Notes for the TOP Source Code - July 13, 2000 ============================= This is a somewhat hastily written collection of instructions, notes, anecdotes, and tips for working with the source code for The Online Pub. Introduction ------------ This is the C source code for a beta version of what I originally intended to be The Online Pub v2.01 (though such a version was never released). In a move that I will regret for the rest of my life, I wiped out all traces of the TOP v3.00wb1 source when it became apparent that I couldn't afford any time to complete the project and didn't want it as a distraction. Those who want any of the features of TOP v3.00wb1 will have to rewrite them. I'm truly sorry for this, but believe me it hurts every time I think about it. NOTE: There's a section near the end about what needs to be done to this source to make it match v3.00wb1. Also, I must apologize for the unfinished condition of the entire source package. It was my initial intention to complete all of the accompanying description files, including a more organized version of this file. However, with my summer break winding down I decided it was best to wrap this up quickly while I have a chance. If I didn't get the source released this summer I probably wouldn't have a chance to get it released again! Some of the source files refer to text descriptions which simply don't exist. This includes, but is not limited to, BBS.TXT and PRIVCHAT.TXT. Another file, CHANNELS.TXT, is only partially completed. These are files I wanted to write, but as I said I felt I was running out of time. My code is fairly well-commented, and programmers nowadays are generally fairly smart, so I think people will be able to figure out what's going on. If not, I am happy to answer questions regarding the source. Please see the end of this file for contact instructions. NOTE: While as I say the code is commented, some late modifications may not have been commented. Please remember that it was never originally my intention for this source to be distributed, so it doesn't follow many good practices for portable code. Nevertheless it has been cleaned up significantly from its original state and should be fairly straightforward to use. Usage Restrictions ------------------ The TOP source is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) version 2, which is included in the archive in the file COPYING. The GPL isn't exactly the licence I had wanted but it's close enough and will save me a lot of time writing my own. It's also one that a lot of people are familiar with because it's been around for so long. Besides, I've recently begun to use a lot of open source software, so it's only fair that I make my own small contribution! Below is the required information for the GPL. This information applies to each and every file contained in the distribution archive of the TOP source, even if this information is missing from that file itself. Copyright 1993 - 2000 Paul J. Sidorsky This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA What This Package Contains -------------------------- This package will let you build a version of TOP that is essentially equivalent to TOP v2.00. Actually, it's a little better than v2.00, because it has several bug fixes. It's labelled as v2.01b because it was my intention to have such a version, but I never got around to releasing it and instead went straight to v3.00wb1. While the package only comes with a Project file for TOP for DOS, it's possible to build the Win32 version, and even the OS/2 version, with only a small amount of effort. All versions are built from the same source. You also get the source to add-on programs like TOPMaint, TOPLink, and BJ4TOP, as well as some bonus goodies including removed features like Poker, though for any of this stuff you are on your own in getting it to work. I will only provide support for compiling TOP, TOPACT, and TOPMaint. Requirements ------------ First, it's assumed you're familiar with TOP itself, and with BBSing in general, and of course with the C programming language. I won't help anybody who doesn't meet these three requirements. To compile the TOP source, you need the following: - Borland C++ v4.52 or compatible. Borland C++ Builder should work for the Win32 version but the project file will have to be converted, imported, and then modified according to the instructions given later. It MAY be possible to use a different brand of compiler after making significant modifications, but I don't provide support for those wanting to try. - Version 6.0 or higher of the OpenDoors toolkit by Brian Pirie. If you are a registered user of the OpenDoors toolkit I suggest you use v6.0 as it was the version TOP was originally compiled with and thus is known to be compatible. However, if you are not registered then you should be able to use version 6.1 which is distributed under the GNU LGPL and thus does not require registration. Note that I have not tested the TOP source with v6.1 so I can't say if it works or not. v5.0 may work with minor modifications, but as registration entitled users to free upgrades there should be no reason not to upgrade. (There's no Win32 version of v5.0 either.) Customized versions may or may not work depending on how much customization was done. - You may also want to get Fortify by Simon P. Bullen. Fortify is a handy shell that monitors memory allocation and access, and was instrumental in solving the infamous random-crashing bug that plagued RAP v1.82 (RAP's predecessor). It's freely available. TOP can be compiled without Fortify (and normally was anyhow) with very minor changes, however. NOTE: Fortify is used by TOP/DOS only. If you're compiling the Win32 or OS/2 versions you won't even have to change anything as Fortify is not compiled in these cases. Extra Files ----------- I've included a whole bunch of extra files, including unfinished bits of code, my original design notes, and other tidbits, in the hope that at least some of them will be useful. Below is a list of those files and a description of what each of them does, in no particular order. Any file NOT listed below can be considered part of TOP proper, including documentation. NOTE: When I say "this file" below I'm referring to the file you're reading, SOURCE.TXT, and not the file being described. OS2.ZIP - Files needed by anyone attempting to compile TOP for OS/2. BIORESP.TXT - A brief description of the BIO*.TOP data files. CMI.TXT - Some working notes for the Channel Management Interface. CONFIG.TXT - A largely outdated list of TOP configuration keywords. It was left over from before TOP v2.00 and the final syntax doesn't even match in many cases. There may be some ideas in here, though. EPI.TXT - Before I did any serious testing with External Commands (a la TOP v3.00wb1), I was worried they wouldn't work, so I had begun working on a scripting language for TOP add-ons called the EPI. I don't even remember what EPI stood for, but I think it means External Program Interface. It is mainly included as a curiousity. LNG_HELP.TXT - The beginnings of a detailed help file for the language items. Obviously it's way incomplete. NEWCHAT.TXT - I had the wild idea of incorporating both a line-by-line style chat (as TOP is now) and a multi-window character-by-character (CBC) chat (like most Sysop Chat doors) into the same program so users could pick the way they liked best. It was my way of competing against the CBC chat doors so sysops would use TOP no matter which style they liked. Given enough time I would have implemented it, but it was a challenging task. My design notes are in here, and are actually fairly complete, but of course I never got too far into any implementation. Also see CHARCHAT.C. NEWFILES.TXT - A curiousity describing the renaming of TOP's data files. REVISION.TXT - My design diary. This is a log of every change ever made to TOP, and is well worth reading for those interested in modifying the source. Here you'll read about idea, potential problems, alternate approaches, etc. as well as the feelings and emotions I experienced while working on TOP. BBSWC.C - An alpha version of Wildcat BBS support. I never did get it to work and didn't get to spend much time testing it to find out why. CHARCHAT.C - A few functions that were to form the foundation of the CBC chat mode. Mainly a curiousity. See NEWCHAT.TXT. MAINT.C - Source for the TOP EDIT and TOP PACK commands. This was superceded by the TOPMaint utility. MAINT.C is actually required to build TOP without modifications, but it was always considered a quick hack and was not intended to be a part of RAP/TOP for as long as it was. It should be easy enough to eliminate from the project with only minor code changes, and I recommend you do so. Use TOPMaint instead. I think even the 3.00wb1 version of TOPMaint will work with v2.01 if need be! SPAWN.C - The beginnings of what became ECP support in TOP v3.00wb1. Because of the importance of ECP support in TOP v3.00wb1, I've included a section later in this file that tells how to go about modifying SPAWN.C to achieve v3.00wb1-level ECP support. TOPACT.C - The TOP Action Compiler, which is of course a vital part of the TOP package but not required to actually recompile TOP. Its source is not commented. However, the compiler is very descriptive about what it is doing to the user so it should be easy to figure out the source from its output. GAMES.ZIP - The source code to three games that were, at one point, built into TOP: Poker, Slots, and MatchGame. All were eventually removed because of the amount of space they took up as well as because an external system for games was desired. That system, of course, eventually became ECPs, but only Slots was ever converted. There is a full section on the games (mainly poker) later in this file. TOPMAINT.ZIP - The source code for TOPMaint. This should be unpacked to a separate directory. TOPLINK.ZIP - The source code for TOPLink. This requires TurboPascal 7 to compile. BJ4TOP.ZIP - The source code for BJ4TOP. Also requires TP 7. How to Compile TOP ------------------ This will briefly take you through the steps required to compile the DOS version of TOP. It's assumed you've compiled many projects before and know the general routine. If you haven't, don't ask me for help as I don't have the time to explain it. NOTE: If you want to compile the Windows version you will have to modify all of the settings in the project (.IDE) file for the DOS version. The files used are the same. If you want to compile the OS/2 version with Borland C++ for OS/2, it's possible to do something similar, but you're on your own! 1) Unpack the entire distribution archive to its own directory. 2) Obtain OpenDoors and (if desired) Fortify and install them per their own instructions. 3) Run Borland C++ and load the TOP.IDE file. 4) Check the settings for the Directories used by the project them. Edit as needed to be sure they match the locations of the files where you put TOP. 5) Similarly, check the source files for directories and change any you find. I've tried to remove them all but may have missed some. 6) If you don't have Fortify, do a GREP search for "fortify" in the source and remove any lines and conditional compilation sections that refer to it. Lastly, remove it from the project file. 7) Hit F9 to compile. Full build time on my PIII 500MHz was about 6 seconds. According to my revision log, it was around a minute on my old Pentium 133MHz and around 5 minutes on my even older 486DX/100. 8) TOP will either compile, or give errors. If you get errors, check your directories and the source files for the points mentioned above. If you can't solve the problem, email me (see end of this file) and I'll try to help. 9) If you didn't get errors, edit all of the configuration files (*.CFG) and then try to run TOP. (You may be able to use TOP v3.00wb1 configuration files, but I don't recommend this.) If it compiles but doesn't work, it is a configuration problem. You need to get TOP properly configured before trying to modify it or you may spend time chasing bugs in the source that are actually simple misconfiguration problems. Making TOP Appear Registered ---------------------------- I removed as little of the registration system as possible because I didn't want to risk introducing any hidden problems that caused TOP to fail to work. So, the core of the system is intact, although of course the code verifiers have been removed. To make TOP appear as if you registered it, go to line 443 (or so) inside INIT.C, set registeredtop = RKVALID, and set the regname, regsystem, and regtype strings to whatever you want. (I've never tested this but it should work.) However, I would appreciate it if, instead of trying to pass yourself off as a registered user, you simply remove all of the registration stuff and just let your version of TOP run without any indication that there was ever a registration system for it. Unless, of course, you are in fact a registered user and have a key. Your key won't work with any version compiled with this TOP source, so modifying the source is the only way to make TOP appear registered. Style Notes ----------- The coding style used in TOP is fairly consistent, however, there is one important thing to mention. At some point during the development, I switched from this indentation style: void myfunc(void) { int myvar; myvar = 555; } this (more conventional) one: void myfunc(void) { int myvar; myvar = 555; } Both styles appear throughout the source, so watch for it. The different locations of the braces can be confusing if you start working on a section with one style after recently working on a section with the other. It even confused me a few times, and I had to sort out a "missing }" error on more than one occaision. Also, for a large stretch of TOP's development period, I had the curious habit of prefixing local variables with a letter or two, usually the initials for the function itself. I didn't really understand all of the things about scope in C, and became afraid that I may inadvertantly be affecting variables in other functions by naming them all the same. Finally there are the "stringarray" structs which were left over from very early in TOP's development, when I was still learning C. I didn't know how to work string arrays, but I did know how to use arrays of structs, so I simply put a string in a struct and made an array of the structs. Later on when I knew what I was doing it became very annoying to work with, having to put .string after things, but I never got around to reworking all of the areas where it was used. Building TOP/95 or TOP/2 ------------------------ You can build TOP for Win32 (TOP/95) and TOP for OS/2 (TOP/2) from the same source as TOP for DOS (TOP/DOS). I don't provide any support for those that try to do this, but I'll provide some tips to help you get it working: - First of all, it's recommended you get either the full TOP/95 v3.00wb1 or TOP/2 v2.00 package. These packages have extra version-specific documentation that you will need to help get TOP running properly. (Note that although there was no 2.00 version of TOP/95 available, v3.00wb1 is configured the same way as the version that will be built from the source you have. Actually, I would have released a TOP/95 v2.00 but there was a stupid bug that kept it from working. Unfortunately, because I didn't have Win95 when I released, I set the version aside until later, but the bug was so obvious that I could have seen it without Win95. I just never looked! See the end of REVISION.TXT for info. about the bug. Anyhow, the bug IS FIXED in the source you have, so the Win95 version should compile and work.) - For TOP/2, you need to obtain Doors/2 which is an authorized OS/2 port of OpenDoors by Joel Downer. Like OpenDoors it has an unregistered version which can be obtained free of charge for trial purposes. For TOP/95, you need OpenDoors v6.0 which is needed for TOP/DOS compilation anyhow. - All versions use the same source files, though the OS/2 version needs a few extra files (which are included). We'll put that consideration aside for the moment, though. I've only provided the DOS version of the project file, because the backups of the Win32 and OS/2 project files that I have are out of date. - For TOP/95, you can probably use Borland C++'s Project window to simply change the Target type of the existing project file. It should be a Win32 GUI (_NOT_ CONSOLE) application. For TOP/2, probably the best thing to do is to load the DOS project file, copy the list of all of the files, then make a new OS/2 project and add all of the files from the list. If you do this, make sure to note the include and library directories from the original project as well, and be sure to change your new project file to include the equivalent directories for the OS/2 version. - For both projects, remove any references to the DOS OpenDoors libraries, then add the libraries required for the version you are making. - Be sure your compiler defines the __WIN32__ variable for TOP/95, or the __OS2__ variable for TOP/2. The source uses these variables where conditional compilation is needed. Borland C++ compilers should define these variables on their own. - That should be it for the Win95 version of TOP. The OS/2 version needs some extra source files, though. Unpack OS2.ZIP, then add CMDLINE.C, BBSMAXMC.C, and MCP32.LIB to the project file. Be sure that you unpack to the same directory as the rest of the source because there are some header files that TOP will need. (You don't need to change anything for the headers. They will be included via conditional compilation directives.) Once you add these files, you should be able to compile. Interlude --------- The remainder of this file is dedicated to discussing certain sections of the TOP source itself. Comments -------- Comments enclosed in /* */ (C style) are used to document areas of TOP. These are the comments you will want to read. Comments following // (C++ style) are my own personal notes, and are used for "to-do's", bug notes, etc. They are less crucial. Borland C++ supports both style comments even for C, so I made no qualms about using them both. //| was used to comment out game-related code. See the section on Games below. //! was used to denote sections that hadn't been converted to the language file system yet, and may still be lingering around in some places. XINT & XDATE ------------ For portability, I _ALWAYS_ used XINT and XDATE instead of int and struct date, respectively, and I recommend you do the same. This convention was the result of a hasty conversion made when Doors/2 (the OS/2 port of OpenDoors) was released and I had the unexpected chance to compile an OS/2 version. Ideally I should have defined a bunch of types like byte and word and sbyte and stuff, but at the time I didn't know about how compilers worked out sizes of shorts and longs and stuff like that. I just knew that OS/2 used 32-bit ints and that this would cause a problem with TOP/DOS's 16-bit ints when reading files, so I made the change and always stuck with it. XDATE is needed because TOP stores a few struct date's and they use the int keyword inside them, and thus would be a different size under OS/2 or Win32. Initialization & Main Loop -------------------------- TOP initializes by going through INIT.C, then proceding to USER.C where it checks if the user's name is found and loads all of the info. Only after all of this does TOP end up back in MAIN.C where it finally begins executing main_loop(), which is an infinite loop that is only exited by a call to od_exit(). The initialization is rather convoluted. I seemed to like to use an "initialization-style-of-the-month" when implementing new features, so nearly everything is done differently. Pay close attention to the comments for all initialization functions (which don't necessarily appear in INIT.C) so you know what's going on. Output ------ All output from TOP is done using the top_output() function, which is not unexpectedly housed in the file OUTPUT.C. This is probably the most complicated module inside TOP. The top_output() function itself is about 700 lines long, plus almost 200 lines for support functions. (process_messages() is longer but it is repetitive so it's not very complicated.) top_output() and its support functions provide many benefits: - Allowing output to be plain (via OpenDoors), emulated (i.e. ANSI/AVATAR/RIP/RA code translation, also via OpenDoors), sent to a string (either formatted or non-), or sent to the console (using plain C functions). - Processing PubColour (^) codes. - Processing language (@) codes. - Word-wrap as the output is generated so it looks nice. top_output() is used everywhere in TOP, from normal output right through to logging. About the only place a printf() function is used (usually sprintf()) is for constructing filenames. top_output() works a lot like printf() in that it can take a variable number of parameters and uses a string to determine how many there are. One important difference, though, is that all of the variable parameters MUST BE STRINGS. top_output() can only handle strings so passing it anything else will generate some really strange results. To use numbers, there is a global array of strings called outnum[] that can be used to hold the results of itoa() or ultoa() or fcvt() or other to-string conversions. Simply store the results of a conversion in one of the outnum[] strings and then pass that string to top_output(). top_output() is generally called with a language item as the string, that is: top_output(OUT_SCREEN, getlang("MyLanguageItem"), myparamstring); It's important to keep track of how many parameters each language item has. The easiest way to do this is to build your default language items so as to use ALL of the parameters that they support. For example, if you have three parameters, make sure to use @1, @2, and @3 in the default language item. Don't use just one or two, because this makes it easy forget the other parameter(s) exist(s). And, obviously, don't try to use four because TOP won't know where to find the fourth parameter and will end up displaying garbage, possibly lots of it. Try to get into the habit of calling top_output() for everything. It's very powerful, especially when combined with language items! DEBUG Mode ---------- DEBUG mode was hastily added to help me track the infamous random crashing bug that used to occur during startup in RAP 1.8x versions. (RAP was TOP's original name.) DEBUG mode is enabled by running TOP with the word DEBUG following the node number. This will open a debugging log (TOPDEBUG.LOG) and enable (or rather, not disable) Fortify. If you run into crashing problems, try DEBUG mode. When you run TOP in debug mode, make sure to redirect stdout to a file (e.g. TOP 4 DEBUG > file.txt) so you can go back and look at any output from Fortify, as well as from a few TOP tests, later. The code that you've been given does not cause Fortify to produce any output (no news is good news), at least not if TOP is configured properly. NOTE: DEBUG mode often makes TOP _VERY_SLOW_ when starting up. Be patient. Once running, it should work at normal speed. Cleanup on exit takes a bit longer than normal, but not much. From a source point of view, the DEBUG mode stuff is included in INIT.C. DEBUG mode is enabled by assigning the debuglog pointer to a file opened with fopen(), so it can also be done directly in the source, without using the DEBUG parameter. When debuglog is not NULL, the wdl() (which stands for "write debug log") function will log whatever messages it is passed. This is what's written to TOPDEBUG.LOG. wdl() is used throughout INIT.C and also in USER.C, but is not included in TOP.H so if you want to use it elsewhere you will need to make it visible to wherever you want to use it. In DEBUG mode, TOP also outputs a few things (like a memory check) to stdout using plain printf(). This is NOT RECOMMENDED, however, because it can cause OpenDoors to abort if it finds the text cursor is somewhere unexpected. I had meant to phase out all of these outputs but never got around to it. If you wish to remove DEBUG mode entirely, simply GREP search for "debuglog" and remove all relevant sections of code, and then remove the wdl() function and any calls to it. Lastly, remove anything related to fortify as described in the compilation instructions above. wdl() and the debug log aren't really needed anymore. However, I recommend keeping the Fortify part of DEBUG mode if you have Fortify (or can find it) as it is very handy, especially for a program like TOP which has a lot of pointers but was never really written with "safety" guidelines (e.g. initializing pointers to NULL) in mind. I simply didn't know better at the time! Poker & Other Games ------------------- At one point during the development cycle I had planned to include some games with TOP, and had gone so far as to write them and integrate them into TOP. They were eventually disabled in favour of looking for a way to make them external to TOP. However, I still have the source, so I've included it in case anybody wants to try to get them working. The most well-known game is Slots, because it was eventually converted to an ECP to work with TOP v3.00wb1. However, the biggest and, may I say, most impressive game was Poker. As such, I'll be discussing Poker for most of this section, though near the end I'll give a little information on how to get Slots and a third TOP game, MatchGame, working as well. I'll conclude with some information pertinent to ALL of the games. Poker was, like most of TOP, based on an add-on to the Major BBS. It allowed players in a channel to play traditional 5-card draw poker. The game and its commands were all built into TOP. Ultimately, Poker made TOP rather bulky, because it needed 9 different source modules, a ton of language file items, and several extra configuration options. So that's why it was removed. Keep this in mind, because it means a lot of work for anybody who wants to try to get it working! The good news is that in the source you have, almost all of the Poker support was not removed, but simply commented out. Thus most of the work is done for you. However, I'm pretty sure there were one or to things that were removed, so you may need to do some tweaking. That's what the rest of this section focuses on. I didn't go to the trouble of reintegrating Poker myself, but I'll describe all of the modules and try to orient you with what's supposed to happen, so that you can find any missing pieces and fill them back in. Before I go on, I need to mention a few more things. First of all, Poker is not completely stable. There are occaisional problems with missing messages which can cause problems. Secondly, there are actually two versions of Poker included in the source package. "Old Poker" was the first version, and is somewhat more stable. It's included in its own archive, OLDPOKER.ZIP, which is inside GAMES.ZIP. However, it's not nearly as flexible, and more importantly, nearly everything in the TOP source that supports it has been removed. You're on your own if you want to try to use it. These instructions focus on "New Poker", which is made up of 9 different modules. Here is a description of each of the modules: POKER.C This is the command processor for Poker commands. It's only called when a Poker command is issued, so it should be easy to integrate in and of itself. POKERCOR.C The "core" of Poker is its message processor. This is called from PROCMSGS.C when a MSG_POKER is received. MSG_POKER isn't in TOP.H but it's easy enough to add because the actual number of any TOP message doesn't matter. POKEREVT.C The Poker event kernel, which is called from the main loop when the poker poll time is exceeded. It performs time-sensitive functions. POKERNAM.C A simple module that contains functions to get the name of a hand, e.g. "Two Pair" or "Full House". POKERSCO.C Contains functions for scoring the hands and finding the winner of a hand. POKERSYS.C Various basic ("system") functions, like displaying the hand and finding players. POKERTRN.C Functions for tracking whose turn it is. POKER_IO.C Functions for working with the poker data file (POKERDAT.TOP) and for communicating with other nodes. TOPPOKER.H The header file that includes definitions needed for Poker. Here's a general idea of how Poker works. This is all from memory, and keep in mind I haven't worked with TOP Poker in over 5 years so it probably isn't 100% accurate. 1) One player starts a game. The player's node creates a record in POKERDAT.TOP. 2) Other players can join the game. Each player's node adds a mention in POKERDAT.TOP. 3) Eventually, the poker kernel will determine enough time has past and try to start the game. If there are at least two players this will happen, otherwise the kernel will tell the player who started the game that it's not full enough. 4) The Poker kernel works by having EACH NODE do its own checks based on an event time that's stored in POKERDAT.TOP. This means that when it's time to start a game, each node will notice this and take action. It's each node's responsibility to deduct the CyberCash and deal the hand. The latter is done by maintaining a list of flags for each card, so two nodes can't have the same cards. 5) While starting the game, the turn is advanced (by each node). During this process, the node whose player has the first turn will notify the player that it's time for a bet. 6) Any node can try to bet at any time, but its each nodes responsibility to check that this attempt is denied unless it's the node's turn to bet. Nodes can fold or even quit the game entirely at any time, however. This is done via direct access to POKERDAT.TOP. 7) As I left it, Poker DOES NOT check if a node bets within the allowed time. This is important functionality that should be added to POKEREVT.C if you want to use Poker on your BBS. At the very least, a node should remove itself (from the game entirely) after a reasonable time has passed while it's the node's turn to bet. 8) After betting, the turn is advanced and other nodes bet. Once the betting has disintegrated according to game rules, the discard stage is performed in exactly the same way as betting. A final round of betting follows. 9) One the final betting is done, the last node sends a "GameOver" message to all other nodes. Each node is then responsible for checking in with its hand and a checksum. The last node to check in will detect that it's the last and then send the others a "Finished" message (which is actually done at the end of PROCMSGS.C because a node can't send a message while it is processing incoming messages), which will cause each node to display the results. 10) Each node resets itself and we go back to the joining stage (step 2). Now that you've read this, you should read my original notes in NEWPOKER.TXT which is included in the GAMES.ZIP archive. It describes all of the commands and operations. Unfortunately, I described them somewhat in terms of Old Poker. Nevertheless, after reading you should have a fairly good idea of how New Poker is supposed to work. I suggest you uncomment all of the //| lines (and /*//| sections) that pertain to Poker in TOP.H and the source files, insert all Poker modules into the project, and try to compile. This may be all that's required, but I can't remember if I took anything out or not. If I did, it was probably something minor that can easily be replaced. To test Poker you'll need to be able to run two nodes of TOP. Local nodes will work fine, or you can borrow two nodes from your BBS. Log into both with different accounts and try to play a game with yourself. If you can do and things seem normal (i.e. games start, turns progress, discards work, and the player that wins is the one who's supposed to win) then you've succeeded! If you get it to work, I suggest you run through all of the // comments in the poker modules. Most of them describe stuff that was to be added in. You'll need to add in any critical functionality if you want to let your users play. New Poker was still in its infancy when I removed it so many key details were missing, such as the fact that the bet expiry time isn't enforced as mentioned earlier (step 7). I can provide LIMITED support for New Poker, but I'm not going to go to too much trouble to try and help somebody. As I said, I won't support Old Poker. BTW, if you're wondering, Old Poker worked by relying on the lowest node in TOP to do most of the work. This made it more stable because it had a central manager, but the "handoff" from one lowest node to another could sometimes be a problem, and also Old Poker didn't allow multiple games which is something I had hoped would become an integral part of New Poker. Try it at your own risk. Lastly, on to the rest of the games. The other two games are MUCH simpler and simply respond to commands. There's no need for any timing or coordination with other nodes. As such, each game is only one module and only requires a command processor and a bit of initialization code. You should just be able to uncomment the //| lines relevant to each game, add the module to the project, and recompile with no trouble. Slots is the ancestor of the slot machine ECP that TOP v3.00wb1 users are familiar with. However, the version that was built into TOP had more functionality. You could change the bet and even perform multiple "pulls of the handle" at a time to allow for quicker play. MatchGame is a simple and, I have to say, rather lame game that works kind of like a scratch-and-win lottery ticket. You pick three squares of 20 and hope that the prizes behind each are the same. If so, you win the prize! It was written one day when I was really really bored and I didn't give it much attention. It was also the last game added to TOP so it isn't very complete. The stats weren't finished. Okay, lastly some info. common to all games. You'll need to add the required items to your language file to use the games. There's a file, GAMES.LNG, in the archive which should be APPENDED to your language file. It may not be complete, so watch for areas where nothing is displayed as it means the language items may be missing. Also, some of the games had configuration options which WERE REMOVED from TOP. Scan the game modules for references to "cfg.". You'll need to add any variables that have cfg. in front of them to TOPCFG.H. If you want, you can add support for them in CFG.C, but you can also just hard code the values by hand at the end of the init() function. SPAWN.C (ECP Support) --------------------- SPAWN.C has the beginnings of what became ECP support inside TOP v3.00wb1. It is incomplete, but I'll tell you what needs to be finished in case you want to try to get it working. Please also see the next section that talks about general concerns related to bringing this source up to par with v3.00wb1. I'll assume for this section that you have TOP v3.00wb1 as well as a copy of the TOP v3.00wb1 ECPDK, and are familiar with how ECPs work. The SPAWN.CFG configuration file loader, load_spawn_progs(), will read SPAWN.CFG files from TOP v3.00wb1 WITH ONE IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: IT DOES NOT SUPPORT COMMENTS! This was added later. You've got two options here: a) modify the loader to read comments, or b) remove all comments from a SPAWN.CFG file that you want to use. Also, you need to uncomment the line in INIT.C that calls the configuration loader. The command processor, check_spawn_cmds(), is largely complete, but it needs to have support for the rest of the * tokens that are described in a TOP v3.00wb1 SPAWN.CFG as well as in ECPDK.DOC. Most of these will be very easy to do. The only problems are *M and *! which need to set OpenDoors variables to work, and */ which needs, at the very least, a one second delay. (When I implemented */ in TOP v3.00wb1 I did so by storing the result of a time() call, then waiting until the result of a subsequent call changed, so that the delay was only as long as needed, but of course you don't need to go to this trouble.) The major thing that's missing from SPAWN.C is the TOP Spawn File (TSP) processor. Luckily, it's just a simple text file processor, and the TSP files are documented very well in ECPDK.DOC so it should be very easy to build one yourself! You may also wish to add support for the Swap... group of configuration keywords that TOP v3.00wb1 features. These shouldn't be too hard to support. See TOP.CFG from TOP v3.00wb1 for more details. Rebuilding TOP v3.00wb1 ----------------------- For those that are interested in using the TOP source but also having some of the TOP v3.00wb1 features, you will of course have to rewrite these features. If you are planning to rewrite a TOP v3.00wb1 feature and are willing to distribute your changes, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I will post this information to the TOP web site so that others don't waste time trying to rewrite the same feature. Contact information is at the end of this file. First of all, anybody planning to add a TOP v3.00wb1 feature should obtain the TOP v3.00wb1 ECPDK. This kit contains an extremely valuable file: TOP.H from v3.00wb1! It's the only surviving remnant of the v3.00wb1 source. It's not complete because the function prototypes and global variable declarations were split off into another file, but it has all of the data structures and thus should provide some important clues. Next, make sure you get TOP v3.00wb1 itself, because the WHATSNEW.DOC file included with it has details of all of the changes made since v2.00 (i.e. this source). Though these details have been generalized and "dumbed down" a fair bit, they will still be useful in reconstructing any feature. In addition, you of course have TOP v3.00wb1 itself which will show you how all of the features are supposed to behave. Remember, the program itself isn't the only useful source of information! You also have configuration files and language file additions to go on. I will be more than happy to provide tips and advice to anybody implementing TOP v3.00wb1 features, as long as they are willing to release their additions. I only have my memory to rely upon here, but I will help with what I can. Contacting the Author --------------------- The author of TOP, Paul Sidorsky, can be reached at . Email is the only way to reach me. I don't use ICQ and have no access to a FidoNet BBS. Please don't try to find my phone number and call me, either. (More than one person has done that in the past!) If you happen to find and use one of my other email addresses, that's okay, but I may miss your message as I have lots of other email coming to my personal addresses. Please use to be sure I get your question. Also, keep in mind that I'm very busy attending university most of the year, so it may take me up to two weeks to respond! However, I do promise to respond to all legitimate questions regarding the TOP source. Before you contact me, please check the TOP web site. This is where I'm consolidating my support for TOP, including the TOP source. You may find answers to your questions on the site. You may even find modified versions of the source there that already implement some of the things discussed in this file! The TOP web site is at: Good luck with the source!