═══ 1. About Sample ═══ This sample application demonstrates the use of an IPC queue. Messages entered in multiple client processes are displayed by the server process, having been passed through a queue. ═══ 2. File Menu ═══ The File menu contains commands that you use to create, open, and save data files. In addition, it also contains the command that you use to exit the Sample application. The following commands appear in the File menu: Exit Quits the Sample application ═══ 3. Exit ═══ You quit the Sample application by using the Exit command. To quit the Sample application, do the following: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Exit command. ═══ 4. Message Entry Field ═══ The Message Entry Field is where the message to be sent to the server through the IPC queue is typed. This demostrates sending a simple data stream as a message. ═══ 5. Date Entry Fields ═══ The Date Entry Fields are where the date to be sent to the server through the IPC queue is typed. This demostrates sending a structure or other defined message through a queue. ═══ 6. Priority Spin Button ═══ The Priority Spin Button is where the priority of the queue message is entered either manually, or by clicking on the spin arrows. Valid priorities are 0 to 15, with 0 having the lowest priority. ═══ 7. Send Push Button ═══ The Send Push Button is clicked to send the message in the Message Entry Field to the IPC queue with the given Priority. ═══ 8. Send Date Push Button ═══ The Send Push Button is clicked to send the message in the Date Entry Fields to the IPC queue with the given Priority. ═══ 9. Help Menu ═══ Refer to standard Help menu for help on the sample queue application. ═══ 10. Help For Help ═══ Refer to standard Help menu for help on the sample queue application. ═══ 11. Keys ═══ Refer to standard Help menu for help on the sample queue application. ═══ 12. Index ═══ Refer to standard Help menu for help on the sample queue application. ═══ 13. About ═══ Sample queue program Copyright 1991, IBM Corp. ═══ 14. About Box Dialog ═══ This dialog displays information about the application, such as version number and copyright notice. ═══ 15. Ok ═══ The Ok button closes the Product Information Box.