═══ 1. Project Manager ═══ The Project Manager is a tool you use to organize your categories and diagrams. You can use the Project Manager to create, open, rename, print and delete categories and diagrams. The Project Manager window is split. The left half displays the category tree and the right half displays the diagrams contained in the current category. As you select different categories, their respective diagrams are displayed in the right half of the window. Each diagram has an icon next to it indicating what kind of diagram it is. ═══ 2. Getting a project list ═══ A Project List is a list of projects contained in a data source. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To get the list of available projects: Select "Project List" from the "Project" menu. To open an existing project: Select the project from the project list and then press the "Open" button. Shortcut: You may also double click on the project to open it. Note: Multiple projects may be kept open at the same time. ═══ 3. Browsing project structure ═══ The project is structured as a hierarchy of categories. The Project Manager gives you quick access to any category in the project. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To display subcategories: Double click the category you want to expand. Or select the category you want to expand in the category tree, and then press "return". Or select the category you want to expand and choose "Expand Branch" from the "View" menu. To hide subcategories: Double click the category you want to collapse. Or select the category you want to collapse in the category tree, and then press "return". ═══ 4. Check out / check in of categories ═══ Checking out a category prevents other users from editing diagrams in that category. Other users can still view these diagrams but they cannot make changes to them. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To check out a category: Select the category and choose "Check Out" from the "Project" menu. To check in a category: Select the category and choose "Check In" from the "Project" menu. ═══ 5. Selecting diagrams ═══ You can use the mouse to select a diagram or group of diagrams. Before you can select diagrams, they must be visible in the right half of the Project Manager window. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To select a diagram: Click the diagram entry. To select two or more diagrams in sequence: 1. Click the first diagram you want to select. 2. Press and hold down shift while you click on the last diagram in the group. To select two or more diagrams out of sequence: Press and hold down the "control" key while you click each diagram. To cancel a selection: Press and hold down the "control" key while you click the selected diagram. ═══ 6. Opening diagrams ═══ The Project Manager allows you to open a single diagram or multiple diagrams. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To open a single diagram in a category: Double click on the diagram's icon. To open multiple diagrams in a category: Select the appropriate diagrams. Then choose "Open" from the "Project" menu. ═══ 7. Diagrams ═══ S-CASE supports class and object diagrams of the Booch methodology. ═══ 8. Selecting, moving and resizing objects ═══ The selector tool on the palette is used to select, move, and resize objects. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To select an object: Click it with the selector tool. To select multiple objects: Drag the selector tool to create a selection rectangle around the objects. Or hold down the "shift" key and click each object. To move an object: Simply drag it with the selector tool. To resize an object: Select it with the selector tool and drag one of the selection handles to achieve the desired size. Shortcut: To select/move/resize objects when the selector tool is not highlighted on the tool palette: Press the "control" key to temporarily activate the selector tool and then perform the operation. ═══ 9. Deleting objects ═══ To delete objects: 1. Select the objects using the selector tool. 2. Choose "Clear" from the "Edit" menu or press the "delete" / "backspace" key. ═══ 10. Zooming ═══ S-CASE allows you to zoom in or out on any part of a diagram. This lets you zoom in to see details, or view all of a very large diagram at once. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To zoom in or out: First select an object to zoom on. Then slide the "ZOOM" control up or down. Or select "Zoom In" or "Zoom Out" from the "View" menu. To see the diagram actual size (100%): Simply click on the word "ZOOM". Or select "Actual Size" from the "View" menu. ═══ 11. Drawing Size ═══ The drawing size is determined by the page size and number of pages in a diagram. The maximum size of a diagram is 100 inches by 100 inches. Each diagram page will be centered on the printer page. In order to assure that a diagram will print correctly, the diagram page size should be set smaller than the printer page size. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To bring up the Drawing Size dialog box: Select "Drawing Size" from the "View" menu. To set the Diagram Size: Set the page size, width and height, and number of pages, across and down. To set the printing order: Select "Down" or "Across". To print overlapping regions of adjacent pages: Select "Print page overlap". To print footers on each page: Select "Print Footer". ═══ 12. Showing page breaks ═══ To show page breaks on multi-page diagrams, select "Show Page Breaks" from the "View" menu. ═══ 13. Printing ═══ Printing characteristics can be controlled by the Drawing Size Specification. See "Drawing Size" for more information on this subject. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To print a diagram: Select "Print" from the "File" menu. Note: If available, color/grayscale printing is preferable to black and white printing. ═══ 14. Working with tool palettes ═══ Diagrams in S-CASE have tool palettes for selecting and placing objects. The tool at the top of the palette is always the selector tool. Other tools in the palette are specific to the diagram type. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To set default attributes of a tool: Select the desired tool in the palette. The current attributes of the tool are checked on the "Object", "Font" and "Style" menus. Set the desired attributes using these menus. Note that all settings will be saved along with the diagram. ═══ 15. Class diagram ═══ Booch defines the class diagram as follows: "A class diagram is used to show the existence of classes and their relations in the logical view of the system. A single class diagram represents a view of the class structure of the system." ═══ 16. Categories ═══ To visit the main class diagram of a category: Shift + double click the category icon. ═══ 17. Source browsing ═══ S-CASE allows you to set the source directory associated with each category. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To specify a source directory : Select "Source Directory" from the "Options" menu. To open the source files of a class: Shift + double click the class icon. ═══ Help/On Window ═══ This help item displays help for the current window. ═══ Help/Object Click ═══ Object click help allows the selection of various application objects -- once an object is selected, help for that object is displayed in the help viewer. ═══ Help/Search ═══ The search help menu item, and the "Search..." button in the help viewer both activate the topic search dialog. The search dialog is an easy way to see what topics are available within a help file, and to quickly activate a topic. You can search either by keyword, or in some cases by the help topic title. ═══ Contents ═══ Project Manager Getting a project list Browsing project structure Check out / check in of categories Selecting diagrams Opening diagrams Diagrams Selecting, moving and resizing objects Deleting objects Zooming Drawing Size Showing page breaks Printing Working with tool palettes Class diagram Categories Source browsing ═══ Help/On Context ═══ The "Help On Context" menu item provides context dependant help. Help is retrieved according to location of the input focus within an application. Typically, controls or windows are highlighted in a special (and object specific) manner; this shows the input focus. By pressing the help or F1 key, help is retrieved from the application help file for the currently focused object. ═══ About Help Viewer ═══ XVT Help Viewer Copyright (c) 1994 XVT Software Inc. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ Help on Operating Help ═══ You operate the help system by selecting items from the help menu. Common operations include: - Searching for help - Contextual help - Keyboard help - Click help