~ShortHelp Displayed both when the user enters TOP, and when the user presses ENTER without typing anything. It follows the list of the names of people that are in the Pub. Parameters: None ~SitDown Displayed when the user enters TOP for the first time. This item is purely to set a "mood" and is not important. Parameters: None ~EnterName This is a prompt that is displayed in LOCAL and LAN modes when the user needs to enter his or her real name. You should specify a colour setting at the end of this item to indicate what colour the user's name will be echoed back in. A space at the end of this item is also recommended. Parameters: None ~Searching Displayed while TOP is searching for the user's name in the user file. Parameters: @1 - Name being searched ~EnterPW This item is the prompt for the user's password. It is only displayed if the user's password in the user file is not blank. A colour setting at the end is recommended, and will be the colour used to echo back the password "mask" characters (* by default). A space at the end is recommended. Parameters: None ~InvalidPW Displayed each time the user enters an invalid password. Parameters: None ~MaxPW Displayed if the user does not enter the correct password within the maximum number of allowed tries. Parameters: @1 - Maximum number of tries allowed ~LogMaxPW This is what will be written to the log when the user does not enter the correct password within the maximum number of tries. Parameters: None ~Greeting Displayed to the user after his/her user record has been found, as a welcome. Parameters: @1 - User's login name @2 - User's record number @3 - Number of days since the user last entered TOP ~Setup Displayed while TOP logs in the user and notifies other people in TOP that the user has entered. This does not usually take very long, so you can use this item for nearly anything. Parameters: None ~LogHandle Written to the log when the user logs in if handles are enabled. If handles are not enabled, this item is not used. Parameters: @1 - User's handle. ~LogStartSignOn Written to the log when a user begins the New-User Signup Procedure. Parameters: None ~EnterHandle Prompts the user to enter a handle that will be used to identify his or her self in TOP. It is also used in the Bio. Editor when a user changes their handle. It is not used if users are not allowed to enter/change their handles. A colour setting at the end is recommended, and will be used to echo back the handle that the user types. A space at the end is also recommended. Parameters: None ~LogAbortSignOn Written to the log when a user aborts the New-User Signup. Parameters: None ~HandleInUse Displayed when a user enters a handle that is already in use inside TOP. Not used if users are not allowed to enter or change their handles. Parameters: None ~EnterNewPW Prompt for the user to enter a new password. Used when the users changes his or her password. A colour setting at the end is recommended, and will be the colour used to echo back the password "mask" character (* by default), and a space at the end is also recommended. Parameters: None ~ConfirmPW Prompt for the user to confirm the newly entered password by entering it a second time. Used when the users changes his or her password. A colour setting at the end is recommended, and is used to echo back the password "mask" character (* by default). A space at the end is also recommended. Parameters: None ~PWNoMatch Displayed if the password the user enters to confirm a changed password does not match the one originally entered. Used when a user changes their password. Parameters: None ~GenderPrompt Prompts the user for their new gender. This is used when the user first signs in to TOP, and also when the user is changing their gender (if gender changes are permitted). NOTE: AS MENTIONED, THIS IS _ALWAYS_ USED IN THE NEW-USER SIGNON PROCEDURE, SO DON'T NEGLECT IT JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE GENDER CHANGES DISABLED! A space at the end is recommended. Unlike most prompts, you will NOT need a colour setting here, because the text displayed once the user selects a gender, the language item for that gender will be displayed, and these items usually (and should) have their own colour settings. Parameters: None ~GenderKeys These are the keys used to select a gender. This is used when the user first signs in to TOP, and also when the user is changing their gender (if gender changes are permitted). NOTE: AS MENTIONED, THIS IS _ALWAYS_ USED IN THE NEW-USER SIGNON PROCEDURE, SO DON'T NEGLECT IT JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE GENDER CHANGES DISABLED! The first character is the key to select the Male gender, and the second character is the key that selects the Female gender. If this item is longer than two characters, all other characters will be ignored. Parameters: None ~Female This is simply the word "Female". It should include colour codes if desired. Parameters: None ~Male This is simply the word "Male". It should include colour codes if desired. Parameters: None ~EnterDescPrompt Prompts the user to enter a short description of themselves. This is used when a new user signs into TOP. A space at the end is recommended Parameters: None