****************************************************************************** * * BORLAND.TXT - Compilation of TLX 5.0 with Borland compilers. * * Last updated: 01-02-1995 * * Copyright (c) 1991-95 Tarma Software Research. All rights reserved. * ****************************************************************************** Compiler versions ----------------- TLX 5.0 supports Borland C++ compilers 3.0 - 4.5 for DOS and Windows compilations, and versions 1.0 - 2.0 for OS/2. However, you are advised to use Borland C++ 4.02 or 4.5 (*not* 4.0, which contains a few nasty bugs, also in its RTL) for DOS/Windows, and Borland C++ 2.0 for OS/2. Compilation ----------- To compile any Borland version of TLX, change to the BC directory: CD TLX50\LIB\BC This directory contains a single MAKEFILE for all possible Borland compilations. The MAKEFILE assumes that the relevant Borland binaries are stored in a directory listed in your computer's PATH environment variable (under OS/2, LIBPATH should also be properly set). In addition, the MAKEFILE assumes the following environment variables: SET INCLUDE= SET LIB= For example: SET INCLUDE=C:\BC45\INCLUDE SET LIB=C:\BC45\LIB MAKE Syntax ----------- MAKE [-DEBUG] [] Platform -------------------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS (normal) -DDOS M=(t|s|c|m|l|h) MS-DOS (16-ext) -DD16 -DLL MS-DOS (32-ext) -DD32 -DLL OS/2 2.x -DOS2 -DPM, -DMT Windows 16-bit -DWIN M=(t|s|c|m|l|h), -DLL, -DRTLDLL Win32S -DW32S -DLL, -DRTLDLL Windows NT 3.x -DNT -DLL, -DRTLDLL, -DMT, -DGUI Notes: - To compile D16 or D32, you'll need the PowerPack for DOS - To perform LINT processing, add -DLIN to the command line. Compiler version limitations ---------------------------- Version Limitations -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 (D/W) No RTTI, no exceptions, buggy templates, no 32-bit 3.1 (D/W) No RTTI, no exceptions, no 32-bit 4.0 (D/W) Buggy, no reliable 32-bit 4.02 (D/W) None 4.5 (D/W) None 1.0 (OS/2) No RTTI, exceptions, buggy in places 1.5 (OS/2) None (problematic debugger) 2.0 (OS/2) None