Shape Window for OS/2 PM

/SRA /people /akira /os2 /Shape Window/

1999/03/05 -> Japanese Page

This page consent to *Nanjaku* (soften) Warp project. I have no talent to drawing cute pictures, but want to offer some frame works to display such cute pictures.

Shape (non-rectangular) Window

This is a control (widget) to display shape (non-rectangular) window on OS/2 PM. I release source of shape window control and three sample programs using shape window.

Shape Window is just like X's Shape Extension. With this, you can create non-rectangular window on your desktop. I hope many one create cute accessories using this control.

Sample Programs

trbitmap - display bitmap with transparent background

trbitmap shows given bitmap on your desktop with transparent background. It assumes color of lower left corner (0, 0) as background color, and pixels having same color as background. As result, picture other than background color will appear on your desktop.

    trbitmap bitmap-file

This program consumes lot of system resources (CPU and memory). So large/complex bitmap slow down your computer.

Pictures found in XMascot are quite good (but those pages are japanese only). Convert them into OS/2 bitmap and display, it makes your desktop softer.

tranime - animeation with several bitmaps

tranime shows animation with given bitmaps.

    tranime bitmap-file ...

It displays control dialog. Set delay (mili-sec) and step (pixel) for next frame, and start animation. This program also consumes lot of system resources (CPU and memory). So large/complex bitmap slow down your computer. Try small, simple bitmaps first.

Try get some animate GIF, and convert each frames into OS/2 bitmap, and animate them with 'step' value 0. You will get animation on your desktop without any rectangular window frame. It consumes lot of CPU, but quite cool.

treyes - 'xeyes' look-a-like

treyes shows eyes tracking mouse pointer.


You will get eyes just like 'xeyes' on X.

This sample demonstrates how to change pictures on shape window. You can make 'oclock' look-a-like, with this method.

Update History

1999/03/05 Speedup Tuning
Included speedup patch from Mr.Moeller (, author of 'XFolder'). This patch makes CPU load mush ligther.

1998/12/02 Bugfix and Speedup Tuning
Appended some mouse events notify. Included speedup patch from Mr.Suwa ( This patch make animation lighter, CPU usage was down to 80% to 60% on some animation.

Programs using Shape Window

Mr.Romy Watches You!

Mr.Romy maintains list of Japanese OS/2 users web pages. While looking Romy's Page, I got an idea of this program. Thanks to Mr.Romy for permission to use his picture.
It requires EMX (0.9c >).

Osuwari (Sitting) Multi for OS/2 PM

'Osuwari Multi', originally developped for Windows, is well known desktop accessory in Japan. I have ported it to OS/2 PM. Be happy with *NadeNade*, *FuniFuni* on her.

Akira Hatakeyama (ö⌐ÄRü@û╛)