═══ 1. EPM Product Help ═══ EPM is a text editor you can use to create and edit your text files. It enables you to work on multiple files at the same time. EPM begins with an empty edit window that you can enter text into beginning at the cursor location. After you have completed typing in your text: 1. Select File. 2. Select Save as. 3. Type a filename. EPM has a number of features. For details, select from the list below: o Starting EPM from an OS/2 command prompt o Marking/Selecting text o Issuing editor commands o Recording keystrokes o Configuring the mouse o Direct file manipulation o Stream versus line mode editing o Edit ring ═══ 2. EPM Keys Help ═══ The key definitions for the EPM editor are divided into three groups: Function Keys, which you use use to work with files and display help; Edit Window Keys, which you use to move the cursor in the edit window; and Editing Keys, which you use to display text editor keys. For key definitions in each of these groups, select from the list below: o Standard function keys o EPM edit window keys o EPM editing keys ═══ 2.1. Standard Function Keys ═══ F1 Displays help. F2 Saves the current file. F3 Exits the current file. F4 Saves the current file. F5 Opens a new edit window. F6 Draws in the current file. F7 Renames the current file. F8 Edits a file. F9 Undo. F10 Switches between the menu bar and the file being edited. F11 Switches to the previous file in the edit ring. F12 Switches to the next file in the edit ring. ═══ 2.2. Edit Window Keys ═══ Alt+F4 Closes the edit window. Alt+F7 Moves the edit window. Alt+F8 Sizes the edit window. Alt+F9 Minimizes the edit window. Alt+F10 Maximizes the edit window. Shift+F1 Scrolls the screen left one column. Shift+F2 Scrolls the screen right one column. Shift+F3 Scrolls the screen down one row. Shift+F4 Scrolls the screen up one row. Shift+F5 Scrolls the screen so that the line at the current cursor position is vertically centered. End Moves the cursor to the end of the line. Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. PgDn Moves the line at the current cursor position forward (down) one screen. PgUp Moves the line at the current cursor position backward (up) one screen. Tab Moves the cursor to the next tab stop. Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop. ═══ 2.3. Editing Keys ═══ Alt+F1 Inserts a list of various graphic characters at the current cursor position. Alt+A Adjusts the mark. Alt+B Marks the current cursor position. Alt+C (*) Copies the marked text. Alt+D Deletes the current mark. Alt+E (*) Moves the cursor to the end of the current mark. Alt+F (*) Prompts you for a character and fills the current mark with the specified character. Alt+J Joins the next line with line at the current cursor position, separated by a space. Alt+L Marks the line at the current cursor position. Alt+M Moves the current mark. Alt+N Types the current file name at the current cursor position. Alt+O (*) Overlay the current mark. Alt+P Reformats the paragraph, starting at the current cursor position, using the current margins. Alt+R Reformats a marked block of text to a new set of margins. Alt+S (*) Splits the line at the current cursor position. Alt+T Centers the text within the current mark (or margins, if no mark). Alt+U Removes the current mark. Alt+W Marks the word at the current cursor position using a block mark. Alt+Y Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current mark. Alt+Z Marks the current character. Alt+1 Edits the file name on the line at the current cursor position. Alt+0 Executes the line at the current cursor position, or all lines within the line at the current cursor position mark. Alt+= Executes the line at the current cursor position, or all lines within the line at the current cursor position mark. Alt+/ Move to the next bookmark. Alt+\ Move to the previous bookmark. Ctrl+F1 Converts current word to uppercase. Ctrl+F2 Converts current word to lowercase. Ctrl+F3 Converts marked text to uppercase. Ctrl+F4 Converts marked text to lowercase. Ctrl+F5 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current word. Ctrl+F6 Moves the cursor to the end of the current word. Ctrl+F7 Moves marked text to the left one column. Ctrl+F8 Moves marked text to the right one column. Ctrl+B Activates the List Bookmarks dialog. Ctrl+C Repeats the last CHANGE command. Ctrl+D Erases from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word. Ctrl+E Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the line. Ctrl+F Repeats the last LOCATE command. Ctrl+I Displays the EPM command line. Ctrl+L Copies the line at the current cursor position to the command line. Ctrl+M Activates the Set Bookmarks dialog. Ctrl+Q Switches between the search file and the results of the ALL command. Ctrl+R Starts and stops recording keystrokes. Ctrl+S Activates the Search dialog. Ctrl+T Plays back a set of recorded keystrokes. Ctrl+2 Types an ASCII 0 (NUL character). Ctrl+6 Types a 'к'. Ctrl+9 Types a '{' (left brace). Ctrl+0 Types a '}' (right brace). Ctrl+Backspace Deletes the current line. Ctrl+Enter Moves cursor to the beginning of the next line. (configurable) Ctrl+Left Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word. Ctrl+Right Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word. Ctrl+/ Character-marks the entire file. Ctrl+\ Removes the current mark. Ctrl+[ Finds the bracket that matches the current character, taking nesting into account. Matchable characters are (){}[]<> (parentheses, braces, brackets, and angle brackets). Ctrl+] Same as Ctrl+[. Esc Displays the EPM command line. (ESCAPEKEY must be on.) Del Deletes the character at the current cursor position. Ins Switches between insert and replace modes. (*)These definitions will be blocked if the CUA Accelerators option is selected. Instead, the key will activate the corresponding action bar menu item. ═══ 3. Mark Types ═══ There are three types of marked or selected text: Block, Line, and Character. Advanced mode uses all three types, while basic mode uses only Character marks. A detailed description about how to mark or select each type follows: Block A block mark is a rectangular area of text. To mark a block: 1. Position the cursor in the upper-right corner of the desired block. 2. Press Alt+B. 3. Position the cursor in the lower left corner of the desired block. 4. Press Alt+B. Note: When you delete a block of text, the text is erased but the space that contained the text remains in the file -it is not closed. To close the space, you must use a line or character mark to delete the text. Line A line mark is a mark of a line or a set of lines. To mark the line: 1. Position the cursor in the first line to be marked. 2. Press Alt+L. 3. Position the cursor in the last line to be marked. 4. Press Alt+L. Character A character mark is a mark of a character or set of characters. To mark characters: 1. Position the cursor in the first character to be marked. 2. Press Alt+Z. 3. Position the cursor in the last character to be marked. 4. Press Alt+Z. Related Information: Mark Operations ═══ 4. Mark Operations ═══ There are several mark operations that can be performed. The most frequently performed options and their key combinations are listed below: Alt+A (Adjust Mark) Copies the marked text, overlaying the text starting at the current cursor position and filling the original text position with blanks. Alt+C (Copy Mark) (*) Copies the marked text to the current cursor position. The original text remains in its position. With line marks, the marked lines are copied after the line the cursor is on. Alt+D (Delete Mark) Deletes the marked text from the file. Alt+E (End Mark) (*) Moves the cursor to the end of the mark. If the mark is a line mark, the column position of the cursor is preserved. Alt+M (Move Mark) Moves the marked text from its current position to the cursor position, as in the Copy Mark command. Alt+O (Overlay Mark) (*) Overwrites the text at the current cursor position with a copy of the marked text. Alt+T (Center Mark) Centers the text within the mark. Alt+U (Unmark) Unmarks any mark within the current ring. Alt+Y (Begin Mark) Moves the cursor to the beginning of the mark. If the mark is a line mark, the column position of the cursor is preserved. (*)These definitions will be blocked if the CUA Accelerators option is selected. Instead, the key will activate the corresponding action bar menu item. ═══ 5. Recording Keystrokes ═══ With the EPM editor you can record a set of keystrokes to be played back at a later time. This is helpful if you are performing a particular action repeatedly. To record keystrokes: 1. Press Ctrl+R to start recording. 2. Type the keys that you want recorded. 3. Press Ctrl+R to stop recording. Press Ctrl+T to playback the recorded keystrokes. For example, suppose you type DIR to get a directory listing of the current directory. Volume in drive C is MYDISK The Volume Serial Number is 0123:4567 Directory of C:\TCPIP\LAMAIL ALL 1-01-90 12:01a ALL NDX 87 1-01-90 12:01a OUT 1-01-90 12:01a OUT NDX 87 1-01-90 12:01a PERSONAL 1-01-90 12:01a PERSONAL NDX 87 1-01-90 12:01a STUFF 1-01-90 12:01a STUFF NDX 87 1-01-90 12:01a MORESTUF 1-01-90 12:01a MORESTUF NDX 87 1-01-90 12:01a You wish to convert all of the file names from the "DIR" format to the "name.ext" format. After deleting all lines but the files (not subdirectories) and the file information (show size, date, and time), you have left: ALL NDX OUT NDX PERSONAL NDX STUFF NDX MORESTUF NDX Place your cursor at the beginning of the first line and press Ctrl+R to start recording. Press the following keys: 1. Ctrl+F6 2. Right "." 3. Alt+B 4. Ctrl+Right 5. Left 6. Alt+B 7. Alt+D 8. Down 9. Home 10. Ctrl+R You have recorded the keystrokes to convert one file name. Now press Ctrl+T twice to playback the keystrokes, and the files are converted. There are a total of five files. ALL.NDX OUT.NDX PERSONAL.NDX STUFF.NDX MORESTUF.NDX ═══ 6. Configuring the Mouse ═══ You can configure the mouse in either the basic marking mode or the advanced marking mode. The default is the basic marking mode. In the basic marking mode, the mark is only usable for deleting text or copying it to the clipboard Typing any text character deletes the marked text and replaces it with the entered character. The basic marking mode mouse actions are: Button 1 click Move cursor position to mouse pointer and unmark. Button 1 + Shift Mark text from cursor position to mouse pointer. Button 1 click and drag Mark text as you drag. Button 1 double-click Move cursor position to mouse pointer and mark the word. In advanced marking mode, a mark stays until you explicitly delete it or unmark. The advanced marking mode mouse actions are: Button 1 click Move cursor position to mouse pointer. Button 1 + Shift Mark text from cursor position to mouse pointer. Button 1 click and drag Block mark text as you drag. Button 2 click and drag Line mark text as you drag. If you start dragging inside a marked region, this will instead initiate a drag of the marked text. The text will be moved (or copied, if the Ctrl key is pressed as well) to wherever you drop it. Button 1 + Ctrl + drag Character mark text as you drag. Button 1 double-click Unmark text. Button 1 + Ctrl + double-click Ask for help for the token under the mouse pointer. Looks up the word in an index file (EPMKWHLP.NDX, or the file or files listed in the HELPNDX environment setting; multiple files must be separated by plus signs). Index files are provided by your applications, not as part of EPM. For example, the OS/2 2.0 Toolkit includes an EPMKWHLP.NDX, and the IBM C Set/2 compiler comes with a DDE4.NDX. The index file will be looked for in the current directory, along the EPMPATH, DPATH, in the directory from which EPM was loaded, and finally along the PATH. Button 2 double-click Move cursor position to mouse pointer and mark the (space-delimited) word. Button 2 + Ctrl + double-click Move cursor position to mouse pointer and mark the token according to the parsing rules for the C language. E.g., in the line: s = substr(string, start, end); placing the cursor somewhere on string and performing a Button 2 + Ctrl + double-click will result in just string being selected, while performing a Button 2 double-click will result in substr(string, being selected. Button 2 + Shift + double-click Search for the next occurrance of the token under the mouse cursor (parsed for the C language, as above). The search starts after the token. The current mark, if any, is not affected. To select advanced marking mode: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Preferences. 3. Select Advanced marking. To save the mark mode setting: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Save options. Related Information: o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 7. Direct File Manipulation with the File Symbol ═══ The File symbol is located in the top left corner of the edit window. It looks like a sheet of paper with the top right corner folded down. It can be used to: o Print the visible file. o Copy a file to another edit window. o Create another edit window containing your file. o Copy files to an open file directory folder. The File symbol is manipulated in the following way: Select the File symbol by pointing to it with the mouse pointer and pressing button 2. Keeping button 2 down, move the mouse pointer over one of the following: o An EPM edit window, to copy the file. o The EPM icon, to create another edit window containing your file. o An open directory, to copy the file to that directory. ═══ 8. Help for Search ═══ Use this window to search for a string of text or search for and replace a string of text. To search for text: 1. Type the search_string in the Search field. 2. Select Find to search for text. Find can be selected multiple times to find successive occurrences of the search string. 3. Select Cancel to close the window. To replace a string of text: 1. Type the search_string in the Search field. 2. Type the replace_string that will replace the search_string in the Replace field. 3. Select either: o Change to find the next occurrence of the search_string and change it to the replace_string. o Change, then find, to do the same as Change, and then search for the next occurrence of the search_string after the change has been made. Note: The search begins from the current cursor position. The entire file is searched only if the cursor is at the beginning of the first line. Related Information: o Search o Replace o Options o Find o Change o Change, then find o Find, cancel o Cancel ═══ 9. Help for Search ═══ Type in the Search filed the text you want to find. The text you type is called the search_string. ═══ 10. Help for Replace ═══ Type in the Replace field the text you want to put in place of the text in the Search field. The text in the Replace field is called the replace_string. ═══ 11. Help for Options ═══ You can choose any of the following options: Ignore case Ignores case in the search_string. For example, "Search", "search", and "SEARCH" are treated the same. Reverse search Searches from the current cursor position to the beginning of the file. Change all occurrences Causes all occurrences of the search_string to be overwritten by the replace_string. Marked area Searches only the marked text. Grep Searches using the GREP option. ═══ 12. Help for Find ═══ Select Find to locate the search_string within the current file. ═══ 13. Help for Change ═══ Select Change to replace the found text with the replace_string. ═══ 14. Help for Change, then Find ═══ Select Change, then find to replace the first occurrence of the found text with the replace_string and then find the next occurrence of the search_string ═══ 15. Help for Find, Cancel ═══ Select Find, cancel to search for the first occurrence of the search_string and then exit the Search window. ═══ 16. Help for Command ═══ Use this window to type editor commands. To enter a command: 1. Select a command from the selection list or type a command in the entry field. 2. Select OK. As you type a command, the editor will attempt to match what you're typing with an existing line in the selection list. At any point you can press Ctrl+O to select the matched line in the list, or Ctrl+F to find the next matching line. Ctrl+Backspace will delete the line from the list. Note: Commands in the selection list are saved between sessions of the editor. Related Information: o Editor commands o OK o Cancel ═══ 17. Help for Messages ═══ Use this window to display or review error messages. Select an error message from the selection list to have it displayed in the entry field. The message can be marked and copied from the entry field to the clipboard. Related Information: o Cancel ═══ 18. Help for Describe Error ═══ The list displays all errors associated with the current line. The following options are available: Details Displays a help panel giving additional information on the error message, if this information was provided by the compiler vendor. Cancel Returns control to the edit window. Help Displays this panel. ═══ 19. Help for Tabs ═══ To set the edit window tabs: 1. Type the tab settings. You can type either a single number to use as an increment, or you can type a series of numbers separated by a space that will be used as column positions. In both cases, column one is used as a starting point. 2. Select Set or Apply. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 20. Help for Margins ═══ Use this window to set the left, right, and paragraph margins. For each setting, drag the slider arm, select the left or right slider button, or type a new value. Then select Set or Apply. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Margins o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 21. Help for Margins ═══ The left and right margins control where the cursor is positioned when typing text. If you type beyond the right margin, the word you are typing is moved to a new line starting at the left margin. When you reformat a paragraph, it is justified so that all lines are between the left margin and the right margin, except the first line, which starts at the paragraph margin. Related Information: Reformatting a paragraph ═══ 22. Help for Colors ═══ Use this window to set the colors used by the editor. To change colors: 1. Select a field from the Field selection selection list. 2. Select the Set background or Set foreground radio button. 3. Select a color from the Color selection selection list. 4. Select Set or Apply. Note: As you change colors, Sample Text will reflect your changes. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Field selection o Color selection o Set background o Set foreground o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 23. Help for Field Selection ═══ Use Field selection to select the field you want to change. The four fields that you can choose from are: Text Color of normal text. Mark Color of a marked area. Status Color of the status line, if enabled, containing the line and column numbers. Message Color of the message line, if enabled, and the color in which messages will be displayed. ═══ 24. Help for Color Selection ═══ Use Color selection to select the color that you want to paint the selected field. Select the color you want from the selection list. ═══ 25. Help for Set Background ═══ Select the Set background radio button to color the background of the selected field with the selected color. ═══ 26. Help for Set Foreground ═══ Select the Set Foreground radio button to color the foreground of the selected field with the selected color. ═══ 27. Help for Paths ═══ To enter paths: 1. Type an autosave path. 2. Type a temporary path. 3. Select Set or Apply. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Autosave path o Temporary path o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 28. Help for Paths ═══ To enter paths: 1. Type an autosave path. 2. Type a temporary path. 3. Type a dictionary path and file name. 4. Type a personal dictionary path and file name. 5. Select Set or Apply. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Autosave path o Temporary path o Dictionary file o Personal dictionary o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 29. Help for Autosave Path ═══ The subdirectory in which autosave files are stored. Note: If you select a temporary disk, your autosave files will be lost if the system loses power while you are updating a file. Do not select a temporary disk because they only exist until you reboot, and while power is not interrupted. Note: If you do not specify an autosave path, the current directory is used. ═══ 30. Help for Temporary Path ═══ Use Temporary paths to select the directory where temporary files are created. This directory should be on a temporary disk, if you have one with room to spare, both for speed and so you don't have to explicitly erase the files. A temporary disk exists only until you reboot, and while power is not interrupted. Note: If you do not specify a temporary path, the current directory is used. ═══ 31. Help for Dictionary File ═══ Use Dictionary file to specify the path and file name of the file to be used for spell checking. ═══ 32. Help for Personal Dictionary ═══ Use Personal dictionary to specify where your personal dictionary addenda exists or should be created. Your personal dictionary addenda file is used during the proof function. ═══ 33. Help for Autosave ═══ Use this window to control the number of modifications that are required to be made to a file before it is automatically saved. Set the number to 0 to turn off the autosaving feature. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Autosave o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 34. Help for Autosave ═══ Use Autosave to specify the number of changes that have to be made to a file before it is automatically saved. To specify the number, select the slider button, drag the slider arm, or type a new value in the field. ═══ 35. Help for Fonts ═══ To change the editor fonts: 1. Select Font name. 2. Select Size. 3. Select any of the following attributes by selecting the symbol that corresponds to the desired feature: o Bold o Italic o Underlined o Strikeout 4. Select Set or Apply. As you change fonts, Sample Text will change to show you what the font and attributes look like. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Font name o Size o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 36. Help for Font Name ═══ Use Font name to specify the font you want to use. Select the arrow to the right to display the entire selection list; then select the font that you want. ═══ 37. Help for Size ═══ Use Size to adjust the size of the font. Select the arrow to the right to display the entire selection list; then select the font size that you want. ═══ 38. Help for Keys ═══ To define an action for the Enter key: 1. Select a key or key combination from the top selection list. 2. Select an action from the bottom selection list. 3. Select Set or Apply For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Set o Apply o Defaults o Cancel ═══ 39. Help for Set ═══ Select Set to save the settings and have them used every time you open an edit window. ═══ 40. Help for Apply ═══ Select Apply to use the selected settings in the current edit window, without making them permanent. ═══ 41. Help for Defaults ═══ Select Defaults to set the values to the initial system settings. ═══ 42. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to close the notebook and discard any changes that were made. ═══ 43. Help for Quitting a File ═══ Use Quitting a File to end an editing session before a modified file is removed from the edit window ring. The following options are available: Save Saves the file as it appears in the entry field. The file name can be modified before Save is selected. Discard Enables the quitting process to continue. Changes to the file are not saved. Cancel Returns control to the edit window. Note: When all files have been removed from the edit window ring, the edit window is automatically closed. ═══ 44. Help for Closing a File ═══ Use Closing a File to end an editing session before a modified file is removed from the edit window ring. The following options are available: Save Saves the file as it appears in the entry field. The file name can be modified before Save is selected. Discard Enables the quitting process to continue. Changes to the file are not saved. Cancel Returns control to the edit window. Note: When all files have been removed from the edit window ring, the edit window is automatically closed. ═══ 44.1. Help for Proof ═══ The Proof window is displayed when a possibly misspelled word is found during the proof function. This window contains a list words. The window buttons are as follows: Replace The highlighted word from the list is placed inside your document, replacing the misspelled word. The replace function can also be achieved by double-clicking on a word in the list. Replace is the default. Cancel Terminates the proof function. Next Skips the highlighted word and continues spell checking. Temp. Add The word that is highlighted is placed in a temporary personal dictionary file. Every other occurrence of that word is considered correct during the remainder of your proof session. Add The word that is highlighted is placed in your personal dictionary file. The word is permanently considered correct. Edit Places the word that is highlighted in an entry field, where you can modify it. Help Displays this panel. ═══ 44.2. Help for Proof Word ═══ The Proof Word window is displayed when a possibly misspelled word is found during the execution of the proof word function. This window contains a list box which holds a selection of possible correct words. The window buttons are as follows: Replace The highlighted word from the list is placed inside your document, replacing the misspelled word. The replace function can also be achieved by double clicking on a word in the list. Replace is the default button. Cancel Terminates the proof function. Add The word that is highlighted is placed in your personal dictionary file. The word is permanently considered correct. Help Displays this panel. ═══ 44.3. Help for Synonym ═══ The Synonym window is displayed if one or more synonyms are found during the execution of the synonym function. This window contains a list box which holds a selection of words. The window buttons are as follows: Replace The highlighted word from the list is placed inside your document, replacing the highlighted word. The replace function can also be achieved by double clicking on a word in the list. Replace is the default button. Cancel Terminates the proof function. Help Displays this panel. ═══ 45. Help for Undo ═══ The number range represents changes made to the current file. The lower the number the earlier the change. To use Undo: 1. Move the slider to the change that you want to undo. 2. Select OK. ═══ 46. Help for List Ring ═══ The selection list contains a list of all files in the current edit ring. To select a file from the list: 1. Select a file from the selection list to activate it. 2. Select Switch to. Related Information: o Switch to o Cancel ═══ 47. Help for Switch To ═══ Select Switch to to exit the window, and make the selected file the current file. ═══ 48. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to exit the window and leave the original file as the current file. ═══ 49. Help for Style ═══ Use Style to apply a style, consisting of a specific font, color, or both to a marked region of text. You can select an existing style in the Style name field, or you can define a new style by doing the following: 1. Optionally, type a new name in the Style name field. 2. Select Font name. 3. Select Size. 4. Select any of the following attributes, if desired: o Bold o Italic o Underlined o Strikeout o Outline 5. Select Foreground color 6. Select Background color to change the background color. 7. Select Set to apply the selected style to the marked region, or Register to register the style and continue in the window. As you change font and colors, Sample Text changes to show you what the style looks like. Note: If you do not enter a name in the Style name field, you can only apply the style to the marked text. The style will not be registered. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Style name o Font name o Font size o Font attributes o Foreground color o Background color o Color selection o Apply o Register o Cancel ═══ 50. Help for Style Name ═══ Use Style name to select the existing style you want to use, or to enter a new style name. Select the arrow to the right to display the entire selection list; then select the style that you want. ═══ 51. Help for Font Name ═══ Use Font name to specify the font you want to use. Select the arrow to the right to display the entire selection list; then select the font that you want. ═══ 52. Help for Font Size ═══ Use Font Size to adjust the size of the font. Select the arrow to the right to display the entire selection list; then select the font that you want. ═══ 53. Help for Font Attributes ═══ Select any of the following attributes by selecting the symbol that corresponds to the desired feature: o Bold o Italic o Underlined o Strikeout o Outline ═══ 54. Help for Background Color ═══ Select the Background color radio button to color the background of the selected style. ═══ 55. Help for Foreground Color ═══ Select the Foreground color radio button to color the foreground of the selected style. ═══ 56. Help for Color Selection ═══ Use this listbox to select the color that you want to paint the selected style. Select the color you want from the selection list. ═══ 57. Help for Apply ═══ Select Apply to use the selected settings on the current text. Note: If a name was entered in the Style name field, the style will automatically be registered if it did not exist previously. ═══ 58. Help for Register ═══ Select Register to save the style settings under the name in the Style name field. ═══ 59. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to close the dialog and discard any changes that were made. ═══ 60. Help for Set Bookmark ═══ To set a bookmark: 1. Type a name in the entry field. 2. Select Set or Set permanent. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Set o Set permanent o Cancel ═══ 61. Help for Set ═══ Select Set to set a bookmark that lasts for the duration of your edit session. ═══ 62. Help for Set Permanent ═══ Select Set permanent to set a bookmark that is saved with the file and loaded the next time the file is edited. ═══ 63. Help for List Bookmarks ═══ To go to a bookmark: 1. Use the down arrow to the right to display the selection list; then select a bookmark. 2. Select Go to mark. To delete a bookmark: 1. Use the down arrow to the right to display the selection list; then select a bookmark. 2. Select Delete mark. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Go to mark o Delete mark o Cancel ═══ 64. Help for Go To Mark ═══ Select Go to mark to position the cursor at the bookmark in the current file. ═══ 65. Help for Delete Mark ═══ Select Delete mark to erase the bookmark from the current file. ═══ 66. Help for Find Procedure ═══ To find a procedure listed in the active tags file: 1. Type a procedure name in the entry field. 2. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o Cancel ═══ 67. Help for Select Source FIle ═══ This dialog is presented when a FINDTAG command finds that the procedure requested is listed in the tags file as appearing in more than one source file. To pick the desired routine, 1. Select a file name from the list. 2. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o Cancel ═══ 68. Help for Tags File Name ═══ To set the name of the tags file: 1. Type a filename in the entry field. 2. Select Set or Set permanent. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Set o Set permanent o Cancel ═══ 69. Help for Set ═══ Select Set to set the tags file name for the duration of your edit session. ═══ 70. Help for Set Permanent ═══ Select Set permanent to set the tags file name, and record it in the .INI file, so it will be the default the next time EPM is started. ═══ 71. Help for Make Tags File ═══ To create or update the active tags file: 1. Enter one or more filenames in the entry field. 2. Select OK. Any filename can include wildcards, or can be a list of files (indicated by prefixing the filename with an "at" sign, @). d:\testbed\*.c d:\testbed\*.asm @d:\doc\source.lst For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o Cancel ═══ 72. Adding and Inserting Text ═══ When the cursor is in insert mode, the text you type is inserted to the left of the cursor and no text is overwritten. To change the cursor to replace mode so that characters in the text are overwritten: 1. Position the cursor where you want to begin typing. 2. Press the Insert (Ins) key. 3. Type the new characters to overwrite text. ═══ 73. Restoring Text ═══ To cancel your last action or restore text: 1. Select Edit. 2. Select Undo. ═══ 74. Finding Text ═══ To find or change text in a file: 1. Select Search. 2. Select Search. For additional help, select Help after the window is displayed. ═══ 75. Closing Files ═══ To close or exit a file: 1. Select File. 2. Select Quit. ═══ 76. Copying Text ═══ You copy text by using the Copy and Paste choices on the Edit menu. To copy text from one file to another file or to another place in the same file: 1. Select the text to be copied. 2. Select Edit. 3. Select Copy. 4. Move the cursor to the point in the file where you want to place this text. 5. Select Edit. 6. Select Paste. Related Information: Selecting text ═══ 77. Deleting Selected Text ═══ To delete selected text from a file: 1. Select the text to be deleted. 2. Select Edit. 3. Select Delete mark. Related Information: Selecting text ═══ 78. Deleting Text ═══ To delete text, you can use one of the following: o The delete (Del) key to delete the character to the right of the cursor. In the basic marking mode, the Del key will delete all of the marked text if a mark exists. o The Backspace key to delete the character to the left of the cursor. o The Ctrl+Backspace key to delete the current line. Related Information: Selecting text ═══ 79. Marking/Selecting Text ═══ To select (mark) text in basic marking mode: 1. Move the mouse pointer to the left of the first character to be selected. 2. Press and hold mouse button 1, and then drag the cursor to the right of the last character to be selected. 3. Release mouse button 1. To deselect text (remove the mark), do one of the following: o Press mouse button 1 once within the text area. o Select Edit; then Unmark. Related Information: o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 80. Opening Existing Files ═══ To open an existing file: 1. Select File. 2. Select Open. For additional help, select Help after the window is displayed. ═══ 81. Entering Text ═══ To enter text: 1. Position the cursor by clicking the mouse button where you want to begin typing. 2. Press Enter to start a new line. 3. Press the Spacebar to move the cursor to a place where there is no text. 4. Use the arrow keys or mouse pointer to move the cursor to any area of text. The cursor moves one space to the right every time you type a character or press the Spacebar. ═══ 82. Pasting or Inserting Text ═══ To insert text into a file that you have cut or copied to the clipboard: 1. Move the cursor to the point in the file where you want to insert the text. 2. Select Edit. 3. Select Paste. ═══ 83. Joining Lines ═══ To join lines, press Alt+J, or (in stream editing mode): 1. Press the End key to move the cursor to the end of the line. 2. Press the Del key. The text from the line below joins the current line at the right of the cursor. ═══ 84. Moving Text ═══ You move text by using the Copy and Paste choices on the Edit menu. To move text from one file to another file, or to a different place in the same file: 1. Select the text to be moved. 2. Select Edit. 3. Select Cut. This places the text you cut on the clipboard. 4. Move the cursor to the point in the file where you want to place this text. 5. Select Edit. 6. Select Paste. or, in advanced marking mode, you can press Alt+M to move the marked text within the current edit window without affecting the clipboard. Related Information: Selecting text ═══ 85. Splitting Lines ═══ To split a line, press Alt+S (assuming the CUA Accelerators option is not selected), or (in stream editing mode): 1. Position the cursor where you want to divide the text to start a new line. 2. Press Enter. The text from the cursor to the end of the line is moved to the next line. ═══ 86. Printing Files ═══ To print a file: 1. Select File. 2. Select Print file. ═══ 87. Reformatting Text ═══ To reflow the text in the editing area so that any text extending beyond the margin is moved to the next line: 1. Position the cursor to the right of the character where you want to start reformatting. 2. Press Alt+P. ═══ 88. Saving Files ═══ To save a file and continue editing it: 1. Select File. 2. Press Save. If you need help, highlight the Save choice on the File menu and press F1. ═══ 89. Naming Files ═══ To name a file or change the name of a file: 1. Select File. 2. Press Rename. Note: This only changes the name within the editor, and does not affect any copy of the file previously saved. ═══ 90. Issuing Editor Commands ═══ To issue or process an editor command: 1. Select Command. 2. Select Command dialog. 3. Type the command. 4. Select OK. For additional help, select Help after the window is displayed. For a complete list of editor commands, select Editor commands below. Related Information: Editor commands ═══ 91. Setting Margins ═══ To set the margins: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Preferences. 3. Select Settings. 4. Select the Margins tab on the Settings notebook. ═══ 92. Help for Open ═══ Use this window to open a new edit window, following these steps: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Type the name of the file in the Open filename field. 5. Select Open. Note: If you do not type a name in the Open filename field, .Untitled will be used as the file name. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Open file name o Type of file o Drive o File o Directory o Open o Cancel ═══ 93. Help for Add File ═══ Use this window to add a file to the current edit window, following these steps: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type a file name in the Open filename field. 5. Select Add. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Open file name o Type of file o Drive o File o Directory o Add o Cancel ═══ 94. Help for Import Text File ═══ Use this window to retrieve a copy of a file and insert it into the current file, following these steps: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type a file name in the Open filename field. 5. Select Import. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Open file name o Type of file o Drive o File o Directory o OK o Cancel ═══ 95. Help for Open Filename ═══ Type the name of the file you want to open in the Open filename field and then select OK. ═══ 96. Help for Save As Filename ═══ Type the name of the file you want to save in the Save as filename field and then select Save As. ═══ 97. Help for Type of File ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. ═══ 98. Help for Save File as Type ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Save file as type field to display the available file types. ═══ 99. Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to view. ═══ 100. Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. ═══ 101. Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. ═══ 102. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to accept all choices in the window. ═══ 103. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel to remove the window from the screen without saving any changes. ═══ 104. Help for Open ═══ Use this window to open a new edit window, following these steps: 1. Select a file from the selection list or type a file name in the entry field. 2. Select OK. Select File list to view a list of all files. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o File list o Cancel ═══ 105. Help for Add File ═══ Use this window to add a file to the current edit window, following these steps: 1. Select a file from the selection list or type a file name in the entry field. 2. Select OK. Select File list to view a list of all files. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o File list o Cancel ═══ 106. Help for Import Text File ═══ Use this window to retrieve a copy of a file and insert it into the current file, following these steps: 1. Select a file from the list box or type a file name in the entry field. 2. Select OK. Select File list to view a list of all files. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o OK o File list o Cancel ═══ 107. Help for Open ═══ Select Open to open a new edit window with the selected file. ═══ 108. Help for Import ═══ Select Import to place a copy of the selected file into the current file. ═══ 109. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to place the selected file into the current edit window. ═══ 110. Help for File List ═══ Select File list to display a window that enables you to access files on the system. ═══ 111. Help for Save As ═══ Use this window to save a file and assign it a name, following these steps: 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type a file name in the Save as filename field. 5. Select Save As. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Save as filename o Save file as type o Drive o File o Directory o Save as o Cancel ═══ 112. Help for Save As ═══ Select Save As to store the current file with the name you entered in the file name field. ═══ 113. Help for Print ═══ Use this window to print the current file or display a preview of your file before printing. To print a file as raw ascii text: 1. Select Raw Ascii text. 2. Select the printer port (LPT1, for example) 3. Select Print. To print a file as formatted text: 1. Select Formatted text. 2. Select the print queue. 3. Set any options desired. 4. Select Print. When printing formatted text, you may specify options: which control the layout and presentation details of the output. In addition, you can preview: the formatted pages before spooling them to a printer. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Formatted text o Raw Ascii text o Queue/port o Options o Print o Preview ═══ 114. Help for Raw Ascii text ═══ Select Raw ascii to copy raw text to the specified port. ═══ 115. Help for Formatted text ═══ Select Formatted text to print to the specified print queue. ═══ 116. Help for Queue/Port ═══ Specify the print destination by selecting the desired queue or port. ═══ 117. Help for Options ═══ Press Options to display the Print Options dialog. ═══ 118. Help for Print ═══ Press Print to print to the selected queue or port. ═══ 119. Help for Preview ═══ Press Preview to view the page formatting before printing. ═══ 120. Help for Print Options ═══ Use this window to specify details for formatting text for hardcopy. Fonts used in formatted printing are controlled using the Draft/WYSIWYG buttons. In Draft mode, the default printer font will be used; in WYSIWYG mode the fonts displayed on screen will be used for printing. Monochrome specifies that that the printing will be black on white regardless of the colors displayed on screen, while Color causes the printing to respect these colors (within the limits of the printer being used). The printer driver Job Properties can be displayed for setting printer-specific properties by checking the Job Properties box. Checking Save settings will cause the printer settings and options to be saved on exit from the print dialog for use when printing is next invoked. Use Undo to restore the settings to their values when this window was first displayed. ═══ 121. Help for Print Preview ═══ Use this window to view the formatted pages before printing. Upon entering, formatted pages will be produced in the background and made available for viewing. The current page number and total number of pages are displayed in the upper right area of the window. '>' and '<' buttons let you move forward and back through the set of formatted pages. You can specify whether a given page is to be printed using the Print this page checkbox. The lines from your file that are included in the currently-viewed page are shown at the bottom of the window. ═══ 122. Help for Print Mark ═══ Use this window to print the currently marked text. To print the marked text: 1. Select a printer from the list of available printers. 2. Select Draft or WYSIWYG. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Draft o WYSIWYG o Cancel ═══ 123. Help for Draft ═══ Select Draft to print the currently marked text in a draft mode. ═══ 124. Help for WYSIWYG ═══ Select WYSIWYG to print the currently marked text in the style shown on the monitor. WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get". ═══ 125. Help for Type ═══ Use this window to set a type for the current file. 1. Select a file type from the list of file types. 2. Select Set. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o File type o Set o Cancel ═══ 126. Help for File Type ═══ The file type is an attribute of a file that describes its contents. ═══ 127. Help for Set ═══ Select Set to change the current file type to the type you selected in the list. ═══ 128. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to change the current settings. ═══ 129. Help for Subject ═══ Use this window to type a subject for the current file. 1. Type a line of text (up to 40 characters) that describes the current file. 2. Select Set. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Set o Cancel ═══ 130. Help for Set ═══ Select Set to accept the text and close the window. ═══ 131. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to type a subject. ═══ 132. EPM Editor Commands ═══ EPM supports a variety of general-purpose editing commands. Several of the most common commands are available on the menu bar. All of the commands can be started from the Command window. Select any of the following commands for more information about the command: o [#] (Go To Line) o ACTIVATEACCEL (Activate an Accelerator Table) o ADD (Add Block) o ALL (Find All Text) o APPEND (Append to File) o ASC (Get ASCII Value) o AUTOSAVE (Query or Set Autosave Value) o BOTTOM (Go To Bottom) o BOX (Box Mark) o BROWSE (Query or Set Browse Mode) o BUILDACCEL (Build an Accelerator Table Entry) o BUILDSUBMENU (Build an Action Bar Pulldown) o BUILDMENUITEM (Add Menu Item to Pulldown) o CD (Change Directory) o CENTER (Center Mark) o CHANGE (Change Text) o CHR (Get Character for ASCII Value) o CLOSE (Close the Edit Window) o COPY2CLIP (Copy to Clipboard) o CUT (Cut Text) o DELETEMENU (Delete a Menu Item) o DIR (Directory List) o DISPLAY (Change Message Display Actions) o DOLINES (Process Lines) o DPATH (Show DPATH Setting) o DRAW (Draw Text Graphics) o ECHO (Echo Commands) o EDIT (Edit File) o EPATH (Edit a File in a PATH Setting) o ESCAPEKEY (Toggle Escape Key action) o EXPAND (Syntax Expansion) o FILE (Save and Quit) o FILL (Fill Mark) o GET (Get a File) o INSERT_ATTR_VAL_PAIR (Insert Character Attributes) o INSERT_ATTRIBUTE (Insert Character Attribute) o KEY (Repeat a Key) o LIST (Find Files) o LOCATE (Locate Text) o LOCK (Lock a File) o LONGNAMES (Toggle Long File Name Support) o LOOPKEY (Repeat a Key) o LOWERCASE (Convert Marked Text to Lowercase) o MARGINS (Set Text Margins) o MATCHTAB (Use Words as Tab Stops) o MATHx (Calculate) o MESSAGEBOX (Activate Message box) o MULT (Multiply Block) o NAME (Rename Current File) o NEWWINDOW (Move Current File to a New Edit Window) o OPATH (Open a File in a PATH Setting) o OPEN (Open New Edit Window) o OS2 (Process OS/2 Command) o PASTE (Paste Text) o PATH (Show PATH Setting) o PRINT (Print File) o PROFILE (Toggle Profile Setting) o QUIT (Quit File) o QD (Query Date) o QT (Query Time) o RC (Show Return Code) o REGISTER_MOUSE (Register Mouse Event) o SAVE (Save File) o SAYERROR (Display Error Code or Message) o SET (Show Environment Settings) o SHELL (Start a Command Shell) o SHOWMENU (Activate an Action Bar Menu) o SORT (Sort File) o STAY (Control Cursor Position After CHANGE Command) o SUBJECT (Display or Set File Subject) o TABKEY (Toggle Tab Key action) o TRIM (Trim Edit Window) o TABS (Set Tab Stops) o TOP (Go To Top) o TYPE (Display or Set File Type) o UNIVERSAL (Change Universal Variables ) o UNLOCK (Unlock a File) o UPPERCASE (Convert Marked Text to Uppercase) o VER (Show Editor Version) o VOL (Show Volume Label) Related Information: Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.1. (Go To Line) ═══ Syntax: [+|-]nnnn Use this command to move the cursor to another line. It can be used three ways: nnnn Moves to line number nnnn. +nnnn Moves forward (down) nnnn number of lines. -nnnn Moves backward (up) nnnn number of lines. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.2. ACTIVATEACCEL (Activate an Accelerator Table) ═══ Syntax: ACTIVATEACCEL [table_name] Use ACTIVATEACCEL in a Rexx macro to activate the named accelerator table. If no name is given, the current accelerator table (which could have been updated with the BUILDACCEL command) is rebuilt. Related Information: o BUILDACCEL ═══ 132.3. ADD (Add Block) ═══ Syntax: ADD Use ADD to add the numeric expressions in the current mark, and display the result on the next line after the mark. The mark must be either a block mark or a line mark. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o MULT o MATHx ═══ 132.4. ALL (Find All Text) ═══ Syntax: ALL /search_string[/[c]] Use ALL to create a temporary file showing all occurrences of search_string in the current file. The c option ignores case in the search_string. For example, "Search", "search", and "SEARCH" are treated the same. The delimiter used to separate search_string and the options is the first non-blank character following "ALL." Once the command has completed processing, use Ctrl+Q to switch between the result file and the search file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.5. APPEND, APP (Append to File) ═══ Syntax: APPEND or APP [filespec] Use APPEND to add the marked text to the file filespec. If no text is marked, the entire current file is taken as the source. The equals sign, "=" can be used as a shorthand for various parts of the file specifier. For convenience, filespec can be omitted if you wish to repeat an APPEND to the same file. APPEND commands without a filespec reuse the last-specified name. You can print a marked block of text by issuing APPEND LPTn. (But the PRINT command prints a block if one is marked.) You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o PRINT o Marking text ═══ 132.6. ASC (Get ASCII Value) ═══ Syntax: ASC [char] Use ASC to display the ASCII value of the specified character. If no character is specified, the character at the cursor is used. Note: The ASC command is the opposite of the CHR command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.7. AUTOSAVE (Query or Set Autosave Value) ═══ Syntax: AUTOSAVE [#### | ON | OFF | ? | DIR] Use AUTOSAVE to display or set the autosave values. The parameters are: [none] Displays the current values on the message line, and places an AUTOSAVE command in the command window where you can change it. #### Sets the current autosave count to the specified number. ON Sets the current autosave count to the default value. OFF Sets the current autosave count to 0, turning off autosaves. ? Displays the current values in a window, with a button you can select to list all files in the autosave directory. DIR Lists all files in the autosave directory. The autosave values displayed are the autosave count (after this many changes are made to the file, an automatic save is done to a temporary file) and the autosave file name (the file which is saved whenever the autosave count is reached). The default autosave count is set through the Configure window. The autosave path is also set in the Configure window; the autosave file name is constructed from the autosave path, the current file name, and a unique 3-digit extension. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.8. BOT, BOTTOM (Go To Bottom) ═══ Syntax: BOTTOM or BOT Use BOTTOM to move the cursor position to the last line of the file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.9. BOX (Box Mark) ═══ Syntax: BOX 1|2|3|4|5|6|C|P|A|E|B|/character Use BOX to draw a box around the current block mark. The box type depends on the option specified: 1 Single line. 2 Double line. 3 Dotted line. 4 Thick line. 5 Double line horizontally; single line vertically. 6 Single line horizontally; double line vertically. C Comment box using C language syntax. P Comment box using Pascal language syntax. A Comment box using Assembler language syntax. E Erases the box surrounding the block mark. B Box of blanks. /character Box of specified character. Note: If a proportional font is used, the lines will not appear to line up vertically even though they are in the correct columns. Use a non-proportional font (for example, System Monospaced or Courier) if you want the characters to line up on the screen. Note: The single-to-double line intersections used in box styles 5 and 6 will display as national characters in some code pages. Either change to a different code page, or use a different box style. Note: Graphic characters cannot be sent in mail messages. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.10. BROWSE (Query or Set Browse Mode) ═══ Syntax: BROWSE [ON | OFF | ?] Use BROWSE to determine if the file can be updated. The parameters are: ON File can be read, but not updated. OFF File can be read and updated. ? Browse mode (ON or OFF) is displayed. Note: Browse mode applies to the entire edit ring, not to a specific file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.11. BUILDACCEL (Build Accelerator Table Entry) ═══ Syntax: BUILDACCEL table flags key index command Use BUILDACCEL to add an accelerator table entry to an accelerator. table is the name of the table to be updated; use '*' to indicate the currently active accelerator table. flags is a combination of flags corresponding to the AF_ constants in PMWIN.H in the OS/2 Toolkit, keys is an ASCII key value if flags = AF_CHAR; a VK_ constant from PMWIN.H if flags = AF_VIRTUALKEY, etc. (See the EPM Technical Reference for further details.) index is a unique number (unique in the active menu as well as the active accelerator table), and command is the command to be executed when the key is pressed. /* Rexx example of accelerator key definition */ AF_CHAR = 1 /* key style constants */ AF_VIRTUALKEY = 2 AF_SCANCODE = 4 AF_SHIFT = 8 AF_CONTROL = 16 AF_ALT = 32 AF_LONEKEY = 64 VK_F1 = 32 VK_ALT = 11 'buildaccel *' (AF_CHAR + AF_CONTROL) 122 9300 'sayerror Ctrl+z pressed' /* ASCII 122 = 'z' */ 'buildaccel *' (AF_CHAR + AF_CONTROL) 90 9301 'sayerror Ctrl+Z pressed' /* ASCII 90 = 'Z' */ 'buildaccel *' (AF_VIRTUALKEY + AF_ALT) VK_F1 9302 'qtime' /* Alt+F1 tells the time */ 'buildaccel * (AF_VIRTUALKEY + AF_LONEKEY) VK_ALT 9303 'sayerror F10 = action bar' /* Block Alt key from going to the action bar. */ 'activateaccel' /* No argument => use current table name. */ Related Information: o ACTIVATEACCEL ═══ 132.12. BUILDMENUITEM (Add Menu Item to Pulldown) ═══ Syntax: BUILDMENUITEM menuname submenuid menuitemid submenutext attrib helppanel e_command Use BUILDMENUITEM in a Rexx macro to add menu items to an action bar pulldown. Buildmenuitem adds a menu item to the pulldown with ID submenuid in the menu named menuname. The text displayed on the pulldown will be submenutext (which can not contain spaces). The attribute will be attrib (see the menu calls in the OS/2 Technical Reference for the various attributes, or just use 0), the help panel resid that will be displayed if the user presses F1 while the menu item is selected is helppanel (0 if no help for that menu item), and e_command is the command that will be executed if that menu item is selected. All the menuitemid's must be unique. /* Rexx sample .erx file - adds "RexxInterface" to the action bar, */ /* with two menu entries under it. */ 'buildsubmenu default 1990 RexxInterface 0 0' 'buildmenuitem default 1990 1991 AddCommentFields 0 0 rx comment' 'buildmenuitem default 1990 1992 ShowRexxDateFormats 0 0 rx rxdates' 'showmenu default' The submenuids for the standard menus are: File 2 Edit 8 Search 3 Options 4 Command 1 Help 6 Related Information: o BUILDSUBMENU o DELETEMENU o SHOWMENU ═══ 132.13. BUILDSUBMENU (Build an Action Bar Pulldown) ═══ Syntax: BUILDSUBMENU menuname submenuid submenutext attrib helppanel e_command Use BUILDSUBMENU in a Rexx macro to create a new action bar entry. Buildsubmenu adds a pulldown to the action bar menu named menuname, as submenu number submenuid. The text displayed on the action bar will be submenutext (which can not contain spaces), the attribute will be attrib (see the menu calls in the OS/2 Technical Reference for the various attributes, or just use 0), the help panel resid that will be displayed if the user presses F1 while the menu item is selected is helppanel (0 if no help for that menu item), and e_command is the command that will be executed if that menu item is selected. It should be blank (omitted) if you want to define a pull-down; if a command is defined in the Buildsubmenu opcode then it will act immediately. If no command is defined, then the pull-down menu presented will be all the menu items added via Buildmenuitem calls that specified the same submenuid. Related Information: o BUILDMENUITEM o DELETEMENU o SHOWMENU ═══ 132.14. CD (Change Directory) ═══ Syntax: CD [ [drive:]path ] Use CD to change the current directory to the drive and path specified. If neither drive nor path are specified, the current directory is displayed. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.15. CENTER (Center Mark) ═══ Syntax: CENTER Use CENTER to center the text within the current mark. If the current mark is a line mark, the text is centered using the current margins. If the current mark is a block mark, the text is centered using the block boundaries for the margins. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.16. CHANGE, C (Change Text) ═══ Syntax: CHANGE or C /search_string /replace_string/options Use CHANGE to find search_string and replace it with replace_string, depending on the options specified: - Searches from the current cursor position backward. + Searches from the current cursor position forward. * Replaces all occurrences of search_string with replace_string. M Searches within the marked area only. A Searches within the entire file. C Ignores case while searching for search_string. E Respects case while searching for search_string. R Search reversed, right to left, within each line. F Search forward, left to right, within each line. The default options are + A E F. The delimiter used to separate search_string, replace_string, and the options is the first non-blank character following C. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o Search dialog ═══ 132.17. CHR (Get Character for ASCII Value) ═══ Syntax: CHR ASCII_character_code Use CHR to display the character associated with the ASCII_character_code specified. Note: The CHR command is the opposite of the ASC command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.18. CLOSE (Close the Edit Window) ═══ Syntax: CLOSE Use CLOSE to quit all the files in the current edit ring and close the edit window. Before quitting any modified files in the ring, a window appears which enables you to select Save to save the file, Discard to discard the changes, or Cancel to cancel the close. If you select Cancel for any of the modified files, no files are removed from the ring. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.19. COPY2CLIP (Copy to Clipboard) ═══ Syntax: COPY2CLIP Use COPY2CLIP to copy the text within the current mark to the clipboard for transfer to other files being edited, or to other programs. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o CUT o PASTE ═══ 132.20. CUT (Cut Text) ═══ Syntax: CUT Use CUT to copy the text within the current mark to the clipboard for transfer to other files being edited, or to other programs. The marked text is deleted from the file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o Marking text o COPY2CLIP o PASTE ═══ 132.21. DELETEMENU (Delete a Menu Item) ═══ Syntax: DELETEMENU menuname submenuid menuitemid itemonly Use DELETEMENU to delete an action bar or pulldown menu item. menuname is the name of the menu. submenuid is the pulldown submenu that is to be deleted. (To delete all submenus set this parameter to 0.) menuitemid is the item to start deleting off a particular submenu (To delete all menu items under a submenu, set this parameter to 0.) itemonly is true if it is desired to delete only the items under a sub-menu but not the sub-menu itself. Related Information: o BUILDMENUITEM o BUILDSUBMENU o SHOWMENU ═══ 132.22. DIR (Directory List) ═══ Syntax: DIR [ path ] Use DIR to open a temporary file containing the directory listing for the path or the current directory, if no path is specified. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.23. DISPLAY (Change Message Display Actions) ═══ Syntax: DISPLAY number Use DISPLAY in a Rexx macro to control message display and screen updating. A negative number turns the display control off, and a positive number turns it back on. You can turn on or off multiple flags in one DISPLAY call by adding them together, provided they are all positive or negative. -1 turns off screen update; 1 turns it back on. -2 turns off the display of messages; 2 turns it back on. -4 forces messages to be displayed in the message box; 4 reverts to displaying them on the message line; -8 prevents messages from being saved in the message box list; 8 lets them be saved. ═══ 132.24. DOLINES (Executes Lines) ═══ Syntax: DOLINES Use DOLINES to process the current line or all marked lines as though they were typed in the Command window. The line or lines must be editor or OS/2* commands. If a line mark exists, you are asked if you want to process all marked lines. You can select Yes, No (to only process the current line), or Cancel. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.25. DPATH (Show DPATH Setting) ═══ Syntax: DPATH Use DPATH to open a temporary file containing the DPATH environment setting. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.26. DRAW (Draw Text Graphics) ═══ Syntax: DRAW 1|2|3|4|5|6|B|/character Use DRAW to draw lines within your document, using the built-in graphics characters. The type of line depends on the option specified: 1 Single line. 2 Double line. 3 Dotted line. 4 Thick line. 5 Double line horizontally; single line vertically. 6 Single line horizontally; double line vertically. B Blank line, for erasing other lines. /character Line of specified character. Note: If a proportional font is used, the lines will not appear to line up vertically even though they are in the correct columns. Use a non-proportional font (for example, System Monospaced or Courier) if you want the characters to line up on the screen. Note: The single-to-double line intersections used in drawing styles 5 and 6 will display as national characters in some code pages. Either change to a different code page, or use a different drawing style. Note: Graphic characters cannot be sent in mail messages. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.27. ECHO (Echo Commands) ═══ Syntax: ECHO [ON | OFF] Use ECHO to switch the echo mode on or off; anything else tells you the current value. When echo mode is on, every command is displayed in the message field before being processed. The parameters are: [none] Displays current value. ON Every command is displayed in the message field before being processed. OFF No commands are displayed. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.28. EDIT, E (Edit File) ═══ Syntax: EDIT or E [ [options] [=]file1 ][, [options] [=]file2 ]... Use EDIT to load the specified files into the current ring, using the options specified for each file: /C Create a new file with the given name. /D Search for the file on disk. /L use the OS/2 and DOS convention that a new line is signified by a carriage return followed by a line feed. Carriage returns or line feeds standing by themself are kept as text. /N Search for the file in the current ring. /T Do not expand tabs when the file is loaded. The default is to expand all tabs to an appropriate number of spaces. /U use the Unix convention that a line feed alone is sufficient to start a new line when loading a file. Carriage returns are discarded. (This is the default.) The equals sign, "=" can be used as a shorthand for various parts of the file specifier. Commands (inside paired single quotes) can be intermixed with the file names. The files are loaded and the commands executed in the order in which they appear on the command line. For example: E new.c 'get skeleton.c' 'bot' File names containing spaces or "=" must be enclosed inside paired double quotes. Commands containing single quotes can have the quotes doubled up. For example: e "c:\This name contains spaces" 'L /It''s' You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.29. EPATH, EP (Edit a File in a PATH Setting) ═══ Syntax: EPATH or EP filespec [pathname] Use EPATH to search an environment setting for the specified file and load it. The path name defaults to EPMPATH, except if the file specifier extension is CMD; then the path name defaults to PATH. Examples: ep mycnf.e Searches the EPMPATH setting for MYCNF.E. ep test.cmd Searches the PATH setting for TEST.CMD. ep main.c include Searches the INCLUDE setting for MAIN.C. The search order is: 1. The current directory 2. Each directory listed in the path setting If the file is found in the search path, it is loaded from that subdirectory. If not, an empty file with that name will be loaded. The path will default to the current directory. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.30. ESCAPEKEY (Toggle Escape Key Action) ═══ Syntax: ESCAPEKEY [ON | OFF] Use ESCAPEKEY to switch the escape key mode on or off; anything else tells you the current value. When escape key mode is on, the escape key can be used to bring up the command line dialog (just like Ctrl+I). This is for compatability with previous versions of EPM. The default is escape key mode off. You must issue this command from the Command window. To save the current escape key mode setting as your permanent default: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Save options. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.31. EXPAND (Syntax Expansion) ═══ Syntax: EXPAND [ON | OFF] Use EXPAND to set syntax expansion ON or OFF. If no parameters are given, the current value is displayed. Syntax expansion occurs when Space or Enter is pressed while a file with a supported language-specific extension is active (for example C, PAS, or CMD). When automatic expansion is off, you can force expansion to occur by pressing Ctrl+X. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.32. FILE (Save and Quit) ═══ Syntax: FILE [ [=]filename ] [options] Use FILE to store the file (using the file name specified, or the current file name) and quit editing the file. If "=" is specified, filename is prefixed with the drive and path of the current file. See the SAVE command for the list of valid options. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o SAVE command ═══ 132.33. FILEFIND (Find Files) ═══ Synonym for the LIST command. Related Information: LIST ═══ 132.34. FILL (Fill Mark) ═══ Syntax: FILL [ character ] Use FILL to fill the current mark with the character specified. If no character is given, a dialog will be presented asking for one. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.35. FINDFILE (Find Files) ═══ Synonym for the LIST command. Related Information: LIST ═══ 132.36. GET (Get a File) ═══ Syntax: GET filespec Use GET to retrieve a file and insert it starting on the next line after the cursor position. The equals sign, "=" can be used for various parts of the file specifier. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.37. HELP (Open Help Browser) ═══ Syntax: HELP Use HELP to load the EPMHELP.QHL file into a browse-mode window, which displays help information. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.38. INSERT_ATTR_VAL_PAIR (Insert Character Attributes) ═══ Syntax: INSERT_ATTR_VAL_PAIR class attr_val [fstline lstline fstcol lstcol [fid]] Use INSERT_ATTR_VAL_PAIR in a Rexx macro to insert push and pop attributes as a pair into a file. class is the attribute class; attr_val is the attribute value; fstline lstline fstcol lstcol refer to the beginning and ending characters where the attributes are to be inserted (if omitted, then a mark must exist, and the attributes are inserted at the beginning and end of the mark; for a block mark, at the left and right sides of the mark on each line), and fid is the identifier of the file into which the attributes should be inserted (if omitted, it defaults to the current file). /* Rexx macro to highlight the subject line */ /* Assumes .levelofattributesupport has '1' turned on */ /* to enable color display. */ BLACK = 0; BLUE = 1; GREEN = 2; CYAN = 3; RED = 4; MAGENTA = 5; BROWN = 6; LIGHT_GREY = 7; DARK_GREY = 8; LIGHT_BLUE = 9; LIGHT_GREEN = 10; LIGHT_CYAN = 11; LIGHT_RED = 12; LIGHT_MAGENTA = 13; YELLOW = 14; WHITE = 15; BLACKB = 0; BLUEB = 16; GREENB = 32; CYANB = 48; REDB = 64; MAGENTAB = 80; BROWNB = 96; GREYB =112; LIGHT_GREYB =112; DARK_GREYB =128; LIGHT_BLUEB =144; LIGHT_GREENB =160; LIGHT_CYANB = 176; LIGHT_REDB =192; LIGHT_MAGENTAB =208; YELLOWB =224; WHITEB =240; 'l /Subject:/c' if rc = 0 then do /* Found it! */ 'extract /line/col' 'Insert_attr_val_pair 1' (Light_Magenta + Light_CyanB) , line.1 line.1 col.1 (col.1 + 7) end Related Information: o Insert_attribute ═══ 132.39. INSERT_ATTRIBUTE (Insert Character Attribute) ═══ Syntax: INSERT_ATTRIBUTE class attr_val push_flag offset [col [line [fid]]] Use INSERT_ATTRIBUTE in a Rexx macro to insert a character attribute into a file. class is the attribute class; attr_val is the attribute value; push_flag is 1 for push, 0 for pop, or the value appropriate for the attribute class specified. offset is the offset from the character at which the attribute should be inserted; line and col are the position at which the attribute should be inserted, and default to the cursor position; and fid is the identifier of the file into which the attributes should be inserted (if omitted, it defaults to the current file). Related Information: o Insert_attr_val_pair ═══ 132.40. KEY (Repeat a Key) ═══ Syntax: KEY #### character Use KEY to repeat a character horizontally the specified number of times. This can be quite powerful; for example, you can repeat an entire set of recorded keystrokes (Ctrl+T) 20 times. Example: KEY 80 = This writes a line of 80 equal signs into your document. Character can be a normal ASCII character, or a string representing an extended ASCII character. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o LOOPKEY ═══ 132.41. LIST (Find Files) ═══ Syntax: LIST filespec Use LIST to load a list of file names that match filespec. If filespec includes a path, then that directory is used as the starting point; if not, the current directory is used. Both the starting directory and any subdirectories are searched for matching files. This may take a significant amount of time (a minute or more) if you name a filespec that qualifies an entire hard disk, such as list \*.* Once you have the list, you can place the cursor on the name of a file, and then press Alt-1 to edit that file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.42. LOCATE, L (Locate Text) ═══ Syntax: LOCATE or L /searchstring/options Use LOCATE to find searchstring depending on the options specified: - Searches from the current cursor position backward. + Searches from the current cursor position forward. M Searches within the marked area only. A Searches within the entire file. C Ignores case while searching for searchstring. E Respects case while searching for searchstring. R Search reversed, that is from right to left, within each line. F Search forward, this is from left to right, within each line. G Use the GREP algorithm. The default options are + A E F. The delimiter used to separate searchstring, replacestring, and the options is the first non-blank character following L. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o Search dialog ═══ 132.42.1. GREP option ═══ Use the GREP option, /g, to specify special pattern-matching characters within the search string. These characters are: . (period) Matches any character. ^ Matches the beginning of a line. $ When following search string, matches the end of a line. \ character Matches character; used to override any special meaning given to characters. [list_of_characters] Matches any of the characters in the list. A list of characters can be indicated as a range using the hyphen (-) For example, [a-z] matches with any letter of the alphabet. If the first character after the [ is a ^, then the set is negated, (because it matches any character except those in the set). * Matches a sequence of 0 or more of whatever expression it follows. + Matches a sequence of 1 or more of whatever expression it follows. Examples are presented that search the following file: Contents of file junk.e: soft good junk and more stuff even good 123456 l do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti,do $35 -------------------------------------- Example searches using GREP: /l./g Finds "la". /^good/g Finds only first occurrence of "good". /good$/g Finds only "even good". /\$/g Finds "$35". ^[m-t]/g Finds "soft" and "stuff". /^[^adeg]/g Finds "soft", "stuff", "123456", "l", and "$35". /^[m-t]+/g Finds "soft" and "stuff". /^[m-t]*/g Finds everything. Note: The above examples are as you would enter them on the EPM command line. When using the Search dialog, you would enter the search string (everything between the '/') in the Search field, and select the Grep option in the Options section of the dialog. ═══ 132.43. LOCK (Lock a File) ═══ Syntax: LOCK [filespec] Use LOCK to protect the disk copy of the file from other users in a LAN networking situation. If a file name is specified, it is loaded and then locked; if no file name is given, the current file is locked. The file is unlocked automatically after a FILE or QUIT command, or it can be unlocked manually with the UNLOCK command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o FILE o QUIT o UNLOCK ═══ 132.44. LONGNAMES (Toggle Long Names Setting) ═══ Syntax: LONGNAMES [ON | OFF] Use LONGNAMES to switch the long names setting on or off; anything else tells you the current value. When long names is on, a file containing a .LONGNAMES extended attribute will have the extended attribute value shown on the title bar when being edited, rather than the actual file name. This is useful if a file with a long name is copied from an HPFS drive to a FAT drive and has the original name saved in .LONGNAME; you will be able to see the long name instead of the truncated name. The default is long names mode off. You must issue this command from the Command window. To save the current long names mode setting as your permanent default: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Save options. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.45. LOOPKEY (Repeat a Key) ═══ Syntax:LOOPKEY [#### | ALL] character Use LOOPKEY to repeat the character in a vertical column. The character is typed #### times, proceeding vertically downward in the current column. (Compare this to the KEY command, which repeats the key horizontally in the same row.) The parameter ALL can be used instead of a number, in which case the repetition continues to the end of the file. Character can be a normal ASCII character, or a string representing an extended ASCII character. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.46. LOWERCASE (Convert Marked Text to Lowercase) ═══ Syntax: LOWERCASE Use LOWERCASE to convert all uppercase alphabetic characters in the marked area to lowercase. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.47. MARGINS, MA (Set Text Margins) ═══ Syntax: MARGINS or MA [ left [ right [ paragraph]]] Use MARGINS to set specified values for the margins. If right or paragraph is omitted, the default values are as follows: Omitted Default Value right The previous right margin value is used for the current value. paragraph The value for left is used for the current value. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.48. MATCHTAB (Use Words as Tab Stops) ═══ Syntax: MATCHTAB [ON | OFF] If set on, Tab and Shift+Tab use the previous line's columns for the current line's tab stops. The previous line's columns are defined by the first character of each (space-delimited) word. If no parameter is given, the current value is displayed. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.49. MATHx (Calculate) ═══ Syntax: MATH|MATHX|MATHO expression Use MATHx to calculate the value of expression and display the result according to the command specified: MATH Decimal. MATHX Hexadecimal. MATHO Octal. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o MULT ═══ 132.50. MESSAGEBOX (Activate Message Box ) ═══ Syntax: MESSAGEBOX [message] Use MESSAGEBOX to display the editor message box. If a message is given, it is added to the message box. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.51. MULT (Multiply Block) ═══ Syntax: MULT Use MULT to multiply the numeric expressions in the current mark and to display the result on the next line after the mark. The mark must be either a block mark or a line mark. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o ADD o MATHx ═══ 132.52. NAME (Rename Current File) ═══ Syntax: NAME filename Use NAME to rename the file in the editor. The Name command does not change the name of the file on the disk. The new name is used the next time the file is stored on the disk. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.53. NEWWINDOW (Move Current File to a New Edit Window) ═══ Syntax: NEWWINDOW Use NEWWINDOW to store the current file if it has been changed, open a new window containing the file, then quit the file in the current window. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.54. OPATH, OP (Open a File in a PATH Setting) ═══ Syntax: OPATH or OP filespec [pathname] Use OPATH to search an environment setting for the specified file and load it into a new window. The path name defaults to EPMPATH, except if the file specifier extension is CMD, then the path name defaults to PATH. Examples: op mycnf.e Searches the EPMPATH setting for MYCNF.E. op test.cmd Searches the PATH setting for TEST.CMD. op main.c include Searches the INCLUDE setting for MAIN.C. The search order is: 1. The current directory 2. Each directory listed in the path setting If the file is found, it is loaded from that subdirectory. If not, it is loaded without specifying a directory (which defaults to the current directory). Note: OPATH is like EPATH, except that it executes an OPEN command instead of an EDIT command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o EPATH o OPEN o EDIT ═══ 132.55. OPEN (Open New Edit Window) ═══ Syntax: OPEN [ [=]file1 ][, [=]file2 ]... Use OPEN to load the specified files into a new edit window. If "=" is specified, the file name is prefixed with the drive and path of the current file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o EDIT ═══ 132.56. OS2 (Execute OS/2 Command) ═══ Syntax: OS2 [command_etc] Use OS/2 to run the OS/2* command processor specified in the COMSPEC environment variable. If command_etc is specified, it is passed as an parameter to the command processor. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.57. PASTE (Paste Text) ═══ Syntax: PASTE [C | B] Use PASTE to copy text from the clipboard to the editor file at the current cursor position. The default is to paste the text as lines (each line in the clipboard becomes a new line in the file). C The text is pasted as if it were inside a character mark. B The text is pasted as if it were in a block mark (the smallest rectangle that would contain all the clipboard text). You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o Mark types o COPY2CLIP o CUT ═══ 132.58. PATH (Show PATH Setting) ═══ Syntax: PATH Use PATH to open a temporary file containing the PATH environment setting. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.59. PRINT (Print File) ═══ Syntax: PRINT [ printer ] Use PRINT to print the marked block, if one exists, or the entire file to the printer specified. Printer must be PRN, LPT1-LPT9, or a LAN printer name (\\servername\queuename). If no printer is specified, the printer used is the default printer for your system. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.60. PROFILE (Toggle Rexx Profile Support) ═══ Syntax: PROFILE [ON | OFF] Use PROFILE to switch the profile setting on or off; anything else tells you the current value. When PROFILE is on, a Rexx profile (PROFILE.ERX) is searched for along the EPMPATH and PATH. If found, it is executed, and passed the same arguments that EPM was given. This happens after EPM has processed the arguments. The default is profile mode off. You must issue this command from the Command window. To save the current profile mode setting as your permanent default: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Save options. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.61. QUIT, Q (Quit a File) ═══ Syntax: QUIT or Q Use QUIT to exit the current file. If there are more files in the edit ring, the previous file becomes the current file. If there are no more files, the edit window closes. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.62. QDATE, QD (Query Date) ═══ Syntax: QDATE or QD Use QDATE to display the current system date in the form: Today is Tuesday March 31, 1992. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o QTIME ═══ 132.63. QTIME, QT (Query Time) ═══ Syntax: QTIME or QT Use QTIME to display the current system time in the form: The time is 12:00:01 am. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o QDATE ═══ 132.64. RC (Show Return Code) ═══ Syntax: RC command Use RC to execute the specified command and display the return code in the information window. The command can be either an editor or an OS/2* command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.65. REGISTER_MOUSE (Register Mouse Event) ═══ Syntax: REGISTER_MOUSE which button action shifts command Use REGISTER_MOUSE in a Rexx macro to associate a command with a mouse event. which is 1 for the global mouse table or 0 for the local; button is the mouse button (1, 2 or 3), action is one of: Action meaning CLICK Pressing and releasing the mouse button produces a click. SECONDCLK follows click when the mouse is double-clicked. BEGINDRAG this is called when the mouse button is depressed and the mouse is moved. ENDDRAG this is called when the mouse button is released after dragging it. CANCELDRAG. this is called when the drag is cancelled (by pressing Esc before releaseing the mouse button). shifts is 0 for no shift, or the sum of any combination of 1 for the shift key, 2 for the Ctrl key, and 4 for the Alt key. command is the command to be executed when this mouse event occurs, or blank if the event should be ignored. Note: The standard mouse definitions issue a register_mouse for ENDDRAG and CANCELDRAG as part of the BEGINDRAG processing. /* Register an action for Ctrl+Alt+Double-click MB1 */ 'register_mouse 1 1 SECONDCLK 6 rx do_line' /* Do_Line.erx */ 'MH_gotoposition' /* Move cursor to mouse position */ 'extract /line/getline' if line.1 > 0 then getline.1 /* Execute the line as a command */ ═══ 132.66. SAVE, S (Save File) ═══ Syntax: SAVE or S {option} [[=]filename ] Use SAVE to store the current file on the disk with the name filename, or using the current file name if filename is not specified. If "=" is specified, filename is prefixed with the drive and path of the current file. option can be any of the following. If conflicting options are specified, the last one given is used. /L Save the file in standard OS/2 format - each line should be terminated with a carriage return followed by a line feed. /NE Do not add an EOF character at the end of the file. /NS Do not strip trailing spaces. /Q Save quietly; don't give the "Saving" message. /S Strip trailing spaces from each line when saving. /T Converts excess blank characters to tabs. /U Save in Unix format; each line will be terminated with just a line feed, and no EOF will be added at the End of File. This is useful when saving files to NFS-mounted drives on an AIX or Unix system. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.67. SAYERROR (Display Error Code or Message) ═══ Syntax: SAYERROR expression Use SAYERROR to display an error code or message in the message area. If expression is the number 0 or 1, any pending error messages are discarded and not displayed. 0 will refresh the screen; 1 will not. If expression is any number other than 0 or 1, the interpreter displays the string corresponding to that numbered error message. Error messages and their corresponding return codes are listed in the EPM Technical Reference. If expression is not a number, that text will be displayed on the message line. This is useful in Rexx macros. ═══ 132.68. SET (Show Environment Settings) ═══ Syntax: SET Use SET to open a temporary file containing all the environment settings. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.69. SHELL (Start EPM Command Shell Session) ═══ Syntax: SHELL Use SHELL to create an EPM command shell session. The first time you enter SHELL in an edit window, two new entries are added to the Command menu. Create command shell creates a new shell window, and Write to shell... lets you write a string to the shell window. If the shell window is waiting at an OS/2 command prompt, then you can enter a command to be executed by either: 1. Select Command. 2. Select Write to shell.... 3. Type the text to be written to the shell. 4. Select OK. or 1. Type the text in the shell window following the prompt. 2. Press the Enter key. If the string to be written to the shell is in response to a program prompt, then you must perform the first sequence; the second method won't write anything to the shell. The shell can be used for running any non-fullscreen OS/2 program. The output from the program is inserted in the shell window as it is generated, even if you switch to some other file in the edit ring. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.70. SHOWMENU (Activate Menu) ═══ Syntax: SHOWMENU menuname Use SHOWMENU to activate the action bar named menuname. Changes made with the BuildSubMenu and BuildMenuItem commands will not be seen until the updated menu is displayed with ShowMenu. Related Information: o BUILDMENUITEM o BUILDSUBMENU o DELETEMENU ═══ 132.71. SORT (Sort File) ═══ Syntax: SORT [R][C][I] Use SORT to sort the lines in the current block or the entire file. The sort key is the marked columns. The options are as follows: R Sorts in reverse (descending) order. C Sorts according to collating order, as indicated by your country and code page settings. I Sorts ignoring case. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.72. STAY (Control Cursor Position after CHANGE Command) ═══ Syntax: STAY [ON | OFF] Use STAY to control the position of the cursor after a CHANGE command. The parameters are: [none] Displays current value of STAY. ON Cursor remains in original position after CHANGE. OFF Cursor moves to the last changed string. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o CHANGE ═══ 132.73. SUBJECT (Display or Set File Subject) ═══ Syntax: SUBJECT Use SUBJECT to display, set, or change the file subject field. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.74. TABKEY (Toggle TAB Key Action) ═══ Syntax: TABKEY [ON | OFF] Use TABKEY to switch the tab key mode on or off; anything else tells you the current value. When tab key mode is on, the tab key will enter a tab character. When TAB key mode is off, the tab key will move the cursor to the next tab stop without typing in a tab character. The default is tab key mode off. You must issue this command from the Command window. To save the current tab key mode setting as your permanent default: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Save options. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.75. TABS (Set Tab Stops) ═══ Syntax: TABS [ inc | tab1 tab2... tab32 ] Use TABS to set the tab stops according to the options specified: inc Sets 32 tab stops, beginning with 1, inc spaces apart. tab1 tab2 ... tab32 Sets up to 32 tab stops at the specified locations. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.76. TOP (Go To Top) ═══ Syntax: TOP Use TOP to move the cursor position to the first line of the file. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.77. TRIM (Trim Edit Window) ═══ Syntax: TRIM Use TRIM to resize the edit window so that no partial characters can be seen at the right or bottom edge of the edit window. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.78. TYPE (Display or Set File Type) ═══ Syntax: TYPE Use TYPE to display, set, or change the file type. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.79. UNIVERSAL (Change Universal Variables) ═══ Syntax: UNIVERSAL variable_name [value] Use REGISTER_MOUSE in a Rexx macro to update some internal universal variables without having to recompile the macros. variable_name can be one of default_search_options Options used by the Locate command and initial values for the Search dialog. default_edit_options Options used by the Edit command default_save_options Options used by the Save command value is the value to be set in the universal variable, and can be blank. The value of these variables is inserted before any options passed on the command line, so these defaults can be overridden on any specific command. /* Profile.erx - initializations for a new edit window */ /* Make the default search be case-insensitive */ 'universal default_search_options C' /* No Tabs - expand them when loading a file */ 'universal default_edit_options /nt' /* Strip trailing blanks when saving a file */ 'universal default_save_options /s' ═══ 132.80. UNLOCK (Unlock a File) ═══ Syntax: UNLOCK [filespec] Use UNLOCK to unlock the current or specified file, which must have been locked using the LOCK command. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands o LOCK ═══ 132.81. UPPERCASE (Convert Marked Text to Uppercase) ═══ Syntax: UPPERCASE Use UPPERCASE to convert all lowercase alphabetic characters in the marked area to uppercase. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.82. VER (Show Editor Version) ═══ Syntax: VER Use VER to display the version number of the editor. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 132.83. VOL (Show Volume Label) ═══ Syntax: VOL [drive] Use VOL to open a temporary file containing the volume label of the specified (or default) drive. You must issue this command from the Command window. Related Information: o Command window o Issuing editor commands ═══ 133. Equals ═══ The equals sign, "=", can be used when specifying a new file name to refer the current file path, file name, and extension, depending on where it appears. For example, assume the current directory is C:\EDIT, and the current file is C:\MYDOC\PROG\FOO.DOC. = C:\MYDOC\PROG\FOO.DOC. =bar.zot C:\MYDOC\PROG\BAR.ZOT. C:\EDIT\= C:\EDIT\FOO.DOC. .\= C:\EDIT\FOO.DOC. =bar.= C:\MYDOC\PROG\BAR.DOC. =.new C:\MYDOC\PROG\FOO.NEW. ═══ 134. IBM Trademarks ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation. ═══ 135. Help for EPM Startup options. ═══ When starting EPM from an OS/2* command prompt, the following options can be specified: /Eexfilename Allows a custom .EX file to be specified. (The default is EPM.EX) /I Causes an EPM icon to be created. This icon can be used to drop onto to open up a new edit window. It can be used to start an edit window directly, by double-clicking on the icon or by activating the icon and pressing Enter. Finally, the icon is useful for keeping EPM active even after closing all open edit windows. The icon can be closed from the task manager, or by selecting it and pressing F3. /O Bypasses the simple dialogs and goes directly to the full dialogs. /M Gives the ability to start multiple instances of EPM. By default, if you attempt to start EPM twice, the second invocation will pass its arguments to the existing session, then exit. This option overrides this default. This is useful when calling EPM from a command file, if you want to be sure that control doesn't return to the .CMD file until the edit session has ended. quoted string Quoted string representing an editor command can be specified on the editor command line. For example: C:\> EPM mydoc.doc 'bot' This causes EPM to open an edit window containing the file mydoc.doc and then process the BOTTOM command, which scrolls the file to its end. filename One or more file names can be specified. For example: C:\> EPM mydoc.doc d:\yourdoc.doc herdoc.doc d:\him\hisdoc.doc wildcard One or more wildcards can be specified. For example: C:\> EPM *.doc d:\test\temp*.* ═══ Help for INI File Location ═══ EPM stores configuration information in an EPM.INI file. When you start EPM for the first time, it asks you for the location of this file. If you have an EPM.INI file from a previous release, give the path to it here. If not, supply the directory where you would like the new one to be created. The default is C:\OS2, which is where OS/2* keeps its .INI files. ═══ 136. Edit Ring ═══ The term ring is often used interchangeably with edit window. This is because each edit window contains a ring, which contains one or more files, and each ring must be associated with an edit window. The current file is the file that is displayed by the edit window. Other files in the ring can be displayed by use of the Next File and Previous File operations. When you Add files, you begin to see why it's called a ring. You can move "forward" or "backward" around the ring, using the Next file and Previous file operations. When you add a new file to the ring, it is inserted after the current file, and then becomes the current file. Initially, the ring is disabled, and you are limited to only one file per window. Related Information: Enabling the edit ring ═══ 136.1. Enabling the Edit Ring ═══ To enable the edit ring or load multiple files: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Preferences. 3. Select Ring enabled. ═══ 137. Stream Versus Line Mode ═══ There are two basic types of editors for editing text files, a stream editor and a line editor. A stream editor treats the file as one long stream of text. A line editor treats the file as a series of individual lines, separated by a line end character. Stream mode In a stream editor, a new-line character (generally an ASCII line-feed character) is treated like any other character. It can be inserted into the text stream, breaking the line into two at that point, or it can be deleted from the text stream, joining the two lines on either side of it. As you move the cursor left and right, when it passes the beginning or end of one line, it moves to the end or beginning of the next - because although you see individual lines on the display, it's actually one long stream internally. Also, when you move the cursor up and down, if you move it over a shorter line, the cursor bounces to the left; if you continue moving it up or down to a longer line, it bounces back to the original column. Line mode EPM is a line editor. If you move the cursor left or right, it stays on that line. You can move the cursor beyond the end of the line. If you do so, and then start typing text, the editor will fill in spaces between the previous end of the line and the characters you have added. Since the new-line character does not actually exist in the file once loaded, there is no concept of inserting or deleting a new-line. Pressing the Enter key (by default; another key can be chosen) adds a new line after the current line, but it doesn't split the line; it adds a new, empty line between the current line and the following line, regardless of the cursor position. Since some users are accustomed to using a stream-mode editor, EPM can be configured to act like one. Related Information: Enabling stream-mode editing ═══ 137.1. Enabling Stream-Mode Editing ═══ To enable stream-mode editing: 1. Select Options. 2. Select Preferences. 3. Select Stream editing. ═══ 138. Bookmarks ═══ A bookmark is a reference to a particular point in a file. When a bookmark is created, it is given a name, which is associated with the character at the cursor position. If that character is moved around in the file, the bookmark moves with it. If that character is deleted, the bookmark is deleted along with it. If a bookmark is set as a permanent bookmark, it is saved when the file is saved, and reloaded when the file is loaded. The bookmark is stored as an extended attribute. If the file is edited with an editor that does not preserve extended attribute information, the bookmarks will be lost. If a file containing bookmarks is edited with an editor that does preserve attributes, but cannot handle EPM's bookmarks, then the line and column information will not be updated, and the next time the file is loaded into EPM, the bookmarks might not be accurate. ═══ 139. Tags file ═══ A tags file is a file listing where all procedures are defined in a set of programming language source files. After a tags file has been built, you can press a key while looking at a function call and jump to the file and location where that function is defined. Support is included for building a tags file from C, ASM, E, and Pascal files. Support for additional languages can be added via macro programming. EPM will support a tags file built by other programs that include just a procedure name and file name on each line. The tags files built by EPM contain the procedure name, filename, line number on which the procedure was found, and a timestamp for the file. When asked to find a procedure, the timestamp of the file on disk is checked. If it's the same as the timestamp in the tags file, then the line number is jumped to directly; if not, the procedure is searched for, When the MAKETAGS command is invoked, if the tags file already exists, each source file that would be searched is checked for in the tags file. If found, the timestamp is compared with the timestamp of that file on disk. If the file has not been modified, it will be skipped. If the file date is different, then all entries for that file in the tags file will be deleted before searching the source file. If a file is searched and no procedures are found, a dummy procedure name of '*' will be added to the tags file. This lets EPM record the timestamp for that file, so the next time MAKETAGS is run that source file need not be rechecked if it has not been updated. ═══ 140. Help for File ═══ Use File to open, save, change the name of, or print a file. ═══ 141. Help for New ═══ Use New to replace the current file with a new file named .Untitled. You must name the file by using Rename. If the current file has been modified, you will be asked if you want to save it before continuing. Related Information: Rename ═══ 142. Help for Open ═══ Use Open to open a new edit window. A window appears, in which you can type the names of one or more files. If you select Open without typing a name, .Untitled is used as the file name. Related Information: OPEN ═══ 143. Help for Open .Untitled ═══ Use Open .Untitled to open a new edit window with .Untitled used as the file name. Related Information: OPEN ═══ 144. Help for Import Text File ═══ Use Import text file to retrieve a file and insert it into the current file being edited. The file is inserted starting after the current line. A window appears, in which you can type the name of the desired file. Related Information: GET ═══ 145. Help for Add File ═══ Use Add file to add files to the current edit window. A window appears, in which you can type the name of one or more files. ═══ 146. Help for Rename ═══ Use Rename to change the name of the file being edited. A window appears ready for you type a file name. Related Information: NAME ═══ 147. Help for Save ═══ Use Save to store the current file on disk. Related Information: SAVE ═══ 148. Help for Save As ═══ Use Save as to assign a name to the current file, then store the file on disk. It is equivalent to Rename followed by Save. ═══ 149. Help for Save and Quit ═══ Use Save and Quit to store the current file and, if there were no errors storing it, remove the file from the edit window. If this is the only file in the current edit window, the window closes. Related Information: FILE ═══ 150. Help for Quit ═══ Use Quit to remove the current file from the edit window. If there are unsaved changes, you are asked if you wish to save the changes, discard them, or cancel the Quit. When you quit the last file in the edit window, the window closes. Related Information: o FILE o QUIT ═══ 151. Help for Print File ═══ Use Print file to print the current file. Related Information: PRINT ═══ 152. Help for Edit ═══ Use Edit to work with marks, access the clipboard, and undo changes you have made to the file. ═══ 153. Help for Undo ═══ Use Undo to display up a window, which enables you step through the changes you have made to the file. ═══ 154. Help for Copy Mark ═══ Use Copy mark to copy the marked text to the current cursor position. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 155. Help for Move Mark ═══ Use Move mark to move the marked text to the current cursor position. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 156. Help for Overlay Mark ═══ Use Overlay mark to overwrite the text at the current cursor position with a copy of the marked text. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 157. Help for Adjust Mark ═══ Use Adjust mark to overwrite the text at the current cursor position with the marked text and leave blanks in place of the source text. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 158. Help for Style ═══ Use Style to change the font or color of the marked text. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 159. Help for Unmark ═══ Use Unmark to remove any mark that exists in this window. The marked text is not changed. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 160. Help for Delete Mark ═══ Use Delete mark to erase the marked text. If the mark is a block mark, the text that is marked is erased, but the space remains in the file. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 161. Help for Push Mark ═══ Use Push mark to save the location of a mark. You can then select Unmark, mark other text, manipulate it, and then select Pop mark to restore the original mark. Note: Only the boundary of the mark is saved, not the contents. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 162. Help for Pop Mark ═══ Use Pop mark to restore the location of a previous mark. Related Information: o Marking text o Mark types o Mark operations ═══ 163. Help for Push Cursor ═══ Use Push cursor to save the current cursor position. You can later select Pop cursor to jump back to the same place in the same file. Related Information: Pop Cursor ═══ 164. Help for Pop Cursor ═══ Use Pop cursor to restore the previous cursor position. Related Information: Push Cursor ═══ 165. Help for Copy ═══ Use Copy to copy the marked text to the clipboard. Related Information: o PASTE o COPY2CLIP ═══ 166. Help for Cut ═══ Use Cut to copy the marked text to the clipboard, and then delete it from EPM. Related Information: CUT ═══ 167. Help for Paste Lines ═══ Use Paste lines to copy text from the clipboard into the current file, following the cursor position. Each line of text in the clipboard is added as a new line in EPM. Related Information: PASTE ═══ 168. Help for Paste ═══ Use Paste to insert text from the clipboard into the current file, following the cursor position. The text from the clipboard is treated as a character mark - that is it is treated as a stream of text, possibly containing embedded line breaks, rather than as a series of lines. Related Information: PASTE ═══ 169. Help for Paste Block ═══ Use Paste block to insert text from the clipboard into the current file, following the cursor position. The clipboard text is treated as a block mark, surrounded by the smallest possible bounding rectangle. Related Information: PASTE ═══ 170. Help for Print Mark ═══ Use Print mark to print a copy of the marked text. Related Information: Marking text ═══ 171. Help for Undo Line ═══ Use Undo line to reverse any changes that you just typed on the current line. If you select this in error, you can immediately select it again to redo the changes. Once you move the cursor off the line, the changes are committed and you cannot use Undo line to remove them, instead; you must use Undo. Related Information: Undo ═══ 172. Help for Recover Mark Delete ═══ Use Recover mark delete to restore accidentally deleted text. When you select Delete mark, the deleted text is stored in a buffer. Recover mark delete retrieves the text from the buffer and inserts it after the current cursor position. Note: You can delete text from one place and restore it in another. ═══ 173. Help for Search ═══ Use Search to find and change text, and to work with bookmarks. ═══ 174. Help for Search ═══ Use Search to display the Search window, which enables you to search through the file or change one string to another. ═══ 175. Help for Find Next ═══ Use Find next to repeat the previous Find command. ═══ 176. Help for Change Next ═══ Use Change next to repeat the previous Change command. ═══ 177. Help for Bookmarks ═══ Use Bookmarks to create, list and find bookmarks in the current file. The options are: Set Displays a window that enables you to create a bookmark at the current cursor position. List Displays a list of bookmarks for the current file. You can place the cursor at a particular bookmark by selecting it from the list. Next Places the cursor at the next bookmark. Previous Places the cursor at the previous bookmark. ═══ 178. Help for Tags ═══ Use Tags to create or update a tags file, set the name of the tags file to be used, or search for a procedure in the tags file. The options are: Find current procedure Search for the procedure name that the cursor is on. Find procedure Displays a window in which you can enter the name of the procedure to be searched for. Tags file name Displays a window in which you can enter the name of the tags file to be used. Make tags file Displays a window in which you can enter one or more filenames (or lists of files). These files will be searched in order to create or update the tags file. ═══ 179. Help for Options ═══ Use Options to list the files in the ring, query autosave values, review previously-displayed editor messages, and configure the editor. ═══ 180. Help for List Ring ═══ Use List ring to list the files in the edit ring. Files that have been modified and not yet saved are preceded by a period. From the list, you can select any file and make it the current file. ═══ 181. Help for Proof ═══ Use Proof to check the spelling in a file. ═══ 182. Help for Proof Word ═══ Use Proof word to check the spelling of the word at the current cursor position. ═══ 183. Help for Synonym ═══ Use Synonym to suggest a synonym for the word at the current cursor position. ═══ 184. Help for Preferences ═══ Use Preferences to switch edit-window options or display the Settings window. ═══ 185. Help for Settings ═══ Use Settings to display a window, from which you can change editor configuration settings (such as color and fonts). ═══ 186. Help for Set Enter ═══ Use Set enter to change the action of the Enter key (in its various shift states). You can select the Enter key on the main portion of the keyboard or the Enter key on the numeric keypad portion of the keyboard alone or in combination with the Alt, Ctrl or Shift key. Each of these eight keys or key combinations can be set to one of six actions. This setting is applied when the editor is in line mode. When the editor is in stream mode, a different action is performed, regardless of how the keys were set. See Stream versus Line mode for details. Related Information: Stream versus Line mode ═══ 187. Help for Advanced Marking ═══ Use Advanced marking to switch between the CUA marking mode and the advanced EPM marking mode. The mode of marking that you use affects the way your mouse works. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. Related Information: Configuring the mouse ═══ 188. Help for Stream Editing ═══ Use Stream editing to switch between stream-mode and line-mode editing. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. Related Information: Stream versus Line mode ═══ 189. Help for Ring Enabled ═══ Use Ring enabled to allow multiple files to exist in the edit ring. The edit ring always exists, but unless you select this option, the editor prevents you from loading more than one file into it. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. Related Information: Edit Ring ═══ 190. Help for CUA Accelerators ═══ Use CUA accelerators to switch between the standard EPM behavior, in which pressing an Alt+letter combination performs the EPM action defined for that key, and the CUA mode in which pressing Alt+letter activates the action bar item which has that letter as its mnemonic (the underlined letter), if one exists. The affected key combinations are dependant on the NLS version of the editor. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 191. Help for Swap Mark ═══ Use Swap mark to exchange the current mark with the topmost mark on the stack (the most recently pushed mark). Related Information: Push mark ═══ 192. Help for Swap Cursor ═══ Use Swap cursor to exchange the current cursor position with the topmost position on the stack (the most recently pushed position). Related Information: Push cursor ═══ 193. Help for Stack Commands ═══ Use Stack commands to enable or disable the stack-related commands on the Edit menu. The stack commands are: o Push mark o Pop mark o Swap mark o Push cursor o Pop cursor o Swap cursor A check mark appears next to your selection. ═══ 194. Help for Autosave ═══ Use Autosave to display the autosave file name and the number of changed lines per autosave. You can also list the autosave directory. ═══ 195. Help for Messages ═══ Use Messages to review displayed editor messages. ═══ 196. Help for Frame Controls ═══ Use Frame controls to configure various edit window frame controls. ═══ 197. Help for Status Line ═══ Use Status line to switch the status line on and off. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 198. Help for Message Line ═══ Use Message line to switch the message line on and off. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 199. Help for Scrollbars ═══ Use Scrollbars to toggle the scroll bars on and off. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 200. Help for File Symbol ═══ Use File symbol to switch the file symbol on and off. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 201. Help for Rotate Buttons ═══ Use Rotate buttons to switch the rotate buttons on and off. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 202. Help for Info at Top ═══ Use Info at top to switch the position of the Information window between the top and the bottom of the edit window. The information window is composed of the status line and the message line. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. ═══ 203. Help for Prompting ═══ Use Prompting to control if prompts are displayed when menu choices are selected. Displaying the prompts forces the Information window to be displayed at the bottom of the edit window instead of at the top. A check mark appears next to this choice if it is currently active. Note: The menu prompting is done through an internal command that is called whenever a menu choice is selected. Therefore, the prompting will not appear while another command is processing. This ensures that you will always be able to select Halt command to stop processing. Related Information: Halt command ═══ 204. Help for Save Options ═══ Use Save options to store the font and frame controls. The next time an edit window is opened, these same settings are used. ═══ 205. Help for Book Icon ═══ Use Book icon to activate the EPM book icon, from which you can close EPM or list all edit windows. ═══ 206. Help for Command ═══ Use Command to bring up the EPM command line, or to halt a long-running command before it finishes. ═══ 207. Help for Command Dialog ═══ Use Command dialog to enter editor commands. ═══ 208. Help for Halt Command ═══ Use Halt command to stop a command. ═══ 209. Help for Create Shell ═══ Use Create shell to create a command shell, an OS/2 command prompt where you can type commands. The output appears in an edit window while other programs are running. ═══ 210. Help for Write to Shell ═══ Use Write to shell to write a string to the command shell. The string is generally a command, but can also be the response to a prompt in the shell window. ═══ 211. Help for Destroy Shell ═══ Use Destroy shell to quit the command shell and delete the associated command process. ═══ 212. Help for Quick Reference ═══ Use Quick reference to view the Information in the quick reference file. ═══ 213. Help for Product Information ═══ Use Product information to display the copyright and version number for EPM. ═══ 214. Help for IBM ═══ Use IBM to display copyright and version number information about EPM. ═══ ═══ Prints the text to the selected printer using the default printer font. ═══ ═══ Prints text using the same fonts as displayed on-screen ═══ ═══ An extended ASCII character can be entered in a KEY or LOOPKEY command as follows: a+x Alt+X, where "x" is any alphabetic key. c+x Ctrl+X, where "x" is any alphabetic key. Fn Function key N, where "n" is 1 to 12. x+Fn shifted Function key N, where "n" is 1 to 12, and "x" can be "s" for Shift, "a" for Alt, or "c" for Ctrl. In the above, "+" can actually be "+", "-", or "_". For example: KEY 10 c-F8 ═══ ═══ An area of computer memory, or storage, that temporarily holds data. Data in the clipboard is available to other programs. ═══ ═══ The visual indicator in a slider that shows that the numerical value can be changed by manipulating it. See also slider. ═══ ═══ A control that represents a quantity and its relationship to the range of possible values for that quantity. In some cases, you can change the value of the quantity. See also slider arm. ═══ ═══ A family of characters of a given size and style; for example,9-point Helvetica. ═══ ═══ A symbol that shows that a choice is currently active. ═══ ═══ Additional information that the system or a program associates with a file. The file system or program then uses this information, which is not visible to you, to recognize the file.