LibraryParts4 #<$b$ $.%V%~% &:&~& DRK0R b0bXb g:g`g Guard Client/Server StatusBar Point to each category folder to display the parts. Pass over a part to view its name. Once you are finished, click the forward arrow to continue.nue. Library of Parts Library of Parts :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE !:PHYSSIZE 3270 Hllapi TCP/IP CICS/OS2 Net BIOS External Functions A P P C Connection Spec A P P C Conversation External Function l-:PHYSSIZE ^.6.[. TCP/IP TCP/IP T C P Connection Spec External Function 3:PHYSSIZE CICS/OS2 CICS/OS2 CICS OS2 Connection Spec External Function 9:PHYSSIZE vvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv dA:PHYSSIZE vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvvvvvvv Net BIOS Net BIOS Net B I O S Connection Spec Net B I O S Session Net B I O S Proc Dialog HK:PHYSSIZE External Functions External Functions C External Function External Function COBOL External Function Program Starter &R:PHYSSIZE These are some of the client/server support categories that are available from within VisualAge's library of parts. You can use parts from these categories for remote resource sharing, creating applications with split logic, and updating existing applications with new graphical user applications. DataGraph 6X:PHYSSIZE \:PHYSSIZE .a:PHYSSIZE k:PHYSSIZE Database Functions 3270 Hllapi 3270 Hllapi 3270 Screen Push Button r:PHYSSIZE Database Functions Database Functions Stored Procedure Database Query y:PHYSSIZE LibraryParts2 CPJBQD[ Guard Buttons Lists Canvas Data Entry Menus Multimedia GUI Elements :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE #:PHYSSIZE (:PHYSSIZE ,:PHYSSIZE \-4-Y- Library of Parts Library of Parts These are some of the graphical user interface (GUI) categories that are available from within VisualAge's library of parts. You can use parts from these categories to build the user interface for your application.................... Listss 4:PHYSSIZE Lists Drop-down List Multiple Select List Combo Box Buttons ;:PHYSSIZE Buttons Toggle Button Radio Button Set Scale Push Button Canvas lB:PHYSSIZE Canvas Group Box Notebook Shell Data Entry I:PHYSSIZE Data Entry Table Multi-line Edit Label Menus O:PHYSSIZE Menus Cascade Button Toggle Button Separator Push Button Multimedia GUI Elements V:PHYSSIZE Multimedia Track Buttons Motion Buttons Frame Buttons Video Playback Window Record Eject Rewind Fast Forward Frame Advance Frame Reverse Track Reverse Pause Track Advance StatusBar Point to each category folder to display the parts. Pass over a part to view its name. Once you are finished, click the forward arrow to continue.nue.he forward arrow to continue.tinue.. HandsOn (P)<4% ConnectionLine1 DataStuff DatabaseQuery X :PHYSSIZE Database Query2 CurrentRow currentRow CurrentRowGraphic :PHYSSIZE ResultTable resultTable ResultTableGraphic :PHYSSIZE ConnectionLine2 ConnectionLine3 ConnectionLine4 DbQueryTearContext self destroyPart destroyedPart executeQuery executeQueryAsTransa close databaseManagerName databaseName querySpecName accessSetName resultTable ExecuteQueryOption PINMENUOption ScreenFilter connectionLine verticies 7740,4650,55,55 CurrentRowDetect FirstNameField PushConnectMenu ClickedOption PushConnectMenu clicked enabled More... more... Delete Create deferred update Add event code hook Add attribute code hook Connect Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout LastNameField movement1 EntryFieldContext TearContextMenu string enabled More... EntryFieldContents PartContextMenu Open settings... Edit part... Add event code hook... Add attribute code hook... Change name... Delete Layout Create deferred update Connect Browse connections Reorder connections from... Attribute default view Tear-off attributeok Connect Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout ConnectDetect rowcontextmenu CurrentRowList columnNames FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME PIN_NUMBER CHECKING_BALANCE SAVINGS_BALANCE unlisted attribute ... unlisted action ... unlisted event ... FirstName LastName InformationBox Lets preview how this GUI and database back-end will look/behave at runtime by clicking the test icon on the toolbar.e.mized Database-query object. InstructionBox Click on the 'End Transaction' push button to exit.e database query..right mouse button on the currentRow. Cursor TestWindow |+G!I ShellView TitleBar Button Button Button misc1 Savings Account Misc2 Checking Account AccessATM Access ATM Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl EndTransaction End Transaction Account Information First Name: Last Name: Amount: Enter PIN: PINNumber FirstName LastName TargetIndicator TargetIndicatorOutline TargetIndicatorText Click heree button 2 herery DemoMainMenu buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp - Click on a topic to find out more about it. - Double-click on a topic to choose it...... :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Topics Taking the Vision-Demo Tour Introducing VisualAge 'Hands-On' Time with VisualAge Exit Vision-Demo Tour The "Vision-Demo Tour" is an interactive demo that will acquaint you with the concepts and capabilities of VisualAge.n Builder Technology (ABT)........ Technology or ABT. Vision-Demo Tour Topics Vision-Demo Tour Topics :PHYSSIZE topicDesc This topic will allow you to interact with VisualAge to create some connections to data retrieved from a database query. It takes about 5 minutes.. DatabaseDemo 8$9F: >f?|@$` CurrentRow currentRow CurrentRowGraphic :PHYSSIZE ResultTable resultTable ResultTableGraphic :PHYSSIZE DbQueryPart Database Query2 DbQueryGraphic :PHYSSIZE PaletteGraphic1 Database Query Part TearContextMenu self [PxPart] dbmName [String] qSpecName [String] resultTable [PxQueryResultTable] pin [Object] TestWindow :PHYSSIZE Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Access ATM End Transaction Enter PIN: First Name: Last Name: Amount: Account Information Checking Account Savings Account SQLQuery Verifying SQL Query. Sorry for the delay. DatabaseConnections DatabaseGraphic DatabaseGraphicButton buttonUp buttonUp DatabaseGraphic 99animate4 baseGraphic 99animate4 DatabaseButtonText Click here continue.hed viewing the database graphic. DatabaseIcon Database 2 OS/2rr ATMTableInformation ATMTableInformation ATM {Database Name} Customer Names {Table Name} FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME PIN_NUMBER CHECKING_BALANCE SAINGS_BALANCE John Doe 111112 11543.22 2578.98 Ottamoney Foulkrod 86699 - 1.25 12.52 Martha Jones 54378 3982.54 33500.02 Rich Ziller 68972 210.75 2341.67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JohnSmithData 3d2 3 John Smith 12345 7890.03 15384.42 RowContextMenu columnNames FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME PIN_NUMBER CHECKING_BALANCE SAVINGS_BALANCE unlisted attribute ... unlisted action ... unlisted event ... Customer Data movement2 movement33 movement66 movement99 movement1 PartContextMenu Open settings... Edit part... Add event code hook... Add attribute code hook... Change name... Delete Layout Create deferred update Connect Browse connections Reorder connections from... Attribute default view Tear-off attributeok Connect Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout LoadedCursor CursorDrop LoadedCursor DBQueryDetails Database manager: Database name: Query name: Description: Button Button DetailsApply Apply DetailsCancel Cancel Database Query Details DatabaseManager DropDown1Filter Button XJ:PHYSSIZE DbQueryQuerySpecName Button HP:PHYSSIZE DbQueryDBDescription DatabaseManagerSelect Database 2 OS/2 DatabaseName DropDown2Filter Button W:PHYSSIZE DatabaseNameSelect DetailsShowSQL Show SQL QueryDropDownMenu Query Button DropDown1Filter DropDown2 DropDown2 Deposit_Boxes Closed_Accounts ATMHighlight DropDown2Filter DropDown1 DropDown1 Oracle Sybase DB2Highlight Database 2 OS/2222 QueryMenu Create Import... Export... Delete CreateOptionFilter CreateCascadeMenu CreateCascadeMenu Select... Insert... Update... Delete... SelectOptionFilter TearContextMenu self (AbtDatabaseQuery) databaseManagerName (string) databaseName (String) querySpecName (String) accessSetName (String) resultTable (AbtQueryResultTab ResultTableOption selectdetails Query name: Description: Tables/views Description: Columns Button Button Apply Cancel Select Detailssils TableView Customers ICR_Account Revoked_Acc Maintenance Show SQL ClauseMenuOptionThing Clause ClauseMenu Where... Group by... Having... Order by... QueryNAme SelectDescription Columnsssame: Description: Tables/views Description: Column sequenceeeDescription: Tables/views Description: ColumnSequence Computed columnssssscription: Tables/views Description: ComputedColumns Distinct Distinct SelectAll Select * ATMHighLight Customers ColumnsHighLight Checking_Acct Savings_Acct First_Name Last_Name PIN_Number Button TearContextMenu2 self (AbtQueryResultTable) currentRow (AbtQueryResult currentRowIndex (Integer) rows (Collection) rowAsStrings (Collection) columnNames (Collection) Other ... currentRowOption movement5 WhereDetails Left operand Button Button Apply Cancel Where Detailslsils Expression LeftOperand Button y:PHYSSIZE Add to operand lists UnaryOperatorMenu Unary operator Operator Right operand Operator Button :PHYSSIZE RightOperand Button :PHYSSIZE Expression LeftOperandDropDown LeftOperandDropDown Checking_Ac Savings_Ac First_Name Last_Name PIN_Number CheckingAccountHighLight Checking_Ac PINNumberHighLight PIN_Number OperatorDropDown DropDown1 Sybase Button movement6 InstructionBox Instruct Database Support: At its most simple level, Visual programming can be used to create Graphical User Interfaces by direct manipulation. Information To see how to connect the customer data to the view, when you return to the Database section click on the 'Main Menu' and select 'Hands-On' Time with VisualAge.Age'.s OEM databases such as Oracle and Sybase. PaletteGraphic2 Database Functions Cursor Multimedia terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOff InstructForward rotate rotate leavePage InstructForward rotate rotate leavePage InstructForward >(APAxA The Multimedia feature for VisualAge allows you to combine audio and video into your VisualAge applications.......... Multimedia for VisualAge you can use the power of the VisualAge visual programming tool to easily build new multimedia applications or to integrate multimedia features into existing applications. The results are applications which require reduced training time, offer greater personal productivity, and are more usable. TitleBar Button Button Button FocusGrabber Button :PHYSSIZE ":PHYSSIZE zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz 8+:PHYSSIZE zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 3:PHYSSIZE zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Digital Video Audio Waveform Compact Disc Videodisc Playersssa Players WithDraw Balance Checking Savings =:PHYSSIZE Deposit Credit WELCOME to the United OO World Bank Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Motion Track Frame Eject Record Mute Wrap Wrappppppppppppppppppppppp dH:PHYSSIZE O:PHYSSIZE dW:PHYSSIZE h_:PHYSSIZE g:PHYSSIZE l:PHYSSIZE p:PHYSSIZE Buttonsssa Buttons Track Frame Eject Record Mute Wrapppppp Wrap Wrappppppppppppppppppppppp Pv:PHYSSIZE Multimedia |wTwyw Multimedia VisualProgrammingDemo &x(x( AccessPushButton Push button movement PaletteGraphic Palette Categories Parts PaletteGraphic2 EntryField movement2 PaletteGraphic3 Push Button LoadedCursor AccessPushButton Push button ConnectContextMenu clicked enabled More... more... Delete Create deferred update Add event code hook Add attribute code hook Connect Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout ShellViewContext openApplicationModalWidget closeWidget aboutToOpenWidget openedWidget aboutToCloseWidget closedWidget title More...ct Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout movement3 EAConnectionLine CursorDrop LoadedCursor TestWindow TitleBar Button Button Button misc1 Savings Account Misc2 Checking Account Access ATM Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl End Transaction Account Information First Name: Last Name: Amount: Enter PIN: FocusGrabber Button Movement4 InstructionBox Instruct Visual Programming: At its most simple level, Visual programming can be used to create Graphical User Interfaces by direct manipulation. Information At its simplest level, Visual Programming can be used to create graphical user interfaces by direct manipulation.cation logic behind them.e button 1.the Frame to perform the 'closeWindow' action... connectionLine verticies 3000,1050 PushButtonDirectEdit PushContextMenu Open settings... Edit part... Add event code hook... Add attribute code hook... Change name... Delete Layout Create deferred update Connect Browse connections Reorder connections from... Attribute default view Tear-off attributeok Connect Browse connections Attribute default view Tear off attribute Layout CursorDrop2 PushButton uttonUp rightButtonUp buttonStillDown rightButtonUp ContextPushButton ContextPushButton buttonStillDown dragHandle svPart buttonStillDown dragHandle svPart >%6%label L%level Push button LoadedCursor Cursor Access ATM Multimedia2 enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward leavePage InstructForward structForward leavePage InstructForward Multimedia Players Multimedia Players The multimedia players represent real-world audio and video players and their media. With these players, you can integrate multimedia into your applications with a real-world look and feel. CSDescribe . . . . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tools. Decision support tools support various distributed resource managers while programming tools let you interface to those resource managers. All the business logic resides on the client side, unless the database manager supports features such as stored procedures, which let you add business logic to the database access. e database access. to the database access. access. ccess. ccess. ogic to the database access. access. late the operator operations. The Audio Waveform Player allows you to play and record digital audio from files. These files are a digital representation of the original audio sound wave.. The Compact Disc Player allows you to play digital audio compact discs. You can use the Compact Disc Player for audio playback or as input to the record function of the Audio Waveform Player.... The Digital Video Player allows you to play digital video from files. The video is displayed in a window on your computer display. your computer display. The Videodisc Player allows you to play videodiscs. The video can be connected to a video monitor while the audio can be connected to speakers, headphones, or some other audio media device. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE #:PHYSSIZE CompositionEditor Multimedia3 enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward leavePage InstructForward structForward leavePage InstructForward -H2$3 78?xF T8\xc q8y4{ Multimedia Buttons Multimedia Buttons The multimedia buttons are prepackaged and fully functional control buttons, similar to what you have at home today on your entertainment systems. With these buttons, you can control the multimedia players. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE !:PHYSSIZE F):PHYSSIZE -:PHYSSIZE >2:PHYSSIZE Button groups are provided to allow you to quickly add control of the multimedia players: ia players. A set of frame buttons to control frame movement of your video players. A set of track buttons to control track movement of your Compact Disc Player. A set of common motion buttons like Play, Stop and Fast forward. Fast forward. , Stop and Fast forward. , Stop and Fast forward. Individual buttons are also provided to give you complete flexibility in designing your multimedia user interface. ould look. Record Eject Rewind Fast Forwarddd Pause Frame Trackk Track reverse j<:PHYSSIZE C:PHYSSIZE J:PHYSSIZE *R:PHYSSIZE jY:PHYSSIZE `:PHYSSIZE g:PHYSSIZE *o:PHYSSIZE jv:PHYSSIZE }:PHYSSIZE DesigningATM3 LibraryParts2 P z:i Animate5 enterPage Animate6 animate3 Animate7 Animate8 Animate4 CursorMovement leavePage enterPage +)SetUpGlobals 4!ResetPaletteToTop buttonUp Category1 ShellView ATMGUI Information VisualAge provides generic parts that can be customized to your specific database needs. InstructionBox 8animate3 s_flag animate3 cursor CursorMovement Movement1 PaletteMoves DbQueryPart Item1 Information For this example we want to customize this Database Query part to an OS/2 database, DB2/2. Information The database that we have set up in DB2/2 looks something like this... InstructionBox DatabaseGraphic default paletteCategory svTimePause svCursorState Animate4 Information To customize the generic Database Query part to the database that you just viewed, open the settings for the Database Query part. instructionBox InstructionBox PartContextMenu cursor PartContextMenu DBQueryDetails InstructionBox databasemanagerselect databasemanagerselect databasemanagerselect dropdown1 dropdown2 QueryMenu CreateCascadeMenu Information This settings dialog allows you to specify the parameters needed to customize this Database Query part to the DB2/2 database you just viewed. instructionBox CursorMovement movement2 DatabaseSettings 9Animate5 svTimePause svCursorState Animate5 instructionBox Information From this window we can determine which tables and columns will be used to select the ATM's customer. cursor SelectDetails InstructionBox clauseMenu ATMHighLight ColumnsHighLight instructionBox Information First, we will type a name for the Query that will be created. CursorMovement movement33 SelectDetails :Animate6 svTimePause svCursorState Animate6 cursor InstructionBox WhereDetails InstructionBox OperatorDropDown PINNumberHighLight LeftOperandDropDown Information Here we can specify the search criteria (the 'Where' clause) for the query. instructionBox Information First, we need to select a column name to apply to the search condition. CursorMovement movement66 WhereDetails z:Animate7 svTimePause svCursorState Animate7 CursorMovement movement99 FinishDBSettings InstructionBox SQLQuery DbQueryDetails SQLQuery Information The generic Database Query part has now been customized to retrieve ATM customer data from a table in DB2/2. InstructionBox Information But the Database Query part contains encapsulated, or hidden, data that we need to access. Information This is how it works... Information The Database Query part only knows about the DB2/2 query. DatabaseGraphic ATMTableInformation DatabaseGraphicButton InstructionBox DbQueryGraphic ShrinkGrow DatabaseGraphic DatabaseGraphic InstructionBox Information In order to access the customer data, we need to tear off, or expose, the data contained in the Database Query2 part. InstructionBox PartContextMenu CursorMovement movement5 TearOff1 TearContextMenu resultTable DatabaseGraphic DatabaseGraphicButton InstructionBox ShrinkGrow DatabaseGraphic ResultTableGraphic ShrinkGrow ATMTableInformation DatabaseGraphic InstructionBox Information We now have a new object which contains the ATM customer result table. This table contains the encapsulated data for each ATM customer. Information To access the specific ATM customer data, we need to tear off the current data row retrieved by the query. InstructionBox PartContextMenu CursorMovement movement6 TearOff2 TearContextMenu2 PartContextMenu currentRow DatabaseGraphic DatabaseIcon DatabaseGraphicButton ATMTableInformation InstructionBox ShrinkGrow ATMTableInformation JohnSmithData CurrentRowGraphic ShrinkGrow JohnSmithData ATMTableInformation JohnSmithData Information We now have a new object which contains the current ATM customer row. This row contains the specific data retrieved for the ATM customer. instructionBox Information At this point, we are able to connect our view directly to the specific customer data retrieved by the database query. InstructionBox RowContextMenu RowContextMenu :Animate8 svTimePause svCursorState Animate8 DatabaseConnections ShrinkGrow DatabaseConnections ABTFeatures Information To see how to connect the customer data to the view, when you return to the Database section click on the 'Main Menu' and select 'Hands-On' Time with VisualAge. HandsOn Information Returning to 'Hands-On' Time with VisualAge... InstructionBox svTimePause svCursorState svCurrentPage ?CursorMovement 0bringToFront PaletteMoves Information We need to click on the parts palette scroll button to bring the 'Database Functions' category into view. buttonUp PaletteCategoryDown paletteGraphic2 Information Clicking on the 'Database Functions' palette category provides access to the generic parts used for database queries. buttonUp Category6 paletteGraphic2 Item1 setStatus Category: Database Functions object: Database Query paletteGraphic1 Information Clicking on the 'Database Query' part loads the cursor with a Database Query part. paletteGraphic1 LoadedCursor CursorDrop DatabaseSettings dropdown1 databasemanagerselect Information Note: VisualAge provides extensive support for IBM client/server databases such as DB2/2, as well as host databases, accessed via DDCS. In addition, VisualAge supports OEM databases such as Oracle and Sybase. dropdown1 databasemanagerselect databasemanagerselect dropdown2 databasenameselect databasenameselect databasenameselect DatabaseNameSelect dropdown2 databasenameselect databasenameselect Information From this pull-down menu, we are able to build a new query specification. QueryMenu CreateCascadeMenu Information The 'Select...' option allows us to create a query specification that will select the ATM customers from the database. CreateCascadeMenu QueryMenu SelectDetails QueryName QueryName DbQueryQuerySpecName QueryName Information And we will also type a description for the Query. SelectDescription SelectDescription DbQueryDbDescription SelectDescription Information Next, we will select the Customers table. ATMHighlight Columns Checking_Acct Savings_Acct First_Name Last_Name PIN_Number Information Since we will want to select all of the columns for each customer in the Customers table, we'll use the 'Select *' check box. SelectAll ColumnsHighLight Information Now that we have determined the SQL selection criteria, we also need to specify a clause. clauseMenu Information We need to create a 'Where' clause to specify the search condition. clauseMenu WhereDetails LeftOperandDropDown PINNumberHighLight PINNumberHighlight CheckingAccountHighLight LeftOperandDropDown LeftOperand PIN_Number Expression PIN_Number Information Next, we will determine the operator. OperatorDropDown Operator OperatorDropDown Expression [PIN_Number =] Information Lastly, we need to type the name of the attribute that will determine the search. RightOperand RightOperand Expression [PIN_Number = :pin] Information We now have a 'Where' clause that will search the 'PIN_Number' column of the ATM's Customers table for a matching(=) :pin. WhereDetails FinishDbSettings SelectDetails TearOff1 PartContextMenu TearContextMenu TearOff2 PartContextMenu TearContextMenu2 i:to3 textString yAdjustment xAdjustment counter paletteCategory svTimePause svCursorState actionConditions targetLine leavePage DatabaseGraphic DatabaseIcon DatabaseGraphicButton DatabaseButtonText ATMTableInformation ATMTableInformation JohnSmithData DatabaseConnections JohnSmithData DbQueryQuerySpecName DbQueryDbDescription DatabaseNameSelect SelectAll QueryName SelectDescription Columns LeftOperand Operator RightOperand Expression InstructionBox VisualProgrammingDemo Multimedia3 enterPage Animate leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOn svSystemType s_Flag svTimePause ShowInstructions s_Flag Animate InstructButton Graphic Graphic Object Graphic Object Graphic5 Object5 OOInformationBlock In an object-oriented environment, everything is treated as an object. Programming logic is created by having the objects 'communicate' with each other by sending messages. showInstructions svTimePause leavePage InformationBlock OOInformationBlock GraphicBlock InstructButton PageTitle OOInformationBlock In an object-oriented environment, everything is treated as an object. Programming logic is created by having the objects 'communicate' with each other by sending messages. Click on the push button to see what kind of objects you will deal with in VisualAge. LibraryParts enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOff InstructForward leavePage InstructForward InstructForward leavePage InstructForward Library of Parts Library of Parts :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE VisualAge provides an extensive library of prefabricated parts. These reusable parts can be combined to create applications with features such as: * Graphical User Interfaces * Application Logic * Client/Server Support transactions, and remote and local functions. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE %:PHYSSIZE x'P'u' Application Application DataGraph ~,:PHYSSIZE 0:PHYSSIZE Library of Parts Application Logic Graphical Interfaces Client/Server Support initial terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage Loading svExitDemoCBT Loading svExitDemoCBT leavePage svSystemType svExitDemoCBT Loading svExitDemoCBT leavePage svSystemType svExitDemoCBT W ""- Loading has given rise to a new age... Loading has given rise to a new age... W ""- A Powerful Vision Of Programming A Powerful Vision Of Programming LibraryParts3 l$`%f Guard :PHYSSIZE Models Multimedia Playersments Application Logic :PHYSSIZE Library of Parts Library of Parts :PHYSSIZE Multimedia Players :PHYSSIZE Multimedia Compact Disc Player Audio Waveform Player Videodisc Player Digital Video Player Models #:PHYSSIZE Models Variable Object Factory Personal Logic Model Ordered Collection StatusBar Point to each category folder to display the parts. Pass over a part to view its name. Once you are finished, click the forward arrow to continue.nue. These are some of the application logic categories that are available from within VisualAge's library of parts. You can use parts from these categories to assemble the programming logic for your application.cation.................... enterPage animate4 Animate1 rightbuttonUp buttonUp Animate2 Connection CompleteConnection1 Animate3 CompleteConnection2 leavePage enterPage HandsOn TargetIndicator +)SetUpGlobals 4!ResetPaletteToTop buttonUp Category1 ShellView ATMGUI svInstructMsg CompTour s_Flag svMouseLoaded svTargetOrientation svCurrentPage You have not viewed the demonstration on how to customize a generic database part. It provides helpful background information for this section. View demonstration Continue with Hands-On View demonstration InstructionBox Databasedemo 8Animate1 8Animate1 8Animate1 viewDemo s_flag svViewDatabaseDemo Animate1 InformationBox This section of the Vision-Demo Tour will show you how to connect the GUI interface to the data retrieved from the customized Database-query object. InformationBox InformationBox Start by bringing up a context menu for the currentRow object. InstructionBox Click mouse button 2 on the currentRow. InstructionBox ,VSetUpTI Click mouse button 2 here medium CurrentRowDetect GuidanceMsg FirstConnection svTask Animate2 InstructionBox InformationBox InformationBox Lets make one more connection. This time, you are on your own. ddragMove InformationBox InformationBox Make a connection from the currentRow object's LAST_NAME to the Last Name: Text field's string. InstructionBox Make the connection described above. InstructionBox ,VSetUpTI Click mouse button 2 here medium CurrentRowDetect currentRowDetect SecondConnection tempLoc svTask Animate3 cursor InstructionBox InformationBox Now that the data has been connected to the GUI, we need to tell the database query to execute a query action. InformationBox ddragMove InformationBox InformationBox We'll do this for you by connecting the 'Access ATM' push button's clicked event to the... movement1 connectionline connectionline PushConnectMenu PushConnectMenu connectionLine InformationBox ...Database Query2 part's executeQuery action. ConnectionLine DbQueryTearContext DbQueryTearContext ConnectionLine3 InformationBox Since the Database Query2 part uses a search condition, the ATM customer's PIN number, to execute the query... InformationBox We will connect the PIN Number: Text field's string to the... EntryFieldContext EntryFieldContext EntryFieldContext connectionLine InformationBox Database Query2 part's pin attribute. ConnectionLine DbQueryTearContext DbQueryTearContext ConnectionLine4 cursor 99animate4 default showConnectionLine2 showConnectionLine counter tempLoc svTask svTimePause svCursorState animate4 ,VSetUpTI Click here small InformationBox Lets preview how this GUI and database back-end will look/behave at runtime by clicking the test icon on the toolbar. ddragMove InformationBox InstructionBox Click on the test icon. InstructionBox InstructionBox guidanceMsg tempLoc svTask rightbuttonUp FirstConnection currentRowDetect currentRowDetect partContextmenu partContextMenu ,VSetUpTI Click here small ConnectDetect InformationBox From this menu, we can connect the currentRow to other parts. InstructionBox Select the 'Connect' menu option guidanceMsg guidanceMsg SecondConnection currentRowDetect currentRowDetect instructionbox partContextmenu partContextMenu ,VSetUpTI Click here small ConnectDetect guidanceMsg svTask buttonUp FirstConnection connectDetect ,VSetUpTI Click here small FirstName RowContextMenu InformationBox This menu presents a list of data, or attributes, retrieved from the database query. InstructionBox Select the ATM customer's 'FIRST_NAME'. PartContextMenu CurrentRowList RowContextMenu guidanceMsg FirstName PartContextMenu RowContextMenu FirstNameField InformationBox You want to connect the FIRST_NAME string to the First Name: Text field. InstructionBox Select the First Name: Text field as the target. ,VSetUpTI Target small FirstNameField guidanceMsg Connection FirstNameField TargetIndicator ConnectionLine FirstNameField ConnectionLine InformationBox You want to connect the 'string' of this Text field to the 'FIRST_NAME' string of the currentRow. InstructionBox Select the 'string' menu option. EntryFieldContext EntryFieldContext ,VSetUpTI Click here small EntryFieldContents guidanceMsg EntryFieldContents TargetIndicator EntryFieldContext ConnectionLine1 InformationBox The connection between the currentRow's data, the ATM customer's FIRST_NAME, and the Text field's string has been made. InstructionBox setStatus Connection created... #Current Row [#FIRST_NAME] - -> #Text4 [#string] m8Animate2 guidanceMsg SecondConnection connectDetect ,VSetUpTI Click here small LastName RowContextMenu PartContextMenu CurrentRowList RowContextMenu LastName PartContextMenu RowContextMenu LastNameField ,VSetUpTI Target small LastNameField Connection LastNameField TargetIndicator ConnectionLine LastNameField ConnectionLine EntryFieldContext EntryFieldContext ,VSetUpTI Click here small EntryFieldContents EntryFieldContents EntryFieldContext ConnectionLine2 InformationBox Very good, you have just connected the currentRow's data, ATM customer's LAST_NAME, to the Text field's string. InstructionBox setStatus Connection created... #Current Row [#LAST_NAME] - -> #Text5 [#string] 8Animate3 guidanceMsg InformationBox TestWindow InstructionBox We'll enter the ATM customer's PIN number for you. PINNumber PINNumber InstructionBox Click on the 'Access ATM' push button to execute the database query. ,VSetUpTI Click here small AccessATM AccessATM FirstName LastName Smith InstructionBox Click on the 'End Transaction' push button to exit. ,VSetUpTI Click here small EndTransaction EndTransaction DemoMainMenu guidanceMsg i:to2 textString CompleteConnection2 CompleteConnection1 svTask svMouseLoaded svTimePause svInstructMsg Connection connectionline CompleteConnection1 3CompleteConnection1 CompleteConnection2 3CompleteConnection2 connectionLine svMouseLoaded actionCondition CompleteConnection1 FirstNameField InformationBox Wrong Target, try again. InstructionBox Select the First Name: Text field as the target. guidanceMsg Connection CompleteConnection1 svMouseLoaded svInstructMsg CompleteConnection2 LastNameField guidanceMsg Connection CompleteConnection2 svInstructMsg svMouseLoaded leavePage TargetIndicator flipHorizontal DataStuff currentRowDetect ScreenFilter PINNumber FirstName LastName InformationBox InstructionBox ConnectionLine svInstructMsg svTargetOrientation ttonUp buttondown ResetPaletteToTop DragHandle errorHandle hideGroupPlacement SetUpGlobals AddGUIElements guidanceMsg dragMove mouseEnter ShrinkGrow keyDown changeTargetIndicator centerTargetIndicator refreshPalette SetUpTI refreshCompositionEditor buttonUp refreshFilters ObjectWithInObject SetUpGlobals 286 processor 386 processor 486 processor svSystemType svTimePause svFrames s_Flag refreshPalette Categories Parts Categories AltCompTour ShowPartDescriptions paletteCategory svCurrentPage ResetPaletteToTop Buttons Categories CategoryGraphic1 wrefreshPalette showingCategories paletteCategory mouseEnter EditorZone default MouseLoaded keyDown default TargetPart MouseLoaded buttonUp Category1 Category2 Category3 Category4 Category5 Category6 Buttons setStatus Category: Buttons DataEntry setStatus Category: Data Entry Lists setStatus Category: Lists Menus setStatus Category: Menus Canvas setStatus Category: Canvas Models setStatus Category: Models DatabaseFunctions setStatus Category: Database Functions ExternalFunctions setStatus Category: External Functions Multimedia setStatus Category: Multimedia categories wrefreshPalette paletteCategoryCategories paletteCategory showingCategories 3'buttondown errorfield EditorZone dragHandle targetPart PartDropped Buttons Item1 PushButton setStatus Category: Buttons object: Push Button FillGray Item1 Item2 Radio Button Set errorHandle Item3 Toggle Button errorHandle Item4 Scale errorHandle DataEntry Item1 EntryField setStatus Category: Data Entry object: Text EntryField Item1 Item2 Multi-line Edit errorHandle Item3 Toggle Button errorHandle Item4 StaticText setStatus Category: Data Entry object: Label Item4 Lists Item1 ListBox setStatus Category: Lists object: List FillYellow Item1 Item2 Multiple Select List errorHandle Item3 Drop-down List errorHandle Item4 Combo Box errorHandle Menus Item1 PushButton setStatus Category: Menus object: Push Button FillGray Item1 Item2 Toggle Button errorHandle Item3 Cascade Button errorHandle Item4 Seperator errorHandle Item4 errorHandle Canvas Item1 Shell errorHandle Item2 errorHandle Item3 Group Box errorHandle Item4 Notebook Models Item1 OrderedCollection setStatus Category: Models object: Ordered Collection Item1 Item2 Object Factory errorHandle Item3 Variable errorHandle DatabaseFunctions Item1 DatabaseQuery setStatus Category: Database Functions object: Database Query Item1 Item2 Stored Procedure errorHandle ExternalFunctions Item1 External Function errorHandle Item2 C External Function errorHandle Item3 COBOL External Function errorHandle Multimedia Item1 Compact Disc Player errorHandle Item2 Video Disc Player errorHandle Item3 Audio Wave Player errorHandle Item4 Digital Video Player Item5 Video Playback Window deltaX deltaY startPos prevFocus TargetPart svPartXAdjustment svPartYAdjustment svPart svPartType paletteCategory MouseLoaded DragHandle background background foreground paste EntryField FillYellow FillYellow FillGray foreground default mouseLoaded newPos startPos prevFocus breakDrag svPart svPartType paletteCategory svPartXAdjustment svPartYAdjustment ObjectWithInObject bounds1 bounds2 trueOrFalse PartName2 PartName1 errorHandle ErrorField ErrorField You do not need a to complete this task. ErrorField hideGroupPlacement Placement AddGUIElements ATMGUI dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove guidanceMsg svInstructMsg timePause dragMove svFrames toWhere ShrinkGrow CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds Deltay2 Deltax2 Deltay1 Deltax1 currentBounds startBounds svTimePause svFrames y2Target x2Target y1Target x1Target graphicName changeTargetIndicator right small TargetIndicatorOutline TargetIndicatorText medium TargetIndicatorOutline TargetIndicatorText large TargetIndicatorOutline TargetIndicatorText small TargetIndicatorText TargetIndicatorOutline medium TargetIndicatorText TargetIndicatorOutline large TargetIndicatorText TargetIndicatorOutline svInstructMsg svTargetOrientation targetSize centerTargetIndicator right right right right right right flipHorizontal Xcenter Ycenter XAdjustment YAdjustment LeftXAdjustment FlipOrNot svInstructMsg svTargetOrientation sidePosition targetPartName SetUpTI changeTargetIndicator centerTargetIndicator TargetIndicatorText svInstructMsg targetPosition targetCenter targetSize targetText refreshCompositionEditor MenuBar ToolBar PartsPalette PaletteCategoryUp PaletteCategoryDown PartColumnUp PartColumnDown CategoryGraphic1 CategoryGraphic2 CategoryGraphic3 CategoryGraphic4 ExternalFunctions Buttons Canvas DatabaseFunctions DataEntry Lists Menus Models Multimedia StickyCheckBox StatusBarBackground StatusBar StatusBarLeft StatusBarRight ViewSwitcher ScrollBarAssembly refreshFilters EditorZone Categories Parts Palette buttonDown buttonDoubleClick describe enterPage leavePage enterPage ControlBar MainMenu Previous ABTFeatures s_Flag GuidedTour s_Flag This demo containes a large number of animated segments, in order to maximize performance please select the type of system you are using. 286 processor 386 processor 486 processor SetUpFrames s_Flag s_flag svSystemType buttonDown topics topicdesc 60,50,100 Tdescribe buttonDoubleClick TakingVT Loading... IntroducingABT Loading... HandsOn Initial2 svExitDemoCBT describe Leave the Vision-Demo Tour. descList This topic will allow you to interact with VisualAge to create some connections to data retrieved from a database query. It takes about 5 minutes. This topic introduces the basic concepts and components used in VisualAge. It takes about 10 minutes. This topic explains how to make your way through the Vision-Demo Tour. It takes about 30 seconds. TopicDesc desclist leavePage topicdesc topics ControlBar Introducing VisualAge 'Hands-On' Time with VisualAge mouseEnter mouseLeave ClearPartsShowing enterPage leavePage BoundsList enterPage 3270 Hllapi TCP/IP CICS/OS2 Net BIOS External Functions Database Functions VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOn setStatus Default CategoryList GroupList CatIconList s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag mouseEnter ClearPartsShowing BoundsList ShrinkGrow setStatus Category: object: ClearPartsShowing Reference CategoryList GroupList CatIconList mouseLeave setStatus Category: CategoryList BoundsList BoundsItem ClearPartsShowing setStatus Default leavePage LibraryParts4 takingvt AboutABT IntroducingABT Multimedia OOTechnology HandsOn3 enterPage Animate leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff MainMenu Previous ControlBar Use the buttons shown to the right to navigate through the Vision-Demo Tour. If a control is dimmed, you can not use it. Use the buttons shown to the right to navigate through the Vision Tour. If a control is dimmed, you can not use it. s_Flag svDemoCBT .Animate s_flag Animate First dDragMove TargetPos TargetPos dDragMove ControlBar MainMenu Previous ControlBar Instruct default tempFrames svFrames leavePage Title Frame ControlBar MainMenu1Pos SectionTopics1Pos Previous1Pos Next1Pos TargetPos LibraryParts aseDemo AltTask3 Databases CSComputing Task1 DllSupport Multimedia4 HandsOn2 TeamProgramming LibraryParts3 enterPage Animate animate2 leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn svSystemType s_Flag svTimePause .Animate InstructForward s_Flag h Animate ShellView ATMGUI dDragMove ShellView dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove dDragMove shellview animate2 ShrinkGrow GUIGraphic GUIGraphic ddragMove GUIGraphic MoveLocation leavePage InstructForward GUIGraphic GUIGraphic svTimePause Initial2 SampleAppMenu DesigningATM2 DatabaseDemo mpbob ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with * A Graphic User Interface (GUI) * Application logic * Local and remote resource access All by merely selecting and clicking. * Graphical User Interface (GUI) VisualAge provides an extensive library of graphical interface parts that you can use to quickly build your own GUIs. build your own GUIs. eate the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. application from parts is called "construction from parts". A part can be an elementary component; it can also be composed of multiple interacting subparts. In this light, the process of constructing an application consists of: * Selecting the necessary predefined parts * Using them unmodified or customizing them for specific requirements * Establishing comunication links (take out: connections) among parts to create either the application or a new part. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Instruct buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Click the forward arrow to continue... duction Unit. arrow buttonUp buttonUp m8animate2 m8animate2 GUIGraphic Button Button Button Button Button Introducing VisualAgeTTT Introducing VisualAgeTTT ShellView TitleBar Button Button Button ATMGUI misc1 Savings Account Misc2 Checking Account Access ATM Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl End Transaction Account Information First Name: Last Name: Amount: Enter PIN: FocusGrabber Button GraphicBackGround DemoMainMenu terPage Animate enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn ABTFeatures Instruct Animate Graphic Legname Arrow Spark Legname spark Legname spark spark spark spark spark InstructForward i:to2 Feature:to XYAdjust LegName SparkName DescName NewBounds GraphicName ArrowName tempFrames StartPos XYAdjustment Feature svFrames leavePage Spark Graphic Arrow AnimateButton InstructForward Instruct Click on the C/S Support push button. Multimedia4 enterPage leavePage elapsed enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOn s_Flag rotate svTimeBegin -Elapsed s_Flag rotate leavePage instruct elapsed instruct instruct timeElapsed svTimeBegin s_Flag -Elapsed s_Flag rotate leavePage instruct elapsed instruct instruct timeElapsed svTimeBegin s_Flag By combining the multimedia players, the control buttons, and other VisualAge features, you can build new, powerful, and exciting applications. Multimedia for VisualAge brings the future of advanced interactive applications to you today! Multimedia for VisualAge harnesses the power of the VisualAge visual programming tool to easily build new multimedia applications or to integrate multimedia features into existing applications. The results are applications that require less training time, offer greater personal productivity, and are more usable. Multimedia Applications Multimedia Applications :PHYSSIZE TitleBar Button Button Button FocusGrabber Button WithDraw Balance Checking Savings :PHYSSIZE Deposit Credit WELCOME to the United OO World Bank Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button Button 4@d * uttonUp buttonDoubleClick showDesc StartAnimate Animate enterPage Checks clearFeatures buttonDown clearCompGraphic buttonUp leavePage enterPage @clearFeatures Check clearCompGraphic VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff ABTFeatures default svSystemType s_flag GuidedTour ChangePage svCurrentPage buttonDoubleClick OOTechnology VisualProgramming LibraryParts Databases ProtocolsInterfaces TeamProgramming CSComputing DllSupport Multimedia ChangePage buttonDown MainMenuIndicator buttonUp The entire VisualAge environment itself was created using Smalltalk and the VisualAge visual programming tool. The Visual Programming Tool enables you to create applications nonprocedurally using the exciting new technology called 'Construction from Parts.' VisualAge's prefabricated parts include support for graphical user interfaces, and generic parts for database queries, transactions, and remote and local functions. VisualAge includes support for local and remote relational database access and queries. VisualAge uses this support to provide visual programming parts that enable generic queries. VisualAge provides classes that produce object-oriented interfaces for the following communication protocols: APPC, TCP/IP, NetBIOS, CICS OS/2, and EHLLAPI. VisualAge supports team programming with a central library of parts and classes in a networked development environment. VisualAge provides comprehensive support for client/server computing through remote resource sharing, applications with split logic, and 'makeover' of the user interface for existing applications. Enhanced Dynamic Link Library (DLL) support automates the definitions that interface to a local C or COBOL DLL by building the necessary objects and methods for you. The Multimedia feature for VisualAge allows you to combine audio and video into your VisualAge applications. The GUI support included in the library of parts enables you to develop applications that support smart entry fields, tables, and forms. graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc graphicdesc desc10 desc9 desc8 desc7 desc6 desc5 desc4 desc3 desc2 desc1 ChangePage showDesc VisualAge is based on and provides a pure object-oriented environment. This includes... object-oriented visual programming tool... extensive library of prefabricated parts... for local and remote relational database access and queries... for multiple protocols and programming interfaces... ...advanced and comprehensive support for team programming... ...comprehensive support for client/server computing... ...interfaces to local C or COBOL DLLs... for multimedia... ...and support for development of Graphical User Interfaces. description description description description descList svFrames StartAnimate RunAnimateDetect ShrinkGrow CompGraphic CompGraphic .Animate tempVar Animate instruction graphicdesc feature feature Legname Legname feature feature 6nshowDesc feature description instruction graphicdesc graphicdesc default i:to2 groupbounds itembounds Feature:to LegName Feature svFrames2 StartPos XAdjust YAdjust XGrpAdj YGrpAdj svFrames Checks Check1 Check2 Check3 Check4 Check5 Check6 Check7 Check8 Check9 Check10 Instruction MainMenuIndicator clearFeatures Instruction CompGraphic CompGraphic instruct RunAnimateDetect GraphicDesc VisualAge provides a powerful set of tools and components that enables you to develop sophisticated applications with a minimum of coding. clearCompGraphic Instruction ABTFeatures CompGraphic instruct RunAnimateDetect graphicDesc checks leavePage graphicDesc MainMenuIndicator description graphicdesc ABTFeatures TeamProgramming terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage Programmingport Programmingport :PHYSSIZE VisualAge supports team programming with a central library of parts and classes in a networked development environment. VisualAge provides an advanced environment for team programming and configuration management. Some highlights of the team programming environment: * A central repository in the network that stores classes and enables multiple programmers to share and update classes. In an object-oriented environment, the unit of sharing is the class. * Aggregation of multiple classes into subsystems (called applications) with an enhanced browsing tool that shows only the classes and methods that are defined and extended within the subsystem. * Ownership of classes and subsystems by a developer who has the final responsibility for their integrity. * Support for version control and releases of classes and subsystems, plus support for prerequisites. and subsystems, plus support for prerequisites.. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. :PHYSSIZE terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff s_Flag showInstructions s_Flag leavePage instruct showInstructions s_Flag leavePage instruct VisualAge makes creating GUIs easy by including features such as: * A WYSIWYG user interface layout * Direct manipulation of the interface parts * Sizing, alignment, and formatting functions Related Topics: VisualAge's library of prefabricated parts VisualAge's visual programming tool y have the need to work concurrently on a class. * Aggregation of multiple classes into subsystems (called applications) with an enhanced browsing tool that shows only the classes and the methods defined and extended within the subsystem. * Ownership of classes and subsystems by a developer who has the final responsibility for their integrity. * Support for version control and releases of classes and subsystems, plus support for prerequisits. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Graphical User Interface (GUI) The GUI support included in the library of parts enables you to develop applications that support smart entry fields, tables, and forms. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Button Button Button ATM Application Button Button V!v I Button Button Button ATM Application Button Button CompTour1 ABTFeatures * Local and Remote Resource Access VisualAge provides comprehensive support for client/server computing. * Legacy Applications * Split Logic * Remote Resourcesication logic can be created as easily as drawing lines between two objects using the "Visual Programming Tool" or as powerful as using native SmallTalk code....nstruction from parts". A part can be an elementary component; it can also be composed of multiple interacting subparts. In this light, the process of constructing an application consists of: * Selecting the necessary predefined parts * Using them unmodified or customizing them for specific requirements * Establishing comunication links (take out: connections) among parts to create either the application or a new part. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. graphicbackground ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with * A Graphic User Interface (GUI) * Application logic * Local and remote resource access All by merely selecting and clicking. Graphic3 :PHYSSIZE Graphic2 :PHYSSIZE arrow3 arrow2 Desc2 Split Logic Desc3 Remote Resources AnimateButton buttonUp buttonUp instruct .animate instruct .animate C/S Support Graphic1 :PHYSSIZE arrow1 Spark1 height Spark2 H height Spark3 !height Spark "height Desc1 Legacy Applications arrows Introducing VisualAgeTTT Introducing VisualAgeTTT Instruct buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Click on the C/S Support push button... duction Unit. arrow GUIGraphic Button Button Button Button Button CodeGraphic Application Logic 2:PHYSSIZE OOTechnology OOInformationBlock In an object-oriented environment, everything is treated as an object. Programming logic is created by having the objects 'communicate' with each other by sending messages. Click on the push button to see what kind of objects you will deal with in VisualAge.evelop, and you are not dependent on a vendor to provide you with missing functions. The power of ABT goes further. For advanced applications with complex local buisness logic, Application Builder Technology provides a pure object-oriented language, SmallTalk, which can be used to enhance and extend the applications you create with ABT's visual programming tool. From this perspective, ABT is also a tool that makes the transition to object-oriented technology smoother and easier. The trchnology can be aquired and introduced gradually in steps and at the pace that is best for your organization. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. GraphicBlock PageTitle OO Technology OO Technology Object5 Object4 Object1 Object2 Object3 InformationBlock Included in VisualAge is an object-oriented visual programming tool. When you work with the visual programming tool, you are creating true object-oriented applications composed of object-oriented classes...ld to a procedural and descriptive paradigm. to procedural representations. dural representations. of problems to procedural representations. object-oriented application development environment.) visual programming tools on the market place allow the developer to build graphical user interfaces, however, not all are based on object-oriented technology and not all of them integrate with an application development platform. (Visual programming tools acquire an even more interesting flavour when they, like ABT, are based on object-oriented technology and integrate with an object-oriented application development environment.) ntegrate with an object-oriented application development environment.) the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Graphic1 Databases :PHYSSIZE InstructButton buttonUp buttonUp .animate VisualAge Objects ProgrammingObject Graphic2 Graphical user interface elements PushButton Graphic5 Database Queries &:PHYSSIZE Graphic4 Programming Structures +:PHYSSIZE zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Graphic3 Graphical Interfaces (Dialogs) objectss 4:PHYSSIZE terPage animate enterPage leavePage enterPage InstructForward animate ShrinkGrow CodeGraphic CodeGraphic arrows arrows TempTimePause svTimePause leavePage arrows CodeGraphic Arrows InstructForward arrows arrows TempTimePause svTimePause leavePage arrows CodeGraphic Arrows InstructForward * Application Logic VisualAge enables you to create application logic in a variety of ways. You can easily create application logic by drawing lines between two objects with the "Visual Programming Tool." Or you can use the power of native Smalltalk code.................ful as using native SmallTalk code...e... code.alled "construction from parts". A part can be an elementary component; it can also be composed of multiple interacting subparts. In this light, the process of constructing an application consists of: * Selecting the necessary predefined parts * Using them unmodified or customizing them for specific requirements * Establishing comunication links (take out: connections) among parts to create either the application or a new part. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. graphicbackground Native SmallTalk method: applications complete with * A Graphic User Interface (GUI) * Application logic * Local and remote resource access All by merely selecting and clicking. buttonUp buttonUp .animate .animate add: number1 To: number2 " Add 2 numbers and return the total" | total | total : = number1 + number2 ^total arrows Introducing VisualAgeTTT Introducing VisualAgeTTT GUIGraphic Button Button Button Button Button CodeGraphic Application Logic :PHYSSIZE HandsOn AltCompTour1 initial DesigningATM AltTask2 eEnter enterPage mouseLeave ClearPartsShowing mouseEnter leavePage BoundsList enterPage Buttons Lists Canvas Data Entry Menus Multimedia VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn setStatus Default CategoryList GroupList CatIconList mouseEnter ClearPartsShowing BoundsList ShrinkGrow setStatus Category: object: ClearPartsShowing Reference CategoryList GroupList CatIconList mouseLeave setStatus Category: CategoryList BoundsList BoundsItem ClearPartsShowing setStatus Default leavePage TargetBounds1 ProtocolsInterfaces enterPage mouseEnter mouseLeave leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag mouseEnter APPCGroup NetBIOS NetBIOS NetBIOSGroup TCPIP TCPIP TCPIPGroup CICSGroup EHLLAPI EHLLAPI EHLLAPIGroup TCPIP NetBIOS TCPIP NetBIOS TCPIP TCPIP EHLLAPI TCPIP EHLLAPI AS400 AS400 CICSVM CICSVM CICSGroup2 CICSMVS CICSMVS CICSGroup2 CICSVSE CICSGroup2 CICSVSE CICSGroup2 CICSOS2 CICSOS2 CICSGroup2 mouseLeave APPCGroup NetBIOS NetBIOS NetBIOSGroup TCPIP TCPIP TCPIPGroup CICSGroup EHLLAPI EHLLAPI EHLLAPIGroup TCPIP NetBIOS TCPIP NetBIOS TCPIP TCPIP EHLLAPI TCPIP EHLLAPI AS400 AS400 CICSVM CICSVM CICSGroup2 CICSMVS CICSMVS CICSGroup2 CICSVSE CICSVSE CICSGroup2 CICSOS2 CICSOS2 CICSGroup2 leavePage P,7{P ABTFeatures 2p3\4H5T9 :<:j: :";R;>< VisualAge Features VisualAge Features graphicdesc :PHYSSIZE Instruction buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp - Click any topic to find out more about it. - Double-click any topic to choose it... description Visual Programming :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Library of Parts :PHYSSIZE Multiple Relational Databases ":PHYSSIZE Client/Server Support R':PHYSSIZE Enhanced DLL Support ,:PHYSSIZE Programming Check4 Check5 Check6 Check3 Check2 Check1 Check7 Check8 Check9 CompGraphic RunAnimateDetect buttonUp buttonUp instruct graphicDesc "StartAnimate nstruct graphicDesc "StartAnimate VisualAge VisualAge Leg10 o T$y Check10 Multiple Protocols and Interfaces A:PHYSSIZE Multimedia F:PHYSSIZE K:PHYSSIZE MainMenuIndicator Instruct You have now viewed all of the VisualAge features presented here. At this time, you may review any of the features OR click the Main Menu button and choose "Hands-On Time with VisualAge" to continue. Instruct Click on the "VisualAge" display graphic to see some of the features that VisualAge has to offer. e Main Menu button and select the "Some Hands-On Time with VisualAge."th ABT." enterPage leavePage enterPage InstructForward leavePage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward leavePage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward C/S Computing C/S Computing Enterprise Business Logic and Data : New client/server applications with split logic and access to remote transactions and programs. c, and 'makeover' of UI to existing applications.. erver (c/s) computing over multiple protocols and programming interfaces. CSDescribe Enterprise Business Logic and Data The demand for this comes from applications that are critical for the enterprise operations, such as order entry, inventory control, customer information systems, financial transactions, reservation systems, and so on. In this case the client application communicates with the application logic on the server side. These applications make use of an appropriate program-to-program communication protocol. The major requirement is to enforce enterprise-wide business rules that can only be reached through business logic in the server side. reached through business logic in the server side. :PHYSSIZE enterPage leavePage enterPage InstructForward leavePage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward leavePage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward C/S Computing C/S Computing Legacy Applications: Client applications that provide a new look to the user interface of host (legacy) applications. ograms. c, and 'makeover' of UI to existing applications.. erver (c/s) computing over multiple protocols and programming interfaces. CSDescribe There is a great need to provide advanced user-friendly interfaces to old legacy applications that currently use character-based, nongraphical user interfaces. Advanced interfaces may be needed for applications that are not going to be renewed. In addition, it allows new applications to be delivered in stages, providing better user interfaces without changing the host programs. VisualAge supports this by helping to create client parts that can make use of terminal emulator programming interfaces to simulate the operator operations. r operations. rts this by helping to create client parts that can make use of terminal emulator programming interfaces to simulate the operator operations. :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Legacy Applications terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage ABTFeatures VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOn s_Flag svCurrentPage ShowInstructions DemoInstruct s_Flag leavePage Loading DemoInstruct svCurrentPage ShowInstructions DemoInstruct s_Flag leavePage Loading DemoInstruct Visual Programming (continued) Visual Programming (continued) In this light, the process of constructing an application consists of: * Selecting the necessary predefined parts * Using them unmodified or customizing them for specific requirements * Establishing communication links among parts to create either the application or a new part. * Selecting the necessary predefined parts * Using them unmodified or customizing them for specific requirements * Establishing comunication links (take out: connections) among parts to create either the application or a new part. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. A visual programming tool is a tool that provides users with a means to interactively and graphically specify programs. For example, routines, programs, and data have graphical representations, such as icons. Relationships among these components are depicted graphically as well. The construction of programs is done graphically; that is, you "write" programs by manipulating graphical representation of components into applications. tions. s done graphically; that is, you "write" programs by manipulating graphical representations of components to form applications. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Loading Loading Demo... buttonUp buttonUp Loading VisualProgrammingDemo svViewVPDemo Loading VisualProgrammingDemo svViewVPDemo :PHYSSIZE VisualAge VisualAge DemoInstruct Click on "A Powerful New Vision Of Programming" screen to see visual programming at work. It takes about 2 minutes... Animate5 enterPage Animate6 animate3 Animate7 CursorMovement Animate4 leavePage enterPage +)SetUpGlobals 4!resetPaletteToTop buttonUp Category1 ShellView ATMGUI 8animate3 s_flag animate3 cursor CursorMovement movement paletteChanges EntryField Item1 99Animate4 svCursorState Animate4 cursor CursorDrop 0bringToFront Information The same sequence of events are used to add any of the parts from the palette. CursorMovement movement2 AddPushButton AccessPushButton Item1 Information You also have the ability to direct-edit the text of objects, in this case a Push Button. Information Information Enter direct-edit mode by pressing ALT and mouse button 1. AccessPushButton PushButtonDirectEdit PushButtonDirectEdit PushButtonDirectEdit AccessPushButton PushButtonDirectEdit PushButtonDirectEdit 9Animate5 buttonString svCursorState svTimePause Animate5 Information We'll complete this dialog by adding the rest of the sample GUI parts for you. information instruct gAddGUIElements :Animate6 Animate6 Information Now that the GUI is complete... Let's add some application logic using Visual Programming techniques. InstructionBox ddragMove InstructionBox Information In this case, we want the window to close when the 'End Transaction' push button is clicked. Information We'll start by bringing up a context menu of options for the 'End Transaction' pushbutton. cursor CursorMovement Movement3 ContextMenu ShellViewContext EAconnectionLine setStatus Connection created... #Push Button1 [#clicked] - - > #Shell View [#closeWidget] Information As a result, whenever the 'End Transaction' push button is clicked, the event causes the connection to be fired. z:Animate7 tempLoc svCursorState svConnectLine Animate7 Information Let's test the view to see if behaves as we expect. cursor CursorMovement movement4 testWindow Information So, we have seen how Visual Programming can be used to both build graphical user interfaces and create the application logic behind them. default svCursorState svTimePause svCurrentPage $CursorMovement PaletteChanges buttonUp Category6 Information Clicking on a palette category provides access to any of the parts contained within that category. paletteGraphic buttonUp Category5 buttonUp Category4 buttonUp Category3 buttonUp Category2 paletteGraphic Item1 paletteGraphic2 setStatus Category: Data Entry object: Text Information Clicking on the 'Text' part loads the cursor. paletteGraphic2 LoadedCursor CursorDrop Information Holding mouse button 1 down allows you to position the Text part. AddPushButton buttonUp Category1 Item1 setStatus Category: Buttons object: Push Button Information Information For example, adding a Push Button. paletteGraphic3 paletteGraphic3 LoadedCursor CursorDrop2 ActionConditions testWindow ActionConditions ContextMenu connectionline PushContextMenu Information We want to 'Connect' the 'clicked' event of this pushbutton to... ConnectContextMenu PushContextMenu ConnectContextMenu connectionLine connectionLine ShellViewContext Information ...the 'closeWidget' action of the Shell View. yAdjustment xAdjustment counter paletteCategory svTimePause svCursorStatem svConnectLine svCursorState actionConditions targetLine leavePage PushButtonDirectEdit AccessPushButton Push button InstructionBox connectionline Information At its simplest level, Visual Programming can be used to create graphical user interfaces by direct manipulation. InstructionBox terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOn InstructForward s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage ctForward s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage C/S Computing C/S Computing Related Topics: The two topics shown to the right provide additional details about client/server computing and VisualAge. To view one of these topics directly, click on the appropriate icon shown to the on the appropriate icon shown to the right...................the appropriate topic icon (shown to the right). OR o Select on CSDescribe Database Support VisualAge provides support for local and remote relational database access and queries. This support provides visual programming parts that enable generic queries. Multiple Protocols and Interfaces VisualAge provides communications to other systems by supporting the following communication protocol interfaces: * APPC * TCP/IP * NetBIOS * CICS OS/2 * EHLLAPI. u interface to those resource managers from your applications. All the buisness logic resides on the client side, unless the database manager supports features such as stored procedures, which let you add buisness logic to the database access. erfaces to simulate the operator operations. buttonUp buttonUp Databases Databases :PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp ProtocolsInterfaces ProtocolsInterfaces :PHYSSIZE enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOn InstructForward leavePage InstructForward structForward leavePage InstructForward C/S Computing C/S Computing Decision Support : Remote resource sharing. The most typical shared resource is data. f host (legacy) applications. ograms. c, and 'makeover' of UI to existing applications.. erver (c/s) computing over multiple protocols and programming interfaces. CSDescribe The big demand for sharing remote resources comes from the need to use data from the enterprise's database in local decision support tools. The answer to this demand is in decision support tools and in programming tools. Decision support tools support various distributed resource managers while programming tools let you interface to those resource managers. All the business logic resides on the client side, unless the database manager supports features such as stored procedures, which let you add business logic to the database access. e database access. to the database access. access. ccess. ccess. ogic to the database access. access. late the operator operations. :PHYSSIZE Decision Support s A8-V+ ProtocolsInterfaces $h%,& VisualAge provides a rich set of communications connectivity. VisualAge applications (as well as non-VisualAge applications) can use this support to select and define the appropriate communications path for performing the application tasks. VisualAge simplifies the task of defining communications protocols between environments. that developers provide the communications parameters required by each environment. pplications. to form applications. s done graphically; that is, you "write" programs by manipulating graphical representations of components to form applications. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Multiple Protocols and Interfaces Multiple Protocols and Interfaces :PHYSSIZE VisualAge provides classes that produce object-oriented interfaces for the following communication protocols: * APPC * TCP/IP * NetBIOS * CICS OS/2 * EHLLAPI/IP * NetBIOS * CICS OS/2 * and EHLLAPI...... VisualAge Application Other Application TCPIP TCP/IP NetBIOS NetBIOS CICSGroup2 CICS OS/2 EHLLAPI EHLLAPIU APPCGroup TCPIPGroup NetBIOSGroup EHLLAPIGroup AS400 AS/400 CICSGROUP CICSVM CICS VM CICSMVS CICS MVS CICSVSE CICS VSE CICSOS2 CICS OS/2 TCPIP NetBIOS EHLLAPI VisualAge Supported Protocols CICSMVS CICSVM CICSVSE CICSOS2 AS400 Instruct buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Point to each communication protocol or to the environment to see the connection possibilities.. Environments OOTechnology enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOn PrevOff InstructForward leavePage InstructForward InstructForward leavePage InstructForward OO Technology OO Technology The entire VisualAge environment itself was created using Smalltalk and the visual programming tool.ol.ool.l.ment, in which everything is an object. This avoids the need to map a conceptual view of the world to a procedural and descriptive paradigm. to procedural representations. dural representations. of problems to procedural representations. object-oriented application development environment.) visual programming tools on the market place allow the developer to build graphical user interfaces, however, not all are based on object-oriented technology and not all of them integrate with an application development platform. (Visual programming tools acquire an even more interesting flavour when they, like ABT, are based on object-oriented technology and integrate with an object-oriented application development environment.) ntegrate with an object-oriented application development environment.) the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. :PHYSSIZE Because VisualAge was created using its own language and tools, you can use VisualAge to modify and enhance the functionality of the VisualAge system itself. This means that you are never limited in what you can develop, and you are not dependent on a vendor to provide you with missing functions. The power of VisualAge goes further. For advanced applications with complex local business logic, VisualAge provides a pure object-oriented language, Smalltalk, that can be used to enhance and extend the applications you create with the visual programming tool. From this perspective, VisualAge is a tool that makes the transition to object-oriented technology smooth and easy. The technology can be acquired and introduced gradually in steps, at the pace that is best for your organization.......or your organization. About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. Databases terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage ABTFeatures VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff default s_Flag svCurrentPage ShowInstructions Instruct2 s_Flag leavePage Loading instruct2 revOff default s_Flag svCurrentPage ShowInstructions Instruct2 s_Flag leavePage Loading instruct2 Multiple Relational Databases Multiple Relational Databases :PHYSSIZE VisualAge includes support for local and remote relational database access and queries. VisualAge uses this support to provide visual programming parts that enable generic queries. VisualAge provides Smalltalk object classes and interactive tools that support easy, consistent access to data residing on a LAN or another workstation. VisualAge simplifies access to this data by providing object classes that conform to existing data structure requirements. Three basic types of database support are provided: * Support for common application usage * Support for the database engine's full capabilities * A set of interactive tools to aid the developer in quickly tailoring for site-specific needs and requirements. rom a list of known databases - Ability to select the desired table from the database - Facilitates building the individual expressions in the query - Simple compounding o About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. buttonUp buttonUp Loading DatabaseDemo svViewDatabaseDemo Loading DatabaseDemo svViewDatabaseDemo :PHYSSIZE VisualAge VisualAge Instruct2 Click on "A Powerful New Vision Of Programming" screen to see how database support works in ABT. It takes about 5 minutes.Takes about 3 minutes. Loading Loading Demo... DllSupport terPage enterPage leavePage enterPage VSetUpNP NextOff PrevOff s_Flag ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage ShowInstructions s_Flag leavePage Enhanced DLL Support Enhanced DLL Support :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Enhanced Dynamic Link Library (DLL) support automates the definitions that interface to a local C or COBOL DLL by building the necessary objects and methods for you. VisualAge provides a tool that will take an interface file (namely a C include file or a COBOL copylib file) and produce a representation of the definitions in the file that can be utilized by VisualAge in Smalltalk. Three primary types of objects are produced: * Interfaces to non-Smalltalk data structures * Constants dictionaries * DynamicLinkLibrary (DLL) subclasses s full capabilities * A set of interactive tools have been provided to aid the developer in quickly tailoring for site-specific needs and requirements. - Chose from a list of known databases - Ability to select the desired table from the database - Facilitates building the individual expressions in the query - Simple compounding o About Application Builder Technology Application Builder Technology (ABT) is an extremly powerful yet easy to use client/server application development environment. It enables you to quickly create the client portions of complex applications with minimum coding. ABT provides a solution for building applications complete with a Graphic User Interface (GUI), application logic, and local and remote resource access by merely selecting and clicking. We would now like to show you some of the features of the ABT environment you will be working in throughout this tutorial. Please click anywhere on the screen to view the demonstartion. sion Tour E\D|D|E System System Times New Roman Times New Roman System System Vision-Demo Tour sion Tour System System Arial System System System Small Fonts Sans Serif Small Fonts Times New Roman . Sans Serif Serif mes New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman b b b b b b ControlBar buttonUp buttonDown enable disable buttonDown enabled buttonUp enable enabled disable enabled enabled disable enabled enabled false ABTFeatures buttonUp buttonUp ABTFeatures InstructForward ABTFeatures InstructForward :PHYSSIZE previous 2(/b9 buttonUp buttonDown enable disable buttonDown enabled buttonUp enable enabled disable enabled enabled disable enabled enabled MainMenu buttonUp buttonUp DemoMainMenu CBTMainmenu svDemoCBT DemoMainMenu CBTMainmenu svDemoCBT Button Button Button instruct Instruct Click the Section Topics button to return to the features list. ColorBackground InstructForward buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Click the forward arrow to continue... duction Unit. arrow ShrinkGrow dragMove showInstructions SetUpFrames SetUpNP SetStatus showInstructions Instruct Instruct PauseTime ShrinkGrow CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds CurrentBounds Deltay2 Deltax2 Deltay1 Deltax1 currentBounds startBounds svTimePause svFrames pauseTime targetBounds graphicName dragMove svFrames toWhere SetUpFrames 286 processor 386 processor 486 processor svFrames1 svSystemType svFrames svTimePause SetUpNP NextOn enable ox%disable PrevOn enable Previous ox%disable Previous PreviousCondition NextCondition SetStatus Default StatusBar Point to each category folder to display the parts. Pass over a part to view its name. Once you are finished, click the forward arrow to continue. StatusBar StatusBar StatusBar Append statusText CompositionEditor 1R1R2X3X4^5 PartsPalette StatusBarBackground ToolBar :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE StatusBarRight ViewSwitcher :PHYSSIZE palette PaletteCategoryDown buttonUp buttonUp Categories background CategoryGraphic4 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette background CategoryGraphic3 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette background CategoryGraphic2 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette foreground showingCategories ringToFront wrefreshPalette background CategoryGraphic3 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette background CategoryGraphic2 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette foreground showingCategories PartColumnDown StatusBar Category: Buttonse Functions object: Database Query#Shell View [#closeWidget]uery]Collection2 Collection]]n]] StatusBarLeft PartColumnUp PaletteCategoryUp buttonUp buttonUp background CategoryGraphic1 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette background CategoryGraphic2 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette Categories background CategoryGraphic3 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette showingCategories background CategoryGraphic2 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette Categories background CategoryGraphic3 0bringToFront wrefreshPalette showingCategories MenuBar File Edit View Options Tools Help ScrollBarAssembly ErrorField mouseLeave mouseLeave You do not need a Variable to complete this task. task. task. ShellView TitleBar ShellView Button Button Button ATMGUI misc1 Savings Account Misc2 Checking Account Access ATM Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl Acct Balance Cash Withdrawl End Transaction Account Information First Name: Last Name: Amount: Enter PIN: FocusGrabber Button Placement1 ATMEntryField Label Placement2 ATMEntryField EditorZone Placement3 ATMEntryField Push Button Placement4 ATMEntryField Text Placement5 ATMEntryField H4 4E4 Placement6 ATMEntryField H5 5E5 Listox StickyCheckBox Sticky ListBox buttonDown buttonDown dragHandle svPart Oandle svPart ExternalFunctions &;:PHYSSIZE Multimedia ?:PHYSSIZE DatabaseQuery D:PHYSSIZE Database Query2 OrderedCollection Ordered Collection2 .J:PHYSSIZE zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz PushButton uttonUp rightButtonUp buttonStillDown rightButtonUp ContextPushButton ContextPushButton buttonStillDown dragHandle svPart ~Op6bPc buttonStillDown dragHandle svPart PushButton EntryField buttonDown buttonDown dragHandle svPart O`Qandle svPart StaticText buttonDown buttonDown dragHandle svPart andle svPart Label Models