trbitmap OS/2 User's Manual trbitmap NAME trbitmap - show bitmap with transparent background SYNOPSIS trbitmap bitmap-file DESCRIPTION Show bitmap on your desktop with transparent background. It assumes color of lower left corner (0, 0) as background color, and pixels having same color as background. As result, picture other than background color will appear on your desktop. You can control this program by o Push Right Button Raise Window o Push Left Button Show Menu o Drag with Left Button Move Window Note: It takes a lot time from start drag (left button down) to draw frame appears. From menu, you can +-----+ |Hide | Hide Window (picture) +-----+ |Exit | terminate Program +-----+ Warning This program consumes lot of system resources (CPU and memory), so if you want to use Large Bitmap Complex Bitmap system will slow down. Practical limit will depend on your machine. So first try with small and simple bitmaps.