═══ 1. Introduction ═══ This example Presentation Manager Application was written by Abbotsbury Software Ltd. to support the use of the Hauppage Computer Works Inc. Celebrity TV card under the IBM OS/2 Warp v3 operating system. This example application is the Hello World application plus a remote control, tuning facilities, single frame capture and invoking a setup notebook for use with the Hauppauge Win/TV Video Capture Adapters. The remote control is invoked by pressing the left mouse button whilst the remote pointer is visible. The menu is invoked by pressing the right mouse button whilst the remote pointer is visible. To invoke single frame capture either press both mouse buttons simultaneously, press the F6 button or select Capture from the Capture submenu. The menu contains the following options : - File Tune... F4 TV setup... F5 Capture Help ═══ 2. Remote Control ═══ To select the TV/2 remote control panel you must select the left mouse button whilst the remote pointer is being displayed (in the TV/2 screen). Once this button has been selected a dialogue box is opened which contains the controls which allow you to change various settings. The settings which are changeable are : - Channel Left Volume Right Volume Treble Bass Brightness Hue Saturation Contrast Source Mute Freeze On/Off ═══ 2.1. Channel ═══ The channel number is set by selecting one of the up or down arrows either side of the entry field (see below). The frequency of the channel is dependent on the region selected (see Advanced features). Down = Up = ═══ 2.2. Left Volume ═══ The left volume level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.3. Right Volume ═══ The right volume level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.4. Treble ═══ The treble level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.5. Bass ═══ The bass level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.6. Brightness ═══ The brightness level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.7. Hue ═══ The hue level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.8. Saturation ═══ The saturation level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.9. Contrast ═══ The contrast level is changeable by using the slider marked with the following bitmap to the right : - ═══ 2.10. Source ═══ To select the pm for the application you choose one of the four buttons marked 1, 2, 3, 4 or select the colour bars test card by selecting the button with the following bitmap : - ═══ 2.11. Mute ═══ To mute the sound from within the TV/2 application you must press the button containing a speaker as follows : - When you press the button it will change state to being pressed and the bitmap changes to represent mute : - To unmute press the button again to return it to its former state. ═══ 2.12. Freeze ═══ To freeze the image from within the TV/2 application you must press the button containing the blue bitmap as follows : - When you press the button it will change state to being pressed and the bitmap changes to white instead of blue. To unfreeze the TV image press the button again to return it to its former state. ═══ 2.13. On/Off ═══ To switch the TV image off from within the TV/2 application you must press the button containing the green bitmap : - When you press the button it will change state to being unpressed and the bitmap changes to represent off : - To switch the TV image back on press the button again to return it to its former state. ═══ 3. File Menu ═══ The menu contains the following options : - Quit ═══ 3.1. Quit ═══ This option allows you to choose whether to quit the application. ═══ 4. Tune Menu Item ═══ The Tune menu item invokes a dialog box which allows you to tune the Hauppauge Video Capture Adapter you are using. The dialog contains 3 drop-down list boxes which allow you to select the Input Source, Region, and Input Format. The dialog also contains two entryfields for setting the Frequency and Channel and a slider for setting the Fine Tune. If you select an Input Source which does not support the tuner the tuner options (Region, Frequency, Channel, and Fine Tune) are disabled. ═══ 5. TV Setup Menu Item ═══ Selecting this option invokes a setup notebook for the Hauppauge Video Capture Adapter. The notebook allows you to re-align the TV, tune TV, set the audio and visual preferences, set the color key, and setup the capture. The notebook has full on-line help for more details. ═══ 6. Capture Menu ═══ This submenu contains the following options : - Convert in C Convert in ASM Capture F6 ═══ 6.1. Convert in C ═══ When this option is selected the conversion from YUV422 data to RGB data is converted using a routine written in C. This routine is very slow and only works on systems with 256 colors. It is only included in the sample so that you can see the benefits of coding the conversion in assembler or using the code supplied in the IBM Developer's Connection Device Driver Toolkit. ═══ 6.2. Convert in ASM ═══ When this option is selected the conversion from YUV422 data to RGB data is converted using a routine written in assembler. This routine is contained in the IBM Developer's Connection Device Driver Toolkit. This routine is very fast compared to the simple C conversion routine also supplied (for systems with 256 colors only). ═══ 6.3. Capture ═══ When this option is selected (either from the menu, pressing the F6 button, or pressing both mouse buttons) a single frame capture is performed and subsequently displayed as a bitmap in a dialog box. You have the option to save this file. ═══ 7. Key Assigments ═══ F1 Help F3 Quit F4 Tune F5 TV Setup F6 Capture