═══ 1. SMART Installation ═══ The SMART Toolset (including The SMART Editor) Refer to the following entries:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 2. Install SMART ═══ The Install command installs the SMART program files. Features 1. Install SMART from floppy disk or disk image on a hard disk. 2. Edits CONFIG.SYS environment and allows you to see and/or edit the changes made to this file. 3. You can specify both the source and target directories for the installation. See Also:  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 3. Remove SMART ═══ The Remove command removes all files and subdirectory files in the SMART directory from your hard disk. You are asked to verify the SMART directory before removal. You can change the directory path for removal. See Also:  Install - Install  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 4. Installation Utilities ═══ The installation utilities consist of a general editor for CONFIG.SYS under the menu item: Edit Config and a desktop folder creation function under the menu item: Create Desktop Folder. See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 5. Edit Config.Sys ═══ This function will provide you with a general editor for your CONFIG.SYS file. Features 1. Your CONFIG.SYS file is automatically opened for edit. 2. You can set the display mode to Word-Wrap to see the complete line. 3. The Search command will allow you to search for a specific string in this file. See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 6. Create Desktop Folder ═══ This menu item will create the SMART desktop folder containing the icon objects that represent the executable components of SMART. See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 7. Help Menu ═══ The Help Menu provides selections for on-line help. Access Alt-H For additional information select one of the following topics:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment See Also: SMART Installation ═══ 7.1. Using Help ═══ Help for Using the System Help Facility ═══ 7.2. Help Index ═══ Alphabetical listing of all help topics in this application. ═══ 7.3. Contents Help ═══ Table of Contents for Installation Help Topics. ═══ 8. Dialog Panels ═══ This dialog panels are displayed from the SMART Installation Process. For additional information select one of the following panel topics:  SMART Paths Dialog Panel  Installation Options Dialog Panel  Verify Removal Dialog Panel  Notify CONFIG.SYS Changes Dialog Panel  Update CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Deposition of CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Insert Disk Dialog Panel  Notify Change Dialog Panel  Desktop Folder Paths Dialog Panel See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 9. SMART Paths ═══ This dialog panel will allow you to specify the source and target paths for the SMART installation. Typically the source path will be your A floppy drive. However you may install from hard disk if your installation floppy has be copied to a hard disk. Controls  Installation Source Data Entry You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed defaults to specify where the installation files are located.  Target Installation Data Entry You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed defaults to specify where the main SMART program directory will be located.  OK [O] When you choose the OK button, the Installation process accepts the displayed drive and path assignments and continues with the installation process.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Install - Install  Dialog Panels ═══ 10. Installation Options ═══ This dialog panel will allow you to specify installation options for SMART required files. You can specify which migration tables you wish to install (execpt for mini-install). You may choose to install the sample files which are useful for the SMART tutorial and for additional learning and testing. You will have the option to install the SMART Editor (Migration Version Only). Controls  Mode The Mode switch allows you to specify whether the installation is a full product install to your specified hard disk path, or just a mini-install of read-write files allowing you to run from your CD-ROM or other source of the program files. If you have specified the A or B floppy drive on the previous Dialog Panel (Paths) the Mode switches will be disabled, and the only option is a full product install.  Full Installation to hard disk Press this radio button to specify that all program files will be copied to the target path specified in the previous dialog panel.  Mini-Installation Press this radio button to specify that only required read-write files will be copied to the target path specified in the previous dialog panel and all other files will remain on the source path for execution. This option is not valid if you are installing from floppy disks. Samples files will be copied to your target path if you select to install sample files.  Application DLL Drive/Directory You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed defaults to specify where the SMART DLL will be located.  CONFIG.SYS Drive This drive should be your OS/2 boot drive where the CONFIG.SYS will be found for changing in this installation.  Install Migration Tables Check this option to have the Migration Tables installed. If you have the Tables already located on your hard drive, yopu may not need to install these files. If this option is checked, you will want to select the appropriate Tables from the list box.  Install SMART Sample Files Check this option to have the samples files installed. These sample files provide you with the opportunity to learn and try many of the SMART and SMART Editor functions.  Install The SMART Editor Check this option to have The SMART Editor installed. If you have the SMART Analaysis version only of this product, this option will not be available.  Select Migration Tables to Install The default option is to have all types of Migration Tables installed. Since these files are very large, you may wish to unselect any table type that you will not be using.  Proceed [O] When you choose the Proced button, the Installation process accepts the displayed drive and path assignments and continues with the installation process.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Install - Install  Dialog Panels ═══ 11. Verify Removal Dialog Panel ═══ The Remove From Directory defines the drive and path containing the SMART files to be removed. Controls  Drive and Path Data Entry You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed defaults.  Remove [O] When you choose the Remove button, the remove process accepts the displayed drive and path assignment and continues with the removal of all SMART primary files and subdirectories.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, the removal process is cancelled.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Remove  Dialog Panels ═══ 12. Insert Disk ═══ The Insert Disk Dialog Box prompts you to insert the SMART installation disk. This dialog box appears during the SMART installation process. Controls  In Drive The drive which is to contain the installation disk is displayed.  OK-Continue [O] When you choose the OK button, the Installation process continues.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is cancelled.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels ═══ 13. Notify Config.Sys Change ═══ This dialog panel is displayed prior to the maintenance of your CONFIG.SYS. You have the option of updating the Config.Sys file by selecting Ok. Selecting Skip will 'skip' over any CONFIG.SYS updates. This process will provide you with full control of the upates. At the conclusion of the update you may review the changes and select that the changed file replace your current CONFIG.SYS, and/or written to a directory of your choice. Controls  OK-Continue [O] When you choose the OK button, maintenance of the Config.Sys file will begin.  Skip [S] When you choose the Skip button, the process of updating CONFIG.SYS will be skipped and you will be required to make the changes manually.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, this installation is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels  Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Deposition of CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  CONFIG.SYS Entries ═══ 14. Update CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel ═══ The Update Config.Sys Dialog Panel appears during the SMART installation process after all SMART files are copied and Config.Sys updating is desired. After the automatic changes have been made, you can make any additional or correctional changes to this file brfore exiting this process step. Controls  Undo [U] The Undo button deletes the results of the last edit command.  Cut [T] The Cut button copies the selected text to the paste buffer and deletes it from the Config.Sys file.  Copy [C] The Copy button copies the selected text to the paste buffer but does not delete it from the Config.Sys file.  Paste [P] The Paste button copies the paste buffer to the cursor position in the Config.Sys file.  Delete [D] The Delete button deletes the seleted text.  Wrap [W] The Wrap button places the display in word wrap mode. A visual indicator to the right of the buttons indicates when the word wrap mode is on.  Search [R] The Search button displays a search dialog panel to enter a character string to search. The search is started at the top of the file. The 'Next' button is used to find the next occurance after the first item is located in the file.  Next [R] The Next button will cause a search for the next item in the file. This button is only active after the search is initiated. Once the last item matching the search string is located, this button is deactivated.  List of Changes Made List Box This list box will be updated to show you the changes that the installation process has made to this edit copy of CONFIG.SYS.  OK-Continue [O] When you choose the OK button, the Config.Sys maintenance process continues with all changes intact. The next dialog panel will ask for your disposition of the changes made.  Skip [S] When you choose the Skip button, the Config.Sys maintenance process is halted and all changes are ignored. The installation process will continue, however.  Cancel When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels  Notify CONFIG.SYS Changes Dialog Panel  Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Deposition of CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel ═══ 15. Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel ═══ The Edit Config.Sys Dialog Panel allows you to browse and edit your system CONFIG.SYS file. Controls  Undo [U] The Undo button deletes the results of the last edit command.  Cut [T] The Cut button copies the selected text to the paste buffer and deletes it from the Config.Sys file.  Copy [C] The Copy button copies the selected text to the paste buffer but does not delete it from the Config.Sys file.  Paste [P] The Paste button copies the paste buffer to the cursor position in the Config.Sys file.  Delete [D] The Delete button deletes the seleted text.  Wrap [W] The Wrap button places the display in word wrap mode. A visual indicator to the right of the buttons indicates when the word wrap mode is on.  Search [R] The Search button displays a search dialog panel to enter a character string to search. The search is started at the top of the file. The 'Next' button is used to find the next occurance after the first item is located in the file.  Next [R] The Next button will cause a search for the next item in the file. This button is only active after the search is initiated. Once the last item matching the search string is located, this button is deactivated.  OK-Continue [O] When you choose the OK button, the Config.Sys maintenance process continues with all changes intact. The next dialog panel will ask for your disposition of the changes made.  Skip [S] When you choose the Skip button, the Config.Sys maintenance process is halted and all changes are ignored. The installation process will continue, however.  Cancel When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels  Notify CONFIG.SYS Changes Dialog Panel  Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Deposition of CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel ═══ 16. Deposition of CONFIG.SYS ═══ The Config.Sys Save Dialog Panel defines the disposition of the changed Config.Sys file. This dialog box appears after the Config.Sys maintenance process. Controls  Backup current Config.Sys to Filename When you choose the Backup Config.Sys to Filename checkbox, the current, working Config.Sys file is copied to the backup filename defined in the backup filename data entry box.  Backup Filename data entry You can enter the backup name of the Config.Sys file or accept the displayed default (CONFIG.BAK).  Save Changed Config.Sys as Filename When you choose the Save Changed Config.Sys as Filename checkbox, the updated Config.Sys file is saved as the filename defined in the save changed filename data entry box.  Save Changed Filename data entry You can enter the name to save the changed Config.Sys file or accept the displayed default.  Replace Config.Sys with Changes When you choose the Replace Config.Sys with Changes button, the current Config.sys file is updated with the changes.  OK-Continue When you choose the OK button, the predefined action is taken (Config.Sys is backed up, copied and/or replaced).  Skip When you choose the Skip button, no action is taken with the changed CONFIG.SYS. However, the process is continued.  Cancel When you choose the Cancel button, the installation process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels  Notify CONFIG.SYS Changes Dialog Panel  Update CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel  Edit CONFIG.SYS Dialog Panel ═══ 17. Desktop Folder Paths Dialog Panel ═══ Desktop Folder Paths defines the drive and paths containing the SMART files in order to create a new desktop folder containing the SMART program and documentation objects. Controls  SMART Program Files Path Data Entry You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed default. This path represents the location of the SMART executables.  SMART.CFG File Path Data Entry You may type in a new drive and directory path or accept the displayed default. This path represents the location of the SMART.CFG file. In a Full installtion, this path and the path of the program files will be the same. In the case of a mini-install, the program files may reside on a CD-ROM or hard disk, and the read-write configuration and other working files will be in a SMART, local directory located elsewhere on your hard disk.  Ok [O] When you choose the OK button a new desktop folder for SMART will be created.  Cancel [C] When you choose the Cancel button, this process is terminated.  Help (H) When you choose the Help button, the corresponding online help is displayed. See Also:  Dialog Panels ═══ 18. Error Codes ═══ File handling error codes ========================= Code Probable Cause 0 NO ERROR 1 INVALID FUNCTION 2 FILE NOT FOUND 3 PATH NOT FOUND 4 TOO MANY OPEN FILES 5 ACCESS DENIED 6 INVALID HANDLE 7 ARENA TRASHED 8 NOT ENOUGH MEMORY 9 INVALID BLOCK 10 BAD ENVIRONMENT 11 BAD FORMAT 12 INVALID ACCESS 13 INVALID DATA 15 INVALID DRIVE 16 CURRENT DIRECTORY 17 NOT SAME DEVICE 18 NO MORE FILES 19 WRITE PROTECT 20 BAD UNIT 21 NOT READY 22 BAD COMMAND 23 CRC 24 BAD LENGTH 25 SEEK 26 NOT DOS DISK 27 SECTOR NOT FOUND 28 OUT OF PAPER 29 WRITE FAULT 30 READ FAULT 31 GEN FAILURE 32 SHARING VIOLATION 33 LOCK VIOLATION 34 WRONG DISK 35 FCB UNAVAILABLE 36 SHARING BUFFER EXCEEDED 50 NOT SUPPORTED 80 FILE EXISTS 81 DUP FCB 82 CANNOT MAKE 83 FAIL I24 84 OUT OF STRUCTURES 85 ALREADY ASSIGNED 86 INVALID PASSWORD 87 INVALID PARAMETER 88 NET WRITE FAULT 89 NO PROC SLOTS 90 NOT FROZEN 93 NO ITEMS 95 INTERRUPT 100 TOO MANY SEMAPHORES 101 EXCL SEM ALREADY OWNED 102 SEM IS SET 103 TOO MANY SEM REQUESTS 104 INVALID AT INTERRUPT TIME 105 SEM OWNER DIED 106 SEM USER LIMIT 107 DISK CHANGE 108 DRIVE LOCKED 109 BROKEN PIPE 110 OPEN FAILED 111 BUFFER OVERFLOW 112 DISK FULL 113 NO MORE SEARCH HANDLES See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment ═══ 19. CONFIG.SYS Entries ═══ The following items are required in your CONFIG.SYS file for SMART and The SMART Editor to operate properly.  SET SL_SLINK2=path Path for SMART program files.  SET SL_TEMP2=path Path for SMART temporary and snapshot files.  SET SL_BACKUP2=path Path for SMART backup files.  SET HELP=path Path for SMART help file.  SET PATH=path Path for SMART executable files.  SET BOOKSHELF=[path1];[path2]... Path for any developmental INF help files (if installed).  SET HELPFILES=[path1]\*.HLP;[path2]\*.HLP Path for Microsoft Quickhelp files (if installed). See Also:  Install - Install  Remove - Remove  Utilities - Utilities  Edit Config - Edit Config.Sys  Create Desktop Folder - Create Desktop Folder  Dialog Panels - Dialog Panels  File Error Codes - Error Codes  CONFIG.SYS Entries - Environment