The attached questionnaire is intended for programmers who are writing applications for OS/2 Warp and are familiar with the Developer's Toolkit. The questionnaire's purpose is to gather product requirements and satisfaction ratings to help us improve future products. Your answers are very important to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. QUESTIONNAIRE - IBM OS/2 WARP DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT 1) I write the following kind of applications: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] Communications [ ] Database [ ] Device and presentation drivers [ ] Educational [ ] Engineering [ ] Financial [ ] Games [ ] Internet and WWW [ ] Multimedia [ ] Object-oriented [ ] OpenDoc [ ] Pen based [ ] Productivity tools [ ] Software development tools [ ] Speech recognition [ ] Other, please specify: _______________________________________________________________ 2) I am building OS/2 Warp applications from: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] Existing DOS/WINDOWS applications [ ] Existing UNIX applications [ ] Existing OS/2 applications [ ] Scratch, i.e., new OS/2 Warp applications [ ] Other, please specify: _______________________________________________________________ 3) Indicate your programming experience: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) OS/2 programming [ ] 0-1 year [ ] 1-5 years [ ] 5+ years Other Programming [ ] 0-1 year [ ] 1-5 years [ ] 5+ years 4) I use the following languages to write my applications: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] C [ ] C++ [ ] Assembler [ ] REXX [ ] Object REXX [ ] SOM technology [ ] Other, please specify: _______________________________________________________________ 5) In addition to the Toolkit, I use the following sources of programming information to write my applications: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] IBM Technical Library [ ] IBM Redbooks [ ] The IBM OS/2 Online Book Collection on CD [ ] The Developer Connection for OS/2 [ ] Electronic forums, Bulletin Boards, please specify: _______________________________________________________________ [ ] Non-IBM source, please specify: _______________________________________________________________ 6) Describe your opinion of the Toolkit online documentation characteristics: Enter a number from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) with 3 being neutral. [ ] Good overall organization and flow [ ] Technically accurate [ ] The topics presented have complete information [ ] Easy to understand [ ] Information is quickly and easily found [ ] Information is useful for my applications [ ] Code examples demonstrate how to use functions [ ] There are enough code examples 7) Describe your opinion of the sample programs provided with the Toolkit: Enter a number from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) with 3 being neutral. [ ] Sample programs are easy to understand and use There are enough sample programs for: [ ] Control Program [ ] LAN Server [ ] Multimedia [ ] Open32 [ ] OpenDoc [ ] OpenGL [ ] Presentation Manager [ ] Problem Determination [ ] REXX [ ] TCP/IP [ ] Workplace Shell 8) Describe your opinion of the serviceability of the Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 Warp: Enter a number from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) with 3 being neutral. [ ] Easy to install [ ] Easy to access fixes [ ] Easy to report problems 9) Rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following: Enter a number from 1 (Very Dissatisfied) to 5 (Very Satisfied) with 3 being neutral. Online guides and references for: [ ] Control Program [ ] Graphics Programming Interface [ ] IPF [ ] Multimedia [ ] Open32 [ ] OpenDoc [ ] OpenGL [ ] OS/2 Server [ ] Presentation Manager [ ] Problem Determination [ ] REXX [ ] TCP/IP [ ] Tools [ ] Workplace Shell [ ] Overall guides and references Sample programs provided with the Toolkit for: [ ] BIDI [ ] Control Program [ ] LAN Server [ ] Multimedia [ ] Open32 [ ] OpenDoc [ ] OpenGL [ ] Presentation Manager [ ] Problem Determination [ ] REXX [ ] TCP/IP [ ] Workplace Shell [ ] Overall samples [ ] Overall Developer's Toolkit 10) One year from now, I would like to receive the IBM Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 on the following media: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] CD-ROM [ ] 3 1/2" Diskettes [ ] Other, please specify: ______________________________________________________________ 11) I prefer to purchase programming books from: (Place an "X" in the brackets that apply) [ ] A bookstore, please specify: ______________________________________________________________ [ ] A computer store, please specify: ______________________________________________________________ [ ] A book club [ ] Directly from IBM [ ] Other, please specify: ______________________________________________________________ 12) Comments, suggestions: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13) Optional: Name: Company's Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Country: Phone: Fax: Return it using one of the following: . Internet ( . CompuServe (72410,624) . FAX 1-512-838-0050 (Attn: TOOLKIT SURVEY) . IBM Corporation Attn: TOOLKIT SURVEY Internal Zip 9151 11400 Burnet Road Austin, Texas 78758 An additional survey with questions specific to the online documentation provided with the Toolkit is available at on the World Wide Web. Thank you for your participation.