═══ 1. Help for the Dialog Editor ═══ The Dialog Editor (DLGEDIT) is used to create resource script files, and the associated resource and include files for use in building applications. It consists of a standard window that allows the selection, display and creation of dialogs, using the standard building block controls provided by the Presentation Manager. The current resource file and the include file being edited are shown in the dialog editor's title bar. If there is an asterisk (*) next to the file, it means that the file has been changed. Pressing the F1 key always brings up help that is related to the operation that you are doing at the time it is pressed. Once you are in the help manager, you may press Ctrl+C to view a table of contents, or press F11 to view an index of help topics. To view help on any of the menu commands, press and release the Alt key, use the arrow keys to select the command and then press the F1 key. You may also use the mouse to highlight the command then press the F1 key before releasing the mouse button. If you are in a dialog that has a Help button, pressing this button will also show help for the dialog. In addition to specific help on menu items and dialogs, you should also see the following help topics:  Adding Controls  Control Palette  Selecting Controls  Moving and Sizing Controls Any time that you see text in the help manager that is highlighted like the help topics above are, you may double-click the mouse on the text to see more detailed help on that topic. Pressing the Esc key will come back to the previous help topic. ═══ 2. Keys Help ═══ In addition to the standard Presentation Manager keys, there are a number of keys used by the dialog editor that do not have corresponding menu commands. The cursor movement (arrow) keys are used to move the selected control or group of controls one grid unit in the specified direction. The Tab key is used to select the next control. The Shift+Tab key is used to select the previous control. The order of controls can be changed with the Arrange/Order groups dialog. If you are changing the text or the define for a control, the Enter key will accept the changes. Also, if you are in the middle of dragging a control, the Enter key will complete the drag operation. The Esc key will cancel the current dialog or drag operation. If the Shift key is held down when a control is clicked on to select it, the selection state of the control will be toggled. If the control is not already selected, it will be selected in addition to any other controls that are already selected. If the control is already selected, it will be removed from the group of selected controls. If the Ctrl key is held down when a control or group of controls is beginning to be dragged with the mouse, the control or group of controls will be duplicated and a copy of the control or group of controls will be dropped when the mouse button is released. In addition to the above keys, there are a number of keys that are accelerators for the menu commands. Pressing the accelerator key for a command is the same as choosing it from the menu. The accelerator key for a menu command (if one exists), is shown to the right of its name in the menu. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type in a file name and select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to edit. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton ═══ Help for File name ═══ ═══ Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to open in the File name field and select the Open pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. The Dialog Editor has set this field for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to edit. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ Select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to edit. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Save ═══ Use Save to store the file you are editing. After the file is saved, the text remains in the window so that you can continue editing it. Note: If you are editing a new file, select the Save or Save as choices to display the Save as pop-up so that you can name the file you are editing. A file must have a title to be saved. ═══ Help for Save as ═══ Use Save as to name and save a new file or to save an existing file under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different disk. ═══ Help for Save as ═══ ═══ Help for Save as ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Save pushbutton. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Save pushbutton Type pushbutton ═══ Help for File name ═══ ═══ Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Save pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Save pushbutton Type pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. The Dialog Editor has set this field for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to rename and save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Save ═══ ═══ Help for Save ═══ Select the Save pushbutton to save the file to the drive and directory you selected and with the file name you specified. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Type ═══ ═══ Help for Type ═══ Select the Type pushbutton to choose a file type with which to save the file. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 3. Adding Controls ═══ Once you have either created a new dialog using the Edit/New dialog command, or selected an existing dialog using the Edit/Select dialog command, you can begin adding controls to it. To add a new control, select the type of control desired from either the Control menu, or from the Control Palette. After you have selected the type of control, a tracking rectangle will be displayed that is the default size of that type of control. This rectangle can be moved with the mouse, but it cannot be moved outside of the dialog. The coordinates of the new control will be shown in the Status Ribbon. When you are satisfied with the position of the new control, click mouse button one. This will create a new control in the dialog, initially positioned where the tracking rectangle was. The new control will be given the next unused id. The id's for new dialogs are always even multiples of 100. For instance, the first dialog added will be given an id of 100, the next will be given 200 and so on. New controls are always given the first available id that is greater than the id of the dialog it is being added to. So if a dialog's id is 200, new controls will be given 201, 202, 203 and so on. If the type of control can have text, the cursor will initially be placed in the Text (or Res. ID) field of the Status Ribbon, although you may change the text at any time after this, also. After you have added the control, you can change its styles at any time by using the Edit/Styles command, or by double-clicking mouse button one on the control. ═══ 4. Control Palette ═══ The control palette is a window along the right side of the Dialog Editor. It contains graphics of the different types of controls, and is used to add new controls to the dialog being edited. To add a new control to the dialog using the control palette, click mouse button one on the graphic for the control that you want to add. When the mouse button is released, a tracking rectangle is shown within the dialog that is the default size of that type of control. Use the mouse to position the rectangle where you want to add the control, then press and release mouse button one again. To cancel adding the new control, press the Esc key instead. The control palette behaves in a similar way as the Control menu. You may use either one to add new controls. The following types of controls are available from the control palette: Bitmap Check box Combo box Container Entry field Frame Group box Horz. scroll bar Icon List box MLE Notebook Push button Radio button Rectangle Slider Spin Button Text User defined Value Set Vert. scroll bar See also: Adding Controls ═══ 5. Selecting Controls ═══ Controls must be selected before they can be edited. A selected control is shown with eight "drag handles". These are small squares that are at each corner of the selected control, and in the middle of each side. Information about the selected control is shown in the Status Ribbon, and almost all of the editing commands work on the current selection. There are several ways to select a control. The first is to click on it with mouse button one. The second is to use the Tab and the Shift+Tab keys. These keys will select the next and the previous control, in the order that the controls are defined (this order can be changed with the Arrange/Order groups dialog). It is also possible to select a group of controls and operate on them as a unit. When a group of controls are selected, each control shows drag handles, but all of the controls except for one of them shows drag handles that are hollow squares instead of solid squares. This one control is called the anchor control, and is important for some of the editing operations, like the Arrange menu commands. The Status Ribbon always shows information about the anchor control. A group of controls can be selected by pressing and holding mouse button one on the background of the dialog, then dragging it over the controls to select. When dragging, a rectangle is shown. When the mouse button is released, all of the controls that lie at least partially within the rectangle will become selected. This operation is called outline selection. To add or remove a control to the group of selected controls, hold either Shift key down and click on the control. If the control is already selected, it will be unselected. If it is not yet selected, it will be added to the group of selected controls. In a similar way, if you hold the Shift key down when outline selecting controls, they will be added to the group of controls that are already selected. To change the anchor control, click mouse button one on another control. If the control is part of the selection, this will simply change the anchor control, leaving all the other controls selected. If the control is not selected, it will become selected and the group of selected controls will all be unselected. The dialog itself can be selected by clicking on its titlebar, or by double-clicking on its background. A dialog cannot be part of a group selection. When some controls are selected, they may not completely fill up the area within their drag handles. This is normal, and is caused by the control automatically adjusting its size to be smaller for a better appearance. For instance, list boxes can adjust their height to be slightly smaller so that they will enclose an integral number of lines, without showing a partial line at the bottom. The drag handles will always enclose the control as if it did not adjust its size. ═══ 6. Moving and Sizing Controls ═══ Once a control has been added to the dialog, it may be moved to anywhere within the dialog, and it may be sized to any size that will fit. A control can be moved with either the keyboard or the mouse. To move a control with the keyboard, select it and then press one of the cursor movement (arrow) keys. The control will be moved one grid unit in the specified direction. To move a control with the mouse, press mouse button one down on the control and drag the control to the desired location. As the control is being dragged, the pointer will be the system "Move" pointer, a rectangle will be displayed that shows the outline of the control, and the coordinates in the Status Ribbon will be updated to reflect the location of the rectangle. Releasing the button will finish dragging the control to its new location. To cancel without moving the control, press the Esc key before releasing the mouse button. A group of controls can be moved in the same way. Pressing a cursor movement key will move all the selected controls in the specified direction. Dragging one of the controls with a mouse will show a rectangle that encloses all the selected controls. When dragging a group of controls, the new location of the anchor control is what is shown in the Status Ribbon, not the coordinates of the enclosing rectangle. The drag handles on a selected control are used to size the control. Moving the mouse over the different handles will display different pointers with arrows that show the direction the control can be sized in. Pressing down and holding mouse button one will begin sizing the control. A rectangle will be displayed and the coordinates in the Status Ribbon will be updated with the new size of the control. Releasing the button will finish sizing the control. To cancel without sizing the control, press the Esc key before releasing the mouse button. A group of controls cannot be sized as a unit with the mouse. The dialog can be moved with the cursor movement keys also, or you can drag it with the mouse by pressing and holding mouse button one down on its titlebar or its border. Once the dialog is selected it can be sized with the drag handles in the same way that controls are. If the left or bottom edges are moved, the controls within the dialog all have their coordinates adjusted so that they appear to stay in the same location on the screen. This is useful to open space at the left or bottom edge of the dialog for adding more controls. To increase the size of the dialog without changing the coordinates of any of the controls, drag the top or right edge of the dialog instead. Some types of controls can be automatically sized so that they exactly fit their text. See the Edit/Size to text command. A group of controls can be sized so that either their height or their width is set to be the same as that of the anchor control. See the Arrange/Same size/Height or the Arrange/Same size/Width command. ═══ 7. Status Ribbon ═══ The Status Ribbon is a window just below the menu bar. It displays information about the selected control, and allows the text and symbolic name of that control to be changed. The coordinates of the currently selected control are shown in the status ribbon. At the lower left is shown the x and y starting origin of the control. At the upper right is shown the x and y coordinates of the upper right corner of the control. The width (cx) and height (cy) are also shown. When the control is being sized or moved, these coordinates will be updated to show the new coordinates the control will have. The text of the control is also shown in an entry field. This text can be edited at any time just by clicking on the entry field and entering the new text. The symbolic name and value for the control are also shown in the status ribbon. The symbol is in a combo box that contains all the symbolic names defined in the current include file. The value for the control is shown in an entry field to the right of the combo box. They can be changed at any time just by entering the new symbol or value, or by selecting another symbol from the combo box. If the symbol that is entered is not already in the include file, it will be added to it. As a new symbol is being entered into the entry field of the combo box, the value field will be updated to either be the value that is associated with the symbol (if the symbol is already in the include file) or the next available id value if the symbol is new. For this reason, the name of a new symbol should be typed in first, followed by modifying the id value for it (if the next available id is not desired). The default numbering scheme is described in the help for Adding Controls, and it is recommended that you accept the default id values. The Symbol combo box always contains several predefined values. They are the constants DID_OK, DID_CANCEL and (Unused). The DID_OK and DID_CANCEL values are used for OK and Cancel push buttons. The (Unused) value is a special value that can be assigned to any controls in the dialog that do not need a unique symbolic name. These are usually things like group boxes, text fields, frames and other controls that do not need to be explicitly referenced by the application. Giving them the (Unused) id reduces the size of the include file and speeds up compiles. If the current control is either a bitmap or an icon control, the Text field will be labeled Res. ID instead. These types of controls do not have text. They do, however, need to have an ordinal entered that specifies which bitmap or icon resource in the resource file should be loaded for this bitmap or icon control. Enter the resource id value for the bitmap or icon resource as an integer in the Res. ID field of your bitmap and icon controls. To accept the changes press Enter, or click on another control or menu item. To cancel the changes, press the Esc key. ═══ 8. File Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the File menu: New Creates a new resource file. Open Opens a new resource file. Save Saves the current resource and include files. Save as Saves the current resource and include files to a different name. Open include Opens a new include file for the current resource file. ═══ 8.1. New ═══ The File/New command creates a new resource file. This new file can contain one or many dialogs. If there is currently another resource file being edited, the editor will give you a chance to save any changes that you may have made to this other resource file before creating the new one. ═══ 8.2. Open ═══ The File/Open command displays the Open dialog, and allows you to begin editing dialogs from an existing resource file on disk. ═══ 8.3. Open Dialog ═══ The Open dialog has an entry field, two list boxes, and three buttons. The list boxes are used to select the directory and/or drive to get a file list from, and to select a file from. The list box on the left contains entries for each directory (including the current directory's parent, unless the root directory is currently being displayed.) The list box on the right displays all the files in the current directory that match the string in the entry field (only if the entry field contains wildcards). The current drive and directory are displayed just above the entry field. The three buttons are Open, Cancel and Help. The Help button (or F1) displays this help. The Cancel button exits the dialog. The Open button causes the current contents of the entry field to become the result. Normally the editor will attempt to open the file when the Open button is pressed, but if there is a directory selected when the Open button is pressed, the dialog will display the files contained within that directory instead. The user may type a filename, pathname or pattern containing wildcards into the entry field. If that filename contains wildcards, the dialog will display matching files. If the filename or pathname is fully qualified, the dialog will return and the editor will attempt to open the file. The mouse may be used to select items from the list boxes. In addition, double clicking will select the item and 'press' the Open button, causing the entry field and/or file list to change. ═══ 8.4. Save ═══ The File/Save command saves the current file to disk. If the file has not been given a name yet, the Save As dialog will be displayed to allow you to name the file. ═══ 8.5. Save as ═══ The File/Save as command displays the Save As dialog, which allows you to save the current file under a different name. ═══ 8.6. Save As Dialog ═══ The Save As dialog is used to prompt for a filename or pathname under which to save the current file. It has an entry field and three buttons. The entry field contains the name of the currently selected file. The current drive and directory are displayed just above the entry field. The three buttons are Save, Cancel and Help. The Help button (or F1) displays this help. The Cancel button cancels the save without doing anything. The Save button causes the editor to save the file under the specified name. The user may type a filename or pathname into the entry field. If only a filename is typed, the file will be created in the currently displayed drive and directory. If the full path is typed, and all the subdirectories in the path exist, the file will be created in the specified directory. ═══ 8.7. Open include ═══ The File/Open include command displays the Open dialog, and allows you to associate an include file with the current resource file. The include file contains symbolic defines that are used to give the dialog and controls a meaningful name (symbol) that is easier to remember than just a numeric id. Once you have associated an include file with a resource file, the association is remembered and will be in effect the next time that the editor is used to edit that resource file. ═══ 9. Edit Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Edit menu: Cut Copies the current selection to the clipboard and clears it from the resource file. Copy Copies the current selection to the clipboard without clearing it. Paste Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the current resource file. Clear Deletes the current selection. Duplicate Duplicates the current selection. New dialog Creates a new dialog in the current resource file. Select Dialog Displays the Select Dialog dialog. Symbols - edit Displays the Symbols - edit dialog. Styles Displays the Styles dialog for the selected control. Presentation parameters Displays the Presentation parameters dialog for the selected control. Size to text Sizes controls to fit their text. ═══ 9.1. Cut ═══ The Edit/Cut command copies the current selection into the clipboard. If the dialog is selected, it and all of its controls will be copied into the clipboard. If a control or group of controls is selected, only those controls will be copied into the clipboard. After the selected dialog or controls have been copied to the clipboard, it will be deleted from the current resource file or dialog. ═══ 9.2. Copy ═══ The Edit/Copy command copies the current selection into the clipboard. If the dialog is selected, it and all of its controls will be copied into the clipboard. If a control or group of controls is selected, only those controls will be copied into the clipboard. Unlike the Edit/Cut command, this command does not delete the selection after it is copied to the clipboard. ═══ 9.3. Paste ═══ The Edit/Paste command pastes the contents of the clipboard into the current resource file or dialog. If the clipboard contains an entire dialog, this dialog will be added to the current resource file, complete with any controls that it may have. If the clipboard contains a control or group of controls, these controls will be pasted into the current dialog being edited. ═══ 9.4. Clear ═══ The Edit/Clear command deletes the currently selected dialog, control or group of controls. If the dialog is selected, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the dialog and all of its controls. ═══ 9.5. Duplicate ═══ The Edit/Duplicate command duplicates the currently selected dialog, control or group of controls. If the dialog is selected, a new dialog with all of its controls will be added to the current resource file. If a controls or group of controls is selected, they will be duplicated and added to the current dialog. Note: Another way to duplicate controls is to hold the Ctrl key down while clicking down with mouse button 1 on the control or group of controls. ═══ 9.6. Symbols - edit ═══ The Edit/Symbols command displays the Symbols - edit dialog, which allows you to change the symbols that are stored in the current include file. ═══ 9.7. Symbols - edit dialog ═══ The Symbols - edit dialog displays the symbols that are in the current include file, and allows them to be changed. There is a list box that shows the symbols. The selected symbol will be shown in two entry fields above the list box. The symbol will be in one field and the numeric id value will be in another. To add a symbol, enter the name of the symbol in the Symbol entry field, and optionally enter the numeric value desired in the ID Value entry field, then press the Add button. To change a symbol, select it from the list box, modify the name of the symbol in the Symbol entry field and/or change the numeric value in the ID Value entry field, then press the Change button. To delete a symbol, select it from the list box, then press the Delete button. Over a period of time, with controls being added and deleted to the different dialogs in the resource file, there can be symbols that were used at one time but are no longer needed. If you click on the Show unused symbols only checkbox, only those symbols that are not used by any dialog or control in the current resource file will be displayed, and they can be removed from the include file. To accept the changes, press the OK button. To ignore the changes, press the Cancel button. ═══ 9.8. Styles ═══ The Edit/Styles command displays the styles dialog for the selected control or dialog. If a group of controls is selected, the styles dialog for the anchor control is shown. The styles dialogs allow you to change various style attributes of the selected dialog or control. For instance, whether a text control is left justified, centered or right justified is a text control style that can be set by the Text Styles dialog. In addition to using the Edit/Styles command, the styles dialog for a control may also be shown by double-clicking the left mouse button on the control. The following styles dialogs are available: Dialog Styles - set Bitmap Styles - set Check Box Styles - set Combo Box Styles - set Container Styles - set Entry Field Styles - set Frame Styles - set Group Box Styles - set Horizontal Scroll Bar Styles - set Icon Styles - set List Box Styles - set MLE Styles - set Notebook Styles - set Push Button Styles - set Radio Button Styles - set Rectangle Styles - set Slider Styles - set Spin Button Styles - set Text Styles - set User Control Styles - set Value Set Styles - set Vertical Scroll Bar Styles - set ═══ 9.8.1. Dialog Styles Dialog ═══ The Dialog Styles dialog is used to change the attributes of the current dialog. The Resource Memory Flags determine how and when the dialog is loaded into memory. The dialog can have any of the following resource memory flags: Preload The dialog resource is loaded into memory as soon as the application is started. If this is not specified, the dialog resource will be loaded into memory only when needed. Moveable Presentation Manager can move the dialog resource in memory as needed. Discardable The dialog resource in memory can be discarded if needed. The dialog resource will be reloaded from disk if it is needed later. The Alignment style determines how the dialogs x,y coordinates are interpreted. The dialog can have one of the following styles: Window The dialog will be positioned at the specified x,y offset from its owner window. Screen The dialog will be positioned at the specified x,y offset from the desktop (screen) window. Mouse The dialog will be positioned at the specified x,y offset from the location of the mouse pointer at the time the dialog is shown by the application. The Border style determines what kind of border the dialog has. The dialog can have one of the following borders: Dialog A standard dialog border. Thin A thin (single line) border. Sizing A standard sizing border that allows the dialog to be resized using the mouse. None No border. The dialog frame can have any number of the following Optional Controls: Titlebar A title bar window, used for moving the dialog with a mouse. Min button A minimize button, used for minimizing the dialog into an icon. Max button A maximize button, used for maximizing the dialog to fit the entire screen. System menu A system menu, with various standard menu commands. Vertical scroll bar A vertical scroll bar along the right edge of the dialog. Horizontal scroll bar A horizontal scroll bar along the bottom of the dialog. In addition, the following styles are available: Visible If this style is not set, the dialog will initially be invisible. Disabled A disabled dialog cannot be selected. Save bits Saves the image under the dialog as a bitmap. This is an optimization, common for dialogs, that allows them to be shown then removed without the window underneath the dialog having to paint its image over again. Sync paint The dialog will immediately repaint itself completely if any part of it becomes invalid. Normally, the painting is deferred until there are no other window messages to process. System modal The dialog will be system modal. When this dialog is displayed, no other window in the system is allowed to become active until this dialog is dismissed. No byte align Normally, a dialog will adjust its horizontal position to be an even multiple of 8 from the left edge of the screen for speed in drawing. If the no byte align style is set, this adjustment will not be done and the dialog may be positioned exactly to any horizontal coordinate. No move with owner Allows the dialog to maintain its position when its owner window moves. This applies only to dialogs that are not child windows of the owner. If this flag is not given, the dialog moves when its owner window moves. DBCS status line Add a DBCS status line to the bottom of the dialog. ═══ 9.8.2. Bitmap Styles - set Dialog ═══ The Bitmap Styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected bitmap control. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.3. Check Box Styles - set Dialog ═══ The Check box styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected check box control. The following styles are available: Auto An "auto" check box will automatically check and uncheck itself when it is clicked on. If this style is not set, it is the applications responsibility to do this. 3 state Every check box has a checked and an unchecked state. A 3 state check box has a third state which can be used by an application. No pointer focus If the check box has this style, it does not get the focus when it is clicked on with the mouse. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.4. Combo box styles - set dialog ═══ The Combo box styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected combo box control. The following types of combo boxes are available: Simple The list box is always visible. A string can be selected from the list box or can be typed into the entry field. Drop down Same as a simple combo box, except that the list box is initially collapsed into an icon next to the entry field, and the icon must be clicked on to drop it down. Drop down list Same as a drop down combo box, except that the entry field cannot be typed into. The only possible choices are what is in the list box. Horizontal scroll bar The list box of the combo box can be set to have a horizontal scroll bar, in case any list item is longer than the width of the window. See also: DBCS support styles and Basic styles ═══ 9.8.5. Container styles - set dialog ═══ The Container styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected container control. The following types of selection styles are available: Extended Selection One or more records can be selected. You can select one choice, a range of choices, or multiple ranges of choices. Multiple Selection You may select zero or more container records at a time. Single selection You may select exactly one container record at a time. The following types of container styles are available: Auto Position When the container is in icon view with this style, the icon/text pairs will be repositioned when the window size changes, when the icon/text pairs are inserted, deleted, sorted, or filtered, or when the font changes. This style is valid only with the icon view. Mini record Use the abbreviated data structure, when only the icon view of the container is to be used. Read only None of the text in the container can be edited directly with this style. Verify Pointers The container will verify that the application pointers are members of the container's linked list before they are used. See also: DBCS support styles and Basic styles ═══ 9.8.6. Entry field styles - set dialog ═══ The Entry field styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected entry field control. The text can be aligned in one of the following ways: Left Left justified. Center Centered horizontally. Right Right justified. The following styles are also available: Auto scroll Horizontally scrolls text automatically to show the insertion point. Margin Draws a border around the control. Auto tab Automatically moves the cursor to the next control when the user enters the maximum number of characters. Read only Prevents the user from entering or editing text in the control. Unreadable Displays each character as an asterisk. This is useful for password fields. These double-byte character set support styles are available: Any The text is a mixture of SBCS and DBCS characters. Mixed The text is a mixture of SBCS and DBCS characters. SBCS only The text is purely single-byte. DBCS only The text is purely double-byte. See also: DBCS support styles and Basic styles ═══ 9.8.7. Frame styles - set dialog ═══ The Frame styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected frame control. The frame can be one of the following types: Foreground The color is the foreground text color. Background The color is the window background color. Halftone The color is halftone. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.8. Group box styles - set dialog ═══ The Group box styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected group box control. The following styles are available: Halftone The border and text are halftone color. Mnemonic If a mnemonic prefix character is encountered, draw the next character with mnemonic emphasis. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.9. Horizontal scroll bar styles - set dialog ═══ The Horizontal scroll bar styles- set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected horizontal scroll bar control. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.10. Icon styles - set dialog ═══ The Icon styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected icon control. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.11. List box styles - set dialog ═══ The List box styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected list box control. The following styles are available: Owner draw Causes the owner window to receive a WM_DRAWITEM message each time an item must be drawn or highlighted. No adjust position Prevents the height of the list box from being adjusted to a multiple of the item height. List boxes with this style could display partial items at the bottom of the box. Horizontal scroll bar Creates a horizontal scroll bar. Multiple selection Toggles the item selection on or off each time the user selects it. The user can select any number of list box items. Extended selection One or more items can be selected. You can select one choice, a range of choices, or multiple ranges of choices. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.12. MLE styles - set dialog ═══ The MLE styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected MLE control. The following styles are available: Word wrap Automatically moves complete words that do not fit at the end of a line to the beginning of the next line during text entry. Border Creates a thin-line border around the control. Vertical scroll bar Creates a vertical scroll bar. Horizontal scroll bar Creates a horizontal scroll bar. Read only Prevents the user from entering or editing text in the control. Ignore tab Prevents the TAB key from functioning within the control. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.13. Notebook styles - set dialog ═══ The Notebook styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected Notebook control. The following styles are available: Back page orientation The choices are bottom right, bottom left, top right, or top left. Major tab side The choices are right, left, top, or bottom. Tab Type The choices are square, round, or polygon. Binding Type The choices are solid or spiral. Tab text The choices are left justify, right justify, or center. Status line text The choices are left justify, right justify, or center. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.14. Push button styles - set dialog ═══ The Push button styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected push button control. The following styles are available: Help Creates a button that posts a WM_HELP message to its owner window when the user selects the button. SYSCOMMAND Creates a button that posts a WM_SYSCOMMAND message to its owner window when the user selects the button, rather than a WM_COMMAND message. Default Creates a button with a heavy black border. The user can select this button by pressing the ENTER key. Only one default push button is allowed in a dialog, so this style will not be available if another default push button is present in the current dialog. No pointer focus Creates a button that does not receive the focus when it is selected. No border Creates a button that has no border. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.15. Radio button styles - set dialog ═══ The Radio button styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected radio button control. The following styles are available: Auto An "auto" radio button will automatically select itself when it is clicked on. If this style is not set, it is the applications responsibility to do this. No pointer focus If the radio button has this style, it does not get the focus when it is clicked on with the mouse. No cursor select Prevents the radio button from being automatically selected when the user moves the cursor to the button using the cursor-movement keys. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.16. Rectangle styles - set dialog ═══ The Rectangle styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected rectangle control. The rectangle can be one of the following types: Foreground The color is the foreground text color. Background The color is the window background color. Halftone The color is halftone. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.17. Slider styles - set dialog ═══ The Slider styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected slider control. The slider can be one of the following types: Snap to Increment The slider arm position, when moved, will be adjusted to the nearest increment value and will be redrawn at that position. Owner Draw The application is to be notified whenever the painting of the slider shaft, the ribbon strip, or the slider background is to take place. Read only Provide a read-only slider. Ribbon strip Provide a ribbon strip for the control. Orientation The choices are horizontal or vertical for the long axis of the control. A horizontal slider can be positioned left and right; a vertical slider can be positioned up and down. Shaft offset This setting locates the shaft within the control. The choices are bottom, center, or top for horizontal orientation, or left, center, or right for vertical orientation. Buttons position If the slider is to have buttons for incremental movement, the buttons position may be set to the bottom or top (in vertical orientation) or left or right (in horizontal orientation). The default is no buttons. Home position The home position may be set to the bottom or top (in vertical orientation) or left or right (in horizontal orientation). The default home position is bottom for a vertical slider and left for a horizontal slider. Primary scale The choices are ruler 1 or ruler 2. Ruler 1 scales the length of the slider to the first value previously entered; ruler 2 scales the length of the slider to the second value entered. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.18. Spin button styles - set dialog ═══ The Spin button styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected spin button control. The spin button can be one of the following types: No Border The button might or might not have a border. Fast spin Spin speed can be fast or normal. Zero pad Numbers can be padded on the front with zeroes. Character Acceptance The characters accepted can be either all characters, or only the digits 0-9 and virtual keys, or no characters at all (read only). Component Type The choices are master or servant. Master components have spin arrows, while servant components do not. Justification This setting determines the positioning of data in the display fields. The choices are the default (left justify), left, right, or center. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.19. Text styles - set dialog ═══ The Text styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected text control. The text can be horizontally aligned in one of the following ways: Left Left justified. Center Centered horizontally. Right Right justified. If the text control is larger than one line, the text within the rectangle of the text control can be vertically aligned in one of the following ways: Top At the top of the bounding rectangle. Center Centered vertically in the rectangle. Bottom At the bottom of the bounding rectangle. The following styles are also available: Halftone The text will be displayed in a halftone color. Mnemonic If a mnemonic prefix character is encountered, draw the next character with mnemonic emphasis. Word break Only complete words will be shown in the text control. This is most useful if the text control is larger than one line high. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.20. User control styles set - dialog ═══ The User Control styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected user defined control. The Class entry field is used to enter a custom window class. This class string will be written out in the dialog template in quotes. The application that uses the dialog with this control must register this window class before the dialog is loaded. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.21. Value set styles - set dialog ═══ The Value set styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected value set control. The value set can be one of the following types: Default type The choices are: bitmaps, icons, text strings, color information, or color indices. Border A border may be placed around the control, or around each item in it. Ordering The ordering may be right to left, or left to right. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.22. Vertical scroll bar styles - set dialog ═══ The Vertical scroll bar styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected vertical scroll bar control. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.23. Handwriting styles - set dialog ═══ The Handwriting styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected handwriting control. The Border style determines what kind of border the control has. The handwriting entry control can have one of the following borders: Border A single line border. 3D A wider border to give the appearance of a raised control. None No border. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.24. Sketch styles - set dialog ═══ The Sketch styles - set dialog is used to change the attributes of the currently selected sketch control. The Border style determines what kind of border the control has. The sketch control can have one of the following borders: Border A single line border. 3D A wider border to give the appearance of a raised control. None No border. See also: Basic styles ═══ 9.8.25. Basic Styles ═══ All of the controls have the following basic styles: Visible If this style is not set, the control will initially be invisible. Disabled A disabled control cannot be selected, and usually is displayed in a "greyed" color. Group A control with this attribute begins a new "group". Controls in a group are usually positioned close together in a logical unit. The arrow keys will cycle through controls in a group in the order that they are defined in the dialog. Use the Arrange/Order groups dialog to change this order. Tabstop A control that has a tabstop style can be jumped to by pressing the Tab key, if the control type supports it. ═══ 9.8.26. DBCS Support Styles ═══ Entry field controls and combo box controls have the following DBCS (Double Byte Character Set) support styles: Any Allows the entry-field text to contain a mixture of double-byte and single-byte characters. Mixed Allows the entry-field text to contain a mixture of single-byte and double-byte characters. Unlike the ES_ANY style, this style allows ASCII DBCS data to be converted to EBCDIC DBCS data without causing an overflow condition. SBCS only Specifies that the entry-field text is single-byte characters only. DBCS only Specifies that the entry-field text is double-byte characters only. ═══ 9.9. Presentation parameters ═══ The Edit/Presentation parameters command displays the presentation parameters dialog for the selected control or dialog. If a group of controls is selected, the presentation parameters dialog for the anchor control is shown. The Presentation parameters - set dialog allows you to set various presentation parameters of the selected dialog or control. For example, the background and foreground colors of an entry field can be set in this dialog. ═══ 9.10. Size to text ═══ The Edit/Size to text command will size the width of selected controls so that they exactly fit their text. The following control types can be sized to their text:  Check box  Push button  Radio button  Text You may size a single control to exactly fit its text, or you can select a group of controls and size them all at once. If a group of controls are selected and this command is used, only those controls that can be sized to their text will be affected. There are special rules used when sizing a push button control. The width will never be smaller than the default size of a push button. The largest text that exactly fits within this default size is the text "Cancel". Any text that is larger than this will cause the size of the push button to be increased by the difference between its size and the size of the "Cancel" text. These rules always keep a margin around the text inside the push button, and do not size a button to be smaller than the default size. ═══ 9.11. New dialog ═══ The Edit/New dialog command creates a new dialog and adds it to the current resource file. Note that there can be many dialogs in a single resource file. ═══ 9.12. Dialog - select ═══ The Edit/Select dialog command displays the Dialog - select dialog, which allows you to choose a dialog to display and edit out of all the dialogs in the current resource file. ═══ 9.13. Dialog - select dialog ═══ The Dialog - select dialog displays a list box which contains all the dialogs that are in the current resource file. To select a dialog to view or edit, either double-click on the name of the dialog in the list, or select it and press the OK button. ═══ 10. Control Menu ═══ Use the Control menu to add new controls to the current dialog. Selecting one of the controls from the menu will begin the operation of dropping a new control. First, an outline of the control will be shown within the dialog. Use the mouse to position the outline where you want the control to be placed, then click mouse button one. New controls can also be added to the current dialog by using the Control Palette, located along the right edge of the dialog editor. Simply click on the control that is desired, move the mouse to position the control then click mouse button one again. The following controls are available: Bitmap Check box Combo box Container Entry field Frame Group box Horz. scroll bar Icon List box MLE Notebook Push button Radio button Rectangle Slider Spin Button Text User defined Value Set Vert. scroll bar ═══ 10.1. Bitmap ═══ The Control/Bitmap command adds a new bitmap control to the current dialog. A bitmap control is a rectangle that marks the position for a bitmap. The bitmap itself is defined in a bitmap (.BMP) file that you can create using the Icon Editor. When the dialog editor has created a bitmap control in the dialog being edited, a sample bitmap will be displayed. The sample bitmap control cannot be sized. The actual size displayed in the dialog when it is being used in an application depends on the size of the bitmap resource that the bitmap control is associated with, so the size of the bitmap control when editing does not matter. See also: Bitmap Styles dialog ═══ 10.2. Check box ═══ The Control/Check box command adds a new check box control to the current dialog. A check box control is a small square with a text label to the right. It is normally used in groups that allow many items (or none) to be selected. Clicking on the square or the text checks or unchecks the control. See also: Check Box Styles dialog ═══ 10.3. Combo box ═══ The Control/Combo box command adds a new combo box control to the current dialog. A combo box control is a combination of an entry field and list box, allowing the user to select an item from a list, placing the text of that item into the entry field. The list may be hidden, saving room in the dialog. See also: Combo Box Styles dialog ═══ 10.4. Container ═══ The Control/Container command adds a new container control to the current dialog. A container control is a window which presents the user with a list of its contents in any of various views. See also: Container Styles dialog ═══ 10.5. Entry field ═══ The Control/Entry field command adds a new entry field control to the current dialog. An entry field control is a rectangle in which a user can enter text. See also: Entry Field Styles dialog ═══ 10.6. Frame ═══ The Control/Frame command adds a new frame control to the current dialog. A frame control is a rectangular frame, used in simple graphics. See also: Frame Styles dialog ═══ 10.7. Group box ═══ The Control/Group box command adds a new group box control to the current dialog. A group box is a frame used for grouping controls together. It has a text label in its top edge. See also: Group Box Styles dialog ═══ 10.8. Horz. scroll bar ═══ The Control/Scroll bar/Horizontal command adds a new horizontal scroll bar control to the current dialog. A horizontal scroll bar lets the user scroll the contents of a window horizontally. The horizontal scroll bar has a scrolling arrow at each end, and a slider that can be set at any point in the bar. See also: Horizontal Scroll Bar Styles dialog ═══ 10.9. Icon ═══ The Control/Icon command adds a new icon control to the current dialog. An icon control is a rectangle that marks the position for an icon. The icon itself is defined in an icon (.ICO) file that you can create using the Icon Editor. When the dialog editor has created an icon control in the dialog being edited, a sample icon will be displayed. The sample icon control cannot be sized. The actual size displayed in the dialog when it is being used in an application depends on the size of the icon resource that the icon control is associated with, so the size of the icon control when editing does not matter. See also: Icon Styles dialog ═══ 10.10. List box ═══ The Control/List box command adds a new list box control to the current dialog. A list box control is a rectangle with a vertical scroll bar on its right side. It is used to display a list of strings, such as file names. See also: List Box Styles dialog ═══ 10.11. MLE ═══ The Control/MLE command adds a new Multi-Line Edit (MLE) control to the current dialog. An MLE control is a special type of entry field that allows the text to be entered on multiple lines. See also: MLE Styles dialog ═══ 10.12. Notebook ═══ The Control/Notebook command adds a new notebook control to the current dialog. A notebook control is a window which organizes information on individual pages so that a user can find and display that information quickly and easily. See also: Notebook Styles dialog ═══ 10.13. Push button ═══ The Control/Push button command adds a new push button control to the current dialog. A push button control is a rectangle with rounded corners, containing a text label. Clicking on it with the mouse activates it and causes an application defined action to occur. See also: Push Button Styles dialog ═══ 10.14. Radio button ═══ The Control/Radio button command adds a new radio button control to the current dialog. A radio button control is a small circle with a text label to the right. It is normally used in groups that allow only one item at a time to be selected. Clicking on the circle or the text chooses that option instead of any other one in the group. See also: Radio Button Styles dialog ═══ 10.15. Rectangle ═══ The Control/Rectangle command adds a new rectangle control to the current dialog. A rectangle control is a colored rectangle, typically used in simple graphics. By flattening the rectangle to a line, it is also useful for making a separating line or bar between controls. See also: Rectangle Styles dialog ═══ 10.16. Slider ═══ The Control/Slider command adds a new slider control to the current dialog. A slider control is a window which allows selection of a value from a range. See also: Slider Styles dialog ═══ 10.17. Spin Button ═══ The Control/Spin Button command adds a new spin button control to the current dialog. A spin button control is a window which allows access to a sequenced list of string data values, but which occupies less space in the dialog than a list box. See also: Spin Button Styles dialog ═══ 10.18. Text ═══ The Control/Text command adds a new text control to the current dialog. A text control is used to display a text label within a dialog. See also: Text Styles dialog ═══ 10.19. User defined ═══ The Control/User defined command adds a new user defined control to the current dialog. A user defined control is any window defined by an applications developer with an application defined window procedure (and such processing), that is intended for specialized input or display. When one of these controls is added to the dialog, a colored rectangle is shown in the dialog as an outline of where the user defined control will appear. The User Control Styles dialog is used to specify the application defined class for each user control. See also: User Control Styles dialog ═══ 10.20. Value Set ═══ The Control/Value Set command adds a new Value Set control to the current dialog. A value set control is a window which gives the user a choice of values to be displayed. They can be either graphical images, colors, text, or numeric representations of the data. When starting the control, the user specifies the number of rows and columns in which the data will be arranged. See also: Value Set Styles dialog ═══ 10.21. Vert. scroll bar ═══ The Control/Scroll bar/Vertical command adds a new vertical scroll bar control to the current dialog. A vertical scroll bar lets the user scroll the contents of a window vertically. The vertical scroll bar has a scrolling arrow at each end, and a slider that can be set at any point in the bar. See also: Vertical Scroll Bar Styles dialog ═══ 10.22. Scroll bar ═══ Use the Control/Scroll bar menu to add a new horizontal or vertical scroll bar control to the current dialog. ═══ 10.23. Pen ═══ Use the Control/Pen menu to add a new handwriting or sketch control to the current dialog. ═══ 10.24. Handwriting entry control ═══ Use the Control/Pen/Handwriting command to add a new handwriting entry control to the current dialog. The user of a handwriting entry control may input handwritten text and have text be recognized and converted to characters. ═══ 10.25. Sketch input control ═══ Use the Control/Pen/Sketch command to add a new sketch input control to the current dialog. A sketch control is a visual component that provides the user with a stroke capture with delivery mechanism. The user may input a signature, have the collection of strokes or signature captured into a sketch database and rendered in order to allow editor-oriented applications to get the sketch bitmap without having to modify the code. ═══ 11. Arrange Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Arrange menu: Align Commands to align controls along an edge. Even spacing Commands to evenly space controls. Same size Commands to set controls to the same size. Push buttons Commands to arrange push buttons. Order groups Displays the Arrange/Order groups dialog, which allows the order of controls and groups to be changed. Settings Displays the Settings - change dialog, which allows the grid and spacing constants to be changed. ═══ 11.1. Align ═══ The following commands are available from the Arrange/Align menu: Left edges. Vertically centered. Right edges. Top edges. Horizontally centered. Bottom edges. ═══ 11.1.1. Left edges ═══ The Arrange/Align/Left edges command will align all the selected controls with the anchor control's left edge. ═══ 11.1.2. Vertically centered ═══ The Arrange/Align/Vertically centered command will vertically center all the selected controls with the anchor control's center. ═══ 11.1.3. Right edges ═══ The Arrange/Align/Right edges command will align all the selected controls with the anchor control's right edge. ═══ 11.1.4. Top edges ═══ The Arrange/Align/Top edges command will align all the selected controls with the anchor control's top edge. ═══ 11.1.5. Horizontally centered ═══ The Arrange/Align/Horizontally centered command will horizontally center all the selected controls with the anchor control's center. ═══ 11.1.6. Bottom edges ═══ The Arrange/Align/Bottom edges command will align all the selected controls with the anchor control's bottom edge. ═══ 11.2. Even spacing ═══ The following commands are available from the Arrange/Even spacing menu: Vertically Horizontally ═══ 11.2.1. Vertically ═══ The Arrange/Even spacing/Vertically command will distribute all the selected controls up and down from the anchor control. Controls that are ordered before the anchor control will be positioned above the anchor control, and controls that are ordered after it will be positioned below. The most common use of this command is to arrange a group of radio buttons or check boxes. To do this, select the controls, drag either the first or last control into position (because it was the last control clicked on it will become the anchor) then choose this command. You might also need to use the Arrange/Align/Left edges command to make the column of controls line up. The Vertical Control Spacing constant that is used to determine how much space is between each control can be changed using the Settings - change dialog. While spacing controls vertically with respect to an anchor, when the Dialog Editor reaches the top or bottom of the client window before placing all of the ordered controls, it will position the remaining controls at that edge. ═══ 11.2.2. Horizontally ═══ The Arrange/Even spacing/Horizontally command will distribute all the selected controls left and right from the anchor control. Controls that are ordered before the anchor control will be positioned to the left of the anchor control, and controls that are ordered after it will be positioned to the right. The Horizontal Control Spacing constant that is used to determine how much space is between each control can be changed using the Settings - change dialog. While spacing controls horizontally with respect to an anchor, when the Dialog Editor reaches the left or right edge of the client window before placing all of the ordered controls, it will position the remaining controls at that edge. ═══ 11.3. Same size ═══ The following commands are available from the Arrange/Same size menu: Width Height ═══ 11.3.1. Width ═══ The Arrange/Same size/Width command will size all the selected controls so that their width is the same as the anchor control's width. ═══ 11.3.2. Height ═══ The Arrange/Same size/Height command will size all the selected controls so that their height is the same as the anchor control's height. ═══ 11.4. Push buttons ═══ The following commands are available from the Arrange/Push buttons menu: Along bottom. Down right side. ═══ 11.4.1. Along bottom ═══ The Arrange/Push buttons/Along bottom command is used to arrange push buttons along the bottom of the dialog. The buttons are always arranged in the order they are defined, regardless of which one is the anchor control. The first button will be placed in the lower left corner of the dialog, inset by the horizontal and vertical margins. Following buttons will be placed to the right of this, with a fixed horizontal push button spacing between them. If either the dialog itself or nothing is selected, all the push buttons in the dialog will be arranged. This makes it easy to arrange all the push buttons in the dialog by simply selecting the dialog (click on its titlebar) then choosing this command. If, however, the dialog has a few buttons that should not be arranged, simply select only the buttons that you want arranged before choosing this command. To change the order of the push buttons, use the Arrange/Order groups dialog. To change the margins or the push button spacing constants, use the Settings - change dialog. ═══ 11.4.2. Down right side ═══ The Arrange/Push buttons/Down right side command is used to arrange push buttons down the right side of the dialog. The buttons are always arranged in the order they are defined, regardless of which one is the anchor control. The first button will be placed in the upper right corner of the dialog, inset by the horizontal and vertical margins. Following buttons will be placed below this, with a fixed vertical push button spacing between them. If either the dialog itself or nothing is selected, all the push buttons in the dialog will be arranged. This makes it easy to arrange all the push buttons in the dialog by simply selecting the dialog (click on its titlebar) then choosing this command. If, however, the dialog has a few buttons that should not be arranged, simply select only the buttons that you want arranged before choosing this command. To change the order of the push buttons, use the Arrange/Order groups dialog. To change the margins or the push button spacing constants, use the Settings - change dialog. ═══ 11.5. Order groups ═══ The Arrange/Order groups command displays the Arrange/Order groups dialog, which allows you to gather controls into groups and to change the order in which the selection cursor moves around the controls. ═══ 11.6. Arrange/Order groups Dialog ═══ The Arrange/Order groups dialog allows you to change the order in which the selection cursor moves around the controls and to gather controls together into groups. The list box shows the order in which the selection cursor moves between the controls when the user presses the arrow and tab keys. The position of a control in the dialog does not affect the order. Initially, the controls are listed in the order they were created. To change the position of a control in the list, click on its name to select it. Then position the pointer in the list where you want the name to appear. The pointer changes shape when it is over a place where you can insert the name. To insert the control name, click the mouse button. To create a group of controls, select the name of the control that you want to appear as the first in the group, then press the Group Marker button. To remove a group marker, select the group marker, then press the Delete Group button. An asterisk to the left of a control name means that the control has a tab stop. The cursor moves to the next control that has a tab stop when the user presses the tab key. To set a tab, select the control name, then press the Tab Stop button. To delete a tab, select the control name, then press the Delete Tab button. To accept the changes, press the OK button. To ignore the changes, press the Cancel button. ═══ 11.7. Settings ═══ The Arrange/Settings command displays the Settings - change dialog, which allows various grid and spacing constants to be changed. ═══ 11.8. Settings -change dialog ═══ The Settings - change dialog allows you to change the grid and spacing values used when positioning and aligning controls. The Grid values are used when sizing and positioning controls. Control coordinates will only be allowed to be exact multiples of the grid values. A grid value greater than one can be useful when aligning controls with each other. The Control Spacing constants are used with the Arrange/Even spacing/Vertically and Arrange/Even spacing/Horizontally commands. These constants are the number of dialog units between controls that are spaced using these commands. The Margins are used with the Arrange/Push buttons/Along bottom and Arrange/Push buttons/Down right side commands. They determine the number of dialog units that the buttons are inset from the edges of the dialog. The Push Button Spacing constants are also used with the Arrange/Push buttons/Along bottom and Arrange/Push buttons/Down right side commands. These constants are the number of dialog units between push buttons that are arranged with these commands. To accept the changes, press the OK button. The changes that you make to the settings will be remembered between editing sessions. Use the Defaults button to restore all the settings to the application defaults. To ignore the changes, press the Cancel button. ═══ 12. Options Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Options menu: Test mode Tests the current dialog. Hex mode Turns hex mode on or off. Translate mode Turns translate mode on or off. Enable 2.0 styles Enables OS/2 version 2.0 specific styles. Show status window Shows/hides the status area at the top of the window. ═══ 12.1. Test mode ═══ The Options/Test mode command enters test mode. This will create a working copy of the current dialog, and allows the actions of the various controls to be tested. List boxes and combo boxes will have sample lines inserted into them. Certain styles of some controls will not be allowed in test mode. For instance, a dialog with the System Modal style can be tested, but it will not behave exactly like an actual system modal dialog would. There are several ways to exit test mode. You can choose the Options/Test mode command again. If the dialog has a system menu, the Close command of this menu will also exit test mode. ═══ 12.2. Hex mode ═══ The Options/Hex mode command turns hex mode on or off. When hex mode is on, the id values of the controls and symbols are displayed in hex notation. When it is off, the values are displayed in decimal notation. The hex mode also determines how the id values are written out in the include (.H) file. ═══ 12.3. Translate mode ═══ The Options/Translate mode command turns translate mode on or off. Translate mode is used when translating dialogs into another language. When in this mode, various editing commands are disabled. The text of controls can still be changed, and controls can be sized and positioned (to accommodate the changed text) but new controls cannot be added, existing controls cannot be deleted or have their styles or id values changed. ═══ 12.4. Enable 2.0 styles ═══ The Options/Enable 2.0 styles command enables several styles that are specific to OS/2 version 2.0. These style options will be disabled in the different styles dialogs if this option is not enabled. Disable this option if you are developing dialogs for a version of OS/2 prior to version 2.0. ═══ 12.5. Show status area ═══ The Options/Show status area command toggles the visibility of all of the information in the status area at the top of the main edit window. ═══ 13. Help Menu ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: General help Displays general help for the Dialog Editor. Using help Displays how to use the help facility. Keys help Displays help for the keys used in the editor. Help index Displays an index of help topics. Product information Displays the Product information dialog box. ═══ 13.1. General help ═══ The Help/General help command will display general help on the Dialog Editor. ═══ 13.2. Using help ═══ The Help/Using help command will display how to use the help facility. ═══ 13.3. Keys help ═══ The Help/Keys help command will display help for the keyboard interface to the dialog editor. ═══ 13.4. Help index ═══ The Help/Help index command will display an index of help topics for the dialog editor. ═══ 13.5. Product information ═══ The Help/Product information command will display the Product information dialog box. ═══ 13.6. Product information Dialog ═══ The Product information dialog displays copyright and version information for the Dialog Editor. For more specific information on using the editor, press Ctrl+C for a help table of contents, or press F11 for a help topic index. ═══ 13.7. Presentation parameters - set dialog ═══ The Presentation parameters - set dialog allows you to change the color or font information for the selected control or the dialog being edited. The presentation parameters which you can change are the foreground and background color, the foreground and background color highlight, the foreground and background disabled color, the border color, and the font name and font size. To specify a color, enter the red, green, and blue values in the appropriate entry fields of the table. The valid values for each color are in the range of 0 to 255. To specify a font, enter its point size in the Font size entry field. Valid values range from 1 to 120 points. Enter the name in the Font name entry field. To remove the definition of an existing presentation parameter, use the Del key to erase the text in all the affected entry fields. To remove a color specification, delete the red, green, and blue values for the parameter. To remove a font specification, delete both the font size and the font name. Press OK to use the values you have entered. If you do not want to change any presentation parameter values for this control, press Cancel. ═══ 13.8. Slider control data - set ═══ The Slider control data - set dialog allows you to specify initial settings for a new slider control. The control data items which you can set are the number of increments for scale 1 (the primary scale) and the number of increments for scale 2 (the alternate scale). The values you enter must be positive integers. Spacing values for scales 1 and 2 will be preset to 0, indicating auto spacing. Press OK to use the increment values you have entered. Press Cancel if you do not want to create a slider control. ═══ 13.9. Value set control data - set ═══ The Value set control data - set dialog allows you to specify initial dimension settings for a new value set control. The control data items which you can set are the number of rows and the number of columns in the control. The values you enter must be integers in the range of 1 to 65535. Press OK to use the row and column values you have entered. Press Cancel if you do not want to create a value set control.