═══ 1. About Sample ═══ The Clock Sample application is a sample Presentation Manager program that demonstates how to use the system and window timers in a OS/2 Application. ═══ 2. Settings ═══ The Settings menu contains commands you use to change the appearance of and the time displayed by the clock. It also contains the commands used to control the alarm. The following commands appear in the Settings menu. Colors Changes the clocks colors. Tick Marks Controls the drawing of the hour and minute marks on the dial. Date/Time Sets the date and time. Alarm Sets the alarm. Second Hand Toggles the display of the second hand. Toggle Frame Controls Controls whether or not the menu bar and other controls are displayed. ═══ 3. Colors ═══ Displays a dialog box for the customization of the clocks colors. ═══ 4. Tick Marks ═══ Displays a dialog box for setting the display of the hour and minute marks. ═══ 5. Date/Time ═══ Displays a dialog box for setting the time and date. ═══ 6. Alarm ═══ Displays a dialog box for the setting of the alarm. ═══ 7. Second Hand ═══ Selection causes the second hand to appear, deselection hides it. ═══ 8. Toggle Frame Controls ═══ Selecting this control causes the various control windows at the top of the clock to disappear. ═══ 9. View Menu ═══ The following View commands adjust the display of the clock application. Time Selection causes the time to be displayed. Date Selection causes the date to be displayed. Analog A standard clock dial and hands is displayed. Digital Time and date will be displayed in numerical format. ═══ 10. Display Time ═══ Display the time. ═══ 11. Display Date ═══ Display the date. ═══ 12. Display Analog Clock ═══ Display clock dial with hands. ═══ 13. Display Digital Clock ═══ Display numerical read out. ═══ 14. Help Menu ═══ Refer to standard help menu for help on the sample clock application ═══ 15. Help For Help ═══ Refer to standard help menu for help on the sample clock application ═══ 16. Keys ═══ Alt F toggles the display controls Alt H activates the help menu Alt V activates the view menu Alt S activates the settings menu ═══ 17. Index ═══ Refer to standard help keys for the sample clock application. ═══ 18. Product Information ═══ Sample clock program Copyright 1992, IBM Corp. ═══ 19. Alarm Time ═══ Use scroll bars on the sides of the display to change the alarm time, or select the time field and enter it by the keyboard. ═══ 20. AM/PM ═══ Select AM or PM for the alarm time. ═══ 21. Alarm On/Off ═══ The alarm is turned On or Off with this control. ═══ 22. Audio Alarm ═══ Checking this box will cause an audible alarm to ring at the alarm time. ═══ 23. Message Box ═══ Checking this box will cause a message to popup at the alarm time. ═══ 24. Major Tick Marks ═══ Selecting Always will cause a mark to be placed at the position of each dial number. The marks will not be displayed on the icon if Except When Iconic is selected. And selecting Never will never display the hour marks. ═══ 25. Minor Tick Marks ═══ Selecting Always will cause a mark to be placed between each hour mark to mark each minute. The marks will not be displayed on the icon if Except When Iconic is selected. And selecting Never will never display the minute marks. ═══ 26. Time ═══ Select the portion of the time you wish to change (hour, minute, second) and either enter the new value, or use the adjacent scroll bar to adjust. ═══ 27. Date ═══ Select the portion of the date you wish to change (month, day, year) and either enter the new value, or use the adjacent scroll bar to adjust. ═══ 28. Parts of the Clock ═══ Select the clock part you wish to change the color of. ═══ 29. GPI Colors ═══ Select the color you want for the clock part.