MKMSGF 9 @ R n gam5lde.msg IDebug Appl - IXCPT_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO IXCPT_FLOAT_OVERFLOW IXCPT_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW IXCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION IXCPT_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND IXCPT_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT IXCPT_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK IXCPT_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION IXCPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION IXCPT_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED IXCPT_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT IXCPT_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION IXCPT_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCE IXCPT_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO IXCPT_INTEGER_OVERFLOW IXCPT_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION IXCPT_UNABLE_TO_GROW_STACK IXCPT_BAD_STACK IXCPT_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGET IXCPT_IN_PAGE_ERROR IXCPT_INVALID_DISPOSITION IXCPT_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION IXCPT_SIGNAL IXCPT_PROCESS_TERMINATE IXCPT_ASYNC_PROCESS_TERMINATE IXCPT_UNWIND IRuntime exception. IProgram not loaded. DosQAppType failed (rc = %1). IProgram not loaded. DosStartSession failed (rc = %1). IProgram not loaded. IUnable to continue execution. All remaining threads are disabled. IPM resource interlock occurred. IProgram exception. ISoftware exception. IUnknown INot used. INot allocated. IEvaluation not supported. IDivide by zero. IHexadecimal IDecimal IOctal IBinary ICharacter IString IEnumerated IFloating point IHexadecimal pointer IDecimal pointer IArray ISystem IInvalid expression. IExpression not supported. IIncompatible types. IVariable not found. IExpression validation failed. IExpression evaluation failed. IExpression not evaluated. IValue too long to display. IFormat of value failed. INULL IInvalid string. IInvalid value for update. IUpdate of value failed. IUpdated value not supported. IField cannot be updated. IPointer dereference failed. IPointer dereference not supported. ICharacter IFloat IInteger IPointer IPointer to character IArray IArray of characters IIndicator IPacked IZoned IBinary ITime IDate ITimestamp IGeneral ISegment IStatus Flags IFP Stack IFP Control IFP Control Flags IFP Status Flags ISpecial Purpose INo base classes INo members that are classes INo classes IClass INo filtering ICOBOL ISOM Object not instantiated. IUnable to continue execution. All remaining threads are disabled. IUnable to run heap check because a semaphore is blocked. IUnable to run heap check because debuggee does not have enough code space. IUnable to run heap check because run-time functions could not be found to check the heap. Executable must be compiled with /Tm+ option. INumeric IInvalid data IPL/I IProgram not loaded. IText not found. IProgram has run to completion. ICannot execute, thread is blocked or disabled. IInvalid view IInvalid object. IInvalid line number. IInvalid breakpoint ID. IInvalid monitor ID. IInvalid thread ID. IInvalid storage address. IInvalid storage contents (update rejected). IBreakpoint duplicated. IBreakpoint not set. IUnable to update storage contents. ICannot load file %1. ISource IDisassembly IMixed IChild Process has run to completion. ISource file not available for part %1. IBad Entry ID. IA program generated breakpoint was encountered. IWarning: watchpoint address is on the Call Stack. See Watchpoint Help for more detail. IInvalid DLL or file name given for load occurence breakpoint. IError detected in program Heap. IThe heap for executable %1 was corrupted during execution to line: %2 in source: %3. IProgram was stopped due to load occurrence breakpoint(s) for: %1. IProgram was stopped due to watchpoint(s) at %1. IUnable to install deferred breakpoint(s) during module load. IInvalid address. IUnable to determine return address. IInvalid expression. IUnable to display call stack entries due to bad call stack pointer. IInvalid hex address or unable to evaluate expression as hex value. IInvalid Byte Boundary. IProgram has been terminated due to PM Resource Interlock. IEntry No IFunction ISource IRing IReturn Address IRecursion IFrame Address IVariable Base IUnable to open requested source file. IInvalid source file name. Verify path and filename extension. IEnabled watchpoint limit exceeded. IField cannot be updated. IUnable to jump to location into a template function. IPrior Stack IStack Base IRequested Storage Monitor too large. IListing IProcess ID IParent PID IExecutable IKernel Task ID IPersonality IUnable to attach to process. Check that the executable is in the CAT_HOST_BIN_PATH. Also ensure that the COM port is not being used by another application. IThread cannot be disabled. INo matching function found. Desired function could be static. IInvalid parameter in entry field - From. Value must be greater than zero. IInvalid parameter in entry field - To. Value must be greater than or equal to From. IInvalid parameter in entry field - Every. Value must be greater than zero. ICould fill only %1 of requested %2 bytes. IFill string missing. IInvalid hex digits in fill string. IBreakpoint hit. IProgram has run to completion. ICommunications error in getting process list. Check environment. IStatus ICommand Line IUnable to locate kernel process. IUnable to evaluate parameter. IUnable to locate function. INot a function call. INo command entered. IUnresolved Function IXCPT_NMI IXCPT_BAD_ACCESS IXCPT_COPROSR_NOT_AVAIL IXCPT_DOUBLE_FAULT IXCPT_COPROSR_SEG_OVFL IXCPT_INVALID_TSS IXCPT_SEGMENT_NOT_PRESENT IXCPT_STACK_EXCEPTION IXCPT_PAGE_FAULT IXCPT_COPROSR_ERROR IXCPT_ILLEGAL_OPCODE IPPC_BRANCH IPPC_DABR IPPC601_IABR IPPC601_BIABR IGENERAL PERSONALITY FAULT IProcess ID %1 terminated. IFunction rejected. ICommand rejected. IFunction accepted. ICommand accepted. IREXX command file not found. IREXX command file processing error. ICREATED ISize IView not available, the memory page may not be present. IFunction not supported. IThe selected object is not valid for the active thread, unpredictable results may occur. IStart address is not in a writable region. IInvalid fill range: end address precedes start address or range > 64K bytes. IA program generated watchpoint was encountered. ISTATUS : Application Stopped - Updating Windows. ISTATUS : Reading Data via Probe. ISTATUS : Attaching to System. ISTATUS : Initializing Debug Probe. ISTATUS : Debug Probe Initialization Complete. ISTATUS : Processing Module: %1. ISTATUS : Attach Complete.