VisualAge* - README __________________________________ Welcome to VisualAge*. This readme contains helpful hints found in our testing as well as updated information that did not make our printed publications. It is divided into the following categories: o Install tips o Known problems - FAT internal filename problem and fix o Packaging Applications o Files required for VisualAge at runtime o Files required for specific VisualAge features at runtime o IBM Database Hints & Tips o Trademarks and Service Marks IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete VisualAge API is documented in the file "VisualAg.API". This document explains which VisualAge classes and methods you may safely reuse when programming using VisualAge's embedded Smalltalk language. You should read at least the introductory paragraphs of this file before embarking on any significant Smalltalk programming with VisualAge. INSTALL TIPS ___________ o If you have VisualAge or VisualAge Team beta code installed, and now plan to install Version 1.0, please do the following: - from the directory in which you installed VisualAge, change all Install Package files to read/write. ex. attrib *.pkg -r - run the Install program and select delete/reinstall *Note that this applies to VisualAge beta code installed from CD ROM only. o When installing the Communications and Multimedia Features for VisualAge Team, you will be asked whether to replace the document files abtcme10.inf and mtuge10.inf respectively. Answer "yes". During the VisualAge Team install, placeholders for these books are installed. KNOWN PROBLEMS ______________ o There is a problem with the file naming algorithm used for the VisualAge *.cch files on FAT file systems. The fix for this problem is contained in This file is located on VisualAge - Disk 16, and in the fixes subdirectory on both VisualAge and VisualAge Team CD ROMs. To install this fix do the following: 1. Open a workspace on the file using the File->Open menu on the Transcript. 2. Highlight ALL of the text in the file. (Ctrl-a will do this.) 3. Use the Edit->FileIn menu item (on the workspace menubar) to file in the code. 4. Close the workspace. 5. Save your image. 6. [Team only] Other users can now load this change directly into their image. They can use the application manager to load AbtEditPackagesApp V1.0.0-P3053 . o Creating a "Deferred Update Part" of a "Deferred Update Part" will cause a stack overflow. o Packaging of SubApplications is not supported o Parameter constants defined for Event-To-Script-Connections are not generated with the archival code. o If you have added views as components of your nonvisual parts, you must add CwConstants to the pool dictionary list of AbtAppBldrPart to generate the code for the part without compile errors. o The NoteBookPage attribute 'pageWidget' has known bugs and may be removed in a future release. It's use is not recommended. o Do not use the Symbol converter. o The product numbers as displayed in the Product Information Window are not correct. Please refer to your Installation Guide for correct numbers. PACKAGING APPLICATIONS ______________________ In our description of what files are needed to create your runtime image, we failed to discuss bitmaps and icons you may have used. Parts that can use icons and bitmaps include labels, push buttons, toggle buttons, and icon gadgets. If you specified a module name when using any of the above parts, you will need to ship that module as part of your run-time application. For example, if you used the module name 'AbtBmp10' for an icon gadget, you will need to include the file abtbmp10.dll with your application. Tips (for packaging) o You can experiment with icons and still avoid shipping an 'extra' dll. To do this, leave the module name blank and use an ID of 1 when choosing icon graphics. The icon used will come from the run-time executable file. o The user's guide suggests RENAMING the file Abtrti10 to image. You will save yourself some time if you COPY Abtrti10 to image. If you copy instead of rename, you will always have an untouched version of Abtrti10 in your merge directory. Remember that every time you package an application you must have a file named 'image' which is an exact copy of Abtrti10. FILES REQUIRED FOR VISUALAGE AT RUN TIME _________________________________________________________ o The two files CURSORS.OBJ and RGB.TXT are not required at runtime as specified in the Users Guide. FILES REQUIRED FOR SPECIFIC VISUALAGE FEATURES AT RUN TIME _________________________________________________________ o The following clarifies the location of the files listed in section "Runtime system setup" of "Packaging Your VisualAge Application" within the Users Guide: o All files ending with the extension of VKG or MRI are located within the subdirectory named ABT beneath the main VisualAge install directory. o The VisualAge run time image file named ABTRTI10 is located within the subdirectory named ABT beneath the main VisualAge install directory. o The following files are added to the list of files required for specific VisualAge features at run time: o ABTIDS10.VKG - Required for the VisualAge IBM* Database sample applications. o ABTMMS10.VKG - Required for the VisualAge MMPM/2* sample applications. IBM DATABASE HINTS & TIPS __________________________ o Remember that before you access any IBM Database (unless that database was created using VisualAge), you must bind the VisualAge package to it. This only needs to be done once for each database (SQL Error 805 is returned if you try to access an un-bound database.) To bind a database named TestDatabase: - if you are running DB2/2, from an OS/2 window type sqlbind ABTD3200.BND TestDatabase - if you are running Extended Services Database Manager, from an OS/2 window type sqlbind ABTD1600.BND TestDatabase TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ____________________________ o Terms denoted by a single asterisk in this file (*) are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. These terms include: o IBM o MMPM/2 o VisualAge IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Copyright IBM Corporation, 1994, all rights reserved.