical positioning of text. ═══ 8.2.3. Positioning Text in World Coordinates ═══ When considering text alignment, take the versatility of the coordinate systems into account. The following definitions depend on the current coordinate system: World Coordinate Values ┌───────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Value │Corresponds to the direction of... │ ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Left │The lowest x-coordinate value │ ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Right │The highest x-coordinate value │ ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Top │The highest y-coordinate value │ ├───────────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Bottom │The lowest y-coordinate value │ └───────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────┘ To position a character string horizontally, you must know the width of the output area and the length of the character string. The PM provides three different functions for determining the width of the output: ┌──────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Function Name │Description │ ├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │GpiQueryGraphicsField │Returns the bottom-left and │ │ │top-right corners of the │ │ │graphics field in presentation│ │ │page units. │ ├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │GpiQueryViewingLimits │Returns the viewing limit. │ ├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │GpiQueryPageViewport │Returns the page viewport in │ │ │device units. │ └──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ GpiConvert changes coordinates into world coordinates. To calculate the width of the output area, subtract its left from its right. For example, if the left is 30, and right is 600, the width of the output area is 570 world coordinates. The PM provides three different functions for determining the length of the character string primitive:  GpiQueryTextBox  GpiQueryCharStringPos  GpiQueryCharStringPosAt GpiQueryTextBox returns the relative coordinates of a parallelogram that surrounds the character string. By subtracting the x-coordinate of TXTBOX_BOTTOMRIGHT from the x-coordinate of TXTBOX_BOTTOMLEFT, an application can determine the length of the string. GpiQueryCharStringPos returns an array of points, in which the world coordinate position of each character in the string is recorded. The last value in the array becomes the new current position if the string is drawn using GpiCharStringPos. By subtracting this position from the current position (obtained using GpiQueryCurrentPosition), the length of the string can be determined. GpiQueryCharStringPosAt also returns an array of points, in which the world coordinate position of each character in the string is recorded. The last value of the array becomes the new current position if the string is drawn using GpiCharStringPosAt. This function accepts a specified starting position for the character string. By specifying a starting position of (0,0) for example, an application can determine the length of the string without subtraction. The current position actually is not updated by either GpiQueryCharStringPos or GpiQueryCharStringPosAt. When a character string does not fill the width of the output area, it can be positioned in one of the four ways illustrated in the following figure. Horizontal Positioning of Text Strings To left-align the text, set the x-coordinate of the current position to the left of the output area before drawing the character string. GpiSetCurrentPosition must be used to set the current position if your application draws the string using either GpiCharString or GpiCharStringPos. Both GpiCharStringAt and GpiCharStringPosAt accept a starting position as input. To right-align the text, subtract the length of the character string from the width of the output area, then add the difference to the x-coordinate of the current position before drawing the character string. If the output area is 570 world coordinates wide, for example, and the character string is 436 world coordinates long, add 134 to the x-coordinate of the current position before drawing the text. To center the text, subtract the length of the character string from the width of the output area, then divide the difference by 2 before adding it to the x-coordinate of the current position. If the difference is 134, for example, you add 67 to the x-coordinate of the current position. To justify the text, so that the text string fills the width of the output area, distribute the surplus space throughout the character string. For example, you could add the extra space to the break characters only, or you could share it equally among all characters in the string. Text justification requires the individual positioning each character in the string using either of the following calls:  GpiCharStringPos-draws at the current position and permits you to position every character after the first.  GpiCharStringPosAt-permits you to position every character, including the first. Both functions enable you to specify a different character increment for each character in the string. Distance is measured from the character reference point of one character to the character reference point of the next character. The values you specify apply only to the character string supplied at input; they do not become current attribute values. If you are formatting a block of text, the string might be wider than the output area, or longer than 256 characters. In either case, your application must separate the string into smaller groups of characters so that it fits either criteria. A good starting point is to determine the number of characters planned for each line. Dividing the output width by the character cell width can provide a first estimate as to where to separate a character string. An application can use this estimate to work through the string looking for spaces. Each time you find a space, compare the length of the string (up to the space) with the width of the output area. When the string is longer than the output area, work back to the previous space and display or print that part of the string. You can format the entire block of text for the output area in this way. When you are formatting a block instead of a single line of text, an application must specify the vertical placement of each line. If you are using an image font, you have the assurance that each character is the same height. However, you do not have that assurance with an outline font, nor that the text block is written in the same font. Therefore, when calculating the separation of lines, avoid using complex combinations of font metrics values. Instead, it is recommended that you multiply the desired point size, or em-height metric, of the text by 1.2. ═══ 9. Clipping and Boundary Determination ═══ Both clipping and boundary determination are graphics operations concerned with limiting the amount of graphics information passed between different coordinate spaces. The following topics are related to the information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces and device contexts  Coordinate spaces and transformations  Regions  Paths ═══ 9.1. About Clipping ═══ Clipping enables the PM to discard parts of a picture that lie outside a specified clipping boundary. The parts of the picture enclosed by the boundary are said to be inside the clipping area. A clipping area might be a single rectangle or a complex shape, depending on the method used to define it. Note: In this chapter, the word area does not refer to an area primitive; it describes the shape or shapes used for clipping graphics output. If an application attempts to draw outside of a clipping area, the operating system ensures that the output does not appear on the drawing surface of the output device. For example, if an application defined a triangular clipping area before drawing text output, all text outside of the triangle would be discarded, even though an entire page of text was defined. The following figure illustrates the result. Triangular Clip Path Clipping boundaries are defined by the application. The PM performs some clipping automatically when, for example, your application's graphic output is clipped to fit a client window area or the device's output area for a hardcopy device. ═══ 9.1.1. Types of Clipping Areas ═══ The PM programming interface assembles the application's graphics output in a process that can use up to five coordinate spaces, known collectively as the viewing pipeline. Clipping can occur at each stage in the viewing pipeline. Objects in world coordinate, model, page, or device space can be clipped. When an application defines clipping areas in several coordinate spaces, the final result is similar to combining all the areas into a single clipping area. This single area is defined by the intersection of the areas in each coordinate space. Clipping in different coordinate spaces, however, is a means of conceptualizing the process to aid in its understanding. Clipping, like transformations, actually happens in one operation, with all the different types of clipping being performed on all primitives in the device space at once. The following table describes the different types of clipping areas associated with the different coordinate spaces. Clipping Areas and Coordinate Space Summary ┌────────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐ │Clipping Area │Coordinate Space│Description │ ├────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤ │Clip path │World space │Always inclusive/inclusive │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Clipping area can have │ │ │ │curved edges │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Clipping area can be │ │ │ │rotated. │ ├────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤ │Viewing limit │Model space │Always a rectangular │ │ │ │clipping boundary │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Always inclusive/inclusive │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Rotating clipping area │ │ │ │results in larger rectangle.│ ├────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤ │Graphics field │Page space │Always a rectangular │ │ │ │clipping boundary │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Always inclusive/inclusive │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Rotating clipping area │ │ │ │impossible. Cannot specify a│ │ │ │device transform with │ │ │ │rotation. │ ├────────────────┼────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤ │Clip region │Device space │Can be a single rectangle or│ │ │ │multiple rectangles that │ │ │ │overlap or remain separate │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Always inclusive/exclusive │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │Rotating the clipping area │ │ │ │is impossible. │ └────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘ Note: Inclusive/inclusive means that the operating system includes the bottom and leftmost edges of the rectangle in the clipping area as well as the top and rightmost edges. Inclusive/exclusive means that the operating system includes the bottom and leftmost edges but excludes the top and rightmost edges. The following figure illustrates the differences between inclusive-inclusive and inclusive-exclusive clipping. Inclusive/Inclusive and Inclusive/Exclusive Clipping The Clip Path The clip path defines the clipping boundary in world coordinate space. Paths are graphic objects that serve many purposes, only one of which is to be used as a clipping mechanism. Paths are described in Paths. The recommended functional sequence for creating a clip path is as follows: Function Effect GpiBeginPath Begins the path definition. Line and arc GPIs Gives the path shape. GpiEndPath Ends the path definition. GpiModifyPath An optional step explained below. GpiSetClipPath Converts the path to a clip path. Before converting to a clip path, the path can be modified using GpiModifyPath. If modified, the path is converted to a geometric (wide) line using the current geometric width, line join, and line end attributes. The shape defined by the geometric line then is used for the clip path. The clip path can be a simple unmodified path. GpiSetClipPath accepts two different path identifiers as input:  1SCP_RESET (default)  0SCP_AND The default path identifier, SCP_RESET, resets the clip path to infinity, which displays the picture without clipping. If this value is selected, the current clip path definition is discarded instead of stored. A path identifier of SCP_AND specifies that the clip path be redefined as the mathematical intersection of the stored clip path and the current path definition. The only method of specifying the clip path to the current path, after GpiSetClipPath has been called, is to call GpiSetClipPath twice: the first call with a path identifier of SCP_RESET, and the second with a path identifier of SCP_AND. The following figure shows a triangle shape that has been defined within a path bracket and selected as the current clip path. The filled box shape is drawn subsequently, and, therefore, is clipped to the triangle. The Clipping Path The broken lines show the area of the box that has been clipped. Clip paths are most useful when you want to use an irregular clipping boundary, or when the clipping boundary itself is an integral part of the picture. Both are true of the clip path in the previous figure. GpiSetClipPath also accepts one of two construction options as input:  SCP_ALTERNATE (default)  SCP_WINDING (must be selected if path has been modified). Any drawing that is clipped to the current clip path must follow the alternate or the winding rules as to whether that portion of a picture is included in the clip area. The alternate and winding modes are described for paths in Paths in Alternate Mode and Paths in Winding Mode. Any point on the boundary of the path is considered within the path and is not clipped. To end clipping to the current clip path, call GpiSetClipPath with an identifier of 0. This function deselects the current clip path by setting it to infinity. In some circumstances, the current clip path is deselected automatically. A path definition can be stored in a graphics segment, and if that segment is retained, the path can be re-created as required when the segment is redrawn. Clip path definitions can be stored in a retained segment also and redrawn when required. In draw-and-retain mode (DM_DRAWANDRETAIN), the initial path or clip path is created as the segment is constructed. If the current drawing mode is retain (DM_RETAIN), however, the path or clip path is not created until the first time the segment is drawn. The Viewing Window The viewing window defines a rectangular clipping boundary in model space. It is defined with GpiSetViewingLimits. As input to this function, you supply the model coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners of the viewing window. When a drawing primitive, such as a line, intersects a viewing window, any part of that line outside of the viewing window is clipped. Any point on the boundary of the viewing window is considered within the window, and is not clipped. By default, the viewing window performs no clipping. In this case, all graphics output in the model space is transformed. The following figure shows how the viewing window outlines a part of model space. The Viewing Window This example shows how a presentation page is constructed. The viewing window outlines the tail of the aircraft, which is scaled and translated when drawn in presentation-page space. The rest of the aircraft is clipped away during the drawing process. The Graphics Field The graphics field defines a rectangular clipping area in the presentation page. It is defined in GpiSetGraphicsField. Note: If this clipping area is to be used, it must be defined before any drawing begins. Specify the size of the graphics field in presentation page coordinates as input to GpiSetGraphicsField. Only the graphic output contained in this clipping boundary is visible when the presentation page is transformed to device space. By default, the graphics field is infinitely large and therefore performs no clipping. If you do specify a graphics field, however, any point on its boundary is considered within the graphics field and is not clipped. When a drawing primitive, such as a line, intersects a graphic field, any part of the line outside the graphics field is clipped. The following figure shows how a graphics field could be defined for a presentation page. The Graphics Field The broken line shows an arbitrary graphics field that is smaller than the presentation page. The aircraft tail, a separate object in the presentation page, is outside the graphics field and is clipped away as it is drawn. The picture assembled in the graphics field is the picture that is displayed or printed. If you do not define a graphics field, the picture assembled in the presentation page is the picture that is displayed or printed. The presentation page is not a clipping boundary, and graphics in page coordinate space that are outside the presentation page boundary, therefore, might be visible. The Current Clipping Region Clipping regions are clipping areas defined (as regions) by one or more rectangles in device coordinates. Because they are defined in device coordinates, clipping regions do not suffer from the rounding errors associated with other types of clipping. Therefore, they are ideally suited to redraw part of the picture without boundary discontinuities, for example, after a BitBlt operation has been used to scroll a picture in a window. Regions are not available automatically for clipping. To select an existing region as the current clipping region, use GpiSetClipRegion. By default, the clipping region is the same size as the drawing surface. Only one clipping region can exist in the presentation space at one time. To end clipping to the current clipping region, deselect it by calling GpiSetClipRegion with a NULL region handle. A deselected clipping region retains the effects of any changes made to it while it was a clipping region and can be reselected. You do not have to deselect the current clipping region before selecting another. Each selected clipping region automatically replaces the one before it. If a clipping region exists when you call GpiSetClipRegion, the existing clipping region reverts to being a normal region, and its handle is returned. Clip paths and clip regions share a common implementation, but clip regions are faster to create than clip paths. This might be a performance factor when designing your application for repairing the screen or redrawing the picture in a client window after the display has changed. The following figure illustrates this use of regions. Screen Repairing Note: GpiSetClipRegion does not cause graphics orders to be added to the current segment. Therefore, variations in the clip region must not be used to construct the picture. The clip region is intended to define a fixed clipping area for the entire picture. When you select the current clipping region, none of the region-related GPI functions can be used for that region. The PM provides a series of functions that mirror the region-related functions. However, all of these functions work in world coordinates rather than device coordinates, and, therefore, are subject to current transformations. Any of the following functions can be used to get information about or to redefine the current clipping region.  GpiQueryClipBox You can request the dimensions of the smallest rectangle that encloses all current clipping boundaries by calling GpiQueryClipBox. The following boundaries are included in this calculation: - Current clip path - Current viewing window - Current graphics field - Current clipping region - Visible region of the window  GpiIntersectClipRectangle GpiIntersectClipRectangle redefines the current clipping region to the intersection of the existing clipping region with the rectangle whose dimensions you supply in this function. This has the same effect as CRGN_AND in GpiCombineRegion.  GpiExcludeClipRectangle You also can redefine the current clipping region using GpiExcludeClipRectangle. This function excludes a specified rectangle from the current region and has the same effect as CRGN_DIFF on GpiCombineRegion.  GpiOffsetClipRegion The current clipping region can be moved from its current position using GpiOffsetClipRegion.  GpiPtVisible GpiPtVisible tells you whether a point, expressed in world coordinates, is visible on the screen. A point is visible if it is within all current clipping boundaries and is in the visible region of the window.  GpiRectVisible GpiRectVisible tells you whether any part or the whole of a rectangle, whose dimensions you supply in world coordinates, is visible on the screen. The rectangle is visible if it intersects both the visible region of the window and all current clipping boundaries. ═══ 9.1.2. How Clipping Is Implemented ═══ The rules by which the PM implements clipping are as follows:  Any primitive completely outside the clipping boundary is discarded. When a primitive crosses a clipping boundary, any part outside the boundary is discarded.  Any primitive completely within the clipping boundary is retained. When a primitive crosses a clipping boundary, any part within the boundary is retained.  When the clipping boundary is a clip path, viewing window, or graphics field, any point that falls on the boundary is considered within the clipping boundary. When the clipping boundary is a clipping region, any point on the top or right boundaries of a rectangle is discarded; and any point on the bottom or left boundaries of a rectangle, that is not on the right or top boundaries also, is included in the region. ═══ 9.1.3. Redrawing Nondynamic Graphics ═══ An interactive graphics application usually permits changes to the displayed picture. For example, an object can be moved or sized, and you can plan for this by defining particular segments as dynamic. Dynamic segments are described in Editing Retained Graphics and Graphics Segments. If dynamic segments are inappropriate (when you are using nonretained graphics, for example), you can repair the picture using a clipping region, for example, a picture of a hexagon and a circle as shown in the following figure. A Hexagon and Circle If the circle is moved to another screen position by the use of an input device, you must repair its original location and redraw it in its new location. The following figure shows this sequence of events. Following are the steps required to do this: 1. Determine the size of the smallest rectangle that contains the circle in its current position using a process called boundary determination. 2. Switch off the DCTL_DISPLAY flag of GpiSetDrawControl, apply a translation transformation to the circle, and redraw it in its new position. 3. Determine the size of the smallest rectangle that contains the circle in its new position using boundary determination. 4. Use GpiConvert to convert the model-space coordinates provided by the boundary-determination process to device-space coordinates. 5. Use the device-space coordinates of the two rectangles to create a region, and select it as the current clipping region. 6. Switch on the DCTL_DISPLAY flag of GpiSetDrawControl. 7. Call GpiErase (or set the erase-before-draw control) to erase the current contents of the clipping region. 8. Redraw the picture with the circle in its new position. Any part of the picture within the clipping region is redrawn. That part of the hexagon that is outside the clipping region is unaffected by the change and does not have to be redrawn. Defining a Clipping Region The broken circle shows the position to which the circle is to be moved. The two bounding rectangles overlap, and produce a complex region. If the circle were to be moved much farther away from its start position, the region would comprise two disjoint rectangles. ═══ 9.2. About Boundary Determination ═══ Boundary determination is an operation to compute the size of the smallest rectangle that encloses a graphics output in model space. One use of boundary determination is to enable you to repair only the affected parts of the screen, when a graphics object is moved, for example, or when a graphics object is changed some other way. Dynamic segments are not included in boundary-determination operations. Boundary determination can be performed on both retained and nonretained graphics. In both instances, you request boundary data to be calculated by setting the boundary data flag (DCTL_BOUNDARY) in GpiSetDrawControl. If you do not set this flag (for example, if you do not want to collect boundary data unnecessarily) and later find that you need boundary data for a particular object, you can do the following: 1. Switch on the boundary-data flag, and switch off the display flag, using GpiSetDrawControl. 2. Redraw the object in its current location. Boundary data is collected, but the object is unaltered. If you are drawing retained graphics, each drawing request (GpiDrawSegment, GpiDrawFrom, and GpiDrawChain) causes the boundary data resulting from the drawing to be made available. The application must request this data explicitly by calling GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats after each drawing request for which it wants to examine boundary data. Boundary data is returned to the application in model space coordinates. The boundary data is reset before each retained drawing operation, so there is no risk of accumulating data from separate operations. If you are drawing nonretained graphics, boundary data is accumulated for each GpiPutData and for each individual primitive drawing function. The application can request the accumulated boundary data at any time by calling GpiQueryBoundaryData. Data continues to accumulate unless you call the GpiResetBoundaryData; it is not reset automatically. The boundary data returned to you is in the form of four model-space coordinates, which are the lowest (x,y) positions and the highest (x,y) positions of the bounding rectangle in model space as illustrated in the following figure. The Bounding Rectangle ═══ 9.3. Using Clipping and Boundary Determination ═══ This section explains how to use clipping functions to:  Create a clip path or clip region  Exclude a rectangular area from a clip region  Add a rectangular area to a clip region  Set the clip region to the intersection of the current clip region and a specified rectangle  Determine the size of the smallest rectangle that will surround the intersection of the current clipping areas completely ═══ 9.3.1. Creating a Clip Path ═══ A drawing and computer-aided-design (CAD) application may require the ability to clip to curved edges. If so, it must use a clip path to define a curved clipping area in world coordinates. Because clip paths (especially ones that clip to curved edges) require considerable memory and processing time, use them only when necessary. Whenever possible, your application must use a clip region, graphics field, or viewing limit. To create a clip path, do the following: 1. Determine the clip path's shape and size (in world coordinates). 2. Use GpiBeginPath to begin defining the path. 3. Create the path. 4. Close the path definition with GpiEndPath. 5. Create a clip path from the path definition with GpiSetClipPath. The following figure uses this procedure to create an elliptical clip path. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FncCLIP01; Var Hps : HPS; (* Presentation-space handle *) Ptl1 : POINTL; (* Point structure *) FxArc : FIXED; (* Multiplier for arc *) IdPath : LONG; (* Path identifier *) Begin . . (* Load ptl1 with coordinates of clip path. *) . idPath := 1; GpiBeginPath(hps, idPath); (* Begins path *) GpiMove(hps, ptl1); (* Sets current position *) fxArc := MAKEFIXED(50, 0); (* Sets arc multiplier *) GpiFullArc(hps, DRO_OUTLINE, fxArc); (* Defines ellipse *) GpiEndPath(hps); (* Ends path *) GpiSetClipPath(hps, idPath, SCP_ALTERNATE OR SCP_AND); End; (* fncCLIP01 *) ═══ 9.3.2. Creating a Clip Region ═══ To create a clip region, first determine its size and shape (in device coordinates). Load the coordinates for the rectangles that define the clip region into an array of RECTL structures. Then create the region and set it to a clip region with GpiCreateRegion and GpiSetClipRegion respectively. The following figure shows how to create a clip region. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCLIP02; Var Hps : HPS; Hrgn : HRGN; Arcl : Array[0..2] : RECTL; Begin . . (* Load array of RECTL structures with coordinates. *) . GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn, nil); End; (* fncCLIP02 *) ═══ 9.3.3. Excluding a Rectangular Area from a Clip Region ═══ Some applications let you prepare output in multiple stages. For example, a word processing application might permit you to prepare your text first and then add bit maps that enhance and support the text. These applications can use GpiExcludeClipRectangle to exclude an area from a clip region, preventing the user from deleting output that already exists. To exclude an area from a clip region, first determine the dimensions (in device coordinates) of the smallest rectangle that completely surrounds the area to exclude from the clip region. Then call GpiExcludeClipRectangle, including as input the dimensions of the area to exclude. The following figure illustrates these steps. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCLIP03; Var Hps : HPS; Rcl : RECTL; Begin . . (* Set rectangle coordinates here. *) . GpiExcludeClipRectangle(hps, rcl); End; (* fncCLIP03 *) ═══ 9.3.4. Adding a Rectangular Area to a Clip Region ═══ Some applications might need to increase the size of a clip region. For example, a user might request that a desktop publishing application extend a column of text on a page. To add a rectangular area to a clip region, follow these steps: 1. Determine the dimensions (in device coordinates) of the rectangular area to add to the current clip region. 2. Release the current clip region using GpiSetClipRegion. GpiCombineRegion cannot combine regions if either of the regions is a clip region. 3. Call GpiCreateRegion and pass it the dimensions of the rectangle that you defined in Step 1. This creates a second region that you can combine with the first. 4. Call GpiCreateRegion again and create a third region that will be the final destination region. 5. Call GpiCombineRegion to create a region that combines the original region and the region you created in Step 2. It is not essential to create a third region because GpiCombineRegion can use one of the 2 source regions being combined for a target region. 6. Call GpiSetClipRegion and pass it the handle returned by GpiCombineRegion. The following figure illustrates these steps. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FncCLIP04; Var Hps : HPS; Rcl1, Rcl2, Rcl3 : RECTL; Hrgn1, Hrgn2, Hrgn3 : HRGN; Begin hrgn1 := GpiCreateRegion(hps, sizeof(rcl1) div sizeof(RECTL), rcl1); GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn1, nil); (* Creates first clipping region *) . . (* Compute coordinates of second region here. *) . GpiSetClipRegion(hps, NULLHANDLE, nil); (* Releases first clipping region*) hrgn2 := GpiCreateRegion(hps, sizeof(rcl2) div Sizeof(RECTL), rcl2); hrgn3 := GpiCreateRegion(hps, sizeof(rcl3) div Sizeof(RECTL), rcl3); GpiCombineRegion(hps, hrgn3, hrgn1, hrgn2, CRGN_OR); GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn3, nil); (* Creates second clipping region*) End; (* fncCLIP04 *) ═══ 9.3.5. Setting the Clip Region to a Region Intersection ═══ Your application might require the ability to set the clip region to the intersection of the current clip region and another region. Do this with GpiIntersectClipRectangle, as shown in the following: Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCLIP05; Var Rcl : RECTL; Hps : HPS; Begin . . (* Load rcl with coordinates of rectangle to intersect. *) . GpiIntersectClipRectangle(hps, rcl); End; (* fncCLIP05 *) ═══ 9.3.6. Determining the Size of a Clipping Area ═══ If an application is able to specify a clip path in world space, a viewing limit in model space, a graphics field in page space, and a clip region in device space, it might be necessary for your application to determine the size of the clipping area formed by the intersection of the four. GpiQueryClipBox returns the dimensions (in world coordinates) of the smallest rectangle that completely surrounds the intersection of all the defined clipping areas, including the visible region. The following figure shows how to use GpiQueryClipBox to fill a RECTL structure with the desired coordinates. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCLIP06; Var Hps : HPS; RclClip : RECTL; Begin GpiQueryClipBox(hps, rclClip); End; (* fncCLIP06 *) ═══ 10. Color and Mix Attributes ═══ This chapter describes color and mix attributes and their use in OS/2 applications. The following topics are related to information in this chapter:  Presentation spaces and device contexts  Line and arc primitives  Marker primitives  Area primitives  Character string primitives  Bit maps and images primitives ═══ 10.1. About Color and Mix Attributes ═══ Color and mix are two attributes of graphics primitives. They can be specified by an application in a number of ways, and are specified in the ...BUNDLE data structures associated with the five graphics primitives and in bit maps. Bit maps and some of the primitives have both foreground and background color attributes. For example, a character string primitive has a foreground color attribute that specifies the color of the character and a background color attribute that specifies the color of the character cell surrounding the character. The mix attribute controls how each primitive is combined with the existing drawing. Among other things, it affects the color that results when primitives of different colors overlap. Primitives with foreground and background color attributes also have foreground and background mix attributes. ═══ 10.2. Color Implementation ═══ Understanding how colors are implemented can assist in understanding how the color and mix attributes work. The pel is the smallest element of the display screen that can be addressed. For monochrome displays, pels are either turned off or turned on. For color displays, each pel contains a red, green, and blue section, each of which is called a phosphor. The display has color guns of red, blue, and green light that illuminate the phosphors in a single pel. By switching these color guns on and off in different combinations, eight standard colors can be produced. By varying the intensities of the color guns, additional colors can be produced. The following table shows the eight standard colors that can be generated from the three color guns. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │Pel appears... │Red │Green │Blue │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Red │ON │OFF │OFF │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Green │OFF │ON │OFF │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Blue │OFF │OFF │ON │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │White │ON │ON │ON │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Black │OFF │OFF │OFF │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Cyan │OFF │ON │ON │ │(Turquoise) │ │ │ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Pink │ON │OFF │ON │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │Yellow │ON │ON │OFF │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ Each pel is described internally by a number of bits of storage. In a monochrome display, only one bit per pel is required, and that bit is either on or off. In an eight-color system, three bits per pel are necessary. Each of those three bits records the on or off setting of one color gun. To be able to control the intensity of a color and obtain more than eight colors, more than three bits per pel are needed. For example, six bits per pel provide 32 different combinations. The wider the range of available colors, the more bits per pel required for each color. This storage issue is resolved by keeping a wide choice of colors but restricting the number of colors available at any given time. Applications define the colors that they want to use in a logical color table. Selecting a color defined in the logical color table produces the nearest available color in the hardware palette. ═══ 10.2.1. RGB Color Encoding ═══ The red, green, and blue (RGB) components of a color are stored in either an RGB or RGB2 data structure, or as a long integer (32-bit) value. The color fields in the RGB2 structure and in the long integer follow the same rules. If stored as a long integer, the RGB value has the first 8 bits reserved for a flag value and the remaining 24 bits reserved for color intensity. The flag byte must be set to 0. Each of the last three bytes specifies a color intensity, in the range 0 through 255, for a single primary color. If a byte contains 0, the corresponding primary color is not present. As the value in the byte increases, the intensity of the primary color increases. For example, if the byte contains 128, the primary color is pale; if the byte contains 255, the primary color is as intense as the device permits. The RGB value is determined by the following equation: RGB Value = (R * 65536) + (G * 256) + B Where: R is the red intensity G is the green intensity B is the blue intensity If all three bytes are set to 0, the resulting color is black; if they all are set to 255, the resulting color is white. The RGB value associated with each of the standard eight colors is in the following table. ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────┐ │Color │RGB value │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Black │0x00000000 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Red │0x00FF0000 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Green │0x0000FF00 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Blue │0x000000FF │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Pink │0x00FF00FF │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Cyan │0x0000FFFF │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │Yellow │0x00FFFF00 │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ │White │0x00FFFFFF │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────┘ ═══ 10.2.2. Color Tables ═══ A color table is an array of RGB values. There are two kinds of color tables: logical and physical. The logical color table is a list of colors specific to a presentation space. An application typically uses a logical color table to define colors specific to that application. The physical color table specifies colors the device can generate currently. These device colors are shared by every application on the system. Because some display adapters cannot generate every possible device color at the same time, the physical color table can be a subset of the full range of possible device colors. The operating system maps the RGB values specified in the logical color table to device colors in the physical color table. ═══ 10.2.3. Logical Color Table ═══ A logical color table contains a variable number of entries, each of which describes a different RGB (Red, Green, Blue) combination that produces a color. The principle of the color table is illustrated in the following figure. Logical Color Table This simplified example demonstrates that to produce yellow on the computer screen, red and green are mixed in equal intensities, and no blue is used at all. In this example, yellow is addressed in the color table by index 21. Notice that this is not the same index number used in the default logical color table, which indicates that this color table has been changed by the application. A logical color table is stored in a presentation space and is specific to that presentation space. A logical color table enables applications to specify colors as indexes rather than explicit RGB values. The colors displayed are likely to vary from one output device to another so the definitions in the color table can be fine-tuned to get the best results. Any color can be made more or less intense by altering its definition in the logical color table. Default Logical Color Table The PM provides a default logical color table, which defines the colors and the indexes that retrieve them, as shown in the following table. Default Logical Color Table ┌────────────────┬──────┬──────────────────────────────────────┐ │Color Index │Index │Effect │ │ │Number│ │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_FALSE │-5 │All bits are set to 0. │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_TRUE │-4 │All bits are set to 1. │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DEFAULT │-3 │Default value │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_WHITE │-2 │White │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_BLACK │-1 │Black │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_BACKGROUND │0 │Natural background color for the │ │ │ │device │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_BLUE │1 │Blue │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_RED │2 │Red │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_PINK │3 │Pink │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_GREEN │4 │Green │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_CYAN │5 │Cyan │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_YELLOW │6 │Yellow │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_NEUTRAL │7 │Neutral - The contrasting color to │ │ │ │CLR_BACKGROUND │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKGRAY │8 │Dark gray │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKBLUE │9 │Dark blue │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKRED │10 │Dark red │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKPINK │11 │Dark pink │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKGREEN │12 │Dark green │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DARKCYAN │13 │Dark cyan │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_BROWN │14 │Brown │ ├────────────────┼──────┼──────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_PALEGRAY │15 │Pale gray │ └────────────────┴──────┴──────────────────────────────────────┘ Note: Entries after CLR_PALEGRAY have device-dependent defaults. PM maps the color index name to the index number (shown in the second column of the previous table), then uses that number to address the appropriate color. Device-Independent Color Indexing Three of the index names provide a level of device independence in choosing colors: CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_BACKGROUND, and CLR_NEUTRAL. These indexes enable an application to select colors according to their purpose, and thus build device independence into your applications. The purpose of a color does not vary from one device to another, although the actual color used to implement that purpose might. The following table describes these indexes and the purpose of each: ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Index │Purpose │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_BACKGROUND │The natural background color for the │ │ │device. This is the color of the paper │ │ │on a printer, and the window background │ │ │color (white, by default) on a display. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_NEUTRAL │The contrast color to CLR_BACKGROUND. │ │ │This is usually black on a printer, and │ │ │the default window text color (black, by│ │ │default) on a display. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┤ │CLR_DEFAULT │Unless redefined, this has the same │ │ │effect as CLR_NEUTRAL. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┘ The colors produced by CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_BACKGROUND, and CLR_NEUTRAL in the default logical color table depend on the output device. For example, CLR_NEUTRAL could produce black on a device with a white background or white on a device with a black background. ═══ 10.2.4. Defining a Logical Color Table ═══ To change the values in the default logical color table (that is, to load a new logical color table), use GpiCreateLogColorTable. Using this function, an application can do the following:  Replace part or all of the default color table.  Add color definitions to the default color table.  Reset the logical color table to its default values. There are two methods of making changes:  To add to a table or change some of its contents, rather than replace the table completely, supply an array of color indexes and their associated RGB values.  To load a consecutive sequence of index values, supply only an array of RGB values without index values. Color Tables in Index Mode The default logical color table is defined as an array of color indexes and their associated RGB values. A table in this format is in index mode. To alter a logical color table in index mode, specify either LCOLF_INDRGB or LCOLF_CONSECRGB as the format value in GpiCreateLogColorTable. If an application uses the color index names to address the contents of a loaded color table in index mode, the color identified by the associated index number is retrieved. For example, CLR_NEUTRAL produces the color addressed by index number 7. If CLR_NEUTRAL must be blue, the application must define the color table so that index number 7 addresses the RGB definition of the appropriate shade of blue. If an application uses the format LCOLF_INDRGB when calling GpiCreateLogColorTable, the application supplies an array of index and RGB pairs to update the table. These values do not have to be consecutive. An application can change the contents of an existing table and add entries to the end of the table. If an application calls GpiCreateLogColorTable using the LCOLF_CONSECRGB format, the application supplies an array of RGB values and a starting index. When using this format, the RGB values must be consecutive. You cannot use a single call to GpiCreateLogColorTable to redefine CLR_BLUE and CLR_PINK without also specifying an RGB value for CLR_RED. As with LCOLF_INDRGB, this format can be used to change the contents of the existing table and to add entries to the end of the table. When an application calls GpiSetAttrs to put a value into the color field of a graphics primitive attribute structure, the value is an index into the logical color table. When the operating system draws the primitive, it uses this index to determine the RGB value specified in the logical color table by the application. It then searches the physical color table for the color closest to this RGB value. The operating system then draws the primitive, using the color from the physical color table. How closely the drawn colors match the colors in the logical color table depends on the device colors in the physical color table. Color Tables in RGB Mode The color values specified with GpiSetAttrs and GpiSetColor also can be specified directly as RGB values rather than as indexes. To enable this, the logical color table must be switched into RGB mode by calling GpiCreateLogColorTable, specifying a format of LCOLF_RGB. (No color array is passed.) If the color table is in RGB mode, it can be switched back to index mode and reset to its original default values by specifying either LCOLF_INGRGB or LCOLF_CONSECRGB in GpiCreateLogColorTable. ═══ 10.2.5. Querying the Available Colors ═══ Several query functions are provided for applications to get information about the current logical and physical color tables before defining a logical color table. Applications use GpiQueryColorData to determine whether the default logical color table is in effect. If it is not, the following information about the loaded logical color table is returned:  Format of the current logical color table  Smallest and largest color indexes (if the table is in index mode) supported in this color table. The smallest color index is always 0, and the largest color index is never less than 15, because deleting entries from the default logical color table is not permitted. GpiQueryRealColors returns the RGB values of each of the distinct colors defined in the physical color table of the current device. It also can return the index in the current logical color table that references each of the colors in the physical table. To determine the available colors nearest to a specified color on a particular device, call GpiQueryNearestColor, which accepts as input the RGB value of the desired color. The function returns the RGB value of the nearest available color in the physical color table of the associated device. Applications can use GpiQueryRGBColor to determine the RGB value of a particular color. GpiQueryRGBColor accepts as input the index to the logical color table entry of the color in question. Output from this function is the RGB value that the index would reference in the physical color table. If a logical color table is loaded in RGB mode, GpiQueryRGBColor returns the same results as GpiQueryNearestColor. Conversely, to determine the index value that references a given RGB color (or the closest match to that color) in the physical color table, an application uses GpiQueryColorIndex. The application can determine which colors are in the current logical color table by calling GpiQueryLogColorTable. To determine which colors are in the physical color table, call GpiQueryRealColors. ═══ 10.2.6. Physical Color Table ═══ Each output device has its own physical color table, which is organized like a logical color table. The physical color table contains the RGB color definitions of the distinct colors that the device can produce, while a logical color table contains the definitions of the colors as chosen by an application. When an application draws on an output device, the PM maps the index value that addresses the current color in the logical color table to the index that retrieves the closest match for the current color in the physical color table. Because this substitution occurs when the graphics are drawn, the presentation space can be associated with a number of different device contexts without invalidating the logical color definitions. For example, an application can create a picture on the screen using a wide range of colors, then direct that drawing to an eight-pen vector plotter. The drawing is reproduced without having to be re-created. Although the picture, as drawn by the plotter, does not have the variety of colors displayed on the screen, the substitution process selects the nearest match for each color on the screen from the eight available colors on the plotter. ═══ 10.2.7. Palette Manager ═══ Applications can use GpiCreatePalette to change the physical color palette by creating a new palette. This function is used if the application has specific color needs and must ensure that the color is part of the physical color palette. GpiCreatePalette also enables an application to prevent dithering of the 16 default colors by setting the flag parameter to LCOL_PURECOLOR. If the full 256 colors in the palette are needed, the application can set the flag to LCOL_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_COLORS. It is recommended that the palette manager functions be used only when really necessary because the operating system cannot guarantee consistent colors in other windows and the ability to change the physical palette is device dependent. After the palette is created, an application can set or change any of the values in the palette by calling GpiSetPaletteEntries. To delete the palette, applications use GpiDeletePalette, passing the handle of the palette to be deleted. (The handle is returned by GpiCreatePalette when the palette is created.) GpiQueryPalette enables applications to determine the palette currently selected for a given presentation space. A palette can be used by more than one presentation space at the same time. The operating system maintains a count of the number of presentation spaces using a specific palette. Complete information on the current palette can be accessed by GpiQueryPaletteInfo. Palettes also can be shared by using a palette handle. When coding an application, color table functions and color palette functions must not be mixed. The application can call DevQueryCaps to determine whether the hardware supports palettes, then call the appropriate functions. Realizing a Color Palette WinRealizePalette maps the colors requested by the application into the color palette for the system. When the application's window is activated, the palette changes are transferred, or realized, into the physical palette for the system. When a palette is realized, there might not be enough empty palette entries to accommodate the additional palette changes (a maximum of 256 entries). For example, it is possible that some of the colors changed in the physical palette are being used by another application. In this situation, a WM_REALIZEPALETTE message is posted to all the applications running on the desktop. On receiving the WM_REALIZEPALETTE message, applications using palette manager functions must repaint their screens. The original application colors are mapped to the closest matching color in the new palette. Applications that do not use palette manager functions normally perform default processing within their applications causing a repaint of their windows with the closest match from the palette. If there are no changes, just additions, to the physical palette, no message is sent. Note: The palette manager maps a window's colors to the closest available value in the palette when the physical palette has to be changed, but this does not guarantee that the color will be a close match to the original color used. As the focus changes from window to window, the physical palette changes according to the activated window. Notification messages are sent as necessary to other applications. If the physical color values in the palette have to change to accommodate the number of palette entries passed from the application when a palette is realized, the number of altered entries in the physical palette is returned by WinRealizePalette. Color palette realization is available only to systems that have a minimum of 256 colors. ═══ 10.2.8. Color Attribute ═══ The PM graphic interface uses a variety of colors. These colors are referred to as the system colors, and they are defined in the system color table, which is separate from an application's logical color table. To find out the RGB values of the system colors, call WinQuerySysColor. The colors of graphic primitives are specified separately from the system colors. Every primitive has a foreground color, and some also have a background color. Primitive Foreground The foreground of a primitive is the primitive itself. For example, the foreground of a full arc primitive is the full arc, as shown in the following figure. Foreground of a Primitive The full arc primitive is drawn in a different color from the window background. By default, the foreground color of all primitives is the color addressed by the index CLR_DEFAULT. In the default color table, this produces black on a graphics display. If the application replaces the default logical color table, CLR_DEFAULT produces the color addressed by index number 7 (CLR_NEUTRAL). Primitive Background The following primitives have a background:  Areas  Character strings  Images  Markers The background of any character or marker primitive, whether the primitive is from an image or an outline font, is the entire character or marker box. First the background is drawn, then the foreground is drawn on top of it. Similarly, the background of an area primitive is the entire area to be filled. The background of an image primitive, however, is that part of the primitive in which the pels are not set. The following figure shows the background of a primitive. Background of a Primitive The background of this character-string primitive is the entire character box. The index to the default background color is CLR_BACKGROUND, which provides a background color appropriate for the device. On a printer, CLR_BACKGROUND is the color of the paper. On a display screen, CLR_BACKGROUND is the default window background color. Changing the Foreground and Background Colors of Primitives To change the current foreground color, use GpiSetColor. As input, the application supplies either the index to the required color in the current logical color table or the RGB value of the color, depending on the mode of the table. Color indexes higher than those supplied in the default color table must be loaded explicitly before they can be used. It is possible to specify one of the system colors (for example, SYSCLR_ACTIVEBORDER) as the current foreground (or background) color of a primitive. The color appears as defined in the system color table, and the logical color table is not used. The specified color becomes the current color, and the foreground of any primitive drawn subsequently is drawn in that color. The current foreground color for a particular primitive type is set by calling GpiSetAttrs. For example, if an application sets the current foreground color to CLR_RED by calling GpiSetColor, and sets the current foreground color for marker primitives to CLR_CYAN by calling GpiSetAttrs, all subsequent markers are cyan, and all other primitives are red. To change the current primitive background color, call GpiSetBackColor. To ensure that this color is different from the background color of the output area (so that the entire primitive background is visible), the current window background color must not be the same as the current primitive background color. Also, select an appropriate background mix attribute. GpiQueryBackColor returns the current background color setting for a character primitive. To learn the current foreground color setting, use GpiQueryColor. GpiQueryAttrs can be used to determine the current foreground and background color values for a single primitive type. ═══ 10.2.9. Color Output and Mix Attributes ═══ A mix attribute is a bitwise operation on the color indexes in a device's logical color table. Mix attributes enable colors to be specified in relation to other colors. When an application draws a graphics primitive, the operating system uses a mix attribute to determine the color that appears on the output device. For example, instead of specifying that a line should be black and, therefore, invisible if the background also is black, an application can use a mix attribute of FM_XOR to specify that the line always should be drawn the inverse of the background color. Suppose an application has set the lColor field in the LINEBUNDLE structure to CLR_RED and the usMixMode field in the same structure to FM_OR. The current color of the drawing surface is CLR_GREEN. To determine the color of a line, the operating system performs a bitwise OR operation on the indexes of these colors, as follows: 0010 (the default index for red) 0100 (the default index for green) ------ 0110 (result of bitwise OR) In this case, the result is 6-the index for yellow. This means that even though the application specified CLR_RED in the LINEBUNDLE structure, a yellow line appears when the application calls any of the functions that draw a line primitive. ═══ 10.2.10. Mix Attribute ═══ The mix attribute determines how each primitive an application draws is combined with any existing drawing. In color applications, the mix attribute determines the color that results when one primitive is drawn on top of another. There are two forms of the mix attribute: foreground mix and background mix. The foreground mix attribute governs how the foreground of a primitive is combined with the existing drawing, and it applies to all primitive types. The background mix attribute governs how the background of a primitive is combined with the existing drawing, and it is applicable only to those primitives that have a background. Primitives that can be affected by the background mix attribute are areas, character strings, images, and markers. The primitive attribute data structures contain fields for both foreground and background color and mix attributes. There are 17 foreground mix attributes. For each mix attribute, the indexes of the foreground and current drawing-surface colors are combined by using one of the bitwise operators. The available foreground mix settings are listed in the following table. Foreground Mix Attributes ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Mix Attribute │Effect │Description │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_DEFAULT │Default │Default foreground mix │ │ │ │attribute (overpaint). │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_OR │OR │Index value of the final color│ │ │ │is determined by a bitwise OR │ │ │ │operation on the index of the │ │ │ │foreground color and the index│ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_OVERPAINT │Overpaint │Index value of the final color│ │ │ │is that of the foreground │ │ │ │color. This is the default │ │ │ │foreground mix attribute. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_XOR │Exclusive-OR │Index value of the final color│ │ │(XOR) │is determined by a bitwise XOR│ │ │ │operation on the index of the │ │ │ │foreground color and the index│ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_LEAVEALONE │Leave-alone │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Invisible) │is that of the index of the │ │ │ │color of the drawing surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_AND │AND │Index value of the final color│ │ │ │is determined by a bitwise AND│ │ │ │operation on the index of the │ │ │ │foreground color and the index│ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_SUBTRACT │(Inverse │Index value of the final color│ │ │Source) AND │is determined by inverting the│ │ │Destination │index of the foreground color │ │ │ │and performing a bitwise AND │ │ │ │operation on this value and │ │ │ │the index of the color of the │ │ │ │drawing surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_MASKSRCNOT │Source AND │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Inverse │is determined by inverting the│ │ │Destination) │index value of the │ │ │ │drawing-surface color and │ │ │ │performing a bitwise AND │ │ │ │operation on this value and │ │ │ │the index value of the │ │ │ │foreground color. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_ZERO │All zeros │RGB value of the final color's│ │ │ │is always 0x00000000. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_NOTMERGESRC │Inverse (Source│Index value of the final color│ │ │OR Destination)│is always the inverse of the │ │ │ │FM_OR result. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_NOTXORSRC │Inverse (Source│Index value of the final color│ │ │XOR │is always the inverse of the │ │ │Destination) │FM_XOR result. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_INVERT │Inverse │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Destination) │is always the inverse of the │ │ │ │index of the color of the │ │ │ │drawing surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_MERGESRCNOT │Source OR │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Inverse │is determined by performing a │ │ │Destination) │bitwise OR operation on the │ │ │ │index of the foreground color │ │ │ │and the inverse of the index │ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_NOTCOPYSRC │Inverse │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Source) │is the inverse of the index of│ │ │ │the foreground color. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_MERGENOTSRC │(Inverse │Index value of the final color│ │ │Source) OR │is determined by performing a │ │ │Destination │bitwise AND operation on the │ │ │ │index of the drawing surface's│ │ │ │color and the inverse of the │ │ │ │index of the foreground color.│ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_NOTMASKSRC │Inverse (Source│Index value of the final color│ │ │AND │is the inverse of the FM_AND │ │ │Destination) │result. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │FM_ONE │All 1's. │RGB value of the final color │ │ │ │is always 0x00FFFFFF. │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ There are five background mix attributes. For each mix attribute, the index value for the background color and the current drawing-surface color (in the device's physical color table) are combined using one of the bitwise operators. The RGB values are those from the physical color table. When the result of the mix attribute's bitwise operation defines a color different from that of both the drawing surface and the drawing attribute, the resulting index accesses an RGB color in the physical table. The color, therefore, is unpredictable unless the logical color table has been realized (using the palette manager). The first five of the foreground mix attributes also are available as background mix attributes. The background mix attributes are listed in the following table. Background Mix Attributes ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │Mix Attribute │Effect │Description │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │BM_DEFAULT │Default │Default background mix │ │ │ │attribute (Leave-alone). │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │BM_OR │OR │Index value of the final color│ │ │ │is determined by a bitwise OR │ │ │ │operation on the index of the │ │ │ │background color and the index│ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │BM_OVERPAINT │Overpaint │Index value of the final color│ │ │ │is that of the background │ │ │ │color. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │BM_XOR │Exclusive-OR │Index value of the final color│ │ │(XOR) │is determined by a bitwise XOR│ │ │ │operation on the index of the │ │ │ │background color and the index│ │ │ │of the color of the drawing │ │ │ │surface. │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │BM_LEAVEALONE │Leave-alone │Index value of the final color│ │ │(Invisible) │is that of the drawing-surface│ │ │ │color. │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ The most frequently used foreground mix attributes are FM_OVERPAINT, which is the default value, FM_OR, and FM_XOR. The most frequently used background mix attributes are BM_LEAVEALONE, which is the default value, and BM_OVERPAINT. Overpaint Mix Attribute When using FM_OVERPAINT, the foreground of the primitive replaces any existing drawing in the same area of the presentation page. If the existing drawing is yellow, for example, and the new drawing is red, the drawing is red at the points of overlap. (This is the default foreground mix attribute.) Because one color is replacing another and no color mixing is being performed, the effects of the overpaint mix attribute are entirely predictable. This is shown in the following figure. Overpaint Foreground Mix Attribute The circle is drawn on top of the square. At the points of overlap, the output is the color of the circle. When using BM_OVERPAINT, the primitive background replaces the existing drawing. drawing, as shown in the following figure. Overpaint Background Mix Attribute Using BM_OVERPAINT, the background of the primitive is apparent only if it is drawn in a different color from the output-area background. Notice that, in this example, the foreground mix attribute is FM_OVERPAINT. OR Mix Attribute When using FM_OR, the foreground of the new primitive is merged with the existing drawing at the points of overlap. This is effected by ORing the indexes of the overlapping colors to produce a third color. The resulting color is unpredictable if the logical color table has not been realized (using the palette manager). The OR mix attribute is useful for making the common points of two graphics distinct from the points belonging to one of the graphics only, as shown in the following figure. OR Mix Attribute The circle is drawn on top of the square. At the points of overlap, indexes are OR'd to produce a new index referencing a new RGB color in the physical color table. When using the BM_OR attribute, the background of the primitive is merged with the existing drawing according to the same rules that apply to the FM_OR attribute. Exclusive-OR (XOR) Mix Attribute The FM_XOR attribute enables objects to be drawn in such a way that they can be removed easily by simply drawing them a second time using the FM_XOR attribute. The FM_XOR attribute is available on display devices only and is useful for graphics animation when an application must move an individual graphic and completely restore the graphics that it originally overlapped. Typically, an application would do the following: 1. Draw the graphics object using the FM_XOR attribute. 2. Calculate the object's next position. 3. Draw the object again in its current position, still using the FM_XOR attribute. This effectively erases it from its current position without destroying the graphics with which it overlaps. 4. Draw the object in its new position using the FM_XOR mix attribute. For retained graphics, this sequence can be automated to some extent by defining specific graphics segments as dynamic. Dynamic graphics always are drawn using the FM_XOR attribute, regardless of the current mix attributes. The effects of the FM_XOR attribute are shown in the following figure. Exclusive-OR (XOR) Mix Attribute The circle is drawn on top of the square. At the points of overlap, graphics are not drawn if the two overlapping figures are an identical color. When using the BM_XOR attribute, the background of the primitive is merged with the existing picture according to the same rules that apply to the FM_XOR attribute. Leave-Alone Mix Attribute The leave-alone mix attribute most often is used as a background mix attribute. When using the FM_LEAVEALONE attribute, the foreground of the primitive is not drawn. When using the BM_LEAVEALONE attribute, the background of the primitive is not drawn, as shown in the following figure. Leave-Alone Background Mix Attribute The leave-alone background mix attribute is the background mix attribute that most often is used for character strings and marker primitives. It is generally used with a foreground mix value of FM_OVERPAINT. Specifying Foreground and Background Mix Attributes Specify the current foreground mix value for all primitives using GpiSetMix. To learn the current foreground mix setting, use GpiQueryMix, which returns the current foreground mix setting for a character string primitive. GpiQueryAttrs can be used to determine the current foreground and background mix values for a single primitive type. To specify a background mix value for all primitives, use GpiSetBackMix. GpiQueryBackMix returns the current background mix value for a character-string primitive. To specify the current foreground and background mix values for a single primitive type, call GpiSetAttrs. Note: Not all devices support all of the background and foreground mix attributes described. When a device does not support the mix attribute chosen by an application, the default mix attribute is used; no error condition is raised. DevQueryCaps can be used to determine whether a mix attribute is supported on a specific device. ═══ 10.2.11. Color on Advanced Display Devices ═══ Some devices can display simultaneously a fixed number of colors (typically 156), chosen from a much larger number of colors (often more than 256000). An application can use the palette manager functions to take advantage of the extra capabilities of these devices. These functions enable an application to change the colors in a device's physical color table and the displayed colors rapidly without explicitly redrawing the screen. An application can use the CAPS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS option of DevQueryCaps to determine whether the display device supports palette functions. ═══ 10.2.12. Dithering ═══ If an application requests a color not available in the physical color table, the operating system can approximate the color by a process called dithering. For example, if the physical color table does not contain a light green color but does contain a yellow and a green, the operating system can create what appears to be light green by mixing yellow pels and green pels. Dithering is a variation on the way red, green, and blue color guns illuminate the phosphors in a single pel to produce a color that is not pure red, green, or blue (for example, yellow). The dithering process takes advantage of the way the human eye interprets color. If every other pel is set to one color, and all the intermediate pels to a different color, together they produce the effect of a third color at normal viewing distances. The checkerboard effect is just one of the ways in which dithering can be implemented. Dithering works only when producing a solid mass of color, such as an area fill pattern. It does not have the desired effect on line primitives. Dithering is especially important on monochrome devices. By combining various combinations of black pels with white pels, the operating system can create numerous shades of gray. To use only the pure colors defined in the physical color table, that is, to prevent color dithering, set LCOL_PURECOLOR in GpiCreateLogColorTable. When LCOL_PURECOLOR is set, the nearest available color to the one selected is used. ═══ 10.2.13. Considerations When Using Monochrome Displays ═══ When a graphic primitive that is drawn in color is displayed on a monochrome display, the operating system maps the colors that the application uses to the colors supported by the monochrome display. Drawing Color Graphics on Monochrome Devices When mapping color graphics to a monochrome device (screen, printer, or bit map), the monochrome device has a reset color and a contrast color. The reset color is the color GpiErase clears to and is either black or white. If the reset color is black, the contrast color is white, and if the reset color is white, the contrast color is black. To determine whether the reset color is to be black or white, the color retrieved by the index CLR_BACKGROUND from the current logical color table is examined. If a logical color table has not been loaded, CLR_BACKGROUND is either the paper color on a printer or SYSCLR_WINDOW on a display. If a logical color table has been loaded, CLR_BACKGROUND is the color addressed by color index 0 on any device. If the color retrieved by CLR_BACKGROUND is either white or black, that color becomes the reset color. For example, if an application is drawing to a screen, has not loaded a color table, and the system colors have not been altered, the background color is white, because SYSCLR_WINDOW produces a white background by default. In this instance, the contrast color is black. If the color retrieved by CLR_BACKGROUND is neither white nor black, the color translates to whichever of black and white it is nearest to. As a rule, dark colors produce a black background, and pale colors produce a white background. For example, if an application is using a loaded color table, or if the color retrieved by SYSCLR_WINDOW has been altered (either interactively or by WinSetSysColors), CLR_BACKGROUND could be dark gray. In this instance, the reset color would be black, and the contrast color would be white. When the reset color has been established, the PM applies the following rules when mapping color graphics to a monochrome device:  Any color graphics drawn in CLR_BACKGROUND, and any graphics defined in the actual reset color (which is either black or white), are drawn in the reset color. Any other graphics are drawn in the contrast color.  The index CLR_WHITE produces white, and the index CLR_BLACK produces black, regardless of whether the reset color is black or white.  If no color table is loaded and CLR_DEFAULT or CLR_NEUTRAL are used as the foreground color, they produce the contrast color. If they are used as the background color, they produce the reset color.  If an application calls GpiQueryNearestColor for a monochrome device, one of the following occurs: - If the color supplied on input is the reset color, the reset color is returned. - If the color supplied on input is not the reset color, the contrast color is returned. Drawing Color Area Fill Patterns on Monochrome Devices An area primitive is drawn according to the current foreground and background mix attributes and in the current area foreground and area background colors. When an application draws a monochrome pattern on a color device, the bits of the pattern set to 1 translate to the current area foreground color, and the 0 bits translate to the current area background color. When the application draws a color pattern on a monochrome device, and if the current pattern is anything other than PATSYM_DEFAULT or PATSYM_SOLID from the default pattern set, the color closest to white is translated into 1 bits. For example, if a pattern of diagonal lines is being drawn in which the foreground color is red and the background color is cyan, the cyan is translated to white (1 bits) because cyan is closer than red is to white. Red, therefore is translated to black (0 bits). The effect of translating this color pattern to a monochrome surface is summarized as follows: 0s Surface Surface \ \ 10001000 RcccRccc 01110111 \ \ 01000100 cRcccRcc 10111011 \ \ 00100010 ccRcccRc 11011101 \ \ 00010001 cccRcccR 11101110 \ \ 10001000 RcccRccc 01110111 \ \ 01000100 cRcccRcc 10111011 \ \ 00100010 ccRcccRc 11011101 \ \ 00010001 cccRcccR 11101110 The original pattern of 1's and 0's is used, however, when deciding which part of the pattern is the background and which part is the foreground. Thus, if the background mix attribute is BM_LEAVEALONE, the following occurs: Pattern As 1s and Color Monochrome 0s Surface Surface \ \ 10001000 R...R... 0...0... \ \ 01000100 .R...R.. .0...0.. \ \ 00100010 ..R...R. ..0...0. \ \ 00010001 ...R...R ...0...0 \ \ 10001000 R...R... 0...0... \ \ 01000100 .R...R.. .0...0.. \ \ 00100010 ..R...R. ..0...0. \ \ 00010001 ...R...R ...0...0 The 1 bits on the monochrome surface still are interpreted as the background of the primitive and are not drawn when the BM_LEAVEALONE attribute is specified. When a bit map is used as an area fill pattern, any bit drawn in the current area background color is set to 0, and all other bits are set to 1 on a monochrome surface. Thus, if the current area background color is blue, all blue bits in the bit map are set to 0, and all other bits are set to 1. The 0 bits constitute the background of the primitive. If the pattern is solid (PATSYM_DEFAULT or PATSYM_SOLID in the supplied pattern set), the following occurs:  If color dithering is switched off, and the application is drawing a color pattern to a color surface, the color nearest the color specified is used.  If color dithering is switched on, and the application is drawing a color pattern to a color surface, a combination of colors can be used to achieve the effect of the requested color. For example, if the application chooses pink on a surface where pink is not available, a combination of red and white pels can be used to achieve the effect of the color.  If color dithering is switched on, and the application is drawing a color pattern to a monochrome surface, sufficient pels are set to suggest the intensity of the requested color. Dithering can be enabled and disabled using LCOL_PURECOLOR in GpiCreateLogColorTable. ═══ 10.3. Using Color and Mix Attributes ═══ The color- and mix-attribute functions can be used to perform the following tasks:  Create a logical color table  Determine the format and the starting and ending index values of the current logical color table  Determine the index value for an entry in the logical color table that is the closest match to an RGB value  Determine the RGB value associated with a particular entry in the logical color table  Determine and set the current foreground and background colors  Determine and set the current foreground and background mix attributes ═══ 10.3.1. Creating a Logical Color Table ═══ To create a logical color table, the application creates an array of RGB values that replace the existing logical color table, then calls GpiCreateLogColorTable, using the LCOL_RESET and LCOLF_CONSECRGB flags. The following figure demonstrates this process. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCOLR01; Var Hps : HPS; CONST AlTable : Array[0..15] of LONG = ( $FFFFFF, (* White *) $FF88FF, $FF8800, $FF8888, $FF0088, $880088, $008888, $00FF88, $00F800, $008800, $000088, $0000F8, $0800F8, $888888, $080808, $000000 ); (* Black *) Begin GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, LCOL_RESET, (* Start with the default *) LCOLF_CONSECRGB, (* Consecutive RGB values *) 0, (* Starting index in table *) sizeof(alTable) / sizeof(LONG), (* Number of elements in table *) alTable); End; (* fncCOLR01 *) ═══ 10.3.2. Determining the Color-Table Format and Index Values ═══ To determine the format and the starting and ending index values of the current logical color table, applications call GpiQueryColorData. The following figure is an example of using GpiQueryColorData to determine whether the default logical color table is loaded. If so, the code fragment loads a new table. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCOLR02; Var Hps : HPS; AClrData : Array[0..2] of LONG; AlTable : Array[0..15] of LONG; Begin GpiQueryColorData(Hps, 3, aClrData); If (aClrData[QCD_LCT_FORMAT] = LCOLF_DEFAULT) GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, LCOL_RESET, (* Start with the default *) LCOLF_CONSECRGB, (* Consecutive RGB values *) 0, (* Starting index in table *) sizeof(alTable) / sizeof(LONG), (* Number of elements in table *) alTable); End; (* fncCOLR02 *) ═══ 10.3.3. Determining the Index Value of an RGB Value ═══ Applications call GpiQueryColorIndex to find the closest match in a logical color table to an RGB value. This function finds the closest match for this RGB value in the physical color table, then finds the color in the logical color table closest to the color in the physical color table. The function returns the index value of that entry in the logical color table. The followiing figure is an example of how to determine which index value in the logical color table matches the RGB value for pink (0x00FF00FF), then uses that index entry to set the foreground color to pink for each of the primitive attributes. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCOLR03; Var LIndex : LONG; (* Logical-color-table index *) Hps : HPS; Begin LIndex := GpiQueryColorIndex(Hps, LCOLOPT_REALIZED, $00FF00FF); If ((LIndex >= 0) AND (LIndex <= 15)) (* Check for valid index *) GpiSetColor(Hps, LIndex); End; (* fncCOLR03 *) ═══ 10.3.4. Setting the Primitive Color Attributes ═══ To set the color attributes for one type of graphics primitive, an application uses GpiSetAttrs. To set the color attributes for each type of primitive in a presentation space, use GpiSetColor and GpiSetBackColor. The following figure shows how to use GpiSetAttrs to set the color attribute of line primitives to dark gray. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCOLR04; Var Lbnd : LINEBUNDLE; (* Line-primitive attribute structure *) Hps : HPS; Begin Lbnd.lColor := CLR_DARKGRAY; GpiSetAttrs(Hps, PRIM_LINE, LBB_COLOR, 0, Lbnd); End; (* fncCOLR04 *) The following figure is an example of how to use GpiSetColor to set the foreground color attribute to dark gray in all of the primitives. Uses Os2Def,Os2PmApi; Procedure fncCOLR05; Var Hps : HPS; Begin GpiSetColor(Hps, CLR_DARKGRAY); End; (* fncCOLR05 *) ═══ 10.3.5. Creating a Palette ═══ To create a palette, an application must first call DevQueryCaps with the CAPS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS option to determine whether the device supports palette functions. Next the application creates an array of RGB values or an array of RGB2 structures, then calls GpiCreatePalette. Next the applications calls GpiSelectPalette to select the palette for the presentation space and calls WinRealizePalette to map the RGB values to device colors for subsequent drawing. When the application is finished drawing, it calls GpiSelectPalette to disassociate the presentation space and the palette. Then it deletes the palette by calling GpiDeletePalette. The following figure demonstrates these steps. Uses Os2Def,Os2Base,Os2PmApi; Procedure FNCCOLR06; Var ClrCurrent : COLOR; Hpal : HPAL; Hdc : HDC; Hps : HPS; Hab : HAB; Hwnd : HWND; Aptl : Array[0..1] of POINTL; Ptl : POINTL; CSimulColors : LONG; LPalSupport : LONG; J : SHORT; prgb2ColorData : ^RGB2; Begin .* .*=== FOR BOOKMASTER ==== .*=== END BOOKMASTER ==== .* (* Determine how many colors the device can display at once. *) DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_COLORS, 1, cSimulColors); (* Determine If the device supports palette manager functions. *) DevQueryCaps(hdc, CAPS_ADDITIONAL_GRAPHICS, 1, lPalSupport); (* Allocate space for the array of RGB2 structures. *) DosAllocMem(prgb2ColorData, cSimulColors * sizeof(RGB2), fALLOC); (* Fill the array of RGB2 structures with as many dIfferent *) (* shades of blue as the device will support. *) .* .*=== FOR BOOKMASTER ==== .*=== END BOOKMASTER ==== .* clrCurrent := $000000FF; For j := 0 To cSimulColors-1 Do Begin prgb2ColorData[j].bRed := 0; prgb2ColorData[j].bGreen := 0; prgb2ColorData[j].bBlue := clrCurrent; prgb2ColorData[j].fcOptions := 0; If (clrCurrent > 0) Then Dec(clrCurrent) Else clrCurrent := $000000FF; End; .* .*=== FOR BOOKMASTER ==== .*=== END BOOKMASTER ==== .* If (lPalSupport) AND (CAPS_PALETTE_MANAGER) Then Begin hpal := GpiCreatePalette(hab, (* Create palette *) 0, LCOLF_CONSECRGB, (* Format of color table entries *) cSimulColors, (* Number of entries in table *) prgb2ColorData); (* Pointer to color table *) End; GpiSelectPalette(hps, hpal); WinRealizePalette(hwnd, hps); GpiSelectPalette(hps, NULLHANDLE); (* Restore default physical colors *) GpiDeletePalette(hpal); (* Delete palette *) End; (* fncCOLR06 *)