/* ============================================================================= A = Sourcefile B = Total number of lines: 363 C = Empty lines..........: 43 (11%) D = Commentlines.........: 35 (9%) E = Lines with code......: 285 (78%) F = Functions............: 15 G = Blocks of comment....: 28 A: B: C: D: E: F: G: Glob.lin.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F-1 example.c 26 7 12 7 1 2 G-1 F-2 destroy.c 30 3 3 24 2 3 G-27 F-3 init.c 79 8 2 69 2 6 G-57 F-4 run.c 121 13 14 94 6 11 G-136 F-5 utils.c 48 3 3 42 3 3 G-257 F-6 vars.c 17 2 0 15 0 2 G-305 F-7 wndproc.c 42 7 1 34 1 1 G-322 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totaly 363 43 35 285 15 28 ============================================================================= */ /* ============================================================================= Index of functions: F-1 ClientWndProc () G-325 (L-4: wndproc.c) F-2 ClrScr () G-280 (L-24: utils.c) F-3 GetScrSize () G-259 (L-3: utils.c) F-4 InitScreen () G-95 (L-39: init.c) F-5 Initialize () G-59 (L-3: init.c) F-6 MoveHorizontally () G-189 (L-54: run.c) F-7 MoveVertically () G-209 (L-74: run.c) F-8 PaintBall () G-228 (L-93: run.c) F-9 Pause () G-296 (L-40: utils.c) F-10 RestoreScreen () G-29 (L-3: destroy.c) F-11 Run () G-139 (L-4: run.c) F-12 RunBall () G-178 (L-43: run.c) F-13 RunBalls () G-157 (L-22: run.c) F-14 Terminate () G-51 (L-25: destroy.c) F-15 main () G-19 (L-19: example.c) */ /* ============================================================================= List of calling sequences: L-1 ClientWndProc () L-2 | ClrScr () L-3 | | WinFillRect () External L-4 | | WinQueryWindowRect () External L-5 | | cleardevice () External L-6 | | clrscr () External L-7 | GetScrSize () L-8 | | WinQueryWindowRect () External L-9 | | getmaxx () External L-10 | | getmaxy () External L-11 | | gettextinfo () External L-12 | MRFROMLONG () External L-13 | PaintBall () L-14 | | GpiFullArc () External L-15 | | GpiMove () External L-16 | | GpiSetColor () External L-17 | | MAKEFIXED () External L-18 | | circle () External L-19 | | gotoxy () External L-20 | | putch () External L-21 | | setcolor () External L-22 | | textcolor () External L-23 | RunBalls () L-24 | | RunBall () L-25 | | | MoveHorizontally () L-26 | | | | NEWCOLOR () External L-27 | | | | NEWSPEED () External L-28 | | | MoveVertically () L-29 | | | | NEWSPEED () External L-30 | | | PaintBall () ... [L-13] L-31 | | WinQueryFocus () External L-32 | WinBeginPaint () External L-33 | WinDefWindowProc () External L-34 | WinEndPaint () External -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L-35 main () L-36 | Initialize () L-37 | | InitScreen () L-38 | | | ClrScr () ... [L-2] L-39 | | | DosSetPriority () External L-40 | | | GetScrSize () ... [L-7] L-41 | | | GpiCreatePS () External L-42 | | | GpiSetArcParams () External L-43 | | | GpiSetDrawingMode () External L-44 | | | WinCreateMsgQueue () External L-45 | | | WinCreateStdWindow () External L-46 | | | WinInitialize () External L-47 | | | WinOpenWindowDC () External L-48 | | | WinRegisterClass () External L-49 | | | WinStartTimer () External L-50 | | | _setcursortype () External L-51 | | | cprintf () External L-52 | | | exit () External L-53 | | | grapherrormsg () External L-54 | | | graphresult () External L-55 | | | initgraph () External L-56 | | NEWCOLOR () External L-57 | | NEWSPEED () External L-58 | | atoi () External L-59 | | memset () External L-60 | | random () External L-61 | | randomize () External L-62 | Run () L-63 | | Pause () L-64 | | | DosSleep () External L-65 | | | delay () External L-66 | | RunBalls () ... [L-23] L-67 | | WinDispatchMsg () External L-68 | | WinGetMsg () External L-69 | | getch () External L-70 | | kbhit () External L-71 | Terminate () L-72 | | RestoreScreen () L-73 | | | ClrScr () ... [L-2] L-74 | | | WinDestroyMsgQueue () External L-75 | | | WinDestroyWindow () External L-76 | | | WinReleasePS () External L-77 | | | WinStopTimer () External L-78 | | | WinTerminate () External L-79 | | | _setcursortype () External L-80 | | | closegraph () External L-81 | | | gotoxy () External L-82 | | | normvideo () External -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index to list of calling sequences: F-1 ClientWndProc () L-1 F-2 ClrScr () L-2 F-3 GetScrSize () L-7 F-4 InitScreen () L-37 F-5 Initialize () L-36 F-6 MoveHorizontally () L-25 F-7 MoveVertically () L-28 F-8 PaintBall () L-13 F-9 Pause () L-63 F-10 RestoreScreen () L-72 F-11 Run () L-62 F-12 RunBall () L-24 F-13 RunBalls () L-23 F-14 Terminate () L-71 F-15 main () L-35 */ /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: example.c Total number of lines: 26 Empty lines..........: 7 (26%) Commentlines.........: 12 (46%) Lines with code......: 7 (26%) Functions............: 1 Blocks of comment....: 2 */ /* G-1 L-1 Comment | *//* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- G-2 L-2 Comment | ** This dummy program is just developed as an example source code for the G-3 L-3 Comment | ** Source Mapper (SM). The program is divided into more functions than G-4 L-4 Comment | ** actually makes sense. That's just to have functions enough to show you G-5 L-5 Comment | ** what SM can do. G-6 L-6 Comment | ** G-7 L-7 Comment | ** Compiler options: G-8 L-8 Comment | ** OS2 = Compile for OS/2. G-9 L-9 Comment | ** DOS = Compile for grand old DOS. G-10 L-10 Comment | ** GUI = Compile GUI version (supported for both DOS and OS2 version). G-11 L-11 Comment | ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* G-12 L-12 | */ /* G-13 L-13 | */ /* G-14 L-14 | */ #include "example.h" /* G-16 L-16 | */ /* G-17 L-17 | */ /* G-18 L-18 | */ /* G-19 L-19 | */void main ( int iArgC, char *pcArgP[] ) /* G-20 L-20 Comment | *//* Program entry point. */ /* List of callers of 'main ()': No caller */ /* G-21 L-21 | */{ /* G-22 L-22 B1 | */ Initialize (iArgC, pcArgP, &Balls); /* G-23 L-23 B1 | */ Run (&Balls); /* G-24 L-24 B1 | */ Terminate (); /* G-25 L-25 | */} /* G-26 L-26 | */ /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: destroy.c Total number of lines: 30 Empty lines..........: 3 (10%) Commentlines.........: 3 (10%) Lines with code......: 24 (80%) Functions............: 2 Blocks of comment....: 3 */ #include "example.h" /* G-28 L-2 | */ /* G-29 L-3 | */void RestoreScreen ( void ) /* G-30 L-4 Comment | *//* Restore screen (color, mode, etc.) back to what it was when the program G-31 L-5 Comment | was started. */ /* List of callers of 'RestoreScreen ()': Terminate () G-51 */ /* G-32 L-6 | */{ #ifdef GUI #ifdef OS2 /* G-35 L-9 B1 | */ WinStopTimer (hAB, hWndClient, TID_MOVE); /* G-36 L-10 B1 | */ WinReleasePS (hPS); /* G-37 L-11 B1 | */ WinDestroyWindow (hWndFrame); /* G-38 L-12 B1 | */ WinDestroyMsgQueue (hMQ); /* G-39 L-13 B1 | */ WinTerminate (hAB); #else /* G-41 L-15 B1 | */ closegraph (); /* Return the system to text mode */ #endif #else /* G-44 L-18 B1 | */ ClrScr (); /* G-45 L-19 B1 | */ normvideo (); /* G-46 L-20 B1 | */ gotoxy (0, iScreenH - 1); /* G-47 L-21 B1 | */ _setcursortype (_NORMALCURSOR); #endif /* G-49 L-23 | */} /* G-50 L-24 | */ /* G-51 L-25 | */void Terminate ( void ) /* G-52 L-26 Comment | *//* Get ready to exit this silly program */ /* List of callers of 'Terminate ()': main () G-19 */ /* G-53 L-27 | */{ /* G-54 L-28 B1 | */ RestoreScreen (); /* G-55 L-29 | */} /* G-56 L-30 | */ /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: init.c Total number of lines: 79 Empty lines..........: 8 (10%) Commentlines.........: 2 (2%) Lines with code......: 69 (87%) Functions............: 2 Blocks of comment....: 6 */ #include "example.h" /* G-58 L-2 | */ /* G-59 L-3 | */void Initialize ( int iArgC, char *pcArgP[], BALLS *pBalls ) /* G-60 L-4 Comment | *//* Perform everything that's neccessary to run the balls. */ /* List of callers of 'Initialize ()': main () G-19 */ /* G-61 L-5 | */{ /* G-62 L-6 B1 | */ int iC1; /* G-63 L-7 B1 | */ BALL *pBall; /* G-64 L-8 | */ /* G-65 L-9 B1 | */ memset (pBalls, 0, sizeof (BALLS)); /* G-66 L-10 | */ /* G-67 L-11 B1 | */ InitScreen (); /* G-68 L-12 | */ /* G-69 L-13 B1 | */ randomize (); /* G-70 L-14 | */ /* G-71 L-15 B1 | */ for (iC1 = 0; /* G-72 L-16 B1 | */ iC1 < MAXBALLS; /* G-73 L-17 B1 | */ iC1++) /* G-74 L-18 B1 | */ { /* G-75 L-19 B-2 | */ pBall = &pBalls->Ball[iC1]; /* G-76 L-20 B-2 | */ NEWCOLOR (pBall->iColor); /* G-77 L-21 B-2 | */ pBall->iXPos = random (iScreenW) + 1; /* G-78 L-22 B-2 | */ pBall->iYPos = random (iScreenH) + 1; /* G-79 L-23 B-2 | */ pBall->iHSpeed = (iC1%2) ? NEWSPEED (MAXHSPEED) : -NEWSPEED (MAXHSPEED); /* G-80 L-24 B-2 | */ pBall->iVSpeed = (iC1%2) ? NEWSPEED (MAXVSPEED) : -NEWSPEED (MAXVSPEED); /* G-81 L-25 B1 | */ } /* G-82 L-26 | */ /* G-83 L-27 B1 | */ if (iArgC > 1) /* G-84 L-28 B1 | */ { /* G-85 L-29 B-2 | */ pBalls->iNr = atoi (pcArgP[1]); /* G-86 L-30 B-2 | */ pBalls->iNr = pBalls->iNr > 0 ? pBalls->iNr : 10; /* G-87 L-31 B-2 | */ pBalls->iNr = pBalls->iNr <= MAXBALLS ? pBalls->iNr : MAXBALLS; /* G-88 L-32 B1 | */ } /* G-89 L-33 B1 | */ else /* G-90 L-34 B1 | */ { /* G-91 L-35 B-2 | */ pBalls->iNr = 10; /* G-92 L-36 B1 | */ } /* G-93 L-37 | */} /* G-94 L-38 | */ /* G-95 L-39 | */void InitScreen ( void ) /* G-96 L-40 Comment | *//* Prepare screen to show the running balls. */ /* List of callers of 'InitScreen ()': Initialize () G-59 */ /* G-97 L-41 | */{ #ifdef GUI #ifdef OS2 /* G-100 L-44 B1 | */ SIZEL Size = { 0, 0 }; /* G-101 L-45 B1 | */ ARCPARAMS ap = { 4, 4, 0, 0 }; /* G-102 L-46 B1 | */ hAB = WinInitialize (0); /* G-103 L-47 B1 | */ hMQ = WinCreateMsgQueue (hAB, 0); /* G-104 L-48 B1 | */ WinRegisterClass (hAB, "SillyExample", ClientWndProc, CS_SIZEREDRAW, 0); /* G-105 L-49 B1 | */ hWndFrame = WinCreateStdWindow (HWND_DESKTOP, WS_VISIBLE | WS_ANIMATE, /* G-106 L-50 B1 | */ &ulFrameFlags, /* G-107 L-51 B1 | */ "SillyExample", "Bounching balls", /* G-108 L-52 B1 | */ 0, 0, 100, &hWndClient); /* G-109 L-53 B1 | */ hDC = WinOpenWindowDC (hWndClient); /* G-110 L-54 B1 | */ hPS = GpiCreatePS (hAB, hDC, &Size, PU_PELS | GPIF_DEFAULT | /* G-111 L-55 B1 | */ GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC); /* G-112 L-56 B1 | */ GpiSetDrawingMode (hPS, DM_DRAW); /* G-113 L-57 B1 | */ WinStartTimer (hAB, hWndClient, TID_MOVE, DELAY); /* G-114 L-58 B1 | */ GpiSetArcParams (hPS, &ap); /* G-115 L-59 B1 | */ DosSetPriority (0, 1, 31, 0); /* Change to a low priority (IDLE class) */ #else /* G-117 L-61 B1 | */ int iErrorCode; /* G-118 L-62 B1 | */ int iGraphDriver; /* G-119 L-63 B1 | */ int iGraphMode; /* G-120 L-64 | */ /* G-121 L-65 B1 | */ iGraphDriver = DETECT; /* Request auto-detection */ /* G-122 L-66 B1 | */ initgraph (&iGraphDriver, &iGraphMode, ""); /* G-123 L-67 B1 | */ iErrorCode = graphresult (); /* Read result of initialization */ /* G-124 L-68 B1 | */ if (iErrorCode != grOk) /* Error occured during init */ /* G-125 L-69 B1 | */ { /* G-126 L-70 B-2 | */ cprintf ("Graphics System Error: %s\n\r", grapherrormsg (iErrorCode)); /* G-127 L-71 B-2 | */ exit (1); /* G-128 L-72 B1 | */ } #endif #else /* G-131 L-75 B1 | */ _setcursortype (_NOCURSOR); #endif /* G-133 L-77 B1 | */ ClrScr (); /* G-134 L-78 B1 | */ GetScrSize (&iScreenW, &iScreenH); /* G-135 L-79 | */} /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: run.c Total number of lines: 121 Empty lines..........: 13 (10%) Commentlines.........: 14 (11%) Lines with code......: 94 (77%) Functions............: 6 Blocks of comment....: 11 */ #include "example.h" /* G-137 L-2 | */ #pragma argsused /* G-139 L-4 | */void Run ( BALLS *pBalls ) /* G-140 L-5 Comment | *//* Main loop of the program. */ /* List of callers of 'Run ()': main () G-19 */ /* G-141 L-6 | */{ #if defined (OS2) && defined (GUI) /* G-143 L-8 B1 | */ while (WinGetMsg (hAB, &QMsg, 0, 0, 0)) /* G-144 L-9 B1 | */ { /* G-145 L-10 B-2 | */ WinDispatchMsg (hAB, &QMsg); /* G-146 L-11 B1 | */ } #else /* G-148 L-13 B1 | */ while (!kbhit ()) /* G-149 L-14 B1 | */ { /* G-150 L-15 B-2 | */ RunBalls (pBalls); /* G-151 L-16 B-2 | */ Pause (DELAY); /* G-152 L-17 B1 | */ } /* G-153 L-18 B1 | */ getch (); /* Remove that termination key from keyboard buffer */ #endif /* G-155 L-20 | */} /* G-156 L-21 | */ /* G-157 L-22 | */void RunBalls ( BALLS *pBalls ) /* G-158 L-23 Comment | *//* Let every running ball take a new step. Heading to their current direction, G-159 L-24 Comment | and moving in their current speed. Change direction of each ball so that G-160 L-25 Comment | no balls run outside visible screen area. */ /* List of callers of 'RunBalls ()': Run () G-139 ClientWndProc () G-325 */ /* G-161 L-26 | */{ /* G-162 L-27 B1 | */ int iC1; /* G-163 L-28 | */ #if defined (OS2) && defined (GUI) /* G-165 L-30 B1 | */ if (WinQueryFocus (HWND_DESKTOP) != hWndClient) /* G-166 L-31 B1 | */ { /* G-167 L-32 Comment | */ /* Don't hogg the single input queue of OS/2 when user work in some G-168 L-33 Comment | other window than this stupid one. */ /* G-169 L-34 B-2 | */ return; /* G-170 L-35 B1 | */ } #endif /* G-172 L-37 | */ /* G-173 L-38 B1 | */ for (iC1 = 0; /* G-174 L-39 B1 | */ iC1 < pBalls->iNr; /* G-175 L-40 B1 | */ RunBall (&pBalls->Ball[iC1++])); /* G-176 L-41 | */} /* G-177 L-42 | */ /* G-178 L-43 | */void RunBall ( BALL *pBall ) /* G-179 L-44 Comment | *//* Kernel function of RunBalls(). */ /* List of callers of 'RunBall ()': RunBalls () G-157 */ /* G-180 L-45 | */{ /* G-181 L-46 B1 | */ PaintBall (pBall, BLACK); /* Hide the ball from old position */ /* G-182 L-47 | */ /* G-183 L-48 B1 | */ MoveHorizontally (pBall); /* G-184 L-49 B1 | */ MoveVertically (pBall); /* G-185 L-50 | */ /* G-186 L-51 B1 | */ PaintBall (pBall, pBall->iColor); /* Show the ball at new position */ /* G-187 L-52 | */} /* G-188 L-53 | */ /* G-189 L-54 | */void MoveHorizontally ( BALL *pBall ) /* G-190 L-55 Comment | *//* Move specified ball left/right. G-191 L-56 Comment | Change speed and direction when the ball reach any edge of screen. */ /* List of callers of 'MoveHorizontally ()': RunBall () G-178 */ /* G-192 L-57 | */{ /* G-193 L-58 B1 | */ pBall->iXPos += pBall->iHSpeed; /* G-194 L-59 | */ /* G-195 L-60 B1 | */ if (pBall->iXPos > iScreenW) /* G-196 L-61 B1 | */ { /* G-197 L-62 B-2 | */ pBall->iHSpeed = -NEWSPEED (MAXHSPEED); /* G-198 L-63 B-2 | */ pBall->iXPos = iScreenW; /* G-199 L-64 B-2 | */ NEWCOLOR (pBall->iColor); /* G-200 L-65 B1 | */ } /* G-201 L-66 B1 | */ else /* G-202 L-67 B1 | */ if (pBall->iXPos <= 0) /* G-203 L-68 B1 | */ { /* G-204 L-69 B-2 | */ pBall->iXPos = 1; /* G-205 L-70 B-2 | */ pBall->iHSpeed = NEWSPEED (MAXHSPEED); /* G-206 L-71 B1 | */ } /* G-207 L-72 | */} /* G-208 L-73 | */ /* G-209 L-74 | */void MoveVertically ( BALL *pBall ) /* G-210 L-75 Comment | *//* Move specified ball up/down. G-211 L-76 Comment | Change speed and direction when the ball reach any edge of screen. */ /* List of callers of 'MoveVertically ()': RunBall () G-178 */ /* G-212 L-77 | */{ /* G-213 L-78 B1 | */ pBall->iYPos += pBall->iVSpeed; /* G-214 L-79 | */ /* G-215 L-80 B1 | */ if (pBall->iYPos > iScreenH) /* G-216 L-81 B1 | */ { /* G-217 L-82 B-2 | */ pBall->iYPos = iScreenH; /* G-218 L-83 B-2 | */ pBall->iVSpeed = -NEWSPEED (MAXVSPEED); /* G-219 L-84 B1 | */ } /* G-220 L-85 B1 | */ else /* G-221 L-86 B1 | */ if (pBall->iYPos <= 0) /* G-222 L-87 B1 | */ { /* G-223 L-88 B-2 | */ pBall->iYPos = 1; /* G-224 L-89 B-2 | */ pBall->iVSpeed = NEWSPEED (MAXVSPEED); /* G-225 L-90 B1 | */ } /* G-226 L-91 | */} /* G-227 L-92 | */ /* G-228 L-93 | */void PaintBall ( BALL *pBall, int iColor ) /* G-229 L-94 Comment | *//* Paint specified ball at its current position, using specified color */ /* List of callers of 'PaintBall ()': RunBall () G-178 ClientWndProc () G-325 */ /* G-230 L-95 | */{ #ifdef GUI #ifdef OS2 /* G-233 L-98 B1 | */ POINTL pt; /* G-234 L-99 B1 | */ pt.x = pBall->iXPos; /* G-235 L-100 B1 | */ pt.y = pBall->iYPos; /* G-236 L-101 B1 | */ GpiMove (hPS, &pt); /* G-237 L-102 B1 | */ GpiSetColor (hPS, iColor); /* G-238 L-103 B1 | */ GpiFullArc (hPS, DRO_OUTLINE, MAKEFIXED (1, 0)); #else /* G-240 L-105 B1 | */ setcolor (iColor); /* G-241 L-106 B1 | */ circle (pBall->iXPos, pBall->iYPos, 5); #endif #else /* G-244 L-109 Comment | */ /* Prevent text screen from being vertically scrolled if the ball is G-245 L-110 Comment | positioned at bottom right corner of screen (text modes only) */ /* G-246 L-111 B1 | */ if ((pBall->iXPos == iScreenW) && /* G-247 L-112 B1 | */ (pBall->iYPos == iScreenH)) /* G-248 L-113 B1 | */ { /* G-249 L-114 B-2 | */ return; /* G-250 L-115 B1 | */ } /* G-251 L-116 | */ /* G-252 L-117 B1 | */ textcolor (iColor); /* G-253 L-118 B1 | */ gotoxy (pBall->iXPos, pBall->iYPos); /* G-254 L-119 B1 | */ putch ('*'); #endif /* G-256 L-121 | */} /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: utils.c Total number of lines: 48 Empty lines..........: 3 (6%) Commentlines.........: 3 (6%) Lines with code......: 42 (87%) Functions............: 3 Blocks of comment....: 3 */ #include "example.h" /* G-258 L-2 | */ /* G-259 L-3 | */void GetScrSize ( int *piScrW, int *piScrH ) /* G-260 L-4 Comment | *//* Fetch out current width and height of screen */ /* List of callers of 'GetScrSize ()': InitScreen () G-95 ClientWndProc () G-325 */ /* G-261 L-5 | */{ #ifdef GUI #ifdef OS2 /* G-264 L-8 B1 | */ RECTL Rect; /* G-265 L-9 B1 | */ WinQueryWindowRect (hWndClient, &Rect); /* G-266 L-10 B1 | */ *piScrW = Rect.xRight; /* G-267 L-11 B1 | */ *piScrH = Rect.yTop; #else /* G-269 L-13 B1 | */ *piScrW = getmaxx (); /* G-270 L-14 B1 | */ *piScrH = getmaxy (); #endif #else /* G-273 L-17 B1 | */ struct text_info ti; /* G-274 L-18 B1 | */ gettextinfo (&ti); /* G-275 L-19 B1 | */ *piScrW = ti.screenwidth; /* G-276 L-20 B1 | */ *piScrH = ti.screenheight; #endif /* G-278 L-22 | */} /* G-279 L-23 | */ /* G-280 L-24 | */void ClrScr ( void ) /* G-281 L-25 Comment | *//* Clear the screen */ /* List of callers of 'ClrScr ()': RestoreScreen () G-29 InitScreen () G-95 ClientWndProc () G-325 */ /* G-282 L-26 | */{ #ifdef GUI #ifdef OS2 /* G-285 L-29 B1 | */ RECTL Rect; /* G-286 L-30 B1 | */ WinQueryWindowRect (hWndClient, &Rect); /* G-287 L-31 B1 | */ WinFillRect (hPS, &Rect, CLR_BLACK); #else /* G-289 L-33 B1 | */ cleardevice (); #endif #else /* G-292 L-36 B1 | */ clrscr (); #endif /* G-294 L-38 | */} /* G-295 L-39 | */ /* G-296 L-40 | */void Pause ( int iMilliSeconds ) /* G-297 L-41 Comment | *//* Sleep specified number of milliseconds */ /* List of callers of 'Pause ()': Run () G-139 */ /* G-298 L-42 | */{ #ifdef OS2 /* G-300 L-44 B1 | */ DosSleep (iMilliSeconds); #else /* G-302 L-46 B1 | */ delay (iMilliSeconds); #endif /* G-304 L-48 | */} /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: vars.c Total number of lines: 17 Empty lines..........: 2 (11%) Commentlines.........: 0 (0%) Lines with code......: 15 (88%) Functions............: 0 Blocks of comment....: 2 */ #include "example.h" /* G-306 L-2 | */ /* G-307 L-3 | */int iScreenW; /* Width of screen */ /* G-308 L-4 | */int iScreenH; /* Height of screen */ /* G-309 L-5 | */BALLS Balls; /* G-310 L-6 | */ #if defined (OS2) && defined (GUI) /* G-312 L-8 | */HAB hAB; /* G-313 L-9 | */HMQ hMQ; /* G-314 L-10 | */HPS hPS; /* G-315 L-11 | */HDC hDC; /* G-316 L-12 | */QMSG QMsg; /* G-317 L-13 | */HWND hWndFrame; /* G-318 L-14 | */HWND hWndClient; /* G-319 L-15 | */ULONG ulFrameFlags = FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_SIZEBORDER | /* G-320 L-16 | */ FCF_MINMAX | FCF_SHELLPOSITION | FCF_TASKLIST | FCF_ICON; #endif /* ============================================================================= Sourcefile...........: wndproc.c Total number of lines: 42 Empty lines..........: 7 (16%) Commentlines.........: 1 (2%) Lines with code......: 34 (80%) Functions............: 1 Blocks of comment....: 1 */ #include "example.h" /* G-323 L-2 | */ #if defined (OS2) && defined (GUI) /* G-325 L-4 | */MRESULT EXPENTRY ClientWndProc ( HWND hWnd, ULONG ulMsg, /* G-326 L-5 | */ MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) /* G-327 L-6 Comment | *//* Handle OS2 PM messages. */ /* List of callers of 'ClientWndProc ()': No caller */ /* G-328 L-7 | */{ /* G-329 L-8 B1 | */ int iC1; /* G-330 L-9 B1 | */ HPS hPS; /* G-331 L-10 | */ /* G-332 L-11 B1 | */ switch (ulMsg) /* G-333 L-12 B1 | */ { /* G-334 L-13 B-2 | */ case WM_TIMER: /* G-335 L-14 B-2 | */ RunBalls (&Balls); /* G-336 L-15 B-2 | */ break; /* G-337 L-16 | */ /* G-338 L-17 B-2 | */ case WM_SIZE: /* G-339 L-18 B-2 | */ GetScrSize (&iScreenW, &iScreenH); /* G-340 L-19 B-2 | */ break; /* G-341 L-20 | */ /* G-342 L-21 B-2 | */ case WM_PAINT: /* G-343 L-22 B-2 | */ hPS = WinBeginPaint (hWnd, 0, 0); /* G-344 L-23 B-2 | */ for (iC1 = 0; /* G-345 L-24 B-2 | */ iC1 < Balls.iNr; /* G-346 L-25 B-2 | */ iC1++) /* G-347 L-26 B-2 | */ { /* G-348 L-27 B--3 | */ PaintBall (&Balls.Ball[iC1], Balls.Ball[iC1].iColor); /* G-349 L-28 B-2 | */ } /* G-350 L-29 B-2 | */ WinEndPaint (hPS); /* G-351 L-30 B-2 | */ break; /* G-352 L-31 | */ /* G-353 L-32 B-2 | */ case WM_ERASEBACKGROUND: /* G-354 L-33 B-2 | */ ClrScr (); /* G-355 L-34 B-2 | */ break; /* G-356 L-35 | */ /* G-357 L-36 B-2 | */ default: /* G-358 L-37 B-2 | */ return WinDefWindowProc (hWnd, ulMsg, mp1, mp2); /* G-359 L-38 B1 | */ } /* G-360 L-39 | */ /* G-361 L-40 B1 | */ return MRFROMLONG (FALSE); /* G-362 L-41 | */} #endif