MKMSGF 6 N s !=!b! !#"U" "$#K#e# #-$U$ $#%O%n% &O&z& &!'Y' (!)M)z) )!*A*m* *-+b+ ,6,c, -L-[-t- ...V. /@/s/ /40o0 1O1}1 1 2?2l2 283i3 4F4`4 7B7}7 8=8`8x8 9,9^9q9 :*:<:N:a:t: ; ;I; <3<\?>b> ?+?J?u? @3@c@ A A1A~A A5BOBtB B CHC|C DHDTDjD EFEkE F8FVFzF G!GEG^G H II= II= IE=Cannot QUITVIEW from the only view of this document. II=Enter new value for %1. II=Enter keyname and action value. II=Enter synonym, minimum length (optional) and value. II=Enter new length (optional) and value. PI %1 has %2 elements. IE=LPEX error: screen field pointer NULL in %1. II=BUILTIN PE "%1" is a directory. II=Enter variable name and value. II=File "%1" has been created. IE=Tag %1 out of sequence in file "%2". IW=%1 in markup file is not valid - 0 used. IE=No memory for help text. PE Font cannot use specified emphasis. PE No help available on "%1". IE=No memory for help index. IE=LPEX error in help library. II= %1 changes II= 1 change II=-- %1 IE=Not enough memory to create command recall buffer. IE=NULL(s) found - replaced by the character ' PE Old and new text cannot both be null. II=Cause: font without text. II=Only single character allowed for option. II=Cause: positioned on header. IE=Too many words in SET string. PI Change or Find All cannot mark found text. II=Maximum of 8 characters allowed for option. II=Option must be 1 or more. II=Tab position is not greater than previous value. II=Row is not valid. II=More than 50 values specified in SET TABS. Extra values were ignored. II=Cause: no subitem. IE=Font must be a single character. II=Item not found. II=Subitem not found. II=3 faces already in use. IE=DIALOG - unknown dialog name %1. II=No face name specified. IW=Control Break occurred before running line %1 of %2. IE The block is already set in another document. II=Saving with width %1. IE=LPEX error: FOCUSLINE 0 on first call. IE=LPEX error: FOCUSLINE 0 text %1, pos %2. IE BLOCK OVERLAY requires a marked rectangular or element block. IE=FIND string must be less than %1 characters long. II=No previous FIND to repeat. II=... wrapped II=Only occurrence. IE=%1 - not found. IE=LPEX error: current element is header in %1. IE=Fewer than %1 elements exist. II=Start LOCAL at %1. IE=Primitive function is not valid. II=Class Format: Abs Bef aft Pre post Bre Fin flow spill Sol. IW=Document is read only. IE=Not enough memory. II=See Editor reference for details. II=Return code from %1 was %2. %3 IE Unknown command "%1". IE=LPEX error: LEXSCRD called with unknown keyword. IE=Class specified for %1 is not valid. II=(No elements in the document are visible) IE=Autosave not carried out. No AUTONAME is set. II=Autosaving as IE=Find history not active - FIND %1 ignored. II=... please wait IE=Autosave failed - SAVE return code was %1. II=Discarding text ... "%1" II=Discarding fonts ... "%1" II=LEXTRIG - %2: count = %1. IE=Error %1 while parsing changes with PARSER %2. AUTOPARSE switched off. IE=No memory left. IE=New FONTS length (%1) does not match TEXT length (%2). II=Recording fonts ... "%1" II=Building fonts ... "%1" II=Recording text ... "%1" II=Text will be ... "%1" PE %1 drive:path combination is not valid or drive is not ready. II=File specification IE=Length value for SET SYNONYM.%1 is not a positive integer in the allowed range. IE=Symbol character for %1 must be non-DBCS in the range 1-255. IE=Option "%1" is not valid for SET %2. IE=Option "%1" is not valid for SET %2. %3 II=Setting font to %1. IE=Only ON, OFF or INVERSE allowed. II=Key specified is unknown. II=The key value is not valid. IE=LPEX error: current element invisible in LEXFORM. IE=Font option "%1" is not valid. IE=Font setting reserved for the UNDEFINED font. IE=Not enough resources to load %1. IW=Changes have been made to this document - use QQUIT to quit. IE=RESTORE is not possible unless PRESERVE has been called. IE=Argument to %1 is not a positive integer in the allowed range. IE=Argument "%1" to "%2" command is not numeric. II=The mark "%1" refers to an element that has since been deleted. IE=Mark "%1" does not exist in this document. IE=REXX is not available. Request ignored. IE="%1" is not an item that may be extracted. II=BLOCK %1: target element is SHOW. II=No %1s have been set. PE Option "%1" is not valid for "%2" command. PE LPEX error: %1 called with NULL pointer. IE=Cannot COPY / MOVE a character block into itself. IE=Cannot COPY / MOVE an element block into itself. PI There is no block for "%1" command. IE=Error during LEXRECO: return code %1. IE=End-tag "%1%2" does not match top of stack "%3" - ignored. II=Tag "%1" ended by same / higher level "%2" tag. IW=PRGML truncated %1 elements during parsing. II=Tag %1 left on stack at end of parsing. IE=Error %1 during GML parse. IE=Parsing stack is full - traceback: IE=(Document is empty - use ADD for new lines) PW File "%1" already exists - overwrite? II=Part of window must be within the desktop. IE=LPEX error: FOCUSLINE non-0 at reset point. II=Marked block has been cleared by UNDO. PW Warning! Autosave file "%1" already exists - to keep it, rename it before any autosave and before leaving this file. IE=Macro clause longer than 2500 characters. IE=FORMATTER cannot be set on with rectangular blocks. IE=Rectangular blocks cannot be used with FORMATTER ON. IE=Only ON, OFF, INVERSE or IMMEDIATE allowed. IE=Only ON, OFF, INVERSE, SIDE or TOP allowed. IE=Unmatched general end tag "%1%2%3". IE Block of a different type is already set. IE=Cannot BLOCK %1 with the block in another document. IE=You can only BLOCK SHIFT between 0 and %1 characters. IE=BLOCK SHIFT does not operate on character blocks. IE=Cannot MOVE a rectangular block into itself. II=Changes not visible; FORMATTER is off. IE=Element would be too long - %1 not done. IE=Element %1 is not visible. IE=LPEX error: command line not in SCREENMAP. IE=FACE.%1 has not been created. IE=LPEX error: NULL pointer indirection in LEXTRIG. II=Calling parser with "%1"... IE=CHANGE requires at least two arguments. IE=Error: text too long in LEXTEXT. II=Markup table %1 reloaded. IW=No markup tables are loaded. II=The following markup tables are loaded: IE=DELIMS value ("%1") not 3 characters long. IW=Tag %1 not found in file "%2" - treated as text. IE=Too many parameters for command %1. IE=%1 - conflicting parameters for command %2. PE=Unable to save to file %1 - %2 return code is %3. IE=%1 is not a valid filename. IW=Warning - file %1 already exists. IE=Not enough buffer space to list all %1s. IE=File or device in use elsewhere. IE=First line of macro %1 does not start with a REXX comment. IE=Marked area too large for clipboard. II=*free* II=*free* II=*free* II=UNDEFINED PE=DOS error unlinking %1 - return code %2. II=Set Option IE=Help cannot find %1. II=Saving file IE=Document name is too long. IE=View name is too long. II=Document is empty. IE=DBCS characters not allowed in SET WORDCHARS. IE=PRRXC - error reading data tables. IE=PRRXC - data tables file not found. IE=PRRXC - cannot open data tables file. IE=PRRXC - too many entries in data table. IE=LPATH is not set. II=(Query only) IE=SET PARENT not allowed with active documents. IE=SET PARENT handle passed is not a valid parent handle. PW File "%1" does not exist. Open as a new file? IE=Unsupported value of mp2 for LP_COMMAND. IE=Error accessing LP_COMMAND shared segment. IE=Error releasing LP_COMMAND shared segment. IE=Control Break occurred before running "%1" in %2. IE=Dynamic Link Library %1 not found, System error SYS%2. PE Error in displaying the LPEX logo. II=Issue HELP msgnumber from the command line for more information. PE Name "%1" cannot be edited - it is not accessible. IE=Text without symbol substitution is too long for buffer. IW=Cannot QUIT document. OK to force QQUIT? IE=Incorrect filename specification. II=Drive is not valid. IE=SENDBMSMSG command needs "%1". IE=No wild card ( *, ? ) support in LPEX. IW Warning - one or more elements exceed text limit. IE Element too long, text update cancelled. IW Warning - element too long, text truncated. IW Warning - element exceeds text limit. PE UNDO count must be a positive integer less than %1. PE Recall count must be a positive integer less than %1. PE TAB must be a positive integer less than %1. PE SET TABS EVERY must be a positive integer less than %1. II=End LOCAL at %1. II=End LOCAL at bottom. IE=Cursor position is not valid for requested selection extension. IE=Only SYSTEM, ALTERNATE or INVERSE allowed. II=(No global variables) II=See online help for details. II=See %1 for details. II=Additional values were ignored. II=OS/2 Live Parsing Editor II=IBM Live Parsing Editor PI Clipboard already contains text. IE=Clipboard open failed. PE Failed to create message object. Please check whether BMS message server started. PE REXXSAA error %1 (%2) - REXX may fail. PE WinSetClipbrdData in LPXCLIP.C failed. IE=No storage buffer to allocate memory. IE=Warning - LPEX short on memory buffer. Please release storage or terminate LPEX. II=Recovering on allocating %1 bytes. II=Unable to allocate %1 bytes. PE Error obtaining spooler handle. PI DosDevIOCtl %1 in LPXSUBS.C failed. PI LPEX - %1 %2 PE Access to shared segment denied - return code = %1. PE No font found at specified fontsize for selected face. PE Initial allocation of storage failed. PE Allocation of shared segment failed. PE Giving of shared segment failed. PE MM_SETITEM failed. IE Maximum number of LPEX windows already open. IE Too many windows already open. II=Stack available is: IE=Out of memory in %1. II=Element's text and fonts: IE=Not enough memory - LPEX may fail. II=Element already on pending list for %1. II=Element added to pending list for %1. II=Fullparse - triggerlist not null, purging it. II=LPEXAPI cmd %1 II=LPEXAPI call %1 II=LPEXAPI query %1 II=LPEXAPI rockptr II=LPEXAPI alloc II=LPEXAPI free II=LPEXAPI next II=LPEXAPI prev II=LPEXAPI qtext II=LPEXAPI qrawtx II=LPEXAPI stext II=LPEXAPI qfont II=LPEXAPI sfont II=LPEXAPI qmodes II=LPEXAPI qclass II=LPEXAPI sclass II=LPEXAPI qelestate II=LPEXAPI insert II=LPEXAPI qgmlfonts II=LPEXAPI gmlfontadd II=LPEXAPI link_user II=LPEXAPI query_user II=LPEXAPI find_user IE=DEBUG - LPEX error: file is closed. IE=DEBUG - LPEX error: DosQueryFileInfo failed in loxfile.c. IE=Failure to obtain LPEXPM module handle, AccelTable not changed. IE=Failure to load base accelerator table, AccelTable not changed. II=Adding %1 (ID %2) to %3 at %4. II=Insert item error %1, error code %2. II=Item inserted correctly. IE=CURRENT cannot be used without a current document. II=Setting fontsize when hvps = NULL. II=Get default printer. II=Default name is %1. II=Default prtdrv is %1. II=Default prtq is %1. II=Spooler driver is %1. II=Maximum number of dialogs active. IE No prefix numbers. IE Prefix numbers not in order. II=Class has been set to the first class by LEXINSERT for %1. IE No numeric prefix data. IE Renumbering will overflow prefix number size. II=Testing %1 for tag attributes. II=Tag attributes text: %1 len=%2. II=TextScan - %1. II=Loading mark-up from %1... II=PRGML Find Markup took %1.%2 seconds. IE=#CLASSES already defined. II=PRGML Load Markup took %1.%2 seconds. II=Setting symbols from %1... II=PRGML Find Symbols took %1.%2 seconds. II=PRGML Load Symbols took %1.%2 seconds. II=PRGML Parsing took %1.%2 seconds. IE=Memory allocation error. IE=Error reading parser tables. IE=REXX/C parser table LPEXCRX.DAT not found. IE=Cannot open parser tables from LPEXCRX.DAT. IE=Parser table from LPEXCRX.DAT too large. IE=LPATH found loading LPEXCRX.DAT is not valid. IE=Error closing file. IE=Not a DBCS environment, command ignored. II=CopyEle - NULL text. II=CopyEle - %1 II=Maximum length text string in use elsewhere - will reset now. Text was: IE=Restoring text to wrong element - will try to restore to correct element. II=UnCopyEle - NULL text. II=UnCopyEle - %1 IE=UncopyEle for wrong element - will reset the pointers. PW Close editor session? PW Make change at current position? PE Error %1 in lpxmain() calling %2. IE=Too many index categories. II=(Empty) IE=%1 is not a valid option for PRREXX. II=%1 profile is invalid. IW Search scope is all open documents. Continue with replace? IE=Cannot set RECENTFILECMD for untitled document. IE Number of open documents is not two. IE No active compare session for document. IE Document number %1 is not open. IE Cannot compare document to itself. IW=No current documents - nothing printed. II=Compare II=Compare filename: IE Column value is not within the allowable range. IE List size value is not within the allowable range. IE=-8 - not enough storage. IE=-10 - error reading parser tables. IE=-11 - parser tables data file not found. IE=-12 - cannot open parser tables. IE=-13 - parser table too large. IE=PRCXX - unexpected error number %1. IE=Searching elements for pointer to %1. II=Return code from find was %1. II=Setting element pointer. II=Pointer was not NULL: II=Clearing element pointer. IE=Error clearing element pointer. IE=Could not set the element pointer. IE=Element pointer set to: II=Setting document. II=Setting view. II=Clearing view pointer. IE=Error clearing view pointer. IE=Could not set the view pointer. II=View pointer set to: II=Using default text input font. IE=%1 is not a valid font name. IE=%1 is not set. IE=%1 cannot place tabs every %2. IE=%1 argument %2 to %3 not positive integer. IE=%1 argument %2 not greater than previous tab %3. IE=%1 more than 100 tab settings supplied. II=%1 Parser II=%1 ...loading table... II=%1 Please wait II=%1 ......parsing...... II=(minimized) II=(hidden) II=NULL pointer (dp, vp, or ep). II=... further elements recorded II=Prefix number overflow. AUTOPREFIX has been turned off. II=Save all completed. II=Quick mark set. IW This session may contain an active program. Do you want to close the session without saving your data? IW The command shell process will not shut down. Do you want to close the session without waiting? II=Prefix area has been renumbered. IE=Incorrect or missing option. IE=Document name is too long. IE=Internal error. IE=Failure to load document. IE=Specified New Context is not valid. II=* DUPLICATE-COPY IE=File not found. IE=Document %1 not found. IE=Internal-command exception. IE=External-command exception. IE=Count is not valid. IE=Failure to issue command. IE=File is read only. IE=Failure to delete elements. IW An edit function is still running. Do you want to exit anyway?. IE=Failure to delete characters. IE=No Mark ID. IE=Mark not found. IE=Failure to locate position. IE=Insert context is not valid. IE=No filename given. IE=Error reading file. IE=Not enough storage available. IE=- - - data not valid IE=- - - element number not valid IE=No file field. IE=Failure to reload file. IE=Failure to save file. IE=No new context specified. IE=Failure to save new file. IE=None of the marks was set. IW=Update document %1 with the latest version? IE MATCH - "%1" is not a matchable bracket. IE MATCH - cannot match a DBCS character. IE MATCH - end of document found before match. IE MATCH - start of document found before match. IE MATCH - unexpected argument "%1". II=Printing %1. IE Not enough resources to do requested operation. IE I/O to the print device failed. IE=The specified menu item ID is not defined. IE No text has been selected. IE Failure to start the external process. IE Edit window content is being accessed by another operation. IE=Submitted command failed. IW Do you want to end the edit session? II=Filename is not valid. II=Directory is not valid. II=LINEREAD setting is not valid. II=BLOCKSHOW parameter is not valid. II=Option is not DOC or NODOC. IW Cannot exit the edit session - an edit function is still running. IE The window list could not be started. IC=Thread management system error %1. II=Processing <%1>%2 IW Missing value for parameter %1. IW Parameter %1 is not valid. IW Too many filenames specified. %1 will be ignored. IE Cannot browse a new file. IE=Required parameter or option missing. II=(No action keys) II=(No synonyms) II=%1 cannot continue after running the command specified. II=LPEX has no extra fonts for DBCS machines. II=Need parameters or options to add %1. IE=Only ON, OFF, INVERSE or DYNAMIC allowed. IE PROTO - cursor is not positioned on a prototype word. II=Add an Action Key II=Change Action Key II=Add a Synonym II=Change Synonym II=Add a Global Variable II=Change Global Variable IW The name of the subroutine has changed. Do you want to replace the old subroutine? IE Incorrect text selection. IE Save cannot be completed due to duplicate subroutine name %1. IE=No printer selected. IE=No printer available. IE=Printer not available. IE=Save cannot be completed due to missing or blank subroutine name. IE=Save cannot be completed due to illegal presence of output specification. IE=Save cannot be completed due to illegal presence of data specification. IE=Not enough space on disk or diskette. IEnter new search directory. IThere are no marked messages. IThere are no messages. IThere are no other messages. IBrowse IEnter name of browse item IE=Cannot add dialog to Window List. IE=Error occurred. Cannot display dialog. IE=Error occurred. Cannot access saved "Find" settings. IE=Access error. Cannot save "Find" settings. IE=Error. No keys to playback. IE=Error. Cannot continue recording. IE=Error. Parameter %1 invalid while recording. IE=Error. Parameter %1 invalid while not recording. IE Incorrect color index. IE Must specify R, G, or B, followed by a value in the range 0 - 255. IE=%1: Wrong number of parameters. IE=%1: Target parameter incorrect. IE=%1: Could not find Named Mark. IE=%1: Could not find search string. IE=%1: Block is not set or is wrong type. IE=%1: Column pair invalid. IE=%1: Too many column pairs. IE=%1: Order parameter is incorrect. IE=%1: Unknown error. IE Cannot locate palette file: palettes are not available. II=Add a Palette II=Enter a name for the new palette. II=No name was specified: palette was not added. IE Error reading palette file: some palettes may not be available. II=No load nor save profile in effect. Settings will not be saved. II=Rename II=Save IE Name is currently in use. Request ignored. IE Enter a new name. IE Cannot save ring without titled files. IE Error. Line too long, GET cancelled. IE A filename must be specified for an Untitled document. IE The file was open in another edit window. IE The file contains no lines. No FIND could be performed. IE Cannot find a word for BLOCK MARK/SET WORD.