To : Krishna Akella From: Mark Bosakowski BOZMAN at BCRVM1 Migration Assistance Team 443-9954 Date: October 9, 1995 Classification: IBM Internal Use Only Re : MEL Status / Delivery Krishna, I have completed the MEL (Migration Export Library) work, and I have sent you the following zip file via BCRNOTES which contains the following files: 1) mel.lib (a Windows LIBW.LIB replacment, compliled for 16bit Windows apps) 2) mel.txt (a 2 page readme about the MEL library) 3) meldapie.c (The stubbed out DAPIE routines used to create the MEL library ) 4) os2*.h (header files included by meldapie.c ) 5) makefile 6) mel.def These files were compiled under 16 bit Windows using Microsoft Visual C++. Unfortunately we do not have a Windows 95 or NT development machine in our department. We have ordered NT, but it has not come in yet. If you could find an NT / Win95 development machine, I strongly suggest that you recomile this library just to be safe. It should be fine... but then again, we are talking about Microsoft products and you never know. Please call me if there is anything else you may need help with. Also, if you want me to assist you in testing, I am sure that that could be arranged. Regards and good luck getting MEL onto the DEVCON 9 disk! Mark Bosakowski