TraceFilter 0.7 reads formatted trace data saved by TRACEFMT, and creates an output file which either includes or excludes events based on process ids, major event codes, and CASE-SENSITIVE strings. Each parameter is processed as follows: Special processing is done based on the first character. if '?', you get this help. if '=', the rest is a string which must be in the event. if '!', the rest is a string which must NOT be in the event. if '-' or '/', the parameter is NOT a filename. The first parameter not already explained is the input file name. The default input file is "TRACEFMT.SAV" . The second parameter not already explained is the output file name. The default is stdout, and is redirectable. Once the input and output files have been named, you no longer need '-' or '/'. You may (Include or EXclude) (processes and/or event codes), but using both Include and EXclude for either one is invalid. Parameter position 1 is the include/exclude flag. To include, use 'i'; to exclude, use either 'e' or 'x'. Parameter position 2 is the process/major code flag. For processes, use 'p'; for major event codes, use 'm'. Parameter position 3 is where the hex number begins. Examples follow, please press enter.TRACEF -IPC /IPD -IPE >MYFILE Input file is 'TRACEFMT.SAV', output file is MYFILE (created); output contains only events from processes 12,13,14 (decimal). TRACEF tracefmt.sav myfile ipd ip0000e ipc same as above. TRACEF -IPC /IPD -IPE MYFILE Input file is '', output file is MYFILE (created); TRACEF /xp2c -im10 Input is TRACEFMT.SAV, output is stdout, and includes only major event 16 (decimal) for all processes except 44 (decimal). TRACEF =Protection Output has only those events which contain the case-sensitive string "Protection". Program logic follows here: The program logic is first to find out if the event is excluded by PID, major code, or negative string. If excluded, no output. Next, if "include" is specified, and the reason for inclusion is not in this event, try the next event. Last, if no decision is yet made, output the event. Note: lines longer than 255 characters are not processed properly. Note: you may specify up to 16 PIDs, 16 Major codes, 16 positive and 16 negative strings. Experimentation with known data is recommended.