Grammar Guide

Frequently asked questions about grammars

  1. I wrote a grammar, What Can I Say description file, and SGL file. I compiled the grammar and attached the description file, but when I test my grammar with Voice Manager and the application, the What Can I Say information does not appear in the What Can I Say window, and Voice Manager doesn't seem to recognize any of the phrases generated by my grammar. What's wrong?

    Chances are that some of the words in your grammar are not in the current vocabulary. In order to see if this is the case do the following:

    1. Turn on speech engine logging by editing the file x:\vt\spch_bin\engine.cfg (where x is the drive where speech is installed). Add the line
      under defaults.
    2. Open Voice Manager and the application for which you wrote the grammar. Turn on the microphone and click on the application window. Then exit both Voice Manager and the application.
    3. Now examine the file x:\spch_run\router.msg. Search for the string "rc:81". There you will find a list of words that are in your grammar but not in the current vocabulary.

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