Complete List of TOP Keywords ----------------------------- Keywords can appear in the config. file in any order, unless noted. All keywords that do not appear will be assigned a default value, unless noted as mandatory. Default values should appear in the TOP source, obviously, and should also appear in the docs and in the annotated config. file. Commented keywords aren't currently supported by the config. reader. Keywords marked with a ^ are not yet supported by the program itself. -------------------- Needs Memory/Disk toggle support. DC1 Keywords ------------ BBSType Type of BBS (*1) BBSName Name of BBS SysopName Name of System Operator SystemLocation Location of System ;^SystemPhone System Phone Number ;^SystemBPS System bps rates (*2) ;^SystemSummary Description of System TOPPath Path to TOP Files TOPWorkPath Path to InterTOP Messages TOPANSIPath Path to TOP ANSI/AVT/RIP files. BBSPath Path to BBS Files BBSIPCPath Path to BBS IPC Files SecuritySysop Security Level of Sysops (All Securities = 0-65535) SecurityNewUser Security Level to give to New Users SecurityTalk Security Level to Talk in Pub SecurityChangeHandle Security Level needed to Change Handles SecurityChangeSex Security Level needed to Change Sex SecurityChangeEXMsg Security Level needed to Change Entry/Exit SecuritySendPrivate Security Level to Whisper/SecretAct SecurityActionUse Security Level to use Actions ;^SecurityOverrideTime Security Level to ignore Time Restrictions ShowTitle Show Title Page? ShowNews Show News File? AllowActions Allow Actions to be used? AllowHandles Allow Handles to be used? AllowNewHandles Allow New Handles or use BBS ones? AllowChangeHandle Allow Handles to be changed? AllowChangeSex Allow Sex to be changed? AllowChangeEXMsg Allow Entry/Exit to be changed? AllowPrivateMsgs Allow Whispers/SecretAct AllowForgetting Allow users to Forget/Be Forgotten ;^MaxCallTime Maximum time allowed per call (0-1440) ;^MaxDayTime Maximum time allowed per day (0-1440) InactiveTimeout Inactivity Timeout, in seconds LocalBeeping Sessions to beep locally for (*4) ;^MaintTime Time and Day to run Maintenance (*5) LangFile Base File Name (no path or ext.) of Language File PollDelay Delay between message polls, in .1s units RetryDelay Delay between file retries, in .1s units RetryMax Maximum number of file retries before error/warning DC2 Keywords ------------ MaxNodes Number of nodes on system ;^NameBreakChars Characters Used for Name Capitalization (*6) ;^EditingPassword Password for getting into the System Editor ;^SysopHandle System Operator's Handle ;^Pipe Path of OS/2 Pipes (TOP/2 Only) ;^SecurityActionOp Security Level for Action Ops ;^SecurityOverrideOptions Security Level to ignore Allowance Options ;^SecurityOverrideSettings Security Level to ignore TOP Restrictions ;^SecurityOverrideInactive Security Level to ignore Inactive Timeout ;^SecurityCantForget Security Level for people who can't be forgotten ;^SecurityForget Security Level to forget users ShowOpeningCredits Show opening credits? ShowClosingCredits Show closing credits? NoRegName Use Sysop's Handle in Regnote. ;^LogInEditOnlyNodes Write Editor Only logins to NODEIDX? AllowHighASCII Allow ASCII 128-255? ;^AllowPubColour Allow PubColour to be used at all? ;^AllowPubColourInHandles Allow PubColour in Handles? ;^AllowPubColourInBio Allow PubColour in Bio Entries? CrashProtDelay Seconds between Crash Protection Sweeps (0-65535) TOP Keywords ------------ ;^AllowPubColourInChat Allow PubColour in typed text? DefaultChannel Default chat channel for New Users ;^NewUsersEnterPassword Sessions to prompt new users to enter a password (*4) ;^EnforcePassword Sessions where a password must always be present ;^MinimumPasswordLength Minimum number of characters for password (1-20) MaxActions Maximum number of actions allowed MaxPWTries Maximum number of password attempts before failure ;^PokerMinBet Minimum bet allowed in Poker ;^PokerMaxBet Maximum bet allowed in Poker ;^PokerAnte Ante for Poker games Footnotes --------- 1 - One of "UNKNOWN", "RA2", "MAX2", "MAX3", or "SBBS11". 2 - The letters A through Z represent supported bps rates if present. A=300,B=600,C=1200,D=2400,E=4800,F=7200,G=9600,H=12000,I=14400,J=16800, K=19200,L=21600,M=24000,N=26400,O=28800,P=31200,Q=33600. The remaining letters are unused at this time. The symbol * can also be used. It represents a customized bps rate, and should be followed immediately by a bps rate, for example: "*38400". There can be as many * symbols as needed. Letters can be seperated by spaces if needed, but this should normally not be done. 3 - UseHandles keyword obsoleted by AllowHandles and AllowNewHandles. 4 - Can contain the words "None", "Local", "Remote", or "LAN", each signifying the type of session the setting is allowed to be used with. If "None" is present, it overrides the entire line, meaning the setting will not be used whatsoever, even if other valid words are present. 5 - Format is " [