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Last Updated November 3, 2000

Version 1.1 for OS/2 now available!

    Version 1.1 features
  • Migrated OS/2 source to current core release
    • support real Atari 2600 paddles using a special Real Paddle Adaptor
    • Greatly improved Supercharger single-load and multi-load game support
    • Improved TIA emulation to support the RESPx multi-sprite trick
    • Improved timer emulation (6532 PIA)
    • Improved CPU emulation (6502)
    • Supports Robot Tank and Decathlon
    • Supports Joystick, Keyboard, Booster Grip, and Indy 500 Driving controllers
    • Preliminary support for Chris Wilkson's Megacart bank-switching scheme
    • Contains properties for over 1300 ROMs
    • Optimizations to improve speed
    • And much more...
  • improved throttle routines for faster systems
  • added PAL color palette and frame rates
  • new game controller status (which controller needed for current cartridge)
  • settings dialogs
  • keyboard controls are now user definable
  • Keyboard controls have changed
  • And much more...

Stella/2 allows you to play your favorite Atari 2600 games under OS/2.

Stella Links

LinkWhat's There
Stella, The Atari VCS EmulatorThe Homepage for Stella
Download Stella for OS/2 (560 K) Ver 1.1 (requires DIVE support)
STELLA.PROLink to Voch's up-to-date STELLA.PRO file
History of Home Video GamesAtari Info can be found under the year 1977
New Classics!New Games for classic systems
Atari 2600 NexusAtari Info, game manuals
Nick Bensema's Atari programming PageWrite your own games

© 2000 Darrell Spice Jr.

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