═══ 1. Editor Help ═══ File Menu This menu contains commands for saving and printing the current file. Save File Save File As... Page Setup Printer Setup Print Exit Line Edit Menu This menu contains commands to insert, delete, split or join lines. These edits are limited to one line at a time. Insert Line After Insert Line Before Delete Line Join Line Split Line Block Edit Menu This menu contains clipboard functions, block copy/move/delete functions, block highlighting function and an UNDO function. Cut Copy Paste Paste Picture Picture From Disk File Undo Copy Line Block Move Line Block The following block highlighting functions are not included in the Edit Menu. Use the mouse or an accelerator key to access these functions: Highlight a Line Block Highlight a Character Block Font This menu contains character formatting commands: Font Selection Normal (Reset Character Formatting) Turn On Superscripts Turn On Subscripts Turn On Inverse Color Paragraph This menu contains paragraph formatting commands: Normal (Reset Paragraph Formatting) Center Right Justify Double Space Indent Left Indent Right Other This menu contains other miscellaneous functions: Search Search Forward Search Backward Replace Jump Beginning of File End of File Next Word Previous Word ═══ 2. Beginning of File ═══ Use this function to position the cursor at the beginning of a document. ═══ 3. End of File ═══ Use this function to position the cursor at the end of a document. ═══ 4. Insert After Current Line ═══ In the text mode this function creates a blank line after the current line. ═══ 5. Insert Before Current Line ═══ In the text mode this function creates a blank line before the current line. ═══ 6. Delete Line ═══ Use this function to delete the current line. The remaining lines will be scrolled up by one line. ═══ 7. Join Lines ═══ In the text mode this function joins the next line at the end of the current line. ═══ 8. Split Line ═══ In the text mode this function splits the current line at the current cursor position. ═══ 9. Next Word ═══ Use this function to position the cursor at the beginning of the next word. ═══ 10. Previous Word ═══ Use this function to position the cursor at the beginning of the previous word. ═══ 11. Highlight a Line Block ═══ Use this function to highlight a block of lines. Mouse: Position the mouse pointer at any position on the first line of the block and depress the right button. While the right button is depressed, drag the mouse to the last line of the block and release the mouse. Keystroke: Position the cursor at any position on the first line of the block and hit the F8 function key. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to position the cursor on the last line and hit F8 again. Normally a function that utilizes a line block, also erases the highlighting. To explicitly erase the highlighting, press the F8 funtion key one more time. ═══ 12. Highlight a Character Block ═══ Use this function to highlight a block of characters. Mouse: Position the mouse pointer on the first character of the block and depress the left button. While the left button is depressed, drag the mouse to the last character of the block and release the mouse. Keystroke: Position the cursor on the first character of the block and press the shift key. While the shift key is depressed, use the the position keys to move the cursor to the last character of the block and release the shift key. Normally a function that utilizes a character block, also erases the highlighting. To explicitly erase the highlighting, click the mouse one more time or press any position key. ═══ 13. Copy a Line Block ═══ Use this command to copy a highlighted block of text lines from one location to another. This function provides a short alternative to using the clipboard copy/paste commands. Highlight a block of text to be copied, move the cursor to the target location and hit Alt C (or select the option from the menu). This function does not delete the original block. ═══ 14. Move a Block of Text Lines ═══ Use this command to move a highlighted block of text lines from one location to another. This function provides a short alternative to using the clipboard cut/paste commands. Highlight a block of text to be moved, move the cursor to the target location and hit Alt M (or select the option from the menu). This function deletes the original block. ═══ 15. Cut Text To Clipboard ═══ Use this command to cut a highlighted block of text to the clipboard. The formatting information is also copied to the clipboard. This command supports these highlighted blocks: Line Block Character Block Highlight a block of text to be copied to the clipboard and hit the Ctrl+X keys (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 16. Copy Text To Clipboard ═══ Use this command to copy a highlighted block of text to the clipboard. The formatting information is also copied to the clipboard. This command supports these highlighted blocks: Line Block Character Block Highlight a block of text to be copied to the clipboard and hit the Ctrl+C keys (or select the option from the menu). This function does not delete the original block. ═══ 17. Paste Text From Clipboard ═══ Use this command to copy the text from the clipboard at the current cursor location. The format data, if available, is also copied. You can invoke this function by hitting the Ctrl+V keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 18. Paste Picture From Clipboard ═══ Use this command to copy a picture bitmap from the clipboard at the current cursor location. When the text is saved, the picture bitmap is saved with the text. ═══ 19. Picture From Disk File ═══ Use this command to read in a picture bitmap from a disk file at the current cursor location. This function supports most bitmap file formats. When the text is saved, the picture bitmap is saved with the text. ═══ 20. Undo Previous Edit ═══ The editor remembers your last edit command. Use this function to undo the last edit command. Upon invoking this function, the editor will display a dialog box containing the information about the edit command to be undone. The dialog box displays line number, column position, type of undo (delete/insert/edit) and the contents of the undo buffer. You may modify the target line number or column position. Confirm the operation by clicking on the OK button. When reversing a delete operation, the editor will restore the deleted text in its original format. ═══ 21. Reset Character Formats ═══ Use this selection to reset subscript,superscript, and inverse color character formats for all characters in a highlighted block of text. To reset the formats for a block of characters, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt N Keys together (or select the option from the menu). If this command is invoked without highlighting a block of text, the editor displays any new text entered at the cursor location in a normal format. ═══ 22. Superscript ON ═══ Use this option to apply the superscript format to all characters in a highlighted block of text. To apply this format on a block of characters, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt U Keys together (or select the option from the menu). If this command is invoked without highlighting a block of text, the editor displays any new text entered at the cursor location in superscript format. To turn off the superscript format, select NORMAL. ═══ 23. Subscript ON ═══ Use this option to apply the subscript format to all characters in a highlighted block of text. To apply this format on a block of characters, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt L Keys together (or select the option from the menu). If this command is invoked without highlighting a block of text, the editor displays any new text entered at the cursor location in subscript format. To turn off the subscript format, select NORMAL. ═══ 24. Inverse Color ON ═══ Use this option to show all characters in a highlighted block of text in the reverse color, i.e. the foreground and background colors of the text are swapped. To apply this format on a block of characters, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt I Keys together (or select the option from the menu). If this command is invoked without highlighting a block of text, the editor displays any new text entered at the cursor location in inverse color. To turn off the subscript format, select NORMAL. ═══ 25. Change Fonts, Point Sizes and Character Styles ═══ Use this function to change the font typeface, point size, and character style for all characters in a highlighted block of text. If you wish to change the font for a highlighted block of text, highlight the block using Lineor Characterhighlight function. Now select the font option from the menu or hit the Alt F keys together. A dialog box will appear that shows the list of typefaces, point sizes, and character styles to select from. Make the desired selection now. If this command is invoked without highlighting a block of text, the editor displays any new text entered at the cursor location with the new font characteristics. ═══ 26. Reset Paragraph Format ═══ Use this selection to reset all paragraph formats for the current paragraph or for all lines in a highlighted block of text. To reset the paragraph formats for the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt P keys together (or select the option from the menu). To reset the formats for a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt P Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 27. Paragraph Centering ═══ Use this selection to center all lines in the current paragraph or all lines in a highlighted block of text. To center the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt 8 keys together (or select the option from the menu). To center a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt 8 Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 28. Paragraph Right Justification ═══ Use this selection to right justify all lines in the current paragraph or all lines in a highlighted block of text. To right justify the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt 9 keys together (or select the option from the menu). To right justify a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt 9 Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 29. Paragraph Double Spacing ═══ Use this selection to double space all lines in the current paragraph or all lines in a highlighted block of text. A double spaced paragraph has a blank line between each text line. To double space the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt O keys together (or select the option from the menu). To double space a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt O Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 30. Paragraph Indentation (Left) ═══ Use this selection to create a left indentation for all lines in the current paragraph or for all lines in a highlighted block of text. The successive use of this option increases the amount of left indentation. To apply the left indentation to the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt L keys together (or select the option from the menu). To apply the left indentation to a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt L Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 31. Paragraph Indentation (Right) ═══ Use this selection to create a right indentation for all lines in the current paragraph or for all lines in a highlighted block of text. The successive use of this option increases the amount of right indentation. To apply the right indentation to the current paragraph, simply hit the Alt R keys together (or select the option from the menu). To apply the right indentation to a block of lines, highlight a block using the Line Block or Character Block options. Now, hit the Alt R Keys together (or select the option from the menu). ═══ 32. Search a Text String ═══ Use this function to locate a string of characters in the current file. The editor will search for the first instance of the given character string. To find the subsequent instances of the same character string use Search Forward or Search Backward commands. The editor displays a dialog box for you enter the character string to locate. You can specify the search to be in the backward or the forward direction from the current cursor position or you can specify the search to take place from the beginning of the file. You can also force a non-casesensitive search, in which case the string is matched irrespective of the case of the letters in the string. ═══ 33. Search Forward ═══ Use this function to locate the next instance of a previously located string using the Search Function. If the Search Function is not yet invoked, this function will call the Search Function instead. ═══ 34. Search Backward ═══ Use this function to locate the previous instance of a previously located string using the Search Function. If the Search Function is not yet invoked, this function will call the Search Function instead. ═══ 35. Replace a Text String ═══ Use this function to replace a character string with another character string. The editor shows a dialog box where you enter the old and new character strings. You may also choose to conduct the replace only within a selected part of the file. To choose such a block of text, the desired text must be highlighted before invoking the replace function. This command supports these highlighted blocks: Line Block Character Block The dialog box also offers you an option to force the editor to verify each replace. ═══ 36. Save File ═══ Use this selection to save the text and format data to the current file name. If a file is not yet specified, the editor will prompt you for a file name. If a file with the same name already exists on the disk, the editor will save the previous file with a backup extension (.TE). If the I/O is conducted through a buffer rather than a disk file, the editor creates a new buffer with the updated text. ═══ 37. Save File As.. ═══ This selection is similar to Save File. In addition, it allows you to specify a new file name for saving the text. This option is not available when the I/O is conducted through a buffer rather than a disk file. ═══ 38. Exit ═══ Use this function to exit from the editor session. If the current file is modified, you will have an option to save the modifications. Note that this option may be disabled by the host application. ═══ 39. Print ═══ Use this option to print the contents of the current file. You may also choose to print only the selected part of the file. To print a block of text, the desired text must be highlighted before invoking the print function. This command supports these highlighted blocks: Line Block Character Block The word processor will select the closest printer fonts that match with the display fonts. You can change the printer selection and printer configuration using the Printer Setup. The Page Setup menu selection can be used to change the margin and other parameters before printing. ═══ 40. Page Layout ═══ Use this option before selecting the Print option to specify the page layout. You can specify these parameters: a) Margin (left, right, top and bottom) in inches. b) An option to print in a justified manner. This option flushes the words on the left and right margins. ═══ 41. Printer Setup ═══ This option allows you to select from a list of installed printers and shows a printer specific dialog box to change the printer configuration for the selected printer. These options include page size, page orientation, resolution, fonts etc. ═══ 42. Jump ═══ Use this function to position on a desired line number. The editor will display a dialog box that prompts you to enter the line number to jump to. ═══ 43. Document Vs. Text Mode ═══ The TER editor operates in two different modes -- Document or Text Mode. The document mode is initiated when TER routine is called with the word wrapping turned on. Otherwise the Text mode is invoked. In the document mode, the text in a window is automatically formatted to wrap at the end of the line. Therefore the complete line of text is always visible regardless of the window width. In the text mode, one needs to use horizontal scrolling to view the text past the width of the current window. Both modes allow the use of the character formatting options(bold/italic/underline). However, the paragraph formatting is available only in the document mode. The menu selection always shows only the applicable options for the current mode.