Socket Object Methods

Socket objects have the following methods. Except for makefile() these correspond to system calls applicable to sockets.

Accept a connection.
The socket must be bound to an a...
...e address bound
to the socket on the other end of the connection.

Bind the socket to an address. The socket must not already be bound.

Close the socket. All future operations on the socket ...
...Sockets are automatically closed when they are garbage-collected.

Connect to a remote socket.

Return the socket's file descriptor (a small integer). This is useful
with \code{select}.

Return the remote address to which the socket is...
... to find out the port number of a remote IP socket, for instance.

Return the socket's own address. This is useful to find out the port
number of an IP socket, for instance.

\begin{funcdesc}{getsockopt}{level\, optname\, buflen}
Return the value of the g...
...ode{struct} for a way to decode C structures
encoded as strings).

Listen for connections made to the socket.
... and
should be at least 1; the maximum value is system-dependent.

Return a \dfn{file object} associated with the ...
...d socket object may be closed or
garbage-collected independently.

\begin{funcdesc}{recv}{bufsize\, flags}
Receive data from the socket. The return...
...eaning of the optional argument \var{flags}; it defaults to

Receive data from the socket. The return val...
... and \var{address} is the address of the
socket sending the data.

Send data to the socket. The socket must be connected to a remote

\begin{funcdesc}{sendto}{string\, address}
Send data to the socket. The socket s...
...ket, since the destination socket is specified by

\begin{funcdesc}{setsockopt}{level\, optname\, value}
Set the value of the given...
\code{struct} for a way to encode C structures as strings).

Shut down one or both halves of the connection. ...
...\var{how} is \code{2}, further sends and receives are

Note that there are no methods read() or write(); use recv() and send() without flags argument instead.