Preliminary Documentation for VIDE (0.1.0) Sept 28, 1998 This is a close to acceptable release of the V IDE for GNU g++ for MS-Windows. It uses the alpha V 1.21 library which is not ready for general release yet. Even in this state, VIDE is a better way to build programs with GNU g++ on MS-Windows. This version has been tested with the mingw32 release, but not the Cygwin version, or either egcs version. **** V Project files This version of VIDE will work with either a V Project file, or with any makefile written for GNU make. I hope the project approach will be easier for most people. I've tried to support things for advanced make needs, but this part will still need improvement. When you are first creating a new project (or even working with an existing program), click on the Project->New menu. You will get a dialog box with various tabbed items. Set the names you want in the Names tab. Then add source files using the Files tab. You can set defines as needed in the other tabs. Once you have added the files needed, VIDE will create a Makefile suitable to compile your project with mingw32 g++. (It will work with other g++ versions with some tweaking.) Click on the "Make all" icon in the tool bar (or menu), and your project should be made. **** Details of the Project Edit Dialog Names TAB: This pane lets you set the target name for the executable. You can also change the name of the generated makefile. Usually, you will use g++ as the compiler. The Compiler Flags line lets you pass switches to the compiler, such as -O for optomize, or whatever. The linker flags are passed to the linker, and default to what you need to compile V programs with mingw32. Files TAB: This lets you add the names of the source files included in the project. Click ADD, and files are added without any path name. If you need to add a relative (or absolute) path, select the file, and click Edit to hand edit the entry. Click Del to delete the selected entry. Until V adds multiline selection (someday soon), you have to add files one at a time. Paths TAB: This let you specify the directory for the source files, the directory where you want object files to be generated, and the directory where the binary should be written to. You can also list paths for include and library directories. These are passed to g++ as the appropriate switches. Defines TAB: There is a pool of definitions that you can have included during make time by adding them to the Active Definitions list. The pool will stay constant, while the Active side can be a bit more dynamic as you work with your project. Note that you have to supply the full g++ definition switch: -DFOO or -UNOTFOO. Options TAB: Anything you add to this list will be written to the generated makefile at the beginning. You could use it to define your own symbols, or whatever. You can also edit the V project file directly to add targets that aren't generated automatically. Using these two mechanisms, you can build fairly complicated makefiles which will be automatically generated as you edit the project file. **** Working with Makefile VIDE really compiles your program by starting make. If you open a V project, the name of the makefile will be filled in after you open the project. You can also compile with makefiles you've written yourself. Simply click the Select Makefile button to open a makefile. **** Running VIDE When VIDE first comes up, it has a blank message window. Results of your makes will show up in this window. To make a Makefile, you first must select which Makefile to use. Either use the makefile automatically set by opening a project file, or select a different one. You can change to different Makefiles during the same VIDE session if you need to. VIDE currently supports three make targets: blank (equivalent to just running make) clean (equivalent to make clean) (allows you to specify target) VIDE first runs the Makefile in dry run mode. It uses that output to then run the commands. It intercepts the error messages for g++ and put them in the message window. You can then right-click the error line, and VIDE will open up the file in question, and put the cursor on the offending line. Whenever you click Make, VIDE will save the current version of your files. All in all, I find this process much easier than running from a DOS command window. **** VIDE Editor This version includes a pretty decent editor based on the V texteditor class. It supports real cut and paste to other MS-Windows windows. It has syntax highlighting for C and C++ files. It has a few extra commands good for programming. Things missing from the editor that WILL be included in future versions: Auto indent for C and C++ code Selectable highlight colors Replace Macros Horizontal scrolling Permanent preferences Formatted source code printing Automatic Code formatting to the V standard ***** Future features More editor features Custom preferences for projects, VIDE Ability to launch different editors on errors C++ Class Browser V Dialog Box builder (this one is getting close!) Debug features initially, output window for vDebug, and primitive interface to gdb eventually, full integration with gdb Help Many of the project features of this version of VIDE were contributed by Emilio Hirsch. Currently, there is a volunteer working on the Dialog builder, and it is looking pretty nice. I hope to get working on the gdb interface next. Help on help - I think I'd like to make help html based, so I need to know how to launch the default browser on Windows. This may end up being a part of the VIDE preferences file. It would also be good to be able to access standard Windows .hlp files.