Virtual Pascal v2.1

The FREE tool for 32 bit cross-platform development in Pascal

Virtual Pascal is the tool of choice for 32-bit cross-platform development using the Pascal language. It is compatibile with Borland Pascal and Delphi, including the Run-Time Library (RTL), an optimizing compiler, a powerful integrated debugger, and comprehensive online documentation.

Virtual Pascal includes support for OS/2, Win32 (Windows 95/98/NT/2000). The latest version is currently v2.1 Beta.

Quick links
info sources
bug status
real life
Virtual Pascal v2.1 Public Beta Available
September 7, 2000

A public beta of Virtual Pascal v2.1 is now available for download from the web site - and it's Free, just like the release version will eventually be.

To download, get these 4 files:

Each file is a self-extracting RAR archive. To extract the files, run each downloaded file. For installation instructions, please refer to ReadMe.htm, which is also included.

The rest of this web site, including the list of known problems etc will be updated to reflect this shortly.

Virtual Pascal v2.1 is FreeWare
September 5, 2000

It is now for certain: Virtual Pascal will be FreeWare from v2.1 onwards. This means that any user can download it and use it, totally free of charge.

I will post the first public Beta version of VP v2.1 on the site in the next few days.

VP no longer for sale
August 23, 2000

Effective mid-July, Virtual Pascal is no longer being sold through BMT Micro. This is done in the hope that I can make the software freeware in the very near future - please check back to this page to follow the latest developments.

This does not mean that Virtual Pascal will not be extended or improved. It simply means that more people will be able to use and enjoy Virtual Pascal!

Virtual Pascal v2.1 private beta 2
August 6, 2000

The problems that were found in the first private Beta have now been fixed, and a new limited-release private beta of Virtual Pascal v2.1 has been made available.

Real Soon Now, all registered users of Virtual Pascal will receive an e-mail with details of the public beta as soon as it's finally available.

Summer problems
July 17, 2000

The limited pre-beta of Virtual Pascal has a number of problems in it, which are being worked on when time permits. Unfortunately, this being the summer season there isn't as much time for the task as normal.

In addition, legal issues with transfering the Virtual Pascal licence have held up the release; I am told that this will be resolved soon and when this happens the beta will be released. Thank you for your patience...

Virtual Pascal v2.1 pre-beta
May 5, 2000

Virtual Pascal v2.1 has been released as a limited release pre-beta; pending feedback from this release, the real Beta will be released soon.

All registered users of Virtual Pascal will receive an e-mail with details of the beta and instructions for download when it becomes available - stay tuned.

The latest on VP v2.1
April 3, 2000

Virtual Pascal v2.1 is still on its way, and has been delayed somewhat by the fact that the online help needed updating. v2.0 did not include online help for the TObject class, or for the entire Classes unit - and this has now been written for inclusion in v2.1

New heap checking unit
February 27, 2000

Have you ever experiences a memory leak that was hard to track down? Or ever written beyond the end of an allocated memory buffer? If so, the latest addition to Virtual Pascal, HeapCheck, is for you.

The unit HeapChk.Pas tracks memory leaks, as well as under- and overruns, and integrates into the Virtual Pascal environment. Download it from the Examples page.

mySQL interface
1 February, 2000

A port of the interface to the mySQL database has been made available, and can be downloaded from Andrew William's web site.
No docs are included, but the C ones should do.

VP-related material
January 30, 2000

Veit Kannegieser, a long-time enthusiastic user of Virtual Pascal, is maintaining a web site with material related to VP. This includes snippets of useful source code, a DPMI-32 port of the VP v2.0 RTL, utilities and extra help files.

The web site is available here, in both English and German.

New home for Virtual Pascal
7 january, 2000

The new web site of Virtual Pascal is slowly taking form. Appropriately, Virtual Pascal now is available directly at
Please bookmark this page, and use it in preference to any previous fPrint or Peregrine Systems pages that used to host the Virtual Pascal home page.

Virtual Pascal v2.1 is closer
December, 1999

Following the release of v2.0, a service release of Virtual Pascal, v2.1, is now close to release. This release, which is obviously free of charge for all existing customers of VP v2.0, will primarily include bugfixes and enhancement, but also a few new minor features - most of the changes are listed on the bugs page.

An e-mail notification will be sent to all customers when the software is made available.

Bugs page now available
24 September, 1999

A full list of bugs, suggestions, and their status, is now available here. The bugs are categorised for to easily find known/fixed problems in the IDE, RTL, debugger, etc.

Virtual Pascal goes cross-platform
23 August, 1999

With the release of Virtual Pascal v2.0, the full feature set of Virtual Pascal is available here.

Keeping up to date with the news
1 August, 1999

There are now several ways of being up to date on Virtual Pascal, through the
Virtual Pascal Information Sources page

VP For Linux
August, 1999

A project aiming to port Virtual Pascal to Linux is under way, headed by VP user Joerg Pleumann. More information is available on the VP for Linux homepage

4 September, 1999

Virtual Pascal has been reviewed several times, and some of the reviews are available in English translations or transcriptions from the VP Reviews page.

Example code
A small library of code and examples written by Virtual Pascal users is available for download, from the examples, libraries and add-ons page. Many of the examples include full source code.

VP Tips, Tricks and Techniques
A collection of tricks that allows you to get more out of your Virtual Pascal installation is available on the VP Tips Page.

The story of VP
Want to know the story behind Virtual Pascal? Click here: The history of Virtual Pascal.

VP in Real Life
Virtual Pascal is being used - read about other users' experiences with VP on the real life page.

Related links
A collection of links to Pascal- or development-related sites is maintained here.

Copyright ⌐ 1999-2000 Allan Mertner
First published 1996
Last Modified 7 September 2000