tranime OS/2 User's Manual tranime NAME tranime - animate with several transparent bitmaps SYNOPSIS tranime bitmap-file ... DESCRIPTION Show animations with bitmap files specified in command line. When start this program, first control dialog appears. It takes lot time if you specified many/large bitmaps. Control dialog looks like below. +---+-----------------+---+ | | Animate Bitmap | | +---+-----------------+---+ | +---------------+ | | Step | 20| | | +---------------+ | | +---------------+ | | Dealy | 500| | | +---------------+ | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | | | Run | |Stop | |Exit | | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | +-------------------------+ where, set Step next picture will placed 'step' pixels right. If step was minus, next picture will placed left side. And also step was 0, picture will placed same position. Delay time in mili-sec between next picture. If it was too short, it requires lot of CPU cycle. and Run start animation Stop stop animation Exit terminate program Control dialog and animation have same Z-order. If you place control dialog at top, animations also on top. And if you select another window as top, animation moved below such windows. Problems If 'step' was short, previous image remains a while. If you known good method to avoid it without mashine load, ley me know. Warning This program consumes lot of system resources (CPU and memory), so if you want to use Large Bitmap Complex Bitmap system will slow down. Practical limit will depend on your machine. So first try with small and simple bitmaps.