Change log for RPilot =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1.01: (Released July 4th, 1998) Fixed two bugs in rpilot.c, so it will now work when compiled by gcc. The lines read "strcpy( string, '\0')" when that should have been "strset( string, 0)". Thanks to Ken M who pointed this out. Fixed a few bugs in parse.c - see that file for more info. Revised documentation to point out differences in the size of numbers based on what compiler the program was compiled with, and correct a few typos. Added a new example program, fact.p, for calculating factorials. Included a DJGPP-compiled version of RPilot in the DOS distribution. Released the first native OS/2 version. Added this file. 1.0: (Released Apr 17th, 1998) First version for DOS and Linux.