TColorWheel dialog/component v1.01 ********************************** The TColorWheel Dialog is a component based on source code released by Paul Ratcliffe ( The component displays a dialog with the undocumented ColorWheel control and allows user to select a color with it. The color selected is passed back via the color property and the undocumented wm_ColorWheelChanged message. To install: ----------- Unzip the component source in your component source directory (my directory is "drv:\sibyl\Components\...". Compile the source, then move the ColorWheel.SPU to the Sibyl COMPNT directory. In Sibyl, choose 'Component', then 'install'. Go to the COMPNT directory and select 'ColorWheel.SPU'. Select the TColorWheel component and click OK. The TColorWheel component/dialog will appear in a tab labeled 'Custom'. To change the component location, edit the EXPORTS line in the source. TColorWheel methods: -------------------- Execute - Function returns TRUE if the dialog is successfully executed and the color is changed from the initial starting color. This method is the method used to run the dialog. TColorWheel properties: ----------------------- Color - Read/Write. Property is available during runtime. This property is the color selected/shown by the color wheel. DlgTitle - Read/Write. Property is settable during design. The property defines the title shown on the dialog when executed. Version - Read only (not stored). Property is available during design. Property returns the current version of the TColorWheel component. To use: ------- Drop TColorWheel on form during design stage. Note, the component is best called from the main form. To display dialog, call TColorWheel1.Execute. For example- Procedure TForm1.Button1OnClick (Sender: TObject); Begin IF ColorWheel1.Execute THEN Color := ColorWheel1.Color.lColor; End; To change the color wheel dialog, compiled the .RC file with RC.EXE then run the resulting .RES through the 'filter.exe' program. Replace the byte array in the source with the resulting output from 'filter.exe'. TColorWheel should work with Warp V3, but is untested (I don't have V3 installed anymore). Any comments, suggestions, bug fixes, feel free to contact me. - Michael G. Slack (, 1998/07/27