(* A Quick Referenz of SML/PM (if you need more help click on Help/Infos) How to use the main window: - Always use the *last* line. Just type in an expression and press enter. SML answers immediately. All lines except the last one are read/only to avoid mixed text. - Use F3 to RECALL the last line. - To LOAD a file choose File/Import file - The Edit menu behaves exactly like E.EXE. - You can change Options and Font. SML/PM remembers all settings at next program start. - Make the work easier by using the clipboard: Mark a function, press Ctrl-Ins, move to the last line and press Shift-Ins to paste. How to use the editor: - You can INVOKE the editor by clicking on Tools/Editor You can invoke as many editors as you want. - LOAD a file by choosing File/Open or type in an expression - Let SML interprete your expression by either clicking on Eval (send all keystrokes to the main window) or by clicking on Use (This approach uses temporary files and ML-"use"). - SHORTCUT: Alt-V : Eval Alt-U : Use - Be careful: Clear does not ask for your permission - To SAVE your text click on File/Save or File/Save as. - The actual name is displayed on the titlebar - The default name ist noname.ml Additional features: - For keyboardmacros see online documentation macros (Alt) and syntax expanding (Ctrl) - context help can be used by F2 *)