****************************************************************************** * * README - Introduction to TLX 5.0 (Alpha version) * * Last updated: 26-09-94 * * Copyright (c) 1991-94 Tarma Software Research. All rights reserved. * ****************************************************************************** This file contains important information about TLX 5.0. Please read it carefully. Development status ------------------ TLX is still under active development. As such, expect changes to the code and occasional bugs. Also, printed documentation is not yet available, but will be provided in the near future. - Refer to the file CHANGES.TXT for changes in the library since earlier versions, in particular version 4.2. - Refer to the file BUGS.TXT for a list of known problems. Supported compilers ------------------- TLX currently supports the following C++ compilers: - Borland C++ (DOS, Windows, OS/2) - IBM C Set++ (OS/2) - Symantec C++ (DOS, Windows) - Watcom C++ (DOS, Windows, OS/2) The following compilers will be supported when available: - Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0 Support for the following compilers has been DROPPED, usually because the compilers are no longer up to date with respect to current C++ standards: - Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5 and earlier - THINK C++ (Macintosh) - Zortech C++ (DOS, Windows, OS/2) Refer to COMPILE.TXT for more details about supported compilers. Unsupported compilers --------------------- If you use a C++ compiler that is not currently supported, chances are that you will see messages during compilation stating that the compiler isn't supported, or that the platform under which you are compiling is not known. In those cases, please contact Tarma Software Research; we may be able to help you out and perhaps add your compiler/platform combination to the list of supported compilers. Major changes in TLX 5.0 ------------------------ The following changes are implemented or planned for this release (* indicates partially implemented as of this release, ** indicates not implemented yet): - Integration of the latest C++ features (exception handling, RTTI, standard classes, various smaller language issues). There will be limited transition support for C++ compilers that do not yet implement all these features. ** - If and when C++ namespaces are introduced, we will immediately adopt them, using 'Tlx' as the base namespace within which all all other TLX namespaces will be embedded. * - Several new or improved classes in the following areas: memory management, backtrack searching and constraint propagation, abstract data structures. * - Introduction of iterator classes for all collection classes and a few standard C vector idioms. ** - Support for multi-threaded applications. - Changes in naming conventions. (There is a migration tool, called TLX5UP.EXE, to help you cope with these changes. Read CHANGES.TXT for more information about this tool.) ** - Full documentation. Refer to the file CHANGES.TXT for more details. Other files of interest ----------------------- The following files contain additional information about TLX 5.0: CHANGES.TXT - Changes since version 4.2 COMPILE.TXT - General compilation instructions BUGS.TXT - Problem reporting procedure and known problems BORLAND.TXT - Information for Borland C++ users Contact information ------------------- Tarma Software Research Hugo Verrieststraat 10 5615 HN Eindhoven The Netherlands In the Netherlands International ------------------ ------------- Phone: 040-464857 +31 40 464857 Fax: 040-432036 +31 40 432036 We can also be reached by email. Choose one of these: CompuServe: 100273,2316 INTERNET: 100273.2316@compuserve.com