Note For Metrowerks CodeWarrior Users

Known problems


  • You may have to edit relative/full path to CodeWarrior native headers .
  • To avoid editing the headers mentioned above, Metrowerks users should put the "STLport" directory in the "Metrowerks Standard Library" directory, and add the "STLport" directory as the first item in the system search paths of the projects that wish to use it.
  • If you want your code to be portable, you should avoid explicit usage of reverse_iterator<Iterator,T,T&,T*,Distance>.
  • It's better to use coherent set of headers in the project: all new-style, including STL ones;
  • IMPORTANT : You should either have _STLP_USE_OWN_NAMESPACE defined, or you should recompile CodeWarrior runtime libraries after you installed STLport.
  • For earlier versions, you have to copy <functional> to <functional.h>. <functional.h> is not provided in distribution since it clobbers <function.h> on 8.3 systems

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Copyright 2001 by STLport